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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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sten Our shoes wear well and make the foot look neat. and. trim They ore comfort shoes too. SHOES SHOES New Spring Oxfords have just arrived and are now in stock. All the neat nifty lasts in blacks, tans and patents, in lace and button styles. These shoes are the production of the RE- GAL Shoe Company, and come in quarter sizes. Come early before the nobby ones are all gone. Barker Patten High Class Clothiers. : Toronto Street. M eROWDS OF PEOPLE AND MOSOUITOS OUT Parker's Shows Drew-a Re- ; cord Afternoon Crowd Yesterday Saturday the Last Day. Tomorrow will be the last day for the Parkers Shows and Hatters who have not taken in all the sights and amusements offered during the. week want to hurry. As has be n said re- peatedly the shows are well worth seeing, in fact ask any one who has taken them in, and they will have mothing but good to say of them. They ure the first in carnival amuse- ments: The crowd last night was just as large at any time during the week while. yesterday afternoon rec- orded the largest of the afternoon attendance despite the fact that the mosquitos were out in force and every-one-seemed. very popular with them (the mosquitos). So far not a thing has happened in oneway or another to mar the week's fun and there is every possibility of it con- tinuing so. The Parker employees have proven themselves to be about the most orderly collection of people that it has been, the good fortune of the city to entertain for a week. SPECIAL IN WOMEN S TAN PUMPS: In the half-page a v. for Foster's Shoe Store yesterday the figures for Women s tan pumps were omitted. These are a regular 3.25 article now jon sale at 245. The ad will be found on page 4 of this issue and is well worth reading for some special shoe bargains, AT DREAMLAND TONIGHT We are showing 4 beautiful SOLD HIS HOMESTEAD sub- William Dodge sold his homestead Imperial Dry Goods Co. Ladies Summer Vests, with -short sleeves, long sleeves, and nq sleeves, for 15c eaeh, on sale Saturday at the EDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL PETTET-TROTMAN Capt. Parker s moving into hia new residence at No. 710 Braemar Street. Wo Es Hay, siperitente aeet Public schools, left last night for Montreal on a three weeks business trip in conndetion with technical edu) ducted from Toronto St. Office Under Pettet Co. Name. eoee a The real estate firms of Hi. C. Pettet i ad Co. and A, G, Trotman bare am- Miss Cora Forster, sister of H, T. * i ony re the W. Forster who has been spending Samated and in future the business of the two firms will be conducted the wisiter:with her bother, left yee tom te attics how cooupled bg EBs terday to Visit her brother in Spar- wood, B.C. The Hon. Chief Justice MeGuire and wife stayed at Medicine Hat on their way hom: to Prince Albert from their California home. Mrs. McGuire was the guest of Mrs, A. Mx Raueecteen SENT FOR TRIAL and left this morning for Prince ALG, Hagsard Given Hearing bert. om Charge of Receiving of Stolen Property. tentay-on his way to the soutty coun Se try After having visited his brother Claude Hassard, one of the three at Saskatoon The latter was JUDE men who were arrested at Ir- thought to hav been fatally. injured Vine on May 6 on a charge of cattle in a railway wreck, but is now con- illing, appeared defore Magistrate Valsheling Kealy yesterday for a preliminary hearing. George Martin has purchased R.J, - Some days previous to-the-arvest, Hunt's residence on Balmoral street. Mt- George Knight found an animal The 16t-has. 75 foot frontage: on the prairie with the hind quar- ters missing. He reported the mat- ter to the Mounted Police and Cor- eee Poral Weidieman was instructed to Col. Sissons has purchased throngl investigate. After working on the the-Modicine Hat Garage, a fine 48/case for some few hours the officer h.p. six-cylinder Mitchell car, which dme to the conclusion that the mis- an probably show the way to any- Sing portion of the carcase might be thing in the line of an auto yet fotind around the homestead of Cha: brought to the city a Mayberry. He secured a search war- MESS Fant-and in company of Special Con stable Hienie searched the premises ibe pair. On sale Saturday at the of Mayberry and in the cellar found Imperial Dry Goods Co. two. quarters of. meat that he Parties Intending to build a house thonght might be those belonging to will find it to their advantage to write the dead animal. He arrested May- companions, Hazel The wame of the new firm, will re main H. C. Pettet and Co. The part hership takes effect on Monday, 4 Mr. M. Ashby was in the city yes A POWERFUL CAR Ladies Cotton Hese, black or tan, FIRMS AMALCAMATE New Business..will be Con - . Pettet.and Co, on Toronto Street, Serer 4. ak (BLOCK 18 ) NORTH YUILL 700.00 per lot. 56 FEET Cor. Ottawa S. Railway 9000.00, Snap. . C Pettet Co. Seat Popo Noi one Gre odio tio tio toes ee tododosotiode dio tie eco de oss Hosted ry : This Newspaper Present Dall Advertisers of the Week No-extha Chia vertisers, VOL, 2, N RICH Wh Former C Hope Have Boston, Mas he was to be bs for them-urde ed calm os Richeson toda: Cw. A Boston, Mas sleep under t ehut out the mind of Cla: during the eal fortitude of t who -waits deat Week for the 1 gave way last came while th alternately bes have his body his mother in. ly taving: ove dects tonight: The Jewels is one of lying three miles northeast of the. the best dramas the Edison Co. have city Yesterday to J. Endersby for put out. Don't miss seeing the great 5,600. The deal was put through English. play, grand to Box 1266, News office. tt perry and his been working for Mayberry: aims and C. Hassard, who have Mayberry was given his trial at eens London. Actors -Hearts -is another drama you will enjoy, and Kitty -in Dreamland is a comedy that will make you roar, Special display of Summer Millin- Imperial Dry Goods Co. ery on Saturday, May the 18th, at Miss Buaya's, 297. Toronto St, 268a2 ery on Saturday, May the Read the Serial Story ir the News, Miss Buzza s REAL ESTATE MONEY MAKER OF TO-DAY NORTH SIDE PROPERTY. 50 corner, block N (corner 2nd Ave. and Montreal St.) with large store bitlding 10,000. Terms. 50 ft corner North Rallway Street, opposite depot, 28,000.00. Lots in Block 15, North Yuill 735.90 each. Regular terms. Lot 3, Block A Johnson: survey, Ottawa Street east, with 4-room modern house 3500.00. Regular terms. Lot 4, Block 7, with 4 room shack 1500.00. Regular terms, SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY. Business. ae 50 ft. lot, Block 16, Main Street, with large house 25,500.00, terms. 37 ft, Toronto Street, block 22, 25,000.00, terms. RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. Lot 22, Block 80, Ottawa Street, 1050.90. Terms. Lot 7, Block 85, Braemar Street, 1050.40. Terms. CO. 48th, 297 Toronto St. 263i THE Earls Court, by the real estate firm of Rimmer Ladies Summer Vests, with short sleeves, long sleeves, and no sleeves, for 15c each, on Sale Saturday at the Special display of Summer Millin- at a2 Group from the Leota Show -of the Parker Carnival, This production nas before the Supreme Court ov Proved to be one of the most poptlar of their many popular attractions 20th. L Irvine before Justice of Peace Ben- well and committed jor trial. The case against the other two men was withdrawn for the time on account of lack of evidence, but on further investigation the men were ordered to appear yesterday on a charge of receiving stolen meat. Evidence was received from Mr. Geo. Webber, who claims to be own- jer of the animal, Corporal Weidie- Caims, Magistrate Kealy decided that the man, Chas. Mayberry and Hazel vidence given was sufficient to war- Fant that the accused Hassard be sent to teial on May 20th before the Supreme Court. Hazel Cairns appeared on a sim- ilar charge to.that of C. Hassard and in view of the fact that the same evi- dence applies to both cases, he agreed through bis counsel, Mr. Davidson, to waive the right to a pfeliminary. hearing and was committed for trial May Messrs. McGee, Crawford and Wal- lace paid fines of 3.00 each for be- ing drurk and disorderly yosterday and last night ance of your advertising should be as frequent and as ton by two eu watch. Riches Yesterday that by jlectrocut Would you consider that this News papor wae well managed if t issued according to the moed of its pub- lighers instead of at regular, stated and invariable in tervals? Would you think it a geod newspaper if it printed a 12-page issue at one time with a one-page, handbill. size, Issa at another time? Wonld you feel th it was serving Its constituency effectnally if, now and then, it suspended Issue entirely te be resumed at some time when the publishers felt inclined? sXe ees poatetoate Pos patrons with store-news me that there is al- Your store serves your through its advertising. They ways store news worth telling store news that Is Ju- nS pertant to them, It Is not as poor policy for a store, as it would be fora a newspaper, to-serve tts patrons in spasmodic, undepen- dable way If your store is important to the people of the city, your advertising is important to them all of y time aot merely now and then. ee The size of your advertising space should net vary any more than the size of a newspaper varies, and. the appear- Seatectes regular as the appearance of this newspaper. 1 shite way te bore calmness, Lit port of the de began to imp Some one of death chamber oner the fact 1 care to have b ginia for buri way to his.em his counsel, W arrangements might le besic family plot. A: er incidents 0 condemned -ma1 the counsel fo spiritual advise cution and the Mr. Stebbins, and Rev. Herb itual adviser, t him, Richeson wish that Mr. during the last ther exacted 2 one of the mit constantly with in the meantime his dinner i Halve hours he must die ne burst out in PD No Arrive. 4 hysterics. He A. G. TROTM t a) 2645 tnperal mtn, sire to Vancooee DOLICE WILL ENFORCE aad tonal IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING. PHONE 693. 2 8.05 8.30 Imperial Limited, Vancouver to Montreal. arms and shot 3 11.15 11.35 Vancouver Express, Toronto to Vancouver face was draw 4 20.00 20.25 Toronto Express, Vancouver to Toronto. LAWN SERVICE BY-LAY pe is C58 time to time-as Sa at : fe McKINNON S gn 43 4.00 4.20 Seattle-St. Paul Express, Seattle-St. Paul. The water accounts which were ee er him, he wou 6L 21.25 21.50 Calgary Express, Wianj to Calgary. issued for the past quarter were not ror, crying: Dreamland Theatre 62 5.25 00 Winntpes: Express, Calgaee es Winnipeg: up-to-date in regard to the huurs to they're watchin . (Phe 01d Haliable SIeSIT (5.08 Express from Kootenay Landing, be enforced in the city this season, se eoaigMinnon desires to thank his numerous friends and Warden Bri 512-519 19.00 Losad reoncGranbrook So the police wish to warn residents im Witch ks et eee Nee tarey reer sone death house an TO-NIGHT. B16 23.00 Local from Calgary. ' against using the water for lawn that on and after April 16th the- business will be carciel on wate physician. The The Jewels : Edison Drama 518-511 10.30 Local for Cranbrook. sprinkling, ete., outside or tne follow- Joint Stock Lompes sy: Lint, and would bespeak for the company home and Dr. ee 520-513 23.00 Express for Kootenay Landing. ing hours, In the mo ning the hours continuance of esteemed patronage, with an assurance of a Charlestown Wi Actors Hearts ... :+++.. Pathe Drama 515 6.30 Local for Calgary. for all parts of the city are from 8 ent fervice and quallty which has always been Lyons arrived ot 2402.40 Soo-Spokane-Portland Ltd., St. Paul-Port /0'lock to 9 o'clotk. In the evening, less 3 Earl Court London . A Beautiful Scenic 12 940. 950 Jon the hill trom 6.20 to 720 On the Ty unconcerned Our Dreamland 4-piece Orchestra in Attendance. Matinee Prices Se and 10. .... Evening Performance 10 and 15e. ome Early. Come Barly. SSES Monarch Theatre The Divided Ring .......... paeenate Solax Drama A Happy Thanksgiving ........ Reliance Drama The Installment Plan......... Majestic Comedy Afternoon 5c 10c. MATINEE 8.15, Evening 0c 15c EVENING 8.00 STAR THEATRE A Modern Rip .. Drama of everyday iife. The General's Daughter ..2. 022.2... e ee eee cee eee Edison Educational -- Edison Comedy Evening 100 and 150, more shown. : Nos-i-amt-12-ao nor come into Medicine Hat. Passing time at Dun- tat trom 7.30 to 8. This by-law will be rirgrirdriryrrrrrrrdr atlyF gre tbe rigidly enforced to give everyone Watch for further Announcements 235-d-tt * a fair show and allow for a better Look for the Label. ch a io buy. See it at our Store. THE MARSHALL-MITCHELL Refrigerators There are many kinds, some good, some otherwise. A refrigerator that will keep onions, fish, milk mat- and butter for 48 hours in the same foot cham- ber without taint or odor is one of the best, THE BARNETT REFRIGERATOR Scr en Doors and Windows, etc, Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Hat eS conservation of water supply, say the tered a sedatis went to sleep deep slumber w attack follows alienists who police. WHY BAKE? A sdle at home of cooking will be When We Can Give You What held at the home of Mrs. W. M. John- You want. Son at 416 Balmoral St. near 4th Ave. on Saturday afternoon of this week, y under the auspices of the Ladies So- Mo HER BREAD Te eae i ye I will be served . 259 M WF TASSIE BROS. s Special . Snaps Phone 256. CENTRAL PARK. 675 pr Lots 31-22, bik. 26, 500 50 ft lot 10, bik. 33, 860 50 186, lot 13, bik. 33. 600 50x186, lot 11, bik. 23, 75 pr. Lots 26-27, bik. 22. 650 pr Lots 35-86, bik. 25. 825 pr. Lots 29-30, bik. 9. 450 pr. Lots 21-31, bik, 500 pr Lots 87-38, bik. 29. 325 pr Lots 31-86; blk, 29, gt; HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 1000 pr. Lots 9-10, bik. 28. 900 pr. Lots 1-9, bik. 29, 1150 pr Lots 5-6, blk. 20, Snap. 900 pr. Lots 22-26, bik:.28, 650 pr Lots 38-39; bik. 31, 4 420 pr Lots 23-24, blk. 2. 785 pr Lots 29-26, bik. 27. is, and therefore the 900 pr Lots 25-26, bik. 21. Lot 14, block 80 for 1050.00. (Best buy in the city) B.F. Souch,Pim.s. DRUG STORE, TORONTO ST. HARDWARE 60., LTD. CALIFORNIA Asparagus Tips This Asparagus is packed in California, the centre of the best asparagus growing section in the world, immediately after be- ing cut and therefore retains all its natural delicacy and flavor. H.W. Irei Main Street. 3 Phone 54. 3 en News Want Ads. Pay. Try.. Em. 7. Richeson, and though sane he fodical spells ance or hysteri hh oh be + * + + + + + + + + + + * - + The fourth o hibition which ness. Ii event ha should d day, T A. P. D principa syndicat this, the tunity 0 had coll penses 0 to donat ing cont charged and st a Ent and a ni country Reb bob bob thee
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Image 838 (1912-05-17), from microfilm reel 838, (CU1771841). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.