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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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. . Store NEAT LIGHT dress wear NEW STYLES at .... C.P.R Men s In Our East Window We are showing some Excellent Values HATS AND SHOES teen a 3.00 2.00 H. S. Ireland IN HATS for Fall wear a Boost for the Hat. The Canadian BE. E. Gore of the West. He pays a high tribute duced below : luncheon at the Assinadoia Hotel, MAYOR SAYS THERE'S NO TRUTH IN PROCTOR'S STATEMENT RE LICENSE He Did Not Give Him Permission to Sell Stock Without a License But Told Him to Take One Out. Mayor Spencer, referring to the ase brought by Chief Bruce against H gt; Proctor, financial Mono-rail line for not taking outa. stock-broker s license, said yesterday evening, There ig no truth in statement made by Mr. Proctor: at the Police Court that myself and Alder- man Brown gave him permission to sell stock without a Mcense. What I sald was take out a license and sell stock, and if you build your line to the exhibition grounds I have no doubt but what the council you-a rebate Brown neyer spoke to Continuing the Mayor sald he was on the money. M, agent of the the but not the truth, it give Proctor. at all. OUR TEN DAYS ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN HAS SOLD OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF Gourlay Pianos essary to order another carload. Come in and let us order one for you in your favorite finish. THE MEDICINE HAT MUSIC C0 South Railway Street. Loose beat System The Net Department has every facility plying the most. satisfactory. Under the Big Fiddle, pleased to see the stand made by Magistrate Kealy and the police; and Mr, Kealy's remarks to the effect that he was going to do his duty irrespec- tive of both Mayor and Aldermen, were, under the circumstances, proper 1 the same he (the Mayor) wish- ed to state point blank that Mr. Pro: tor s story at the police court was Save your coupons and get a free dinner set at EL E. Trider's, Third Ave. Makers of Butter Nut and White Heather Bread. F. B. McKINNON, President. H. C. COOPER, Vice-President, Phe same virtues characterize KEEP THIS CUT OUT THE WHOLE ADVT. Lo This Coupon, if not detached from the above advertise ment, is good for One Dollar s worth of Sheet Music for every Dollar's, worth of Musfe you purchase from us dur- Ing the mext ten days. Or a fall set of ten coupons Is germ 0 for 10 on the purchase price of any Piano or Player Piano in our store. Not good after August 10th, 1912, OPEN EVENINGS. gt; Registered Brands. This business is now under Whe supervision of Mr. J. B. Rich- ardson, formerly of Winnipeg, who has had a large experience in . the manufacture of first-class Bread and Confectionary. One of the best equipped Ice Cream Parlors in the West. On and after the 15th of August this business will be conducted Op A Strictly Gash basis, every loaf of MOTHER'S BREAD TASSIE BROS, J. B. RICHARDSON, Gen. Mer. J.J. RICHARDSON, Sect.-Treas. Ltd. The Up-to-date BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS Phone 266. so long had winter: because west territory, off, and which it insists it does not our visit was unpleasant, imuch to our regret for the reason that ecoujd appreci tinet disappointment to our hosts, had been conferred Hat proper fashion. The weather the day. Regardless of the weather, city in good style, and learned, by inspecting the same, that there is at Chicago Mfrs. Boost The Hat Chairman Gage s Report on the Visit to the West, Pre- sented to Chamber of Commerce, Contains a Good American contains a copy of the report of Chairman Chicago Manu- facturers who recently visited .the * to the Hat, a copy of which is repro- Leaving Regina, we proceeded to Medicine Hat, where we arrived in time to be served with an excellent after which we were taken in auto- mobiles and shown the industial de- velopment of that city which has name connected with the worst weather of the northern It is only fair to state at this point that Medicine Hat suffers unjustly a reputation for bad wea- ther, or for being the ne ting-place of storms, its citizens claiming that was the first northwest, outpost in the weather service, and because it reported the storms that otiginated in the whole of the North- it earned a notriety which it earnestly wishes to shake deserve. The weather on the day of we the fact that the condition of the weather was a dis- who, knowing the reputation which upon Medicine without its being earned, were particularly. anxious that visitors should be received on a day when the weather was behaving itself in was rather too cool, a high wind was blowing and rain threatened during however, we were shown over the Medicine Hat a clay products plant ARE YOU SAVING THE COUPONS ? The Medicine Hat M ot, you may get any that you have missed at our sto: dustry, has a good flour mill, also a rolling mill in which made steel rods, steel bars and strap made anywhere. Medicine Hat believes that by rea facturing city of must grow up, whether any will be able to manufacture of industries. In the evening we were entertained by our hosts, and es were made sponded. Medicine Hat, by bagpipe band, which had beenplaced in the regula- tion uniform of thie Scotch piper and furnished with suitable instru- ments, at an 1,200.00. This twelve pieces, corted us from the depot upon our arrival and to it upon our depart- ure, and throughout the day furnish- ed music whenever we. were about. This band is a unique band town. and is also very pleasin; our being able to circle the same around back, and under his limbs, and over fusie Co. Under the Big Fiddle, which would be creditable to any city in the country, and we found that this plant was in operation and hollow tile and sewer pipe, the fir- ing being done with natural gas, an abundance of which is found in and about Medicine Hat, that city being the eantre of probably the best na- tural gas field in the world, being remarkable in that the pressure at the point of egress is, throughout the field it covers (some 200 miles square), quite uniform, indicating that the gas deposit is contained in one large reservoir underlying the whole of the territory mentioned, and that the various gas wells do not, as is frequently the case in other gas territory, tap merely a pocket which will afford a supply for only a temporary period, and which flows with a pressure varying with each gas well. Medicine Hat, besides its clay. in- NA-DRU-CO iptic ingredients, Ne-Dr-Co Royal Rose Talcum Powder keeps the skin sot, comfortable, heakhy and beautiful. It is a toilet delight, i 25c.atin, styour Droggit s ee write for free sample to NATIONAL BUG Ano CHFEMMOAL, ( . OF CANADA, Lurran, mourn 194 These Two are Money Makers. 50 ft. in Rosedale next to city Property and close to Ogilvie spur with good house and stable at only 1,900 cash or 2,000 terms. 84 ft. corner of Sixth Ave. and Braemar St, Ideal site for an apartment house. 4,000. One-third cash; six and valve months, tistic display of industrial -pro- ducts manufactured in Medicine B. F. SOUCH, Phin. B. Hat, 25.00. Olfice at back of Drag Store A.B. Day, for best Shetland producing a vast amount of brick, straw, size of head, ported or Canadian bred, home-made made from Prairie Pride Flour, Ist, 2 sacks of Prairie Pride Flour; 2nd, 1 sack Prairie Pride flour. each ear, and under the chin, and never miss a note. Our Iast Hat were obtained as we boarded our train to start for Banff, when the wind was blowing at a high rate, the rain was descending in fine drops, darkness was spread over the earth, the temperature was hov- ering near the freezing point, and the kilties. were playing with all ently built for just such trials as this. Witnessing the heroism of the kilties band in going about with bare legs in trying weather, one member of our delegation remarked that he now understood why Scotch whiskey was so hot,.as he felt sure that without it every Scotchman in a Highland costume would have had his. legs frozen-off long ago. MANY MORE SPECIALS FOR MEDICINE HAT FAIR The Medicine Hat Agricultural So- ciety acknowledge with thanks the following donations to. aid the ex- Glasgow House, for best silk em- broidered sofa pillow, 15.00. Also for best piece of eylet emProidery, 10.00. Merchant's Bank of Canada, for best Clydesdale stallion 2-years-old, silver cup, value 25.00. Potter and Kent, Real Estate, for best milch cow in grade class, 15.00. Spencer Todd, for best brood sow, (Berkshire) 15.00. Also for best brood sow (Yorkshire) 15.00. Also for best Holstein mileh cow, 15.00. T. L, Corbett, for Boy Scouts, to boy who can lt;first boil water un - der conditions provided ty Boy Scout Council, Ist. 10.00; 2nd, 5.00, f J. J. Moore Son, for Boy Scout exceeding in ambulance work, as provided by Scout Council, Win- chester Rifle, value 17.50. Southern Alberta Land Co.,. for best, sheat of wheat (green or ripe) 10.00; for best sheaf of oats (green or ripe) 10.00; for best sheaf of flax (green or ripe 5.00. Grain to be judged on its uniformity of and apparent yield presuming it all to be' ripe. Royal Bank of Canada, for best three-year-old Clydesdale Filly, im- Medicine Hat Milling Co., for best loaf of white . bread A-friend, for best and most ar- Pony, mare or gelding, 3-years or and are steel of as good quality as can be son of its cheap fuel, it is the logi- cal point at which the great manu- (Western Canada and there is much to justify this belief. It is doubtful other city in Canada as cheaply as will be possible in Medi- cine Hat, for the price of fuel wall always be in Canada a determining factor in the matter of the location at the club, where numerous speech- where every member of our delega- tion was called upon and many re- We were met upon our arrival at: expense of about of luding drums, es- singularly effective musical organization from the stand- point of an advertisement for the Aggregation of musicians. Some of party were inclined to kidnap the performer of the bass drum who exhibited a most wonderful agility in the handling of his drum sticks, and about his head, and behind his impressions of Medicine their might, their bare knees blue 75 15.00; 2nd, 10.00. with cold, but their hearts full of Tmperial Bank of Canada, a silver enthusiasm, and their legs appar- B CURED OF THIS HORRIBLE DISEASE Edmonton Girl saved By Frult-a-tives Epmonton, ALTA., Nov. 20th 1911. Thad been a sufferer from babyhood with that terrible complaint, Consti- tion. Thave beeh treated by physicians and. p have taken every micdicine that I heard of, but without the slightest benefit. Tconcluded that there was 10 cure for this horrible disease, Finally, I read of Fruit-a-tives * and decided to try them, and the effect was ane are bo great relief first Box gave me and after I used a few boxes, I found that I was entirely well. Fruit-a-tives is the only medicine that ever did m any good for Chronic Constipation and I want to say to all who suffer as I did Try' Fruit-a-tives why suffer any longer when there is perfect cure in this great fruit medicine (iiss) E. A. GOODALL. Pruit-a-tives is the only remedy in the world made of fruit and the only one that will ompletely and absolutely care Constipation, iu Sec a box, 6 for 2.50, trial je. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-actives Limited, Ottawa, to best sa dle pony, ; 2nd, 4.00. Revelstoke Saw Mill Co., Ltd., for best matched heavy draught team, any class, not less than 1400 Tbs., 25.00. Bank of Montreal, for best Brood Mare in heavy draught class, with foal by her, side, Ist, 15.00; 2nd, 10.00. Union Bank of Canada, for Ast, 6. best foal at foot, 15.00. F. C. Lowes Co., for best im- ported. Brood Mare (Clydesdale) with foal at foot, 15.00. Also for, best foal: in same class, 10.00. Mac Cameron, for best yearling Filly or Gelding , in heavy draught class, 10.00, Hon. C. R. Mitchell, for best three colts in agricultural class, as follows: Foal, yearling and 2-year old, silver cup, value 25.00. Bernie Bros., Tor best Agricul- tural Brood Mare with foal at foot, washing machin , value 15.00. Perry, Sewell Perry, best Side for best Fancy Tea Cosy, 5.00; for best pair Crochet: Slippers, size 8, 5.00; for greatest improvement in writing, pupil in public school Grade 5, 5.00. Turpin Bros. for best White Wyandotte Cock, one. pair Slater Shoes, vaine 5.00. Alex. Shaw, g Championship Cup suitably engraved, value 25.00, for best animal in heavy draught class in sections 2, 3, 4 or 6. R. E. Starks, for best registered Clyde Draft Mare 3-years or over, trophy cup value 30.00, to the far- mer winning three times in the standing field grain contest for wheat. A. Balthasar, a donation of 25.00 A special list containing all the special prizes, is now ready for dis- tribution and any person desiring can have a copy. VIRGINIA FARMERS INSTITUTE (Special to the News) Winchester, Va., Aug. 1. ninth amual meeting of the Virginia State Farmers Institute began here today with a large and representa - tive attendance. The sessions will continue over to-morrow. MRS, GREATON S AWFUL EXPERIENCE During Change of Life How Lydia E. Pinkham s Vege- table Compound Made Her a Well Woman. - creepy tions, and I could not sleep nights, I was finally told by two physicians thatT also had tumor. I read gone day of the wonderful cures made by Lydia -E. Pinkham s Vegetable Com- Pound and decided to try it, and it has made me a well woman. My neighbors and friends declare it has worked a mir- acle for me. Lydia E. Pinkham s Vege- table Compound is worth its weight in gold for women during this perodof life. If it will help others you may publish my letter. Mrs. MARION SWEET GREA- TON, No. 1 Jefferson St.; Natick, Mass. of Life is one of the most critical perioda of a woman s existence. Women everywhere should remember that there is no other remedy known to s0 successfully carry women through this trying period as Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound. want special advice write to Whe. Pinkham Medicine Co, (confl- 384 Toronto St. over, Ist, 5.00; 2nd, 82.50; for pect demtial) single driver in same class, hitched be openeds, Mass. Your letter will ig, Ist, 5.00; 2nd, 2.50. Ford thoroughbred Brood Mare in foal or Board Sea joilies, embroidered in silk, 5.00; read and answered by a 3,000,000 To Loan on City Property and Farm Lands. Interest 8 per cent. . Prompt Attention, INSURANCE C. A. KRAUSS Porter Block, Main Street. Medicine Hat, Phone 250, Real Good Buys HERALD Block 5, Lots 24-25, 1200, terms, Block 10, lots 1-2, 800,terms. Block 10, lots 39-40, 800, terms. Block 5, lots 28-29, 1475, cash. Block D, lots 5-6, 4000, terms. Block 1, lots 40-42, 2000, terms Block 17, lots 39-40, 750, terms, - HILL Block 27, lots 87 to 40, 1000, terms. Block 21, lots 13 to 20, 400 pair. Block 28, lots 1 to 20, 500 pair. Block 29, lots 11-12, 525, terms. RIVERSIDE Block 15, lots 36 to 40, terms, ACREAGE 1500, 160 acres half within the 3-mile circle, 250 per acre, Terms. 80 acres, all within the mile circle, Terms. Plate Glass Insurance. 410 Main St. Phone 695, A NEW ONE Gs Gy Realy G0 Fe fe, Accident, Hail and P. 0. Box 816. 212 350 per acre. a THE MARYLAND DAIRY will deliver to your home every morning the fresh- est of Milk and Cream. A trial is all we ask. ay coat that he family, FOURTH AVENUE, fruit naffies, .W. Ireiand Co. Main Street. l W. KYLE, Proprietor. Father really ought to have his pic- ture taken he hasn't had a photo- graph since that funny looking one in the cut- married in. ( Twas a noon wedding, you know.) Yes, mother says 'twas a good one of him as he looked then, but really, , for the sake of the should be one of him as he now. There s a Photographer in your town. The BARTLETT STUDIO, was there looks Notice of Removal GEO. CAMPBELL, - Tailor has removed his Tailoring business from Toronto St. to 331 North Railway St; Suits made to order as usual. Ladies and Gents Clothing Repaired, Cleaned and hands. Work called for and delivered. PHONE 486, The Ideal Dessert Serve Maclearn s Imperial Jelly We haveit in all flavors, fruit and wine, Price per Doz. 90c SPECIAL We are giving a demonstra- tion of these Jellies this week. With each dozen jellies we give free 4 glass held in strict confidence. fajefelnlnlnfeleinininielnieinieleledeleleletelelefefeleiefefeleieielminleiel - /PUBLIC AUC 78 feet, Block M , adjoining N. R, depot site, 9000, 50 ft. Block 88, facing . W. O. A. site, 3600. Herald 50 ft, Block 28, 1900. Central Park 50 ft, Water and gas, Block 16, 1000. 50 ft, Block 18, 800 cash, 50 ft. Block 4 (sewer, water and gas) 1300, High School Annex 50 ft. corner, Block 23, 1200. 50 ft, Block 20, 1190. * North Yuill, 50 f lots, Block 18, 700 each: South Yuill 50 ft. lot, Blook 8, 1050. le 50 ft. lot, Block: 7, 1200 cash, Riverside. 50 ft. lor Block 14, 600. 59.ft, lots, Block 15, 560, 50x00 ft, Block C 1290, H.C. Pettet Co. * 868 Toronto St, Phone 481. Houses If you are looking for a Home, see W. Hl. ROSEWARNE Builder. Phone 800. NOTIC lof BAILIFF S SAT) Notice is hereby given that the seized by me on the 11th day of Jul; 1911, under powers contained in Chattel- Mortgage dated the 4th da of April, 1912, will be sold by TLON on August Ist, 1913 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at CITY STABLES, IN MEDICINE HAT, as follows; that is to say: One team Black Gelding weight about 1550. One Black Percheron S lion, registered No. 5: named Chicago. One grey French Draft lion, registered No. 1 named Montiego. HORSES ON VIEW AT CITY STABLES, JOHN BENSON, Bailiff, Dated the 24th day of July, 1912, 16ast. Pressed by expert Phone 54. eS on shares, tion. C, EB. Brown, trial commissior News represen resignation from tau Yesterday, that his positior one of harmony. I love fight sald, convineiny bility of the ms city, but ft was vertise Medicine time fight dafly population who gress of the cit; thelr. own person Mr, Brown s r to the Industria tollows: ee Adm Winston Ch Invitation London, Aug. Churchill, first L ty, will make 2 is expt proceed to the I ship. The Canad Borden, at at Supre' Such Would Given a ae f 1 London, Aug: evening's banquet eral Club to the the Daily News, 1 the doctrine of I dom for the Domi this principle than in Canada. The Morning A share fi says: Lyons 100 Mounted on His . District. Dick Lyons alia er of Brakeman gitive from justi officials are, hows he shall not es policemen and a diane are on his t erally thought th hiding in:the Mor lays of constables at almost every P. R's system, b Dunmore, and th he has not got p scription has be Norweg Norway s Ru and Hal Tomorrow the Tion loyal subject King of Norway, fortieth birthday The descendants very proud of hr their own, after of farming out t gatives to Swed wit ting the lion's that the King s greatest holiday calendar and is ed throughout jJength and tw breadth of the la the sun of Norv achieved a great at any time si men of ancient flag of Norway earth. From 1821. to a free, independ inalienable State,
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Image 195 (1912-08-01), from microfilm reel 195, (CU1772272). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.