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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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ae SPSS. 1 of the atringer* eimet and began his weight and it the stringer He was free now with this renewal at the one that * ce of that death pstruction where, bent his failing Diade again and awn from under Ml able to do him arce breaths even could have erfed for suffering and ressure about his knew that either or it would teer met and so drag wning. forced his knife, endurance. The g in his ears had Hig Imbs and And there, oppo- were the wide h its parrotlike d gloat upon each pint caught in the the contraction a the fabby arm, away. this timely reltef. en terms and be He managed to is waist against this position ob- sut it in two. The heir grip and that a -and robbed of her arm out of its support to renew iged the lash, and, s head. The band inst him, holding abat, 2 Lou after- a to think of his . a low order of f the big eyes and ition displayed in tea 4 with a per the human. Lou - a belng familiar reasoning thing, ith processes akin as the skill of the .. It tried to keep- pped and hovered would restore its feanwhile it sunk z the unprotected manger. DF. e. He stabbed at 1 to close quarters. stance just as the at hiis helmet. The into his own an 6 to the handle In 4 again he thrust. s he repeated tho nouths slackened. hes, they lost their peed like a bundle not more a matter he source of a last it. So intent had id been his impres- Monday, May 20th, 1912. POCO eed atetote eith. MEDIOINE HAT DAILY NEW sogeesrscoees New movels are constantly Bedig midacd (roar tine-to boot pace with every new style feature, But Gace CORSETS never lose the features of comfort ten he ae which have made the favorite of Canadian FFB ea sce sell as net Ti cacscccooeh (Hawley I'm gunning after. For God's, Hake, Daven't you got that clear yet? I 1 reckon I'm an old fool, Jack, admitted the Doctor regretfully, and when an old fool ts tn love be hasn't jeot any sense left. Anyhow I'l do jwhat you want me to now. Where are fyou going? , fo watch those others, There is no knowing what play Hawley might try to pull off, and I want to keep within gun-shot of him. Hurry up, man; that vestibule door creaked just then. He shoved him down the dark alley aid dodged back himself across the front of tho tent out into the street. There was a crowd of men in front 2f the Trocadero, but the .0uple he sought were nowhere in sigh. CHAPTER XXIX. By Force of Arms. With her heart throbbing: flercely, Hope clung to'the outer door of the vestibule endeavoring to see of what was transpliring About her was dense darkness, and ghe dare not explore the surroundings. Behind could be heard, through what travels fast. And the great 1 pianos has reached the limits of Assiniboia. If you want a) piano or a player plano now is We make your chance. exe ceptional easy terms. Como in I j and talk it over. LASSIE Ldeleteetebeoieeteloeinlotelt-ieetni FRIENDLY RIVALS, both giving light and heat to hu- manity. The sun can only serve us part of the day, while electricity never ceases to supply given 1o- cality with LIGHT, HEAT AND POWER, If you contemplate any electrical n. stallment in your home or business consult us before going ahead. We eansave you money in more ways -than one, must have been a thin partition, the various distractions of the stage, shifting scenery, music, shuffling feet, voices, and the occasional sound of applause. The girl had nerved herself sto the encounter with Hawley, but (this waiting here in datkness and un- ' Border lt;Continued.) without arightened, yot not daring to resist hardly knew what fo ray Then she re y membered that Kelth insisted that Miss Maoclaire had-mo conception that : there Was aug (PMUd tn ber clatai, a No, I know 86,0e Hut what do 1 2 3, you moan? TthoWeht everyining wes AP etralghtt TRAE MNES 62. Lo gucction Y about my right to: i A Tale of the ? ol, teense Cte, palling j fiercely du his.clgar. 11.1 the courts Plains gt; are particular; oi se Kot to have Ps the whole thing: lack and white. eee Parrish) 2 thought ll Freoul vette the en- 2 dre matter wi lt; outside, but POG the old foot won't ses o reason. I saw him twice to-day. Twice? surprise the word ejaculated, gruffly, pretending to be so danin particular. Maybe you'd Father stand out there on the prairie and talk? with a-sweep of his hand from ep, SR Yes; thougheT had lt;0: falso scent and out 0 him off on e way, the oArst time, cesar up again ike sxround the horizon. bad penny, What's oxo, he's evi- ) ee, 1 would, catching desperately dently ion ate fo a bit of legal at the straw. I'm not afraid of you; i iakes t safor-for Tm not) blaming you at all, only 1 We can get th don t want to go to Sheeny Joe's He looked at her, puzzled at her at- titude, and yet somewhat reassured by be expression of confidence. Ob, what was the difference? It Bight ber bees to Tot hor have her own way, and the change would not tmaferially interfere with bis plans. courae. Jt-would be plessatiiter sit- ne ting together at one of Joe's tables, gaining ts pleasant tone, You shall have your way this time. hero is too much at stake for us to quarrel jor exhibit the Jeast reluctance, she jelung to bis arm. and permitted him Jead her to the right down a dark pemeirend out into the open land be- yond. He had to feel his way care- (fully, and scarcely spoke, yet pro- BSE If some one should venture out that sway how could she excuse her pres- ence or explain her purpose? She found from nervous-fear, startled by every. trange sound. Would the man never be ready to depart by this time. Almost prepared to flee before the terrors thus conjured up within her mind, they left her as magic the moment her straining eyea distin- Suished: the approach of dim figure without. She could not tell who it was, only that tt was the unmistakable form of a man, and that he was whis- tling softly to himself. It might not prove to be the gambler, but she must accept the chance, for flesh and blood could stand the strain of waiting no longer. Yet she was not consclous of fear, only of exultation, as she stepped forth into the open, her blood again lotrculating freely in her veins. At 'the slight creak of the door the man leaw her, his whistle ceasing, his hat ilfted. Instantly she t cognized him 'as Hawley, her heart leaping with the iSseibement ox ucouathe Why, hulle, Christie, he. saldta: milfarly, I thought I was early, and expected a ten minutes wait. I came jout as soon-as you left the stage: Oh, I can dress in a jiffy when ithere is any cause for burry, Hope Fesponded, permitting herself to drift under Hils guidance. Are you disap- pointed? Would you prefer to com- mune with nature? Well, I should say not, drawing her hand throug. his arm, and then patting it with his own, U have seen about all I cere to of nature, but not of Chriatie Maclaire. + ou may lear to feel the sams Fegarding her, Hope answered, afraid to encourage the man, yet eagerly fearful lest she fall to play her part aright. Not the slightest danger, laughing jMghtly, and pressing her arm more closely against his body, Although I per when I was late tonight. Did T not have occasion to? A woman should never be kept waiting, lespecially if her engagement be im- perative. Oh, I am not finding any fault, you Mttle spit-fire. I ike you all the bet- ter because you fight, But the trou- ble was, Christie, you simply jumped on me without even asking how It oc- curred. You took it for granted I was ate on purpole to spite you. dverary that thls. Well weren't sou? and the girl herself trembling in every limb ' must confess you exhibited some tem- si h Mad With Terror, Trigger. She Pulled the gretful of having-permitted herself to drift into this position, yet not in.the least knowing how to extricate herself. Hawley took everything for granted, her very silence convincing him of her Scatiiescence. With throbbing pulse, Hope felt the small revolver hidden within her dress, undoing.a button so that, in emergency, she might-grasp it more quickly. Hawley felt the move- ment, the trembling of her arm. You are afraid, Just the came, he .. gata, pressing ther to him lover-like. : Darkness always gets on a woman's ineryes. u 0 inks of our of Senne Tore ithe case into GOUrt already, and the tos that's got to a) pre f ean get It in month, but he's 1d of something which gives him levercge. roughly, plainly losing patience. jus, and a goodnight growled. up snd-t/m ready. fool endugh to leave be pumped ry? Heise big stake I'm. playing after, si to lose it throveh the whims of a worhan. ing and turning, but the efort + ly. Sh gaye one He's taker herift ts here tryin to find me so as jo the DAPEFB. Ivo got to akip feot, indignantly. What have T done to be trightened overt int ple: antly. yor under On, ne he cold talk just aa freely out stand? Old Watte 1 r you the yonder under the stars. Bosldes, it same way He Is ime) tli knock our might be as well now to humor the Whole care ee he can sct you into girl, cburt before our a e ts ready. AM right, Christie, his yolce re: All abe eat have told you sh but we've I don't be It's just a is conspiracy, ES out. There is By engagemient? the insistent earn- eatness of. the man, and sparring. for- (delay. Why, eamnot ro. it the sheriff t bunting us, the trains will be watehed. : Besides, i fool enough Not horses ai -the open plains for the start of them. Tonightl ahve Grl a, awakening to the immediate danger, and rising to her feet. ree you tonight?- now * me to fiy with Sure, don't be ish and kick up Just around the hd-of the ravin She pressed her HAfds to her breast, hrinking away from him. No will not go she ae Keep back Hawley Haye expected the re- istance, for with a Single movement 1 grusped her even as che turned to fly, pinning her arms helplessly to her ide, -holdivg her asin a vise. On, but you Will siny beauty, ne 1 thought. you might act you think 1am here alcne to and Tam not going If you won't go pleasantly, hen you'll go by force. Keep still, you tixress Do you want me to choke yout She-stragsted to break loose, tw seless. Suddenly h whistled charv- There was the sourd of c crambling down the path, and rightened woman p re lved the utlines of several approsching scr am, and gt; summer months frequently contains . it is not a safe food for children, es- A chatiniz first lady of the land was. Dolly Madison, ths better half of) James Madison; fourth President of the Unites: States, whose bicthhay will be celebrated with great eclat today by the wivay and daughters of Demo- ctatio* statesmen at Washington. Do- rothy P. Madison, whom the ladies will honor ax their patron saint, was born May 20, 1772, and was'a buxom belle of twenty-two, a widow, the re liet: of che Todd, when she captured tho heart of the future President. When het husband became Secretary ef State Junder Jefferson she began her reign at the White House, which continued during Madison's two tcxms as President, and her sway was the golden age of Washington soeiety, never si sco equalled in bril- Dancy. She habitually used snuff, but it was-said chat. in her hands the snuffbox seems only a gracious complement with which to charm. While not of the intellectual type, sho was a born . diplomat, and her amiapility and desire to please trans- formed many of Madison's bitterest enemies into firm friends. Madison was President throughout the period covered. by the last war between Great Britain and the United States, which broke out a century ago, and during these troubled times the ad- ministration needed all the support- ers. that Dolly Madison's tact won for it, Mrs. Madison liyed to a ripe eld age, dying in 1849, and maintain- ed her social supremacy tntil the Jast. For nearly half a eentury she Was the social arbiter and set the erica. A costume worn by Mrs. Madison: of a famous White House occasion is described . Madison was dressed in a robe of pink sat :,, trimmed elabo-- ately with ermine,.a white velvet and satin turban with nodding os- trich plumes, and a crescent in front, and gold chains and around the wrists and waist. -ahlaand diplomatic) 'rench, WOMEN WILL HONOR MEMORY OF DOLLY MADISON TO-DAY) isn of letters wil drate today the 113th annivers the birth of Honore de Balzas, WMNSUAI Intexest attaches to ths +B niversory this year because uf revert jsharges that the great novelies was guilty of plagiarism. This latest lit- erary soandal followed the dissivery that Balzac s L'Amour Masque 1 practically identical, both ia plot and phrasing, with story valled Le Domino Blane, the work uf aa obscure author names Moleri. Isaie did not inglude the tale amoag bis works published while he was living, and it existed- only in manusorip: form until recently, when it was brought out in book. Defenders of Balzac s memory assert that ho probably copied the story ouly asa joke at the expense of his friend, the Duchess de Dino, to whom the manu- -seripb-was- presented: North Carolina celebrates today as legal holiday the anniversary of the Mocklenburg Declaratiua uf In- dependence, a di adopted at-a meeting of Tebels who later bo- aad came patroits, held az Charlotte, N.C., May 20, 1775. Suspisten has been cast on the authenti of the document because of a x miiarity to the Declaration appointed on July 4, 1776, There is nothing st.ange sp- out that, however. becats2 the Phrases used were those made famil- iar to the people of all the colonies by the earlier writings of Thor Paine. Ohio campaign and the prtiwars 19 morrow will decide whether Preei- dent Taft and Governor sJarmon are able to carry their owa Mrate The Associated Advertising Clubs of Am- erica convene in eighth annual ses- sion today at Dallas, Tex. Today is ithe semi-centennial of the Stowara- Lyons treaty between Vnived States and Great Britain for the suppression of the slave trad BABY'S: MILK CAN SE HOME PURIFIED Government Expert Tells of a Simple Method for Pasteuriation. CAN BE SURE OF SAFETY AS FOOD Advices Practice in Sum- mer Unless Milk is Free From Suspicion By L. A, Rostis Bacteriologist, Dairy Division Ui. 8. Department of Agriculture Milk delivered in the cities in the bacteria in such large numbers that, This method may be employed to retard the souring of milk or cream for ordinary uses. It should be re- membered, however, that pasteuriza- tion does not: destroy all bacteria milk, and. after pasteurization i should be kept cold and in a cleanl manner and used a8 soon as possible Cream does not rise as rapidly 0 sepatate as compleiely in pusteuriz ed milk as in raw milk. When milk is to be used for it fants, the pasteurization should be done in-the nursing -bottle-to avoid the possibilities of ae and the necessity of warming the en- tire lot of milk each time a feeding is- 18 taken, This spill. count of ike smaller bottles, a ly diferent method than for ordinary. bottles: A bottle shoultt be provided for each feeding with the exact am- ount of milk required. Am extra bot tle should also be provided, as there is always the possibility that bot- tle will be broken in the process. If tho milk is modified, this should be done before pasteurization. Bottles not provided with seals may be plug- ged with ordinarly (not absorbent) cotton and the thermometer held in one of the bottles by the cotton plug. A wire or tin basket to hold the bottles upright in the water is very convenient. Place the bottles. in the pail of water and heat until thet thermometer shows that the temper- ature of the milk is 145 degrees to 150 degrees F. Then remove the piot- tles, change the thermometer from the milk to the Water, and add cold water until the temperature of the water is also 145 to 150 degrees F. Put the bottles back in the water and cover with a bath towel or oth- er suitable cloth. Hold in this way at least 20 minutes and then cool by: running water into the pail. When the milk is cooled to the tempera- ture of the tap water jt is an excel- Tent plan to pack broken ice about the bottles and hold them in the re- trigerator in this way. The milk should not be removed until immediately before. it is used, and, if bottles are warmed and not used they should be discarded. SIGNERS Gpecial to the News) Raleigh, N, ., May 20. lt;A tablet commemorating the signing. of the Mecklenburg declaration of independ- afternoon with interesting exercises. The table: was presented to the State by the North Carolina Society of Col- onial Dames of America. Chief Jus- tice Walter Clark delivered the prin- cipal address and Governor Kitchin accepted the. tablet in behalf of the State, NEW GOVERNOR IN LOUISIANA (Special to the News) Baton Rouge, La, May 20 Luther Halil was inaugurated today as gov- ernor of Louisiana, succeeding Jared Y . Sanders. The elaborate ceremon- fes customary to the occasion were eliminated, owing to the devastation jot the recent flood: Block K, Lot 8, 1835.00. Terms. Block A; Lot 16,- 3800.00, Terms. Block F, Lot 8, 1575.00. Terms, Block , Lots 12 and 13, 3009.00; Block 3, Lots 16 to 18, 475.00 Block 13, Lots 11 and 12, 785.00 + Block 14, Lots 15 and 16, 735.00 Block 13, Lots 2 to 6, 735.00 each. NORTH YUILL Two 3 roomed shacks. Corner Balmoral and Woodman ) S:roomed cottage; shack barn. Terms. each. Terms. Terms. each. Terms. each. Cash. yonder, and we can sit down on the Focks. T want to smoke, and we will be entirely out of sight there, He helped her down the rather jsharp declivity until both were thor- joughly concealed below the prairie level. Feeling about with his hands he found the surface of a smooth rock, i and seated her upon ft. Then a match (flared, casting an instant s gleam across his face as he lighted his cigar. Blacker than ever the night shut down about them, and he groped for a seat beside her. She could perceive just ; one star peering through a rift of cloud, and im,her nostrils the h i stely uncanny. A ing for bare lite that sought raveo- Ini: Now he bad it intelligence and it a mass of jelly , bunch of pulpy, n to ascend like hd inflated suit, draping seaweed, ed outer world. nothing unusuai. the infrequency of mor off than they: .. e ship? Did you pon them in mild songht a seat and reasure, he said on down below it bave te go back ye Drought up no snants of his late ule, When. spread twas left of it. tip of ite string- not quite the jc coast. Medicine Hat Electric COMPANY wee MAIN STREET PHONE 436 For Sale At a Special Bargain The goodwill and stock of an 8-roomed boarding and rooming hquse, on North Railway St. Apply H.B. Browne CO. Auctioneers, 519 Toronto St. Phone 703. SKIN ON FIRE ? Just the mild, simple wash, the well known D.D.D, Prescription for Eczema * and the itch is gone, We have sold other remedies for skin trouble but none that we could personally recommend; as we can the Slanced inquiringly up into his face, as they passed out of the alley into the light of the Trocadero s windows. You certainly acted that way. No, I did not; but you wouldn't Maten, and besides I had no timo then to explain. There s a lot happened this afternoon I want to tell you febout, Will you give me time to talk with you? Why, of course, surprised at the au yet full of eagerness. Why should you ask that? Because I want you alone where io one ean dyerhear a syllable. I'm afraid of that datned hotel. You. never know who fs in the next room, and the slightest whisper travels from fone qnd to the other. That is one way dn which Keith got onto our deal he had room next to Willoughby and Scott, and overheard them talking. i'm not going to take any more chances. Will you go to Sheeny Jo's with mer . She drew back from him: j Sheeny Joe's? You mean the sa- oon near the depot? Sure; what's the use of being so squeamish? You sing and dance to saloon crowd, don t you? Oh, I know you're a good girl, Christie, and all that. I'm not ranking you with these iny-by-nights around here, But there's ino reason that T can see why you jghould shy so at ealoon. Besides, 'you won't see any one, Joe has got jalone, and have 2 bite to eat while jwe're talking. What do you say? h, I wauld rather not, Hope fal ltdred, bewildered by this unexpectea mequest, already half-tempted to break way and run. Really I t don t want to go there. Hawley was evidently surprise at this refusal, naturally supposing from ther life that Miss Maclatre s scruples D.DD. rem 8. Pingle, Drug- Bist, jwould be easily overcome. This ob- etinacy of the girl aroused his anger. + You. women beat the devil, he some back room where we can be : shiver of disgust she drew slightly away from him, dreading what was to come. Une thing alone she felt was in her favor However familiar Haw- ley attempted to be, he was evidently not yet sufficiently sure of Miss Mac latre to become entirely offensive. She might not have frowned at his love- making, but apparently he had not Yet progressed sufficiently far in her Sood graces to venture to extremes: Hope pressed her Mpe together, de- end of. which faintly. lumined his face, you've got the idea I have brought you out here to make love. Lord knows I'd Ifke to well enough, but just now there's more eee matters on hand. Fact is, We're up against Pisa tact have got to make shift a mighty quick shift, too he Re added, almost savagely. 1 don t think I understand, No, of course, you don't. You tm- agine all we've got to do in matter of this kind is to step into the near- est court, and draw the: money. One : tal we've got to find that woman who brought you up. Yes, he went on, apparently sat- isfied with her exclamation. Ot course, I know she's dead, or at least, you say 60, but we haven't got enough proof without her not the way old Waite promises to figtt your claim and so we've got to hunt for substi- tute. Do you happen to know any old woman about the right age who would imake affidavit for. you? She probably wouldn't have to go on the stand at jail. Waite will cave tn as soon as be Imnows we've gut the evidence. He waited for an atswer, but she fo carried concealed in her dress, was knowing what she did, she pu trigger. man throw up his hands and go do This, yext Instant the elas ware her. Z the street Hawley ard his companion could not naye disappeared so suddenly. open street. The vi trouble is, our evidence isn t complete ler er hand. Mad with terror, scarcely Jn the flash she saw ono CHAPTER XXX. In Christie's Room. Keith swept his glance'p ana down without Fesults. Surely They ad turned to the right, he was cer jtain as to that, and he pushed through Sireatary jentrance, and hastened to overtake them. He found nothing to overtake -mowhere along that stretch ot street, illumined by window lights..was there any sign of a man ard woriiin walking together. He staring blindly about, falling utterly to comprehend this mysterious vanishing. ;What could it mean? What had hap- fpened? How could peared so complete jlo moment he had waited to speak to stopped, bewildered, have disap that sin- termined to resist any further ap- Pairhain? an beat like proach of the man. However, is i trtehammer with sion, earliest words were a rellet, je fear for HOE Rang. posses: I reckon, Christie, he sald slowly, 'ston him. Surely the girl would Detween puffs on his clear, the lighted Bare consent to eee aay. of those along- the- -way, and Hawiey- ould not dare resort to force in the thought seemed and yeu with no other ition possible, he entered these ne after the other fn hasty search, the inmates sharply, only (to find himself totally baMled Hawiey Weg Hope had yanlaed aa thous swallowed by the earth. He explored (dark passage-ways between the scat Itered bulldings, rummagi recklessly, but came back to the street again without reward. ing about Could they have gone down the oth- side, in the deeper shadows, and thus reached the hotel more quicxly (To be continued.) THE INTELLIGENT AND EFFICIENT SERVANTS. are those who read the best papers. Therefore the want a4 column of the best home paper is the logical med- ra which to obtain the most capab) help, Use tho News Want Ads, Loose Leat System- The News Job - is advisable to pasteurize the milk, always involves additional expense. When. it is impossible to obtain milk entirely free from suspicion, it especiallo if it isto, be consumed by small children..'The pasteurization should be done in such a way that disease-producing bacteria as well as those likely to produce intestinal dis orders are destroyed without at the same time injuring the flavor or the nutritive value of fhe milk. This may, be accomplished in the home by the use of a simple improvised outfit, Siete ost sonveniontly pastens ized in the bottles in which it is de- livered. To do this use a small pail with a perforated false bottom. An inverted pie tin with a few holes punched in it will answer this par- pose. - This will raise the bottles from the bottom of the pail, thus allowing a free cireulation of water preventing bumping of the bottles. Punch a hole through the cap of one of the bottles and insert a thermo- meter. The ordinary floating type of thermometer is likely to be inac- curate, and if possible a good ther- mometer with- the sonle-etehed-on-thy glass should be used. Set the bottles of milk in the pail and fill the pail with water nearly to the level of the milk. Put the pail on the stove or over a gas flame and heat it until the thermometer in the milk shows not less than 145: degreds nor more than 150 degrees F. The bottles should then be removed from the water and allowed to stand from 20) to 30 minutes. The temperature will fall slowly, but may be held more uniformily by covering the bottles with a towel. The punctured cap should be replaced with hew- ones, or the bottle should be covered with an invegted cup. After the milk bas been held as di- rected it should be cooled as qnickly and as much as*possible hy. setting in water. To avoid danger of real ing the bottle by too sudden change of temperature, this water should be warm at first. Replace the warm water slowly with cold water. After cooling, milk should in all cases be Department has every facllity for sup- plying the most satisfactory, Block 27, Lot 3): 3000.00. Block M, Lot 11, 2000.00. Terms, Phone 237, Terms. Yes, that and loneliness, resent- j,. -ioased bis evip oa he rol pecially for i whose food con- 5 ing his familiarity. Do we need to ee that a laistatents ee Sana Hind 15 Lat 20 1056.00 each Terma Corner g6 any farther? Surely, alone 25? : sists ontixely of mille many - Block 11, Lot 8, 5300.00. Terms. Main Street. She jerked away, half-stumbling cities a special milk may be secured, Block 18, Lots 9 and 10, 2000.00 pair. Terms, few steps; the ravine is backward oyer a rock. The revolver, but this de-eomebtiines dificult and TOWNSITE NORTH. Block , Lots 1 and 2, 6500. pr. Terms. Cor. Toronto Allowance Toronto Street. Close to C. N. R. Station, G.G. McBean Co. REAL ESTATE DEALERS News Block. Order is Received the. P. O. Box 1010. For Steam, Hot Water, and Ventilating, and San Plans, Specifications and Rstimat and Builders on application. 602 MAIN ST. *PHONE 66 Piano Moving aid held at the lowest-available-temper- ature. A Speciaity THE WESTERN PLUMBING 0 HEATING, VENTILATING AND SANITARY ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS MEDICINE HAT . Tasker A Transfer Co. COR. 4th AVE, and ESPLANADE, ee The Company Cannot Guatanien Delivery Unless ere Required nD um and Fan Systems of Heating chitects, Contractors ALTA. ; y VY ten a 884 Toronto. Street .
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Image 847 (1912-05-20), from microfilm reel 847, (CU1771703). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.