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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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x : x 5 apeuae aN tisia: Thursday, April 18th, 1912. i ; MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Page? a 2 Prekere ages +t + . pede + NEWBURG + a r e nl e e 4 + * 1 cheb bh bbb bb tee sy A Aisastrous fire occurred at the Fe 3 residence of John aebritter, New- 5 ; ; z z burg, on Monday April the 15th, at * x midnight, between 21 and 12 o'clock, 3 q when bis barn caughtfire. The barn : E g was completely destroyed, also 6 with the essist s i head of horses, the best. in the dis- i red. bousends triet;1000 buahela of wheat. P a pos aimentee ie gt; acts of harness, farm Faplene ats and 6 EEP OUT -used-to-hang- ae : low the : one y of Sealer will ednios : 2 ee ee aiatetragse baracwven factory door. The old idea of secrecy in busi- rot. 3 . y lela ge contig ark ness made it seem a erime to show outsiders processes, a fRONG, 3 5 was tirst discovered by his ttle materials, and methods of manufacture. 7 3 gt; e daughter, 5 gt; Mibier'aed Boeke z a We are sorry to hear that Mr. Roy Now the white light of publicity is being let in by 3 s 5 ; gt; Si had to, be removed to th . : s Soepitai ae bay those who depend on public favor for business profits and zac s Mr. Albert Steltorts Improving his te 19 ge serious protestant B a : it Alber Adleeeemesnaroring ble business growth, . The keep out sign is disappearing y the Roman Cath- ee phi inan ereee r you wilt send us an invitation, from factory doors and the welcome sign is taking its nes Cathedral, The v IN ONE. The snOwstorm we bad last Friday lace : has not been fixed 1 A Complete Drilt Seed Planter. and Saturday kept all the farmers PIACes, 2 A Complete Hill Seed Planter, back trom, seeiaae mies Mr. Arthur Pritchard just finished - Seren Th CoeBins ave Wheat Heo big threbing. ta tha rerercn le hunal micdans havering, MEAEIEN Ss fetice So the Senvecg to LES refeaerteeectectoate 5 A Complete Two. Wheel, Five Tooth Cultivator. oe a ne eee ee the truth, and it pays. Modernselling truth about hensartase * rageeteate ete efe-egeets) Those Tools Save Time to Say Nothing of Hard Labor, The Irvine, ie pes a mn the cone s- . Seed 1s Sown Evenly. and Surely Producing, Large B tura: Mr,.T, Hidiston from Elkwater we puget: . To-day, many big industrial enter- 2 oi a neke pecs ie was in Newburg on busine: To-day, eyes are too sharp and in: prises are open without hindrance to A nd dim vas in Newburg on 88, r A te e gt;a THE PRICE 18 heat tit ketene OF ALL, BEING 12.50 Mr. H. Dall sold ae. farm to Mr. telligences' too keen, to, make deseit the inspection of an interested public, 33 FOR. THE COMPLETE MACHINE. F, Derbelm at 8) eee Debae (2 beblte teak ee xs c Karl Stelter from Irvine was visit- vertising is the sht road to confi- To-morrow, many more compani s, ee M E Ss R E ing his people in Newbure. lt; cee ee pablis aa aie light; depending for their success and pros- ; : minates and fears darkness, perity on public confidence, will lift the e Z ae et A . CORSETS pete eee eee To-day, many canning factories, curtains that veil their board and work e e Mase, -wejdesigned in many iit s prcking hoes, Bakeshops and publie Fooms they, too, will come to printing e teaseeeh closely follow. lt; vey e ftchens welcome visitors. concealing candid advertisements in th news- yy g ing the'lines cf some pare Ph PREP ESSE EE nthine: Raper. 4. Soateetoaoete-doate-eseateste Ketedoageageatesy ng P : e Paeereereed oF PEGGY cular type of owe We tine ah RO es ltd : ; SS bg f- . Each model is made ina weather tut e ig now wet and stonmy jal The-vublic-may overlook, but does not forgive, a lie 4 + ; : ou e sure : a of sizes. aot oo od ee eee or an seg 3 of its confidence. The public regards with ee ee : ly indeed do we find so Leila Richardson ath i fore e of the best of everything in building materials by a woman who cannot be ee a - a any Sie re ube BtLEINE re, ae it in secrecy and oe dealing with us. Clear Fir and Cedar Finish, also fitted it 22 if the comet . stg cama of Matcine Hat silence. The public is repelled by juggled facts or befog- e Pine in 1 im, 1 in, and 144 in, mouldings in both be made a a has boon vstog August Schou of ging words. The public rewards with its favor and i i Ic important thing is is place, e + a and Cee Call and inspect our stock at your ot the BEE eae Fo ics ER a. vekating money those who tell it the truth. It walks and shops ze - : your figure. oe See se where the light shines and where the paths are straight. ngs Ifyour dealer hasn't the right ee Se 2 : Pi dode os . district. They sterted the building hi 3 he New Lumber Co., Limited 3 . schertsci'o yx fiase ven. Throw on the light ..4 solele wiike fi G. J. Kemm, representing Campbell e i aa . Ss + gt; R. J. Russell, Mgr. iat ali al Pale Wilson and Harne of Tethiidge was Advice regarding ae ipertiekng problowss is available through : s Sgr dectectoetectentestontedeee Gecteeteatestectecietiectestesceteere Crompton Corset Co, Limited town ths works a Se cet ee ON Talon lage ng e : a Toronto cite. antorg Hs Modsine Hat Peron: Enquiry sncoles no obligation on your part to Ge. call write, if interested. nd Tact ot eS : eye asker took ia Oh i 2 Spree te ... eas LOOK HAPPY 1. tt Eester bal. Sods: seg ge eoase re me Le e 3 ti R. A.. Cherry has retumed from E We tt Pransfer Coe 9) isscisy icici cemmet/ aim, Stes oe el ee : apid . LIGHT and HEAVY BI) Say ten sPeading the winter with his parents. ice 2 ce Piano Moving easonable DRAYING Fa ae ae eat now Em: Daleon has retumed from Bow se A Specialty. liable sedig. Ferente. Stroot. fg) SOW 25rE RRL Sr gegy soit, Wo Tsland where he tne Sowe woning sgeeg doetecoateste stostoate ste Sea eeeate ete te este ee enone LOO ENP IN 2 ee 3 of. you . B Phot Hiss IE, Pifer spent a day with her ; eae New designs for spring. sister, Mrs. E. A. Regnew of Whitla. P 7 In. 32 THE BARTLETT STUDIO FE, A. Regnew and H, C. McDanicls lt; I he Bus B s ? dod W: i i Fi 4 213. Fourth A Sd ee A Want Ad in the Daily News Will Bring Results. Gre tiers Biors, made a business trip to Winifred on 2. Me - Tuesday: 3 et Mrs. S. S. Richardson and daughter Miss Mabelle were in Medicine Hat APRIL 20th, 1912 : tnt wk coking eer Mee Mo oO ?. So eseesoag Mr epoegeate x 2, e e Bb: BRIGHTEN-UP WEEK: z Mrs. Beck, sister of E. C. Pierce ul e e visiting him for q month or so. 3 a: : H. Stratton has retiimed from S. * - 4 Dakota where he has been looking af- 4 This is i We e time a genuine, old-fashioned 4 ter his property. Brighten-Up pe Week eforag 2, al . t St kK Mfasiiris ano Tete EEE Iave bot house-cleaning, made easier by modern appliances and labor-saving helps. It 3 a Nae BRE ie oe Oa OC the sarlet fever, but we hear they is not only the time for cleaning and scrubbing and polishing, but for bright- +4 ey Bf ate progressing rapidly. ening up the home with paints and varnishes, and making it permanently Bai , 3. Rises to 50c. per Share ee 6.7. Str 9m Gre Pel cheerful and cony. . ner sisters, Mira, Wm y Adams and Mrs. N. Lace, 2 It is surprising what a lot you can do witha-ean St Pee 7 Nos gt; Mr. Hooper, auditor of the City e Tamber Co., was in town this week : 5 : 2a. ee eer, of paint, varnish or enamel, a brush doe Force of this place. z q if 1 ; a pen ee : 4 mee . and a little energy. Gelato Sons That old floor, your soiled and scratched woodwork, the dingy cupboard, from Redotift, has returffea to Many these can be made clean and new if you use the proper brighten-up finish. Berries where herwil attend to his OF course, the important thing is choosing the paint, which looks best, wears tes. Sam Is a progressive farmer longest, is the easiest to-apply, and affor eatest-protection for the- and it looks natural and proper to : money. Poor paint is dear at any price. i Boats Poi ie 2 s Past toate re os S eg i Backe aeato. . We recommend SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS, because they are Mr. Ernest John Cook from King- ham, Oxfordshire, England, arrived here April 13th, Ho 4s a well edu- eated young man of 19 and will be employed at Hooper's ranch. Mr, Ernest Carter, who has been teaming -at-Redelift far Mr Samuel Rutter during the past winter has, re- turned to Many Berries to put in his father's crop of one hundred and twenty-five. acres. Mr, Steve Berry, a machinist, who for the past six months has been em- ployed by the Redclift Brick and Coal Company, has returned to his home- stead, on the north half of section 13, - scientifically made from the purest materials. Garden Tools Taking care of the garden is lots of fun if you have the proper tools. We sell spades, rakes, trowels a everything you. need. Also the well-known brands of lawn-mow- ers which will make your lawn the. pride of the neighborhood. coeg oo Rane Setecteatectert Pelegoay Re Petey Miscellaneous We sell everything in hardware, window glass, putty, sponges, tools or anything you might need for sroget your spring house-cleaning. areteegontoaoeteat , : * township 5, range 6 and will con- 9 : Te eerae nen aaa vediten a thereon - The Largest Stock of Builder s Hardware, Etc., in the City. z a during the coming suinmer. He 'The-above ent shows coal outcropping on our ground. We have proved states that-thoroads.were very bad of ae ss it to-a-depth of 465 feet and the drill is still in coal. Last message from pro- and In several places he had to swim) 4 ote ar SS eee 5. perty dated April 7th, gives ueby actual measurcments 24 million tons of bwinis to; tie thaw eetting Jn/-20 28 de he Busy SB Ss ss 100 feet, corner, L --uthe finest. 1 0 ete Bpjput ne was bound to get there as 3 pe GEC ee ae coe he - Many Berries looks good to him, he * Se ee se Only-a limited amount of stock of the present issue is available. .Make being an old Umer. : - : : J 5 Wm. Wilson Company have pur- your reservations at once. On Monday, April 22, the price goes to 50c. chusea a 36 horse-power Rumoler Qo YULLL Bast Allowance. steam plowing and threshing outfit aner-wiit-pre-the same in operation as Exclusive Agents, Sherwin Williams Paints and Varnishes. vseege-geor tock 7. - DISTRICT OFFICES arnis z ys soon as the roads are in fit condition 8. : YUILL 374 Toronto St., Suite 2, Morris Block, for good traction. Berry Bros. V: hes. gt; mC Ook Ht Medicine Hat. 3 Lethbridge. Mr, William Fallow from Medicine, Spee ree Perel S OGL every e : S been hero. and Inspected the ttt sewer: ha s roads and left Jno. H.. Nellson in Took F. + Cc ana er charge of the repair works. He states NORTHEAST KANSAS TEACHERS tles rounded up ners. today for the wilt have as speakers many educa- naps in all sub- 9 Laws 5 that several bridges will be put in in , annual convention of the.Northeast tors, of wide prominence, i, Acreage. i Sein na place of the culverts during the sum- Leavenworth, Kas, April 18. Pub- Kansas Teachers Association. The . Acreape. aes , J mer, rel ic aehoo teachers from many coun- sessions will continue two days and SUBSCRIBE NOW tor the Dally Newm.
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Image 637 (1912-04-18), from microfilm reel 637, (CU1771514). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.