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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Toye sep a ai Pose MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. CENTBAL PARK 45 tt. corner, Block 23, 1600, Perms, 66 ft. corner on Highland st, near school, 1650. HERALD Lote 21 and 22, Block 10, 1000. Terma. 10 lots in Block 21, 450 exch, Terms. x 50 ft. in Block 14, 1200. Terms, 4 lots in Block 2, 360 por pair. Terms, ROSEDALE 100 ft. in Block 3, 4000. Terma 106 ft. in Block 8, 3200. Terms, TOWNSITE 51 ft near station, 25,000. 1 Bave 160 acres of nice level Jana near Redoliff at a bar- Rain. Call and see me about this. Other property in all parts of the. city. BRING ME YOUR LISTINGS. Donald Currie Room 1, Becker Block. 1 Phone 116. Don't Wait Until Everything Advances More im Price Before You Buy. DO IT NOW We can-give you some SURE MONEY MAKERS. One of the best lots on Toron- to St. between Fifth and Sixth Ave., 50 ft, for 25,000. On good terms. : Two lots on Toronto St in Block 51, 100 ft., for 21,000. Herald, Block 17, is good loca- - tion, The N. EB. corner., 50 ft, for only 900. A Farm snap at 20 an acre with the privilege of secur- ing very valuable hay lands adjoining See us about this. List with us, We can interest others in what you have to sell. + Insure your property with us. Phone 305. Room 4, Becker Blk. H.W. Ireland. A. T. Claxton. H. 8. Ellis The Medicine Hat Security Co. UCTION SALES AT SEVEN PERSONS To Farmers, Ranchers and the public: H. B. Browne Co. beg to an- nounce that on and after Wednesday, Oct. 2 .at One o'clock sharp they will hold A MONTHLY AUCTION SALE to take place opposite the Union Bank and adjoining the King George Livery Stable, on ist Wednesday in Every Month They: will offer for sale: Bievesseatis Daneiay Tent erat mms, Cutters, Sleighs Farming Implements Harness, Poultry, Furniture, ete, The Auctioneers wish to draw the attention of the public ge: erally to the fact that these sales offer an excellent oppor- tunity to dispose of surplus stock and on the other hand, to acquire anything wanted at auction. prices. Entries for these Sales sollelted r further particulars and. en- Mr. Peter McAskile, Farmers Association, a Seven Persons, or The Auctioneers: H. B. BROWNE Co. Toronto Conservatory of Music EDWARD FISHER, Mus. D: Musical Directs a REOPENS TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 3rd One Year Tomorow Since De Tomorrow ts the rst anniversary of the beginning of the Turco-Italian war, as it was on Sept. 29, -911, that the Rome Government officially an- nounced that Italy and Turkey were in. a state of war from halt past two o clock in the afternoon of today. As a conflict between two consider- able powers, armed with the latest and most terrible engines of destruc tion, the war might be expected to. furnish many thrills and to occupy a large-space on the front pages ot the newspapers. Such has not been the casa On this side of the Atlantic the war was forgotten within a few weeks after t was commenced, and except for occasional paragraphs the press has given t little attention. To the majority of Canadians the struggle betweeh Turk and Italian for possession of Tripoll has become as ancient history. While Italy has been fairly suc- speakable Turk have not been gained without expending blood and. trea- sure. The latest casualty lst issued this month by the Italian Government shows that sixty-six Italian officers made a desperate resiatance, but were Sargent does nob st aspersions on and 783 soldiers have been killed since the beginning of the war. The Turkish losses have not heen made larger than those of the enemy. The friends of peace find hope even in the war. They point out that out- side of the nations directly interested there has been no popular interest in the conflict, and allege that this indi- cates that the masses of the people of civilized nations are no longer Interested in accounts of wholesale murder. Public indifference to the so-called glories of warfare will soon put an-end to war, say the adv; cates of international arbitration. man will want to die for his country, they say, f his heroism Is. to be dis. missed with a mere line on an inside page next to pure want advertise. ments, Even the Italian press is not wildly enthusiastic over the war, and a victory for Italian arms is nob ad of First Year of - Turco-ltalian War 228 22 at Rome Victories Have Been Costly. cessful, her Victories over tho un as her own, public, but are probably mot much/ just begun. The Arab tribesmen walk from eight to.twelvd miles a Belfast, Mo., avd graduated from Bowdoin Collage tm 1875, later tak- ing a medical course at Yale. He be- came director of Hemenway Gymnas- jem at Harvard dn 1879, and of the vening- years he has applied the stethoscope and the tape to thous- claration of War Was Made ends of athletes. testing their hearts, lungs and other votals, and measur ng their arms and legs and gentral muscular development. For given as good position as a scandal OFe than thres decades ores, Tail on ston, Seedy ped ge va ome uw 8 Probably few -pedple OW. remem Hd ab tlec thumped and bor what the war was about. It was measured and looked into all the announced that the declaration of war creat pugilists, wrestlers, runmets was only the epilogue of 10D8-80r) and other athletes of thy last genera fes of vexations and abuses against) tion, and kajows their strength . and Italy and Italians by the Ottoman weaknesses like a Book, Government. The selsure of the Out of the wealth of his long ex- Italian steamship Genova by Turk- perience, Dr. Sargent learned exactly ish warship was cited as one of what any exercise could be expected these vexations. Perhaps the real/to do for miAn,. and what it Teason was that Italy coveted Tripoll wouldn't. He found that nearly all for strategical purposes and: also to exercises, i i provide for her own expansion, and moderation, wera good, but that the feared that Germany or some other/one that surpassed alli others was nation would see it first. The prox- walking. He declared that any man imty of Tripol to Sicily ie such that (or, whisper it, ) who pos it would. be disastrous to Italy If Tri- sessed a Pai a ag he within his poli, became the possession of Ger power tke attainment of the highest many or Austria. Italy also. had degree of health possible to that many subjects In Tripoli, and the dividual. He poimted out that Protection of these made it desirable sides exercising ery part for Italy to take over the country body, walking also permite sorption into the system of Italy was much better equipped on of all tonics, sunshine and fresh air. the sea than the Turks, and had not As the director of a gym much trouble in landing her forces in the inventor of mpch that is Tripoli. The subjects of the Sultan modern gymnasium apparatus, tay of the ab - the veut overpowered by the trained troops of indoor mechanical exercises; but if a the invaders. When in possession of choice must be mace, he advocates the coast, Italy found her troubles walking. Every man, he says, should commenced a seriss of night attacks,/day. Women engaged in household and the Itallans were practically duties do not need to walk so far, he bottled up within the fortifications of /Points out, but should take a daily Tripol. When Italy again got the stroll. The practice of walking . be- upper hand hundreds of Arabs were fore breakfast, adVocated by many WHERE MEN gather for social relaxatio , College Hall or in Clubdom, in bachelor or in benedict assembly, the question of clothes quality is. ever: a: factor. ; * 3 May we show you the new Semi-ready: ter? Ivea fica pltsete always co te and to show tags 0 Bally fade op eels im conceivi Yoo i wonder, as others do, how we can.sell such beautifully tailored for 15, 26, and up to the purest and finest. woollen fabri 25, 36 and 35. ce ee HLS. IRBLAND - MEDICINE HAT, ALTA, ue captured, and all who were armed pedestrians, does not appeal to Dr. were immediately shot, The first m- Sargent, who says that an hour or the army of Aguinaldo as a common, two after eating is the best time to soidier: : portant naval engagement took place in January, when seven Turkish gun- besin the daily hike. boats were sunk off the coast -of And now that you know how to be Arabia, while the Italian warships escaped unscathed. Aeroplanes play- ed an important part in warfare for the first time during thi flict. fi Pos esse earns, a cnie, Denito Legarda Philippine Head your car. world from knowing what is really going on in Tripoli, and newspaper correspondents find it impossible to send out anything unfavorable to Ital Commissioner of Islands and Dennis Sheedy Western Pioneer is 66 To-day Was Poorer Than Church Mouse When He Struck West Now Has Many Millions. (By 0. Terence.) Denver, the Colorado capital was a mere collection of huts in the exact several degrees poorer than the pro- verbial church mouse. This was nearly half a century ago, and since then Denver has become quite some millions and a son in-law, I. Town- send Burden, Jr, by name, who re- cently got into the public prints by declaring that America is no. place so full of common people, don't you tains no such notions and even boast. of his humble origin, which miust be galling to the esthetic soul of Son-in-Law Burden. t is to be a rully clever polo player, did not Fefuse the 1,500,000 dower that came from Papa Sheedy when he married the beautiful Florei You would course, but Dennis Sheedy was born in Ireland, just sixty-six years ago today. My father was good Irish Says Mr, Sheedy and wore cowhide boots to help raise the mortgage from his farm. The elder Sh edys) emigrated the clothes on bis back and only centre of Nowhere; and when Den- cial events of last year. Horse shoes He is affiliated with the Progresista ver tirst saw Denis Sheedy, he was town, and Mr. Sheedy has accumul- to deny the fact that people of fash- from the guiding hand of Uncl Sam ated nobody knows just how many on hav no proper place in which to fs at least a generation away. Thus for a gentleman to live because it is common people, for they are neces: know. Mr. Sheedy, however, enter- the world. noted, however,.that Mr. Burden, scion of an old New York family and Dr, Sargent, the to Massachusetts whem Covered many things since first thiy he assisted the United States author- Dennis was: broth of b'y, and he 0ld world began a-wagging, but to ities in restoring peace, although in was only twelve when his parents Dudley Allen Sargent, Ab. B., A.M., 80 doing he was forced to part coni- retoved to Iowa, where he was giy- Se. D., M. D., physical director at Pany with bis old friends who in en a common school education. Den Hemenway Gymnasium, Harvard, for the field and fought against. oe was sevent but big for his thirti-three years, belongs the honor ies, when he crossed the Plains to of having discovered walking. It is S tinst Spain. In 1901 Denver, walking most of the dis- tTde that: men had the habit of watk- McKinley recognized his ability by tance. He arrived in Colorado with ig, when they couldn't ride, long Ppointing him a member of the Phil- 1 , before Dr. Sargent was born sixty- Dpine Commission, In which he serv- Resides at State s Cap- Nebraska to Nevada. When the free ital. * range became restricted he sold out his cattle business, and settled in Denver, where he became. interested (By Sigierence.) in banks, smelting concerns and oth- Donito Legarda, for five years one er corporations. He, -has: patented of the resident commissioners repre- nearly a score of inventions, mostly senting the Philippines in Weshing- improvements in smelting. ton, was born in the city of Manila Mr. Sheedy's first wife was Kath fitty-nine years ago today, erine V. Ryan, of Leavenworth, Kan5 member of Aguinaldo s cabinet dur- who died in 1895. Three years lat- ing the short-lived Filipino republic. er he married Mary Teresa Burke of Legardo was chosen delegate by the Chicago. Mr. Sheedy s daughter / American commission which rules the are famed for their beauty, and -the isiands, and with his colleague, the marriage of Florence Sheedy to I. T. popiilar delegate, represents a con- Burdon, Jr., was-one of the big so- stituency of eight millions of people. 3 3 and railroad spikes were the founda- party, which stands for the. ultimate tion of the fortune inherited by independence of the islands, although young Burden, who recently was its leaders declare that the people quoted as saying: are not yet ready to institute a re- There is no use hiding or trying public of their own and that freedom live in America. the Progresistas oppose the demands However, he took the cu s off of the Nationalists, who want inde- this statement somewhat by adding: pendence immediately, or at most I do not mean to reflect on the Within a few years. Donito Legarda was educated at the sary to the economic development of Jesuits College and the University of St, Thomas, both in Manila, the Iat- La,.1a, but wasn't that kind and ter of which is-a quarter of century condescendin of I Townsend, bless Older than the oldest university in his ittle heart, North, America. He was one of the leading lawyers of Manila during the last years of-the Spanish regime, and acquired a considerable fortune: When: Aguinaldo led revolt against Man WhoDiscovered spasisi oppression, Legarda allled himself with the party of freedom, Art of Walking and was appointed Secretary of the pasas 7 ry ic President Aguinaldo s cabinet. He was vice president of Was For 33 Years Connect- tne Hiiipino Congress when Dewey ed With Harvard Great) gainea his famous victory in Manila For Health, He Says. harbor, but with the landing of Am- erican troops Legarda resigned his Many men of many minds have dis- office and. returned to the city. There erican invaders as they had President ed for six years, when he went to yoqwo pur Buoye wNT su0138 puv jfem Asuinald * They know at the Peg what the Canadian Northern Railway are going to Phone 708, 519 Toronto St. dollar or two in ready cash. Soon he thtee years ago today, Sept. 28, tramped on to Montana, working for a time as a miner until he had ac- cumulated enough capital to start: a small grocery store, After seven months of selling provisions to the i? man from where is to where fohabitants of-a ttle mining camp, gt; -8i0't without the necessity of ler a work. The horse, the cart, the char- he treked to Utah, where he worked + ths stage, the carriage, the 1 part of the inventive ingenuity of the he. bought eh actos eet and finally, the fiy Mine, hava law in a Chicago school, an Slee thee oi ong ie inate filled with emigrants bound for-Utah. yr0n time and effort has been saved Overland route, then beset by hostile, , conding to Dr. Sargent. (The way 1849, but. sis 2 rule nobody used his Washington as a delegate to Con- tootcies who could avoid it. A large 88 and resident commissioner. Delegate Legarda 1s man-of wide ages has been directed toward got . *20Wledge, 2 polished man of the world, learned in the law, and an expert linguist, He is familiar with all the dialects of his native islands, 1. 8nd speaks excellent English, Span- at various odd jobs, With his savings road, the. trolley, the automobile, Ish, Portuguese and French. Manzel Quezon, the popular com- missioner who was sent to Washing- set out again for the West as the 1+ ots to avoid the labor of put- 2 by the Filipino Assembly, 1s on- leader of a tral of prairie schooners ? one foot in front of the other. thirty-four. He graduated trom the. University of St. Thomas, and He led his chgrges safely over thelitereby, hut at the expense of health, Y only Seventeen when he joined ATTENDANCE LAST SEASON 2,040) scatp-hunting Injuns. His next ven-lt, got health is to eo after it on Dr. Martells FemalePills STUDENTS Faculty of 100 Spectaliats. CONSERVATORY RESIDENCE For Young Lady Students. ready for the opening. YEAR BOOK, 170 pages, mailed on ap- plication. es ture was asa freighter in Utab,/.nank's hosses, according to. the Montana, Idaho and Nevada. In 1869 Mr. Sheedy entered thelereatest authority on physical, cul- the west, with scores of ranches and hased on long experience, camps scattered from. Kansas and Jearned doctor, who is perhaps the Nineteen Years the Standard Prescribed and recommended fox cattle business, which was the real/ture of the last century, No. therywomen s ailments, a scientiticaily foundation of his immense fortun ./tonic compares with pederstriamism, Prepared:temedy of proven worth, is being greatly enlarged and will be) i. became one of the cattle kings of he declares, and his statement 46 result thelr nse is quick jand it. For sate at all a1 Dudley Allen Sangent wasborn at stores, c 2p .0.4-10mo, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHSSS SSSSESMESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESSESESS n bt He was advanced until he became a miajor and a member of Staff. Unitke had made don t wake up to find that Winnipeg people have bought up all the lots in ROSEMON ment in several districts. In 1906 he Was elected governor of hie native tablold versions of the Province ,Tayubas, and went to the Lydia Lopoukova Philippine Assembly from that dis- the cast of eg c ho dld not welcome American tater: t 12 1901. He Soon tocams the i vention, and fought against the Yan- MO00F leader of the Nationalist. or Kees as valiantly as he war on the Dons, About six months before the insurgents gave up *the uwnedual struggle Quezon, was made a prisoner. After the conclu: Reaches 59th Year) reace ns sesumod the pression ot ; profession, the law,.and was prosecut- ing officer for the American govern-)in a number of Gilbert and Sullivan immediate independence party, and in 1909 that body serlt him to Wash- Ington. ot PLAYS AND PLAYERS. Eva Dayenport, who hag appeared ROSEMONT Lots will make more money for you than any other lots i Medicine Hat. ROSEMONT . Which ig the most suitable prope building the homes of the Ganad- forthern lway employees, jo as it does the quarter section recently purchased by the C: N. R. for th y ROSEMONT Is only one mile from the centre of Medicine Hat, so it should be immoed- Is far enor Price of Lots 200 up. Interest ONLY 6G per cent. These lots will double in price while you are paying for them. Kennedy Pool PHONE 428, FFSSHHSSSESSSSSSSSESSS SHSSS8SCHS S889 ROSEMONT ugh away from the noise caused by the shunting of trains to a most desirable residential district. nye) Gan buy poeaone eee Bee do near-this property. + f shops, roundhouse and yards ASSEESeeeesseacessesecnssas, iately supplied withe Gas, Water, etc. ground floor prices on terms of 25.00 CASH 25.00 Every 2 Months MESSSSSS4855 99 HS9S98S 517 THIRD AVENUE. 99988885 8:
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Image 567 (1912-09-28), from microfilm reel 567, (CU1772729). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.