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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. DERWEAR working able to show excellent values, in LIBTENI We had the whole Canadian market from which to select our Pianos. We had every reagon to decide very carefully. We chose the GOURLAY from a Buyer s Standpoint. We do not mind telling you that the GOURLAY costs us a little more than we can purchase other good Pianos for; but we have secured the best that is knewn in modern piano building eon which to stake our, own reputation: The Medicine: Hat. Music Co. South Railway St. Under the Big Fiddle. that equals any that Mother used to bake. It's so good that once you try-it, you'll see the folly of bothering with home baking any longer. Suppose you take'a rest for a week and have, us supply the bread? We think you'll ike otir- Butter Nut Bread as. well as your own, perhaps better. Try it anyway, J. B. RICHARDSON, MGR. McK INNON S LIMITED Phone 105 SIME REAL BUYS: HERALD Block 28, Lots 1 and 2, 1100 pair. Terma. Cousins and Sissons Block 2,-ots 15, 16, 17 and 18. 450 per lot. Terma. . TOWNSITE Block 5, 50 ft. on Main st, 85,000. Terms, Block B., 100 ft, om Montreal St. 5500, Terms. REDCLIFF Block 108, three lots. - ea Terms, Block 4, four lots, 800 each. Terms. i Block.-107, six lots, 800 each. Terms, Block. 37, two lots on Broad- way. 2000 pair. Terms, SUBDIVISION 160 acr s surveyed into 25 ft lots, at a Bargain. 8000 acres adjoining the city of Medicine Hat, sultable tor subdivision. Give us your Listings. CAPITAL Investment Co. Phone 799, 420 Main St. The Rev. R. A. Hiltz, Sec- retary of the Anglican Sunday School Commis- sion, to Preach. - The Rev. R.A Hiltz, M.A, secre- tary of the Sunday School Commis- sion of the Church of England, in Canada, will pr ach tomorrow, the 22nd inst., in St, Barnabas church, at the morning service, 11 2. m, and will, address the Sunday school-at. 3 p.m. The following services will be held tomorrow: . Cdlebrattion of Holy Communion, 8.30 a. m.; Morn- ing Prayer, 11 a m.; Evensong, 7.30 Pome 800 Houses 24 of various kiads under. construction, some nearing comple- tion. Fully modern. Apply to W. H ROSEWARNE Builder and Owner. Phone 800. BAT IT ONCE FOR OUR SAKE, THEN YOU WILL ALWAYS EAT IT FOR YOUR OWN SAKE. MOTHER'S BREAD ssip BROS:. 4 PHONE 256 SPECIAL SERMON ST2.000 FOR DR. CALDER RESIDENCE Land Faces on Montreal, Ottawa and Fourth Ave. Cost 400 Originally. Today Dr. J. G. Calder sold his residence on the corner of Montreal street and 4th Avenue and the fine lots adjacent to a local syndicate. The property has a frontage of one hundred and fifty feet on Montreal Street, two hundred and eighty feet on 4th Avenue and-one hundred and fifty feet on Ottawa Street. As ofiginally surveyed this proper ty consisted of six fifty-foot lots, three on Montreal street and three on Ottdiwa street, with a twenty-foot lane tween them. Before the plan Was registered at the request of the the survey was changed and the Ynid out facing on ' 4th Avenue instead of on the two streets and the lane inelnded with: them. Instead of six fitty-foot lots ono hundred and thirty feet deep there were now only five lots,bub, the width was fifty-six fect each and the depth one hundred and fifty feet. In'those days.a lot was a lot and a little extra in size did not matter much. The consideration paid was eighty dollars a lot or four hundred dollars. A special reduction of ten dollars each from the usual prices paid was made on account of the property be- ing rough and almost completely eovered with large rock, Many foundations in town were built: with the rock taken from these lots: This was about twelve years ago. The Public Cemetery was then sit- uated partly on this property and Partly on what is now. Mr. Coch- rene s property and on the lots where the Last Chance is now standing. What, is now the Doctor's lawn was then a large hole about forty feet deep. A-coulee ran through the middle and: the south end of the plot was shill so steep that it was impossible to climb either it or what is tow Fourth Avenue. Tike consideration now paid was seventy-two thousand five hundred dollars, or two hundred and fifty-nirie dollars a foot on Fourth Avenue or four hundred and eighty-thr e dol- lars: a foot if the frontage is*taken on Montreal Street. This amounts to profit of one thousand: five hundred per'cent. per annum on. the original investment. The purchasers are B.T;. Chudleigh, W. A. Burton and Mei Hanson of Saskatoon, The Doctor intends to give up gen eral practice and take up original research work onthe cause and pre- vention of contagious diseases, pay- ing special attention to public health and the prevention and handling of contagious diseases in cities. It is his contention that such diseases as pheumonia, mumps, measles, Whoop- ing-cough, rheumatism, tuberculosis, typhoid quinsy and many other con- tagious diseases are absolutely pre- ventable and the death rate resulting from them absolutely unnecessary. The late King Edward was insured for 4,500,000 during the last two Years of his life. Kaiser's Old Timer 10 Cigar. / JAILL DIVISION LOTS*FOR SALE 200 each. One-quarter cash, balance 6,-12 and 18 months. THE BRADSHAW AGENCIES Becker Blag. Phone. 817. Money ; Makers HERALD 4 lots, Block 21, 425 each. 50-ft. lot on Esplanade, (snap) at 1900, COUSINS AND SISSONS Lots in Block 8, 400 each. (Next to new. school.) Lots in Block 4 (Highland St.) 400 each. 50 ft, Block 11, 865. CENTRAL PARK 50 ft. Block 9, 900. 50 ft, Block 18, 800. 50 ft, Block 23, 900. 50 ft. Block 25, (facing Park) 31050. , SOUTH YUILL 100x130 corner on Columbia Ave. 4000. Best buy on this street. Railway and Factory ' 7000. NORTH YUL Lots 4 to 8, Block 18, Sts.) SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Miss EB. MoeJenkin, who has been visiting her nlece, Mra. Geo, H. An- drews, Ottawa St, returned to her home in Brooklyn on Wednesday. Mra. A. H. Wilson, of St. John, N. B., who has-been visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. Geo. H. Andrews, 527 Ot- tawa St, returtied to her home on Wednesday, Miss Lilian R, Duggan, (Diploma, London College, Eng.) Teacher of Pianoforte. Prepared to take pupils ratter Oct. 6th; Phone 527. 62-3 A social: meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of St, Barnabas Church will be held at the home of Mrs. H. Baker, 708 Fourth Avenue, Tuesday, Sept. 24th, at 3 o'clock. 62-2 DRUNK INSISTED ON BEING LOCKED UP When Told* He Goes to Lethbridge for a Month, He Says It s Not Enough Peter Smith walked into the police Station. last night and insisted that he be locked up. He was, and as a Tesult he goes to Lethbridge for a month in Meu of a 5 fine Not enough, said Smith, It will be cold then; in six months It will be nice and fine. The rest of the cases were all drunks, but one, in which three men were mixed up in a disorderly con- duct charge. This case is an echo of the first. Sons of Scotland dance. They tried to get in and started .to raise a rough house. One was fined, the other dismissed, and the third remanded. The drunks pald 5. A. Weiss faces a charge of theft this afternoon. * A man.named Wedman has been brought back from Calgary to face a charge of alleged indecent assaut on a girl. He will be tried by the Mounted Poli e. Tuesday. KEEP CHILDREN WELL DURING HOT WEATHER Every mother knows how fatal the hot summer months are to small children, Cholera infantum, diar- thoes, dysentryuand stomach trou- bles are rife at this time and often precious litt e-life is. lost after on- ly a few: hours: illness. The mother who, keepsBaby s Own Tablets in the .bouge feels ale... The lt;oceasion- bypuseof;the Tablets prevent: stom- agh;.and) bowel troublesspor it; the trouble comes suddenly as it gen- erally does the Tablets will bring the baby safely through. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents, a box from The Dr. Willlams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. PUBLIC NOTICE Zyherehy give Notice that Ihave disposed. of my Insuranoe..--husiness to. Mr, P. H. Rubidge, Jate,of the Fewings-Rubidge, Agency, as from the first day of September, 1912, My Agencies included :.many of the. old- est established and. strongest Eng- lish and. Canadian: Companies, all of whom have duly,appointed Mr. Rub- idge as their representative in this city. Mr, Rubidge s ability and energy as an Insurance man are widely known and appreciated, and I hope the volume of business which I have transferred to him, will be You Then 50 ft., 125 tt BO: tt, 100 ft., 50 ft, 50. ft 60 tts tf rule, that your make 000. 800, Lot 18, cash. Lot 6, coast want are. with a continued with him. I-take this:op- portunity of thanking all my old clientele for their patronage and to assure them that a continuation thereof in favor of Mr, Rubidge will receive that gentleman's prompt and careful personal attention at all times. I shall continue my Real Es- tate and Loan business at my Offices No. 372 Main Street, as here- tofore. H. L. Tweed, Medicine Hat. HARVEST SERVICES Special Harvest Services will be conducted Sunday, Sept. 22nd, at 2 and 7.30 p. m., at the Salvation Army Hall. The hall is to be fittingly dec- orated with grain agd plants, etc., and special music and singing will be rendered. Also addresses on the goodness of God. At the afternoon Service the cards of those who haye done collecting wiil We brought to the altar, with the contents, BAND CONCERT RNOON The band concert tomorrow will be at 3.30 in the afternoon instead of the evening, and will continue so for the balance of the season. SPECIAL MEETING. The Women s Missionary Society of St. John s Church will hold a spec- ial meeting Monday afternoon, Sept. 23rd, at 3.30, for the purpose of packing a bele of clothing to be sent to the Ucluelet Mission School, B.C. Any person wishing to eon- tribute clothing for either a girl or a boy of ten years of age may send same to St. John s S. S. room Mon- day afternoon. A small fire bfoke out in a shack 50 ft. corner, Block 11, RIVERSIDE 5 lots on Broadway, 350 each. (This is an 80 ft, street and get all Redciiff traffic.) 50.-ft, Block 15, 600. H.C.Pettit Co. 368 Toronto St, Phone 481 on the Esplanade about i0 o'clock this morning. i Shipping casualties of all nation- alties last year totalled 108 vessels, with a tonnage of 114,231, Loose Leat System The News Job (Departivient hay. dvaiy. lt; tactlity tor supplying the most itisfactory. aera Ave. ronto 1100 pi BF. prRre Medicine bargains. HERALD 100 ft, -Btock 17, 735 pr. terms. 50 ft, Block 18, 1250 pr, Terms. COUSINS AND SISSONS Block 11, 865, terms, 50 ft, Block 2, 800.7 Terms. 50 ft, Block cofner, Block 92, 2100, Terms. 1050. WE DO NOT ADVER. TISE our sales as a S. E. Quarter of 20 for 9600. matter Watch for theOpening This store will be open on the 25th September ens BOOTS and SHOE ing week... get basy: MEDICINE HAT Corner Toronto and North 1050 50 ft, shack- rented at 10. 5000 100. ft, corner, Columbia 3900: pr- 2000 A Modern House Broadway, St)Riverside, are interested - in Hat realty. look over these Block 20, 2000. Terms, Block 13, 736. Terms. RIVERSIDE Block 18, 750. ALTAWANA -0, 1400. Block. 4, 1500. TOWNSITE Terms. Terms. Terms, SOUTH YUILL Mill street with shack, Terms. Gly Real Go Fire, Eife, Aceident, Hall and Plate Glass Insurance. 410 Main St. P.O. Box 816, but we want to let the. public know we can handle business and you money. This is what we have sold the last five days. Lots 17-20, Block 25, for 18,- Lots 19 and 20, Block 19, for Cousins and Sissons. Block 61, 39500 for Block 21, for 20,000. We have buyers from to..coast, and we your listings, no where they complete new stock of bargains for the open- Come and let us CLOTHING Co. Railway. 57-15t shaw and Basan Plums, 60'e. per STHE FAIR : grate today only at Livelrs. Phove/ll. LEONARD FLANAGAN, PROPS. Fine eating and cooking apples for 1.75 per box at Lively s today. Cheapest in town. Phone 267. SNAPS SOUTH YUILL lot and new 1200 50 ft, Columbia Ave. CENTRAL PARK 750 pr Lots 1-4, Block 30, corner. Water and gas available. 900 pr. 25-26, Block 21, wat- er and gas. OLD TOWNSITE 1350 Lot 14, Block 80. 3500 For 207 ft. on Macleod Trail. 22000 100x65 ft. Toronto St. and 6th Ave. 11000- Lot 12, Block 55. To- Easily worth 5000. St. COUSINS AND SISSONS 900 pr. 1-82, Block 1. 840 pr 84-35, Block 2. HERALD 735 pr 85-86, Block 17. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 840 pr. 24-26, Block 28. r. 5-8, Block 20. 84, Block 31. HOUSE on , Phm.B. mORONTO sr. Green Gage, Brad- 60-2 The secret of success in life is for a nian to be ready for his opportunity when it comes. 8 Paira Lots in Block 12, Central Park, fucing Park, 1960, Regular terms. ot . SOME SNAPS IN ALTAWANA Buy now before prices boost for the fourth time this summer. 100 per cerft. profit assured to the investor in Cousins and Sissons by spring. Below is a listing form, If you hay please fill in this blank form and: mail to us, Medicine Hat, sept, property to sell Perry, Sewell Perry: I hereby list following property for sale with you, subject to usual handling commission: - Lot Sub-Division . Price. Improvements (Signature) a8 days for special interces- sion and prayer on behalf of our be loved native land, During the week a special collect will be read. It s in part as. fol- lows: We pray Thee defend us from the great and eminent dangers that Primate Calls on A All to Pray Head of Anglican Chureh In Ireland Sets Apart Time of Supplication i the welfare of our church Again: ee and country. Grant that all that is eet st Dangers of Home said or done this week may tend to the glory of Thy great name and the welfare of the church and people, so that truth, justice, religion and piety may be established among us for all generations. (C. A, P, Cable) Armagh, Ireland, Sept. 21. The Most Rev. John Baptist Croxier, An- Slican Primate of All Ireland, has designated next Saturday and the days following it, including Uister The Daily News delivered in the city 35 a month. . Saturday Specials AT THE FAIR STORE Phone 81. Cor. Ottawa St. and 3rd Ave. Phone 81. 20 Ib. stcks of B.C. Sugar. Regular 1.50, for 1.35. One Pint Sealers, Imp. Gem Regular 1.00 per doz., for 90c. Ammonia, large pkts. Hegular 20c., at 2 for 5c, Baking Powder, best brands, Regular 25c per Ib. for 20c, Baking Powder, best brands. Regular 1.25 per 5 Ibs., for 75c. Bathbricks. Regular 20c each. Today 12 Tomatoes, Moose brand. Regular 17 4c; 6 for 1.00 or 3.90. per case. Blue Ribbon Tea. Regular 40c per Il 3 Ibs. for 95c. Red Rose Tea. Regular 1.20 per tin; today 1.10 eah. Cocoanut. Regular 80c per Ib. Today 250. . Coffee. Regular 40c per Ib.; today 85c. Cream. Regular 12 c each; today 1.35. p r dozen. Jam, new Strawberry (pure). Re gular -1.00; today 90c each. Pickles, one gallon Sour and Chow Chow. Regular 1.00 for 90c. Pickles, Sweet. Regular 1.15, for 1.00 each. : Oranges, Sunkist' , Regular 0c per dozen; today 25c. Italian Plums. Today 90c. Freestone Peaches. Today 95c. No, 1 Potatoes, 80c per bushel, or 3.75 in 5 bus We will-deliver these goods to any part of the city. All goods will be sent U.'0. D, as the above quotations arp for. CASH ONLY. Cut this adyont and bring It with you. Call and see our Fall and Winter stock of Dry Goods. We have just opened a large shipment of Blankets, Comforters, and Ladies Underwear. Another shipment of Aviation Caps just arrived. Barrington Hall THE STEEL CUT COFFEE Deliciously smooth and fragrant. Rich in coffeol, that essential oil of coffee whieh gives it flavor and aroma. H.W. Ireiand Go. Main Street. Phone 54. TERE PERE p et ieee ie sada charge of murd Velitis iss that there is li his recovery. closely by the sit he starts to the officials wil imterperter ta statement. Hanzak was Police barracks galled. He shov figured and s countenance. received from a Governor G Sailed for On Stea Alice. PLEASANT V Wharf Was Electric: L White and Naval and Mi tion Leagu Send Them try: EB. T. Seammel orary secretary Military Emigrat through the city t way to the Pacific mell's visit to Oar pose of inducing t offer inducements leaving the army tle in Canada. 1 owes its existen Scammell, has a lent work in plac Canada. Usually there ar who leave the arm year at the expir of service. Owing rollment of troop: war in 1900, 1901
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Image 521 (1912-09-21), from microfilm reel 521, (CU1772732). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.