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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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range dress cuffs. We values. H soft collar: and We are showing a most complete of: SHIRTS for work and use. - p make specialty 1.00 Shirt Window and here you can find vata reguiarly-at- 1.25-and- 1,50, It pays to note . BY R. Men s Store S. IRELAND . P. R. MEN S. STORE, Ralin, collar styles, French cuff, with high a great range of starched Pvery week of a es that are sold nounce Further Deben- ture Sale. 200,000 SOLD SUST Price of Latest-Sale-Not Yet Interest Half Yearly. Morning fhe Mayor announced sold. by the the ould not get a check (G. ALP; WILL ASSIST PRIVY COUNCIL Cable) asked to assist the judicial committed po of the Privy. Connell in dealing with the Ne Temere case, set for: hearthg + overwhelming zondon, Rag. July .20 The Irish the Chlet Justice, Barn Falles, ts deel w on Montlay, The appeal is being fol lowed With the Hveliest interest and legal opinion ig that n Supreme court decision eld and the case soon dis- Canadian Minister of Jus- hopes to leave for Paris VICTOR GRAM-O-PHONES, We have a la U 8, PHONOGRAPHS, SHEET MUSIC AND ALL KINDS of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS rge assortment of NEW VICTOR RECORDS... Close Deal. Board of Works will ers of Saratoga Park, with a view arranging to secure way under the owners of the sub-division have si mitted plans of a re-subdividing the land, aud they have agr the City 66 feet of land for 1, C.P.R., according to Mayor Spenc ture of iron. ed a subway at this point to give fr The different aldermen spoke NDS A Wood,-Gundy - Co. An. FEW DAYS AGO AT 9814 . Announced Make Ata nigeting of the city council this 50,000 of andition bonds had been Another Subway for City Proposed City Council Dealing With Matter of One at Saratoga Park Looking Forward to Future Will Try and Looking forward to the future, the this afternoon meet Messrs. Brown and Pingle, own land for a sub- CPR. tracks, The togive 0. Tlie will erect new bridge at this point. it may. be a two or three track strie The Mayor said that the city want- access to the other side of the track, on the matter and were'nearly all of the ORE either 98 1-2 200,000 wor: It was de Ald...Brown changes in yearly inter could get it if yearly, and the Sain any besefit that might ar an improvem: 4 Bars of Fels Naptha Soap for on Sale in our Bargain Basement Th Imperial Dry Goods Co. recently sold. dy-law 3b: as hat of for ing at the Royal. opinion that the subway would benef better deal. E The Mayor did not think that i would improve their property much. Engineer Grimmer sald that of ame of looked after. er, the Public Works Committee, and the; er not to claim damages. likely then seoure.the-tot: RE SOLD that aimount for some time yet. The price is not yet known, but it will be more, the suite as the ded on the motion of o make the necessary relating to on bonds sold, so they Messrs. Pingle and Burns property, and that they should give the City a the way, when built, would hurt prop- erty, and damages would have to be The mater was Jeft in the hands of y will interview the owners of the Park and- lso-the-owners-of the steol plant whose property is on the other side of the track to see if an agreement can- not be made to bind the owners of Prayer the property when the subway is built His p ople, not becatise He used 7a It was unnecessary for Christ to Lord s-Prayer-in its: entire- The City will NORTH YUILL 0 tLots, Block 18, 700. (ott. Tot, Blo 0 ft. lots, Block SOUTH YUILL 50 ft, lot, Block 8, 1050: 10 ft. lots, Block 6, 1050. RIVERSIDE 50 ft. lots, Block 7, 600. 50 ft lota, Block 14, 600, TOWNSITE 50 ft, Block 83, 2600. 50 ft. Block 82, 1500, 50 ft., Block 99, 1050. HERALD 50 ft, Block 13, 1050. 50 ft. af Eaplanade, HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 50 ft. corner, Block 23, 1200. H.C. PETTET C0 888 Toronto St, y oy it In the bond market. e z AMONG THE HURCHES 1/35, 20 necessary that any. human - Cc; x being shinild ask in this respect for Gof. When -we believe and repent it oho eky she ake ote bei cks che se peer ke fk Secale Geael Mearvensads See : ANGLICAN. thete should be moral progress, 0 it ed, and chairs along the isles. as Rev. Davis, who preached-ah Matthew 6, 3rd verse. Deliver, from Evil. The Reverend gentleman Said; The prayer from which this tion is -taken Prayer, pecause God gave it to ty, because he never committed WATERWORKS Conditionally. up-before the Coune l-at-an adj Piano in our store. OPEN EVENINGS. fi not detached from the above; advertise- ment. is good for One Dollar s worth of She t Music for every Dollar s worth of Musie you purchase from us dur- ing the next ten days. Or a full seg of ten coupons is good for 10 on the purchase price of any Piano or Player good for 10 on the purchase price of any Piano or Player jot good after August 10th, 1912, ficate from new water system, chinery and pipe were ready, and hi wished to know whether to call fo law. PHONE 26. Lpok for the Label. SALE ON LAWN MOWERS, GARDEN HOSE, GRASS . SHEARS, NOZZLES. WATERING CANS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, HAMMOCKS AND LAWN SEATS. ES : At specially REDUCED PRICES For the next TEN DAYS. THE MARSHALL-MMITCHELL HARDWARE CO., LID. Teint Stock Company, continuance of their continuation of that s associated with this store. TORONTO ST., generous patronage durin, esteemed patronage, The same virtues characterize every loaf Of MOTHER S BREAD TASSIE BROS. erviee and quality which has always MEDICINE HAT. Magistrate Kealy. presiding, bail was ret tn enter gins Wate '..B. McKinnon desires is fom gnaunon desires to thank bis numerous friends and - wi i the past seven years rhich he has conducted his bakery business, and begs to state that on and after April 15th the business will be carried on as a Limited, and would bespeak for the company with an assurance of a been 5 - B. McKINNON Watch for further Announcements 235-d-tf SS : pear. he was usually-asked for a sum- Phone 256. ing 75,000. pediated ten days or se. Ater a nh ask Mr. Lee to forward mendations. regarding machinery and. pipe, and the council would then ae- eat them, conditional on the passing of the by-law, Witness Did Not Appear, Oldscroft. Police Magistrate Says that/eral small contracts for ornamental Any Monkey Business Should Be Stopped. At the Police Court/this morning, fad Marshall Lany for drunkenness, and W: Wilson and J, Ramburg for trespasing on C.P.R. property, as. they did not appear, J, Mitchell, a bricklayer, was fined 8 and costs for drunkenness. . Olaseroft Cace. M, A. Brown was callod in the Oldscrot case this morning and stat- ed that he recognized the accussed s signatire on the checks produced Mr, W. A. Begg stated that their principal witness had not yet shown up. Magistrate Kealy said there appeared to be some complication going on in the case, When witnesses.did not ap- mofis-to make them appear, but he had not been asked for one in this case, Mr. Begg sald he was under the m- pression that a summons hed been asked for, and Mr. Mahafty, who 1 re- presenting the police in the case, said he expected the police would have asked or it. Mr. Kealy If there is gotng to be any monkey work by a witness we wi'l soon find a way of bringing him here. BY-LAW READY Will Be Advertised at Once Contracts May Be Let The new Waterworks By-law was ed meeting this morning. The certi- the Provincial Board of Health had arrived, and an motich of Ald. Pratt it was decided to advertise A. Balthaser left for Banff the by-law at once, The Engineer stated. that Mr. Lee, who was advising the council as to the had wired him stating that the specifications for ma- fenders and award contracts for the achinery before the passing of the 3 Mr. Grimmer added that the gost of the pipe would probably run nto 65,000 or 75,000, the generators, machinery ahd engines, with necess- ary connections 58,000, and the build- It Mr. Lee's. suggestion were adopted the work would be ex- it. was decided: to * nis recom Case Adjourned cine Hat, has been employed to ur- vey road to the river to connect with the ferry. ed in this proposed ferry to have t completed in time for the farmers to market their Review. Miss J. Batho, of Winnipeg, Man., is im the city the guest of Mrs. H. S. Potter, Charles St, Mr. and Mrs, H. A. Doan of Kenora are Mrs. Herb Doan. Mr. E. M. Cawker left last night to Join Mrs, Cawker and the family in Bowmanville, Ont, He expects to spend a month or six weeks in the East Dr. Agnew expects to feave evening fora trip to-Ontario- E. W. Holb, Supt. of C. P. R. sleep- ing and diming cars-was in town this, morning. this last; night. / James Anderson and Ed. Calder, Carlstadt, are staying in the city. A. G. Coleman, Redcliff, spent the week-end in the city. J. B. Turner, Bassano, is in town. ir Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ready left this morning for an auto trin to Calgary and Banff, via Lethbridge. Mrs, H, Fitzgerald and Mrs. A. N. Hobkirk of Calgary are visiting Mrs. R. H. Hardy, 305 Montreal Street. ORNAMENTAL IRON CO. SECURE BIG CONTRACT Secure Work On New Can- adian Life Building, Cal- gary, Also Several Others, The Alberta Ornamental Iron Com- pany of, Redcliff were awarded anoth- er large contract this week, amount- ing. to several thousand dollars, pro- curing the ornamental iron work on the Canadian Life Building at Calgary, large office building, In addition to this the company has received sev- iron and bronze work in the past few days, ranging in price from 500 to 4,000, 3 The foundry of the iron company is now working in first-class shape, three heats being taken off this week with practically no loss of castings. The company. is now employing 50 men and will jncreas their forco. very shortly. Redclif? Review FERRY FOR f REDCLIFF Blue Prints Received From Hon. C, R, Mitchell. Blue prints in detail drawing for a standard government ferry for Red- cliff as built by the Alberta govern- ment was received this week from the Honorable C. K. Mitchell, minister of publle works of Alberta, and McLach- lan McLean are figuring what it will cost, with a View of bidding on the Job. Mr, B. Bartlett, surveyor, of Medi- It Is the intention of those interest- grain here Redcliff SOCIAL AND PERSONAL ending a few days with Mr, and : trespasses. It was unnecessary Him t: passes. Our Lord wrought miracles, but the was the living If Christ had performed no than enough by living as man was enough to looked upon sin as hing, they. rediculed the idea eparating it from the world, though they are told it-is part like the traveller, who gpes into a duststorm He comes looks im the mirror, and sees is dirty, but after cleaning then sin again. There should, ho Ifyou are looking for Real Good Buys Altawana Lots 8-4, Block 10, 1050 Cash. Lots 1-2, Block 5, 1150, terms. Riverside Park. Lots 31-88, Block 7, 600 pair. Terms. Lots 3-20, Block 13, 600 pair. Terms, : Lots 13-14, Block 1, Terms, Lots 26-30, Block 15, 600 pair. Ternis, Herald Survey Lots. 8-9, Block G, 1500 Terms. Lots 28-29, Block 5, 1475 pair. Cash. Townsite - Lot 86) Block 82, 1150. Terms. Lots 16-17, Block 52, 2000 each, Terms, 750 pair. pair. GAS CITY REALTY Co. Life, Fire; Accident, Hall and Plate Glass Insurance. 410 Main St. P. 0, Box 816. Phone 695. If you are looking for a Home, see W. H. ROSEWARNE An adjournment until tomorrow morning was mate: 4 Bars of Fels Naptha Soap , on Sale in our Bargain Bas, T 26e Builder. Phongs00- HONEY MAKERS Phone 481, Oh be ob feo be sees decks feek ob oh There was ample demonstration at the morning service of the Church of Englanmi as to the necessity of a new church, for the place was pack- had to be placed teresting sermon, took for his text, is called th Lord s peti- 8- sth. That would mako sin a shadow of :goodness, and . would us, make sin an unreelity. e it, taught that sin was a real- pray Forgive us our tres- many greatest mirtcle of His sinless life. other. miracle, then He had done more sinless life. Though -tempted at all points tempted, -He-jived a blameles life, and this in itself was t es eb canytee: Case teens ts 7 Some people, although-they pfo- fess and call themselves christjans, tried, and m necessary OF faith to God. their religion to do so. They are out bim- self goes out into the storm again. They feel it is a matter of neces- sity to sin when expose to temp- tation. They ask Gods forgiveness, Read-This List- YOU DO NOT NEED TO Ss ARE OFTEN MADE WHEN THE HOW DERING THE COLD W: WE HAVE SEVERAL SNARS T0/OFP: BLOCK 4-014 feet front WATT conalder-all offers. ternib. cheap. BLOCK Lots)9210. Central Gas, water, sewer. terms, 2ghitrantee to.make you money, PHONE 237, our sips to any human being, there shbuld be less to confess. fis to deliver us from evil. are various Kinds and forms. of evil. Christ taught us that bin was a reality. to make'light of sin. They: t explain it away lt;by saying where there is light there is-a shadow, jand where there is goodness -there, ia us ity. He died on the cross to save the world from sin. We are tol to Toc Shadow. We are told.-to put on the armour of God. Whet would.we be told ths for if we were fighting a shadowt Christianity teaches us the reality of sin. It is not a shadow, it is not a thing to) be explained away, it is a great and dark real- human life. Christ taught us that sih was not.irom Gods It true that God tempts us. When God tempts us He ries us to prove our strength, and good -example to the world. Abraham was tempted and he set a good example of tempts us He al-jand the wages of 80 that his purpose is to lead us. into eternal death. Mah is treated as a responsib,e being. We go back tothe first pages of the Bible to the story of the fall of man. Here they were taught some wonllerful lessons, .sim- ple enough to be readily undi by the Sunday School ebild, and profound enough for the pdeatest Philosopher. One of th-se fedsons Was manfs responsibility, for. if mhn had not been responsible, a God would never have banished him from the Garden of Bden. s Christ exalts mpn, but the Atheist discourages men. Christ exalted man by teaching him that he was in, he ree that each time we confess to God, In this great prayer this petition Sonie people tried FOR THEM, Qousing urvey, Plan 796 x. BLOCK 52. Lots 16-17, Old Townsite. Water, ewer, Toronto St. All offers considered. Park. Live tthe buman rector, justjanswered.. from evil. purity where there was impurit Christ is giving th m mastery ov Christianity is youn the son. God; ths Suits made to order as usual. n the-Porcelain Plant site, 78 feot that has 145 Offers wanted, BR IS HERE OR THER, THE PRICES SPEAK Offers wanted, cash or faces south. Will sell Faces north on Charles St, A snap at 1,000, BLOCK 6. Cousiga and Sissons, of life. in heart, for they Then there is the prompteriof al evil. The New Testament, as Aght the. good fight not against Bais Old, life prompter of evil. there is also the fod, who stands for - everything th is good, whois greater than Livi Spirit, and who will jand dwell in our hearts, 24nd wh will enable gs to evils of the Devil. There is taso physical evil. to deliver us froi not, only -morel but physical evi Some people scoff at the idea, Th believe this is controlled by the a1 of nature, and that prayer is Jess, but the Son of God us to pray, Give us this day daily bread? and that is. a mai ial blessing. Giod is here as our d Heaventy Fath approach Pray for Go as our and we are told to asa child seeking from Him not only spi ual but. material prayer is being heard and is de Mefvare being deli Christ themselves. Goodness is he wus+Kingdom of God is extending. Notice of Removal GEO. CAMPBELL, - Tailor. has removed his Tailoring business from Toronto St, to 331 North Railway St. t Ladies and Gents . Clothing Repaired, Cleaned and Pressed by expe hands. Work called for and delivered, Presa PHONE. 436, Terms, an immortal bri being, and moral sponsible for his actions. taught that the seat of moral was the soul itself, There some who have taught that source of moral evil was the bod jot man, and that when a man soul is- delivered from his Bodily fture, that tho: soul will be able without the sin of which it here guilty, ha A 25-toot corner, only 350; We have over a thousand lots Usted aiid many of them we could : G.G. MacBean Co. IMPERIAL BANK BULLDING. ever, be progress inade. Whil it is loreated in God s own image. He i our duty to ebnfess our sins fto God, wo are not totind to confess Ib Christ preaches the seat of sin wi ithe -the soul, and how nec ssary is for us to pray: for God's spi ito purify our hearts to make ol jour hearts, we should remember the words the wise man, guard with dilig tie heart, for out of it are th Blessed are the pa shall see God. It is necessary teaches that to there is this Holy Spirit. overcome approaches its fat blessing. ise giving increasing and Sin is in the soul. He said out 6 heart ovil proceeds. taught that that Satag the moral evil, We cannot spe of him, s being more than Prompter of moral evi desire man's. Yesponsil away. and his sins blamed o Satan. We are taught that in th It there-is Sat abid ETC., ETC. Main Street. H.W. Ireiand at all times a full assortment of the staple lines in Men s Furnishings 5 SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, BRACES, SOX, GLOVES, CAPS, OVERALLS, HANDKERCHIEFS, TIES, TWEED AND WORSTED PANTS, Co. Phone 54, Lon ty, introdu mates,, saic Jaw, whieh crease in s the mainte meant that markable, ers. and efficie Se My said that raise the n pulse of ot relief coul n ighbors It x atie develo WHAT ENE These sup sald Mr. Ch first smalles tra expenditu man law ent Wer of ships in the next the sixty pei have to he ri at which we stand, namel; to four, three succeeding y and four Jn The Germ spending abo year upon su not allow ou to be dimini include 160, repair ship a battle squadr to raise the in full com and there we fleet con:.isti should have f onward five in fall comn thus be sins 3 ty posal i a Yet tion: but res: of y I y in the alty he adequ years 1914 an Manni Proceeding tt miraity dweit tion of manni: it to be neces Quest Tigatio sider J Moose Jaw, the City of Wallace J. Bell pany, Limited, be appealed to + Canada. The o Chief Justice In sustained in Re Court of Saskat Deal of the from the first present status 0 won, and the gation to pay th 000, -Antappeal considered. W. firm of Caldwel place, is handlit Bell Company. In 1909 2 cont between the Be City ot xoose J Dany was to sin feet. Aa. publis company: prosec: Well was 1,200 fe ended operation
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Image 127 (1912-07-22), from microfilm reel 127, (CU1772132). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.