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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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a very essence of their cleanliness to Sunlight Soap. othe name LEVER oa: Soap a Guarantee of Purity- and) Excellence 244 white fleecy garments, those dazzling white linens, owe -of Purity in Laundry One cake of Sunlight is easily equal to half of woman's labor at the wash-tub, saves all the rub and wear and not the slightest injury to hands or fabric. : Just try Sunlight. w 5c. a bar. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. , .. White left last evening to. spetid'a few weeks im Toronto. Mz,-and Mra, Robert Irwin havo return d lt;from am extended trip . to Chicago; New York and intermediate points. They attended the big avia- tion meet at Chieigo which lasted for an entire week, Mr. A. Higgins, has taken charge of Foster's department. . White went to: Toronto on an extended visit. Mr. John M; Scott, of Portland, who arranges the annual California, trips for Western Canada expects to be in Medicine Hat about the id dle of the month. Mr. L. B. Cochran left on. the'noon train for the coast having definitely decided to take up his residence in Nritish Columbia. Mr. W. B. Marshall has been call- ed to Calgary through the illness of his brother Mr. . J. Marshall. Mr. .C: G, Milne has returned from trip to Winnipeg and Toronto. He states that he has just completed ar- rangements for opening a branch of his photo studio in Maple Creek. late of Glasgow, shoe Government May Become Big Toke Toronto Telegram Gives Forth Strong Views on Canadian Pacifie In- crease. Toronto, Oct. 3 Of the Canadian Pacific melon , the Telegram today editorially says; Phe Government in this country, ff the Canadian Pacific can get its right to over-capitalize without Par- Idmentary discussion or decision, is a joke, When the Canadian Pacific exerts its strength the name of the party In power becomes a mere de- fail and the real premier of Canada fs the president of the Canadian Pac- ifie-and the real Government of Can- Dont Read This 2 If YouHavn t Money to Invest CANADIAN FINANCIERS LIMITED. Head Office - - . Vancouver, B.C. Authorized Capital - 2,000,000 IN 20,000 SHARES OF 100 EACH. aa SCOPE AND POWERS OF THE COMPANY Executor, Administrator, Guardian, Committee, Receiver, Assignee, or Liquidator. Trustee under Wills, Mortgages, Marriage Settlements, Deeds of Trust, or under appointment of Court Agents for the investment of money on ordinary terms, or with guarantee of Company. Agents for the management and sale of Real Estate, Collections of Rents- : Fiscal Agents of Corporations and Individuals, Trustee fo: the issue of Stocks, Bonds, or Securities of Financial or Indus- trial Companies. Agreements of Sales bought and sold. 139 Per Cent. . In five years the Company has paid in bonuses, and cash dividends 139 per cent., or an average of 27 per cent. per annum. While the Company has paid these large dividends it has built up a reserve of 126,000. Between January Ist and July Ist, 1912, we have earned over 20 per cent. It is the intention of the Company to establish AN OFFICE IN MEDICINE HAT and with fifteen or twenty prominent shareholders in Medicine Hat, the Company will be practically a LOCAL ENTERPRISE. 40,000 (400 shares) have already been placed among your best citizens, 7 YOU ARE OFFERED SHARES IN THIS COMPANY Because this Compaty wants your personal help and. in- fluence to make this a thoroughly representative Western insti- tution, and of a financial strength in keeping with the great pos- sibilities of Western Canada. 4 A Because we want to establish representatives in every place of importance throughout Canada, aud owing to our numerous advantages we can use more capital profitably: We invite the small investors to become shareholders. The terms whereby you can secure the stock are very liberal. This is an opportunity of a lifetime to secure a safe and an exception- ally profitable investment. H.C. NIBLOCK, SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE from the Home office will be at the Assiniboia Hotel all this week, where subscriptions will be received and full particulars given. OVER 400 SATISFIED SHAREHOLDERS Many prominent mon in Onigay and Moose Jaw ame g our Shareholders. Per Cent if da js the directorate of the Canad- fan Pacific. The Government at Ottawa is sometimes Liberal, some- times Conservative, but always pro Canadian Pacific. The Canadian Pacific is a puppet of the stock mar- ket and every Government is the puppet of the Canadian Pacific. Davis is Jailed For Six Months Convicted of Bringing Stol- en Money Into Toronto Wife Dismissed. CW. A. PL Dispateh gt; Toronto, Oct. 3. Walter Davis was convicted this morning of. bringing stolen money into Toronto. Magis trate-Denison sentenced the man to stx/months in the Central . Prison, while his wife, Alice Davis, was dis- missed. It was on August 9 that the couple were arrested after bills which were known to be part of the 150,000 stolen from the New Westminster branch of the Bank of Montreal in September, 1911;)had been passed in this city and traced back to them. In their possession was 9,299 in bills. Most the numbers corresponded with the stolen money. WAGES 10 BE INTACT Board of Conciliation in Halifax Longshoremen s Strike Gives No Advice. Halifax, N. S., Oct. 3. The board of conciliation in the dispute be- tween the railway -and oal company houses was met by the rental being reduced one dollar per month. In foture no provincial workmen's ss- sociation dues will be deducted from a man s wages unless he makes per- sonal application. The board of con- ciliation in the dispute between the longshoremen of Halifax and tho shippers cannot - come to an agree- ment upon, which they could base any recommendation to the lebor de- partment. Boys and Girls Wool Toques on sale Friday and Saturday for 25 ets. each at the Imperial Dry os Co. it JONES-WATSON. Seven Persons, Alta., Oct. 3. A Very quict but pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and (Mrs, Isaac Jackson on Oct. 2, 1912, when Miss Edna Harle Watson was given in marriage by her brotHer, Mr. Jackson, to Sylvester Liewolyn Jones of Medicine Hat. The bride lookd charming in 2 travelling suit. of navy blow. whip cord and a silk embroidered waist and a white beaver hat. The Rev. Mr. Young of Seven Persons perform- ea the ceremony at 12 o'clock, a.m., after which all sat down toa sum- ptuows dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Jones left in the evening for Medicine Hat, having se- cured the Alberta Taxi Co.'s cers for the eccasion, with the best wishes of their, many friends. Rabber Heels waitiat Foster's Street. Put on while you Shoo. Store, Main tt EES Pingle, Wales Bell Real Estate, Notary Public, ote. ., Fourth Ave, One Minute From Post Office, PHONE 791, We have the largest listings in the elty fi - Riverside. Prices from 800 each. Altawana. Prices from 150 each. Riverdale. Prices from 225 each, These are all charming reai- dential properties.. They will be immensely valuable as the clty grows, 100 per cent. pro- fit can de easily Macerned, COUSINS AND SISSO S kr s rapidly growing in value. We have good buys in: Block 28, 300 each; Block 4) 850 each; Block 29, 300 each; Block 8, 400 each; Block 17, 380 each; Block 20, 400 each. THE HERALD ts still good and brisk prices prevail. Block 17, 876 each; Block 8, 375 each; Block 2, 356 each; Block 1, 500 each ; Block 21, 500 each; Block 22, 500 each; Block 8, 3475 each; Block 37, 385 each, HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX A rary SOU ae ey Block 21, 400 each; Block 25, 500 each; Block 31, 375 each; Block 1, 450 each; Block 2, 800 each; Block 27, 500 each. YUILL SURVEY A very tirm market: Block 8, 50 ft., 800; Block 9, 50 ft, 900; Block 16, 50 ft., 800; Block 7, 50 ft, 925. CENTRAL PARK will make big money in the spring: Block 17, 850 pair; Block 22, 800 pair; Block 24, 840 pr.: Block 11, 1000 pair: Block 9, 1000. pair; Block 81, 860 pair; Block 29, 700 pair; Block 6, 1575 pair, gt; We have latge holdings in Townsite, Bending, City View, Westover Park, etc, etc, . We want your lisctings please Call-upon us. Your orders will have our best attention, No firm in the city will do bet- ter for you, A Fair and Square Deal fs our Motto. SPECIAL LINES: : Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, ete, ada under these headings: - 26 words, one day... .. 25 25 words, three days .. 50 25 words, alx days .. .. 2.00 Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for less than-26 cents. Cash must accompany the order. Phono your ad to No. 18 ring 2, and it will receive attention. SALESMEN oo you should, or want to make more, ee me at once, I hayo tlie best sell- 12-3 HBLY WANTED. CARPENTERS WANTED AT ONCE Apply to Marshall Bates, on the Job, Toronto Street, Herald, 71-6 maid. No chfldren. Apply 808 Esplan- ade or Wright's jewelry store, oppo- site post office. Tatt Wanted at once. Good, Beaver Lumber Co., Factory and South Railway St. Tete office, 12-8 WANTED TWO ACTIVE MEN, good mixers; men acquainted in city pre- ferred. Salary. C. B. Brfant, Room 4, News Building. Office open even- ings. 12-5 WANTED SCHOOL TEACHER, school, by financial fitm. An oppor- tunity to make big money. Apply Room 4, News Building. Office: ap- en evenings. 2-8 a CARPENTERS WANTED APPLY ready for work, to E, D. Bentley, lot Wi, block 4, on Park Street. 73-6 WANTED CARPENTERS, LABOR- ers and teamsters. Apply A. P. Burns LosT A DRIVER'S TICKET POUCH with kets, ete. Apply for reward at Tassle Bros, Bakery, 21 WANTED SMART TIDY HOUSE Apply 77 Esplanade, Houses, Farm Lands and Sub- a divisions. HOUSE BARGAIN balance monthly. Come in and we will show you this snap. It won t House to rent on Braemar st. fh We have 3,000 from an Hast- ern client for investment. What have you to offer? LISTINGS WANTED. he House Men: Room 8, Imperial Bank Bldg, NOTICE Local Improvement District . No. 5C4: Notice is hereby given that all Persons having claims against Locat Improvement District No. 5C4, are re- quired to send particulars of such claims in to my office before 1st day of November, 1912, and any person who falls to or omits to send in their claims shall be debarred of his right to receive the same from sald dis- trict or any other district that may be liable for the Mabilities thereof. Contracting Co; WANTED Laborers by the Canad- jan Stewart Co, 30 per hour Ogilvie Mill site 6 roomed modern Cot- lon ogitvie mill job. Boarding camp tage for sale. 500 cash,. on site. Canadian Stewart Co. Lea, 33-tt last long. HWVANTED Men and women to learn ; on, Situations guaranteed. Special logue free. Moler College, 609 Cen- Tit Ss ees WANTED A GENERAL SERVANT. Apply at the English church rectory, 885 Montreal Street. 11-3 Apply 24-t6 WANTED AT ONCE 50 carpenters. WANTED Dining room girl. Apply Redelift Hotel. Bite barber trade. Summer rate now ites to Indies. Particulars and cata- tre St, Calgary. 29ddtt Wa :TED M, I Must ve good. milker. Apply phone 198, i 70-3 WANTED EXPERIENCED DINING room girl to wait on table. Apply Jim's Cate, - 20-3 Apply to Mrs. J. C. Hargrave, Broad- way, or phone 15. PLUMBERS WANTED FIRST- class men. 65 cents per hour: Ap- ply Western Plumbirg Co.,' Maim street. 68-6 MAID WANTED APPLY GENERAL Hospital. site 'WANTED 29 FIRST CLASS MILL- wrights.. Highest wages pald, Apply to Medicine Hat Milling Co. 60-tf SITUATIONS WANTED. EXPERIENCED -STENOGRAPHER wants position. Can furnish best of references, Able to start at once. Write box 1367, News office. 70-6 Dated at Rosebeg this 27th day of September, 1912. DONALD CAMERON, Secretary. Local Improvement District No. 5C4. Oct, 3w4 (HE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FU AND JUNK CO. The above hav: on band the best selection of Secont Hand Tools in the city, We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, nev and second hand Clothing, Clocks Watehes, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harnoss and nice new line of winter goods We buy everything mentioned above and pay the best prices. Call at 604 South Raflway St. or Phone 687. 0 WANTED LADIgS AND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watches Jewelry, guns, revolvers, valises, sul cases, stoves, musical instraments furniture, Democrat waggons, bug: gies, harness, Bloycles. carpente: tools, etc., raw hides and furs, hors hair, wool and ithers, bought ans sold, Apply to the Harvard Talloriny Co, 312, Fourth avenue, opposity Dreainland theatre. P. 0. box 858 Phone 295. The Best Prices Pald for the above. 23Dit Be ka Subscribe NOWsten The Dally News, or will exchange for real ply to Hotson and Leade: CAPABLE YOUNG MARRIED COU- ple require joint situation. Excellent Teferences, Box 1366 News office 70-3 ROOMS TO RENT. FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT IN modern house, five minutes wall from depot. Apply 201 Balmoral Street. 72-3 eS ey ee SS Se Neem en Sie Sede rest Mat Le FOR SALE es NEW MILCH Cows FOR SAL Phone . Corner Montreal St. and Sra Ave, J. M. Cooper. 10-6 ee FOR SALE NEWOOMBI PLANO, nearly new, for sale immediately. ply Bllsabeth st or PO. box so6, 69-8 en mace WANTED 90 BUY If you are not making the money Fa ee WANTED FULLY MODERN 5 OR 6 room ot two-storey dwelling, close in. Price must be right, Own- ing proposition In town. C, E. Bryant, it ont News building, Office open ? MY Apply box P. 0, 819, city. 684 Ee MRE Eee WANTED TO BUY Bullding lots in Old Survey, Herald or Central Park, Give prices, terms, ete. to P. Q. Box 510. Owners only need apply. 38-tf, WANTED CLHAN. COTTON RAGS, 62-tf WANTED 10 RENT on : FURNISHED HOUSE, NOT TOO LUMBER LOADER AND CHECKER out or six months, No, ilies ae steady job. dress M. B. Rygs, Monarch Theatre, Tt WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED house, five or aix rooms, for one of two months,- from Oct. 9th. ADDI stating rent and locality, to box 268, Taber, Alta. 69-3 a a TO RENE gt; a lady or gentleman, to work after T NANT WANTED for vacant store on the corner of Montreal Street and: 3rd Ave, Fine location for any business, Reasonable rent. Living rooms overhead. Immediate Posses sion, Repairs and overhauling will be done. Apply to G. G. MacBean Co. Imperial Bank building. oat (SSE ae eee STRAYED 25 REWARD THE ABOVE WILL be paid for information that will lead to the recovery of one grey gelding, weighing about 1300, branded either H. F. monogram on left shoulder, or ) - let thigh. This horse ts ae four years old and has trim- med tail. R. E. Starks, Medicine Hat. Sept. 30, 1912. sot FOUND 1 BAY HARNESSED horse between Dunmore and Gros Ventre, branded. on right thigh. Own- er may f have same by call- ing at Adam Stuber s, Gros Ventre P. ., and paying expenses, Oc. 3wst 315.00 REWARD FOR RETURN OF one dark clean boned bay mare, about 900 Ibs., branded on left shoulder, with bay, suc: ling filly colt, and one bright bay mare weighing about '700 Ibs, with white star on head, white spot on nose, white left hind fetlock, to Mrs. R. Falconer, Alberta St, Medicine Hat, northwest of Central Park. Oc 3w4 5.00 REWARD FOR THE RETURN of a pony branded C.D. left shoulder. A kind of roan color. Ranges some- where around the Medicine Hat lodge. Reward will be given at the Clay Pit, Coleridge. Dan Schmidek, Coleridge. Ocdw2 MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN PRIVATE MON- ey to loan on residential property. Apply to P. 0. box 857. 61-6 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS W. 4 HENDERSON CO,, charterea accountants and auditors, (estab- Ushed 1882), auditors, city of Medicina Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- bridge. A. E, Gibson, CA, resident partner. Phone 198, Burns Block. ee Corsets made to mens- ure, udranteed for one year against breaking or rusting. At office in Pingle block, Main street, from 2 p. jm. to 5 p.m, Office phone 594. At house, 7 school Avenue, opposite east side of High School, in evening. House phone 699, or write P. 0. Box 72, Mrs, Matthews, Au 22-3m AUCTIONEERS facil censor tan satiate Hi 8. BROWND C0,, Live Bock and General Auctioneers, 619 Tor- ROOMS TO RENT THRED FURN- Mt? St Stock Sales every Friday ished rooms for gentlemen, Apply P. on/Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch 0, box 230, or phone. 539. 72-3 Nd farm stock sales conducted any where, House furniture saiee- con- FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT TO ducted anywhere, Consult us, our ex- lodgers. New house. Yuill. TO RENT in FULLY MODERN: NEW house, near High School, two furnish- ed bedrooms. Apply box 1369 News Apply 816 North 72-6 708. perience at your disposal free. Phone H.B. Browne Co, 619 To- Tonto St, X Isaats REAL ESTATE office. 1-3 FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT+ OAKES, EVERARD CO, 365 1-2 Apply 422 Main St. 70tt Main St, Phone 656. Real Estate ROOMS WANTED. GENTLEMAN WANTS FURNISHED room. Apply box 1368 News office, Agents for, Royal Insurance Co. STREET CAR S TERRIBLE TOLL 71.8 (W. A. P. Dispatch) Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 3 Two pass- Houses for sale on easy paymenta WANTED AT 'ONCE ONE LARGE engers were killed and fifty-five in- state, Ap- front bed sitting room. Apply News jured when a street car ran away on 61-tt the Greenfield Avenue hill today. a noe eE ENE) WANTED TO RENT A FURNISHED BOOKKEEPER WANTED TEMPOR- house for two or three months. Ap- ary position. Apply to box 1370, News ply at B. F, Souch s drug atore. 70-3 EFFECT PRAI oy London ' Results ada Hay TOO MANY Daily Sta Interest With M cc. London, Oe even larger t uumns of toda: Daily Telegra half article, 1 recent visitor claring, that landing to tt ers of Canad or, sturdiness exaggerated, has been dec This writer in announcing says: The 1 that the Bord sition of ext bas begun to future that within the E a future that even more th: After sayin adian nationa and Duchess ficent influen ture, the writ take the nava * politics, The Stands view with a sponsible pos etes, : protest tion that the pline. These knoc going on long certain ect They commen tempt to Jock maval polic may not be r Considerabl ness and ple Ministers vis in the way ot too bad for tons. AY ARE aM The Suffe From S alo to H (We Buffalo, N. 7 sons were pr and fifteen ot jously hurt is West Shore p freight train east of thi Hight of the i the emergency were taken to Houses for or will exchar Diy to Hotson The Daily city 36 a mo:
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Image 597 (1912-10-03), from microfilm reel 597, (CU1772742). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.