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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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t ; MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Tuebday,Atiguat 20th, 1012. a Ee ae y : C. P. R. PASSENGER SERVICE. THERE is now a danger that the Hays- Bitective June Qnd, 1912 Paunceforte treaty would be violated e Glasgow House arrive fare Aime viee tee allowed gt; use ve. Leave. dthe P: a: i oll. Ye i 20.20 2045 Imp. Ltd, Montreal to Vanyduver tht Panama Canal free of toll poe nd 2 3.058.390 Imp, Ltd, . was passed by the house and se nate ar : 11.18 11.35 Vancouver Toronto to Van. d down to President Taft before this , YW ff TH M E 20.00 20.25 Toronto Exp., Vancouver to Tor, 21.60 22.15 St Paul-Seattle Express, AND BE LUCKY 4.00 4.20 Seattie-St. Paul Express. a f her When you . bulla, Consider- e or W a V 0a S 2125 21.60 Prairie Exp, Winnipeg to Calgary. A cynical old maid has emerged out of her i CENTRAL PARK QUALITY first. Don't be per- a 525 6.60 PRITES Exp Calgary to Winnipeg. shell to remar ver stoop to con- Corner, bik 23, lots 1-2-8, 1500 suaded to buy CHHAP LUM- 17 605 Express from Kootenay Landing. /quer ? a man or ; Just sit still and pre Terms. BER because it s cheap use th 319 ; H 1 j : tte He 1t'8 chen 6 and Suits ae zoe a oust. tend not to notice them and sooner or later Oe A tae 3 : to 0, Very best. We have it, and ev- 100: Local tor Crantrack: they U come around, etand on thelr hind ix 49, lots 1-8, 900, Terms, erything the Bullder requires, . 23.00 Express for Kootenay Landing. ect, roll over, and purr for petting. Blk 26, lots 7-8, 350, Terms. A welect stock or LUMBE: First shipment of these well-known garments 6.80 Local tor Calgar; OO ROSEDALE PROPOSED DOORS, SASH, FIR ake, . i a 2.30 240 Soo, Ltd, St Paul-Port. is CB. S isi i MAP have arrived. We will be pleased to :show you Is fe ne eee its Port8t. Paul, Mie cata joes will be far- hirano ie vin 2am ot : Nos. 11 and 12 do not come into Medicine Hat. Passing cays pa 5 100 tt, bik 8, 4000, Terms, AND ea - Fashion's latest. Deamore slows Meee reaching in vits effect. The ranchers Ong New Shirt Waists Exclusive lines in Dr. Jaeger fine wool Shirt Waists. THE NEWEST SEE THESE. The Glasgow House The House of Fashionable Dressers oe : contains a Pomme-y of the new ofthe Wwoak, joutha, In adi 1. . a i ROYAL BANK : - - E : Tuesday, August 20th, 1912. OF (ncorporated 1869.) a 3 BACK UP THE COUNCIL. Total Assets ....2 0) ieacd SACl. 115,000,000 2 7 Special Attention Given te * ACCORDING to the statement of the 4 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. waterworks engineer, the new water 4 MEDICINE HAT BRANCR plant will indeed be a good one, or at least Fourth Avenue: : C, H. McDunnough, Manager 3 it should be, costing 411,000. He shows Sey 4 eaieaodoetocteaeetoetedteatret de that part of the work may be charged up 13 ares RING 2 1Q DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 y-as, delivered.... 4.90 2 year by mall, months, d-lvered. . 00 months, by mail months, delivered.. 1-00 3 months, by mali 1 month, delivered....35 Addresses changed as often as desired, but bota nw and Old ad resser et ba given. WEEALY NEWS Publishe: every Thucsday in sixteen or more pages, and Medicine Hat, Alta. A. J.N, TERRILL, E teor, PLONE: enone: (2gcut. Canada s homestead laws as com- Baltortal, Advertising pared to those of the States are one good Repertorhd, and should do well, feeding on the nice s of the farmers. Yet it s the law. : WHY do Americans flock to Canada is the information sought by a special U. S reason. Their good taste is another. KIND of hard on the lords and dukes of Enrope that the three million Astor babe is a boy. Another nice Amerian for- tune that might have been exchanged for a title all gone to smash. Spe RS TY LETHBRIDGE people are next in line for indigestion running for the street cars with part of their breakfast in their hand and the other part in their mouth Then Medicine Hat. to other departments. Still the fact re- * A Sosteet Mains that the citizens have to pay the shot : Soeredeeedeg ee Pe Seeteetertotreeeeteegee aes and that it BB nearly one-third more than it Was estimated to cost. In other words, it Imperial Bank of Ganada wil cost 111,000 more than te hylan for. However, the city is Capital and-Rest j,00 the extension. Mayor Spencer has stated Total Assets .. 73,750,000 that he believes the increase of the popula- * A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. e tion so far this year and building on a con- SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. tinued like growth, warranted the expend- 0 2 verse RG. WILKINSON, Manager. x 5 g z i z Der hododortoetortectegoctectety Seeoaeteeeteeteegoctoctocteats lt; lt; lt; iture of the 300,000 on the new stem, and while the addition cost is great, still the benefit which, the city at large will de- rive will to a great extent. repay us for the THE MERCHANTS BANK THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA, Established 1864, 180 Branches in Canada. Capital Paid Up, 6,000,000, Total Assets (Nov. Oth. 1911) over 91,000,000. A general Banking Business Transacted. Special attention to : Sarings Accounts, W. 0. JOY, Manager: ott + Medicine Hat Branch NOTICE TO BUILDERS We have opened an office in Suite IL, in the Im-. 3 perial Bank Building. We will be pleased to re- eeive ANY ORDERS or PAYMENTS OF AG- COUNTS at our up Town Offices. J. H. PRESTON PLANING MILLS Manufacturers of Sash, Doors Special Millwork Phone Offices 760; Mill 60. s PD oeetoety Ceatrtetiotipstoclocteateatoatesteste 298086010000000800000000080800000000080800085 INCREASED SALES OF Prairie Pride r Patent Flour PROVE THE QUALITY. The Medicine Hat Milling Co y., Limited *PHON 66 Piano Moving A Speciaity Tasker Transfer Co. apid LIGHT and HEAVY easonable DRAYING liable 361 Loronto Street. Taxi Taxi Taxi? OOO ALBERTA TAXI COMPANY All Orders Promptly Attended to, New Cars, Careful Drivers. Phone 666 Day. 211 Night. PERE E HERR ee er eeer eee ebeenie rr rrr es POL eersreostete toate pe rgrdtrdeate edges 8 ; : POCSSO0MOG small yearly inerease in the tax rate. Then again, the faster the neweomers arrive the jless a burden it will be on the present tax payers. A glance through the list of tend- ers for the different contracts leaves no doubt in the citizens minds but what the igreatest discretion has been used in-choos- ing the material, having an eye to the cost and at the same time giving the city a plant that will be lasting, and which furthermore can be increased if the fond hopes of Hat- 5 FF ai aaii canes fon ters are realized that we will go ahead with AGALN the council is after the health leaps and bounds, at small expense. officer. Our city Pa s are getting to The citizens are duty bound to back up P most persistent bunch. re wells the council on this matter and it only re- han mains now for the council to give an outline THIS DATE IN HISTORY of their scheme as to just where this new work is to be laid. August 20. a ee 1672 Massacre of the Brothers De Witt at STOP THE NOISE. The Hague. MEDICINE Hat, in taking action to stop the blowing of engine whistles in. the city, is just falling in line with other large cities. At the present time Boston has a noise commission at work but their field of endeavor includes every noise. that breaks in upon the stillness of a city. The whistle nuisance in Medicine Hat is more noticeable at night when you are just slipping away to the land of dreams, to be rudely disturbed by the long loud screech of a healthy en- gine, : i po EE ge MARRIAGE cures criminals. Evidence of this is given by. the fact that in N. Y. State prison there are twice as Many un- married as married prisoners. Evidently wives have a way of tabooing the criminal bent. i By the time a criminal s wife has trimmed joff the raw edges, taken tucks in his mor- als, polished his manners, ironed the wrink- es out of his disposition, put embroidery on his tastes, he wouldn t recognize the street. ee 1829 Adrianople taken by the Russians. 1847 American army routed the forces of 1865 Final proclamation of the cessation whose visit to the Czar of Russia is now a chancelleries, France, August 20, 1860. He studied law and literature in Paris and took his degree as soon as he was of age. ghost of his criminal self if he met it ow the ed -secretary of the advocates conference and became a friend and HENRI BOURASSA, ingrate that he is, contines to ery annexation. He has in other words thrown down Borden, the man who picked him up when he himself was thrown down. VANCOUVER has been building her fut- ure on the Panama Canal. For a time it looked as if she was to be disappointed. Bill Taft is now her white hope. * eo pe ONE WEEK from today and the Hat s big three-day Fair will open. We won t FIVE DOLLARS said a Texas judge, after finding a woman guilty of beat- ing her husband, and the husband no doubt paid the shot. eee IT is rarely an evil act works a great good on a community. Yet the murder of Rosenthal may do New York a lot of good. Ag A New York dentist says few men are as much a man as a woman is while un- dergoing the teeth extracting process. ee EN VANCOUVER is kicking loudly about pickpockets at their fair. What would a fair be without pickpockets? 1745 Francis Asbury, the first Methodist bishop. in America, born in England. Died in Richmond, Va., March 31, 1816. a 1794 Gen. Anthony Wayne defeated the Indians near Maumee Rapids, in Ohio. ly fortified place near the city of Santa Anna at Cherubuseo, a. strong- Mexico. of hostilities in the civil war. ee THIS IS MY 52nd BIRTHDAY Raymond Poincare. Raymond Poineare, the French premier leading subject of discussion in European was born in Bar-le-Due, He was appoint- associate of M. COL, SAM HUGHES continues to ery for Evidently the Borden Dis; war. revels in the talk and England. general. The e English war off grace r between Germany Sam, you can t be ight of the heads of the is much beter than Mr. Meling and the late Jules Ferry. His polit- ieal career began with his election to. the chamber of deputies in 1887. He served several times in various cabinets and has a twice held the premiership. - M. Poincare is regarded as one of the most distinguished and perhaps the most versatile figure in, Borden s when it comes to picking out men, French public life, being a lawyer, philos- O opher, artist, writer and parliamentarian, FIFTH AVE. gives evidence of the fact 2d a member of the French Academy. that there has been some bone-head 0 . work carried on in past. buried. It Ask the Mayor; he lives on it. icine HL A couple of blocks of cement walk had to be torn up and a couple of blocks a beautiful strect at present. in the CONGRATULATIONS TO: Cardinal Martinelli, who was the first 133 ft, bik 6, 4200 Terma, 5Q feet on Main St, two blocks from railroad, 7500. Terms. 50 feet with shack on South Rallway, 1800 cash. We have a few new houses im High School Annex and Nor, Yuill for sale on easy terms, We are still selling Altawana amd have good buys in all parts of the city. Donald Currie Room 1, Becker Block. Phone 776. J. A. LANDRY Carpenter Builder 711 Ottawa St. Phone 626. Box 831. See me if you want a home. Special attention given to the building of Modern Houses. Designs and preliminary plans supplied. HOUSES FOR SALE. R. B. Taylor's. Transfer Light and Heavy Dra; Prompt Attention to all orders, Piano Moving with Plano Van a Speelality, Parcels Delirerea, HONE NO. 349, E. M. CAWKER, . Phm. B. Druggist vs stock of Toilet Articles sundries, Proprietary Medi- cines, ete. ing of Physicians Pre- scriptions a specialty, WILLIAMSON . PATERSON Contractors. tings and Repairs. ae pe ee See Us for Screen Doors and Windows, BOX 353. 183-1m0, PHONE 712 Steam Laundry Modern and sanitary in every respect andthe machinery is the best that money can buy. All white help employed. PHONE No. 8. Your patronage solicited. And our drivers will cali for and return the goods. City Sale Stables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sale, LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING. Hay for Sale, FRED McCLAIN PHONE 85, PROPRIETOR House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. *Phone 260. papal delegate to the United States, years old today. 64 J.J. LAIT U6 MONTREAL STREET PORPES O44 O95O59SCOM We have the agency for the eelebrated- Morgan Doors, THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL LOW POSTS 2 BEAVER BOARD Ww FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PROPLE P. 0. BOX 29, PHONE 57 pee ea ees FORMALINE FOR SMUT 50c... .Quart 25c... Pint ON T PAY MORE Pirigle s Drug and Book Store : : : i a P Se OAC aa Ld LEADER Decorating. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS LET US FIGURE WITH You BEFORE PLACING. YOUR CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. CROSSLEY BROS. SS oa 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 P. 0. Box 304, Estimates Free. Plans Prepared. wyv OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONB HO, 368, 402 728 THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co, 108 TORONTO st. Heavy, Teaming. Sand, Coal Gravel Excavating a Specialty, Light and Heavy Horses fer sale a All Times, F.S. LYON CONTRACTS FOR - HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale. Yulll Street. Phone No. 415 P. 0, Box 81. See lt; W.R.Simmonds CARPENTER amp CONTRACTOR CARPENTER ano CONTRACTOR Repairs promptly attended to. Phone No. 335, ee Se . sooo dioate ay ets Cote So-efo-of 8 if res re Paheste iSeogengess Me e F( SED Coeedioetoatreten Do oehentoete ated Pe s ehoateaoete doe dete Entertain It Cost Fran ion Dollars a Good Ti ing to is Paris, Aug. 19. Just filed what it kings and queens treated royalty definite meaning Figures show t something more t Trappist St. Bernard s Di with special cerer the monasteries Trappist monks, 1 memory of the g one of the found zation, famed for austerity. Saint August 26, 1153, in 1174, by Pope 4 which time the t has been a date : ory on the calem Church. St, Bernard wa family in Bergund: educated at the I and then, at the a entered the recent tery at Citeaux, brothers and a 80 The rules of the ordinary strict, bu them all, and so self for austerity, line that he was colony to Clairvat Frank A. 1 A man who ha multi-millionaire b thy endeavor, inste ous methods of th Andrew Munsey, o The Argosy and s azines, the Baltimo: ington Times, the and the Boston Jor will be fifty-eight y having been born aj ust 21, 1854. He ti
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Image 320 (1912-08-20), from microfilm reel 320, (CU1772446). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.