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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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5 ee ene 0 EON ee FOSTER S Special Prices ee ON Spring Footwear oa ER I SE For Friday Saturday Special reductions along with nice new stock make strong reasans why you should buy your Shoes here, , Come in tomorrow and let us you that it pays buy for cash. convince to Ohildren's Hot Weather Sandals with sewn soles, guar- anteed not to rip.. Special 85c Men s Tan Calf Blutcher Same as cut with the new high toe and wide sole, Goodyear welt- ed. Regular 5.00... Special 3.85 Mugen re ma el a rom Lat na a LICENSE CHIEF WIPES: OUT BAND OF BOOTLECCERS Provincial Officials Work ing With Edmonton and Calgary Police Make Many Arrests. TOTAL OF 1025 1S TAKEN UP IN FINES Some of Gases Will Be Fol- lowed by Prosecutions in Supreme Court for Per- a: jury. (amonton Journal Men who have octaslon-to tegret the onward flow of settlement state as their confident bellef tit boot-legs- ing as a profitable oceujtion for cute minds in this provinces is boing put to the bad, an expression which con- veys their fullest concern for the an- noying activities of t pyinetal Ht cense department. This is how the Work ix hwing done. A fair-haired, mild man with a sanve manner and a softer fone, pecrs through gold-rimmed s)ctactes at a telegraphic. measage received in an of- fice in the basement of the parlia- ment buildings, This is Chief License Inspector Forster. He information which: shout conviction, From somewhere around the corner enters (it might be a drama) Nichol- son, chief Hquor license detective, who learned a whole lot in a hotable service with the R. N. W. M. P. The two officials consider the wir- received ead to. Womens-Gun Metal Pumps eut. Regular price The same z oT Openers Special 2.40 Baby Shoes With Soft Soles in black, red or white. Regular 75 , Special-50e - Classic make, sizes 11 to 2. Regular. 2.75, Special 1.95 with prisoners, At the judicial sug nestle Stpendiary Saunders of Calgary yesterday, six persons vit 300 cach for the good of the prov- Jince; three persons unceremontously lett the provines without giviae thelr jecereaeor and consequently forfeited balls of 500 each andesight more persons are still td apy ar in court The to exy South doomed For the and Foi working together Shortly, t-wilt he woe betide the des ing doer who slls Hquor without a Hecense, Cuddy will take cae of t eriminatemt tr- waving Cal- gary, and turning to Edmonton, t should not be overlookud tha: merely as an Incidental to the o1. tee rald, Wilfrid Connell, who keeps the Sunalta drug store ain Why uh Couler swat. As a resort for eri of the province Cuddy ter sre in was fined 200 at the same 8 the South Cotte r sidents ted to court In force and for much the same offence. Connell's book keeping, ald not please the liquor ilvenie depaft- ment detectives. They found only two entries of Hquor having been sold since January Sth last; but in the of- fice they discovered bills amounting to 800 charged by wholesalers for Nquor supplied within the same period, A lot of the Sunalta s liquor Was confiscated, and two large dray. loads were hauled out of the South Coulee, Edmonton on Alert. Like the birds migrate, when t Season Is not good for the health in one place, those who make money in contravention of the law seek more Salubrious honditions. The Calgary Tepentants thought they would try Edmonton, But before going to Cal- gary Forster thought he would look through his gold-rimmed spectacles at Chief Lancey here, and Chief Lancey returned the look through his own spectacies. Enough was sald. Bi monton-Is-taking-carc-of itself, Alber ta as an inhospitable abode for 1a jbreakors soon wilicheve a-rey ag widely advert stead prairies. But oftentimes the prosecutions. by the department have been defeated by what are described ee-aetuatperjury; Principals and witnesses believed to have committed perjury are now to be prosecuted. Likely the first of these cases will be heard when Stanley Wright and Charles McCullough come before the supreme court here, charg- ed with perjuring themselves. ed as are its home- COLLEGE ORATORS TO MEET Chicago, 1, May 2 Before a great representative college audience that is expected to fill Fisk Hall, Northwestern University, the seven chosen orators of as many great awe ae. At last they are satisfied This young housewife searched the town high and low for the right kind of coffee that coffee with the rich coffee fragrance, with the delicate tang that makes coffee a joy to drink 2 i and sends hubby away in the morning with the feel- ing that he has had a good breakfast and all is 4 right with the world. We sell it, We had your(tastes in mind when we bought it. Our blending is perfect. A trial or- der will make you a constant user. Call in and let us tell you all about itor phone your trial : once, Some Special Offers This Week: Sauce pt. . Be 2e Worcestershire size. 2 bottles H. P, Sauce Per bottle Blend A A pure Java and Mo- cha dffee. The finest that money can buy ..60 per Ib. Blend B--Not quite so strong as Blend A, but it has that smooth creamy flavour that makes it a favorite with ev- ery person that uses it. 45 8 Ibs for 1.25 Chat- G00 Sharwood Sweet Mango ney, 4 size, per bottle .. Tuxedo Gold Standird Jelly Powders, 8 for 25 3 9e per dozen. Blend C 1s vur Specia blend, full of cup value. 3 Ibs for 1.00 We have just opened a consign- ment of Lowney s Goods, in- cluding Cocoa, Cooking Cho- colate nut bar cocoa, 1-2 Ib Ib, 45 3 6 oz, tins, Dryson s Red Cross Baking Powders Sold with guar- ante , money refunded f not satisfied. Also with each 25e tin we give a Japanese cup and saucer, or a Japanese plate. Premium Cooking Chocolate, 1-2 tb, Cakes 2c, F. FORSTER, corn inettenti Ht-contend supremacy tomorrow: night... The oc- casion will be the annual contest of Chiey License Inspector. ed message for a brief while, and then after passing the high sign, Nichil- son makes his exit, and Forster turns to a study of his photographic gallery of the scenes of youth and the Northern Oratorical League. which comprises the Universities of Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota, Wiscon- sin and llinois, Northwestern Unt- versity and Oberlin College. The contestants and the subjects of their orations will be as follows : itt Armstrong. QUALITY GROCERS Main St. Phone 258 POP ere GHD H TS James V.,.Stevenson,,University of Men s Low Cut Oxfords vith the new last in black gun metal calf or Regular price, 4.50, Friday and Saturday 3.40 tan calf. Men s Tan Elk Working Boom: Very soft and comfortable and guaranteed to give you more wear than any other shoe at the money. Regular 3.50, Friday and Saturday 2.65 with viscalized soles. Boys School Boots Box calf uppers.with oak Soles, sizes 11 to 13 Regular price, 2.00, Friday and Saturday 1.60 SHOE FOSTER S stor MAIN STREET The Store That Sells For Cash Our Repair Department ts at your service Mr. F. Kass in charge ays Spent 1) RaseOUR Medi Nicholson 1s not heard of again un- til he turns up at Edson, where on the strength of his prosecution, 1,02 promptly is paid into the treasu give a recent instance of what usually happens after Forster shows Nichol- son a Code message on the saffron col- ored paper. ae Some Heavy Fines, The money was paid over because Inspector Raven fined Matt Kelly 125 for selling without a Mcense at Bick- erdyke, and 175 for perpetrating a similar offence at Hinton; because Alec Polen was fined 275 on two counts of at Hinton, be cause Jock Kinnaird was fined 175 for s.l.w.a.l. at Hinton, and because m Kebaly was fined 175 for also at Hinton. Before these sums will total cor- rectly to 1,025 there must be added Entwistle gave the provincial revenue when he fined Frank Fulmer 100 for selling liquor without license at jTunkins. . Reason is on the alde of those who complain that boot-legging In the country west of Edmonton is on the * an expression synonymous with to the bad. Officials Drop Feud, How is the fiscal poltey of the pi vince effected through similar repris. als in the south? Take Calgary which has had the reputation of being as naughty as it s dusty, Once upon a time ther was a standing feud be- tween the police of Calgary and the officials of the provincial liquor i- Feense department, That was before the days of Forster, of the department, idy, Caigary's new chief ot to happeni but crime. The two sat to- gether a few night ago to talk over the kind of things which make up the expurgated news of newspapers. For- ster carefully adjusted his gold-rim- med glasses as he looked through the glasses, Cuddy assented with a sure. Liquor Lfcense Detective Hotchkiss entered to tell what he knew. . That was all the language these three could -spare at the time. All was sil- ent afterward, Then, suddenly, one night; a night or two ago, half a doz- en automobiles took some provincial detectives and a few more picked Cal- gary police, including their chief Cuddy; and the automobiles broke the spsed-Taw making-time-to- the Sonttr Coulee, Ciean Up the lee. into that Coulee, and from every side detectives walked out of that Coulee the fillfp the Justice of the peace at police, who permits enything -- From every side a detective walked- Medicine Hat bx Pingle,Drugeist- Tilinois, The Anglo-Saxon Spirit H. P. Janisch, University of Wiscon- National Party ; Louis Eich, Univer- sity of Michigan, The Law s Delay ; and Glen A. Frank, Northwestern University, Morals and Machinery. MONTREAL FIREMEN OVERCOME BY CAS FUMES AT FIRE Montreal, Que., May 2. As the re- sult OF fire which broke out in the Canada Bronze Powder Works, situa- ted in Busby Lane, today, seven fire fighters Were overcome by noxious fumes from banana oil, used inthe manufacture of powder. eel So deadly were the fumes that all of the firemen had to be taken to the hospitals for treatment. Chief Mann, who was in charge, and Captain Chason were among those overcome, and they had to be carried from the burning building. Ladies of Culture and Re- finement Use Salvia Hair Tonic.. It Makes the Hair Beautiful. That Dandruff s caused by germs Ts aecopted by every sensible person. Atdast a-remedy has been discover- ed that will positively destroy this pest, Dandruff is the evils. SALVIA will kill the dandruff germs and remove Dandruff in ten days or money back. root, of all. hair become the favorite. with women of ; tast in- ivalue -of beautiful hair. A large s bottle costs only 50c. druggists everywhere, and in gene leading The word SALVIA (Latin for sage) ts on every bottle. ope 3 in, The Nation's Ht HJ. Bur- 1 ester f University Tse Minnesota, lt;x Some Things You Should Know The Meeting of the Orient and th : Oceident ; Fred R. Blythe Towa Stats About Business STATIONERY University, The Cry of Humanity Carl H. Slocum, Oberiin Collese, Ala Seoegeteetetecge Be eetecgeateetoctoatoate Pots tot tak Saetepened Pingle the Druggist guaran- ro RE TRIED FOR OLD MURDER was emptoyed at Bates sawmill near tees it It will grow hair, stop itch- Heavener. In the summer of 1907 he ing scalp, falling hair, and make the (Special to thc News) mysterio disappeared. Some hair thick and abundant. It prevents poteau, Okla, May 2 When the months Iater the skeleton of a man hair from turning gray and adds Wfe/1 Fiore County district court con- was found. Terry was a member of and lustre. venes here next Monday three men/a fraternal organization, through SALVIA is a hair dressing that bas wil be placed on trial for a murder culture, who know the sec- i Milliard Vaught of Mana; Stiles of Caulksville, Ark. Bates, a m ry at Heavener, about twenty. miles south of 4 If the average busin ss man had time to carefully investigate very proposition put up to him, he would pay less attention to : first impressions and judge less by appear- ances. But he is called upon to think and act quickly, and he must base his judgments upon what he can take in at a glance. . Using poor stationery or printing is poor e business however you look at it, because it Se represents you, and you cannot prevent it. The safe thing, therefore, is to use paper andgprinfi - good-that wane to have your work or your goods judged by it. There-are certain things that are impossible to say about one s self. For instance, your character, the esteem you hold for-your business, your integrity, thes are things that cannot be advertised. But you can suggest them through your stationery and printed matter. e0eseee e e A handsomely printed letterhead on good stock will at once impress your man favorably, while an indifferently print- ed letterhead on ordinary paper might have scarce gained attention. It'is not exaggeration to say that the success of your let ters often depends upon the printing and paper you buy. We will gladly submit samples to you. We know that we can please you. Medicine Hat News, Limited. Medicine Hat, Alta, Sree eortontoatecteetecteeteele aeeteateateatecteateateatotoctocted whose efforts the body wre and Bates. Stiles and Vaught were ar- rested and indicted for the alleged murder. Phe-IeHing -ts-sald-to have been the result of a quarrel between a Terry and the three men. hey are allaged to have committed years ago. The defendants are Ark; Wi and W. L. ant of Heavener, Okla. For all kinds of job printing, try ere, in August, 1907, Terry the News Job Department,
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Image 730 (1912-05-02), from microfilm reel 730, (CU1771684). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.