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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. See how well she looks in her brother's clothes Mary Jane looks well in her brother s clothes, because her brother bought his clothes from us. We want all the boys in town to buy thelr clothes from us. If you do, boys, we Will sell you clothes you will be proud of: Oar Boys Clothing;and Furnishings are priced so as to give minimum of profit for 2 maximum value, Suits 3.50 up to 12.50 and every suit Is worth at least ten to twenty per cent. over the price asked, and Is good value at that. Barker Patten High Class Clothiers. : Toronto Street. Dreamland Theatre (The Old Reliable) . TO-NIGHT Providential Bread In Japan Brockton Horse Show Our Peerless 4-Piece Orchestra Supplies the Music Come Early. Come Early. Matinees 10c and Se. Night Performances 15 and 10c. CHILDREN ARE BURNED ALIVE enree of Them Along Witha Hired Man Cremated in House Fire. Prince Albert, April 23. Feur per- soms were burned to death early Suu day when fire destroyed the residence of R. Adamson, q fazmer, three miles Weat of Shelfbrook. The dead are: Hazel Naomi, aged 8; Cecil, aged 6; Horace, aged 3; and Jobn Rubtban, the hired man, The details of the firo. imdicate that Mr. Adamson, who slept downstairs, got up and started the fire Sunday morning im the cook stove, ed, and then went down to the barn, A few later om hearing fereams he ran back to find the bouse im flames. He succeeded in getting a tadder-up to the upstairs window, iarkt Pulled all the bkdclothes tait could not find the children. In the meantime Mrs. Adamson,,who is badly burned about the arms, call- 4 to the hired man to throw thelehil- dren out of the window, but getting Po response she attempted to get out ef the door, but was unable to open it, and had to escape by the window with the baby in her arms. The house Wns constructed of fogs and the beat was terrific. When it was burned Wown only a few charred fragments, Yittle resembling human remains, were found. The indications are that the hired -non rerishel in an attemot to save the eldest child, An inquest was held today, the verdict being acciden- tal death. A JUNE: HANGING James Carison is Billed to Pass Out Under fficial Auspices on the Nine- teenth.- Lethbridge, April 24th Jas. Carl- son, who murdered Norman Merrick, a homesteader, near Castor, Alta., on Nov, 2ist last, was sentenced at Red Deer on Saturday to be hanged in the Provincial jail here on Wednesday, June 19th, and ft is expected that the Sentence of the court will be carried out there during the early morning hours of that date, minutes He called the hired man, who answer- CUNDEMMED WAN LOSES HS NERVE Eberts Walks His Cell Like a Caged Animal, Swearing and Crying. Fritz Eberts, xed at Macleod on for the murder of Wilmett, at Frank, Lethbridge, who will be ha jaturday, Junv Constable G: has completely broken down and from reports tli huve been recelved from Macleod t th guards that nave been place over him have any- thing but a jileasant Job. Bberts, real short time to that he has but a has broken down completely ani spends nearly all of his thme In walkins to.and fro in his cell like wild beast. roaring, swear- Ing and crying During the past few days he hag refsed to eat, and in order to kee) him from breaking down completely it ts necessary for sree food down his the-guards to throat In smal titles. The condemned man is kept in soll- tary confinement and nobody but the death watch, of which there are three divided into eight hours each, toget- her with those who furnish his food, are allowed to sec him. Preparations for the carrying-out of the mandate of the law at the police barracks on jay, June 1, are be- ing carried forward by Superinten- dent Primrose, ani it is expected that the execution will occur some time be- tween midnight of Friday, May 31, and 6 o'clock of the morning of June Ist. A new scaffold will be: erected and this will be arranged and tested in such a thorough manner that t will be impossible for any mistakes or ac- cidents to occur. Work on the scaff- old will be started within the next few days. Mathias Jasbec, the big German, Tested at the same. time as Eberts. and who was also charged with the crime, who is a aiting trial for the murder, appears to be quite. content- ed with his lot, and unlike Eberts, has given the authorities no trouble at al His trial 1s set for May 18. SOCIALISM Chas. O Brien, M.P.P., pro- pounds Some Interesting Facts to large Audience. C O'Rrien MPP gave a very ins Specials NORTH YUILL Lot 8. block 9, 600.00. Lots 8 and 9, block 11 SOUTH YUILL Lot 18, block 8, 900.00. 100 ft. corner, bik. 11, 1800.00. HERALD je Lots 8 and 9, blk. F. ade) 1050.00, Lots 9 and 10, bik. 23, 900.00. CENTRAL PARK Lots 4 and 5, block 22, 750.00. Lots 21 and 22, bik. 21, cash, 25 ft., block 9, 375.00. COUSINS SISSONS 3500 ea. (Esplan- Lots 1 to 20, blk. 29, 250 ea. Lots 7 and 8, bik. 2, 840 pair. TOWNSITE Lot 22, block 80, 1050.00. Lot 25, block 82, 1050.00. Lot 7, block 85, 1050.00. Lots 1 and 2, block 89, 900 ea. Lot 9, block 87, 1250.00, Lot 4, block 58, 1285.00 50 ft, blk. 52 (Main St.) 2000. A. G. TROTMAN Imperial Bank Building Phone 695 CREDIT MISPLACED The credit for securing the chalk factory for the city was given to the city council and the mayor in yes- terday s News. The Mayor has asked that it be stated that the Industrial Bureau were responsible for bring- ing Dr. Wright-tere.and that after showing him about the city, the-man- ufacturer was turned over to him to close the agreement, Instead of hav- ing it go through the Bureau's hands. Messrs. Day and Bending were in Spokane and induced Dr. Wright to come here and look over the ground. BLAZE AT SOUCH S A small fire in B. F. Souch's drug, Store at 10.15 this morning. Although the clerks are not positive where it started they think an overheated furnace was the cause. More in convenience than serious Monarch Theatre TO-NIGHT The Tie That Binds A strong Comet Film The hanging of Carlson will be the second that has taken place in Leth- bridge within the past two years, the jother hanging being that of. Wasil Chobitar, who paid the extreme pen- alty in the Mounted Police barracks in this city on January 14, 1911, for the murder. of a foreigner with whom he had been traveling for. some time. Carlson Confessed Carlson, who has been/ a prisoner at the local pen for thd past four teresting lecture on Socialism last evening in Cochran' Halh The theme of hit address was the mecessity of a more equally divided State in the fi i world. This he sald, was the cause of poverty, the very fact of the ocrporations or the few bodies of men controlling the wealth of our country and he strongly emphasized the fact that the wealth ought to be more equalized in its dis- tribution. loss was the consequence. Fhe type- writer and prescription and other files. were the greatest loss. AT DREAMLAND TO-NIGHT We are showing something good in the picture lime tonight four subjects in all, Don's miss seeing the Horse Show, The Vitagraph drama is one that you cannot see every day so don't 500. Lots 21 to 40, block 22, 350 ea : Wednesday, April 24th, 1912, 0 Per Foot for 75 Feet on Main St. This is the best buying in the city today. If you compare this with business pro- perty in other cities you cannot keep from buying this, Can be sold in 25 or 50 foot lots. H.C. PETTET Co. Every Indication points to exceptional activity in the building line this spring, and whatever is wanted in reliable TOOLS, we can supply from our well assorted lines of HIGH GRADE TOOLS. FOR SPRING CLEANING DAY We Offer as Follows: Hammers, 25c to 1.50. Saw, 1.75 to 2.50. Shovels, 1.10 to 1.25. Spades 1.00. Rakes, 40c to 75c. Garbage Burners, 2.50 to 4.00, THE MARSHALL-MICHELL HARDWARE CO., LTD, Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Hat .. McKINNON S. . F. B, McKinnon desires to thank his numerous frlends and patrons for thelr generous patronage during the past seven years in which he has conducted his bakery business, and begs to state that on and after April 15th the business will be carried on as a Joint Stock Company, Limited, and would bespeak for the company a continuance of their esteemed patronage, with an assurance of 2 The Expert s Report Thanhouser Drama In Humanity s Cause A Troublesome Picture .. Eclair Drama .- Solax Comedy mionths, where he has been in1a eoll- tary cell, is sald to have confessed the crime to Salvation Army officers casions for holding reljgious services, while he is also alleged to have told th story of how the crime was com- who visited- the jall on ditferent-oc linerease-pro Modern machinery was also given as a Cause of ths condition, enabling the few to employ fewer men and so sand wealth: ELECTRIC SHOW IN DES MOINES. miss t. Our special scenic is another Sood one. Prices the same, CPR. NEWS The Preshyterian General Assembly meets in Edmonton on June th. Spe- Matinee 2.30. Evening 7.45 and 9.15 STAR THEATRE The Outlaw Deputy ..-.. --- Kalem Western. Lady Godiva Vitegraph Drama : Mr. Atherton, Tenor. A Victim of Circumstances Biograph Comedy Their First Divorce Case Biograph Comedy Afternoon Se and 10c, Evening 10 and lic. More Fortunes are Made in Real Estate Than all Other Busi- nesses Combined. Evy mitted to the death watch which has been placed on him since he first en- tered the institution. Dave King, one of the candidates for mayor, in the recent city elec- tion, has been one vf the guards over the condemned man since he was sent here trom Red Deer. meeting there is being held in Des Moines, Ia., April 24. A large attendance marked the opening in this city today of the annual joint , convention of the Iowa. Riectrical As sociation and the Iowa Street Railway Association. In conjunction with the Coliseum an elaborate exhibition of Read the Serial Story in the News. trical machinery and appliances. inventions and improvements in elec- Look for the Label. TASSTE FOR BREAD YOU CAN T BEAT -MOTHE BROS Phone 256. the St. Lawrence River, cial convention rates will be in effect. C.P.R. steamer Empress of Britain will sail from St. Jobn, N.B., on May 3rd instead of from Quebec ow- ing to. great quantities of ice in the: He A convention of French speaking gp people swill he held in Quebec City June 24 to 30. It is reunion of all French speaking people in Canada and U.S.A. Deligates will represent every French district in the West. Special convention mates will go into effect at that time throughout Westerm Can- a Oni s. fast Increas s the Value of all Pur- chased and yet unsold. An- drew Carnegie: - TOWNSITE Montreal St., 6 lots left in blocks 54 and 80, 50 feet 1000. Terms. Block 94, Roy St. corner, ft. 1600 cash. Block 11, Toronto St. N., 50 ft. 1500. Terms. -Block-52,-Main St.- 2000:- Te Block 96, View , 50 ft, 1000. Terms, CENTRAL PARK Block 2, 50 ft, ... . 1100. Terms. Block 5,50 tt. + 950. Terms. Block 15, 50 ft. - ' 800. Terms, Block 21, 50 tt. 850. T rms, Block 24, 50 t., facing Park. 800. 1-2 cash. Block 26, South half ........ 6000. Terms. COUSINS SISSO Block 22, : 5 Block 19 .... rs pease gan + 375 each. Terms, Life We have a for a large 8 room hes modern house on hill. oe jurance e- Modern house, Roy St., at a snap The Cottage in Central Park ..... 3500. Terms - 50 ft. cor. on Third Ave. 4200, Good house Confederation 7 rocm house on Braemar St. 4200, Easy ; terms Life Powell sub-division lots 150 each. Association Business Sites on Main and Toronto Sts. : Trackage. Snap. Terms. nee Ofifee Lots in all parts of city. oronto We Want Listings. FEWINGS -- RUBIDGE 5 iinet Phone 90. News Block, Opp. Post Office: Soste-ate ote stoste teste Beste ct Soegoege ce toete ete stestea tees Se 3 Lots on Corner in Beautiful 1575.00 All. oo 4 glected to protect you and the chi 3, would be or what position you wou S happen to him. A 'tive minutes ta ae So eoey gt; other insurance company doing bus de their rates, Is your husband In that class? sofees 2 oes - 5 et s Sos 2 Realty, Customs and 2 So-ogee Aceident insu Ocean Steamship Tickets. 2 Mos ie Seeetecpatetpatecr edger Moeeteecepdetuateepeee Se Reateetoctoatecgeatnegoatedtocteatrege Have You Chosen that Spot. For Your Home You Want to Build this Year? ild Mrs. Housekeeper Et Is Your Husband Sufficiently Insured? Has he looked aftor his fire and business insurance and ne- that he cannot afford to be taking the chante. That s the business of the Insurance company and the Great West Life Assurance Com- pany-will give him a policy which cannot be duplicated by any Tomorrow may never come for some of the uninsured. Perry, Sewell Perry Agents for Great West Life Assarance Co. and Canadian. Rallway Hatehinson Block, Block.4,-Herald, g Lots Terms. dren? Figure out where you id be in should the unexpected 1k with him will convince him iness today. It will pay to get Finuneial Brokers, rance Co, Phone 126, Mr. W. A. Taylor is up from Milk River with four carloads of horses. Mr- gt; Sia. Hooper is-in- from Many Berries. Mr. N. Halt of Calgary wus lin town yesterday. Mr, A. B. Lee of Toronto arrived in town last evening. i Mr. R. Bailey of Lethbridge was do- ing Kisiness in town, Mr, and Mrs. Speers, . Migs Evans and Mr. Gurraw arrived from Ottawa, . Visitors from neightoring were: B. I Capewell of Suffs Hauser and S. Karvac of Redclift Mr, J. R. Bundy continuation of that service and quality whichbas always been associated with this store. - B. McKINNON Watch for further Announcements 235-d-tf SOCIAL AND PERSONAL . J. . Davis of the Rolling Mille Co. went out to Maple Creek this Messrs. J. C. Beatty and Roy Grant morning. of the Sarnia Ranch, Walsh, were in Mr. I. C. Danelz , went to Calgary the city yesterday. fast evening. Mr. J. 'V. Murphy of Calgary, tra- veling passenger agent, will be in sthtes that his town for a day or 80. endidly. stock wintered ly J. 1. tomobile. The L. A. to the B. of R. T. will hold an At Home and Dance. n the Becker Hall on the evening of the 2th at 8.30. mt Mr. Harry Jones of Calgary, chief clerk of the car service, is in town Col. Sissons leit town this morning for Walsh. sie today. Mist Cora Trimble went to Suffield. villages on Monday. She is taking charge of rerday. Iver ae Parties intending to build a house left for Calgary will find it to thelr advantage to write it evening on a business trip. to Box 1266, News office: - tf. Campbell of Seven Persons, 800 16-17, bik. 5. 575 85-86, blk. 25. 700 5-6, bik, 39, 755 11-12, blk. 17. 900 50 ft. cor., bik. 24. COUSINS SISSONS 736 25-26, bik. 10. 550- Pair, bik. 32. 700 Pr., S.4-2 bik, 22. 3500- Pair, 1-20, blk. 24. 3600 Pair, 19-20, bik. 32. 840 Pair, 7-8, blk. 475 Pair, 21-22, bik. OLD TOWNSITE 1050 Lot 10, bik. 82. 950 Lot-Z, bik, 2. 1600 Lot 11, bik. 1200 Lot 15, bik. 86. 1200 Lot 14, bik. 96. 1250 Lot 18, bik. 8 3000 Lot 11, bl 1050 Lot 14, IK. 0. HOUSES 8100 New modern ottage? Ot* tawa St..S. 3600 7. room house, Braemar StS 900. cash. 3400 Modern cottage, Central Park. 3400 6 room modern cottage, Braemar St. South. 31800 House, 4 rooms, St. Nort B.F.SOU Main Drug Store - Toronto St. Fresh Fron EVERY DAY LETTUCE ONIONS RADISHES CELERY - RHUBARB : We are giving special attention to the sale of greens and yegetables. H.W. Iretand Co. Mr. GS. L. Dunham has purchased a Present Daily Advertisers in of tho Week; No extra char vertisers, VOL. 2, NC 205 Doctors Ab Press All ) New York, Ay and five bodies ante dixaster ha sen by cable ste and are belng b S. The eaptaln nett confirms 1d D, Widener; son Philadelphia, In day to the White information that bodies will never Captain Lardn nett sends word M0 Senator Smi Course o Washington, Ap the Titanic who the senate inves were urging earl, permitted to go in England at t moment, All the officers the committee is turn until all the ships crew has be sel for the White the officers be B under the promis recalled and woul It was contemplat would be reached There wag cons before the hearin when J. Bruce: Is ector of the White recalled, Chairm: to expedite the in Mr, Ismay get aw ble. He had tho call him earlier have come and it Suit Cas Helped. Them at Station ned Conten The dock in th graced with the pr warts, who had from all directions R. Thompson. or tancy was.given bridge, T. Thomas was for being drunk a Three vagrants, Henry, tol pitiful work last evening. this aftertioon. J, Stanley was 1 to run against a ev G. Ford, who is Sales took a company with his proceeded to the r going, down under their clothes for s But while they w with their toflet, appeared on the them to the police The City nuisance recei . The hardware oceasion and t which these ut the towmand t which should in the back ya: Overseer Jack of rubbish wer ing the balane wagon has bee ly did splendi
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Image 680 (1912-04-24), from microfilm reel 680, (CU1771502). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.