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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Of the Modern Frenth School THE SMALLER UNITS Submarines and Toi Boats Are Receiving sideration of Admiralty. EXPERIMENTING NOW A3 Was Testing When She Went to the Bottom With Crew. London, Apri 13 The Board, of Admiralty is at present paying great deal of attention to the improvement of the smaller units of the British fleet, the submarine and torpedo-boat destroyers, vessels which many ex perta believe would be of greater use in case of war (ban even the big-mod ern. battleships and battleship crut- sers. This country has at present a fleet of over 60 submarines, some of the: latest even mounting small guns to repel attacks, and improvement is atill being effected. The men of A3, lost off Portsmouth in February, were engaged in carrying out tests of new appliances, the secrets of which are known only to the Admiralty, one of the reasons that so little was heard of the cause of the accident and such pains were taken to prevent prying eyes from examining the hull after it was raised. A foreign salvage com- pany was first siven the contract to raise the submarine, but as soon as it had attache the necessary chains to her the Admiralty took over the work. cas owen All Portraits are selling for 6.00 a Dozen, and you know the kind we make. This is a chance you will never get again. otto dtetietic. Seat ers Seats - Sees Me aM Monday, April J Bh RE you w this yea look on you? L on the corset y sure that you ge a SSESS ESSE SSF. The dock in which the vessel was oe placed after being raised was sur- 2, x ee Why not phone an ap- 33 ctew lost thelr lives the public will . oe eet . + oon ee DOoiIntment now. Come 3 : mission. r Roe tm tho subearoe ranch eer erat up and see what you are 3 er improvements are being made in : 5 Bs di s, and althe r Se veeen ios we rable is getting for your money . believed that the experts of the Ad- gt; . ae Se oe oat core et 2 st - 3 that i s aval atfira. Thay are dust. com- OP Studio GQpen Evenings . Ree pleting 20 ve: rovided for in the eo Soe Sot . Daily N the Saton-exhi La Cigale ? ( The Grasshopper ) byEdouard Bisson, the first of The News series of the world s greatest pictures, was honorably placed in bition at-Paris-it-is-a beautiful painting, one of the best of its + kind. A grasshopper gay Sang the summer away, And found-herseif poor By the winter's first roar. Of meat or of bread, Not morsel she had; So a-begging she went, To her neighbor th ant, p For the Joan of some wheat, 107 ets Which would serve her to eat Dittle-given to Tend. La Cigale is a story picture, Nearly everybody rem taine s fable of The Grasshopper and-the-Ant. rhyme it runs this way: Till the season came round, I will pay you, she saith, ) animal's faith, Double weight on the pound Ere the harvest is bound. The ant is a friend, (And here she might mend) On an embers. La Fon- Done into American How spent you tne summer? Quoth she, looking shame At the borrowing dame- Night and day to each comer I sang; if-you please. - .. You sang I'm at ease; For it s plain at a glance, La Cigale is Bisson s idealization of the human counterpart of the the grasshopper of the fable. The summery figure shivering-in the wind im- presses the story of the nobility and necessity of labor. A Photogravure 22x28 inches. *This Picture Never Sold Less Than 2.00 Before To Daily News Readers THE COST 1S c 10c. and Six Cou ons from the front page of The Daily News. mail. These pictures cannot be sent by estimates of last sear, but even be- Gay to Show Mountings a fore: the nava' mates for 1912-13 eee a ee had been placed before parliament the doce - dode government called for tenders for 20) bydy fe 5 ood vessels whi estimates pro- Jc todo eee vide for. So ps These new dstroyers are te be the * 5 ae last word int ; smaller type of fight- agoeg pk Si - ye . * fet ing ships. Tiry are to be of 1,200 2 lots, block 11 Lot 1, block 18, Lat 6; blosk 2 50 ft., block 10, Lot 13, block 6, 50 ft, block 4, 50 feet, block 1 50 feet, block 1 WI T.F. Rea ts ae tons and uprards, somewhat smaller than the Svift, an experimental ship of 1,80 tons, with which the Ad- miralty ha: been carrying out tests for a couple of years. The Swift has engines of 18,000 horse-power and attained a speed of over 35 knots in service. The new ships will, there- fore, in size be between the Swift st recto atest Pasteur ro she-ofesoacer Peat ae es . ar RY *e ee 1 Soegees * Portrait Studios et Stee Roto RS With three-fourth-inch guns, and- will Now, madam, -you-must-dance- og Leading Photographer OPP. THE GLASGOW HOUSE and Tartar and, having great pow- er of attack and defence, will be just what might be wanted in the rough North Sea. They are to be armed Sores + ; he fitted with two double 21-inch tor- tubes in alj-recent types. The speed : swhich must be guaranteed--has- not been disclosed, but it may be taken for granted that ft approximates that of the Tartar. With the speed of cruisers increasing very rapidly it is held in some quarters that 40-knot destroyers are necessary, which Government Confident of would give them about eight knots + she promised to refrain Te Eee them avout left nots Convicting Mrs. Pank- e ae ne ee vending her telal hurst and Mr. and MYs. r amount tixea was 10,000. Her Lawrence. prison sentence of two months, one month of which she has served, has been commuted by the home secret- ary in order to give her time to pre- pare a defence. . Loose Leat System The News Job- The ball of Mr. and Mrs. Pethwick Department has every facility for sup- Lawrence was continued. plying the most satisfactory. NEW YORK HAS FINEST-LIGHT HOUSE rms in Prison for Militant Leaders Probable Mrs, Pankhurst was admitted tq Long Te (Special to News) New York, April 15 What is said tobe the finest light-house in the world; located at Richmond, Staten Island, was put into commission to- day. It is to light the new Ambrose channel leading into New York Bay and will be visible for twenty-one miles, The light is of 300,000 candle power. t London, April 12. Ancther step in REMEMBERS NOTHING soso sus iancior went OF THE PAST YEAR) ts mm sctine Panwhorst and Mr. and Mrs. Pethwick Law- Memory of Young Man) rence, the iatter two editors of Yotes Blank Events tor Women, were arraigned in Bow a from April, 1911, to Pres- street police court on the charge of ' *PHONE- ent. s conspiracy to destroy property. The 66 Tasker Transfer Co. ae trio were held for trial at Old Bailey. The trial will be moved as quickly Seattle, April 15 That the past as possible by the Government year of his life is a blank in ory is the strange story told by Kelth ecutors, and Uey believe they will be : Williams, 22 years of age, who has able to objain convictions. In that Piano Moving apid LIGHT and HEAVY ith his parents, Mr. and event it is likely that Mrs. Pankhurst easonable DRAYING-.-- A Specialty liable 864 Toronto Street. Mrs. J. L. Willfams, on North Thir- and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence may re tieth street. Tacoma. ceive long prison terms, as examples mau HOLLINGER AGENC Hospital from a drag-store on Sec FIRST COME; ond avenue Monday night: He had fal- fen in a street car just as the car reached Pike stseet and was taken in- to the dfiig store by the conductor. When he recovered consciousness in the hospital yesterday morning fi could not remember anything that had happened since April, 1911, when he was in the depot at Portland, pre- paring to board a train for Tacoma. He could not realize that this was 1912, or that he was in Seattle. His father was notified and arrived last night and took the young man back eee ee these lett, Hurry. 384 Main St. s READ THESE. ALL GOOD INVESTMENTS. HERALD TOWNSITE. 700 Pair, bik. 3. 2000 S0 ft, bik. 52. 700 Pair, bIK. 10. 2500 50 ft, bik. 33. He. 8. 1800- 66 ft corner, blk. 89. 2500 100 ft., corner, bik. 85. 3000 100 ft, corner, bik. 86. BUSINESSES 22,000 86 ft. corner, N. Ry. 12,250 50 tt, Toronto N. 4,200 8 lots, corner, 8..Ry. to Tacoma. Biggest Snap in City 650 50 ft, blk. 99. SOUTH YOULL Kieth left home last Friday to go ESPLANADE (HERALD) 900 50 ft, bik. 82. 875 Lot 1, bik. 11. Corner. Snap. to a ranch near North Yakima for) J . 3500 100 ft. bik. D. his health. sid Mr. Williams, whots 1450 S0 ft, bik. E. employed in the office of the State 1000 fe fete ek 1600 5 lots, corner, bik. 19. Gratz Commission. He returned 750 60 ft, bik. Z1 3150 10 lots, corner, 19. Sunday afternoon and said that he MM 275 25 ft, bik.9. SNAP had obtained a position in Seattle and J 700 50 ft. bik. 21. sere co PRDENG had decided not to go to Yakima. He Ree ae: : Hs a went back to Seattle Saturday night. 800 50 ft, blk. 675 75 ft, bik. 15. 650 41 fe, bik. 21. 20 Pair, bik, 16. Monday moraing Williams complain- ; ee se ft, dik. 6. ed of. being 11 and etayed in bed : Hollinger Agency COUSINS SISSONS 3620-50 ft. bik. 2. 31000 Facing E. Allow. 900 Lot 19, bik. 7. YUILL NORTH 3600 Lot 2, bik. 2 : 680 each Lot 10 ang 12, bik 800 each Lots 13-14, bik. G. Gas, water, sewer. 800 Pair, blk, 1, Elm St. SEE.US FOR ACKEAGE PROROSITIO) ALTAWANA SNAPS all day, getting up at 8 o'clock in the 1450 75 ft, blk 1; evening and leaving at about 9/ 0008. 8 Bie ig: O'clock. 1200 60 ft, bik. 14. CENTRAL 250 feet, block 3 Lots 9 and 10, t Lots 9 and 10, Lot 10, block E 50 foot corner, 2 lots, block 9, 2 lots, block 29 2 lots, block 17, 100 feet near Hi Lot 8, block 82, Lot 13 to 14, blo Lot 14, block 62 10 lots, block 22 8 lots, block 27 Soto te totes Le 4 SIN we shall ha for sale + . In three-w for ren if Anticipated eS in touc here th ADO MEDICINE a For fur dectertecteatotonts oS One. Re 7 inuse in will ak prove t endurir
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Image 611 (1912-04-15), from microfilm reel 611, (CU1771495). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.