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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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SPSSSHOITE ON oer ,o- e RP URDAY, quirements for a year ahead. ... 3.0 3.15 4. M. bellows tongue, solid. . PRO OOE soft and wears like rawhide nice even stock .... ... double soles Jows tongue, ee strong . SOFT BLACK ELK, vamp, soft and pliable .... - FINE BOX CALF, new high dressy Work Boots ARABIAN HORSEHIDE- dress wear ..:. 3 5. 5. 5 do lerie toto te eee ele olototess Sooper ooood POOH single sole .... .... ; ) BLACK BUTTON, shape .. qumictal new. shade . 5. shoe 3H. S. ead cr hs SALE ON LAWN MOWERS, GARDEN HOSE, GRASS SHEARS, NOZZLES: WATERING CANS, ICE -CREAM FREEZERS, HAMMOCKS AND LAWN SEATS. as At specially REDUCED PRICES For the next TEN DAYS. THE MARSHALL-MHTCHELE HARDWARE CO., LID. PHONE 26. TORONTO ST. - MEDICINE HAT. PAY DAY: SHOE SAVINGS A dollar saved is a dollar made; a very true saying, for you can save 25 cent, off ONLY REASONABLY PRICED SHOES UNTIL NEXT SAT- The leather market shows an advance generally of about 15 per cent. an shoes-will be higher for next fall and spring; so get in now and select your re- HEAVY ENGLISH KIP Werking. Bok FINE QUALITY tan elk, ayways Roepe FINE BOX CALF, high toe, sewn sole FULL WEIGHT box calf, leather FULL WEIGHT calf Morking.E Boots, bel- sewn soles, single FINE VELOUR CALF, darcy. stitched, t NEW BROWN CALF button, new last ape: INVICTUS VETERAN, or common-sense Shoes for Men only, greater range, better ideas newest lasts, best values IRELAND: SISSSESOOTSOSS SENATOR LORIMER DRIO-UNSEATED BY U.S. SENATE Corrupt Election Methods Receive Another Severe Blow After Long Fight. (WA. P. Diapateh.) Washingtou, July 16. By x vote of ) to 28 the United States Senate Sat- urday unseated William Lorimer, the Juncer Senator from linols, and de- clared his title to his seat Invalid The ond of the long fight to oust the Setiator came after six days of pro- tracted debate in which Senitor Lort- mer himself had occupied th floofor three sessions, taking an impassioned defense of his election. The final vote was upon the resolution offered by Luke Lea, Senator from Tennessee, de- claring the Lorimer election by the Hiinolg legislature in 1909 invalid. The adoption of the Lea resolution car- ried with it the Senate's vehrdict that Corrupt methods and practices were emptied in the election of William Lorimer invalid. COOL WEATHER AND FAVORABLE CONDITIONS BRINGS WHEAT DOWN Prices on Chicago Market Took Sharp Decline To- day. Chicago, July 15. Wheat declined sharply today on account: of cool weather in the northwest. The lower temperatures in the spring crop belt, were looked upon as tending to safe- guard the growing grain from danger of rust. By the help of these reports the opening was 1 cent off to 11-8 cent up. December started at 997-8 to 1.01, g loss of a quarter of a cent to 1 cent and a fall to 99 3-8 cents. Oats eased off with the other cer- eals. Buyers were not so numerous as during most of last week. Septem-, ber started 1-4 to 3-8-and a half cent. down at 35 descending later to 34 18. Provisions weakened as a result of liquidation, sales chiefly on the part of holders of a large quantity. A falling off on quotations for hogs Was a contributory influence. Early sales ranged from Saturday night's level to 12 1-2 cents below with Sep- tember options 18.02 1-2 to 1-8 for 3, Dork, 10.60 for lard, and 10.40 to 10.42 1-2 for ribs. : 3 i : 3 Me 2.25 2.85 3.00 3.20 * 3.20 3.20 3.40 3.75 3.75 4.15 415. 3:50 lt; oe ae SS : lined, toe; sole, fe So Perdeerdrereeereedreres Winnipeg, July 15. July wheat 109 * 1:8, 107 1-4; Oct. 95 3-4, 93 7-8. July oats closed 40 1-8; Oct. 36 1-8. Extra No. 1 feed, July, closed 39 1-4. July flax 176 1-2; Oct 165. Cash Prices Wheat, No. 1 Nor. 106 1- 103 1-2; Nor. 98.4 Oats No: 2 CW 40; 3 CW 38 1-4; extra No. 1 food, 39 1-2; No 1 feed 39. SOCLAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. W B. Marshajl and Mr . J. L. k feft yesterday fora trip to to spend in Prince couple- of Moose Jaw, Mr. Elmer Wright, his holidays with n Albert, He will days with Mr. Jack J en route, American Markets Minneapolis, July 15 July wheat 108, 106 1-8; Sept. 101, 97 1-2; Dec. 101 1-2, Chicago, July 15. July wheat 104 1-4, 101; Sept. 100 1-8, 96 3-4; Dee. 101 1-2, 98 3-4. Mr. J. In Peacock has-gone down to New York, Industrial Commissioner Brown, and G. W. White, Secretary of theIndus- trial Bureau, left for Winnipeg on Satirday night. ENGLISH CATTLE Liverpool, July15 John Rogers Co., LiRverpool, cable that owing to the hot weather, trade in Birkenhead was :very: slow and: weak-and prices are one half cent down on Saturday's quotations, viz: 14 3-4 to 15 3-4 cents Mrs, J. K. Drinnan is spending her vacation at Wolseley, Sask, Mrs. E. B. Lively left for the East on Saturday where she will apend the -- McKINNON S.. .jB. McKinnon desires to thank his numerous friends and for their generous patronage during the past seven years Ti-whieh he hus conducted his bakery business, and begs to state that om and after April 15th the business will be carried on as a Joint Stock Company, Limited, and would bespeak for the eompany ee of thelr esteemed patronage, with an assurance of a Continuation of that service and quality whlch has always been associated with this store. ce F. B. McKINNON Watch for further Announcements 235-d-tf santa per pound for Canadian distillers. J. B, Babbage, W. A. Pinot, Hugh SWAT THE FLY NO MORE Carr, Matt Hanson, and J. C, Flynn all of Seven Persons, are registered at the local hotels, A clever invention by Mr. F. M. Spanlding, of Spokane, Washington, was demonstrated in the city to-day. It ts one that will no doubt. sol the fly question, and be of infinite value in the prevention of the spread of diseae by these pests. The fly trap, as t Is called, is made of a circular wire gauze, with an aperature for at the bottom baited with anything that will draw flies. When a number get in they beat themselves to death in a short time, and there is an arrange- ment for dumping them out when fall. W. B. Kuehue and E) A. McDuffee of Bassano are staying in the city. Oscar Johnson of Suffield spent the Week end in the city. Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Forsythe of Carl- stadt are registered at the Royal. Mr. McCulla of Suffield is staying at the American. - Notice of Removal GEO. CAMPBELL, - Tailor has removed his Tailoring business from Toronto St. to 331 North Railway St. Suits made to order as usual. , Ladies and Gents Clothing Repaired, Cleaned and Pressed by expert hands. Work called for and delivered. PHONE 486, t+ The demonstration was witnessed by the Mayor and health officers of the city, who were enthusiastic in their Praise of the invention. Adam Dubean of Bowell is in the city. W. J. English of the City Cartage Sere POLICE COURT Co., Lethbridge, was married at St. Patrick a church this morning to Miss M, McManness of*Peterboro, Rev. jg Pather Cadoux performed the cere- mony. At the police court this morning four men named Daly, Callaghan, Saund- ers and Smith were each fined 3.00 and costs for drunkenness. Two vags were let off on the Wnder- standing that they would Immediately get to work. When Mr. Tom Marks presents WHEN YOU ARE EATING MOTHER'S BREAD YOU ARE BATING THE BEST 5 e as REE LOOK FOR THE LABEL. TASSIE BROS. x PHONE 256. Houses ' If you are looking The Man From Canada, at the op- era house on next Thursday night, the theatre-going public of this city will have an opportunity of witnessing what has proved the comedy hit of the year. Music that fs catchy and songs that are original are claimed for The Man From Canada, and-no production recent years has attain- fed such immense popularity. The cast Ja far above the average usually found S combi offerings, and judging from the Mat of names, real fun ig andthe laughing atmophere Ge ceedingly bright, fora Home, see W. Hl. ROSEWARNE Builder. Phone 800. sae BEST NVESTMENTS. 1. BUSINESS: 115 ft, corner S. Railway with house 6,500, Regular terms. 280 ft, 4th Ave. 210-pertoot (snap.) RESIDENTIAL 3 fifty foot lots, Block 4, Fuller- Harlow, 850 cach. First-class iots close in Rtv- erdale, 175 each. 100 feet on Esplanade small house, 4,000. 50 feet, Block 82, 1100. 100 ft, corner (close in) Montreal St, 2800. 60 ft. corner, Block 23, H. 8. A, 1200. 50 Block 4, Central Park, 13 50 ft, Block 8, South 1000: H.C. PETTET CO. 868 Toronto St Phone. 451. with on Yuill, CP. BR, CONSTRUCTION The C. P. R. have now got thelr line running from Rosetown, completed as far as Conquest. On their new line rufthing-sewthtrom Moose Jaw it was. reported on Saturday *that they had completed to Expanse. Pingle, Wales Bell Estate and Commission Agents, Customs Brokers, Notary Public 4th Ave. and corner of the Esplanade. Half a minut from City Hall and Post Office, Phone 791 Exclusive Listings Montreal St., corner of 8rd Ave., 50x130 feet. We have the handling of this property now in the market, a Peach of a site. Business property in the blocks of Toronto and Main St. ocewpied by some of in the city. HOUSES FOR SA on King St. and Braemar St. Elm St. 50 ft. Jot for 800, in Block 18, The Herald, lots for 300 375. 2 lots close to this side of Pur- mal Brick Works for 3000: 400 per 50 ft. Tot, North Yuili, special oft r, 50 ft. and for 750. Well up on Queen... St. A peach. Riverside lots for 210. Good situation, Riverdale lots for 185. level lots. Central Park, Block 17, 21 and 24, 400. 2,000-acre superb Ranch for sale 6 miles of river frontag: 1000 acr s grazing, 1000 acres tillage. Bloek 1, Powell, 650 per pair. Columbus Ave., Block 99, 100 ft. with shack, gas: ter for 2500. Riverside, prices, some 300. Cousins and Sissons, listing of 35 lots. REDCLIFF We have made en- tire arrangements for the sale of. the principal. portion of Redcliff; a sure growing town, population 600 and 250 on. pay. roll-Further partic- ulars shortly. Landlords We have good ten- ants. Sellers We have good. buyers. We dig out the best buys for our clients. Our business is strictly a clean commission business, : Good at various exelusive Ifyou are looking for Real Good Buys Read This List -Altawaita- Lots 3-4, Block 20, 1050 Cash, ots 1-2, Block 5, 1150, terms. Riverside Park. Lots 31-38, Block 7, 600 pair. Terms. Lots 3-20, Block 13, 600 palr. Tema. Lots 13-14, Block 1, 750 pair. Terms. Lots 26-80, Block 15, 600 pair. Terms. Herald Survey Lots 8-9 Block G, 1500 pair. Terms. Lots 28-29, Block 5, 1475. pair. Cash. Townsite Lot 36, Block 82, 1150. Terms. Lots 16-17, Block 52, 2000 each. Terms. GAS CITY REALTY Co. Life, Fire, Accident, Hail and, Plate Glass Insurance. 410 Main St. P. 0. Box 816. Phone 695. anaaesan, z The News a In Nearly a Every Home et Every Night a What Do You. Wane gaa Want Most?? Would you be glad of the chance to rent room or two to congenial peo- ple? Would you ilke to secure a more profitable position where the chances for advancement are more certain? Would you lke 1 dispose of house- hold property or roalty at a fair price? Would you lke to locate a business These are a few of the score or more questions that may asked and Gnswered through the Want Col- umns each day, Those who wish: to rent rooms are put in touch with those who have rooms to rent: Business py located, realty is bought and sold, employes.and employers are brought together, buyers and sellers meet each day as a result of the little Want Ads that hare to play such an im- 2Oldscroft Back From False Pretences Absent Case Will be Hi Oldscroft was again brought up on remand charged with false pretences by the police gt the court this morn- ing. The case has already been fully Teported; and it will be remembered that Oldscroft is alleged to have passed checks amounting to over 10,000 as a first payment on real estate property which he purchased in the city, with- out having funds in the bank on which the cheeks were drawn. He alo got a Tesident of the city'to lend him 50, on the strength of, his stating that he had funds in the Toronto Bank of Winni- peg Mr. T. G. Davidson appeared for Old- seroft. Mr. Mahaffy, who is repre- Senting the police, is at present in Cal- gary and left word that he was unable to attend Mr. W. A. Begg stated that he was Watching the proceedings on behalf of the Attorney-Gereral s department. Mr. K aly Did you ever hear of a watching a criminal case b : tore? Mr. Begg said heard of it. Magistrate Kealy remarked that ish Empire where this happgned, Mr. Davidson You don't em to ap- preciate the fact that His Worship is representing the Attorney-General's department, Chiet Bruce said their principal wit- ness had not got back from with, the case, Mr Davidson said he ald not ad whether His, Worship was aware of the circumstances of this case. Old - croft was arrested, but slowed out on bail at the court few days ago. He then paid his own expenses down to Lethbridge to apear on a charge brought against him there, when the J. P, committed him for trial and fixed bailin the same amount as His Wor- ship had don gt; Oldscroft Was res- pectably connected in the East, but-he had refrained from letting his many frfiendg know of his- predicament, as he didnot want it known that he was mixed up In these proceedings, Conse- portant part in modern business. Are you taking full advantage of the Wants? Phoneyour Wants * Nols, Ring 2 2 IS AGAIN REMANDED bridge to Stand Trial on B that he had oftenyaP * yflering durance vile in jail hee. this was the only Provifice in the Brit- Wnplveseessantial to hold the man, and and they were not Dreparet to go on though some evidence should be git ge Pros cuti Attorney Is Heard emcee, sf Department had sent him to this city to staid trial. The result was. this man had been in durance vile for two Weeks, and if this-tase were dis- Posed of th -bail money that was forthcoming at Medicine Hat would be available to bail him out at Lethbridge hiet- Brace: don t know about that, His bailsman would be only too-gtud to get his money back. Mr. Davidson continuing, said Seemed very unfair that his client should be kept in jail while Mr.J Brown, the crown's witness, was tak- ing-a trip to Winnipeg. Mr. Begg said-he be -no knowled; ef as to Mi Brown or-his movements but he comprehended the case Nate Oldserott, was allowed o Bince then he hadrbeen: committed tai trial-at Lethbridge. Ho failed to se the reason of saying that Oldscroft would:b Dailed out at Lethbridge juat because he had been bailed at Medicin Hat. He thought it absurd for Mi Widson to say Oldscrott was suf it Mr. Kealy: That He added that the only difficulty wal that Oldscroft: iad been for a matte of 14 days kept by the crown, j because Mr, Brown did not appear. far as he understood the facts evidence of Brown was not absolute en sufficient to warrant an adjowi ment. At present there was no ev dence against him, and he (the istrate) had been lead to believe thi thereywas evidence in the city could be brought against him. id not think ft fair that am: should be-charge? and remanded after time without anything defin being brought against him, Mr. Begg: It you glowed him 9 he would be held oy the Lethbrid not bothering abo After further argument the Was adjourned till tomorrow mow quently. he did not get bail at Leth-, bridge, and the Attorney-General PEACHES. APRICOTS: 7 BANANAS. Fresh Fruits : Arrive Daily RASPBERRIES. STRAWBERRIES. GOOSEBERRIES. BLACK CURRANTS. RED CURRANTS. z * ORANGES, LEMONS, Ireland ing to allow the prosecuting attorn be present. PLUMS. CHERRIES, Phone 54.
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Image 77 (1912-07-15), from microfilm reel 77, (CU1772165). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.