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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Sorat we eet ee PHS POTSOSSSSOSOSOS SS SEDE 00006000080000000000000 SHOSOOS NORWOOD Here is the Chance of Your Lifetime To get in ton the ground floor. By an ex ary stroke of good luck we are able to make you this of- sSoeseegectoaiessoetoatocts So 2 See how well she looks in her brother's clothes Present Dally + Advertisers in of the Weeki: No extra char ioe vertlsers. oe e Me seat vs So fs - oe fot e See Our Property Before You Invest a Cent In Medicine Hat We want everyone who purchases our property to see it with their own eyes. We invite you as our guest to come in our auto- mobile and see this property. You will be under no obligation to buy: VOL. 2, NC Cabl ( co ED. Hill Le Le cH Y y LORD rarer cetteeteee TS raordin- Pree oniosieeseodloateeteaterr seotionie tr te to ho rire tin fer. Such an opportunity but we know you will be so enthusiastic ov- Halifax Ho may not occur again as long er its location and its price, that you will Hope become 4 purchaser right off the bat, but New: Mary Jane looks well in her brother's clothes, because her that is entirely up to you. We are so con- And brother bought: hia clothes: trou ni fident that our property is the best buy you We want all the boys in town to buy thelr clothes from us, can find in Medicine Hat that we state you : Panne iva Hf you do, boys, we will sell you clothes you will be proud of. Our Boys Clothing and Furnishings are priced so as to glre a minimum of profit for a maximum value, Suits 8.50 up to 1250 and every suit fs worth at least ten wenty per cent, over the price asked; and is-good-ralue at that: Barker Patten High Class Clothiers. : Toronto Street. will double your money within one year. You are invited to investigate. e to yesterday's f Prices and Terms aieea' te witb ing lots 256x124 feet from Strives meOrE morrow mornin of waiting Is a wait which rele died in the Tita Look at the Ideal Location of Our Property. Halltax: 6m ae, H.C. PETTET CO. a. fee in the height o Weetreecoateetocgeateshoetesteseateateeeatoateafoatistestecteatoatecfoctesteareetedte cieatectocfoatited Peieetoaioeioceeteate ele etoateetotoeteate die with the execpt them are men u women folks. waiting room with men. It w exclude the pres the landing sta Bennett arrives fact that it Is that the waiting inite news fron Mackay-Bennett ep goto cote tods as)you live, Read this and eall here at onte for particu- lars. : W are well known to the publie-as a firm who never offers anything that is not a first-class buy. Every tot in Norwoed s is level and a good building lot. . t50-00 per tot ern quarter eash and the balance in 3, 6, 9 and 12 months, or 10.00 per month. Geo. Miussen of Seven Persons was MW. P. Dundon returned fr in town yesterday. Calgary. this corning. ihtown tin business. gt;) WIN find i to, thelr advantage to write Box 1266, News office. tr J.D. MeGillvary of Drowning Fora, is attended the auction sale of import- Don't miss the Man from the SSS +Jed horses on the Market Square. Past at Dreamland tonight. last year has been engaged as sten- ographer at the C.P.R. freght office has acecpted a position as stenogra- pher at the Medicine Hat Milling Co., Last Performance of Hawley s Ponies. The Man From the East-........ Saat sea i F. B. McKinnon desires to aut his numerous friends and commenting May ist. 690 Block K, Domiufon St; Siip patrons Tor thelr generous pal ing he past seven years formation regal One of their-best. ae may: eins Creek; J. g. 7B Many friends of Rev. Me: Hol- son-Northam, North Railway. 24443 in which he has conducted his bakery business, ana bens te ctate identification of man of the Baptist church will be pleased to learn that he is again Tucker of Suffield were visitors in about after a two. weeks illness. Sgven yesterday. : W. B. Colter has purchased a very J-R. Allan, C.P.R. foreman here, neat little taxi-cab which he in- is spending the week-end at Calgary. tends to keep for hire. The venture Mr.'J. K. Drinnan left this morn- chonta prove a paying one. ing for Banfi. Mr, J, Dunfree of Port Hope, Ont., Don t miss the Man from thelis spending a few days with. Bast at Dreamland tonight, Johnson of the Montreat- Banik: that on and after April 15th the business will be carried on ds Joint Stock plea Limited, and would bespeak for the company continuance of their esteemed patronage, with an assurance of a continuation of that service and quality which has always been associated with this store. F. B. McKINNON Watch for further Announcements Biereisseetn ee Sar sya reitte rs hn McFarland of Eikwater Lake and G. Their Tiny Babies ............:.0....-5 Comedy Matinee 10c and 15c. Come Early. experience oft 600 M V Evening 15 and 25c, Come Early, NORTH YUILL + Lot 8, block 9, 600.00. Lots 8 and 9, block 11, 525 ea. SOUTH YUILL Lot 18, block 8, 3900.00. 100 ft. corner, bik, 11, 1800.00. Is Statemen ten- Who- - - HERALD es en From a 17 The Mary ex tot ta fr ue Ge gto Buys and Snaps ade) 1050.00. Lots and 10, bik. 23, 900.00. CENTRAL PARK Taps 33-10-48 46,3900 pat Lots 17 and 18, blk 27, 650 pair, CENTRAL PARK 2 lots, block 219840. HERALD eee feet, block ae. per pair 700.00. Regular. Tots 9 and 10, block 4, 1000.00. Regular. Lot 10, block E., 1450.00. Regular. NO ANNOUN Objection Over-ruled . Husbands wanted . American Comedy Y Cash. A Full Hour 8 Show, for the Usual Admission. eS ik: 21, 750.00 i 4 Every indication points to exceptional activity in the building pots latiend Pees 50 foot corner, block 18, 1060.00, Roguter. Batimates-3 aT Mne-this spring,-and whatever is-wanted in reliable TOOLS, we can Fee aa yoshi a LOL: 2 iota, poe 9. 650.00 GENTRAL Pal ew Set - supply from our well assorted lines of HIGH GRADE TOOLS. , y terms. Snap. 100,000. Afternoon 5 10c. Evening 10c 15 AY COUSINS SISSONS lots Block I sae ean MATINEE 8.15, EVENING 8.00 FOR SPRING CLEANING Lotsa ie Peet ecb 100 feet near Highland St., 2500.00. Regular. Edmonton, At We Offer as Follows: Rate de peaoc mie 20 19280 one Loti bibex 88. lt;600.00. gt; QOWNSITE aah: ton has just rett Hammers, 250 to 1.50, Saw, 1.76 to 2.50. Shovels, 1.10 to 195. Lots 7 and 8, bik. 2, 840 pair. Lot 18:to 14, block M.,-Main Street, 1400.00. 800.00 cash. Lot 14, block 62, 1450.00. Regular. COUSINS SISSONS 20 lots, block 22, 600.00 pair. Regu 5 lote, block 27, 600.00 Pair. Regula) 2 lots, block 11, 750.00. 320.00 cash, NORTH YUILL, an extended jor Spades 1.00. Rakes, 40 to 75e. Garbage Burners, 2.50 to 4.00. THE MARSHALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE CO., LID. Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Hat TOWNSITE Lot 22, block 80, 1050.00, Lot 25, block 82, Lot 7, block 85, Lots 1 and 2, block Lot 9, block 87 , 1250.00. said he had not regard to any told that: Edmo: pecting a bye- shortly, the Pr STAR THEATRE . 7 Lot 1, block 18, 625.00. Regular. a smile, that it 1 The Frontier Girl s Courage Riel pases .... Selig Pe peeE Guala St) aes Tot 6; block 9, 980000. Regular. Sopckuer eins As In a Looking Glass ...... .. Biograph Drama Mr. Atherton, Tenor. SS A.G.'TROTMAN ( ) of coege te eee ee mah ia'ee eee Batson Comedy FOR BREAD imperial Bank Building B0 fect, Block 14; 100.00, Regular Snap, Sener eae gfe a : YOU CAN T BEAT Phone 695 WE WANT YOUR WE WANT YOUR LISTINGS. T. F. DAWSON C0. Real Estate and Financial Brokers. Loans and Insurance, member for Stt to cabinet rank ment. The Pren session that- th would be divider the Hon AL. being Presiden Council, holds t works, railways fon. G. Re Mitel folios of attorn tor of education The Premier question of wh office would be that as soon a: Afternoon 5e and 10 . and Ie MOTHER S : ol Sa Phone 266. Every mm whovSneests in real astate Look for the Label, TASSIE BROS in a gromng section of m prosperous com: At the Old Prices mally adopts the surest and safest mothed of becoming independent, for real esinte the basis of all wealth. Theodore Roose- Sie sco 7OENTRAL PARK : Tele a se 4 TOWNSITE ae s o0 te-ti, bik 5 ontreal St, 4 lots left in-blocks-54-and 80, S0x130 1000, Terms, 575 35-86, bik. 25 i 8 Roy St., block 94, corner, 50 : ae Block 52,:Main St.S., 50 tt 2000. Ter s abe See Bik;-96-view tot, 4th Ave 1000. Terms, E lie 17 ta announce t ws CENTRAL PARK informed. Itt: Block-2- 50-teet 1000. Terms. isch 600 ter ee Pes j SON Ho CI choice of the a lock 5, 50 feet 950. IN Block 15, 50 feet 105 C2 - 735 25-26, blk. 10, use euiing ays the Executive Block 24, 50 teet 850. Si mad 550 Pair.. bik. 32. Block 26, south half 6000 Terms. ar 700 Pr, se COUSINS SISSONS : : 500 Pair, 1-20, blk 24. Terms. Harrisville blocks at 125 per lot, Herald lots at 700 and 800 per pair. Powell sub-division lots at 200 each. SOUTH YUILL Various name Lot 13, block 6, 900.00. 350.00 cash. ed In the cours railway busines east. He is con willbe the gre building in the 475 Palr, 21-22, bik. 5. s Gold Dust, Bon Ami, OLD xo NarTE ; Old Dutch Cleans r, -..Dustbane, Nf 1050 Lot 10, bik. 82. Ideal Ammonia, Soapade, Seafeatetoey Business sites on Main St. and Toron- / 3 950 Lot ;- bik. 2. three principal 7 pees Tera: 1600 Lot 11, bik. 86. Sapolio, Lux, SEE Braqmar St. North, room brick 2500, Would You Like to 1200 Eo 18 Bia Pearline, Electro Silicore, ae * Bracinar St. N., 5-room brick s2400. Terma. fl Si ezoctst 2. oe oe. eae Tom Washing Powder, x + Cou Praemar St. N., 8 room frame 2600. Terms ae ; Be pees ee 0 a Roy St modera 9 room frame 4700. os Join. the Syndicate? Hoee i 4k He yal CrownWashing Powder, lt; APRI Higbland St, modern 8 room brick 6600, ; HO Liquid Veneer, Monkey Brand; q This coup Gerind, 3 3100. New poi cottage, Ot- And Laundry Soaps, + sJ cach of the El Paso St. C Park age- 3500. t st. S. Association 7 ne wn ns - s2000 7 room, house, Bracmar Brooms, Brushes, Whisks, Mops, Clothes Lin s, So Ay E Roy St,frame eottage 2500. 1-4 cash, S : 900 cash. , Ry 18 Ops, Ss , ing May 4t Head Ofifce eee en a s a 2400 Modern cottage, Central jo ST Clothes Pins, x entitles the Toronto soca Bayern ee S11 331006 room modern cottage, We can supply any of above lines. +f gravure rer err y; e y demar Se, Sout. + ouard bret eo ee 31800 ouse, 4 rooms, Main + 1g : Resi : z St. North. Hardy's T i a ealty, Customs and Finunctal Brokers, ee FEwil NGS RUBIDGE BIDGE de Agents for Grent West Life Assurhnee Co. and Canadian Railway - +H. Ww: Ireta nd C Cc o Be Re en Phone 90. News Block, Opp. Post Office + +s -Aegldent Insurance: Co. 41 -B. F, SOUCH mir us . Dally New: +f after Friday +f not be-sent deol ot + eS Ocean Steamship Tickets. Hutehinson Block, Phone 126. Leayerserirety Mreteaehoateatetoateatestes Ms Main Street. Phone 54, Drug Store - Toronto St. Stee Me Mees Soege sfoageegecte of
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Image 708 (1912-04-27), from microfilm reel 708, (CU1771672). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.