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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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EMBROIDERY -AT HALF PRICE 1. Table Comprising All-Over Embroidery, Flouncings, ete. Your choice for Saturday only, at Half Price. Fhe Glasgow House The House of Fashionable Dressers MEDICINE HAT BRAN er G. H Medan Soeoeroeogeey DOP rodogeegeatoatecy Imperial Bank of Canada a i Le GS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES, R. G. WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. oslo sSo-a e THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. Established 1964, 480 Branches in Canada. Capital Paid Up, 6,000,000, Total Assets (Noy. S0th. 1911) over 51,000,000. A general Banking Business Transacted. Special attention to Savings Accounts. tos W. 0. JOY, Mannger: + Medicine Hat Branch NOTICE TO BUILDERS eee We have opened an office in Suite IL, in the Im- perial Bank Building. We will be pleased to re- ceive ANY ORDERS or PAYMENTS OF AC- COUNTS at our up Town Offices, a eaten eee ad J. H. PRESTON PLANING MILLS Manufacturers of Sash, Doors Special Millwork * Photie Offices 760; Mill 60, IG oosteedocdentoetoatoateate ateatocteateateeteeteatretictocteatiete ee S00000SsGeeS0Orereewseenrersenle+ecns enseees. -rairie Pride Patent Flour Has no Superior and seldom an equal. Your dealer as it be sure you get it the next time - you order FLOUR. The Medicine Hat Milling Co y+, Limited POo Transfer Co. apid LIGHT and HEAVY easonable DRAYING 864 Toronto Street. liable i . 3 Gapital and Rest . 11,993,800 3 Total Assets... 72,000,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. into the hands of delivery. a long time, thick envelop and a seven cent, registered stamp. jangling of professional politicians the can- didature of Governor stands out unsullie, his party that party as a whole 1 of those composing it, hi failings. Effective Jue 2nd, 1912, Arrive. Leave. 20.20 2045 Imp. Ltd, Montreal to Vanvoi 8.30 11.35 20.25, 22.15 4.20 8 21.60 5.50 Vancouver Exp. Toronto to St. Paul-Seattle Express, Seattle-St. Paul Express, Prairie Exp. Express from Ki Local from Crambrook. Local from Calgary, Local tor Cranbrook. ry to Winns; 514-517 51R619 518 5 10.30 23.00 630 Local for Calgary. 240 Soo, Ltd, St. Paul-Port. 9.60 Soo, Ltd, Port-St. Pail, Nos. 11 and 12 do not come into Medi Unie-at Dunmore shown: 1 yaa, delivered. .. 4.00 months, a ivered.. 200 6 rouths, by mall- gt; 3 months, delivere: a 1 month, delivered... ..85 Addrespee changed as otten 3s dostr : Old ad resser et be atven. WEERLY NEWS. 3 year by mail... contains a summa y of'the news of the week, local and district, 6 months, tr. advance Too 1 Year in advance... . 1.50 Monday, July 29th, 1912. NEXTAY.M.C. A. EDICINE Hat under way; purchased, be organizing to to a successful issue. the men to take a step A.? Medicine Hat is gel important cit: Isn t it now up all realize that, and in kee that step: some pl. At leas e cit; bers of such an institution. for its size, has as mai men than any other city in are all broad-minded men generous responses to 2 ple evidence of the phil which exists among the no doubt but what v could be secured from them if asked. up to the men to move. men lead always. o DON T LOVE BY WIRE. s were taken towards providin, Medicine. Ha if not more, ric West. The leave you forever. The telegraph company: suit for alienating somebody s. affeetions, pointed out that the Morse spelling for eave and love the smallest slip might cause the Profit by this. and have your im messages repeated, said the cruel for the yor First Napoleon never sent an tant message without despatching three copies by as many route: He then had a three to one-shot on winning out, e big interests are always fussiest about little things. Big men are easily spotted; to them everybody is stupid and careless, Second: Expressions of sacred and su- preme sentiment such as love should never be thrust into the hands of a profane oper- ator to be dotted and dashed off at the rate of ten words, two-bits, and then entrusted godless messengers for So serious as forever, possibly is worth the honor of a doubly e, lots of good red sealing wax o. TESTING POLITICAL IDEALS BSERVERS of the United States residential campaign :eannot but feel that amid all the jarring and Woodrow Wilson ad and with a support of promises well for his future. eadily understood that any rartakes of the character For this reason it e blame for party But why should there not once na while be an exhibition of party virtue It can be r as been easy to place th New Cars, Carefal Drivers. Phone 666 Day. 211 Night. ant eoming from Surely it is not too much ority of the men in any the individuals composing it? C. P. R. PASSENGER SERVICE, - Imp. Ltd., Vancquver to Montreal. Toronto Exp., Vancouver to. Tor. Prairie Exp, Winnipeg to Calgar: tenay Landing. Express for Kootenay Landing. 3 months, by maf. ..7 t ed, but bota nw and Punhahec overy Thuceday in *ixteon or moore pages, and 3 months, in advanicy. .f0 s Y . W. C. A. is well the property has been and soon the women will carry the project. tlrough towards a Y. M. . tting to be a very lace of refuge for her. young men. it 500 young men could be found in y who would willingly enroll as mem- id their past 0 a lanthropie feeling m so that there is ery material assistance It s Don t led the wo- love you forever, scribbled by an ex- cited young New Yorker on a tele- in defending a is so nearly the same that error. iportant company. However, here s just a little more advice ung man who sends telegrams: impor- Afenof asks the Cincinnatti Why then shoi ion represt country are decent inen. not the greater organ yjthem and represent tl reat. able associates? Van.) The Democrats have their chance t matter of eampaign contributions has ope indidate has led the way by committii fore and after the. election. jit possible for Demoeracy to arise to the i seeking Special privileges. The mire of past political. campaigns reasons-for a departure this year. nor Wilson has demande, TRUE TO HISTORY, * P HI ing Miffen, a member of one of Peni city s 40 by announcing that he propos: garbage; ete. His ancestors cart owner, Mr. Miffen. with Indians, Vanderbilt built a rowboat pping horses: een Coen S ARE YOU ONE? re present civilization garding sex are making a race hypocrites and women as-the princ pal sufferers writes a pessimist female t a New York journal. en A FULL-HOUSE; Welland mother gave-birth to fiv t, h y kind and a pair. A M on his actiou in sending the auto fir engine to Irvine to assist a siste municipality in distres. Was not needed, as it burned out. however, does in no way mitigate the sym- Cae ete ee eerie Mase graph blank, and rushed over the lt; e aan 4, Dispensing of Physicians Pre- wire by a sympathetic operator, in the jig- Pathatie feeling evden ed by the Hat's scriptions a specialty. * gle and juggle before it reached the idol fat on eeu S Se gis Seer a renee ts the sender s dreams, -got switched. Hys- 2 4 * eee ees teries, tears, and a broken - engagement, E ASTtERN papers are again devoting heart, ete., followed when she read; T their editorial columns to the fight birth. couple of subscribers. gas WHISKEY is not rae better to do nothin; That is hitting cherished, tradition right on e LA: N Ontario man gets a year for stealing year to get rid of one. He isn t the first-one-that has gone buggy * over cette leg aes A Chicago man was fined one dollar for fF the presence of its female owner. Bassano women are not So sensative. CCORDING to the Lethbridge Herald, St. Louis society girls are . wearin; pockets seem safe for a time, at least. apes PaaS If the lash is suitable for any sort of criminal, that criminal is surely the white- the British parliament, which will recom- mend. that the white-slaver be flogged. tary to the chief punishment for that class of criminals it to get long terms of im- cago. the nape of the neck. a baby buggy. Many would take a babies. using the word damn to a dog in o men s sox. What next? The hip PUBLIC OPINION slave exploiters. So thinks.a committee of But the flogging should be only supplemen- prisonment. -Vanoeuses Sun. What has become of the old-fashioned girl who blushed when you spoke to her? Enquirer. Haven t you heard the news? She married the old- ald ideas of right and wrong rather than those of their less desir- year to make a new record in this respect. jThe publicity that-has been given to the ed the way for strict accounting and the himself to the principle of publicity both be- He has made casion and make it a battf im which th sinews of war are furnished by the people themselves and not by corporations or those the United States offers one of the best Gover- d a clean campaign as the price of his candidature, and his par- ty seems ready to join shoulder to shoulder LADELPHTA will hold a historical pageant in October and James Ew- lvania s oldest families, has shocked the to drive a dump cart for gathering ashes, brought wealth to the family this way, he says, as he was nothing more or less than a dump Tf this is to be a national pageant it should be true to history ? says In that case here are a f w more shocks for the members of the said 400. Goelet, many times millionaire. might sell pins and needles; Astor swapping furs Carnegie started as roustabout in a steel works; Gould peddling mouse traps; Me- Kay with his pick in the coal mines; Rocke- . : P- feller sway ing with her wonderful growth it is time f : and laws re- of children in ten months ; three of a YOR Spencer is to be complimented Fortunately aid This, against their people migrating to the west to the detriment of the place of their Must be afraid they will Jose a . only useless, but- it is harmful, says Dr. Evans. of Chi- For, snake bite it is much ig than to give whiskey. z WILLIAMSON ent A few of our Best Buys CENTRAL PARK, Bik. Lots. Price and terms. 29, 22-23, 800, 1-3, 6 and 12, 23, 1-2-3, 1600. 1-2, 6 and 12, 6, 1-8, 1975, 1-2, 6 and 12, COUSINS SISSONS. Bik. Lota, Price and terms. 26, 16-24, 250 each, 1-3, 6 12, 2, 8-9, 825 pair, 1-8, 6 and 12. 20, 86-40, 400 each, 1-3, 6 1 gt;. ALTAWANA, Block , all, 600 each Block 12, ail, 600 each. Block 14, all, 450 each. ROSEDALE TRACKAGE, Bik. Lots. Price and terms, 5, 6, 2500, 900 cash, 6 and 12. 3, 18-19, 4000, 1-3, 6 and 19, 6, 133 ft 4200, 1-3, 6 and 12, List with us, we have buyers for your property. Donald Currie Room 1, Becker Block. Phone 176. his en- ng re in a 1g TOME with, him. It is one of his strongest ele- Reportorinl, and treuls ments of success. He has come to the front News te lt;I a pager willing to test political ideals and to stand 13 RING a, RING 2 4 Q or fall by them. DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES o n eS J. A. LANDRY Carpenter Builder 711 Ottawa St, Phone 626, Box 8st, BERR eee Pe eieeieieeie : 8. Tayior s Transfer See if you want a home, - Special attention given to th building of Modern Houses. Designs and preliminary plans supplied. t. HOUSES FOR SALE, i 0 ht and Heavy Pompe Attention to all Plano Moving with Piano Van Speciality, Parcels Delirerea, tNE NO. 349, elelnlninininteiefefefes e eC r Complete stock of Toilet Articles Laundry Modern and sanitary in every Tespect and the machinery is the best that money can buy. All white help employed. PHONE NO. 8. Your patronage solicited. And our drivers will cali tor and return the goods. LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING. SS When you build, consider QUALITY first Don't be per- Suaded to buy CHEAP LuM- BER betause it's cheap use the very best. We have tt, and ev- erytbing the Butlder requires. A select stock or LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGs- We have the agency for the celebrated Morgan Doors, THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL , CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, wi- LOW POSTS eet BEAVER BOARD Ww FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE P. 0. BOX 29, PHONE 57 FORMALING FOR SMUT 50c. .;. Quart, 25c. . gt;. Pint DON T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug and Book Store 2 * ? H. B. CURTIS HOTSON LEADER Decorating. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS LET US FIGURE WITH YoU BEFORE PLACING YOUR CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. Office Next to, City, Hall. CROSSLEY BROS. emcee eer) Builders and Contractors. 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 Hay for Sale. FRED McCLAIN OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONE PHONE 85, rrovrreror 9 cae THE J. S, FOLLIS Contracting Co. PATERSON Contractors. Shop Fittings and Repairs Given Proouit Attention. See Us for Screen Doors and Windows, BOX 353. 183-1mo. PHONE 712 Da: ddress : Ro: Bow 7 Aer Paes tbe ems to say that a maj- great party in any fashioned young man who was afraid of girls Toledo Blade, Night Address: g14 Street. Phono wee Heavy Teaming, Sand, Coal Grave) Light and Heavy Horses for 'sale at i F.S. LYON Yulll Street, Phone No. 415, fe. Box 81. W.R.Simmonds CARPENTER anp CONTRACTOR EE AnD CONTRACTOR . 108 TORONTO Sz. Exeavating a Specialty, All Times, CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING NG AND EXCAVATING ind Sand for Sale Repairs promptly attended to, 'Phone No. 335. Pe *e Be *e ts sof Be Poste So-efecte? eds 2 * soi *e fe OPSSESeOOOSSSESeEoeDEhedt: Seelostontoste dees so 2 es Sof s ts e Seeger 044 fs so et 2 os og eS Sastest 9 Keto? Style of Lar; CAUSE AS SERVA Movement Atlantic Montr Ja New York, Ju ris, probably th prietor in the w: Ritz-Carlton Con arrived from Lot intertsts here, cans in the larg in New York, ar, hotel people, ow: of the servant p Not only. is: more expensive o but it is much 1 said Mr, Harris, last evening. T tent here, and among the hired Growing Mare Hi The servant employment, Thy housewife doesn t Worry and troub One's house canr Bloek 16 90 Block 23, 900 Bleek 26 80 Block 20 840 Block 18 1,0 Block. 13 105 Block 5, 1,200 Block 3, 860 ;
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Image 165 (1912-07-29), from microfilm reel 165, (CU1772250). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.