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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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oe 2, a pes eateteatetese ae Keith : + Borde Seateaedededesteed Roeteefeefesiesge knees, studied the signa with the eyes of wn Indian. You kin see the diffrence yere jwhar the ground is soft, Cap, he sata, jhe others. This yere hoss had a rider, but the rest of em was led: jthet s why they've bungled. up ther trail so. An' it wa'n't ther same bunch thet went back east what come from thar see thet split hoof thar jain t no split hoof p'inting ther other way put yere is the mark of the crit- fter. thet puts her foot down so fur Joutside thet we've been a trailin from Sherfdan, an she's p inting east, an belng led. Now, let's see whar the fpunch went from yer with thet split shoot. This was not so easily accom: jplished owing to the nature of the ground, but at last the searchers. stumbled onto tracks close in under ithe bank, and one of these revealed the split hoof. sal. That makes it clear, Ben, ex- jetaimed Keith, decidedly, staring out jacross the river at the white sand- Initis. They have Kept on the edge of ithe water, making for the ford, which im the sand desert by this time riding itor the Salt Fork. Whoever he was, ithe fellow brought them five horses, and the five old ones were taken east again on the trail. The girl is still jwith the party, and we'll go into Car- json City and reoutfit. i CHAPTER XXXIV. Again at the Cabin. They were two weary days reach- fmg Carson City, traveling along the jopentrall yet mesting: with no coe, Tmridently the Indians were 20 trou- blesome as tb interrupt all traffic with Santa Fe and the more western forts. The slowness of their progress was lon account of the General, whose con- laition became worse in spite of Fair bain s assiduous attentions. With no medicine the doctor could do but little to relieve the sufferings of the older jman, although he declared that his fines. was not a serious on , and jwould yield quickly to proper medical (treatment. They constructed a rude itravois from Imbs of the cottonwood, and securely strapped him thereon, lone man leading the horse, while the Moctor tramped behind. Keith, fretting more and more over juts necessary delay, and now ob sessed with the thought that Hawley have rejoined his party on the jArkansas and gone south with them, innally broke away from the others iand rode ahead, to gather together the inecessary horses and supplies in ad- vance of their arrival. He could not lartve-from his-mind the remembrance (of the gambler s attempted familiarity with Hope, when he had her, as he mn supposed, safe in his power once in that lonely cabin on the Salt x. Now, angry with baffled ambi- ton, and a victim of her trickery, ithere was no guessing to what ex- itremes the desperado might resort Zhe possibilities of such a situation made the slightest delay in rescue an Tiagony almost unbearable. Reaching Carson City, and perfectly reckless as to his own safety there from arrest, the plainsman lost no time in perfect- img arrangements for pushing for- lward. Horses and provisions were pro- jeured, and he very fortunately discov- ered two cowboys belonging to the Bar X outfit, their work there Jaccomplished and sbout ready to re- turn to the ranch on the Canadian, Iwho gladly allled themselves with his Iparty, looking forward to the posal ties of a fight with keen anticipa- Keith was more than ever wJe- lighted with adding these to bis outfit, , on the final arrival of the oth- the extra man brought from Sher- announced that he had had fenough, and was going to remain there. No efforts made revealed any piowledge of Hawley's presence in Carson City; either he bad not been there, or else his friends were very absence of any trace, however, led Keith to believe that the gambler had gone elsewhere probably to Fort Larned for his new outfit, and this Ibelief left him more fully convinced ee concealing the fact. The ut- The party escorting Waite reached the town in the evening, and tn the Itollowing gray dawn the adven jed the river, and mounted on fresh a and fully equipped, Iforth into the sand hills. The little lcompany now consisted of Keith, Fair (bain, who, in spite of his rotundity Se eee te acs Int, Neb, having charge of the single jpack-horse, the scout Bristos, and the itwo cowboys of the Bar X, rough, lwiry fellow, accustomed to expo gure and peril. It was emphatically a laghting outfit, and to be trusted in femergency. They followed the cattle trail south leoward the Salt Fork, as this course Jwould afford them a camp at the only fwater-hole in all that wide -ag ert ly- ling between. With this certainty of jwater, they ventured to press their tanimals-to swifter pace, although the sand made traveling heavy, and the tral itself was scarcely, discernible. It was a hard, wearisome ride, hour after hour through the same dull, dreary landscape of desolation, the hot, remorseless sun deating dowr upon them, reflecting up into their biistered faces from the hot surface of jgand, There was scarcely a breath of; nit, and the bodies of men and horses were bathed in perspiration. Not s loud hung fn the blue sky; no wing bird broke the monotony of dis no living anfmal crept scross eS eve, making the dead reality even mors ore be wembaace fo (Continued) dawn they swung stiffened forma into Ms yonder at the bend. They are out , hea: The distance proved somewhat headed -distant mirage attracted edged POPPI HS of the A Tale of the So-ate- soateete o ott re of vote r Plains ye (By Randall Parrish.) z t Soatecteatectecteate ste steateetent ter, yet never tempting them to stray aside, After the first mile converse Von ceased, the men riding grtmly, stlently forward, intent only on cor that night they camped at the water hole, sieeping as best they could, scourged by the chill wind which swept over them and lashed grit into exposed faces, With the first gray of the saddles and rode on, straight as the crow files, for the Salt Fork. They attained that stream at sundown, gray with sand dust, thelr faces streaked from perspiration, feeling as though the sun rays had burned their brains, with horses fairly reeling under them. According to Keith's calculation this cattleford must be fully ten miles be- low where the cabin sought was situ- ated; two hours rest, with water and food, would put both horses and men again in condition, and the traveling was easier along the bank of the i ork. With this in mind, cinchesi were loosened, the animals turned out to graze, and the men, snatching a hasty bite, flung themselves wearily on the All but Fairbain were asleep when Keith aroused them once more, a little jdefore nine, unable in his impatience ; to brook longer delay. Within ten min- utes horses were saddled, weapons looked to carefully, and the little party began their advance through the-dark- jness, moving cautiously over the un- even ground, assisted greatly by the bright desert stars gleaming down up- jon them from the cloudless sky over less than had been anticipated, and) jKelth's watch was not yet at eleven, when his e es revealed the fact that i stood. Reining in his horse-sharply, he swung tothe ground, the others in- istantly following his example, realiz- jing they had reached the end of the route. Hands instinctively loosened revolvers in readiness for action, the younger of the Bar X men whistling isoftly in an effort to appear uncon- cerned. Kelth, with a gesture, gather- ed them more closely about him. If Hawley is here himself, he said quietly, watching their faces In the tstarlight, he will certainly have a iguard set, and there may be one. any- inow. We can't afford to take-chances, for there will be five men, atleast, on the island, and possibly several more. It they are looking for trouble they , will naturally expect t to. come from the north cotisequently w 'll make our attack from the opposite direction, and creep in on them under the shad- cow of the corral. The first thing. MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Monday, May 27th 1912. of bushes somewhat to the rear of the allent, desoiat. appearing cabin, and lay down tat behind pile of saddles from which position they could plata ly discern the rear door. There was no uiveuient, no evidence anywhere sthet tyres vont war-about the pincer Kelth could barely distingutsh that tt Was liriscow lying next to him. Had thelr camp over there iu the corner ot (be corral when was bere betore. b w do you su, The w snifing tn er dox West o ther cabin thar, out o ther wind, mest likely. I smell tobacco. Even us the Words left his lips-a man came sauptering slowly around the eastern corner, his outlines barely Vistble, but the glow of a pipe dow showing plainly. He stopped, dt rectly facing them, yawning sleepily, jand then turned the other corner. Another moment and they distinctly heard a voice: Hustle up thar now, Manuel, an turn out; it s your watch; wake uD, dam yer maybe that'll bring yet ter life. The remedy applied to the sleeper must have been efficacious, as, an in stant later, another figure slouched juto view, the new arrival rubbing his eyes with one hand, the other clitching a short-barrelled gun. From Ithe high peak of his hat t was evt dent this new guard was a Mexican He walked to the corner, glanced jaiong the east side wall toward the front of the cabtn, and then, apparent- ily satisfled the coast was clear, start: ed toward the stream, shuffling along jwithin a feot of where Keith lay flat on the ground. A moment later the men heard him splashing softly in the wa jter, and Keith rolled over, bis lips at Bristoe s ear. Slip down there, Ben, he whis pered, and quiet that fellow. I'll find out how many are on the west side. Do.the Job without any noise. He waited until the scout had dis. appeared like a snake, not even rustling leaf telling of his passage, cand then silently crept forward him ese they can be no scout lifted bis head, the darkness Ike a point self, yet with tess caution, until he ses trontae cee LADY TUPPER'S. FUNERAL, the cabin and dimly distinguish the blanketed forms of several men lying close in against the wall. They sae poate iaeal Ga WhlGH tae ches tamd-to-Nova Scotia the Tonely island on which the cabin it to separate them in that dark ness, stars giving the only, light, but he finally determined their number at five. Five; the Mexican would make six, and there would surely be another guard posted out in the front sever. But there -were eight horses down there in the corral. Then the eighth man Hawley, without doubt must be in the cabin. At. the thought: Keith's teeth clinched, and he had to struggle to control his passion. But no; that would never do; he must dis- cover first exactly where the girl was located; after that they would attend to the curs. Before creeping back to the others, he made quick examina- tion along the rear of the cabin, but could find no yistble point of weak- ness He tried to recall from memory the nature of the lock on that back door, but could remember nothing ex- cept an ordinary wooden latch. If he could inrert a knife into the crack that might very easily be dislodged. He drew his hunting knife for the at- tempt, and. first glancing about, per- REV. E.E-AENCH 10 BE INDUCTED AS PASTOR Service--Witt Take-Pilace Tuesday Night Rev. W. * D. Reid of Calgary to Preside. On Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock Rev. E. BE. Hench will be Inducted as pastor of Knox H'resbyterian church, Rev, WD, Reid, of Calgary, Supt of Missions for the Hrovince, will pre- side, and give an aid Rev. Mr. Young of Seven ersons will preach be sermon and Mr Morrow 9 St. John s Churc will address. the pastor. Special music wil the occasion and i WHOLESALE EXECUFIONS IN HANK'W DISTRICT is Gaining Strong Foothold Reactionary Movement Gaining. be provided for are welcome, (W. A. P. Cable.) Reports. have ut reactionary ngth in the ang Where General Li Yueh Heng, Vic President of the Chinese Republic, has his head quar- ters, According to despatches from Tien Tsin this morning, Republican officlals in Wu Chang are growing Very apprehensive and are preparing secretly for flight. Districts sur- rounding Hankow are seething with anarchy, Wholesale executions are taking place in this district daily. movement is gain vicinity of Wu C Remains Brought from Eng- Pe eee cee et S A GOOD WANT AD. + * *h Is, of course, o1 which will replies-Or answers. It js a Jaw that tncreased demand makes certain the quicker sale, The Went Ad. s the brie est kind of an Ad. that is ever written, and hence in its bre ity there must be wit-wisdom. The Want Ad. can only inte est the reader on the basis of his interest, Hach -eader is interested in each and all of Want Ad. These essentials, in the order of their import- Are, first, the names of the article or thing advertis- ed second the quality of the article or the kind of thing advertised; third the price of the article or thing advertis- ed; fourth, the address, (phone, or street number) of the advertiser, and, fifth, the name of the advertiser. When the above essentials are fully and truthfully stat- ga in the Want Ad, the best results are obtained; but. in proportion tothe number of these essentials ommitted from the Ad., does the advert- ieer curtail the results to his Ad. Back Want Ad. is an opportunity; look for them in The News, 'Phona 13. EEEEE LEEPER EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE Ee EERE EEE EEE EE IS CHARGED WITH LIBELLING CON RESSME (Special to the News) case of Henry W. A. Page, the New. York merchant who wa: some weeks ago 6n a charge of crim- inally libelling Chairman Clayton * oe set ee cess ocelot oe sete he ole ole of fe ole oe oe eke oe ie oe lt; arrested WASTED Sten a Bituations Wanted, Help Wautod, ba Dring tre grvaLedt HOMEY OF +P Per Sate;-Lost Found; ete. ade -under- these headings. 25 words, one day .. 35 words, three days 25 50 25 words, olx days .. .. 1.00 Additional words at same rate, No ad accepted for leas than 25 cents. Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2, and tt-wilt-recetve-attention: HELY WANTED. ANTED Chamber maid, Apply to osmopelttan Hotel. 2 )VANTED Girl for general house work. Good wages paid, Enquire Mrs, R. R, Stoner, Redeliff. 26906 PVANTED A lady clerk with knowl- edge of dry goods, for general store at Redcliff. Apply to H. 8. Ire- land, 427 North Railway. 267a6t ANTED Small team outfits for ditch work, Have. 2000 miles to let, Sizes of ditches trom 3 to 8 foot bottom. Janse, McDonnell Co., Bassano, Alta, 2o7att WANTED A maid for general house work. Apply Mrs. BE. C. Drake, 418 Toronto St, ae5att WANTED a first-class painter. Apply A. Dickenson, 120 Ottawa Street EB. 265att (CAPABLE WOMAN as housekeeper t widower or bachelor, or cham- ber work in hotel. Apply P. O. box 182, 26506 LOST AND FOUND EE, Lyvs On May 24, dbetweon Fair Grounds and the city, ight fawn overcoat... Return to F. McPherson, sare of Broughwm - O'Hare 876 ae AUCTION SALE WVEEKLY AUCTION 3ALE on the Market Square overy Tuesday. Horses, harness and all kinds of stock will be handled at these sales. Furniture, household goods ct all kinds; jewellery, etc List anything you have to sell with us. Geo, Sat- terlee, Auct. 267ate MISCELLANEOUS WaANTED LADIES' aND GENTS: cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jeweiry, guns, revolvers, valisce, sult cases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- gies, harness, bicyeles, carpenter tools, ete., raw hides and furs, horse har, wool and f-athers, bought and sold. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co, 12 Fourth aveaue, opposite Dreamland theatre. f . O. box 701. Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid tor the abow 2gDer. (HE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand the best selection of Second Hand Tools in the city, We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks. Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volver, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a nice new line of winter goods. We buy everything mentioned abov and pay the best prices. Call at 504 South Railway St. or Phone 587. tf epee ee ees AUCTIONEERS to Mrs. Jas. Mitchell, 805 Es- Washington. D.C. May 27 The planade eit ANTED Men and women to learn barber trade. Summer rate now on, Situations guaranteed. Special WANTED General servant. Apply F - B. BROWN CO., Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor- onto 8 Frid on Market Square. at 1 o'clock, Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any- where. House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere. Consult us, our ex- Monday, Mu Reateofeagertre rey When we 0 store nearly ago it was ot ation to ser ple of M better than ever been si in quality o: in store sers That our eff preciated is our rapid business, Complete Mex urpin The Man's Sto Get the Big D tor Interment. (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Halifax, N. S., May 7 A large num- ber of citizens attended the funeral of place this afternoon from the resid - ence of Mr. McG. Grant, a personal friend of Sir Charies Tupper, who now resides at Armdale, a beautiful residence on the shores of the north- west arm, where Sir Charles and Lady Tupper lived for many years. Sir Charles and Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper+were on the special train that brought the body which arrive o'clock, The automobile of F. B. Mc- Curdy, M.P., was m waiting and the veteran statesman was driven to Arm- dale, a number of o f friends called. on Sir Charles yest fday and today, though unable to see yhem all, he ap- The Four Crossed the Stream, Wad- ing to Their Walsts In the Water. want to do is to locate Miss Walte so she will be in no danger of getting hurt in the melee. You boys hold your fire until I let loose or give the word. Now, Doctor want you i Neb to creep up this bank until you are aE rectly opprsite the cabin he'll know the spot and le there out of sight until we begin the shooting. Then both sail in as fast as you can. I'll take Bristoe and you two Bar X men along with me, and. when we turn loose with our shooting trons you can all reckon the fight is on. Any of you got questions to ask? No one said anything, the silence ac- cented by the desert wind howling ;mournfully In the branches of near-by cottonwood. All right then, boys, don t get ex- cited and go off half cocked; be easy yon your trigger fingers. Come zlong, you fellows who are traveling with ime. The four crossed the stream, wading to thelr waists in the water, their horses left bunched on the south bank, and finally crawled out into a bunch ,of mesquite. As they crept along through the darkness, whatever doubts Keith might have- previously felt re- garding the presence on the island of the party sought were dissipated by the junmistakable nolse made by numet tous horses in the corral. Slowly, test- ing each step-as they advanced, so no sound .should betray them, the four Tne reachet-the-shelter of the stock- ade. The older of the Bar X men lifted himself by his hands, and peered cautiously over. ; Bight hosses in thar, he an- nounced soberly; then turned to ;Kelth. Say, Jack, what do you figure this shebang to be, anyhow? You don't reckon t's old Sanchez's outfit, do yer? Likely as not, Joe, though I never saw bim around here. Joe filled his cheek with tobacco, staring about through the darkness. Well, if that ol cuss is yere now we'uns is sure in fer a fight, he com mented positively. They rounded the corral fence on celved a man creeping toward him. It proyed to be Bristoe. Fixed the greaser all right,cap, and I reckon he'll be avict for an hour or two. Look whar he slarhed me: struck a pack o' playin Keerds, r 1d a got my. ticket. The front.of bis blouse was cut wide open, and Keith thought he perceived a stain of blood. Pricked you as it was, didn't he? pened the skin. Thoight the cuss -had-given-up-en* got careless. What's round to the west? Kelth s lips closed, his hand shut- ting hard on the knife. Five, and another out In front; that leaves the eighth man inside. Bring our fellows up closer, and post them where they can cover those fel- lows asleep, while I make an effort at breaking in here. , Bristoe crawled back like a small, and confident the others would do their part, Kelth thrust his-knife-blade deep into tha narrov crack and began prob- Ing after the latch. In spite.of all cau- tion thts effort caused a slight noise, and suddenly he started back at the sound of a woman's voice: What do you want? I am armed, and will fire through the door if you His heart leaping with cai Keith put his lips close to the cradk. Hope, he exclaimed as lefdly ne dared. door. He could hear little smothered ery break from her lips, and then the sound of a bar being hastily removed. An-instant; and the-door-opened si- lently, just wide enough to permit her slender figure to slip through. She This is Keith; open the his face to the light of the stars, and he could feel her form tremble. Oh, I knew you would come The man's lips set firmly, yet he held her close to him, begging her break down now. all right, lttle girl, he said pleadingly, we've got you safe, but there is a fight to be attended to. Come with me; I musi ask you a ques: tion or two. He drew hr back into the fringe of bushes, placing her safely bebind the stack of saddles. She was not crying y more, just clinging to him, though she could never again bear to let him go. h, Jack, it is so good just to feel you near again. Yes, dear, soothingly, and tt ia, (To be continued.) THE INTELIIGENT AND EFFICIENT. SERVANTS are those who read the best papers. Therefore the want ad column of the best home paper is the logical med: lum which to obtain the most capab) help. Use the News Want Ads. Loose Leaf System The News Job (handa and knees, crawied into a bunch Department has every, facility for sup- plying the most satisfactory. as morning, traveling rapidly northeast. grasped him with her hands, turning peared toa number who-tound him; despite his grief and advanced years to be bearing up well, still retaining perfect command of his faculties. Sir Charles drove in a carriage immed - fately behind the hearse. The pall bearers were Chief Justice Sir Chas. Townsend, Senator McKeen D. Pot- tinger, J. A. McDonald, Col. Stewart McCratty. the cortege proceeded along the winding road by the shores of the Arm, through duties village to St: John's cemetery, where the re- mains of Lady Tupper were laid to rest, In the same place where a young daughter of Sir Charles and Lady Tupper was. burfed years ago. Sir Charles and Sir Charl s Hibbert Pupper leave tomorrow enroute for Vancouver. (W. A. PB. Dispatch.) Chinute, Kan, May 27. A balloon, believed to be the St, Louis, which assembled at 7.35 last night at San the Lahm Cup for I Passed over here at ten d clock this The St. Lous carried Albert Vanhoff- man and Captain John Berry and was well equipped with oxygen tanks and other paraphernalia for high flight distance from San Antonio to the late Lady Tupper, which took lt; from Lewis yesierday morning at 9 Ported in the steerage and as a result and the members of the House Judic- jary Committee, was called for trial The charge is based upon Page's al- leged authorship and circulation of pamphlet in which various members OF Congress were termed dishonest scoundrels, SMALLPOX: LINER (W. A. P. Dispateh.) Quebec, May 27 The Allan Liner Tunisian arrived here this morning after having been held up all yester- day at Grosse Isle Quarantine Sta- tion. A case of smallpox was re- several hundred passengers who have been in contact with the person, are delayed in quarantine. here, where they will remain for about fourteen days. There were 145 passengers on board. tures at /the Monarch Theatre tomor- row. : MOORES ATTACK FRENCH (W. A. P. Cable.) Paris, France, May. 27. A report is Published here that ten thousand Moores have made an attack on the French camp at Merad, near the Al- gerian frontier, that the French troops st 150 killed and 280 wounded, and that the Moores were repulsed, leaving 150 dead and 300 wounded on the field. The Minister of War declares the re- port untrue. COAL PRICES TO JMP (W. A. P, Dispatch) Winnipeg, Man.; May 27, Owing to the ten per cent increase in wages sate io the Anthracite coal strikers in the Umited States, it is practically admitted by coal dealers here that the price of hard coal in the west will today in the District supreme court. Titanfe Disaster in motion Pic- 'T rooms rates to ladles. Particulars and cata- logue free. Moler College, 609 Cen- St, Calgary. 2odatt WANTED Capable general servant, must be a good plain cook. Good wages to right party- Apply P:-O- box 83. asTatt WANTED A girl to help about kitcheh in boarding house. High- est wages paid. to competent help. Apply by letter to box 1283 News of- fice. 2eoate yANTED Two young men to sell Teal estate on commission. Apply housekeeping rooms. Apply 626 Toronto St. 27003 0 RENT Furnished Rooms to rent, Parlor bed and sitting room. Mod- ern conyeni nces. Suitable for two gentlemen. Apply 426 Toronto. 2693 TO RENT Furnished room. Apply 705 East Allowance, corner Bal- moral, 26843 - ROOMS WANTED. WANTED One or two furnisheu s for light housekeeping. Apply box 1287, News. 27043 BOARD AND ROOM. BOARD AND ROOM Two gentlemen or ladies can have good board in private house. Apply box 1274, News office. 26803 OFFICES TO RE QFFice TO RENT Fine large office 20x24 feet in size, corner of 4th Aventle and Main street, upstairs in the News Block. Modern convenien- Perlence at your disposal free. Bx- Perlence at your disposal free. Phone 708. H. B. Browne Co, 519 To- ronto St. iszatt BUSINESS CARDS. SINGER SEWING MACHINES an Sherlock, Manning Pianos and Organs for sale and to rent. Al? Classes of insurance. W. J. Fleming Office 381 Main Street. to Box 1243, 2aTatt CONTRACTOR Ria IGO EET Phone 727. Box 781. To RENT Furnished rooms, -also E. Bartlett, Municipal Engineer, Industrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Plans, Etc. Room 14, Imperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat Phone 420 Painting and Paperhanging. Reynolds Stewart. (4th Avenue opposite Binnings) New Wall Paper Estimates cheer Sully ufrnished on cost of Eapetins your rooms. Phowe 156. PIANO TUNING VOICING and RECULATING All kinds of repair undertaken at the lowest charge consistent with best workmanship, Expert Work Guaranteed. CHAS. A. ADSIT Telephone 68, 505 Main St. TENDERS for plowing 16 ft. fire- suards-on each side. of Right-of- Way from Swift Current to Medicine Hat, Medicine Hat to Calgary. Dun- ir-New Yoric has already been announced as twen- ty-tive cents per ton, effective June tirst, Don't miss the.Motion Pictures of the Titanfe Disaster, at the Monarch Theatre Tuesday. location in the city. Apply at the News Office. REAL ESTATE WANTED Direct trom owners, choice building lots in the Yuill to May 28th, Coutts, Stirling to Cardston, Tanion to Acme, and Irricana to Standard, will be received by the undersigned up Proposal forms supplied upon ap- plivation, R, C, HARRIS, Chanute is about 522 miles. Don t miss the Motion Pictures of the Titanic Disaster, at the Monarch Theatre Tuesday. MURDERER TO DIE (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Washington, D. C., May 27 The Supreme Court: of the United States today declined to grant a new trial to Chester Jordon, the acter, who was convicted-of haviag murdered. his, wife near Boston, Her dissected body was stuffed into a trunk. Jordon claimed he was denied a constitutional trial because one of the jurors who at in the case was found to have been insane 24 hours after the ver- dict-had been handed in. ENGINEER. KILLED Chicago, Ill, May 27. John Fellows of Baraboo, Wis,, an engineer, stuck to his cab and was killed beneath it when the engine, which he was driv- ing into the Chicage and Northwest- ern Railroad station, ran into an op- en switch and overturned. None of the ten coaches filled with passengers left the track and none but men were injured. The fireman jumped as the engine topplied over. WINNIPEG JOINT TERMINALS Winnipeg, May 27. The selection of the Winnipeg joint terminals board was announced at the Union depot this morning as was also the ap- pointment of Jaglas Ford terminal Superintendent. The personel of the board is as follows: Grand Trunk Pa- cific, H. H. Brower; National Trans- continental, District Engineer J. G. McFarland; Canadian Northern, M. P. McLeod, general manager of the Can- adian Northern, together with J. R, Cameron, Assistant General Manager. Feez, May 27 A strong body of Moorse made another attack on this city this morning. The French lost one officer, killed, and thirty sol- diers; killed or wounded. The Moorish casualties were heavy. Winnipeg, May 27 The. city is ask- ing the Street Railway Co. to stop the cars on the near side of the street in the, future, owing to the large nim- ber df accidents which have happened recently. Married, on Sunday afternoon, by Rev, EH, E, Hench, at the residence of Samuel Schelske, 136 Queen St., Sol- omon Schmidtke to Margaret Ereiche both of Bassano. Don t miss the Motion Pictures of or on the Hill, Write, stating price and terms. Mr. A L. C., Assiniboia Hotel, City. 261d12 FOR SALE OR SALE Household goods for sale, Boarding house selling out. Apply 801 North Railway St. 26946 SSHETLANDS FOR SALE Bunch of six Shetland ponies, including one four-year-old stallion. Apply to J. R. Millican, Fourth Aye. zegai2t OR SALE About 100 horses of a well known brand, Nearly all young mares. Expected to arrive on Wednesday. Will be privately sold for cash, W. 8. Curry, American Ho- tel. 26546 LOR SALE Duck eggs, Pekin, aet- fing of eleven for 1.60. Box 83, . 25eate, FAORSE for snle, A first-class driving horse and good-as-new rubber tired buggy for sale. Apply to owner, 208 Braemar St, or P. 0. Box 899, 250dtt. OR SALE Thoroughbred White, Wyandotte eggs for batching, 1.50 per 13; also select Early Ohio Seed potatoes, prize winners Medicine Don't forget.the Caming of Colum- bus at Dreamland tonight. the Titante Disaster, at the Monarch Theatre Tuesday. Hat Fair 1911, 1.50 per bushel. Ap- 26506 SCHOOL FORMS Assessment Rolls Assessment Notices Tax Notices Tax Reminders Receipt Books Letter Paper Envelopes, etc., etc. Medicine Hat. Shilohs Gure QUICKLY STOPS coveNs, cu SEALG THE THmOAT AMO LUNGS. 25 CENTS ply The Chatterton House, cor. N. Ry. and Ottawa Sts, 2e0dtt For all Kinds of fob printing, try the News Job Department, J. Pettit Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Resident Engineer, C.P.R. Our west wit a range of 12.00 Suits These are offer demand for 1 lo ing suit, and are ter than we cou divarlly to sells 7. CALL AY H.S.IRI C.P.R. MED UNL Jack s Fight will be But There is a grow: Sack Johnson's sh Flynn will be his Fortune should t and take away the Gathered together years. Johnson and the sun must physical prime. A fact that he intend looked is pretty care of by John necessity will driv ring after July 4, seem imminent. 10 Besides, Johnson fighting. He has stepped opportunit battle against 3 chance to beat hit race. There is scare Johnson fears San inducement has bet the champion to 1 Jeanette, Langford the golden smile is lude to a negative is raised. Johnson doesn t game of his black As for white h none in sight likel; fore taps is sot son's career. Thus turn the trick, his record that the feated champion o negro. THE TEXAS There was a fair opera house on Sat The Texas Ranger delight in thrilling Turid character, w ders and killings celved thelr fill. 7 are here tonight of the same charac Fer all kinds o the News Job Depa
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Image 888 (1912-05-27), from microfilm reel 888, (CU1771699). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.