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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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He looks fine because he bought his clothes from us. So will you look fine if you buy your. clothing at our store. Not only does our clothing look fine, but it wears fine. It is, the make that makes them. Our clothing comes from the best clothing shops in the world. - We make the under price first; no one can under-price us on up-grade clothing. Barker Patten High Class Clothiers. : Toronto Street. POLL PPPP EH HP tees PARTRIDGE PLYMOUTH ROCKS This is a breed of Poultry which meets every requirement. The utility bird of the century large, beautifully plumaged and unexcelled in laying qualities. Eggs 2.00 and 5.00 per set- ting. Cockerels for Sale. A. J. N. TERRILL, NEWS OFFICE oetoegediediretoeegeteeteaty dleecietoes ES Serotec egetreteeatede Greatreteteateeteateetestrte ares Soaks Sacer Ms co-efo-s ey Ms e te oe Rr Ro rep dodedonons ae t : BURNS BLOCK, MAIN STREET. ABOUT THESE COUSINS SISSONS ' Block 26 at .. OLD SURVEY . zg Mrs, A. K. Whiffin received a cable yesterday announcing the death of ber mother. i Mrs. Etta Castor of Toronto is vis- iting her aister, Mra. R. A. Sewell. A tea this afternoon and card party tonight will be held att tho resi:teace oF Mrs. Leonard, Toronto wreet; aid of St. Patrick's church building. fun. Mr. J. J. Mahafly is in Lethbridge today on professional business. Mrs. A. E. Whiffin is not receiving on Thursday April 11th. Oland Cox cate in from his ranch yesterd 2 Lastest teste te een Deotegegecteeteateatestege Soest hed that municipal ow while. Knowing that city respect it is surpri en been given the rr: tion of a street railw: Soetesiodte Ry oot e e iets Poets oe e will throw the possession fe 044 oe e seetot e Sesto e fe oo Seeoied et soefoes octet ocoets Ms pecially since municipal 3 i Soo SPS eGo OF OUR SOLICITORS SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr end Mrs Should Stand By It s Record Do- 2 Medicine Hat is known throught. t ofitabls, ing that an opportunity has ey- ayers to vote on the ques- prising for the reason that we belicy Hat had become firmly convinced of th 8 ness of the municipal ownership gospel that it would not even listen to the proposition of placing a public utility in the hands of a private corpora- tion. That is what it is proposed to do in a meas- ure to be voted upon by the burgesses this week, but knowing the sentiment of the pe cine Hat to be strongly municipal own past, we do not believe for one moment that they chise away to a private concern. the idea down and declare by their votes that the operation of a street railway will be left with the city. If municipal ownership of strect railways is good enough for Calgary, Edmonton and Leth- bridge, the good sense-of the people of Medicine Hat will say it is plenty good enough fc Hat. That city would not want to ha gas owned by a private corporation, and it should be just as keen to prevent a private concern oper- ating a street railway, If a private concern is pre- pared to operate a street railway in Medicine Hat, then the ratepayers of that city should be all the more eager to have the city invest i .a distinct success there in the past. Every advo- cate of municipal ownership-ia MedicinesHat s hould vote against the by-law to hand over-to a private concern a street railway franchise Hdi- torial, Lethbridge Daily Herald, April 8, 1912. Advertisement. LOPS SSOG SS Miss Phair are biking Show at Calgary thia week. Mr. A. P. Burns is taking a butines trip to Sapkatoon and Prince Albert. N. B Fulton of Irvine came town last night P. Muirtiead of Seven Persons is re- tewing acquaintances in town. Marshall and im the Horse MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. The J. will bold bazar on Thursday Apa U1th at 230 pm. im the Indian whool in aid of the Organ Fund. Ap: Fons, fancy articles, home cookery and candy will be sold, 1:10 uftermoon tea will be served from 3.30 to 6 o'clock. AU come and make the) girls Bazaar 9 success, Mr. A. R. Cline bas returned to to Pred MeLengitin of Hikcwater came town. to-town-this moming- A. D. Grant an Robt. Nesbitt are visitors in town from Walsh. F.C, Laurance of L ttle Plume is town. W. McD. Toit Herald was in wan to the SIPPY SLIPS LS SHS : too, amtha mership is welt werth- *s splendid record in that say sur- Medicine hteous- We of Medi- hip in the of a street rtil They will turn Medicine e its natural money, es- ownership been sueh FINAL NOTICE ALL ACCOUNTS DUE THE MARSHALL HARDWARE CO. NOT SETTLED BY APRIL 15TH, WILL BE PLACED IN THE HANDS FOR COLLECTION. Block 54, Montreal St....... 1050.00 each Dreamland Theatr (The Old Reliable) me : TONIGHT A Voiceless Message (Something unusual) gt; Vitograph Drama A Cattle Rustler s Father : . Essany, Taking His Medicine .. Comie Her Pet Blograph Our Peerless 4-Plece Orchestra Suppiles the Music. Come Barly. Matinees 10e and Se. Come Early. Night Performances I5e Monarch Theatre The Deserted Shaft ............... Winona's Broken Promise ...:. Bison Western U.S, Cavalry .. Imp Educationa Percy Learns to Dance .... Imp Comedy Some Laughs in This One. Imp Drama Music by the Mona h Orchestra. Evening 10c 15c Afternoon 6c 100. THE MARSHALL -HARDWARE CO. 2 Office: Assiniboia Hotel Block. es SOMETHING NEW Look forthe Label. TASSIE BROS. Phone 256 BREAD of the Lethbridge wn yesterday om his Show at Calgary. C.G. Mline's Tooting Girl ? took first in the-movice and fourth in the open classes for bull dogs at Tathbridge. Kennel club bench show yesterday. A tea and card party in aid of the building fund of St. Patrick's church will be held on Wednedday alternoon and evening at the residence of irs. M. Leonard, 260 Toronto strece, The tea will start at 3 o'clock in the af- ternoon and the card party at o'clock, 220-3 3 a in Makers CENTRAL PARK 850 50 ft, bik 8. Terms. 1350 75 ft, blk. 20. Terms. 600 50 ft, bik. 33. Terms, 1200 50 ft, bik. 6. Terms. 1250 50 ft, bik. 3. Terms. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 800 50.ft, blk. 1. Terms. OLD TOY NSITE SOUTH 750 50 ft., blk. 99. Terms. 1300 50 ft, bik. 96. Terms. 1200 50 ft, blk. 86. Cash. 3000 50 ft., blk. 60, Terms. YUILL NORTH ik. 7. T 700 50. ft, bik. Terms. 350 50 ft, bik, 18, Terms. 550 50 ft, bik. 11. Terms. List Your Prop- erty With Me H.T.W. FORSTER MONEY TO LOAN 868 Toronto St. Medicine Hat. BUY NOW Is Under Value CALL AND SEE OUR LIST OF BUSENESS SITES BENDING 38 lots, blk. 3, 200 each. Snap. Lots 24-27, blk, 26, 175 each. COUSINS SISSONS All block 15, 230 each. Lots 1 to 15, bik 26, 200 each. Lots 1 to 10, bik. 19 (exclusive) 375 each. Lots 21 to 40, blic. 22, 300 each. CENTRAL PARK Lots 35 and 36, bik 11, 800. Snap. Lots 4 and 5, bik. 22, 750. Lots 14 to 18, bik. 27, 600 pair. Lots 18 and 14, blk 17, 650 cash SOUTH YUILL Lot 6, blk. 13, 900. Lot. 18, blic. 8; 900. NORTH SIDE Lot 14, bik 11 (Toronto St) Tots and 9, blk 11, 550. Lot 6, blk 11 (with shack) 650. 100 feet, block E. (with shack) Lots 1 to 6, blk G. (Esplanade) 3700 each. Lots 9 and 10, bik 23, 900. Lots 27 and 28, bik 23, 900. A.G. TROTMAN. CO.. Ground Floor Bank Bldg 4th Ave. 695. Double Yo Money on These A. of St. Barnabas church, the: Wednesday, April 10th, 19: 1600 eoples dally. 900 13900 coptes Thureday. Ad the benoGrof the Weekly Beaxtre charge, Books 0 VOL. 2, NO 23 HHRE are many things that make a tract desirable. Those tracts which possess all the necessary qualifications you are now looking for. Let us send you a list or call and arrange to view. Seeing is believing and we certainly have the goods . DON T DELAY H.C. PETTET CO. Every indication points to exceptional activity in the building line this spring, and whatever is wanted in rellabie TOOLS, we can supply from our well assorted lines of HIGH GRADE TOOLS. FOR SPRING CLEANING DAY We Offer as Follows: Hammers, 25c to 1.50. Saw, 1.75 to 2.50. Shovels, 1.10 to 1.25. Spades 1.00. Rakes, 40 to 75c. Garbage Burners, 2.50 to 4.00. THE MARSHALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE CO., 11D. Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Hat LET US SHOW YOU WESTOVER: PARK 1/3 YESTERDAY WE SOLD A LARGE NUMBER OF LOTS TO THREE OF THE MOST CONSERVATIVE BUYERS IN MEDICINE HAT 7. i : THE PRESENT PRICES WILL NOT - LAST VERY LONG - OUR-CAR-IS AT YOUR SERVICE. WE. HAVE A CHOICE SUB-DIVISION i 2s, FOR SALE a t. + + T. F. DAWSON CO. BEVERIDGE S OLD STAND We Have Just Placed in Stock a Large Assortment of eegeeseatey 2 * While B a 2 Soefeet e fo soto es fs re * o- *e reas eS o- e e STAR THEATRE ... Educational . Comedy .. Drama ... Vit. Comedy Pinch of Snuff . The Failure , . The Politician eS eg uying Is Good Block 34, Cousins Sissons at Block 7, ALTAWANA, river lots ... 500 per lot + Block 19, Cousins Sissons ... . - 325 per lot Block 8, Herald .. 225 per lot + Block 3, Herald ................... 400 per lot + S 4 a 4 Perry, Sewell Perry Realty, Customs and Finuncial prokers. ie Agents for Great West Life Asrurance Co, and Canadian Rallway +s Vera Steamship-Tekets- Hatehierxor stocks Proms 126, LOLS HO Deeerreed lt;.+ SOUTH YUILL 2600 100 ft. cor., Columbia Ave. Terms. 31000 50 ft, blk. 13. Terms. - 900 50 ft, blk. T. Terms. 700 50-ft be 14, Snap. CENTRAL PARK 400 37 ft, bik. 31. 450 Pair., bik. 27. 700 60 ft cor., and shack, blk. 31, Cash 750 37 ft, blk. 5. Terms. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 735 Pr.,, bik. 29, lots 1-9. 800 Pr., blk. 10, lots 53x167. View lots. COUSINS SISSONS 475 Pr bik. 31 A 735 Pr., blk. 10. 3700 Pr., blk. 20. 700 Pr., blk. 19. 3500 Pr., blk. 29. 3400 Pr., blk. 26. OLD TOWNSITE 1500 50 ft, blk. 26, Toronto St 3600 100 ft. bik. 52, Main St 2700 100 ft, cor., blk. 93, Near H, School. 1300 50 ft, blk. 96. es iM B.F. SOUCH Drug Store - Toronto Including the following CHRISTIE S ZEPHYR CREAM. SODAS. CHRISTIE S GRAHAM WAFERS. CHRISTIE S RECEPTION WAFERS. CHRISTIE S SODAS-IN LARGE BOXES. --MeCORMICK S JERSEY CREAM SODAS. MOONEY S PERFECTION SODAS. WE S FANCY BISCUITS. CARR S FANCY BISCUITS. H.W. Ireiand Co. STEWART TWEED BLOCK, MAIN ST. PHONE 54. eelnli
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Image 579 (1912-04-10), from microfilm reel 579, (CU1771512). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.