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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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FRONTIER DAYS CELEBRA- That little gel ot yesterday fe a young lady today her summer frocks are most becoming, It. 1s the happiest time of her young life. Nothing but-a pic ure can keep her as she js, Now really fep t ft Worth a picture? Make the Appointm Today, THE BARTLETT STUDIO, FOURTH AVENUR, CANADIAN PACIFIC The Stampede TION CALGARY Pat SINGLE 1 FARE For the Round Trip. Going dates August 31-Sept, Return Limit Sept. 9. Apply to Local Agent for Tickets. BR. , McNEILLIE, Dist. Pasenger Agent, Calgary. CANADIAN PACIFIC ; Spestal F Fares TORONT, ONT And Return From Medicine Hat Via all rail route 60.80 Via lake and rail : route 68.60 Dates of sale Aug. 22-28 Final return limit 30 days from date of is- sue. For further particulars apply to Local Agent. BR. G. McNEILLIE - Dist. Passenger Agent, Calgary. 1. A. DOBBIX, Tieket Agent. Phone 201. Medilene Hat. CANADIAN PACIFIC LETH BRIDGB EXHIBITION ieeotelay HAT LETHBRIDGE and RETURN. 3.55 - Going dates August 18 Final Return Limit, August 26, 1912. iy G. MeNEILEIE, Dist. Passenger Agent, Calgary. L. A, DOBBEN, Ticke Agent. Phone 201. Mediicne Hat. W. E. WRIGHT Customs Broke Consignee and forwarding agent, as sembler and executer of papers tor shipments going into the United States. Commissioner fn B. R., Real Bstate Broker and General Agent COMI OPERA tralian favorite, by 30 clever el Every child an art artist a child, Presenting the Comic BILLIE TAYLOR OPERA HOUSE, 4 UST 23, This Company ts cor ect from a most ed, Tickets on sal im mefit in the dry satisfaction that we gt and careful handling garments entrusted to ING Hardwooa in your house will time. We can su kind. brated. For inside finish samples. Office and Yard oyp. Fl Phone 233, RIGHT RIEF This is the Young Society at the Methodist Held every Tuesday at 8 Our Motto: TAKE NOT The most reasonable. Unexcelled. PURE REFINED T. COAL TAR IN Calgary MADE ALB THE ROYAL LILLIPUTIAN Commencing FRIDA Jes Drug and Book Flooring LOOK AT THIS ROTHERLY WILL YOU COME? Look up, Lift up. BRAND (CK SHINGLE STAIN PAINT WOOD PRESERVATIVE PURE COAL TAR PITCH ALBERTA TAR DISTILLING, eb NG co. Starring Pearl Carlyle, the Aus- supported hildren-80. ist, Every Operas , THE GIRL In the SHRINE at the N AY, 4 ming dir- successful Season at the Regina Theatre, and is a treat not to be mias- le at Ping. Sto: cleaning Process We have attained in the cleaning of Men's and Ladies clothing. We ate proud of our su cess in this line and the ve to our patrons by our aftistic methods ot us at all THE GLOBE CLEAN- PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave: de give you a floor that will last a life ply you with Oak, Maple, and Birch flooring at very -little more cost to you than the common set We handle the cele- BEAVER BOARD Ask for The Gas Gity Lumber Co y jour Mill Peopit chureh. o'clock. ICE Quality AR men E. Bartlett. B.a.Sc Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Water Supplies, Sewage, Plans, Ete. Room 14, Imperlal Bank MEDICINE HAT. Medicine Hat Industrial Spur Raflways, Irrigation Building. Phone 420 Life is Hard for Siberia Settlers z St. Petersburg, Aug. lan colonists seem to be from Elysium which sent men out to report give sad ccounts of settlers troubles Most of them arrive with nothing but the 50 government capital, whieh they eat up before they reap their first harvest or build cottages Most 4 of them Hive in mud huts, and barely 15 per cent) have either a plough or a horse after they have been there two years. Neither have they know- jledge of farming, being mostly work- fronr overcrowded industflal centres, driven from ove lite of pen- ury to another. Natives and older settlers are hos and imake newcomers pay exorbi- tant prices for bare necessities, To Add to thei, dtleers hes wet onde average of Tour ood harvests each ten years, Siberian climate being what it is. Eight months winter means Semi-starvation for all. The short summer is taken up with superhuman efforts togather In grain and fodder amidst ferrible pests, the Siberian fly and the mosquito Though each male head of a family gets a government grant of between 27 and 40 acres, scarcely one-third is fit for immediate cultivation. In many villages in the Irkutsk Govern- ment people were found sunk in the most terrible poverty, having neither ploughs. cattle nor clothes. They lved more like beasts than men, on potatoes without salt in summer, and coarse marsh grass in the winter. When questioned the poorest of them said, however, that they prefer- ted their present misery to what they bore as factory hands in European Russia. What must that have been? The Daily News delivered in city 85 a month. Did She Poison Her Husband? Little Rovk, Ark, Aug. 10- the Mrs on the charge of poisoning her hus band. Mrs. Hancock is a comely loooking Young woman, a wife at the age of 15 years, and in spite of eight years of turbulent married life Is still not un- attractive. She has been reduced from s-life-of-ptenty to one of abso Imte want, and is now being cared for by neighbors i Witttam Hancock, after suffering intensely for a week, caused the ar- Test of his wife, charging her with Putting strychnine on a steak which she had prepared for him. Bight years I have slaved for that man, said Mrs, Hancock, as she wip- ed the tears from her face, and this Is my reward. We never had a cross word in all our married life until a few weeks ago, and I never remon strated when he sold the cattle which had belonged to my mother, I was a mere child when I married him, while jhe was 2; yet I loved and obeyed hi We lived on the farm my mother left me and I ploughed right along rode on the mul which pulled the plow that T followed, and no matter how it was, we worked right along in the feld helping to make the crop My baby would be six years old now if it had lived. Several months ago we moved to town-and opened a little restaurant. We ran a wood and coal. yard in con nection with it, and I got ont on the Wagon and delivered coal like a man: After doing this for him he accuses me of trying to kill him. One day Hancock took the wagon and went to my farm and brought back a load of wood. He stopped at the restaurant as he came back and fsked me to cook something for him. I told him 1 had nothing to cook and had no money He then gave me ten cents and said to get some meat. Mrs. Mary Show, who lives with me, went after the meat and helped to cook it, She and I ate the meat, but Hancock declined to totich it, It never made us-sick. x Hancock is suffering froma chron- le disease which gives him bysteria, and this is not the first time he has accused people of trying to polson him. I am done with men Hancock claims that he had some strychnine about the restaurant and that it disappeared. He asked his wife what had become of it and she replied that if he never found out his frlends would. , Hancock further al- leges that when he became ill after eating the steak, his wife refused to call a doetor. His physivian says he is suffering from secondary strych- nino poisoning. Mrs. Hancock fs connected with Some of the most prominent families in Pulaski County In discussing the punishment for such crimes, Mrs. Hancock found much consolation in the fact that Gov. Donaghey has nev- er permitted white woman to remain in the penitentiary, even for murder, having pardoned all such, Dr. MartellsFemalePills 18. In spite of glowing offical reports the Siber- far removed The private socteties ; -BE IMMEDIATELY SUPPLIED WITH GAS, WATER ,ETO. PHONE 428, The Bugle Call of Success is Sounded at ROSEMONT WHICH IS THE MOST SUITABLE PROPERTY FOR BUILDING THE HOMES OF THE CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY EMPLOYEES, JOINING AS IT DOES THE QUARTER SECTION RECENTLY PURCHASED BY THE , NR. FOR THEIR SHOPS, ROUNDHOUSE AND YARDS. ROSEMONT IS ONLY ONE MILE FROM THE CENTRE OF MEDICINE HAT SO IT SHOULD ROSEMONT IS FAR ENOUGH AWAY FROM THE NOISE CAUSED BY THE SHUNTING OF TRAINS TO BE AMOST DESIRABLE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. You CAN BUY ROSEMONT LOTS AT GROUND FLOOR PRICES ON TERMS OF 25.00 5 CASH 25.00 Every 2 Months Inter st ONLY 6 per cent. THESE LOTS WILL DOUBLE IN PRICE WHILE YOU ARE PAYING FOR THEM. 260 Lots Sold in Four Days. The time to buy is Right Now. - BERR p w IN D SP OoO-OG 517 THIRD AVENUE. Pu-Sa. lt; seafeeteetoatecfocteetoateeteefoete-of osteateatestesteatentestenteateatestunecoateades atetecfocdeafoateateatest et soe esoee ese ees Sorretestony sees Toesday, Aug epee eetetedtetaetetetiigetonie dod etediries ost ee 2 foe, Clothes Doi Chicago, Aug. chasing themselves cheeks and a timid after The night before year-old daughter boy; how she had and how she smol ted that would never have With a pipe and Then while the listened she told them of her trip. But one policeman sneered at her, the telltale tears and blush betrayed her. A moment lat bingly admitted she Blushing as over to the matron. back to her home as er has been communicated with. I was just tired of staying at home, so I ran away, said Sarah at the woman's annex at Street station. my sister. Gerbs y; and she Ii Kan. With money my hme I bought a blue coat and: three pairs of pants. Sunday afternoon-1 dressed in-the pants. My sister Lillie, eleven years old, cut off my hair and 0 a pou inting to my I put t in one of my suitcases. Then Out Prove so disappot I started for Chicago. When I artived ticket for Stockton, 16.65, but I still Then I went into a barber shop and had my hair cut better. That policeman looked in my sult- cases, but he-never saw my-halr. I don't know whore his eyes were, I just carried the pipe and tobacco to make people think T was a bo. Hadlock, Wash., who had the reputation of being the oldest Indian in the United States, Is dead in his bark cabin near here. It is believed Patsy was 128 years old He once related his history to the 10. Two tiny tears in the South Clark police Where she had been taken police as a runaway, admitted to beeSarah Wilson, fifteen- Joseph; Mo., ranchman, tearfully told of het attempted impersonation of a though it made her sick, Jack put it over on them, and but for the tears and blush they of their little prisoner. trousers pocket, Jack was found at/ + the Northwestern station: taken to the South Clark There she calmly pulled out her pipe, filled and lighted it. scarlet as did their little prisoner, the officers turned her And I wanted to see Her name is Mrs. Alien SURVIVED 25 ?, 20; a man s wages for a day 3 cents; cultural products out of the country. n't Longest Beard Jan ox may be bought outright tor Brass, copper and silver are the only. 3 the M: a in-th We 15, eoinsin-eircutatior Make the in ti orld The low level of prices in West The Chinese are. fooling tourists China is due, Consul Arnold says, to Batol the fact that this remote section of Tenn., Aug. the longest bearded man in the world 18. Perhaps sack in which: he carries It, concealed under his shirt bosom, it trails on the ground in front of him. It is five feet four inches in length. Until he crop- ped the ends recently to make it mor convenient to handle it measured six feet two inches. It Is soft and beau- tiful. 7 Brinkley is fifty two years of age. He has worn this remarkable beard ever since the age of twenty-three. At the age of twenty-one I had face, he said This was die to the fact that I had no beard to shave, and apparently little prospect of any. Only a light fuzzy substance covered. my shin and cheeks. After arriving at my majority Shaved once a week for twelve months. Then beard began to make its appearance, growing rapidly. From one week's end to another my face would literally be covered with a soft and luxuriant beard. I crop ped my whiskers frequently to keep them out of the way. Two years later I shaved clean but my whiskers resumed their wonted position with such rapidity that it seemed to me I could see and feel station, by the vast world, Even though labor in West China costs only one-half to one-quarter as much as in kast Obing, te-tack of railroads and boats is so great that it does not pay to ship any of the agri- region closed to the outside ats, Parties holding Jack, now self of a wealthy St. Stadio, her hair cut short Kked a pipe, even : e station admit. LARGE STOCK OF Sestedeet Le Hestotoate suspected the sex oes Finish, Fir and Cedar Doors; Maple, and Oak Flooring, SOLE AGENTS FOR Paroid Roofing, tobacco in her eed oes eSogentonton She was station. admiring officers further finish. SEE US BEFORE BUYING. YARD EAST ALLOWANCE. Derr eecoeeeiotonoonioete oeleatoetoas nd ter she was sob- was a girl. with jewelry made in Germany and embossed with Chinese characters Photographs, can-have-them -extended till Ist September, must be in by then. eeteatoegedeege Geateaseazeareeioesecteed Weitera Canada a Lumber Co,Ltd in Dry Common Lumb r, Fir and Cedar Neponset Water- proof Paper, Neponset Roofing; Felt, B. and 8. Wall Board reguires no peeoa, 467 Imp over her freckled China has not yet been influenced by and containing imitation jade. Not blush: whink crept O08? 2 5-2. BunBey: GF MERNEEO ToL, youht s incroaned papdliction of lonly lathe: dade: artiteisl. Mat ene thatybronght, thie career ot Te ee ihe Hie 8 4 from the 8 4 im the last sixty years: Lack of German gold is only 14 karat as Jack Wilson to an ignominious end ane rtioe It, conceates 2deduate transportation has Kept theJagainst Chinese gold of 16-to 24 kar. Loectoadeteateeges coupons for two Francis Jc but positively Milne s Portrait 30-3 Austrian and Hung: this section will join in spirit, in celebrat second birthday of th J ereign. The venerabl rows who rules ove of the joint monarch; of the world s monare Telgn of nearly sixty- most exclusive court ft een the source of 1 and scandals that hav ope. Even now his pa of contention, owing of the morganatic wife dinand, nephew of the heir apparent to the th the right of successio dren. His Most Catholic M Jozsef, Emperor of A Sastahte teehee ood Fir, Sees st Sreeat Loegeateegeats reopened them growing I concluded I would let them alone and see how long they would get. Before the end of a year they were at my feet. My neighbors were astounded, and I was the latigh ing stock of the community, some of the rude mountain boys persistently calling me whiskers. But I took it jall good naturedly. and kept on ing whiskers. There is. not another man In the mountains who can boast of such a beard, atid I am proud for it shows that I can excel in at least one thing. Tam no longer teased and nothing She wilt b sent soon as her fath- SNAP. 4 50-ft. building Lots in Block 54, 1,175. Week the South Clark lives: in Stockton, father had given Sissons for 3,100, or 630 a pair. neighbors and friends as to lop off this ohg and beautiful set of chin whiskers. Brinkley isa farmer and teacher He has taught twenty-four schools m Western North Carolina, most of them in Mitchell County. He is ad- dicted to: neither whiskey-nor-tobac co. here I boiight a which cost me had money left MAIN STREET. obebeberetey OFOLOLeTOTe NINE EGGS FOR A CENT, CHICK. - -ENS- IVE- CENTS. souAws. Washington, Aug 18. New Yorkers who are tired of the high cost of W. k f Aug. 18. Patsy living may rest their minds at Teast e carry in stock a fu by studying the following scale ot prices as they exist today in West China, according to U. 8. Consul Arnold of Amoy: Nine hen eggs, 1 cent; a good sized Lumber, Lath, Cement, Plast ae 3 3 + i + : i i + For One 10 Lets ineluding corner in Blogk 22, Cousins and PE RSTO SAMMLL CO, of Building Material lc King of Hungary, Ja, of Dalmatia, of Cro ja, of Galicia, of Led Illyria King of Jerusa jot Austria, Grand Du land of Cracow these of the titles under wh kindly old Emperor, b many griefs, his stage oronation in 1848. Francis Joseph is a nd almost Spartan ti ns the day by bathi Only You must see these to realize the exceptional value. nents McGregor Berry Hides daily in an open it of his time is now ing the works of the f all nations. He ex: Buy Goo TOWNSI: Bik 80, 50 ft. 1251 Blk. 82, 100 ft., 128 Block 85, 50 ft., 12 Bik, 86, 100 ft. cor p.8-tf. i 433 Feperereteg i line CENTRAL Blk, 13, 75 ft, 105 Bik. 125 ft, 60 er, lc., a e * * + + 2 + : F : + ? * + q + e + e + Nineteen Years the Standard mayor of Seabeck. He told of having ehicken, 5 cents; mutton, a pound, d Fl ee Ba gn Prescribed and fecommended to, had twenty-five squaws during the Without the bone, 3 cents; a pigeon, * tant . Bi BAT: women s ailments, a jicientificatly first eighty years of his life. for eating, 1 cent; brace of pheasants, Fir Finish an toonng a Specialty. Bik. 13, 50 weno prepared remedy of proven worth. PRISON 6 cents; coal, a ton, 1; flour, two Blk. 5, 50 ft., 120 The result from their use is quick i pounds, 1 cent; wheat, per bushel, 25 Yard, North Railway Street. Phone 59 Blk, 20, 100 ft. 57 and permanent. For sale at all drug A small want ad in The Daily News cents; pork, a pound, 6 cents; corn, TaThge If you are anxi stores, fod-lomo, Classified Colima will bring results, a bushel, 20 cents; a mule OF horse, PopOLeLeLe-bepereteLererebetetesare OFerereres, customers from coa itomer only what w We hare a rept
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Image 324 (1912-08-20), from microfilm reel 324, (CU1772442). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.