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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Mtion Saloon, Second, Inird Veation, Berth reservations can now. US or Steamship Agent for, Christmas ths insures Bae powder that gives up its rich flavor more acy than Wenld be possible with a coarser powder. Notable Identity Case Daniel Blake Russell of Dakota Fighting to Prove. His Boston, Mass, October 4 The trialy and the end is not yet in sight. This Wi. the Daniel Blake Russell, Mentity is the second trial of the famous case in Fast Cambrige has now pase- and being conducted before a master COME MEDICINE HAT DAILY. NEWS. a ee Friday, October dth, 1912. fom eich Cone ought to task Panty because the cogoa beans-used for Lawiney'e 's ar selected from. very finest beans to be found in the ick, These beans command high prices. We aia See ehteouclh cleaning, are. care- Se eee a flavor of the cocoa beans: * The proces demiands rare Se tb taste - Partly because Be ipo eee gee Bas: removed: the cocoa powder is reground and sifted through silk. den Fate tug tat hemes to get fries Gayeted beans tant you will find in Lowney's. Because it is impos- ible to blend, roast. and grind these beans with more skill or greater care than we use at our factory in Montreal. / Lowney s Cocoa gives . you the very best flavor that the finest cocoa beans can yield. - It simply shows you how cocoa ought to taste. Sold by grocers. . In tins 10c to 50c sizes. 3 perior Court. The first trial took place last winter i the Middlesex Probate Court, and was one of the longest and most sensational of the Kind in the history of American legal Jurisprudence. Like the first trial, the present proceedings have been up to date enlivened with romantic fea- and is beitig tried before a master, tures, Surprises and sensations which would find difticulty-of belief if ap- pearing in a work of fiction. The Russell case is probably the most notable identity case ever tried in an American court. It rivals in interest and resembles in many res- pects the famous Tichborne case, which ran for 170 days before Lord Chiet Justice Cockburn in England some 30 years ago. In the first trial Judge Lawton de- cided against Dakota Dan, who clams to be Daniel Blake Russell, son of the Inte Daniel Russel of Melrone, and who also claims his share of the 500,000 estate now held by William . Russell, another son of Daniel Russell. Apparently not in the least Was Hear in Cambie Identity Case One of the Longest in Court An- nals. . x (Special to the News.) way of actual proceedings, appointed by the Bast Cambridge Su- (St. Lawrence Route) discouraged over this LIVERPOOL this decision, the QU ee eee Dakota claimant went to work to have 2 Fridey, October 18. the case reopened, and though with- Friday, Nov. 1. out funds or the . Saturday, Nov, 2 turday, Nov. Friday, Nov. 15. help of counsel, he succeeded in securing another trial of his case Persons in daily attendance at the present hearing in the East Cambridge court have been much Impressed jy the story told. by Dakota Dan the evidence of the witnesses testified in bis bebalt LONDON (Direct) a tre LAKE MICHIGAN, San Nov. eins. Future Salling from St John. LOWEST RATES Hass. ca and who. on the stand, J. 8. CARTER, yuretal Agent, 210 Portage Ave, Winnipeg. In bis Agnt for recognition the claimant has tola a simple Way and with: remarkable memory, of the ev-'y its which took plage,fi the home: faithtat sar Which he says he loft in Melrose quarter Of a century ago. For a tifne he Ityed the life of a tramp, getting from ome part Of the country to an uitier As best he might. He has work- 0. with circuses and a8 a. deck hand. shod horses in blacksmith shops, and spent winters ag a hand in lumber camps and mills, according to his Story, The tale of hin wanderings and the vicissitides of his life since 1885 hag taken him in retrospect from the docks of Liverpool, where he peid his passage th the steerage, to the Woods of northern Michigan, and fin- ally to the Bad Lands of North Da- kota. There he gettled down to some extent and Tor gome time had been employed a8 ranch manager. Fin- ally a desire to return to his old home seized him and he arrived in Melrose something mor than a year ago to find that the man whom he claims as his father had died and left an estate Of- o00,000 and a will in which was the provision that the long- missing son should share half the fortune in the event of bis return. But the elder son, William . Russell, In whose possession the estate was held, not only refuse to surrender any portion of it but positively denied the claim of relationship set up by the man from Dakota. To support his claim as Daniel Blake Russell a large number of wit- nesses have appeared at the present hearing to identify the claimant as the son of Daniel B. Russell, Of these, have have known him for 40 and others for 25 years. They knew tim intimately in many eases, and were acquainted with the peculiari- ties and characteristics of his youth. One of the most importaat of the re- cent witnesses has been the former Sweetheart of Daniel Blake Russell, Miss Hattie M. Keith, who told on the Stand of her friendship with the long- missing son of the late Daniel Rus- sell. With great positiveness Miss Keith declared that Daniel. Blake Russell and Dakota Dan, the claim- ant, are the same person. To oppose: the claim of Dakota Dan aud the testimony of his wit- nesses, the respondents, William C. Russell and Ferdinand B. Aimy, the latter of whom is said to have had the entire adminjstration of the estate since the death of. Daniel: Russeil, have declared that the claimant is an imposter and have undertaken to prove that/he is not Daniel Blake, Russell, but Jimes Delbert Ruseau, who was born of poor parents in Bombay, N. Y., in 1865. Nottie east remitkabl feature the contest bas been the patti thi Jed by the man called Fresno Di who mysteriosly appeared on scene when the first-trial of the case was near at hand Fresno Dan was taken into the home of - William C. Russell and was publicly accepted as as 1s known none of the older, fea dents of Melrose was able tb any resemblance between. Russell, ; Newark, . cutor De Mott. announced today the practical completion of all arrange- ments for the;gecond trial of Allison McFarland, the, alleged wife poisoner. day, but owing to a rearrangement of the docket the trial will not begin un- til a week later. The first trial resiilt- tence to weath, At the coming trial the most important witness for the, ley pf Philadelphia, for love of whom MacFarland s alleged to have brought about the death of his wife by placing a bottle of cyanide where she would amistake it for headache powder. Miss Bromley. did not testify at the first trial of the cage. FOR WATERWAYS DUPROVEMENT Lewiston, Idaho, October 4 Dele- gates from five States are attending the second annusl convention of the Columbia and Snake River Water- ways Association, which met here to- day for a two days s ssion. The as- sociation is workiig for a Congres- sional appropriation for the comple- tion of the Celuili canal and the open- ing of the Columbia and Snake River to all year navigation. CHICAGO A LIBERAL ENTER- TAINER. mittee of representative ternationay Congress of Chambers of Commerce. Since the close of the congress in Boston last week the del- egates have been touring the country. A 50,000 fund has been raised for thefr entertainment during the three days visit in Chicago, In addition to paying visits of inspection to-many of the gr at mercantile and industrial establishments in the city and visin- ity the delegates will be entertained at a civic luncheon at the Hotel LaSalle and at banquet at the Con- gress Hotel. THE COMPLETE LETTER WRITER. Dear Friz: Sinee I have nothing Piet sm writing to you, and since Wilbetmina. Pingle, Wales Bell Real Estate, N ao Fourth Aye, One + Post Ottiee. PHONE 791, We have the largest listings. in the elty In Riverside, Prices from 300 each. Altawana. Prices from 150 each, Riverdale, Prices from, 225 each, hese are all charming real- dential properties. They will be immensely valuable as the ely grows. 100 per, cent. pro- fit can be easily discerned. COUSINS AND SISSONS are rapidly growing in value, We have good buys in: Block 28, 300 each; Block 4, 350 each; Block 29, 300 each; Block 8, 400 each; Block 17, 280 each; Block 20, ' 400 each, THE HERALD 4s stilt good ana brisk prices prevail. Block 17, 875 each; Block 8, 375 each; Block. 2, 350 gach; Block 1, 500 ach ; Block 21, 500 each; Block 22, 500 each; Block 8, 475 each; Block 17, 885. each, HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX A very popular: buy: Block 21, 400 each; Block 28, 500 each; Block 1, 875 each; Block 31, 450 each; Block 2, 800 each; Block 27, 500 each, YUILL SURVEY A very tirm market: Block 8, 50 ft, 800; Block 9, 50 ft, 900; Block '16, 50 ft., 800; Block 7, 50 ft, 925, CENTRAL PARK will make big money in the spring: 800 pair; Block 24, 840 pr.; Block 11, 1000 pair; Block 9, 1000 pair; Block 31, 850 pair; Block 29, 700 pair; Block 6, 1575 pair. We have lgrge holdings in Townsite, Bending, City View, Westover Park, etc., /ete. We want your lisctings please Call upon us. Your orders will have our best attention: No firm in the city will do bet- ter for you. SPECIAL LINES : Houses, Farm Lands and Sub- divisions, Block 17, 850 pair; Block 22, Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, otc, ada under these headings, 25 words, ono day .. 2. 25 25 words, three days .. 50 25 words, sx days .. .. 1.00 Additional words at same rate, No ad accepted for less than 26 cents, Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to Noy 13 ring 2, and it will recetve attention: SALESMEN toe saa en oS If you are not making the money you should, or want to make more, See me ut once, I have the best sell- ing proposition in town, C. E. Bryant, Room 4, News building. Office open evenings, 12-3 FOR S4L5 re aaa Ne HOUSE FOR SALE WELL BUILT; roomed modern hotise, with full basement, in block 87, Townslte. Only 4200. 1000 po balance esay, Own- or Box 48, P, 138-3 ea tes ee ae FOR SALE A FIRST CLASS COW; with aif. Apply box 728, Medicine ae 18-3 a nN NEW MILCH COWS: FOR BALE Phone .20. Corner Montreal St. and SrdAve. J. M. Cooper, 10-6 Se WANTED TO. RENT HELY WANTED. CARPENTERS WANTED AT ONCE Apply to Marshall Bates, on .the Job, Toronto Street, Herald, 71-6 WANTED SMART TIDY HOUSE maid, No children. Apply 808 Esplan- ade or Wright's jewelry store, oppo- site post office. ante LUMBER LOADER AND CHECKER wanted at once. Good, steady job, Beaver Liimber Co., Factory and South Railway St. Tat BOOKKEEPER WANTED TEMPOR- ary position. Apply to box 1370, News oftice, 72-3 WANTED TWO ACTIVE MBN, good mixers; men acquainted in city pre- ferred, Salary. C. B. Bryant, Room 4, News Bullding. Office. open even- ings. 72-8 WANTED SCHOOL TEACHER, lady or gentleman, to work after school, by financial firm, An oppor- tunity to make big money. Apply Room 4, News Building. Office op- en evenings. 72-8 CARPENTERS WANTED APPLY ready for work, to H. D. Bentley, lot 4 , bl ck 4, on Park Street. 71-6 Immediate posses- sion. Repairs and overhauling will be done. Apply to G. G. MacBean Co Amperial Bank building loaet es en ) STRAYED a eee 25 REWARD THE ABOVE WILL be paid for information that will lead to the recovery of one grey gelding, welghing about 1200, branded elther H. F. monogram on left shoulder, or ) on left thigh, This horse is four years old and has trim- med tall, R. E, Starks, Medicitie Hat, Sept. 30, 1912, eott MUSICAL ES eee Se MISS WINIFRED ROGERS, TOR- ONTO Conservatory of Music. Tench er of plano, Arrangements made at 638 Main, or phone 174. 73-3 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS- W. 4 HENDERSON CO., chartered accountants and auditors, (estab- Ushed 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- bridge. A. E. Gibson, C.A., resident Partner. Phone 198. Burns Block, 2Tbdtt WANTED CARPENTERS, LABOR- ers and teameters. Apply A.-P. Burns Contracting Co. itt Hon. oe Hughes 1s Coming Home : Cheered by British, don. (C. A. PB. Cable) London, Oct. 4. Sir B. Ward, Aus- Mtalian and Canadian Of- fieers as He Leaves Lon- WANTED A GENERAL SERVANT. Apply at the English church rectory, 385 Montreal Street. 71-3 WANTED Laborers by the Canad- fan Stewart Co, 0c per hour Apply Ogilvie MINI site 24-tt WANTED AT ONCE 50 carpenters on Ogilvie Mill job, Boarding camp on-site. Canadian; Stewart- Co., Ltd. . 83-tf of CORSETIERRE SPIRELLA Corsets made to meas- ure, guaranteed for one year against breaking..or rusting. At office in Pingle block, Main street, from 2 p. m. to 5 p.m, Office phone 594. At house, 7 school Avenue, opposite east side of High School, in evening. House phone 699, or write P. 0. Box 72, Mrs, Matthews. Au 22-3m AUCTIONEERS HH. 8. BROWNE CO,, Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor- the long-missing heir, though so far Fresno Dan and tho missiag Daifel Blake READY FOR MCFARLAND TRIAL, October 4. Prose- the War Office, Sir Robert Perks, several .Australian officers and all the Canadian officers remaining here, attended Col. The Hon. Sam Hughes at his. depatture for Canada from Euston station today, heartily cheer- ing him as the LiverpooF train left the platform. The rest of the Can- adian party leaves on October 30. Meantime they will continue their en- WANTED Dining room. girl. Apply Redcliff Hotel. 1-tt WANTED Men and women to learn barber trade, Summer rate now on. Situations guaranteed. Special Tates to ladies, Particulars nd cata- logue free. Moler College, 609 Cen- tre St, Calgary. . a9datt onto St. Stock Sales every Friday s on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch The case had been set for next Mon- . ed in McFarland s conviction and sen- defense will be Miss Flor nce Brom- - quiries at into military affairs. There are Two Makes Clear Pacifie Railway tion. CW. A. P. Dispateh) Montreal, Que., Oct. 4. Sir Thom as Shaughnessy says that the Caned- ian Pacific possesses the power to sue stock in lieu of debentures at any time and that stock issue authorized the other day has nothing whatever to do with the application now fore Parliament. WANT BIGGER ARBOR St John Would Have Posi- Breakwater tion of Hts Changed. (W. A. P. Dispatch). St. John, N.B., Oct. 4--A determ- ined effort is to be made by the city commissioners and the Board Aldershot and Woolwich Issues of Stockh Sir . Thomas Shaughnessy Canadian 8; Inten- WANTED GENERAL SERVANT. Apply to Mrs. J. C. Hargrave, Broad- way, or phone 1i 70-tt PLUMBERS WANTED FIRST- class men. 65 cents per hour. Ap- ply Western Plumbirg Co, Main street. 68-6 MAID WANTED APPLY GENERAL Hospital. e7tt WANTED 20 FIRST CLASS -MILI- wrights. Highest wages pald. Apply to Medicine Hat Milling Co. 60-tt SITUATIONS WANTED, EXPERIENCED: STENOGRAPHER: wants position. Can furnish best. of references. Able to start at once. Write box 1367, News office. 70-6 is- be- ROOMS TO RENT. FRONT: BED-SITTING ROOM SUIT- Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for the above. 23D able for two gentlemen, with board, in private family. Must come recom- mended. Apply 482 Roy St. 78-2 FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT IN modern honse, five minutes walk ffom depot. Apply 201 Balmoral Street. 12-3 ROOMS TO RENT THREE FURN- REAL ESTATE OAKES, EVERARD CO, (365 1:2 Main St, Phone 556. Real Estate Agents for Royal Insurance Co, ARCHAEOLOGISTS TO MEET IN ROME. and farm stock sales conducted any- Washingt where. House furniture sales con- New Yor ducted anywhere, Consult us, our ex- sonpst perience at your disposal free. Phone hop and 103. H. B, Browne Co, 619 To-. Est tsaate lel pe as Hal, PUB MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR Brown ai AND JUNK CO. The above hive Chicag on hand th best selection of Second account Hand Tools in the city. We carry Cleveland Furniture, Stores and Bedding, new St. Louis and second hand Clothing, pe Steen, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- elt, Weili volvers, Wagons. Buggies, Harness, oe and a nice new line of winter goods. : We buy everything mertioned above o and pay the best prices. Call at 504 a The h South Railway St. or Phone 587. tf bean han re o since c W4NTED LADIES AND GENTS and San cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Saat: Jewelry, guns, revolvers, valises, sult NE, cosl cases, stoves, musical instruments, SEB furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- ds stricks gies, harness, bicycles. carpenter about 4 tools, ete., raw hides and furs, horse Sigowi hair, wool and f thers, bought.and . sold,. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Loose Co, 312 Fourth avenue, opposite Departm Dreamland theatre, P. 0, box 358, ; supplyin Chicago, Til., October 4 A com- Chicago business men went to Kalamazoo to- day to meet and scort to this city the 300 foreign delegates to the In- Trade to have the harbor of St. John greatly enlarged by haying the loca- tion of the breakwater in Courtenay Bay changed from north of Little Riv- er to Red Head, a position nearest ished rooms for gentlemen. Apply P. O. box 330, or phone 539. 2-8 FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT TO lodgers. New house. Apply 316 North the mouth of the harbor. This would almost double the capacity of the harbor and would-add greatly to the value of the work which is being Yulll. 12-6 TO RENT in FULLY MODERN NEW house, near High School, two furnish- Rome, Oct. . Great arrangements have been completed for the Interria- tional Archaeological Congress, which is to meet this. month, with an at- tendance of about 500 of the most Prominent archaeologists and histor- fans from all parts of the world. The subjects to be dealt with in the Con- gress comprise preh'storic, Oriental, carried on there. GENERAL STRIKE NOW The Industrial Workers World May -Proclaim Widespread Protest Soon (Ww. A. P. Dispatch), Lawrence, Mass., Oct. nouncement of, the beginning of forts to bring about a general strike of the industrial. Workers of World in this-countryand abroad was made here yesterday. The houncement . was made in a state - 0. Box 510, Owners only heed apply. intent signed by Wm. D: Haywood, as wa chairman of . a joint meeting per nme 9 write, Tam your wirieh the Bttor and Giovannetti de- fence was discussed. 4. An- ed bedrooms. Apply box 1869 News jottice. 71-8 FURNISHED ROOMS TQ RENT Apply 422 Main St. Tote pebdbeieeens ee. x SS ROOMS WANTED: of a GENTLEMAN WANTS FURNISHED room. Apply box 1368 News ffice. 1-3 ef- WANTED TO BUY (ANTED TO BUY Building lots tn Old Survey, Herald or Central Park. Give prices, terms, etc., to P. the an- vee ABBE. lt; IS WANTED-OLEAN COTTON RAGS. pre-Hellenic, Italic, and Etruscan ar- chacology, the history of classic art; Greek and Roman antiquities, numis- matics, mythology, history of religi- ons, ancient topography andChristian archaeology. During the Congress there will be excursicns for the del- egates to Ostid, the ancient port of Rome, and a number of other places of historic intereset. THE STYLE OF AMERICAN RE- PORTERS. Yesterday two children played near adynamite shed with matches. They will be buried tomorrow. Loose Leaf System The News Job Department has every facility for sup- plying the most satisfactory. Apply 377 Bsplanade, 62-tt Subscribe sow for The Daily News.
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Image 601 (1912-10-04), from microfilm reel 601, (CU1772720). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.