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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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FOR SALE BY LLL A -AIBERTA LEADS THE WEST (Continued from Page 1) There is no shortage of labor hore, though prices demanded are high. OW. A. P. Despatch) Moosomin, Sept. 7 Windy, dry and sunshine all yesterday. Every thing in splendid condition for: cut- ting today. Lowest temperature ear- ly this. morning was forty. Winnipeg, Sept. 7 The weather bas cleared throughout the three prairie provinces, no rain having been reported during the past 24 hours except a shower at Swan Riv er, Man. It was generally moderate ly warm during the day, but quite cool at many places in the west at night, the lowest temperatures re- corded belng 31 at Pierson, Man., and 34 at Humboldt, Sask. The latter place reported the highest tempera- ture at 78. The forecast for today in Manitoba favors the farmers, being fine and with no change in temper ture: Saskatchewan fine today fol- lowed by a few local showers. SCARCITY OF HOUSES FORCES PEOPLE TO BUY. List your houses with THE HOUSE MEN, We have enquiries daily. Medicine Hat Real Estate Exchange, Room 8, Imperial Bank Building. tf Loose Leaf System The News Job Department has every facility for sup- piying the most satisfactory. Like our namesake we don t say much, but we accomplish quite a Tot and the quality of our Lumber and Building Speaks Material for Itself Surely you can believe your eyes and ears, so call at our sheds and yards on South Railway and Factory and be convinced. Phone 166 BEAVER LUMBER CO. LIMITED W. STACEY, Mgr.. YOU SHOULD CONSULT YOUR SOLICITOR About Your Will And Have This Company Appointed as Your Executor and Trustee The Trust and Guarantee COMPANY, LIMITED. Public Administrator and Ofticial Assignee for the Judicial Districts of Lethbridge Macleod 220 EIGHTH AVENUE MILLINERY MISSES 0 GORMAN AND SHFRRAT BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEY HAVE OPENED MILLINERY PARLORS IN THE GLASGOW HOUSE THE LADIES OF MEDICINE HAT ARE. CORDIALLY TO CALL AND INSPECT OUR STOCK. OPENING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, September 6th and 7th. Calgary Wetaskiwin WEST, CALGARY. stf INVITED PHONE 812. pensive than you'expected. The SAME A a Perry Electric Supply Colt a 80 AH eer Ba For Your Electrical Work Done a little better than seems necessary and a little less work, best of material and right prices. (ON. PALF TO SMALL JOBS AS THE BIG ONES, S TES FURNISHED FREE. 411 4th AVE., MEDICINE HAT secret of our success is high class Tk VOTE 10 Medicine Hat District Re fused Offer in No Uncer- tain Terms. RESULT OF VOTE WILL BE KNOWN T0-NICHT Possibility That a Strike May Result if Settlement Is Not Reached. The vote taken by the C. P. R. telegraphers on the Company's award - of ten percent. the matter of wages shows the men of the district to be, with one exception, umani- mously in favor of rejection. Medi- cine Hat men were dead against it. The result of the vote all over the company s lines will not be known until Saturday night. If the mpn agree to accept the award they will continue their duties with no further negotiations, but in case they turn) down the award, as now seems more then likely, the whole question will be reopened, and negotiations with the company once more resumed. The reason the)men are turning down the award so unanimously is that, while it gives appears the men what to be a ten per cent. in- The Canadian Northern was the first company to lay rails into Ed- monton in 1902 and the first com- pany to give direct rail communica- tion from the centre of Edmonton to the world at large by way of Win- nipeg in 1905. The Canadian Nor thern has done well by Edmonton and in doing so has done well for its shareholders and its future prospects. Apparently the company is well sat- isfied with its policy of constituting Edmonton the centre of its far west- ern system for it is carrying on ex- tensive work this season on a heroic seqle. They have lines under con- struction in six directions: West, northwest, north, northeast, south- east and south, on which 750 teams and 1850 men ar now employed in grading work besides bridge and steel gangs. Unfortunately the wea- ther for a considerable portion of the has been delayed, and consequently it is to be feared that the results of the season's operations will not measure up to intentions and ex- pectations. -. MAIN LINE WEST. First in importance, of course, 1s the main line west Canada's third transcontinental line. This line ex- tends from Edmonton through the Jasper pass by way of Kamloops to Port Mann, opposite New Westmin - ster, B.C. ,on ocean navigation, at the mouth of the Fraser. It glosely parallels the G. T. P. for 250 miles the t is, from Entwistle, at cretie-ot tig. Pembina, to the Tete Jaune Cache, at the western side of the Rocky. mountains. But for half that distance that is, from Prairie Creek, on the Athabasca, to Tete Jaune Cache it is not possible to take any other route, Throughout the greater part of the total distance the coal fiekis which are traversed give ample value to the principle of competition which the proximity of the C. and G. T. P. to each other . Beyond Tete Jaune Cache diverges sharply to the southwestward to reach the valley, of the North Thompson, which it fol- lows to Kamloops. From Kamloops it parallels the C. P. R. to the coast. The G. T. P. diverges sharp- ly at Tete Jaune Cacke and follows the Fraser. northwesterly to Fort George, and thence to Prince Rupert. OPENS UP VIRGIN TERRITORY. From the Cache to Kamloops the C. N. opens up valuable virgin. terri- tory in the valley of the North Thompson, Although the southern part of the valley near Kamloops is measurably settled the northern part, near the Tete Jaune Cache, has ab- solutely no settlement. The develop- ment of this valley following the completion of the railway, should be of greater importance to the, trade of Edmonton, The railway crosses the mountain with gradey,little, if any, inferior to threat theG. T. P. Rails have been laid site spring to Entwistle, at the crossing of the Pembina, a distance of 65 miles from Edmonton, and the work of putting in the high level steel bridge is making good pro- gress. It will be finished about the middle of September. The grading i completed for 175 miles west of Ed: monton to a point near Hinton, on the G. T. P., and the trestles have been put in for that distance, 30 that track laying will go forward ra- pidly once the Pembina Bridge is fin ished. The abutments for the brdge across the Macleod are finished, ready for the steel work, when the rails reach there, as it is expected they will sorse time in January. : : : MEDICINE LEGRAPHERS UNANIMOUS IN FER OF WAGE INCREAS v REJECT (0S crease, in reality (ley are getting ouly four or five per cent. he award allows an inerease to all but despatchers in scheduled offices. Very few of the offices in smaller towns are scheduled. The increase would have to be divided among the whole, henee it works out to be a * very small increase when the whole of the 1,800 employees are considered. Should there be a : t will be several weeks before a strike decision could be arrived at, and there are hopes that the company will. re-con- sider its decision rather than tie up the system py a complete break with the men, : If a strike were to result local telegraphers state that the fact that a large part of the system is now controlled by telephone despatching would make little difference, as the tie-up would come in those parts con- trolled by the telegraph, and the whole system would necessarily be involved. Should the trouble come, and be prolonged before a settlement was: reached, it is understood that the commensial offices would be affected, for the commercia, operators would likely join the railway men in a sympathetic strike, which would com paratively demoralize business of every kind for the few days it might last. C.N.R. CONSTRUCTION WORK IN ALBERTA Athabasca opposite Fiddle Creek, a distance of forty miles, two-thirds of the grading is done and from that point to the summit,adistance of 50 miles, or 260 miles from Edmon- ton, the line is now being covered by contractors. It is expected that the track will reach the summit .-about next May. : PEACE RIVER LINE. This line leaves the main line at Onoway, about 40 niles west of Ed- monton. Grading is completed for 27 miles, to the Pembina, and is be- ing carried on to a point beyond the, Macleod river, 87 miles from Ono- way. Track-laying will begin in Sep- tember and will be completed to the Pembina without delay. The bridge, which is not very costly, will then be put in, and track laying continu- ed. It is expected that the track will reach the Macleod at White- past month has been such that-work oourt, 72 miles from Edmonton this winter. The right of way is cleared to the crossing of the Athbase: From Whitecourt. to Grand Prairie city is about 150 miles by this route. ATHABASCA LANDING LINE. On this line the rails have been laid to the Landing for some time, and authority has be n granted by. the railway commission for operation. But, unfortunately, after a few trans had passed over, a slide oc- curred, which is not yet repaired. Work ig being pushed energetically to make the necessary repairs. ST. PAUL DE METIS LINE. Grading operations are in progress on the line northeasterly from Oliver station, ten miles east of Edmonton, towards St. Paul de Metis, on the south side of the river. Eleven miles have been graded, and work is being continued to the Sturgeon ri- ver at Battenburg and beyond. It is expected that twenty miles will be graded this fall. Ultimately this line will give direct connection between Edmonton and Battleford, north of the Saskatchewan river. EDMONTON SOUTH CAMROSE. The grading on the Edmonton- Camrose line was practically com- pleted last season, but owing to the Yains of last fall a great deal of work has to be done this spring be- fore track could'be laid, The dis- tance is 47 miles and track is - now laid to the point at which the C. E. is crossed, a short distance south of Edmonton. - It is expected that the crossing will be made and the) track laying completed to the yards west of the C. E. and south of Whyte avenue this week. Although the track is laid it will not be pos- sible to operate. this piece of road until it is ballasted. Connection will be made with the) line of the Canadian Northern which crosses the low level bridge, and when the Vegreville-Calgary line is completed this fall will give Edmon- tom direct connection with Calgary by C. N. R. CAMROSE-ALSASK. An extension of the Edmonton- Camrose line has-been surveyed and approved, southeasterly from Cam- rose to Alsask, on th Saskatoon- Calgary line of the C. N. R.: at the provincial boundary. A contract for 50 miles of grading has been let, and the contractors are now on the work. This distance wi not take the line across the Battle river, but it will give transportation to a section of the country lying in the southerly bend of the Battle ri- ver very much in need of it at the Present time. It is assumed that this line will ultimately be extended southeasterly to Regina, giving a second direct . N. R. line between From near Hinton to a point on the Winnipeg and Exhfionton. HAT DAILY-NEWs Pingle, Wales Bell 4th Ave. corner of Esplanade, Half-minute past Post Office. * PHONE 791. to the public Beg to annou (hat they have recetved in- structions from the owner to dispose of the following valu- able lots and they call special attention to them as good buys, RIVERSIDE On Broadway, facing river: and city, Block 13, Lots 9 and 10; 750 pair. Terms. , RIVERSIDE Block 19, Lots 46 to 52, to be sold singly or in pairs; 350 each or 650 in pairs. Terms. CENTRAL PARK Corner in Block 24, Lots 37 to 40; price 1575 the lot; cash. HERALD Block 8, Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, facing river. Price 750 the pair. Situations Wanted, Help wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, etc, ads under these headings. 25 words, one day .. .. 26 26 words, three days 60 25 words, six days 1.00 Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for less than 26 cents. Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2, and it will receive attention. HELP WANTED. WANTED 16 laborers, 3 per day, on pipe line work at Bow Island. Ap- ply International Supply Co., phone 763, 36-tf WANTED AT ONCE, CAPABLE foreman to take charge of laying wooden street crossings. Apply City Engineer's office. A. K. Grimmer, City Engineer. 49-tt 'WANTED Laberers by the Canad- jan Stewart Co, 3c per hour Apply Ogilvie Mill site 24-tt WANTED AT ONCE 60 carpenters on Ogilvie Mill job. Boarding camp on site. Canadian Stewart Co, Ltd. 38-tt 'WANTED Dining room girl. Apply Redolift Hotel, lt; Bite Wart Serent aula month, Apply to Mrs. W. Hig- gins, P, 0, box 772. ate EDMONTON-CALGARY SHPRT LINE. * Although the C. N. R. is establish- ing direct railway connection be- tween Edmonton and Calgary by way of Camrose and the Vegreville- Calgary: line, their projects include a line so direct as to enable them to compete on equal terms with the C. E. section of the C. P.R. Ten miles of this lime is graded from Edmonton south, and track will be laid to the White Star coal mines this winter. Another section of this line has been graded between Lacombe and Red Deer, using a portion of the C. iN: Brazeayijne for a part of the distance. f C. N. will have rail connection with both Lacombe and Red Deer over this grade this fall by way of their Brazean line, . which leaves the VegreviHe-Calgary line at Warden, five miles from Stettler. The Lacombe spur is five miles and the Red Deer seven miles long. These will form part of the Edmonton- Calgary direct line. VEGREVILLG-CALGARY LINE. Track is laid from Vegreville, on the C. N. main line, 70 miles east of Edmonton, through Camrose, to a point 51 miles from Calgary. The grading is completed to Calgary and er ws are at work bridging the C. P. R. irrigation ditches. It is expected that the track will reach the Bow river at Calgary in October. At pre- sent there isa train service from Vegreville to Drumheiler, at the eros- sing of the Red Deer, about 70 miles from Calgary, three times a week. It is expected that the road will be in operation into Calgary early this winter. OTHER ALBERTA LINES. The foregoing programme of con- struction has Edmonton for a centre. but the company's activities in Al- berta are not confined to the lines already mentioned. BRAZEAU LINE. The Brazeau line leaves the Vegre- ville-Calgary line at Warden, five miles south of Stettler. Track is Jaid for 112 miles to the crossing of the Saskatchewan river at the site of the old - H. B. post known as Rocky Mountain house. The C. P. R. is building a parallel line and is constructing a bridge a ross. the Sas- katchewan Negotiations are in progress be- tween the two companies with a view to both using the one bridge. Owing done for eight miles at the proposed crossing, but beyond that point 47 miles are under active construction and will be finished this winter. A nine-mile spur will take the track to the collieries, which are the present: objective, and it is expected that the rails will reach the mines by next June. A survey has been made which carries this line northwesterly from a point near the colleries toa point on the main line near the em trance to the Jasper pass. But there no present intention of construet- ing beyond the collieries. SASKATOON-CALGARY. This line has been in operation from Saskatoon to Alsask at the in terprovincial Waundary for nearly two) years. Grading is completed to Ber- ry Creek, 240 miles from Saskatoon and track is laid for 220 miles. expected that the track will reach Munson eleven miles north of Drum- heiler, where connection is made with the Vegreville-Calgary line, early in October. This will give the C. N. R. a fairly Girect line between Winnipeg and Calgary by way of Saskatoon. CALGARY-MACLEOD. South of Calgary a contract bas been let for 20 miles and the con - tractors are going to work. It is-ex- pected that 50 miles will be graded this Yall. MACLEOD-PINCE ER. Work has been in progress during the summer on't line between Mac- Ieod ie and some forty miles out completed. Edmon- ton Bulletin. about the same point. WV to these negotiations very little is .- Track laying is in progress and it is/'J ED Men and women to learn ber trade, Summer rate now on. Situations guaranteed. Special Tates to ladies. Particulars and cata- logue free. Moler College, 699 Cen- tre St, Calgary. 294dte WANTED AT ONCE HOUSEMAID, Apply Mrs, E. B. Lively, Sugar Bowl, ? Main Street. 49-tt WANTED GENERAL SERVANT. Apply Mrs. A. C. Hawthorne, 713 Toronto St. 49-tt WANTED AN EXPERIENCED Cook. Apply Merchants Bank... 49-tf WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO HELP with general housework. One that could sleep home. Call at J. H. Everson s grocery store, 512 High- land St. Phone 49-3t WANTED MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 123 Toronto St. 44tf WANTED YOUNG MAN WITH EX- perience in altering, cleaning and pressing (men's); one that could help in store. Apply, H. S. Ireland, C.P.R. Men's Store 4e tt WANTED A LADY COMPANION TO help in care of four children, eldest 5 years. Apply at 801 Toronto St. 47-tt WANTED NURSEMAID TO HELP im care of four children. Eldest 6 years. Apply 801 Toronto St. 47-tf WANTED EXPERIENCED STENO- GRAPHER. Apply White, Laidlaw and Blanchard. 48-3t WANTED A TEAMSTER, APPLY Gas City Lumber: Co, 50-8t DRIVER WANTED ONE WHO knows the-eity- Apply R. Fv Coll- 50-8 SITUATIONS WANTED. (ANTED Young tady desires po- ition, 6 years business experience. Apply H, G,, post office box 818. 30 f WANTED TO Bor (ANTED TO BUY Building lots in Old Survey, Herald or Central, Park. Give-prices, terms, et. to P. 0. Box 510. Owners only need apply. eee BB, WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT, will. buy furniture for cash. George Freedman, 231 Braemar. 50-3t HOUSE. man near C. P. R. depot, north side, with family of musical tastes.- Write Box 452. 48-3t WANTED TWO ROOMS, FURNISH- ED as bedroom and sitting room on Braemar St, or vicinity preferred. Address Box 566, city. 48-6 A SUITE OF FURNISHED ROOMS wanted for light house keeping. Ap- ply to News office. 43-t ir. ENANT WANTED for vacant store on the corner of Montreal Street and 3rd Ave. Fine location for any business. Reasonable rent. Living rooms overhead. Immediate posses- sion, Repairs and overhauling will be faone. Apply-to-G.-G.1 Imperial Bank building. LOST AND FOUND loatt LOST AT EXHIBITION GROUNDS on Thursday, diamond ring, small Return to Mr. Turpin, 627 Main size, St. Reward given. 45-tt LOST SMALL BLACK PURSE containing sum of money. Finder piease leave at News office and re- ceive reward. x02: ins butcher shop, South Railway St. - PARTNER WITH 2,000 WANTED in a good paying retail business in Medicine Hat, Silent or working, Apply Box 1347, News pffica 60-8 ROOMS WANTED, nn WANTED TWO FURNISHED rooms between post office and High ool. Apply Mis Fraser, P, 0. 50-3 Oe VEGETABLES FOR SALE I HAVE for sale green tomatoes, onions, cab- bage, turnips, carrots, celery, . etc. These vegetables will be delivired any time by applying to P. 0, Box 2 Medicine Hat, an FOR SALE A WINE FIRST GLASS boarding house, central location; 12 steady boarders; furniture and busl- ness. Apply box 982. 49-6 OFFICES TO RENT. a nn TO RENT FINE LARGH OFFICE 20x24 ft, In size, corner 4th Ave. and Main St, upstairs in News block. Modern convenlences and well light- ed. Very central location in. the city. Apply at News office. tt. BOARD AND ROOM. ROOM AND BOARD APPLY 922 Montreal St, 50-8 a BOARDERS WANTED WITH OR without room. Apply 308 Braemar Street. 50-6t te MONEY TO LOAN OO MONEY TO LOAN PRIVATE MON- EY to loan on residential property. Apply to P. 0. Box 857. 45-6t STRAYED 3 STRAYED TWO WEEKS AGO from near Coleridge, two buckskin mares eight years old; one branded JM on left shoulder, other badly cut fon iankles and hind knee. Reward Apply Alberta Clay Products Co. 49-3 *- STRAYEDUONE BROWN -4-YEAR old mare weighing about 1200. Halt- er broken. Last seers, at Bulls Head Lake making for Medicine Hat. Re- ward of 10 will be given for return. of same or any information that will lead to recovery of same. Branded left hip, and HIBS. on aught shoulder. O'Connor Bro: Little Plume. 50 REWARD The above will be payed for information that will lead to the recovery of one brown, gelding with white stripe on nose, years old, and weight about 1300 Ibs. Brand HF monogram on left should- er; one gray gelding weighing about 1300 Ibs., branded ) on left thigh. These horses were ) last seen at Pete Welss on the 13th of May. BB Starks, Medicine Hat. 1eate FURS. FURS FURS FURS LADIES and gents fur coats remodelled. Own skins made up and dressed. Apply J. W. Crisall, Medicine Hat, Agent for the Andre Van Veen Co. Phone 278, P.O. Box 725 Be 7-8m. DRESSMAKING DRESS-MAKING AND LADIES Tailoring. Apply Mrs. Beller, Robs St, (last house). 48-3t CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS )W. 4 HENDERSON CO., chartered accountants and auditors, (estab- lished 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- bridge. AE. Gibsen, C.A, resident partner. Phone 198. Burns Block. 276att . CORSETIERRE SJPIRELLA Corsets made to meas- ure, guaranteed for one year against breaking or rusting. At office in Pingle block, Main street, from 2 p. ROOM WANTED BY SINGLE YounG ) 2.5 P- m. Olfice phone 694, At iouse, 7 school Avenue, opposite east side of High School, in evening. House phone 699, or write P. 0: Box 72, Mrs, Matthews, Au 22-3m AUCTIONEERS HH. 8. BROWNE CO., Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor nto St. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any where, House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere, Consult us, our ex- ice at your disposal free. Phone 703. H. B, Browne Co, 619 To- Tonto St. is2ate STOCK AND FURNITURE SALE A Specialty, Prices right. Call or write P.O, box 826. 102 Main 8t, Medicine Hat. G, L, Satterlee. 44-8t WaANTED LADIES' AND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jewelry, guns, revolvers, valises, suit Cases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- Biles, harness, Ddicyclea. carpenter tools, etc., raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and f-ithers, bought and sold, Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co., 312 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. P, . box 368 Phone 295. The Best Prices Pald for the above. 2eDte. See XS eetttie. peat ete + saetrertiir THIS THE 1S MOST QUIET OU w are no whatever 20th, Cent It is neat, gentleman a variety smartest V service or special-me TURP THE Where you ge cw. London, S the results of today: FIRS Aston Villa Bolton Wan Derby Cour ers 1. 3 Liverpool 3, Manchester City 1. Middlesborot New Castle Notts Count Ribion 1. Sheffield U letic 2. Tottenham Wednesday 4. SECO Barnesley 2, Bradford 0, Burnley 2, Bury 4, Griz Fulham 4, L Hull City 4, Leichester Forest 1. Preston No ient 4. Stockport C Poned. Wolverhamp' tol City . souTH Queen's Par City 0. Brentford 1, Northamptor Exeter City Millwall Att Brighton Stocke, 1. Westham Ur 2 Swindon Tor Portsmouth, Bristol. Rove 3. Celtic 2, At Hearts 1, A Dundee 1, C Patrick This Hamilton A. nok 1, Raith Rover Morton 2, Q Third Lanar St. Mirren ( FIN Cw, A - -Montreal, s great possibili chmrainen, the will take part cof the Amat Canada. TENDERS Tenders for Patrick's Chu from Tuesday noon Septemb specifications dence . of Rev Toronto St., on. The chairma terves the rig Wide, A certi accompany all
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Image 429 (1912-09-07), from microfilm reel 429, (CU1772523). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.