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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Romo After Rag 1 p oO R f N E we G is sel Matty Was Bona Fee ccidlcineozectbasons este oat eepeteatestectet secatercesconessanotneonsoenseseresteneeeeeennte patos il scabies: 'rselIT'S THE PLAYER WHO PLANS AND. : /' U 5 MAKES GRAVE forget it. If you could be around TRIES THAT 1S MOST SUC CR i i LIDS our office here You would soon real- WO. s Ev CHRGE AGAINST MPIRGS ss sss a, * lt; ously, And to hear of 80 MADY) it is never too late to learn, is) True other baso ; : i ; ball pl pee ee me petty squabbles ts really annoying. an-oid-adage and- a-good-one; Yet players-are able stroke, he will be - a to-do the same trick, but thi . - Mr. Bresnahan 's a hard worker baseball managers and coachers find mat thet stte- tive a Certain i : E cose is not as great as Cobb's be- Ill aes and I know ie I avereciate is ef- 4t hard work to teach old players cause he has all the natural qualift ce ba m0 DssIDIS CALOnS necessary to make him al bat. ab ica to His Team s Chances Will Have to Prove from now anti his scasou's close, 1d temake a ; player shift his style of star, Sam Crawford of the Tiger His Statements. that way he should know what the play and about as diffivult to correct Frank Baker, the Athletic Slugger, of the players Who always: i Pe young playera really amount to be- a player's manner of batting. is an example of the player who is same firm at the p i So . ture : 3 a - fore the training trip Bee erty Players who make a voluntary of- always trying to do eomething to ing the bat up als an for 1 The latest New York Toronto, Sept 17 Mahager Stall- sald Dunn. It then that Stark) playing season, 1 also approved of) fort to improve their work by chang- improve his work, Baker fs one of plants his feet 3 theme ings of the Buffalo team has got him- could control himself no longer and Mr. Wingo doing the bulk of the/ ing thelr methods of play are few and the leading batters in the league, hit- same. posture nelf in pretty mess, one that will punched at the little tormentor. It catching this season. He s a won- far between. ing well over the 00 mark, Recent- the plate. They touch in the way of a /require all of his diplomacy to extri- took six men to get Stark away from derful young player, and should do Ty Cobb of the Tigers 1s a great thls batting position Fo cate himself from without being him, but he Is not through with Dunn even better next year. player. He bas no set style of play. ' hitting upward, instead the major league. a Christy stiff hat can b /chased from the International Lea- yet; not by a whole lot. Well, what But I have a hard time getting He 1s able to shape his work accord- of winging at the ball with down- If more players would gue. He has made grave charges did Stark get trom the.umplre ruled to know people. I would like to ing to surroundings or attendant con- ward chop. This accounts, in Way, prove thelr work by had at our shop, We se inst, President Barrow s stat of fout of the game. What did Dunn gett Imow all the players know them 20 ditions. That particular asset makes for his falling off as slugger, but. shift on e in a es are-sho the -nifti- umpires, alleging not only incombet- Nothing. Allowed to stay right where that they would be willing to speak him the wonderful player that be is Jonce the batter mastera the upward plays would be leas ener, but worse. As a consequence he was and insult more Players: What to me, to come: into this office also a : nrestin ot -Direc- dtd Stark get from to-ieno p ODAY-IN-PUGILIS 5 ; tore of the Lesgue has besa called threo days on the bench abd a fine of men (much shuttling of Bill Pa ke 26 T d and Stallings will have to prove his 25. What did Dunn get just what better than I do. But it's a hard 4sg pilly Papke, former middle- y Pp ? oO ay, is lt; charges or retire from baseball. The the umpire gave him nothia. task, However, Tin ambitious to weight champion of the world, A + trouble was caused by the following, Yesterday this fellow Murray de- have a winning olub, and, mark my was born at. Spring Valley, 4 3 Imost P osm Pe which appeared in the Buffalo In- i1berately stole the game away from word, I will. i, The Illinois Thimdre- quirer of Tuesday: us b ythat decision on Stark at the Mrs, Britton yoluntecret to ans- bolt? was) of Germanahineri- have seen some pretty fierce plate. We haen t been playing good wer any further questions, but the can parentage, and the son of 4228 Arms Nearly as Long est assortment of head- gear in this city. work by umpires in the twenty years ball this year no one apprecites complainants had none to ask. coal miner. as Gentleman James. 1 haye been in: baseball, said Stall- this better than I do but we have Whereupon Yerdict of not guilty 1901 Jim Jeffries defeated Hank Tur in Br OSs. ings, some pretty raw work, but in /been robbed right and left and we was rendered without a dissenting Griffin In 4 rounds at Los An- Billy Papke, a, -is twenty. Pp jo jall that time I have never been upjhave lost game after game by one yote. z x geles, Griffin had been touted Years old today, Tas been described Sub Madd Ste Whee against such a bunch of incompetent run. A half way even break on these ag a bear, but proved to be in gt;Y physicians and physical torture 's Stone Where You aiteged indicator. handlers as. Mr. and we would See Se eee SOT se Steere tet - 30 way a match for the cham. have examined bim Get the Big Dollar's Worth Barrow has on his circuit this year. ing for second. plon. almost physically perfec This fellow Murray is not an umpire Disgrace to Baseball. BIG LEAGUE 1909 Match between Stanley Ket- has: never dissipated, and he is a Jesse James, a Dick Turpin, What we need is ginger. I have sje * SCORES + chel and Sam Langford in New ought now to be im his prime, Why For a Malay pirate and a Chinese junk some good ball players, but there 15 2, + York was called off because of he was unable to come back and re- o F stealer all rolled into one., What he not a fighter in the whole crowd, but 1 ot. of ofp ofe ofe oe ole ole ofe ole fe obe ole threats of police interference. in his lost laurels as middleweight ; ; cane AVI ATOR MAKES doesn't know about judging balls and one., One man like Kid Elberfleld in The men met in a 6 round no- Champion is a mystery. Papke com- at Peoria. Both of th ti tors strikes would fill'a book as big as the that infield and it would inject more + NATIONAL decision bout in Philadelphia enced his fighting career at the La place in January, and from E A HIGH RECORD Bilicott square; what he does know/ginger, put more fighting spirit in the following April, Ketchel Salle, Ill, Club, a8 stated yesterday, -nearly- the e Bert about field plays could be put on the our men and incidentally win tore) Chicago . . 0 early in 1906, and by the latter part . head of a pin. games that fifty good players at bat New York se 3 1Sit--Cherlep tetas detente of that year ie had advanced tore Frenchman Drives Aero- ansolutely and emphatically ie is and in the field. The umpires have Reulbach, Lavender and; Archer ger Young in 8 rounds at New point where he was fighting as a plane to a Height of 18;- tne worse specimen of an umpire that us Buffaloed. They don t take us Mathewson and Wilson. York, principal before more important 372 Feet, Passing Former ever met in my lite. seriously at all. Why look at that Pittsburgh . : a3 0 TEER FES clubs in Illinois, Doctors who looked But he is hardly any worse at that poser Betcher out in right field for Brooklyn ee the Spring Valley boy over declared than this fellow Byron. Those who Montreal. Yesterday he ran clear in Robingon and Gibson; Keeler, Ras- Many Excuses for that he was a physical marvel, on and Milter. ve feet i? eight and (W. A. P-Gabley were on the grounds here last week and gave Murray a whole lot. of 0 and. Mitte 5 Standing five feet and cig a Villa Coulbay, France, Sept 17 88 Shortstop Stark go to the mouth, but not a word was st 8 a a+ Joe Rivers Defeat half inches, head a reach of) sev- Geo. Legagneux. a French aeronaut, Orioles? bench and finally take a wal- him, and he can t play ball cineca ig i ed ee 3 enty-two inches, barely-an inch ess a near-champion in the welt established a new world's record for D at someone there, enough to keep him im the State Friends Say he Underrated tat of Jas. J. Corbett, who is decision... Rhodes and Papke wet * Fromme and Severoid; Finneran, iFrient y he Underra Fe altitude here today: His machine at- ew knew what the trouble really league. I'll bet anything that he Skayon Rixey: bal Rilliter, Mandot d Did: Not * inches taller. This gave him a matched again in Davenport, natural advantage, and, despite his March, 1907, and this time the ignorance of the science. of boxing, sas City boy managed to get a drat he was, usually sble to win easily although he took: an tained a helght of 5,600. metres, or Was. But I lll tell you, This fellow won't be with the Montreal team by MAYO ) Rixov 13,872 feot. The previous holder of Dunn, not once but at least ten times, June 1, next. But as oon as one of (220 Bam - the: workd s: altitude recotd:'was Rol- called. him foul names and he finally the Buffalo players made a protest, Suv ee Train Properly for Bout. and G. Garrows, who on September Went over to Dunn and asked him If to the bench or out of the game for Powis arg Clarke: Moore, Aox- By JOCKEY MAYNARD. over his opponents in. his early bat- Sth ascended in a monoplane at he meant it. him. Rotten is no word to spring for scr and Dooin. Now comes the different excuses for tl s. His first appearance as a prin Houlgate, France, and reached a Stark Punched Dunn. these fellows decisions, They, area Sr youte ee y g4 Rivers poor showing with Joe Man- cipal was in: Peorla, where he knock- height of 16,240 feet. Edo, and: more, you blonde rat, disgrace to baseball. ty ite f BE gigi sin; their. twenty-round bout at. gator Vernon. It is said he did not train Burke, Merritt, Woodburn aif Dramatic Recital x ai evorriing could to properly. If this is the case he has ENGLISH FOOTBALL Dickson, Tyler and Rariden. her happy and spent money on h i aa W : Vee to blame but himself. 8: (C. AP. Cable) Roger Bresnahan. ill a a ot sais way he fa en oftday Given by Champion a London, Sept. 17. Following and did not fight up to his regular B died four months ag tin roots ofthe Toottall games . Lead Cards-in 1913 russes form. Thur are alvays some tams Over Wife's Body ics sss seemed eal tae i ea ad Beans: ai favorite loses, but his defeat is ge0- Jack Johnson Tells Goro- 1 employ ee ow Mrs. Britton Denie? That She Intended to Sell Her ,,7' arally due to the other man being Y 20 4 Oe unt Baie: ies aed r just a trifle better. Woolwich Arvenel 0, Asnon Vita 3, Manager Also Declares, Frisslor. Never Existed. No doubt Rivers heki Mandot cheap White Wife Wore Her- SECOND DIVISION. SL esa fand-did-not train as he did-for some self Out Waking Care Of morning she seemed in Burley 2, Preston North End 2. St. Louis, Mo, Sept. 17 Those of interest in the filing of drafts. You uBftalo ... elievee of his previous fights, but he must) Him. - good spirits and I hed no + Glapton Orient 4, Stockport Coun- romancers who traded Manager Bres- know the drafting season is on and Toronto have. been::in pretty tatri sispe: to would Kill herselr, to 0. naban to Brooklyn for Rucker and we must put in drafts real soon. Mr, stroud, Sten the: twenty rountia st he: Dee JEFFRIES GO? CAUSED COLLAPSE) The stories. tnat Folham 2, Hudderfield Town 0, Wheat or sold him to Cincinnatti for Jones devotes a good deal of time to Lush and Graham. i the boys set on Labor Day. It is aes mesti trouble between Wolverhampton Wanderers 2, Not- the price of a beef stew made one the club and if his successor has Rochester e 3 9 1 too late after fight to make ex- 4. setret Guarded Between Them, my mother and sister ar uni tingham Forest 3. fatal mistake: They didn t consult been named, I'm at a loss to know Montreal ... ws.) 0 2 1 cuses,, and it shows better sports- He Says, Never Revealed cause they both were very Mrs. Helene Britton. Amd now comes who he is, 1 confidently expect Mr. Quinn and Blair; Dale and Mad- TIT Sulolde, her. My wife and myself r, Britton, exercising her preroga- F; farewell to tive as owner, and says: Jones to continue as president.' den. Mrs. Britton then voluntesred to Baltimore Chicago, Sept. 17 Mrs, Etta Dur- 4) re the Mi Mr. Bresnahan -will manage my recite her side of the Bresnahan Newark ..- 7 z yea Johnson, white wife of Jack t into Cup C case without being questioned, agree- Russell, Vickers-and-Payne; Leo, fj Johnson, champion heavyweight pug- club (she controls 997 of the 1,000 Bell and Higgins, ies ilist, died a suicide after wrecking B shares) next year. ing to tell all. ; 7 ig Four Lacrosse Union shuld ahha ise RITA RG e BAROTaa odes BS 0G any. Jersey City her health in caring for her husband, re Will Ignore Trophy for Gk, eat Pe 3 aa eis cute tho bef sence: : 7 who Was a victim of nervous prostra- * lans since. i All Time to Come. ich have been going the rounds one connected culb, Manser and Rondeau; Laffitte and tion. adi walolaal eakia eBieiey ant oc. Atac my Tigh ita Jttren, faa sinee the excessively hot weather Ieve, began Mrs. Britton, but real- scnmiat. ant at kaietiar et jue. nervous breakdown and the ew. y Set in. Indeed, there's only one ox- ly I never have had an opportunit fe his fight with Jeftri tors wanted to send me to a sani- HrGcenbi' Went. SO Ab 0 cade ete an oe ea Sa bs Bena ee 5 0 TCA, ABSECEAATON, ) m This was the testimony of Johnson rium. : ; - 16. mark, That's the heat. wasn t much to be said. However, I Despite Johnson's protestations bers ; at the Inquest over the body of Mra. oe ee ae: Cae 3) It s even hotter in Cincinnatt than should lke to set at rest all these minneapolis hege SRO AD: Johnson, who shot herself Wednes. that there was nothing but fhe best oronto Street. Railway Offices is in st. Louis, Umpire Jim John- disquieting rumors pf Mr. Bresnahan Kansas City Diane Aicabesd day night over the champion s sa- Of fecling between members of his ee ee ey eee rc oe stone, who worked in Rhineland last being traded. Patterson and Owens; Riley and verdiets over the New Orl ans light- jon, family -and his. wife, the. pugillst's a week, says it is 104 In the shade of I never have considered disposing Jameson. weight, although Mandot defeated jonnson eaid the nature and extent mother was not Pregent at the in aoe Sap ssn the grand stand, Therefore the rea- of Mr. Bresnahan s contract. The Indianapolis . o 5 1)Temple in their last meeting. It was/ of nis sufferings after the champion- dest. wo-alter : son for the yarn about Lawyer Lon thought never was entertained by Toledo - 4 9 1lprobably due to the fact that Ritchio snip fight, had been a secret be- Hocker selling Bresnahan to Garry me, and I-can truthfully say that I Ashenfelder aud Keene; James and obtained a verdict over the southern tween himself and his wite. I am 8A (MONTREAL DOG SHOW OFENS. r ccman'ss obvious, Ive'the heat. ' heltove Mk never will, My dealltigs ak x boxer that me ere baie ae still suffering from -that fight to HANK A A FAILURE Specal Ne Mra, Britton granted an audience With Bresnahan always have been Fae ae ee ee oe Mexi some extent, he said. ii The peace ie ericsatant to the local sport writers. en banc. Pleasant. I regard him as.a great ere one s Since Ritchie defeated Mente once, Johnson gave. his testimony in J.eader of the ie Mighty Reds Kennel Club opened 'in the Coliseum After a battery of high-powered elec- baseball man a man who should Columbus. ... this pair may meet in a match tears, He sald his wife's efforts to Has Fallen De Dawn. con Northrop and Pleree; Cook and on the Coast, and the bout would keep him from committing sulelde today with nearly 1000 entries from tic fans had been trained on the eventually give St Louis winner. Smith. draw a record-breaking house. were what broke down her own Cani th States and Eng- xcited propounders. of baseball gos- And that s my ambitton.-I want : th a taro nn an ey ya) Re hn gc a cea a J.J known to the fancier is represented. herself ready to answer all ques- I want Bresnal manage aranbeaas. lt; 2 SIE Ghe-clevar ) Gor sf 5s ue area ose to ad : d, team. I haye no intention of selling The show will continue three days, tions. - Will Mr. Bresnahan be retained hohe fe beh fe oh bbb as manager? was the opening shot. + ++ The defendant smfled. Maddox and Pearce; Kimball aa with Ad Wolgast for the lightweight ertions aid the heat of the Jeffries formation supposed to be acc ny oe pee vitae eae smith. title. This would, be a good mateh, tignt, 1 was not myself for a year, t Coming from a source acqua at ace aaee St, Paul... --- sa: scr 0 7 Mand Mandot should make the ebam- pur tne secret was closely Kept be- with the manoeuvres of F T haveshlecKod only one trade stitwaukee'. Pion step his best pace to win, Man- tween me and Mrs. Johnson. She ary Herrman. sts a a : 1 5 me twice when T trled to choke Will have new manager WHY CHAMPS + And then she langhed. I've neverfell and McDonald. I never heard of irupnos, . ore Piper aaa + DID NOT REPEAT - -jconsidered anyone else for manager that first trrde with Cincinnatl, only bead) - lt; gone , one a et a teers. ene X OD af be * and I m at a loss to know why you what I read in the papers. I refused , qgpaws SPORT FIXTURES. pont with the Mexican be showed aie and prevented SheMet Rhedmad The n ws, of, Spareqie ; *F Connie Mack, manager of - - should be in doubt about the security to permit the Huggins-Mitchell deal : Chat So io what: devteccediey terol Gh cntiiy use Agata ene: at it to er a oft i 5 eee wi for xpected to break during the ck the Philadelphia Athletics, - + of Bresnahan s position. * because I thought we were not-get- Grand Prize automobile race Will; sided fighter, as he can hit with over a year. I am) only telling this winter. f champions of the world, + Wall. how about this Broo) ting a good price for the assets Wel be decided at the Milwaukee course. .ither hand from any position. now in justice to my wife. It never O'Day was a hero In Cincinnattl d +k gives seven reasons why his + trade? continued the pleader for the were giving up. 7 ti Opening of the annual bench show mbe only thing. lacking in his make- has been told before. the early part of the race, when the team did not win a third - scribes, Fy However, there has been no ill-) of the Montreal Kennel Club, Mon-jyy as a fighter-is that he does not The jury returned a verdict that team was winning, but since the ++ consecutive pennant, We - What trade is that? asked the fecling caused by that transaction, treq1, seem to carry a knockout punch. He Mrs. Johneon committed suicide slump he has been roasted on all : fF have seven seasons also, - cross-examined. Bresnahan never has mentioned itto) Close of the seascn of the Michl- nas a good straight left, and bis while temporarily insane. sides yana the fans ate clamoring tor *h Here they are: Then the cross examiner took a me and our relations in a business gan-Stat Baseball League. blow really won the decision over Jack Johmioa in tailing the cfr- hls.acalp fust as in the case, of bis + *Boston + new tack. way have'been just as pleasant since Qpening of Lake Erie Circuit trot- the Mexican. He also has a right cumstances, that Ied to his wi - Washington gt; Has Mr. J. C. Jones resigned as as they were before. I have been as- ting meeting + Clarksburg, W. Va. cross that he whips over accurately. death, sald: Tis also known that O'Day is will- + *Chicago *f president? he demanded. . tounded, though, to learn that there Opening of Eastern Illinois Circuit This jast blow did a great deal of During the last two years sheling to atep. out without amy fuse, , + Detroit Mrs. Britton suppressed a smile, was so much friction fn the club. I) trotting meeting-at Terre Haute, Ind. damage to Rivers. otteaihiehe aia thie wen sCipets ot Vise tiiea neal dak Uae eoteet wwe trol + Cleveland + much to the chagrin of the plalntift s tried to discover ft, but couldn't. Opening ef Michigan Short Ship ing. She tried to Kill herself on there. Probably the only other place + New York attorney, who seemed worried, then As I said, though, I have had lt- circuit trotting meeting at Marshall, Ay q rule pitchers are jokes when two Oc asion .. Once sho attempted for a manager in the + St. Louis ob sai tle chance to do Gny talking, and I'm mich, it comes to hitting the ball, but to Jump out oof a window in) ae With emphasis. +f Not that I know of. He has been really glad to opportunity. I Buttnie Hearne crossed the dope dom ots, ani pFeviotin to th fi a + sfe here nearly every day. He saw to- realize thigt thi have taken sides A small want ad fn The Daily News recently when he made three home tried her life. by leaping - 4 Seok feo hob ob de oe eo ote oh day's game and 5 taking a groat doal in thig) Ho-called controversy be-' Clasattled Column will bring results. rms in a 9-inning game. srogleeete ont wae f
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Image 488 (1912-09-17), from microfilm reel 488, (CU1772516). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.