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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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NTED 10 RUY 0 PURGHASE 5 On number of well grown s, also a quantity of one . Apply Box-D, Nows, M 16-3 0 BUY Building lots . Herald or Central prices, terms, ete, to P. Owners only need upply. to a BBHth a ae LEAN. COTTON RAGS. planade, 62-tf FRESH MILK. COW. ize Hotel, a8 RD AND ROOM. gt; ROOM WITH PRI- on the hill, Close to 526 El Paso. 76-3 e D BOARD WANTED 24RD AND ROOM FOR Apply Box 1871, News 6-8 TED TO RENT ONCE, TO RENT FUR- furnished house, Only No children. P. 0, box 16-8 RENT HOUSE WITH months, Apply box 1878 lt; TB-8t mS rea HOUSE, NOT TOO FAR maths. No. children. Ad xy, Monarch Theatre. Tit Sb Soe a IERAYED Ea ee THE ABOVE WILL formation that will lead ry of one grey gelding, it 1300, branded either am on.left shoulder, or t thigh. This horse is ears old and has trim- i. Starks, Medicine Hat, eott ED ACCOUNTANTS SRSON 'CO., chartered is and atiditors, (estab. uditors, city of Medicine g, Medicine Hat, Leth- - Gibeon, C.A., resident ne 198, Burns Block. 276att RSETIERRE joreets made to meas- d for one year against usting. At office in Main street, from.2 p. Office phone 594. At 1 Avenue, opposite east School, in evening. 699, or write P. 0, Box ews. Au 22-8m - SEB OR CTIONEERS z INE CO., Live Stock al Auctionsers, 519 Tor k Sales every Friday are at 1 o'clock. Ranch k sales conducted any- furniture sales con- re. Consult us, our ex- a, INE HAT HIDE, FUR k CO. The above have - est selection of Second a the city. We carry res wid Bedding, new nd Clothing, Clocks, ry, Rifles, Guns, Re- ms, Buggies, Harness, w line of winter goods. thing mertioned above est prices. Call at 604 Bt. or Phone 587. of othing, shoes, watches, Tevolvera, valises, suit musical instrument, pocrat Waggona bug- dleycles. carpenter hides and furs, horse f ithers, bought an - the Harvard Tafloring th avenue, opposite tre. P.O. box 358, Best Prices Paid for 23Det ESTATE ARD CO, 265 1-2 ne 556. Real Estate fal Insurance Co, lett, B.A.Sc pal Engineer, Alberta Land Surveyor Spur Raflways, , Sewage, Irrigation, ans, Ete. erlal Bank Building. Phone 490 NDERS P Tenders for the will be received by Jadoux at his house, et, up till Monda; plans obtainable at harsday. A certitied recent. of the tender y all temders. Lowest tender not necessarily. RV. A. CADOUX. ON FAIRVIE We Have Buried 2,000.00 on every lot from one dollar to one hundred dollars. All you neet is to buy your Lot and get your Gold. aa PRICES FROM 185 TO 225 Only 38 Cash down. Balance 8.50 per month. Interest 8 per cent. THIS PROPERTY IS JUST ONE MILE FROM THE POST OFFICH and one-quarter mile from the C. N. Ry. property, on which it is understood ; will be located the yards and shops. : ni These lots will double in value before you have half paid forthem. You ean build on the property at once. Every lot is a good one and plenty of good ape water on the property. : : ; ; Come in and see us and ep 25.00 with us for ahoice of your lots a and as a deposit to hold your lots until October 9th when we will give you your agreement of sale. We give You cash for: whatever sold is coming to you. It costs nothing to ride in our car and it only takes ten minutes of your time. 'G. G. MacBean Cc OPEN EVENINGS oa IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING SHELLS SSOSLO POSSE EEE ESET Oe : SoSorg fine state of Macedoniavis today worse that there shall be no peace in Mac- Grand Vizier there would be hope of than ever. Once more, the powers ar donia till Macedonia ts hers. that: Lastetects eefeagocgort onde See Tragedy of Trail Recalled G et being invited by Count Berehtold, the There are the two polnts of view, Yi hiakes 10 difference who the i wes Austrian Foreign Minister;to con- Meanwhile, whosesoever the fault (Gand Vizier is, sald Dr. Viadoft. J C Q f, Go OF BULGARIA sider Macedonia reforms to be rec- may be, the Bulgarian peasant con- The subordinate officials on the spot A oming uest tor Jo. B ommended to the Turkish Govern- tinues to be murdered singly or en would still oppress the Bulgarians, : a aes once more the danger of war masse. ; i Complete autonomy for Bulgaria i ee usy DEMAND Sat olution i-th alton sns Trent sdato ca 646k ino earanna by he powers wan n COmmopelitan Party of Minerslogiats, WAL. Pancake close, cleser even than before. leaders of this: Macedonian Revolu- Christian as Governor, is the least We F id a 3 Buy in Altawana This I7 gt; hey Gannot Have Mace- . The massacre of 180 Bulgarian tlonary. Organtzation,. Colonie Pro- that will satisfy us. Tt the Turkish Three Prospectors Were Found Shot mt Dead Six Week. ey: 2 Macedonians at K tchana on August toahueroft and Dr. Viadoff. Government will grant that, we are Years ). ; donia They Will Let No . i riamed the Bulesrian nation A When you sit in a well furnished content to walt until the fulness of Hannes 5 ele cer One Else Have it. clamour s raised for a war of lib- sunny flat talking. peacefully to time Bulgafian Macedonia comes to Edmonton, Oct. 2 When the co three miles away. There was a rag- Your choice of over eration, with the aim of annexing gentlemen of omdest pearing in be peacefully united with the Bulgar- goes out of the Iiard river next ged hole in the skull. The femains 140 lots, ranging in - TURKISH AUTHORITIES SAY to the new Bulgarian Crown the morning coats with no more mark of an Crown as it eventually must paces pee, 2 egeant pe three me it, wiifch were identi- rice from 150.00 up Whole of the northern part of Mace- the conspirator about them than ) + practical kmowledge o lo y articles. kx own to have P donia, inhabited by Bulgarian sub- their short pointed beards, it is hara And if the Ottoman Government, was gained ta the foremost gold) carried by tem, vate to 1200.00 per lot. p eae of Mickey. whe Bul- ta reatize how neat you are to the Fecosnizing thet autonomy ia only a camps of the United States, Canada, where they 16 : Re j Sie Fs Australia. and South : E ee aa : ees . garlan Government is: disturbed dy grim fealities of sudden death. The balfway house to independence, re- South a cee ate F Recepted by: Don t delay. The pri- llfany Years of Accumulat- this pressure of pubife'opinion. tt ts memoirs of these two militant Bul- futes to grant it? ge ee ate tes are poing up. Get in conservative, and would keep the garian Macedonians, frankly written, Then we shall either succeed in ? u : this Se Beer ed Vengeance be Worked reac Also it sees clearly that such woul contain more. atorlee of plot compelling the Gorernment to make More 8a 00 miles eet ot einen Off. a knight-errant adventure might/and counter-plot, of: assassinations war or we will make Macedonia un- ae : . cripple the new Kingdom, . already attempted and successful, of flerce inhabitable for the. Turks, If we can A few: good lots in There 1s nothing in the ee heavily in debt, and tha teven were unrecord r gueriila battles, with no not have the territory which we con- ies petite bd in ee Central Park, Cousins a nae ee eae Tieeeccs it successful the fruits of victory greater mer y than a quick death sider ours by right, no one olse shail pisaiieelies ror 3 aes at eet issons, Bending and eer NOR w might be snatched away by an inter- for the wounded under the heel of a live in it in peace. i 3 fore 2 eg wood-covered slopes. of Mount Vit0- vention by the Powers. rifle butt, of summary executions, of That is the) present attitude of the MOM ia oe sa aoe a eames peng pees es Meadseiat wie sarechs a Can the Bulgarian Government re- illage burnings and cattle raids and majority of the Bulgarian people. ton to assemble the outfit and ar- of the Nahaani'tiver foF some time, : shadow of war, says the Sofia corres- i eopular demand for war with desperate escapes than Mr. Max It will be a terrible business, if it fateh tor. te transportation ( 0 a revarnea Rg ekinplew anieich mola 3 your living Turkey? The next threo weeks witl Pemberton ever imagined. If Dr. does come, thla long-advertised war- oinr trom whence it will be carried bearing quarts. The prospectors Te- apartments in Hull answer the question and decide the Viadoff undisguised todk the, train There are many years of atcumulated +) 1 aestination beyond the outposts ported at the trading post that they issue of war or peace in the Balkans, across oy oe, ee eee Sosa TEE ee sas worked off. They or civilization. The men, who-are sea- found gold im abundance, but.the in jeans Jose indeed. Summarised, the Bulgarian case ts ad : thelr teeth, said soned explorers, decline to talk about accessibility of the country, the Jong: oe ee ea What the Bulgarini Lenders Say. Bulgarian officer at the casino last tn. trip, nor will they divulge any distance to. pack supplies and the Block. 2 The Bulgari: talking about this: Burope was deceived in its: be- ers i ie war openly Ain strat the ta- lMef that the Young Turks were sin- lances ooghes creel ne ae Pee iat ei Lee puget tangible information as to the loca- hardships encountered made impos- am ty i while la the ld-bear : juartz, re- sible the develo it of ground, ble olitside the Casino, in the leafy cere in their promises of equality to a a ; fay bi 59 apne: es tion of the gol ng Qu sible the fie fhe gard : the subject races. of their Empire. i 2 ports of which have come to Edmon- nde e eel Pecos untaoylthe pur- Do you not think Feally means war or not. Meanwhile ton at intervals in the last fourteen George. McLaughlin, for years in z Phone 790. Their idea of equality was the mM i Over Assinibola Muste Store. cian whore statwast officers in ileation of the subpect races. by ttle ae Ene Fe caamene OF Uullees Be tha ears: the employ, of the Hudson's Bay ae ad idk Ghia besochid 12 ing their national institutions, Turkey p ited from the hands of frontier guards such as. normally Placer Gold. F Company im the Fort Neluon district, bai ie eee Aa aed Casini. their languages, by the Committee, I a ked them, that takes place every month or two, William Drew, now a resident of was a member of a party organized vre camp on the road fo Knyajevo. murdering their leaders and dragoon- Bae Bamonton, who went to the head several years ago. to investizate. the donia?. If Kiamil Pasha becames kan complications in a blaze. waters of the Liard in a skiff with reports brought down by explorers of WwW And they talk not excitedly and sen- ing the rest, That is the policy they NE -MANHOOD eiinedthliys- pit tate akin; dal ae dea, lare still following toward the Mac. ee tw, Drosp ctors in 1890, discovered 1898, 1904 and 1906, but the Toss of igarian: F acer gold th in, ing quanti- his sight prevented him from going Wan et lncprenives eae Lang of bullaria, wno has won ner MOUSTACHES AGAIN BREAKING tles, but shortage of provisions forc- and the otters postponed the long gt; 7 ed the abandon thet Noit 5c until he returned from Eng freee tale Scr atthe, Srarat momon nentery tthe tempt to free Mer INTO YOUTHS POPULAR FANCY stom scaicst Drow resrnes to B4- and, where be underwent treatmest debility the -world three Bulgarian Army Corps would ountrymen who are still under Tur- rrcnwacgitee his, ee Aa ee soe the pro- xo. Gruss, no a af anna wa eee een tistesene ues bate aon ual Mustache or no mitistache, that is go for a long time and perhaps will tending to travel overland to Van- The trip to be undertaken next medleine; no diet- Suard Adrianople twenty-four hours /inredenta ben rr the question staring imahy Hatters lead them all, Then you might con- couver. As they wore never heard spring will be the firet determined ing, no vunusual after mobilization Was complete;. and flag. men in the face this fall. Whether it sider the old reliable soup strainer trom, it is believed on efforts since 1906 to gain definite in- omands of any they say they can mobilfze fn five The Turkish View, tu bethae t0 -taks coll 6 i coma- variety. that pi lt; ae sole tee eer they perished CE MRNCER teria ad . ita ena : On the other hand, an Ottoman fort or assume the burden of a hir- like appearance. This is a type that Wiliam McLeod and his prother ported to exist in bonanza quantiti s Gti. : ; : this Invention wilt do nee eation and) it ts four years since King Edward statesman Will assure you that the ute lip adornment is being decided refuses to be exterminated and it ap- Frank, sons of Murdock Meleod, in the mountains at the head of thie Liard and Nahanni rivera. Turkey, nesror than sh has been for many of these last eventful years reformis may be introduced in Mace- might set this tangled thicket of Bal- sends a stream of vital jife into your discussed with the Szar at Reval re- conditions of the Macedonian Bul- now by thousands. erently will tive forever: Wa gt; ayel now. o Mambnton: Srtavioaite A foaed nerves, organs and blodd during the form to be introduced into Mace- garians is du to the campaign of Gn this subject, the Hat barbers had many inquiries from elderly mon trader forthe Hudson's Bay Com- Saeaeees PO eee eee Ott That Sethe the ee emes ven-Dulearianticr,, xebeniloay 1 tt: have mich to say. Prom thie souree who yearn after the mutton chop, pany in te Fort Nelson Gountry, a - The Dally News delivered. in the hess, stomack, liver tad kidney tue Youss Turk revolution, which pro- ried on, even at the expense of suf- comes the itformation that a Iarge lace curtain eflect and who are anx- copanied by W. J. Welk, a younel city abe month orders, varicocele, and stops losses, ised representative government and foring to the people of thi majority-of local men have large ious to know just how their facial Scotchman, left Fort Nelson early in) . Dr. Metzger Dry Gell Storage Battery equal treatment to The Macedonian Internal the Rubieon,so-to speak, and are lawns shonld be trimomed. the spring of 1904, intending to ex- em 18 a Mei ernap, battery, See the Ottoman letting em grow. Most of these Interviews with number of men, plore the district at the head of the Hou se Mover sects Fede Hs 300) which of a dozen posstb vokes harsh treatment for the Bul-leonrazeous ones tive limited the married and single who have taken Nabanni river, a tributary of the : Dor cent eaacler applied. EIvEs 400 siege might belong. For tho mo- garians in Macedonta, in order to feld of growth to the upp r tip but the plunge, develop the fact that Liard SAND FOR SALE Rt a low price without added cost ment all parties concerned seemed to move the Powers to trasfer thom and not a few are going in for the mut- wifie or the girl will be the final ar- Founa. EXCAVATING tor fancy books. A booklet with believe in the golden prospect. Ma- thefr territory to Bulgarian rale. ton chop and other favorites of days biter on the subject. Nothing was hi nti i full particulars mafled free; setled. nommedan teacher Kissed Bulgarian The revolutionists commit bomb) long past. eee i 1906, when a 96 hook tte post: HEAVY TEAMING ae eee ea priet on the street. The great pow-lontrages to incite the Turks to-mas- You can take your pick Irom a To overcome a child's tendency to trader, going o route cont Roh Block, Gor, 7th Ave. and sraf T stayed thelr reforming hand andjsacre Bulgarian peasants, who by wide assortment, said barber throw: away anything of a, medicinal with panty AOE * St, East, stood aside to see the Young Turks their deaths purchase Buropean sym- ,whose trade includes many men who nature a New York woman has in- skeletons of i TuThSa Calgary, Alta, set their own house fn order. pathy for the survivors, Turkish re-j keep abreast with the fashions, hir- vented 2 hot water bottle formed side, bottt Fallure of the Young Turks forms tn Macedonia ar frustrated sute and otherwise. Take thet, like a doll and which may be ress: guns and ed in doll s clothing. Weir's bl gt; ; Subscribe NOW for The Daily News, All this only three years ago, yet by the determination. of Bulgaria for an example. This digs gt; the * a,
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Image 632 (1912-10-08), from microfilm reel 632, (CU1772730). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.