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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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me tongue, in y way. y to be made m right, Big chances ith you, subject ad former re. the regular Demo- Governor ss for United States eed Senator Guggen- arles Thomas to ffl usets by the d ath of The regular Re dates for the senate - on for the, long term. terman Tor United, while one or two nning independently. nere 18 an equal num- :. ystem The News Job every facility for sup- . satiefactory. Ltd. La own nd we supply bout getting ried our But- niformly the d you will eat 2ENED. MEDICINE HAT NEWS DAILY EDITION. WAL PL AND . A. P. TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE MEDICINE HAT, ALBER CANADA. TUESDAY. SEPZEMBER 10, 1912 PRICE, FIVE CENTS THE DUKE S VISIT - TO MEDICINE HAT Committee'in Charge of the Arrangements Met Last Evening The Sub- Committees Are Working Out the Details and the Affair Should be Attended gt; With Great Success. The committee which has been named by the Council to take charge: of the xeception which is to be ten- dered to the Governor General and his party in Medicine Hat on Octo- der 1th, met in the Mayor's office Yast evening to consider further de- tails- Col. Sissons presided and the fol- lowing were in attendance: Mayor Spencer; Insp. Shoebotham, Insp. Parker, S.T. Hopper, Pot- ter, A. J. N. Terrill, Walter Huck- vale, C. J. Wilson, Supt. Cameron and H. W. Ireland. Secretary. The following sub-committees have been. appointed: st Programme Committee, con- 940 Pupils . Attendance at .. Hat s Schools 104 Pupils Have Applied For Odmission But There Is At Present Room F School Will Cost 115,0 940 pupils are now in. attendance at the Hat's public schools, accord- ing to Superintendent Hay. This is near the present: capacity, as he re- ported that he has just 24 mote seats to fill, and has applicat.ons from 104 pupils. for admission. The mew school will not be ready for some time, Mr. Hay and Mr. Mor- Tow were appointed a committee to German Press Adds to Strained Condition Newspapers Do-Not Conceal Irritation at Brit in for Failing to Prevent Intervention of Russia in Mon- golia. Ot attempt to conceal its irritation at is encouraging the armed tte beyond the control of the weakened (C. A. P. Cable.) Berlin, Sept. 10 The press, including even semi-official organs, does ition of Russla in Mongolia, While it is acknowledged that the insurgents have gained the upper hand and are sisting of H. Stewart, J. D. Me- Gregor, J. A, Cameron, O. Hay and) C. S. Pinglo, whose duties it will be to arrange a complete programme from the arrival to the departure) and submit copy of stich arrange- ments to the chairman-of each Oom- mittee. Qnd. Carriage Committee, consist- ing of W. Huckvale and P. Bryenton to arrange for four autos and one) carriage with horses -for the Gover- nor General's party to be at the station at a given hoar which will he ammounced by the general chairman. Sxd. Decoration Committee, con- sisting of W. H. Turpin, G. H. Me- Donald, Capt. Parker and A. Binning, or But 24 More The New 00. arrange accommodation so that they may take care of those pupils till the new school opens. The new schoo in Cousins and Sis- sons will cost in all 115,000 and the) board has introduced.a by-law for this amount. The cost of the build- ing will be 95,000 and the furnish- ings, arehitect s.. fees and fixing up the grounds the other 16,000. reports that the British government authority at Pekin, bitter are the jm. Shoebptham. Duties Arrange PAYS HIGP, TRIBUTE nae ee eee Awemain here for several deys, visit- tng other portions of 'the district. complaints at the flagrant manner, as one journal describes it, in which England has abandoned her historic attitude of opposing any inroads oa the territorial integrity of China. The secret agreement which, in official Ber- lin, it is presumed has been arrived at between Russia, Japan and Great Britain for a common policy in the partition of the outlaying portion of the Chinese Empire, is vehemently condemned. No official statement is forthcoming from the Wilhelmstrasse, but no one pretends the situation ig not strained. The Bourse does not quite know how to take the report that the Chiti se Government has succeeded in secretly negotiating a loan of 10,000,000 in London. 2 ENGLISH CAPITALISTS Duties Bunting for atr lie buildings and Te Decoration of plat and bunting. 4 4th. Accommiodation Committee, consisting of S. T. Hopper and C. J. MADE AN MAINE Wilson. Duties Erection of plat- form, carpeting same, necessary chairs and tables. * Refreshments, ee., at plationn, Republicans Recaptured 5th. Route Committee, consisting) Governorship-in State of J. E. Davies, A. J.N. Terrill and Elections* Held route from station to park, ehease Wostengey. new (Cousins Sissons) school or ) wk tel tr coy aes WON OUT AT ALL POINTS Results of Contest Closely Duties will include arrangements on Studied For Possible Ef- streets on route giving definite in- structiona regarding positions of fects on National Election. autos and the general public and W,- : Ps Dispatch) keeping the business traffic as much Portland, Maine, Sept. 10. The po- 48 possible from interfering, 6th. Automobile Committee, cor litical overturn in Maine's State elec- tion yesterday, in which the Repub- sisting of Mr. Potter and Dr. Smyth, Duties arrange for autos for ac- cenmodation of all. those wishing to accompany the party from the Park lcans won bac the governorship, to the various points in route. Autos Won three of four eotigressmen, and to be decorated. As the carriage is sufficient majority on a joint bal- to be discharged at the platform, lot in tho Legislature to assure the Committee will artange for one spec- lection of a Republican United jal auto for Duke, States Senator, became more appar- Committee on Address, Rev. J. W. ent today with revised and additional Morrow, L. H. McDonald and Mayor Teturns. Willlam T. Haines, of Waterville, Republican, was eli Governor by a majority of 20,557, over Governor Spencer. The Programme Committee report- Frederick W., Plaisted, Democrat, of Augusta. The vote, with 28 towns ed in effect that the Duke of Con- naught and his party would be ready missing, was: Hained, Republican, 70,072; Plaisted, Democrat, 66,515. to leave their train at about ten o'clock in the morning, a. carriage Two years ago the yote for Governor was: Bert M. Fernald, Republican, for the Governor General and four autos would convey the party to 64,672; F. W, Plaisted, Democrat, 73,- 425. The missing 28 towns two years latform to be erected on the Es- lanade adjacent to Riverside Park. ' Here the civic address would be read 2 and the members of the Council and 88 cast 751 votes for the Republican their wives presented to the Gover- candidate and 846 for the Democrat. nor General. Other citizens, if de- Congressman Asher , Hinds, first ocad oe eee fed, could ar- strict, and Frank Hi Guernsy, sec- Seeue belote ae Mayor con- 04 district, Republicans, were: re- elected by increased majorities, and For st Goodwin, Republican, sup- planted Congressman Samuel W. cerning the matter. The members of Gould, Democrat, in the, third district. the Council are to appear in the regulation frock coat and silk hats. The Democratic candidate in the 4th district, Congressman D. J. McGiili- From the Park the party will be taken in autos to the new school on the Cousins Sissons sub-division cugay. was re-elected. where His Royal Highness will 671: qh new. Legislature will sjand on the corner stone and present badges), joint ballot 94 Republicans and 78 to the school children. The proees- nemocrats, with ten: districts yet to. sion will then disband and the spec report.The State Senate will be ial train will leave the city at 13) mage up of 22 Republicans and 8 o'clock. : Democrats, with one district missing. An escort . of Hussars will accom -phe house will be Coniposed of 72 pany His Higness'from the station to Republicans. and 70 Democrats, with the Park. nine districts missing, This majority The following route has been plan-) wit be sufficient to elect Former Con- ned for the procession by the com- igr ssman Edwin C, Burlegh of Au- mittee in charge of that portion of gusta, as United States Senator, in the programme: place of Senator Obadiah Gardner Canadian Pacific Railway station who was appointed to fill the vacancy to Park via Main street and 4th) caused by the death of Senator Wil- Avenue. From Park to new school liam P. Frye, Republican, site in Cousins Sissons division Political. observation is in soma, via Esplanade to 8th Avenue, therice doubt as to the effect of the Repub to Main street and down to 6th lican victory and the attitude of the Avenue, then over to Toronto street Progressive leaders reratting the na- and direct to school site by West tional election. in November. All of Road Allowance. the Progressive leaders were actively irom. school site to High School identified with tke Republican party via Highland street, down Roy street in yesterday's election. to 4th Avetue and as far-as-Brae-; mar street, then to 6th Avenue, to Montreal street, to 4th Avenue and down Toronto street, along South Railway and down past round hous) and nlong Columbia Avenue to Cgil- TWh we nYING The Decoration Committee was em- ss 50 to 78 vents eath, on sate Wednes- (W. ALP. Dispatend Ist Avenue, pest Hospital and direct to City Hall, via Mainstreet. City Hall to depot. tend across Main street between e Steep Montreal Hill Also Post Office and the News building. Resulted in Eight Being Beautiful Pietare Frames; worth WERE ASTONISHED AT WEST'S DEVELOPMENT opment of the country The com- pany s experimental fa at the Bun- galow, was partieam ly admired. Minister of Public. Works for Alberta Accompanied Pi m Their Tour Delleve, waka the minister, that ugts the the visitors ephited with a splendid Dist ict. opinion of district. In arranging a trip of i kind Mr. J. D. MeGre- gor, wetikger of the company, eis) renderst a signal service to the ti- trick, Qs his guests from the OFd TO PPAANAGER MoGRECOR ssi Sn ct tae wes Nive spheres, some of them Deitix 0 national reputation. i Personally speaking, Mr. MiteHell said he was delighted with the exterit and condition of the crops, and fare present bright weather cotitinues he predicted that a grett Imp tuous would be added to mext year's busi- ness. Mr. McGregor says: On- iccount of the rain we shipped our autos te Medicine Hat and started out from here. From here we went to the ex- perimental farm at the Bungalow, and then motored over to Ronalane, (named after Sir Ronald Lane, one fthe party,) where we had dinner. We then visited the big flumes an: Immense Works. Hon, R. Mitchell, Minkwer of Padtic Works, is in the city und will He arrived with the English cap- Atalists who returned from a tour of tne Southern Alberta Land Co.'s ir- vigation works, having Joined the party -at Gletehen Phe ratr thnre prevented thelr making the tour and 0 they came fo Medicine Hat and started out from bere. T conversed with many of the then returned to the Hat last night party, said Mr. Mitchell to the Work on the big ditch has been News, and they were unanimously practically comp says Mr. Me- Gregor, other than the crossing of versed was equal to all that they had the Bow river. With the exception heard of it. Great astonishment was of one or two, this was the capital expresved at the extent of the devel-' ists first visit to the work. of the opinion that the country tra- vie's. Up Bast. Road Allowance to awered to crect a latge arch to ex) Street Railway Smash On day and Thursday Tor 25 ete each entrar, Que, 4 ane in-our basement, Gee widow div ary aying and clght others were. In- play. The Teperial Dry Goods Co. jured in a street ur smashup, which ae. octarred on the Steep Gny street hilt Loose Went Systetm The News Job near Pine Ave, this morning, The Depareatetit has every facility for sup- wen fatally Enjured- w re pinned 3a plyiieg the most sillisfactory. re demolivfied vestibule of one car and could not be freed till the wreck ing. party wrenehed the uncomsclous and have not TRADE 0 AVAL ISSA WILL WRECK THE BORDEN -SHP Hospital . One man is believed to be, . Burnato, and -ihe other is aliso- Wately unknown. 3s the Prediction of Sen- henna. wan ee Catetlian Beautiful Picture Frames, worth ill Sup i i jeture j Here. te Weer Rey Seas Sap and Thucatny for 25 cents each in our basement. See window dis- Winnipeg, Man. Sept. Speak- 0) ON pe Tperial Dry Goods Co. ing as a French-Camifian politician, FSenator Lavergne Wire fo-day, on his return east from tle Forestry convention at Vidwifa, B.C., said that he and his compitriots would support a Canadian navy built in The Dally News delivered in tne city 35 a month. TEEPE EERE EE EE + + init ly identified at the Royal Vietoria sideration. the opening convention of the American Bankers Association today between 1,500.and 2,000 visiting bankers, representing all sections of the gountry, were pre- sent. The amount of capital repre- sented is given at upwards of 10,- 000,000,000. lt; The gathering was.p ned inj the Detroit Opera House ab 10 o'clock this moraing with an invocztion by Rev. Joseph A. Vance, Governor Os orne and Mayor Thowipsdn, speak - ing for the State of Michigan and the City of Detroit respectively, ex- tended cordial greetings to the dele- gates. President George H. Ruissel of the Detroit Clearing House also, welcomed the visitors on'behalf of the Detroit bankers. RobertJ: Lowry, of Atlanta, madd the reply to the addresses of welcome, The, exelrange of greetings was fol- lowed by the annual addr ss of the association president, . William Liv- ingston of Detroit.. The amual, re ports of Secretary Frederick E. Farnsworth of New York city, Treas- urer J. Fletcher Farrell of Chicago and of other officials and. the stand ing committee completed the swork, of the initial session. Y* noon session were the addresses of Robert W. Bonynge, of Denver, om Banking and Currency Reforts, and United States Senator. Charles E. Townsend of Michigan, who'dealt with a variety of questions of inter est to the financiers and the public in general. * eal ate DENTISTS TO REQR ANIZE (Specal to the Newsy Washington, DeC., Sept. 10. A complete reorganization of the Na- tional Dental Association is to be ef- fected at the association's sixteenth annual convention, wAich met in the capital today for a three days ses- sion. The association is to be reor- ganized along the lines of the Amer- ican Medical Association and will be in close affiliation with all of the State associations of dentists now in existence: Bishop larding delivered the invo- cation at the opening session of the convention at the New. Willard. today, Cofimissioner Rudolph delivered - an address of welcume and Dr. Frank C. Hetrick of Ottawa, Kas., regponded for the visitors. The session also in- cluded: the annual address of the president, Dr. Arthur R.-Melendy of Knoxville, Tenn., and an address on Modern Dentistry in Germany, by Dr, Newell 8. Jenkins of Dresden. ROCHESTER TO CELEBRATE (Special to the News) Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 10. Elab- orate prepafations are rapidly near- ing completion for Rochester's cen- tennial celebration next week. The celebration will begin with anniver- sary services in the churches Sunday, while a succession of parades and other features will carry the program through the greater part of the week. The committee in charge of arrange- ments hopes to secure the presence of President Taft on the principal day of the celebration. Governor Dix and cities o fthe State have accepted In- yitations to attend. DELAWARE DEMOCRATS MEET (Special to the News) Dover, Del, Sept.,10 The Demo- cratic State convention assembled in this cif toilay to decide upon candi- dates fot presidential electors, a rep- resentative in Oongress and a com plete State ticket from governor own. Among those mentioned for Gre gubermatorial nomination are Jom G. Gray, Thomas N. Stayton and Thomas N. Moneghan, all of Wilming- ton ,and Theodore Armstrong of New- ark, For representatives in Con- gress Robert C, White and Albert F. Polk, both of Georgetown, are under SCALANUOVA BOMBARDED (W. A. P. Dispatch) in the vicinity of Smyrna, Asiatic Turkey, according to a despatch re- ceived in, London today by a news agency. MASTER CAR PAINTERS IN SESSION Denver, Colo., Sept. 10. The forty- thira annual convention of the Mas- ter Car and Locomotive Painters As- sociation of the United States and Canada was opened in Denver toda The pHincipal features of the after- the triayors of many of the principal / London, Sept. 10. The Nalfan fleet has bombarded Scalanuova, seaport Mob, Incited by Strikers Cars With Stones,and , Strike-breakers* Deter ed Protection. J (WL A. P, Duluth, Minn, Sept. 19 -The car strike this morning remained . the same, without further outbreaks against the company, and imported strike-breakers declare the will stick Mt the police will give them any sort of protection About fifty per cent of the ars are running under the direction of the strike breakers. The cars are kept in bunches to afford protection. Car tHatyhe will be unable to report for seryi e was practically .at a,stand work today. Nearly all the windows in still until after noon yesterday when the were broken by the mob. RIOT IN DULUTH CARS RUN AG AIN Meeting, Attack Passing: Beat. Three. Op es- nified to Remain if Dispateh:) sevetity-five strike-breakers, import- ed from the Twin Cities, arrived and Were. pat to work, e ft While the strikers were: holding meeting Inte last night, fas. matid at 3,000 persons the west end of the city. Ston s were-thrown-at andthree strike-breakers wer pulled from, their places and beat Sgjd gt;that one of them was injured 60 Judge Carpenter Will Presi On Thursday Large No Criminal As Yet. The sitting of thelweellly court which was to have opened tomorrow has been postponed o day and. Will open on Thursday with Judge Car- enter presiding. THere is a large. grist of small casesito be dealt with, no criminal cases'Ks yet having been set down. There are a couple of criminal cases, however, in which speedy trial has been asked. These eases will likely be presented to His Lordship, gnd it rests with bim as to whether or ngt he will fry them. The cases efitered are: practically all for small debts. They are: S. T. Fawcett vs. J. R. Snider, 2Q. M. Chariter vs, J; Lavell Many Cases for the District Cor de at Sitting, Which Grist of Small Debt Ga Walter Guerin Mins, 4 4 eae +A. By Erter vs. Doctor Steel. W. P.Dondon ys. Harris Freeman, Se vs. H. O. Gunther. Medicine Hat Milling Go, vs. Shay i BL. Briiniseth vs. M. Chariter. Medicine Hat Milling Co. ys. Scott H. B, Browne vs, Mr. J. Hf Kenzie. X ane Eliz; Hillerbrand vs, Bernard Hal teer 5 ee Two appeal cases trom decisions of the magistrate have also been enter- ea. . Straltier, vs. W. Fawcett. NEW AIR CORPS TARE) Lieut. Berlington and Lieut. - Hotchkiss Killed Near Wolvercote in Spectac- ular Aeropiane Accident, FIGHT MANUEUVERS lt; Development of Britain s Latest Army Branch Brings Forth Praise Press Comments in Glowing Terms. (W. A, P, Cable.), Oxford, Eng. Sept. -10 Another double fatality, th s cond, within a week, occured today. to members of the army flying corps when Lient. C. A. Berlington and Lieut. - , Hotch- iss, Doth of whom had Just been giv- en commissions on probation, were killed while flying past Wolvercote. The machine in which the officers by Eu . Joseph, the Eucharistic Congr ss tor of 15,000, and representatives from t The serious business will begin with an attendance of members repre- Canada, but at fe Weposal of the 4. PREMIER'S FATHER ILL 4 senting the leading railroads of Am- Empire when weeiell for Imperial de- 4. lt; FTerica. The convention will continue fence. He prophested that the Bor- .t, winnipeg, Man. Sept. 10 three days and will be devoted almost den ship: would be wrecked . on the .f. Hon. J. W. Sifton, who has entirely to the discussion of technical trade and naval:issues, and said that). heen Il for some time has +) subjects. within a fow years the three prairie .f. taken a turn for the worse.. provinces Would Be lined up for rec- .f- Hon. Clifford Sifton, his son, + Corset Sale, all sizes and styles, iprocity. Accompanying the Senator and other members of the + worth up to 1.50, on sale Wodm were Hon. Jutes Allard, (Mis ye of -f- family have been summoned. day and Thursday 85 cents pair. See Agriculture for Quebec, and ve of window display. The Imperial Dry, Piche, chiof of the forestry survey. Goods Co Be eh he ehh eh ob fivered setting forth the principles will be in all the cussion of au WITH PEYING MACHINES on eee (W. A. P. Cable.) Vienna, Austria, Sept. 10. Under the proteetion of Hiaperor Francia: SUCCESS BY TWO Of Oxford, and had reached point ju outside Wolvercote when eo ee appeared to stop and the aeroplane fell to the ground from a height of 500 feet. One account 6f the acci- cent says that an e: occurred while the machine In. the afr, i body of-one of the officer gt; was - found in the river the other was picked up in a fi : ceived thelr flying A big battle in the army, manceu vres in which a nuinber of officers of the flying corps;are taking part, began yesterday and the n Wwspapers this morning, refer in glowing terms to the success of the aviation corps. GOVERNOR WILSON: ADDRESSES VETERAN (Special to the News) Atlantic City, N. J., Sept. 10. Gor.. Woodrow Wilson came to Atlantic City today-to review. the parade and deliver an address at the national en- campment of the United Spanish War Veterans. The Governor was given an enthusiastic reception. were manoeuvering, had pzssed ov People From Many Lands : Drawn to Austrian City charistic Congress. Great Roman Catholic Gathering Starts work at Vienna Under Favor of Emperor Francis Joseph Climax Will be Huge Procession Sunday Morning. eas day began tts labors whieh sre) fans continued until Sunday next. Delegates and visitors numbering: he United States, South America and Canada, and from all the countries of Europ -have gathered tn the city. with a festival assembly in St. Ste phen s tomorrow, when the..papal brief will be read. Addresses wil be do- of the congress. On Thursday thero Pontifical high mass in the cath dral, and communication mass parish churches in the city. . affecting the welfare and progress Sectional meetings for the dis of the churches will be held every day In the cathedral, amd some of the larger parish ebur The last and crowning function s along to the Hoffuurg, where of 70,000 people. y morning when an minenge proces Jow, mii apal Legate on top of the entrance sateway* bers of court will aitend the service Which pwill be of the congress will take place Sun- march from St, Steph- be celebrated by the sEmp and gil mem-
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Image 442 (1912-09-10), from microfilm reel 442, (CU1772522). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.