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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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: evict: HAT DAILY meee Se seat cams FREAK DANES OUTSIDE ofthe pecuniary advantage BARRED N CHIARA G-P-R: PASSENGER SERVICE. Effective Juno 2nd, 1912. . No. Arrive. Leave. t 26.20 20.45 Imp, Ltd, Montreal to Vanvouver, 2 8.05 830 Imp, Lid, Vancouver to Montreal, which real estate advertisers should derive. through the News being sold upom C. P.R. trains, another religony exists in asgow House s 12.15 11,85 Vancouver Exp. Toronto te Van Leaders Determin The: e 4 20,00 20.25 Toronto Exp. Vancouver to Tor. this connection why they should patronize: Shall Be No a tition ecial 13 21.50 22.15 St. Paul-Seattle Express, I the advertising columns of this paper. The ) t Year's Reel in yo bd 00 O80 Saattie- Gt: Paul Mucees: ; ence of the real estate man may be Last Year you build, consider 61 21.25 21.60 Prairie Exp, Winnipeg to Calgary, + QUALITY first. Don't be per- MASTERS LEND AID 62 525 5.60 Prairie Exp, Calgary: to Winalpes, Sti to depend wholly upon the growth and suaded to buy CHEAP LUM- 814-817 9.05 Express trom Kootenay Landing. development of the Should expansion 9 BETTER MANNERS ser because 1 . epic, 518519 19.00 * Local trom Cranbrook. once e ase his occupation is gone. There wpe. wee fou have been greatly pleased with the SPEC- /s16 23.00 Lapa ftom Oalgery. are no Teal estate agents to be found in alRefuse to Teach Grizzly crything toe meee aid APS we have been giving this Fall. Our nat oe plan Mosoany tasting. ad town. A newspaper bang full of real Bear, Turkey Trot, ses bi 1 a Rei? ; 615 20. Local for Salgary. advertisements is bound-to attract and Other Vulgar Steps. peo stock of LUMBER, SS GOODS SPECIAL was very popular. n 230 240 Soo, Ltd. St. Paul-Port considerable attention on a railway train. RS, SASH, FIR FINISH, U a 9.40 9.60 Soo, Ltd., Port-St. Paul. agers are induced to stop off and have Chicago, Sept. 25. Chicago socicty BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH in THIS TIME IT IS SILK AND FIR FLOORINGS. OUR REGULAR 1.00 QUALITY, Only 50 Cts. is fortitying itself against a repeti- tion to Inst year's revel of freak danees. The galloping horse trot, the sinuous grizzly bear, the wrig- gling turkey trot, and its sister the bunny hug, together with all the other whirly gig ? and wiggle dances are under the ban. With the opening of the dancing Nos. 11 and 13 do not come into Medicine Hat. Passing ; time at Dunmore Medicine Nat Dews ; Published by the Medicine Hat News Co. Lid, every lawful evening at its office, Main Stree. Wedicine Hat, Alta. A. J. N, TERBILL, E ttor, Transient traffie tends to keep business on the jump ard therefore adds ally to the prospe: of the city. neident with the prosperity of the city is the prosperity of the real estate agent. Doesn t that listen logical? see THE News looks to the Trades and Labor celebrated Morgan Doors, THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL Block 7 50 ft, corner, terms. Block 9, 50 ft. inside, 850, terms Block 10, 50 ft. inside, RIVERSIDE Block , 50 ft,, 1500, terms, BENDING halt Block, terms. This is a good t SOUTH YUILL corner, 1250, 7 tt, 157 all, terms. ft corner, 1 ft, 785, terms. 50 ft, 1200, terms. 50 ft. corner, 1200. * TOWNSITE Block 86, 50 ft, 1450, terms. Block 86, 50 ft. corner, 1800, 50 ft inside, 1500, Block 24, Block. 45, Block 11, 50 CENTRAL PARK Block 17, 50 ft., 875, terms. Block 5, 60 ft, 1850, terms. Block 7, 50 ft, 1100, terms, These eva tims fer the ter ovine Pipbecty te eating Fables are S00 iy. Axe you gettiug your share? Block 11, 50 ft. inside, 35000 all, Block 3, 200 ft, Keeton eaetietetioeye Setrtoeteese shoei seat oate teeta m ROYAL BANK ; aS Fourth Avenue : eudgels on behalf of Chief Despatcher Sutherland, in connection with the charge of discourtesy to the public, laid against that official on Monday by the News. . The subject is therefore reopened for discus- sion. No doubt the editor of the Times thinks that it was an act of friendship on his part to rush to the defense of his fidus achates, even at the risk of violating a code of eth- ies which is generally recognized in news- paperdom. However, whether or not this was the inspiration, the action was ill-ad- vised so far as Despateher Sutherland is congerned, as in defense of its own posi- tion, the News is-now forced te go a little PP eereeeraegepeta urther into the matter. On Monday evening the Chief Despatele er ealled up the News over the telephone and in violent language threatened to lay an action if a retraction of the charge was not published in the next issue. Mr.-Sutherland was- informed that not only would not retraction be forthcoming, but that the matter would be laid before General Manager Bury in his office at Winnipeg on Friday. The curtain rose on a different scene on Puesday morning. Mr. Sutherland called the eye of a man who has had long experi- ence in transportation matters. Chamberlain declared that not only will there be grain congestion in the West this season, but that the blockade will be even more serious than any of those of the past. This prediction cannot but be disquieting to the grain growers and to the business men, the professional men and the labor men, for the prosperity Speaking recently, in Winnipeg, Mr. of these latter classes in the West is bound up in the pros- perity of the farmer. But disquieting as the prediction may be there is nothing to be gained b which it forecasts: Realization that the situation is practically certain to be created will make it possible to prepare for it as far as possible. Mr. Chamberlain puts his finger on a vital point when he states that grain con- gestion is due*to ainadequate facilities. I do not hesitateto say, he declares, that the three railways are in a position, as far as rolling stock is concerned to moye all the grain they will be asked to handle, but it cannot be removed from the terminal points. In other words, it is-an utter im- yy shutting the eyes to the situation ton, Eames MeVeagh declared yesterd: thus taking the same stand as Pre ton Gibson of Newport and Washing- ton, who has declared society at the capital will not get a chance to dance the freaks this wititer Such dances are spectacles of vul- garity, not real dances. They are not only vulgar, but injurious. DANCING MASTERS LEND AID. Not only is-the-erusade to be-ear- ried on in the clubs seainst the grizzly bear' class of dances, but dancing. masters are falling into -line with refusals to teach pupils the fads. They are:extending their course of instruction to include the Bos which has been criticised more or less asa whirly gig. Last vear was the worst in Ghi- eago s dancing history, said A. E. Bournique, who teaches South Side scions of wealthy families the ter- psichorean. art, yesterday. The: bumny hug, grizzly bear and tur- key trot were danced with abendon. Such dances are a disgrace. Their names are enough alone to condemn them. UNREST IN CRETE FOR SMUT DON T PAY MORE Pingle s and Book Store :: : possibility to pour the enormous , Western Revolutionists May Cause the entertai it committee SILK AND NET BLOUSES Advertising Council te take a very decided stand of the Onwensia Gers, cb, the Ctrealation and) yon the municipal ownership principle South Shore Country Club and prac- . JUST OPENED Jeb Perle vhich is involved in the street railway tically all others of the more elite of eg DAILY Supscmrtion Ramis * issue il aeeaes ee ar omar BEAVER wr gS it dances which savor to BO eens 1 yan, delivered....94.90 2 by mail... . 8.00 ee? ss the a: will ARD . G iH toontha, sttvered, 00 1 6 moathe by mait.... 150 THE town of Taber has sold a recent five have to Seiame Taasaaaline with the rn lasgow ouse : months datvored..fE00 months, YY mal. 7c) per cent debenture issue of 28,000 at Waltz and:twostep or some of thir ; The didose of nessa Dressers Ne a aoe pp gson on soarigwh ues au j RISQUE DANCES RECALLED. vey PUBLIC OPINION. rerante tre i arg ega Perea ce e ee tay ORE ts Shier acing, Sonting- Metts mate ween ee REGINA Leader: Watawer may be the ent participating. Members of the FINL AY CO: Fis months, in advance Tis 3 months, in advance..50e case with other men, President Cham- Youneer set on the north shore met 384 MAIN ST 200t 2 s2vance.:.. 2.50 1 berlain, of the Grand Trunk Pacific, is un- ortm btly in Mes. Rat en wat, THE LUMBER PEOPLE Se ete Nernst Wednesday, September 26th, 1912. der no illusion as to the grain shipment , here they practiced the bunny + 0 BOX 29, PHONE 57 rc : problem. He looks at it not with the eye of hug and grizzly bear freaks. But SE oO Dp B U Y Ss THE CHIEF DESPATCHER a politician, nor the eye of a business man, even this quiet dabbling in the out- GO 5 whose vision is affected by possible political potherdinary dances is to be pro HERALD NORTH YUILL THE TIMES has seen fit to take up th ) considerations. He tooks at it simply with lt;qye immodest dance must g0, ES l Now Wel 2 : upon the editor of the News to talk it over. erop through the available terminals. Con- Uprising ee for. An- Was lat DPorreedeaodeenedectedgedts POSSI SOSH He explained what it meant to a railway gestion, under existing circumstances, is , B Xation to Greece. Ci S. 1 lian Be official to be criticized in the press and re- inevitable. (CA. P. Gable) ity a. e Stab: es oe Ban ferred to the fact that he had a wife and Se OS EES Perpignan, France, Sept. 25. The Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle JUMPED mperia k of Ganada family. The News agreed to endeavor to THIS DATE IN HISTORY. Presoh, Minister: of: Wer, M- Millerand, Horses for Sale. a Capital Paid 1; square the thing-gnd you can believe us of Colonial Infantry w be gotta read- LIGHT AND HEAVY. DRAYING. That Act gt; Reserve Fund. Ps ao 460, oe when we say that the task was not an easy 1759 The British warship Tilbury wregk- iness to proceed to Crete and Samos. Hay for Sale. ed Some 2 one to accomplish with dignity, as we had ed off Cape Breton, with loss of 200 1m both of these islands risings are 2 By Term een nib ise iron no intention- of offering. any, apology. lives. threatened in support of the demand FRED McCLAIN. Readers of the-News doubtless saw the 1775 British captured Col. Ethan Allen iad arene sth troops trom PHONE 8 . PROPRIETOR Ramee ex RB , article, which appeared last evening. and 38 of his men near Montreal. Symnia and Samos, a Greek island off. ieaeatiguinwe Sonnet sek is was supposed to close the incident. 1806 Bonaparte left Paris to begin his the west coast of Asia Minor, to quell from Fairbank SP Mr, Sutherland, however, has chosen to uns campaign against Prussia. the trouble which arose a few days Albert T. Daly. teeman, who co Tanana river r bosom himself to the Times which starts 1839 Treaty between France and Texas * *fter the departure of a French and..a British warship. Sofulisa, a Savings Accounts. w . JO , Manager + Medicine Hat Branch SAMPLES ARRIVED FALL 1 31 COME WITH THE CROWD AND GET AN UP- stated that any information in possession of the despatehers was not for the benefit of the publie, or words to that effect, nat- urally the impression was conveyed that some information was being withheld. In order to ascertain if this was the case a the whereabouts of Mr- Cameron? the ball rolling again. S query was immediately propounded as to concluded. at. Paris. sion of the Dreyfus case. o THIS 1S MY 77th BIRTHDAY. Rev. Antonio A. Arrighi, long noted for his missionary work among the for i; born population of New York City, *-was born in Florence, Italy, Sept. 25, 1835. es SY headquarters of st Trouble on Catalonia Railway System. (C. A. P. Cable) Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 25. Orders were given out last night from the the railroad syndi- cate for. an immediate strike on the whole Catalonian system. Some in doubt is expressed that it will be NO. 868, Contracting Co. OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONE 402 728- THE J. S. FOLLIS THE : What we wish to state now is that the 1843 Fremont s expedition reached the ine es esata tre nes CROSSLEY BROS. restos MERCHANTS BANK Chief Despatcher, was so discourteous in Columbia River. proclaimed its independence. British Bddors and Contractors. WES ghia 4i OF Ci ELhis office on Saturday that. the resolution 1857 British force under Gen-. Havelock 4, French warships have already : mn Sp 71 5 body of AJ. ke SAbEiE Dink GF oWEvTERA CANADA. was immediately formed to acquaint Gen- marched to Lucknow and relieved Reece es so) Sam 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 nee cy eae Established 1864, 180 Branches in Canada. eral Manager-Bury with the facts of the the besieged residency. P. 0. Box 304, bet ae Gopital Paid Up, 6,000,000. ease. Surely it could be no light offence 1865 Alabama State convention met and SPAIN FACES STRIKE ? eee Body Embalmed Total Assets (Noy. 30th. 1911) over 81,000,000. which would eause such extreme meas- annulled the ordinance of secession. Sumees Estimates Free. The body of fap Beakings Business Transacted. Special attention to ures to be taken? When Mr. Sutherland 1896 The French cabinet ordered a revi- Government Guards Again- aleoes and se it was planned arival of a Catt will be shippec the Tirst boats there; Catholic AND OVERCOAT. What Mr.-Cameron? was the answer.jhis youth he served as a drummer boy 108 TORONTO ST. ty ee aoe Re TO CHOOSE FROM. Why, Superintendent Cameron. the army that was fighting under Garibal- eer ae. taken vere reat n, Heary Teaming. Sand, Coal Graved ie Repairing, Cleaning and Pressing. This elosed the interview, as Mr. Suther- di for Ttalian independence. He came: to prevent w suspension, Pee ae Excavating a Specialty. FUR COATS REPAIRED. land simply turned his back and refused America in 1855 and completed his educa- the bridges ant tunnels are guarded Light and Heavy Horses for sale as Anerteined GEO CAMPBELL ft aver the question. tion at Ohio Wesleyan University and Dick- by soldiers and tracks are parolled AT Times. of Scottiz De eae airceay OPE ee Deeor It isn t a nice thing, either, after you inson College. In 1869 he graduated from gt;v oad cate ee Soe Story of . tsa find your way into the office of the man'be- the Boston. Theological Seminary. For inthotapt- of the atelkers tu, fabeere Baby- hind the gun, to be told that the door was some years after he entered the ministry with the trains must be riforously S. LYON ee ae he was located in his native city of Florence suppressed. as a missionary of the Methodist Church. In 1880 he returned to New York and founded-the famous mission for Italians at Five Points, of which institution he has since been the head. supposed to be locked. There seems to be something behind all this. Why the Times representative received with studied politeness in the des- patcher s office by the Chief, -while the editor of the News is received with studied loves a lover, saying when a blooded victim marksmanship. of two noble fa union assumes CONTRACTS: FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale, AMERICAN HOSPITAL ASSOCIA. TIO: Detroit Mich.,.-Sei The - an- nual meeting of the American Hos- pital Association began in this city apid LIGHT and HEAVY ff discourtesy? t6 look Ba thous today and will continue over .tomor- yam street, Phone No, 41 ance, largely be s 3 eh 0. Friday. Physic a respect still lini easonable DRAYING the Chief Despatch lowed his feel- CONGRATULATIONS TO. supertattidents of iagy Rosptias, * ee tor the feudal le 864 Toronto Street. This is what ing of friendship for the editor of the Times to run away with his judgment and caused him to use his oficial position to serve per- sonalends. Why is the office door suppos- ed to be open for the Times and locked for the News? throughont the Uuited States and Canada ate in attendance. Training of nurses, efficiency jn hospital man- agement, and ways and means of co-operating with organized charities are among the subjects to be dis- cussed. Marjorie Manne the Duke and married the M and stepped int 55 John E. Dodson, noted comedian, years old today. Henry Robert Bmerson, former Minister of Railwa and Canals of Canada, 59 years old today. T. F. Reynolds PAINTER, ETC, Latest samples in Wall Paper:
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Image 539 (1912-09-25), from microfilm reel 539, (CU1772699). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.