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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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squitoes. The front sec Ke inatead of being per- se the other sides, This effect Is prod: strip of wood cut out iu upper side. wwe is made of the name ded screen, covered with make the structure look paint or craydn is used 8 of mortar on the red fooks as If made entire- ck. The middie section as a wooden strip put and on this are erected od. 80 that with the base ngle. From the peak of spended the school house ed brick school house Is as the largest and hand- use in the world. It has fadtened above the door. the American fing. The blackboard inside on wells. This screen house gt; with little desk or nd a bench for the pupils. screen Ja of gray canvas, f dull purple and dark represent the varsing n an old log cabin. The e canvas, ore In the most elaborate It the screen houses. The ore is cut mway and a sehjeb ean be pat direct. ening, Is x re. ind scoops fo of thas wins a Re grove store aNd LAKH Aye st cun get fr well kuown ud pat bave oeen d ly made a ive fer prenious .b ake someti Christmas J and sinters will find it Weed to try theis skill creen houses. Albus up are used for those de be posatble to mnie the creeus of strips of mod with heary pape. ove already inarked iu rick patterns, . Those ike the corer for the aterial and cannot paint tly well to decorate the ce very good results by flowers cut from wall . wbo owned the of tlie meat Peg 2 Fountain Head of Life e Is The Stomach A man who hay a week and impsired stomach and who does not properly digest bie food will soom find that his blood bas become weak and impaverished, and that his whole body is improperly and insuticiently nourished. Dr. PIERGE S GOLDEN MEDIGRL DIBCOVERY restores the lost appetite, makes tect, Invigorates the liver and ches the blood. It Is the great b. strong Ia body, active in mind and cool in judgement. WOES OF A HOBO. Checkers Imagination Loses Him a Job. AN UNGRATEFUL PLUTOCRAT. He Isn't Appreciative When Checkers Prevents Wreck. and So the Latter Goes to Jail A Sure Thing Poker This Discovery is a pure, glycerio extract of American medical roots, ce shsolutely free from slcohol and all injurious, babit-forming drugs. All ite Sy MUKG: iicedients are printed on ite wrappers. It has 0. relationship with secret Bostrums. Ita every ingredient ia endorsed by the leaders im all the schools of (CPPPHEDE WLR py Associated Literary Don't accept a secret nostrum as dy OF KNOWN comro: many cures made by it dur Wortd's Dispensary Medical Ae ist 40 years, tion, Dr.'R. vi Pierce, Pres,, Buffalo, N. ubstitute for this time-provea usous; They must know of im your own neighborhood. HAD been working for tu for a week when be beckune out to the bara and sald Checkers, according to Y . PHONE 40. Following Lines in our Men s Wear Department. A chance to buy high-grade Shoes at medium prices. The Hartt Shoe PATENT OXFORDS ..... eum 4.50 Regular 5.75 for . Regular 5.75 foR pea SL 5 Regular 5.25 for .... SM TAN OXFORDS ...... Regular 6.25 for . GUN METAL BLUCHERS . Wb) Regular 5.75 for 22. 22.64. PATENT BLUCHERS . TAN BLUCHERS . These are all the very latest. styles. The People s Store SPENCER TODD A Reduction of 20 per cent. off the Spencer Todd yarns you've been telling aigbtly, have Killed six went the inst years. Seven, sir, 1 corrected. Well, seven, thru. You've ain bed eleven bouses And three stores. You've saved fur passenger traiu from destruction. Four js right, sir. And three otbers from being hiid ap. Just 80. And been Jo eIxteen different jatis Sixteen Is the vumber. And sov've been in Africa, Ludia, Rossia and otber foreign couvtries Just so. And you've sbot Hons and ters captured whales und sharks avd been a devil of a feller. Correct, sir. And now soirre going fo an Island th the south sea to be 9 King. Right you are But what of al this? T'll tell you what of It Yon are an infernal Mar, but my wife xwatiown your yarns for truth and looks upon sue tive row THE HOBO JUMPED UP AND, DOWN ON IT UNTIL Ir GAVE We can supply you with the latest improved Loose Leaf Systems at Eastern Prices. soete ND eeeteeoetoes oy Keep the money at home. Pee Get our prices before sending out of. the city for these goods. We carry a full stock-of Binders , Indexes, Ledger Sheets; Account Forms, etc. for this work. We make a speciality of Loose Leaf Binders, in Cor- duroy and Leather, Canvass and Leather, Canvass etce., and can make them any size to order. losloneatoefetondetoateneaty Gpegpnseedeteatestrto trend etntnetoeeteedodiedbateegeceetee Medlomna Hat News, L Ltd. seapedeusnsees SELES POO VOR RIAT ADE TOOS SOT Ose TIey Spetoetenteatenteitontent Mews Want Ads. Pay. Try Em. you as a great bero. Last nlgbt, after you had ceased lying and gone to bei, she sald that you were a greater hero than she bad ever read or beard of. Well? Taking Ne Chances. You've got to Ko. If yon are n hero then it makes me out a gruxshopper I'm not golng to have my wife sighing to run off with you to be a queen, und that will be the result if you stay ou I'm a man that dun't take chances. Women afe curus critters, 1 said after a bit Durn my hide, but they are be re plied. 1 should fever think of eloping with your wife, but, as you say, It s better that 1 move along. can't. belp being a slick Har, I know you can't, but I'll pay you of and you can jog along 1 huin't anything agin you, hobo nottiing but the lying. You do that so well that you utiuost capture me. He banded me 9,.and 1 took the tacks. 1 badn't Hed Just for the suke of lying, but to entertain the family. and It did seem bard to lose wy job. 1 bad walked four miles when a teavy freight train passed me. 1 saw a rail break under the rear trucks of the last car, and when 1 had a closer took at It 1 started down the tracks to look for the section gang. The tratn that struck that broken rail would go toto the ditch for sure. After a two mille bike came upon sung abd told the foreman of the ou area Hart be promptly replied dor this dime A nebo and a tint This rond don't out down rotten rails. Away witb. you on there'll be a neck broken Truth Prevails, It too me ten miloates to convince hi that 1 was telling the truth, and then we all rode to the-spot on the byndewr, It was high time A passen- get train was ouly baifa mile away, And the private car of the boss of the road was one of the coaches. Ae came niong to see what was th matter, and when be bad been tol called out: This section gang is discharged on the sport Hut why blame as? protested the foreman. Becanse you onght to have discov- ered t sooner. Bot don t you see bow twas dove, sir? That rail never broke under the wheels. ? How then? Plain enongh, sir. This bobo Jomp- 4 ap and down op it cntil it gave way. So yon did, you scoundrel shouted the an he turned on me. Yes, that was the way of itr Shentodetentee teeter TIT FOR TAT. A man walking into a restaurant inadvertently left the door open. A big man eating his lunch immed- iately yelled: Shut the door, you fool Where were you raised in a barn? The man who had left the door open closed it, and then, dropping into a seat, buried his face in hi hands and began to weep, Tie It was broken by the freight, str. I humbly answered, Don't talk back to me, bobo Con Guctor, take him aboard snd at the next station turn him over to con- stable. I'll see whether the hoboes ruv this road or I do. We were delayed for an hour, and uring the intervais many of the pas- Jailed Five miles down the road, when we finally got started, I was banded over ae 4 g at was no other timate of the jai? Just at tbat time, and after the formal- ities had been complied with the jailer The Poker Game, that I'd be and when LT replied Thad got away with the cold bash and to win, and when L was 2 ahead of the game the jailer shoved me intd a cell and furnished me with olily bread and water. Re Asa Rule. The man who makes hay while the sun shines is usually arn wie ite Oni ste: useful to do during wet weather Detroit Free Press. A False Alarm. You ought to bave seen Mr. Mar sball when he called upon Dolly the other night, remarked Johnny to his sister s young man, who was taking tea with the family. I tell you be looked fine a-nitting there alongside of ber with bis arm* Johnny? gasped bis sister, ber face the color of a polled lobst Well, so be did. persisted Johnny. He bad bis arin Jobo screained bis mother tran- tically. sf Why, whined the boy, I was John. sald tis tater sternly, leave the roomr - And Johnny left. crying as be went, I was only golng to say that be bad lis army clothes on. Ladies Home Journal. Scotch Thrift. Robbie met a neighbor who was smoking some fine, fragrant tobacco sent by bis son in America. He took out his own pipe ostentatiously. Ha you a watch, Sandyt ne queried. The match was forthcoming, but nothing more, I do believe, said Robbie, I na left ma tobacco at hame. Then, said Sandy, after;s silence, ye micht gie me back ma match. Tit-Bits, the shoukler. My friend, he said. I didn't intend to hurt your feel- ings. I only wanted you to close the door. The man who was weeping raised his head and grinned. OK man. he said, I m not crying because you hurt .my feelings, but because you ask me if I was raised in barn. The fact is that I was rais- ed in a barn, and every time I big man looked somewhat uncom- fortable, and finally tapped him on hear an ass bray it makes . me homesick. BY-LAW NO. A By-law to authorize the issue. of Debentures of the City of Medicine: Hat to the amount of 300,000 (Three hundred thousapd) for the purpose of Improving the Waterworks system of said City. WHEREAS It is necessary and ex- pedient that the wuterworks system of the City of Medicine Hat should be further improved: lit will be necessary to Issue Debev- tures of the City of Medicine Hat for the sum of 300,000 as hereinafter pro- vided (which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this by-law) the proceeds of the sald Debentures to be applied for said purpose aud for no other. AND WHEREAS the Council has submitted to the Provincial Board of Health all plans and specifications in connection with the constriction of said mprovements and a Cortifi- cato of the Board of Health of the Province of Alberta signed by the chairman has been obtained stating that the id Improvements may be constructed, matntained and operated without injury or damage to the pub- lic health. AND WHEREAS the fotal amount required to be. raised annually by special rate for paying the sald debt and intefest 8 the sum of 19,500.00 whereof 15,000.00 is to be raised an-, nuatly for the paynient of interest dwting the /eurrency of the said De- B ntures and 4,500.00 fs to be raised inpually, for the purpose of raising a Sinking fund. for, payment of debt secured by the sald Debentures. AND WHEREAS the tgtal amount fof the whole ratable proherty of the ae. Medicina: Hat, 1g to the ast revised assess oll thereot s) 37,012.585.00. .? AND WHERBAS,the:amount of the existing Debenture:af/the sald City of Medicine Hat is 943 906.86, of which Ro. principal, of interest is in arrear. THEREFORE: THE MUNICIPAL: yCOUNCIL, OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF ;MEDICINE HAT HEREBY ENACTS As FOLLOWS: 1, The, sum. of 390,008.00 shall be expended in further improving the Waterworks system ef the said City, land for. the purpose of raising the said sum Debentures of the- said City of Medicine Hat shall be issued in sums pf not less. thal 1,000.00 each; each. of which; said Debefitures shall de Gated on ste. first day of July, 1932; and. hall bear: inter se. rors that: datte-snd shall be payable on the first dayot July, 194 the chief oftite: of th Bank of Montreat at wagon Hat, Toronto, . Montreal, bias peg ar New York. of the said Debentures Hau vegicnea pie dtsyor cand Treasurer of the said City, andthe Clerk of the, said..City -shall attach. thereto the Corporate seal of the Municipality. 3. The said Debentures shall bear interest at the rate of five per centum per annum, payable half yearly at one of the safd branches of the Bank of Montreal on the first day of Jan- uary and July in each year of the currency thereof and shall have at- tached to them coupons for the pay- ment of the said interest, which cou pons shall be signed by the Treasurer an Clerk of the said City. 4. During the currency of the said Debentures there shall be raised an- nually by special rate on all ratable property In the said City of Medicine Hat the sum of 15,000.00 for payment of interest on the said Debentures, and the sum of 4,500.00 for the .purpose of creating a sinking fund for pay- ment of the debt hereby secured, making in all the sum of 19,500.00 to be raised annually by special rate aforesaid during each of the said years, 5. This bylaw shall take effect on the date of the final passing thereof. 6. The votes of the Burgesses of the sald City shall be taken on this Bylaw at the following times and places: that is to say on the fifteenth day ot August commencing at the hour of nine o clock in the forenoon and continuing until five o clock in the afternoon of the same day by the following Deputy Returning Ofticers; for Wards 1 and 2at the City Hall by T. C. Blatchford, Deputy: Returning Officer; for Wards 3 and 4 at the Court House by J.-H. G. Bray, Deputy Returning Officer. 7. On Wednesday, the fourteenth day of August, 1912, the Mayor of the said City shall. attend at his office in the City Hall-at ten o'clock In the forenoon to appoint persons to at- tend at the various places aforesaid, and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of the persons. interested in promoting or opposing the passing of this bylaw re- spectively. 8, The Clerk of the said City shall attend at his office in the City Hall in the sald City of Medicine Hat at ten o'clock in the forenoon of Friday, the sixteenth day of August, for the purpose of summing up the number of votes for and against the bylaw. 9. Herbert Baker shall be the Re- turning Officer. Read a first time this 23nd day of July, A. D., 1912. (Sgd.) NELSON SPENCER, Mayor. (8g4.) -H. BAKER, City Clerk. Read a second time this 22nd day of July A. D., 1912. ) (8gd.) NELSON SPENCER, Mayor. aw (Sgd.) H. BAKER, City Clerk. AND WHEREAS in order therelolnneq tn the Medicine that thetbressing Is a true copy of the propeiied bylaw to authorize the fasue ot debentures of the City of Medicine Hat to the mount of 300,- 000.00 por the purpose of improving Waterworks system of the City of Medicine Hat, which has been intro- duced. and which may be finally pass- ed Un the event of the assent of the burgesses being obtained thereto) after one month from the date of the 28rd day of Juby, that being the date upon which this notice is first pub- Hat News, Medicine Hat, and upon the fifteenth day of August, 1912, the voting there- on will be held between the hours 0 nine o'clock and five o'clock p.m. at the following places fixed for tak- ing the votes of the burgesses: For voters ia Wards Nos. 1 and 2, at the Councit-ciamber- tthe City Hall; for voters residing in Wards Nos. 3 and 4at the Court House. Medicine Hat, July 22nd, 1912 (8sd) -H. BAKER, Gity Clerk House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY .TEAMING NORETE WORK. xZ Would you be glad of the chance to rent a room or two to congenial peo- ple? Would you ilke to secure a more proficabl .position where. the chances for ai Memement are more certain Would ybt like 10 dispose of touse- hold property-or realty at a fair price? Would you Ike-to Jocate a business ve sie a few ate seore or time. We can xna, brated. Hons that may be asked through the Want Col- Pug Giip Walls; oo coasted put initouch with those who have to Fent. Business partners aro Teatty ts donght and lt;* miployes and employers are brought a together, buyers and sellers nigh +, A462 Pr euch day'as a result of the little Want hs that have to play such an ) m- portant part in modern business. : ssi Are you taking full advantage of the Wants? Phoneyour Wants of No. 13, Ring 2 2 Medicin Two shows daily afternoon oetecteteatesieerteagoate ay PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given DEPP LPEPEDLS Se 9 bands, 250 horses, people of all climes in native costumes will be shown in parade. ne Hat MONDAY, AUGUST. open dens of elephants, came. at 2, night at 8, a' and 7 p.m. Waterproof tents. Admission 25 cents to see if all. Peery sete eee Western Canada Lumber Co.L Ltd. Neponset Water- PHONE 467 LARGE STOCK OF o Dry Common Lumber, Fir and Cedar Finish, Fir and Cedar Doors; Fir, o Maple, and Oak Flooring, SOLE AGENTS FOR S Paroid Roofing, V4 proof Paper, Neponset Roofing, Felt, B. and S. Wall Board requires no s further finish. SEE US BEFORE BUYING. YARD EAST ecuneees 4 floor that will Inst lite upply you with Oak, Maple, and Bleek flooring at Voriutttle mare coat to you than the common BEAVER BOALD For inside finish, Ask for We handle the cele- seis ' 4
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Image 178 (1912-07-30), from microfilm reel 178, (CU1772247). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.