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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDIOINE HAT DAILY NEWS. THUFSGAY, June 70H, 191s, WHY SHOULDN T CANADA SUPPLY 0. P. R. PASSENGER SERVICE. THE U. S. MARKETS Effective June 2nd, 1912, ENJOYING THE A few of our The ( 31 H ane as Ow ouse No. Arrive, Leave HE advance census bulletin of agricul- BEST OF HEALTH i ou Se Aas eeeeee i se me i mates eer tae of tng United Staion, att oem Best Buys c a3 11.15 11.35 Vancouver Exp. Toronto to Van. , Sus statistics, says the Winnipeg re oae Toronto Exp, Vancouver to Tor. Tribune, presents a phase of the relative Fruitadtivs Cured His Rheumatism R 18 21.50 22.15 St. Paul-Seattle. Express, growth of the population and the produg- a x When you bull, consider x ) ) 14 4:00) 41301) Beastie tion of food products that is suggestive and t QUALITY first. Don't be per- CENTRAL PARK, 2 525 6.50 Prairie Exp. Calgary to Wisalbes: overtaking production, It emphasizes the BER because it's cheap use the 2086 19 Coaneeas 5.05 Express from Kootenay Landing. Local from Cranbrook. A Local from Calgary. Local for Cranbrook. Express for Kootenay Landing. Local for Calgary. 614-517 very best. We haye it, and ey- erything the Builder requires. A select stock of LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGS, We have the agency for the celebrated Morgan Doors, THE DOOR BEAU )TIFUL CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATHE SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL: Low Posts fact that while the urban population in- creased 84.8 per cent. since 1900 the rural population only inereased 11.2 per cent. The number and acreage of farms increased jut 230 240 Soo, Ltd., St. Paul-Port. much less rapidly than the Se ae 1g 9.40 9.50 Soo, Ltd., Port.-St, Paul. The number of farms increased 10.9 per Nos. 11 and 12 do not come into Medicine Hat. Passing cent. and the farm. acreage only 4.8 per time at Dunmore shown. cent. a y : It should be noted, however, that the Medicine Hat Dews' term rural population is very siete broader than the term agricultural yu Published by the Medicine Hat Ne Ltd, . . Lnarfal eveniag a its ofce; ala stiaet Woaeibe Mat nz (Jation. The rural population of the Un- - 4. J. N, TERRILL, EAtor, 19.00 23.00 512-519 516 518-511 520-513 COUSINS SISSONS. Bik. Lots. Price and. terms. 26, 16-24, 250 each, 1-8, 6 12. 2, 8-9, 825 pair, 1-3, 6 and 12. 20, 86-40, 400 each, 1-8, 6 12. 10.80 23.00 6.30 DECORATIONS. Colored Buntings Red, white, blue, yellow and tri-colors. Secure these now in good time for MON- DAY S CELEBRATION. 515 ALTAWANA, Block 3, all, 600 each Block 12, all, 600 each. Block 14, all, 450. each. gt; ROSEDALE TRACKAGE. Bik, Lots. Price and terms. 5, 6, 2600, 900 cash, 6 and 12. 8, 18-19, 4000, 1-3, 6 and 12. + 6, 188 ft, 4200, 1-3,6-and-12. ited States, as in Canada, includes all per- sons residing outside of all incorporated side of the corporations, together with the growth of villages, that the actual urb- an population, and those not following agri- cultural pursuits, inereased even more rap- idly than the above percentages indicate. As might naturally be expected from the fact that the urban population is increasing so much more rapidly than the agricultur- al, and consumption more rapidly than pro- duction, there is a steady increase of impor- INDUSTRIAL POISONS tation of foodstuffs, even in staple product- by ions. Eight months importation of pota- toes, ending February, 1900, grew from ROM a bulletin of the Bureau of Labor at Washington, it would appear that 47.000 in value to nearly 3,000,000 in 1912. there are few- industries worked up- Imports of foodstuffs of all kinds for the on the modern scale which are free of occu jcig + months ending last February aggre- pational diseases or which do not expose gate 262,000,000; as against 224,000,000 in working people to the danger of chemical the corresponding period of 1911 and 145,- poisoning. 000,000 in 1902, thus nearly doubled in ten The workers in vinegar factories, those years. . Over 10,000,000 of breadstuffs, where mirrors are made, the employes at were imported during eight months ciosing coke ovens, dye works, varnish and paint February, as compared with 8,000,000 a works, those in the plants where fruit es- cade ago. Imports of meat and dairy pro- sences, photographic material, rubber, en- ducts during the eight months increased gravings, brick, glass, fire-works and ex- from 2,000; i plosives, straw hats, surgical dressings, ice, 1912. It can. kerosene and fertilizers are made are all ption of farm produe 35.00 PRONE: . HONE: : . ; Baltorte, Advertising cities, towns and villages, which in the Cool Muslins, cool Dresses and Blouses, Reportorhl, and Cireulation and Tpited States means towns of 2,500 or more List with us, we have buyers et 3 B News Dept Job Depts. ; habitants. I will thus be seen, in vi for your property. : Lisle and Silk Hosiery, Long Gloves: 13 BNE s RING 2 72 inhal Lt will thus Seen, In view BEAVER DAILY: SURSCRIPTION RATES of the tendency of city people residing out- BOARD . Donald Currie 1 y-ax, delivered. ... 4.90 1 year by mail. Clearing prices on Parasols. : 00 6 months, by mail. 6 months, d live 3 months, delivere: 3 months, by mai. 1 month, delivered....850 Addresses changed as often as desired, but dota niw and old ad ressee st be given. WEEKLY NEWS. 6 months, in advance Tse 3 months, in advancy..500 1 year in advance.... 1.50 Room 1, Becker Block. Phone 776. FINLAY CO. . A. EAND CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Residence and Office, Til Ottawa St. Phone 626. Box 81, Job Work Attended to, It you want a: modern home close in, I can supply you, as have several good lots on which Tam prepared to build for you according to your own idea and style. lt; re See me, and I will gladly show you the lots and some of the houses I have put up. Close in means 5 minutes from post office. HOUSES FOR SALE. em The House of Fashionable Dressers THE LUMBER PEOPLE BP. 0. BOX 29. PHONE 57 Thursday, June 27th, 1912. FORMALING FOR SMUT 50c... .Quart Wardrobe 422 Main St. Phone 261 .Ladies Silk Dresses, . Waists, Gloves, Feath- ers, Ete., Gents Suits, R. B. Taylor's Transfer thus be seen that the consum- ts is overcoming the that in years of poor * Pingle s Drug and of If you are tall and of average weight, ask your corsetiere to show you the No. 636 D A will fit your figure perfectly and give you all the style of the most sive i corset. The special guaranteed unbreakable boning and the double interlining, which prevents the bones from punching through, makes this corset unbreakable and untearable. Like all D A and La Diva Corsets, No. 636 is absolutely guar- anteed in every respect. The price at most stores is only 1.75, yet similar imported corsets are sold at about double this price. Other models D Aat 4 00. THE DOMINION CORSET, COMPANY, QUEBEC g liable to suffer from poisons because chemicals used or chemicals generated in the course of manufacture. Besides these workmen, of course, are those who are em- ployed where white phosphorus is still used in match-making, the ones working in smel- ters and factories given over entirely to the making of chemicals and drugs. The inclination is to condemn industry for laying men and women open to these dangers, Some persons have gone so-far as to demand the trial of employers as murderers. But if such course -were taken lit would be necessary in the cause of impar- tial justice to punish persons who in care lessness-or-ignorance let-tubereulosis or ty- phoid fever be spread who maintain places where flys and mosquitos can breed. It may safely be said that few manufacturers have Deen aware of the subtle dangers that lurk about their factories and mills. Occupation- al diseases and poisons are subjects of re- cent study only. They are products of our civilization that no person could have fore- seen. Their correction lies less in condem-; nation than in education of workmen as: well as employers. Toledo Blade. a ce 2 Heetesteetretesteateetoetestesirtte or BANK: OYAL nu Ri x OF CANADA. (Incorporated 1869. Total Assets Over .......- ... 115,000,000 ares Speeial Attention Given to BANK DEPARTMENT. MEDICINE HAT BRANCH Fourth Avenue : : C. H. McDunnough, Manager PALL LAL LE LOD SEEN S CANADA S EXTERNAL TRADE Ee the last fiscal year. Canada s external 4 trade made another great leap up- wards, It reached the grand total S of 862,699,732, which is 103,605,343 more than it was in the last preceding . fiscal i year. a 3 dollar aggregate were rourided out in the current year. As has been the ease for some years past, the imports inereased moregthan the exports. The imports have Capital and Rest Total Assets A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BEANCHES. BR. G. WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. THE MERCHANTS BANK Se Serer eee Imperial Bank of Ganada 3 now passed the half billion mark, the total value being 547,382,582, which is nearly 000,000 more ie Vi ini rts for the year next before the last. The exports amounted to 315,317,250, a sum nearily 18,000,000 greater than the value of the exports for the year next be- fore last. Undoubtedly the volume of the ing of navigation on the upper lakes. n period by about five weeks. would otherwise have been exported ter on this side of the lakes. production so rapidly crops in any community the deficiency will have to be made up by importations. no country that produces a surplus of food : products of the kind we produce is so ad. vantageously ficiency. the Mississippi river do-not raise requiremen h deficiency being supplied by States west of the Mississippi. tance and the heavy freight rates across the Rocky Mountains the Pacifie -coast States export their surplus agricultural products to over-seas countries. Pacific coast. grain carried across the Rocky parley taken from Oregon to Minneapolis on account of the abnormally high prices this season. It will thus be seen the enor- mous advantage free trade would be to the inces in-securing- market for their products in the large ur- ban centres in the eastern United States. The prairi vantage 0 Canadian exports was made less by the lateness of the Western harvest and by the early clos- Between them, these two unseasonable- shortened the autumn transportation Consequently millions of bushels of western wheat. that e in the ground orwmground state, was kept all win- Due to Canada s geographical position, situated to supply this de. Tt is computed that the States, east of sufficient ts account of the dis- The first Mountains for consumption was provinces will also have the ad- eatering to the needs of the cen tral and western States. Under present conditions the surplus of farm products of Alberta and Saskatchewan that cannot be consumed within the provinces must be transported to the cities of eastern Canada with their limited population, or exported, with free access to Chicago and surround- ing centres of population several hundred miles NeaTre o y e 4 rural population in the prairie provinces could reach a consuming population of 25,- (000,000. ; : Opponents of recipfocity point out that if the Tnited States want our grain and farm duty from offfoodstiffs. That may be true, but it is also true-that it would not be so advantageous to Canada as the recipro- city agreement. moves the duty elusive right of free entry ducts. Besides, what was important see The Drowning Tf the United States re- off foodstuffs all countries have access to their market, while the re- ciprocity agreement giv s Canada the ex- of natural Pr 3 the farming population and especially so to the sboring classes and all consumers of food- stuffs in Canada, it provided free importa- tion of foodstuffs the product of the United States; that is to say, removed all taxes off food and would tend. to break up the mono- Felt and Panama Hats Dry Cleaned Particular attention paid to travellers work, suits pressed up on short notice. Thu-tt. Ford Ranch Co. will sell alter July first mixed banch of 600 Head Horses. including Mares, Colts, Year- Iings, Twos and Threes. For further particulars apply to J -H. SPENCER, Medicine Hat. 296-4t. AUCTION SALE H. B. BROWNE CO. Haye been favored with instructions from Frank H. Stock, Esq. to cata- logue and sell by auction on the pre- mises. situate 310 Braemar Street/ (orth of track) on Book Store : :: Light and Heavy Drayin Prompt At ention to all orders Plano Moving with Piano Yar a Speciality. Parcels Dellrerea. . PHONE: NO...349. eee RLS) Contpiete stock of Toilet Article Drug Drag Sundries, Proprietary. Medi eDinpe sing of Physician Po See ee HOTSON e caeecan ke ecr oases LEADER soo Decorating. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS LET US FIGURH WITH YOU BEFORE PLACING YOUR CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. Office Next to City Hail. team Laundry Modern and sanitary in ever respect and the machinery the best that money can bu: All white help employed. PHONE NO. 8, Your patronage solicited. And our drivers will cali fc and retin the goods. CROSSLEY BROS. Builders and Contractors. 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 7 At 2 o'clock sharp, splendid and up-to-date HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS The following is partial list : 1 Dining-room Suite in ting Dining-room Chairs; 1 splendid Dres- sing Table and Wash Stand in oak; 3 Arm Rockers in oak and mahog- any; Gag Fittings; 1 Toilet Set; 1 g Couch; quantity of Pic quantity of nearly new Linol- ral very valuable Rugs ond Carpets; (Nelson Cooking Stove; 1 itchen Cabinet; 1 mission Shades; sil- Forks and jpoons Garden Hose, (100 feet); quantity of Garden Pro- duce; Garden-Walk (in lattice), and the usual G and Laundry Utensils necessary to a first-class establishment and other effects too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH. NO RESERVE. OFFICE PHONE Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal Light and Heavy Horses for sale ee F, ne 29; P68; Box 304. e whole of the Si fs the time to enroll in the Estimates Free. SOUTHERN ALBEBTA Plans Prepared. Go wea oD STABLE PHO) 1 Always in Demand. NO, 868, 402 THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST. s WILLIAMSON PATERSOR Contractors. Shop Fittings and Repair Given Prompt Attentios See Us for Sereen Doors a1 Windows, BOX 353. 183-1m0. PHONE 7 Exeavating a Specialty. All Times, S. LYOI CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING oly that millers and meat packers now en- joy in Canada. In a statement of comparativ sin b 0 Established 1864 Capital and Reserve Funds .... -. -- lt;1 -- -- -. .. SLLASG878 We give speciat attention to SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. No delay in withdravals. Two or more persons may en s Solnt account and either pary can withdraw money- Our depostis hare Increased from 19,426,001 In 1901 to 968,494,580. W, 0, JOY, Manager + 2 : : Yor farther particulars apply to H. B. BROWNE ; CO. Phone Nos. 295 and 708, 312 Fqurth Aveune, Medline Hat. Shilolis Gure STOPS COUGHS price. cene Se Subscribe now for the Dally GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale, Yuill Street. Phone No. P. O, Box 31. W.R.Simmond RPENTER anp CON 0 pairs promptly attended to, Phone No. 335, Daughter But, mother, I don t see how you ean give me any advice as to my mar- ied-life-when nly heen married prices of City Sale Stable omer For Sale Light and Heavy Draying Hay for Sale Fred McCtaig -Phone 85. Prop amd I have already been married foy the years 1906 to 1911 compiled by the Department of Labor, the following com- parative re s for farm produce in Winni- peg and Minneapolis is given. The aver- age is taken as of the first: market day in onee, three times. Fliegende Blaetter. Tg The Customer Is that a real ostrich fea- ther? + Medicine Hat Branch . et The Draper What, for tenpence Ob, each month: it i : 66 a is jta non de lt; lt; 5 lt; aAa lt; lt; lt;m NN i li IN Hews eae coer ipmerely Beate . (Continued on page 3). .,
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Image 1109 (1912-06-27), from microfilm reel 1109, (CU1771904). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.