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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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afford to miss. Store . HAVE YOU NOTICED Our West Window Tt contains Some seasonable lines of ODD TROUSERS SOFT SHIRTS, NECKWEAR and UNDERWEAR. Goods that you need and values that you cannot CPR. Man s gt; H. S. Ireland . Wirt A SMILE fail MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. - DESTRUCTION bY OLOSCROFT TOOK TWO MONTH TERM Case Which Has Now Be- come Famous for Many Adjournments is Ended. 7 MAGISTRATE. BAD SOME. TRING TO SAY AT CLOSE Most Extraordinary Case That has Ever Come Un- der His Jurisdiction. Jno. Oldseroft wore a dig grin when, two months imprisonment with For YOU CAN BUY A GENUINE GOURLAY PIANO 425 to 650 and l FANGS. PATE or 800 to 950 Be or Terms hard labor this afternoonfor false pretenses. Mr. Kealy in passing judgment said it was one of the most as tounding cases he hed ever been asked to pass sentence on. What with the Attorney General s inter- ference, the changes against the po- liee-ot holding back evidence and several unfounded stories that float- ed around. The offence was more or less a technical one, but ho had no doubt-in his hind. that jnicely from her 0 r+ Magisirate Kealy -passed sentenseof yo yap 3 seth Ot aN SOCTAL AND PERSONAL Mr. A. J. N, Torvill returned this morning from the annval convention of the Alberta and British Colum- Sia Press; Association at Nelson. Medisine-Hat and Edmonton were contestants for the 1 13 convention. Phe vote was a tic and Edmonton won on the Secretary's casting bal- lot. Mrs. W. is recovering tion for ap- H. Will pend TODAY'S 8 MARKETS. Winnipeg, J opened 1078) ciosed 106 ; Oct. 943, 94. Dee. closed 91 . July Oats jelosed 383; Oct. opened 358, closed 354. Ex. No. 1 Feed, July, opened 6, losed 453. July Flax closed 175; October closed 165. CASH PRICES: Wheat, 1 Nor closed 1054; (2 8 North, 63; 6 North, 58). eed, 58 . Barley No 3, 52; reject- fed, 443. Feed, 443. Minneapolis, July 29. July wheat pened 107, closed 107; Sept. 958, 5h: Dec. 96, 953. Chicago, July pened 99 , closed 98 ; 1944; Dec, 963; 968 MONTANA PROGRESSIVES 29. July wheat Sept. 943, Helena, Mont., July 29 A State Oldscroft had obtained the money by false appeared light, but he thought the nds of justice would be met by pretences. The ae ARE YOU SAVING THE COUPONS ? Medicine Hat-Music Cv. Sal you may get any that you have missed at our store. convention of the third party support- ers in Montana met here today to elect delegates to the coming national con- vention in Chicago. Under the Big Fiddle. for the prisoner had been detained sbout a month on the charge. D. W. Brown, the witness who has delayed the case so long by his non-attendance, gaye evidence this morning of receiving the checks amounting to 10,075 from Oldscroft. 10,000 of which was for first pay- went an South Rallway Street. KEEP THIS CUT OUT.THE WHOLE ADVT. every Dollar s worth of Music you Purchase from us dur- Safety ing the next ten days, Or a full ? good for 10 on the purchase. price of any Piano or Player THE MEDICINE HAT MUSIC CF. Under the Big Fiddle. the above advertise of Sheet Music for of ten conpons is F x 3 Piano in our store, Not goad alter August 10th, 1912. had funds in the Toronto bank at Winnipeg, but was at the time ed that Oldscroft also represented he was a brother of W. B. Lanni- gan, the well known C. P. R. of ficial at Winnipeg. ment to the effect that the property in good faith, and was buying, not but Ed. Lannigan of Winnipeg, and A. D. MeCrae of the same city. He could not explain how it to Lannigan had been, addressed w. B. he had no funds in the bi the. time, but- if he had got to Winnipeg before these cheeks had CREAM - PHONE 26. . B McKINNON, President) H. C. COOPER, Vice-President. McKinnon S Ltd. The Up-to-date BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS CLEARANCE SALE on LAWN MOWERS, GARDEN HOSE, GRASS SHEARS, NOZZLES: WATERING CANS, ICE FREEZERS, HAMMOCKS AND LAWN SEATS. At specially REDUCED PRICES G For the next TEN DAYS. THE MARSHALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE CO., LID. TORONTO ST., MEDICINE HAT. The same virtues characterize every loaf of MOTHER'S BREAD SE prciannsos, Gen. Mer. oe RICHARDSON, Sect.-Trea i 4 . Makers of, Butter Nut and White Heather Bread. Registered Brands. This business is now under the supervision of Mr: J. B. Rich- ardson, formerly of Winnipeg, who has had a large experience in ihe manufacture of first-class Bread and Confectionary. One of the best equipped-tee-Cream Parlors in the West. On and after the 15th of August this business will be conducted on Strictly Cash basis. - TASSIE BROS. Look for the Label. ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS have been made to meet them. FIREMEN BRAVED DANGER 10 SAVE Blaze at Drake s Auto Gar- Last night a fire broke the automobile garage owned by E. C. Drake, on Main street. The fire brigade made a very quick turn out, and despite the fact that gaso- line was stored in the building and chances looked very slim for the quelling of the flames, and for the saying of the livery stable which is the next building, the damage done was not more than 100. A barrel took fire, but the firemen were sur gt; cessful in harpooning it and drag- ging it from the building. Immed- iately after being pulled to the gasoline flared up, the This action, coupled with the fact that the garage is an excellent fire- proof building were the only factors that prevented a disastrous fire. Phree automobiles stored there were slightly damaged. These Two are Money Makers. 50 ft. in Rosedale next to city Property and close to Ogilvie spur with good house and stable at only 1,900 cash or 2,000 terms. 84 ft, corner of Sixth Ave. and Braemar St. Ideal site for an apartment house. 4,000. One-third cash; six and waive months. B. F. SOUCH, Phun. B. Office at back of Drug, Store 884 Toronto St. property in town, and the . T' to Represent Medi other two amounting to 75 were Citle Ba Typographical cashed on Oldscroft representing he, short of ready cash. Witness. stat . Oldseroft made rambling state - he bought for W. B. Lannigan, was that a telegram addressed by him instead of E. He knew at been handed in arrangements could: BURNING GIRAGE age Had Element of Dan- ger Practically: no Loss. out in of gasoline containing . 60 gallons flames reaching fully 25 feet high OFF..TO BIG CONVENTION Mr. Ben. Watkins Leaves Union at Cleveland. Mr. Ben, . Watkins leaves today forthe Bast'-to act as delegate from Medi ine Hat Typographical Union to the anntial convention of the International Typographical Un- ion, which mects in Cleveland from August, 12 to 17. Mr. Watkins will also spend several weeks with friends and relatives, in his old haunt tn Ontario, 2. The convention will be held in the armory beilding of the Cleveland Grays, ove of the most commodious on the continent, and several iun- dred delegates wil be in attendance. This is the, second convention the local nnion has-been represented at since receiving its charter three years ago. Last. year Mr. James Thompson going to San Francisco and incidentally * boosting the gas city with the originality displayed on his business cards.. Mr. Watkins will mo doubt again bring the Hat to the ,front in the distribution of his cards which include the quota- tions, From Medicine Hat, Al- derta, Dominion- of Canada, The Town with All Hell for a Base- ment Kipling. In all. 59,703 members will be re- preserited by delegates at the con vention, an increase of 3,516 over lJast year, of which 1038 are enjoy- ing the benefits of the old age pen- sion system of the I. T. U. These members earned last y ime 53,378,- 902, an increase of 3,608/234 over the previous year. Of the 40 typographical unions in Canada, delegates have been elected to attend from Medicine Hat, To- onto. (3), Ottawa (2), Hamilton, London, Stratford, Montreal (2), Winnipeg, Victoria, Kingston, Van- couver (2), Brantford, Guelph, St. Catharines, Fort William, Calgary, minster, Regina, Saskatoon. Among the entertainments ta be furnished the delegates during the week will be steamer excursion on Lake Erie, trolley party to cover all lines in the ty, attendance en masse at Chicago-Cleveland ball game, day of sports and amuse- ments at Luna Park, with big fire- works display, moonlight trip on ; Lake Erie. According to the ad- vanes programme fun feeds will be continuously a feature, while con- certs, dances and other amusements will be furnished in-abundance. MEET TO DISCUSS JOURNALISM Special: to the News) Madison, Wis., July 29 AM of the good and bad points of modern jour- nalism are to be threshed out here this week at a conference which was opened today under the auspices of the University of Wisconsin. The con ference is national in its scope andits one of the most notable of its kind ever heli in this country. Keeping the newspaper independent and free from outside influences 1s the principal top- fe scheduled for discussion. Melville E. Stone of Chicago, William J. Bryan of Nebraska, William Allen White of Kansas, Norman Hapgood of New York, Charles H. Grasty of Baltimore. and Fremont Older of San Francisco re among the notable men who have GREAT WEST HOTEL cciiy view . OOMPLETELY-GUTTED Proprietor Burned About OF PRINTERS , St. Thomas, Pt. Arthur, New West- FIRE THREATHED IRVINE-VILLAGE Hat Fire Department Re- sponded to Their Call for Assistance, Face and Hands by a Lamp Explosion. In Feapopse to a hurry-up-call from Irvine to the effect that the whole vil- lage was burning, Mayor Spencer on gt; Suturduy night dispatehed the Hat fire engine to the assistance of the sister municipality. The worst fears of the Irvine villagers proved ground- less, howev mative methods, assisted. by all the villagers who turned out, the fire was , and with thelr own pri- Kept from spreading, and only the Great West Hotel, where it originated, fell a prey to the flames. Proprietor John Pollick was light- ing the gasoline lamps in the office of the hotel when it exploded, start- ing the fire, He was badly burned about the face and hands. Part of his clothing took fire and he had to divest himself of them rather quickly to keep himself from. being burned to death. The hotel was reduced to a pile of burning debris when the Hat depart- men: ctically Burned its lf out, the vil- lage firemen giving up most of thelr time to preventing its spreading to ad- joining buildings. When the call was received here Mayor Spencer ordered the engine to go down. The. C. P. R, provided a special train and after the engine was loaded good run. down was, made: Some trouble was experienced get- ting the car loaded, as it went through the floor of the first flat car. The Mayor and many other citizens, assisted the department as much as The Great French Tonic had VIGOROL Makes Mon-and-Women Strong Mr. Pingte, Your Draggtst; 1s. the First to Import this Into Medl- cine Hat Get a Bottle and he Mealthy. Since the introduction of VIGOROL into Canada the sale has been phen- omenal, VIGOROL s purely m tonic up the run-down syatem, creates NeW Teune- lite The on question is what to take. You can rely upon VIGOROL as one of the greatest if not) the greatest, that man ever prescribed, Every drop of this wonderful French Tonic con- tains life. Your nerves are toned up thetr-preper-tention.. The stom ach and bowels are made healthy and strong, while the kl nt fare cleansed and put in good work- ing order. Headaches, billousness and all blodd impurities are at once removed; The skin becomes clear and healthy. VIGOROL tn short will change your whole system making ft pure and healthy. Mr. Pingle, . your druggist, will refund your, money if it fail, Price 1.09. a bottle. MAKE CITY BONDS MORE ATTRACTIVE Interest on all Debentures Will be Payable Half Yearly in Future. OLD DEBENTURE BY-LAWS CANCELLED NEW ONES ISSUED Two Bylaws for for Sale of. De- bentures Recently Pass. ed Also K Killed. 7 750 tt., Book 23;' 1000., Central Park 50 ft., water and gas, Block 16, 1000. bo ft, Pick 18, 8007 can BO ft. Block 4 (sewer, ws, and gas) 1300, Pe 3 High School Annex 50 ft. corner, Block 23, 1200. 50-Tt Blable-20, 1100 North Yuill. 60 ft. tots, Block 18;- 700-each. South Yuill 50 ft. lot, Block 8, 1060, Rosedale - lot, Block 7, 1200 cash. Riverside. BOT. lots, Block 14, 600. 50 ft, Tots, Block 15, 560. 5Ox300 ft, Block C* 1200, H. Cy. Pettet Co. - 963 Toronto St Phone 481. 60 Houses If you are looking for a Homie, see W. Hl. ROSEWARNE Builder, Phone 800. NOTICE cl Port A the restil striking 4 Northern together. city 2 a with sta ing four two of 1 ere are several treatmen while ths Dn J Carlberry s and Carmbu stores-and the Union Bank branch doomed, Close by is a large lumber yard aud they feared that the flying sparks might reach it too and so the . D. Q. call was sent to the Hat. threugh to the basement. deserving of a great from their villagers, of the blaze to the other buildings. 20,000 and is insured. The Hat train only stayed about half an hour and then returned home. A good time was enjoyed on the way back. Various songs were given, reci- Mayor and many others ali joined in. INFANT CHILD DEAD month old son of o'clock. NEW-MEXICO PROGRESSIVES (Special to the News) Albuquerque, N.M. July 29. Lead- ing Roosevelt supporters in New Mex- convention to complete organization and elect delgates to the National Progressive convention in Chicago. Real Good Buys HERALD Block 5, Lots 24-25, 1200, terms, Block 10, lots 1-2, 800 terms, Block 10, lots 39-40, 800, terms. Block 6, lots 28-29, 1475, cash. Block D, lots 5-6, 4000, terms. Block 1, lots 40-42, 2000, terms. Block 17, lots 39-40, 750, terms. HILL Block 27, lots 37 to -40, 1000, terms. Block 21, lots 13 to 20, 400 pair. Block 28, lots 1 to 20,- 500 pair. Block 29, lots 11-12, 525, terms. RIVERSIDE Block 15, lots 86 to 40, terms, ACREAGE 160 acres half within the 3-mile cirele, 250 per acre, Terms, 80 acres, all within the 2 1-2 mile circle. , 850 per acre. iy Real Fire, Life, Accident, Hail and Plate Glass Inserance. 1500, Accepted invitation to address the conference, Subscribe for thp Dally News, *P, 0, Box 816, were the buildings which, to the Ir- vine villagers, looked for a time to be With their water off, it was a tried and thoroughly snaked bunch of fire- fighters whieh stood gasping at the dying embers of the big blaze when. the Hat firemen arrived. All that was lett of the Hotel was the foundation and piles of debris which had fallen The Irvine fire department is sure deal of credit All admit that they did well preventing the spread , The hotel was a two-storey frame structure and the loss will be about tations, etc., to enliven the trip. The James Galloway Muir, the twenty- John. and Annie Muir of 213 Ottawa Street,died last night. The fimeral was held this af- ternoon to Hillside Cemetery at two ico rounded up here today for State gt; ing out the same plan. The third by-law was changing the home ot te str/Of BAILIF F S SALE CITY STABLES, IN MEDICINE HAT, To make the Sin 's general more attractive to purchasers, special meeting of the city council . Notice is hereby given that the Po this morning Pi by-laws Lit tn HORSES B for agen into force new ones Fegulat: . ssed by me on the 11th day of July, Two of thi li celled by- 1911,. under powers contained In a a nee awe, canceled *y Chattel Mortgage dated th 4th day Lauri cently passed by the council- In f April, 1912, will be sold by te these by-laws the interest. was pay- i able yearly. The --opinion-ge- xe- PU BLIC AUCTION council and thetr-fiseal-agents is that the purchasers wish, to have ore a their, interest half yearly, it would : oo make the bonds and debentares August Ist, 1912 Leona, more attractive and facilitate their 2 tins sale. Many other cities are follow: lat'2-o clock. in the afternoon, at the eee i ton with Poirits out of debentures and in future now all city bonds will bear interest at Ove per cent. payable half yearly. * A NEW ONE THE MARYLAND DAIRY will deliver to your home every morning the fresh- est of Milk and Cream. A trial is all we ask. W. W. KYLE, Proprietor. hands, Notice of Removal GEO. CAMPBELL, - Tailor has removed his Tailoring business from Toronto St. to 331 North Railway: St. Suits made to order as usual. Ladies and Gents Clothing Repalred, Cleaned and Pressed by expert Work called for and delivered. ute PHONE 486: Main Street. * H.W. Ireiand Co. Phone 54. as-foliows; that-is-to-say: J 7 ractically q , altho One team Black Geldings, I a igh weight about 1550. alone. 7 One Black Percheron Stal- eral. lion, registered No. 52772, possess named Chicago. of Commo One grey French Draft Stal- Thesart lion, registered No. 14873, fj tos pte named Montiego. Canada is HORSES ON VIEW AT CITY. the other STABLES. Mr. Spe JOHN BENSON, Bailiff. salted. on Dated the 24th day of July, 1912. foreign pr 16d3t. any realty inet will In that 1 Co Steam Fe 8. Rekport City of F from Batt ly today i William C ported to north of B Tokio, J emonies ii ship of th the death Mutzuhito throne of. tinued tod which the the era-ct
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Image 171 (1912-07-29), from microfilm reel 171, (CU1772264). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.