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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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PGTION SALE x AT SEVEN PERSONS H, B, BROWNE 00, Auct- fomeers, wish to inform farm- ers and the public generally that thep have decided to hold AUCTION SALE AT SEVEN PERSONS WEDNESDAY, OCT. 2NO at 1 o'clock sharp. Persons having. Stock, Furn- iture, etc, of any description for sale should enter same for these sales. -For further particulars, and entries ap H. B. BROWNE Co. Live Stock and General Auet- foneers, Phone 708. 519 Toronto St. MEDICINE HAT. New-Cottage on Alberta St. Block 21, High School Annex. 5 rooms and bath. gas, sewer and water; wired for For terms seo owner, S. H. NORTHAM. - 610 Highland St. 7) Phone 563. OPERA HOUSE. 2 NIGHTS Constance Crawley aud her all-star cast of London WR, ARTUR AUD . The Marriage of Kitty ani The Late Mr. Costello Prices 1.50, 1.06, 75c. and 60c Saturday Matinee 75c. and 50c Curtain will not ring up till o'clock on Saturday night. Canadian Pacific : NELSON FR T FAIR -NELSON, B. C. Pept: Wrd-28th, 1912. 4 SINGLE FARE For the Round Trip. / Going Dates Sept.22-27. Re- farm limit, October 2, 1912. 5 Pa 5 For tickets apply to Local Ticket Agent, Medicine Hat. Phone 201. S2-13t MEDICINE HAT LIVERY COMPANY Horse Repository Be Ave, (1 ald Teste)? Hear PEOPLE'S Sermon tr LES T. RUSSELL Tabernacle. Onno et Not + Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 8 Pastor Ruspoll s text here to-day was, These go away, into everlasting pun- ent, bat. the righteous into life eternal. Matthow xxv, 48, He said We bh been in all sorts of con- jon respecting the future, because we have not aiudied the Bible s testi- mony octitically. For thirteen cen- tutics the Bible was almost unknown. The bishops of the Church were exro- neously supposed to be successors of the Apostles and to speak with the sam Divine inspiration and suthor- ity, Printing was not yet invented and education was confined to wealthy few. No wonder the inspired. Message was Jost in a mass of Lum: tradition, much of which was devilish nonsense We have) been gradually progressing from darkness, to light, though fettered by hobgoblin figures each other's threats and.-perver- sions of the Divine Message. It is safe to: say that the Bible is being more efitically sttdied today by ear- nest Christians of all denominations then it ever was before. The result: of this study, the advantages of, ur time are manijesting themselves. Divine harmonies filling heads and hearts once. distracted by clash- ing creeds. Take our text as an ill tration. Once blindly we read this Parable of the Sheep and Goats and applied. it to rewards and punishments. as a result of things done in the present Age. Now we sce that its proper application belongs altogether to the next Age of M 's Kingdom, It distinctly states this... It is. intro- duced thus: When the Son of Man shall come in His glory, and-all the holy. ange s with Him, then shall He upon tl Throne of His glory: and before Him shall-be gathered all ations, and He shal zeparat gt; them one from another as the shepherd Hivideth the sheep from the goats. The Church 1s not included in this puruble at all. Tt relates, as we sre. fo the world all nations. Othe Scriptures show us that when th nations shall thus undergo their trial life. or death everlnsting th Church will be glorified. A ths Bride Him in work of judging the:world, Note how 1 expresses this, not I judge thew hiuns vi, 2.) Thus it is the Judgment. Day thet he els: tions, saving. God huth sda Day (future a thousand-yen Day the Day of Christ), in the which He will judge the world in righteous. ness. by that Man whom He hath ordained. Acts xvii, 31. A right understending of the sd trine of Election helps us cradually to a proper view of the Divine Pre gram. The Church is beitg select aut of the) world according-to taittix faln d character-development, im preparation for great service for the non-elect. The Messianic King- dom, with Christ and the Church in sontial as, the, Royal Priesthood. is appointed for the very purpose, o tleesing the non-elect world all nations. For a thousand years the- work of bringing all to a knowledge of the Truth will progress. To this snd Satan will be bound at the very beginning of the thousand years and the light of the knowledge. of the glory. at God will fill the whole earth-as the waters cover the great deep. With all thus brought to a clear comprehension of righteousness each will be. on. tri will either come into harmony with the Kingdom: or remain an aljen and lover of sin. All the latter are in the parable classed 4s goats wayward one and will thus lace themselves ut the left hand of -King in His disfavor. On the contrary, all. who learn the ways of the Lord and come into accord ther: With, ure symbolically stylea sheep fm the parable,-and by their conduct will gradually take their places at the King s right hand, or place of tayor. The Parable shows the conclusi of the world s Judgment. All will then have taken their places, either as sheep of a2 goats el King s favor or in His disfas sheep class will then hear His Come, ye blessed Psther, inherit the Kingdom prepa for you from the foundation of world from the time the world wa: eotablished Matthew xxv, 21, 23,34. The world was made for mankind. Adam being its representative was the King of earth. He minion when he lost his relationship to jils-Creator and lost his right to eternal life by his disobedience. The: sheep class will represent all of Adam's raco brought back to perfec- tion by the processes of Restituti Messiah s reign. (Acts iii, 19-21.) To them will come the domin- fon which Adam lost and which Jesus redeemed at Calvary and which He give to the worthy ones at the conclusion of His thousand-year reign. jext, the tate of the goat class is siatsd-snot tn iteral Tanguago, bot - Indeed, the Prophet, Apostle declared: of Jesus opened His mouth in pura- bles, that without a parable spake He not unto the people. In, words, everything that Jesus said to the people in general was, figurative, in order that only those of ight condition of heart might be able 40 understand Him. * The m of the to lost his. do- - PULPIT. DIVINE REWARDS ARE ETERNAL Pareble of the Sheep and Goats Clearly Explained God s Message to Man. + that fire throughout the Bible is used figuratively to represent destruction. Adamic death, the sentence upon all of the race, because God from the jDeginning purposed the setting aside Jof that sentence through the redemp- tive work of Jesus: hence Adamic death is not destruction, but in the Bible is styled, symbolically, falli asleop, and. resurrection is styled awakening from sleep. ; But when picturing the Second Death, the Bible uses strong terms, representing destruction in the fullest Mark the . Becand Death, Everlasting Destruction. We even overlouted the plain explan- ation which Jesus gave us when He aaid, the luke of fire, which is the Becond Dea.h. (Revelation xx, 14,) Bt Rotor. eamming Sp the fate of the incorrigil ws says. that they shall be desnoyed like natural brute (I. Pe ter ji, 12) Only a ent, hundred: eso alarmed ago. feanwhile, alas, while many of the, learned have abandoned the dootrin of eternal torment, they have prac- ically, abandoned verything lee in the Bible, because they supposed the Bible to teach this inconsistency. Let us not follow them into Higher. Criticism, infidelity and total rejec- tion of the inspiration of God s Word, but let us compare Scripture with Scripture and use our God-given rea- son within the boundaries of God's Message. So doing we are seeing more and more the glorious perfec tion of our Father s character and of. His inspired Word. Some shallow thinkers have been thrown off the track of religious vestigation, reasoning that if there is f weaven, there must of necessity be a hell of torment. But the contrast, which the Bible establishes in respect to the sinner and the saint is life and death and not heaven and hell. As a matter of fact the Bible nowhere mises heaven to any except the urch of the First-borns, who are now being called out of the world for association with Messiah in His King- dom.. The world of, mankind never Jost heaven and is nowhere promised heaven. Adam's loss was an earthly Eden, a human perfection. Jesus declares that He came to seek ang to saye that which was Tost. The work of His ngdom for a thousand years will be the bringing of earth to a Paradise condition, .And He- will restore all the willisy and obedient of menkind to all that was lost, bringing them back again to the image and likeness of God in, the flesh. Adam posseseed these qualities en he was declared by his Creator ry good, and was given the do- minon of earth. When Adam. was placed on trial in Eden he was cadowed.with perfection of life and ofganism as 4 man. said not one word to him about heaven or hell, but did set before him life and death: If he would be obdi- ent he should be privileged to main- fain his life and all his perfections and blessings everlastingly. If he would rebel against his Creator's laws and be disobedient thereto he should die be cut off from life.. He was disobedient, and was expelled from Eden into the accursed, or unfit earth, where he died slow death, battling with thorns and thistles gt; This hes been the fate of his entire race death menta , moral and phy- sical decay to completion. Addressing the people of old through the Prophet God declares, lt; T have set before you life and death, bless- ing and cursing choose life that ye may live. (Deuteronomy xxx, 19.) The hope before the Israelites was of a resurrection a better resurrec- tion to the faithful. (Hebrews i, 35.) Not a word was said to them in all the four thousand years down to Jesus day respectiong eternal. tor- ment, or any hope of life in any con- dition except in barmony with God. When telling the object of Jesus coming into the world, and describing mian s redemption fromthe penalty of death, we read, God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begot- ten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him might hot perish, but bave ever- lasting life (Jobn. iii, 16.) What right had-wo or anybody to twist the word perish, which means destrac- ton, to make it mean. everlasting life in. torture? Such perversions and wrestings of the Scriptures have brought great discredit upon our God and great confusion into the minds of His people. We should note with emphasis the contrast so forcefully stated in this ae precious Sih not perish, but ave - ever ing life Certainly. whoever gets the everlasting life will not perish; who- ever does nob get it will perish. How plain God s Word Notice again the various terms used in respect to Seviar-aud His work. The word Savisur signifies Life-Giver, We would nye sagn the beauty of this if we had not been befogged as respects. the petialty, death, Whoever sees thaf. the wages of sin is death mu: that the great need of the world is a Life-Giver to rescue tiem trom the death penalty by a seburrection. Again, our Lord represettz. Himself as the Great Physician who is able not only to rescue from tho tomb, but perforee see him it Becomes the Second This explains also the mean Jesus words, Ye will not come unto Me that ye may have life. And Tam come that th: fe, and that they might ha more abundantly. What can plainer than that * es of sin is death, but the gift of God is etermt life, through Jesus Christ our Lord? Romans vi, 23. i We are asked, Docs not t everlasting, as nnvlied to class, signify as long pe sword apy We reply The punishment of si lasting, and the r-ward of ness Is to be everlns:ing. Ther* ix nm question on this point, The ousation is, What is the punishment for + The thoughtless ai once will say torment, smoke, blizes, covils horns, and tails ind pitehforks, Dante's Inferno. But we ask for ural answer What do s the Bible suy is the m ishment for sin? Nothing like Dan* answer is to be in the Pht however much wr 1 imagiee fet at was printed in very pace and tt st We have read it ares of tines) it doen word eat that sinneth, it 2: with everlasting est abundant and) redundant testimonies on subj pettle the matter of futur ment to every reasonable especially when there is not a ture fo the cont id or in the New Ti I do indeed re Lord's parables w might mean the a hand or foot out of the epe, the ecsod af Immortality, blazes unquenchable. These we hive already discussed and ma refer to, but not now. We ourselves with the cenerall and -reasonable propos: torture suggcssion of of no Penalty for sin. It telt yond the bounds of where Dante s.pocm will find its filment.. It. does 1 of a God of finite Justice, 3 Power, whose decree is that ly there will not he one inharnv note throughout the Univers the glorious harmony and perfec that every knee shall bow and +: tongue confess to the glory -of G that there shall be no mors dy crying, sighin: be done on earth under the earth ing, Praise, story might be unto Him the Throne and unto the Ls ever. Let us look still more dee; our text. Let 1: is ishment in the Its usage in the Gree fivs, to prune, to cut off. meaning of the word is Death is a most e fect The punishment whi vided for sinners is that they cut off from life, cut-off from blessed privil which God vided, not: for put for sons i self. The punishment agai Adam was cutting off from Eden and it blessings, from gt;being the king of earth, from fellowship with His Cres ator. from being the son of God, from enjoying everlasting Life. AM thi cutting off was included his death ser ance. Jesus came that Adam a his race might not everlastingly perish that they might be rescued from the power of the grave by a resur- rection of the dead, that all might this through Him come to. a full opportunity for life everlasting. Nevertheless the Divine Law still stands, The wages of sin is, death. Therefore, whocver shal receive the grace of God in vain, whoever shall sin wilfully, intentional'y, after full enlightenment, shall again be cut off this time to perish, beeause Christ dieth no mora no more shall death have dominion over Him. The op- portunity which His Kingdom shall grant for every creature, for every. member of Adam's race. to return to Divine fellowship and everlasting life, will be so complete us to need no. repetition. Those who die the Beem Death will be without a rer y will perish in everlasting destruct .a. Labor and the Railways. Mr. A. W. Smithers, chairman of the Grand Trank in London, England, is in America inspecting the coin- pany s lines. He expects to tpend two months in Canada conferrng with Mr. E. J. Chambeclin, the new president. Smither. recently made a state- ment which has been much comment- ed on, Referring to the labor situation, he said The labor position is at the bottom of more than the troubles of Canadian railways. Considering the high price we pay for labor there gught not to be any difficulty in getting it. And yet we cannot get enough men to - take the work we have to offer: It seem to me that all the Provincial Governments and all the railway com- Ponies ought Soishits Op. some sabaeng for the greater stimulation of agricul- tural immgration. More labor on the land is Canada s greatest need at the present time. A Convenience. An innovation in ths matter of sell- ing stamps to business houses will he intoduced by the Postoffies Depart pect hag few days. sates ne and two cents may now, be obtained in rolls cintaining five hundred stamps each. It is expected that the petty pilfer- ing which is a feature of the present system of selling stamps in sheets will be obviated. fox, in brosdtail or cara-ermine or white fox combined with a beavy, wolt black taffeta Muffs aro of many shapes, but in- variably of large size, some of the fox muffs being actually enormous. here are some mait which arc bo shaped, but although they are un- doubtedly practical, they are not ornamental. Fox of all kinds, are so high prices that they are out of the question for most women, but luckily there are other Varieties al- most as beautiful though not so rare. Sitka fox tipped. to look like silver fox is extremely handsome, an3 in this day when pract cuity- al) furs are dued more or less the old pre- judice against the dynd and novel of fects has passed. A set of the silver- tipped sitka made up with a deep grayish brown velvet that toned in y-with the fur was one of the most attractive offecings in small furs in one of the shops and there was also a stunning novelty in white fox and fisher that won great ad- miration. : Fur coats.are on view in all the familiar shapes of last season, but among the imported models there are some new things, and probably as the season advances there will be many others, One heara a good deal about experiments with balf length fur coats and boleros and Russian and Directoire cuts, but af- ter all the fanciful fur coat ean only be indulged in by'the few. The aver- age woman who spends money for a good fur coat wants soinething that will be serviceable for. many seasons and buys conservataively in conse- quence. Moleskin, which became one of the most popular coat furs last winter, seems headed for another successful season, and those who bought fear ing that the fur might be merely a fad of a single season will have rea- son to congratulate themselves. Mole is to be very popular for, small furs too and for searfs the enveloping Kind that can hardly be classed as small. Long draped. coats of fine caracul posed in long clinging lines and, thanks to the suppleness of the fur, having no hint to awkwardness. Pure white ermine collars are liked for these black fur coats and they often are small affairs turning away just a little from the throat or closing are numerous, the drapery being dis- inch type, or longer. Side fasten- ings, deep collars and reVers and Aeep cuffs will be evident. Fhe use of contrasting furs is exemplified neatly every inode shown by the leading furriers of Paris, and the joining of the fur is made so as give a striped effect. This is ticularly attractive in moleskin. The cutaway tine characterizes the lower edge of long coats. A pannier hint is given by a curved, deep herr tion. Linings aro just as beaut that shows fur in 2 diferent direc tion. Linings are just as, beautiful ever, some of the coats being lined with soft velour to make their warmth doubly assured. Brocades are in vogue and are of plain colors. Heavy plain satins are practical and rich in the dark blues, greens and golds. It is predicted that fur will be used a great deal for trimming purposes and in millinery during the coming season. Fashion designers are strongly em- phasizing the Directoire mode in suite and gowns. There is a jaunti- ness about the cut, the lines and trimming that give just the chic to a costume. The combination of materials is most easily earried out, because of the:cuffs, the lapels and. collar with the yest and patch pock- Sts which characterize this style Buttons play an important part, and the broad: gindle and sash give op portunity for a color note that will contribute individuality and charac - ter to gown or suit. Generally the coat has a turned- tack collar of satin or cloth. It can be-quite flat or it can stend in a high stock effect, tied up with black ribban or velvet, the knot or bow at the side. Straight lines of buttons ard used, great. mphasis being placed on round forms of brilliant bone. or brass balls, or: an ornamental style of enamel and tortoise shell. The Directoire coat will be ex- tremely popular during the coming season. Some of the models have a flaring coat and others are close fitting: but thera seems to be no doubt that both.coats and skirts will show decidedly more fu,lness this season, although the silhouette will remain practically unchanged. In the skirts these close, long lines are adhered to, although a breaking away from the contracted line is notice able in a number of skirts which show a fullnes, xt the bottom, ob- to par quite to the base oi the throat. The long separate coat of fur for Jate fall and winter will be the 52- tained by using a series of pleats at the side set in a little above the hem. Satuisiay, Soptemtior 14us, 1012. Hardwood Fl Ooring in your house will give you 8 floor that will Ihat a Lite ume. We can supply you with Oak, Maple, and Birch flooring at yery Uttle more cost to you than the common kind, We handle the cele- brated. BEAVER BOARD For inside finish. Ask for samples, The Gas Gity Lumber Co y Office and Yard opp, Flour Mill Nearly every Pannier drapery in some. way. are draped in scant folds, while oth- ers, of very soft, thin material, in- cluding the chiffons and nets, have the drapery. laid on in full pleats, or with rows of shirring at the waist line. There is a tendency to cling to the high-waisted garments, al- though the normal waistline seems to be coming into its own again. The Directoire coat is varied in many ways. Some show the high waist line, others are eut away very sharp- ly, and others have a very broad back, semi-fitting and ending in a deop curved line. Some of the new afternoon dresses show pleatings beneath polonaise ef- fects, and they emphasize the Jap- anese note. They are made of rich brocades, metal laces, epingle and velvets. White satin hats are very smart. They are trimmed with flat bows of black velvet or aigrettes. FLORENCE FAIRBANKS. SUBSCRIBE NOW for the Dally News. Say, Mr. SES SSSSSSSHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESSSBSSSSS oe c Investor don t wake up to find that Winnipeg people have bought up all the lots in ROSEMONT - 4 Is far enough ian Northern Railway empl They know at the Peg what the Canadian Northern Railway are going to do near this property. ROSEMONT Lots will make more money for you than any other lots in Medicine Hat. ROSEMONT Which ig the most suitable property for building the homes of the Canad- joining as it does the quarter section recently purchased by the . N. R: for their shops, roundhouse and yards ROSEMONT Is only one mile from the centre of Medicine Hat, so it should be immed- iately. supplied withe Gas, Water, etc. - ROSEMONT away from, the noise caused by the shunting of trains to be a most desirable residential district. You can buy Rosemont lots at ground floor prices on terms of Price of Lots 200 up. 25.00 CASH 25.00 Every 2 Months Interest ONLY 6 per cent. These lots will double in price while you are paying for them. Kennedy Pool . PHONE 428. 517 THIRD AVENUE. S ESSESSSSSSSSHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESSSSSESSSSS . ba to heal all diseases, ail the impertec- tions which come to mankind as cidentals of the death penaity. Hear again Jesus words, He that hath the Son hath life; he that not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God (as expressed in the death penalty abideth on bim to Beg to announce that they have com- pleted ar: ents for carrying on the business of Livery Keepers and General Feed Stables, Single and ouble'outfits of all descriptions for easage great fhe goat class will be, Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his an- gels. (Matthew xxv, 41.) We might 4s well insist that the parable applies to literal goats as to claim that this Denalty is literal fire. All who have studied the subject will freely admit Do It Now Have: you forgotten that 10 you borrowed of me some time ago? Oh, no; I still have it in mind. Well, don t you think this would be good time to relieve your mind? The Company undertake all descrip- 6f express delivery by horse or SSSHSSHSSHSSHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHESHSSSSSHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS S SSSESS ficited by day or night, 6 708, + ote + + will become quite popular. From France designers of small furs have sent over charming sets in this far combined with grey silk or velvet or used alone, and it is also being used on coats and frocks, though it is not cheap enough to be used lavishly by the crowd or to be readily commenized. Black and white furs are as popie lar as ever, and there are many very original models in ermine and pilkick silk or velvet, in white and plask ments of every description, -s i for the chilly days of late a even for the regular winter season. o far as ean be judged at this time there will be little new in the fur line during the coming season. Of novelty furs there is so far but a single achievement which deserves mention, the chinchilla squirrel, This is a gray squirrel so treated and tipped that it has the softness and mueh of the silvery coloring of chin- chilla. It seems safe to predict that ee ee: bee EEE + * B.A.Sc Freee ere ee eee New York, Sept. 14. It may seem a trifle premature to ta k about furs, bot, although the weather is . Guite summery and there is promise that the sutumn will be pleasant and FADS AND FASHIONS ng SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSS P SSSSSSSSSS
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Image 477 (1912-09-14), from microfilm reel 477, (CU1772525). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.