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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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tl P.Q., July 26 A bumper Canadian Pacific is making Hort to qect the demands that pany for the De: an order has been placed American Car and Foundry Sars and for a similar number with Barney Smith Co. : ler too large or too small for MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS, ai hat are the foremost word of value. Just take a look at our east window and see what a power- 15.00 is for value. We have your size, too. Our West Window ' Contains a great-range-of SHIRTS. Most. pleasing patterns and good cloths for 1,00 each. C. P. R. Men's Store C.P:R. HAS ORDERED er John Haggart, Simms of Little Current, sank .at moorings at the new Ontario fifteen morning, The Haggart was. badly. At 3 o'clock thia mprhing in the West this year Ing to port, She had a and lumber. may have been drowned seen at the dock shortly before supply of a thousand and has not been seen aince, 8 he is anxious to return to see partment. Give us a John Haggart Leaking Badly, Sinks at the:Soo, Sault Ste Marine, July, 26 The.steam- owned by T. dock: in feet of water, -mt 8.90 t started to settle and welt down Ust- tokfra ot hay It 1s believed one man he was boat sank, in an intoxicated condition, Mr, Pelletier is not going to Rome ther, who is ill and therefore sails on the Empress of Britain August 9th. WANTS TO GET TIED UP IN MEDICINE HAT YOUNG MAN WANTS ous Note From a Scribe. The Medicine Hat Council has wonderful reput +pernoms asking for advice congetvable subject. paper man, who residence in Canada, lowing, mouths under twenty-one, an Ameri st Years realdence in lt;i 'Phe young lady is and proceed to the Pacific Coast. K der out? Are our ages any ing Shelia her home town in the States? ry the day rwe meet? the tion from the young fellow s point of nor did he advise the young man his /been settled, His answer was: place any obstacles in your way. TO KNOW OBSTACLES City Oterk Baker the Recip- jent-of a Rather Humor- a fon for doing things right, and their reputation is getting sd riWespread that, they are inundated with letters of every description from on every A Yankee news- fs evidently badly siltten, and who is going to take up forwarded the fo - ti8. of Torouto St. returned Wednes- ich wag received this morn- day night from a trip to Hartney- What steps are necessary to take in the folowing situation? J am five can And a heWspaber man with-a fow. British Columbia. 1 cwanty, and is at Present with her parents in the States. We are going to meet in the praires lin' arly September, get the knot tied We Want to marry as soon as we meet. How does the matter of license work obstacle? louver, or Medicine Hat? Ts it nec- essary for the girl to secure a license/-serveq-at the hame-of the bride s Is there any reason why we cannot mar- Mr. Herbert Baker, the Clerk of the Council, evi- dently knowing the feeling and appre- ciating the seriousness of the proposi- view, did not send any facetions reply, to wait until (ie marriage argument had Get married in Medicine Hat. We won't SOCTAL AND PERSONAL Shellard left last night for the Old Country. He sails on the Cunard Miner Corona which leaves York for Liverpool on the 3ist July, Tuesday was Commercial Travel- lers Day at te big Fair at Brandon. Mr. J. Morris, representing the Al- berta Safe and Lock Co, of this city, was among te travellers present. L. Searles. Suffield, 1s staying in the elty. B. W, L. Apwell ts registered at the Royal. EOD Meets, Caristadt, Is staying in the city. Mr. J. Morris and the Misses- Mor- other Manitoba points, - Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sibley are visiting Mrs. W. E. Hay, 936 Bs- pPlanade. MEEKER-ANDERSON. On Thursiay evening at eight o'clock. Miss Elizabeth Anderson was united in marriage to Mr, Elmer Meeker, foth of Medicine Hat. The After the wedding, m dimmer was borther on WN. Railway street. STORVICK HEFTA. - : et Today at noon. at) 808 Princess Ave. Rev. HB. B. Hence united in marriage Miss J. Hefta. and Mr. Bimer 3B. Storvick, toth of Thomson, Alta. Kaiser s Old Timer 10c Cigar. Subscribe now for the Daily News. The Angelus Player,action is the latest production of the White and Wilcox Co., who are the original inventors of the Player ... Piano. made The Gourlay is the only Canadian- instrument using the Angelus Player Action. Let us demonstrate to you wherein. The Gomday-Angelus Player 1s the Eighth Wonder of the World THE MEDICINE HAT MUSIC 0 South Railway Street. Under the Big Fidille. KEEP THIS CUT OUT THE WHOLE ADVT. This Coupon, if not detached from the above: advertise: ment. is good for One Dollar's worth of Sheet Musle for every Dollar s worth of Music you purchase from us dur- ing the next ten days. Or a fall-set of ten coupons is g00d for 10 on the purchase price of any Piano or Player Piano in our store. Not good after August 10th, 1912. OPEN EVENINGS. a) The Medicine Kat Mi ARE YOU SAVING THE COUPONS ? If not, you may get any that you have missed at our store. sic Co. Under the Big Fiddle. RURAL DEAN-DAVIS. Baptism Sacrament Admin. istered Followed By Busi- ness Meeting and Recep- The Rev. B. A. Davis, B.A, rector of VISITED GARESTADT cute, at Bae se coca TODAY S MARKETS. Russian weather andthe smallngss of shipments from Afge ntina and Afistra- Tia made the wheat matkets today in- cline to the bullsid : Heavy rains were said to have impeded the pro- gress in the harvest in the Czar's coun: try. The fast that export bids this morning were fairly.close to the mar- ceremony was performed by Rev. HH Hench at 808-Prinees Ave- Ifyou are looking for Real Good Buys Read This List Altawana Lots 3-4, Block 10, 1050 Cash. Lots 1-2, Block 6, 1150, terms. Riverside Park. Lots 31-38, Block 7, 600 pair: Terms. Lots 3-20, Block 18, 600 pair. Terms. Lots 18-14, Block 1, 750 pair. Herald Survey Lots 8-9, Block G, 1500- pair. OCK 5, 1475 pal. Lot 36, Block 82, 1150. Terms. Lots 16-17, Block 52, 2000 each. Terms; GAS CITY REALTY Co. Life, Fire, Accident, Hall and Plate Glass Insurance, 410 Main St. P, 0, Box 816. Houses If you are looking for a. Home, see W. H. ROSEWARKE Builder. ON THE MARYEAND DAIRY will deliver to your home every nioraiie the Tresh- est of Milk-and Cream. A trial fs all we ask. Tr DELEGATES 10 1 NATIONAL CONVENTION Representatives of Progres- sives From all Over th: ( State are Gathered at Fargo. (W. A. P, Dispateh) Fargo, -N.D., July 26. A State convention of North Dakota Pro- cressive Republicans to select dele- gates to National Roosevelt conved- tion at 5 2 session here today. Several hundred members of that factiou have al ready arrived. There appears to be fight between followers of Com gressman 1. B. Hanna and Buchanan, 0 ndldrsecsant of Governorship. The former won the nomination at the recent prim- ary clection over the latter, but Buchanan is not jatisfiel with the results, At a conference of the leaders it 50 ft. Lots, Block 18, 700. 50 ft. lot, Block 8, 825. 50 ft. lots, Block 18, 785. SOUTH YUILL 50 ft, lot, Block 8, 1050, 50 ft. lots, Block 6, 1050. RIVERSIDE 50 ft, lots, Block 7, 600. 30 ff, lots, Block 14, 600. 50 tt, Block 33, 2600. BO 1, Block Sh. 1500 50 ft. corner, Block 23, 1200. cist ee ol HL C, PETTELG CO, day's convention is to pass over 868 Toronto St Phone 481. any reference to the state ticket and - not to select presidential electors until after the Chicago convention. Tho conference also decided-that a second convention should be held the tin 5,000 week following Nati omens en aa i rate of about ue sither ab Jamestown of Valley + r9-Gtdeons of old; armed only Wit CIDEONS CONVENE ot Jericho and the walls crumbled tq National. Convention of the ground. Atlanta expects no sucl fate as the result of the gathering f Christian Travellers at Atlanta. that olfy today of the modern Gideon: for the Georgia capital is a dry (Special to the News.) Atlanta, Ga, July 26 It you be- town and as such meets the require ments of the order of Christian trav eling men, assembled in international 0) . From all over the United Jong to Gideon's band, your proper lace I n s - only a fraction of the totat number of Gideuns, are here. The major por- States and Canada the dummers hil meet -in Atlanta, leaving: thely tion are busy selling goods over. the north, east, south and west and wish- sample cases behind, to discuss plani jects for carrying on thell work. Already they have placed Bibi in hotel rooms throughout Americal ing they were in Atfanta, be Gid e Christian Traveling Men's Association of America, and this is thelr annual jand they have many other-importan Sch mes under consideration foi international convention. The opening e i Canada, At the present time, accord ing to the reports, the work is beln map Christianizing their colleagues af tht CREYOLVER PRACTICE fall over the province are in town fo the revolver practice which is bein held at the rif le range this weel Very good shooting is going on ani Hotel, was devoted to reports from National Secretary Nicholson of Janes- ville, Wis, and other officers and State superintendents of the associa- tion, These reports showed gratify- there is great competition betwe ing progress during the past year, e - the Mounties from: the. various d the great mtsetonamdarsf er taken by the Gideons of placing-a-Bi- score: ble in every guest room of every ho- Details af the competition will b tel thronghout the Unit d siven-ima late Z - St. Barnabas, as Rural Dean, visited Carlstadt yesterday, the 25th, accom- panied by the student-in-charge of the Parish, Mr. J. H. Baldwin, of StJohn's College, who met the Rural Dean at Suffield. In the afternsdiiat f o'clock ed. At 8 p.m. a business meeting of the parishioners was held: The Rural Dean presided. Mr. John Coffin was elected secretary. The following offi- cers were elected: Clergyman's War- den, Mr. 0. G. Woods; People's War- den, Mr. C. H. Wagner; Vestrymen, Messrs, S. G. McNabb, Geo. Beatty, Douglas Jerrold, T. J. Baskin, John Coffin and W. H. Cotter; Auditors, Dr. Mason and Mr. W. H. Johnston, After the businiess meeting a reception was held. Mr. C. H. Wagner acted as chairman. The Rural Dean gave an address, and a most excellent pro- graniine of musical selections and Trec- tations was rendered, after which re- freshments were served, by the ladies of the parigh. The reception, which Was very cordial, was attended by members of other denominations, as well as by members of the Church of England. PURCHASED HAT HORSES - FOR MOUNTED POLICE Commissioner Perry Here CREAM CLEARANCE ON LAWN MOWERS, GARDEN HOSE, GRASS SHEARS, No SALE S WATERING CANS, ICE FREEZERS, HAMMOCKS AND LAWN SEATS. At specially REDUCED PRICES For.the next TEN DAYS. THE MARSHALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE-CO.;-L1D. PHONE 26.. TORONTO ST., MEDICINE HAT. On a Tour of Inspection. Commissioner Perry of the R. N. W. M. P., Regina, is in town today on a visit of inspection, While here he bought 30 head of horses from Messrs. Days' ranch for the use of the men at Regina. He leaves for Regina to- night. INSANE WOMAN HELD Mrs. Hollick Removed from Home to Police Barracks. amined Mrs, Hollick, the Bohemian woman whose husband applied at yes- terday' s police cou: mitted to a lunatic asylum, Magis- the sacrament of baptism, wis obsery-/ tively steady the mrarketsticimed 10 theres. After Drs. Smith and Woodland ex- . conducted at Banff, beginning Aug. 7th. Students who attend this school Ket caused attention to center more than heretofore on fhe trans-Atlantic outlook. Prices opened a quarter off to half and 5-8 higher. Sept. started 98 to 93 3-4. em l W. KYLE, Proprietor. F. B, McKINNON, President. H. C. COOPER, Vice-President. J. B) RICHARDSON, Gen. Mer. J.J. RICHARDSON, Sect-Treas.- HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX : Tor Lond notes beatir deare tones spec be cor Japa Toki Mutsui was 6 terday extrem greatls rise t others Jesty minist Although oats remained omparas sag with corn. St. Paul opened un- changed, to a sfxt enth higher at 33 1-2 to 33 1-8, and 5-8, and sold at 33 5-8, and fell to 33 1-3. Winnipeg, Man. July 26 July wheat opened 107 3- closed. 107; Octoder-94- 8-8, 94 1-4; December 92 1-4, 93. 1-4, July Oats opened 39 3-4, closed 39 3-8; October 36, 35 1-2; extra No. 1 July Feed closed 4 41-2; July Flax 185, 183; Oct. 167 1-2, 165 1-2. Cash Prices. 4 . No. 1 nor., 107; No. 2 nor. 10 Oats, No. 2 C. W., 38 3-4; No. 3.C. 37 1-2; No. I Feed, 37; No. 2 Feed, 34; Barley, No. 3, 50; rejecte d44; Feed 44, American Markets. Minneapolis, July 26. July wheat opened 105 1-4, closed 105 1-4; Sept. 95 1-4, 95; Dec. 95 7-8, 95 3-4, 94 1-8, 937-8; Dec. 5 1-2, 95 1-4. Chicago, Ill, July 26 Outbreaks, of rust in North Dakota and Saskat- chewan resulted in further) harden- ing the market. There , were also large export sales, The close was firm, 11 1-8 a 11 1-4 net higher for Sept. at 93 7-8 cents, A SUCCESSFUL SUMMER SCHOOL. A most successful summer school has been conducted at Seba Beach, c on Wake Wabamun, 50 miles west of Edmonton. About 35 students attended the school, studying a Bi. ble course, religious educational methods, sociology, and missionary A decided intekest was taken in all the study classes. he-same type of school will be Indications now point to 2 - one hundred and cighty miles north. Burns Lake west of Fort. George. The men quit has been talk of worl vingial ,government soldiers and police protection to the north immediately. Then if this is done-it will-take-ten days for the men to reach out-lying yortions of the grade where work bas been car- ried on. men who have small contracts on grade are now the only ones work- ing. Industrial workers claim that by the end of the week tho will be tied up and that another thousand men wilh quit work.- 1 Wes TEP ROAD CONSTRUCTION 2,000 of Them Have Gone Out on Strike on G.T.-P. Construction. men, the Industrial Workers of the World, have gone on strike on Grand Trunk Pacific be- tween Hakleton and Burns. Lake, short distance work last night. For weeks there north, but a8, was done with the Canadian Northem strike, no de mands have been made on construc- tion contactors for higher wages or changed. conditions. The ial Workers plan is Chicago, Ill, July 26 July wheat apparentlyto tie up things for opened 97 7-8, closed 96 1-2; Sept. this fall and delay things so that fannot be resumed before the Contractors have wired pro- for partic of Reports say that station entire loree of men to Yellow Head Pass Real Estate These Two are Money Makers. trate Kealy- considered it unsafe to have her reside home as she had suicidal tendencies, and could not be properly looked af- Same virtues characterize every loaf of MOTHER'S BREAD not, For the first time in sf Magistrate Kealy had a day off gi. police court this morning there bel no cases for hearing. ) purchase a one-way ticket, and ob- at her husband s/tain Standard Certificate. It is al- so advisable that those, make ter there. She was ordered to be de-/with them tent and bedding accom- tained at the R, N. W. M. P. barracKs4modation. The Sunday School until the Attorney General gave a de- sociation have tents with cots and cision in the case as to whether she bedding for about 80 people, should be committed to an asylum or will provide meals for every one in - camp. tained from the office of the betta: a School Association, Subscribe now for The Dally News. 4 who fan it convenient, should take As- and Farther information may be ob- Al 4 RY ee treal arrived Tow Uverpdot 2970 penrert 50 ft. in Rosedale next to city Property and close to Ogilvie spur with good house and stable at only 1,900 cash or 2,000 terms. 84 ft, corner of Sixth Ave. and Braemar St, -Ideal alte for an apartment hous 4,000. One-third cash; six and twelve months. B. F. SOUCH, Phm. B, Office at back of Drug Store 884 Toronto St. a strike in the MAcKinnon s Ltd. The Up-to-date BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS. Makers of Butter Nut and White Heather Bread. Registered Brands. : This business is now under the supervision of Mr. J. B. Rich- ardson, formerly of Winnipeg, who has had a large experience in the manufacture of first-class Bread and Confectionary. * One of tke best equipped Ice Cream Parlors ff the West. On and after the. 15th of August this business will be conducted on a Strictly Cash basis. . Notice of Removal GEO. CAMPBELL, - Tailor has removed his Tailoring business from Toronto St. to 331 North Railway St. Lailes and Gents Clothing hands. Work called for IN GLASS JARS 25 . and 50c. H.W. Ireiand Co. Main Street. Phone 54, which i tion of is, diay is una) and his Since J ritical bust col maintais The bi showed ed pract yesterda London London May and sand doc London, which dev fight owir Liberal a1 governmer the Union lows: Ern Harold M Holmes, 1 At the Laren, Lit the 5,925 0 ority of 1, 1910 the 1 and Liber elections uary) 234 1892, 1,568 was a Unic The Uni tirely due
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Image 155 (1912-07-26), from microfilm reel 155, (CU1772261). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.