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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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MEDIOIN A NEWS oe Be eee Bear renee remrenenssry SOCIAL AND PERSONAL letter upon matters with which the ANOTHER POUND CASE. UPON PERJURY CHARGE. FrtPtsteteeery t 7 4 council have to do: Why can't the + CORRESPONDENCE charter be amended so that every atiss Raythe Wilson of Kenora, Richard H. Roberts, a rancher in At the Police Court this morning, If You Start Work at 7 + citizen should pay hiv fair share Of One, iu in the cits. the guest of her the Seven Persobs-district summon- before Magistrate Kealy, J. Karitz thee this publicity fund? That's fine brother, A. Pp. Wilson. ed William Weir, a farmer, for il- who was charged with perjury, was Present Dall: You may have noticed the weather cool. ve ERE E EEE aoe, put it x not very original. The tegally impounding 27 head of horses let off on suspended sentence, but ae : : . Note While we welcome all Com- Charter was amended last year and) john Hamilon end J. P. Jones of/on-the Oth August, at the Police was required to find jail for 1000. of the Weel Our West Window shows a splendid range of munications from our readers, we the council got all that the Alberta gwire Curreyt are ip the city. potas Pog te ad real nil for 1000. t a wish It to be thoroughly understood legislature would stand for, If Mr. Me. Mahaty ed dor: oouagfains Sevight a a eeibe bares at ite : that we do not necessarily sube- Mallett wasn't eo much taken up with Rey, y r, Bennett of Calgary 0c+ ant ond Mr Deridaon defended brought ease of tase st a vertise: erlbe to oF endorse the opinions ex- bis own grouch he might have meted cypied the pulpit at the Baptst pcvardson stated the pound fees such glaring contradictions, that his EE CW SWEATECL COATS Jf) vresses vy oar correspondents aii the tact sun shred Yenterdy. Rishandson stated he ponnd Sue ty ltalneed tbe sane sad bod VOL. 3 The municipal conditions of Karitz for perjury. letters must be signed by the writer. not necessarily for publication but streets and public works are 80 poor A. P. Chudleigh, Brooks, is at the fences in the district at all. Cross oxamimed by Mr. Davidson, . ; spe. . 4 that they (visitors) are sent away Cosmopolitan Handsome in color and design, neat in fit and looks; asa sign of good faith Ed. unfavorably impressed. That alo witness stated that it was not ow - OBITUARY. s 3 - rank mis-statement of facts. Bla- John Bell, Carlstadt, is staying in ing to the Magistrate's decision in us a warm in weight and reasonably priced. August 15, 1012. Pere, Nocal improvements would 1,0 city, the Bell Hargraves case that he .Beniamin Francis, the only son 3 3 The Editor The Medicine Hat News: gountiess please ir. Malleett, but tured his horses loose, but.on ao- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heald, aged C. P. R. Men s tore JUST YOU LOOK. H. S. Ireland Dear Sir, Is it not about time that noisy patriots from across the line, given to flaunting their nation- ality and flag on all occasions, aro gently but firmly given t under - stand that such actions are in .ex- taste fo say the least, and unwelcome to citizens of other the council think it much-wiser to please the Britiab and American fin- anclers and manufacturers, and they expressed themselves 98 particularly pleaied with Medicine Hat s policy of making a payroll by bullding up -the-manutacturing and industri terests instead of spending moni John McClelland of Seven-Persont Is at the American. L, H. McKinnin and D. W. Cassidy, Garlstadt, are registered at the Royal. Miss Annie Wagstafl left today for feownt--of scarcity. of water, here wore charges for a stallion in the pound fees, amd to the best of his lopinion the colt-referred to was not ja year old. George 0. Hargraves gave evidence of taking the horses in question into pound from Weir, McKinnon and months, died on the 17th inst. The funeral took place this afternoon at. 8 o'clock from the family residence, 601 North Reilway St.,, to Hillside Cemetery. Rev. Davis officiated. The, St. Patrick s' Ladies Altar So- clety are holding a sale of homemade Pr countries? I refer especially to the igcai improvements and impoverish- C lgery to attend Normal. Jobn Bell. cooking at the home of Mrs: Leonard, + -M noisy display last night in the Mon- ing tne city as several other western 4 4 gy Galloway of the James McKinnon and W. Welr gave wef tore St. on Watnesahy fier + aig se ill-man - ; - A. 8. Fe: aT , August 21st. Tea and z seh hat eo rm lin tc tu, un nk se theese Anti tebe ve ey aa a ae : i parison between Nedicine guest of B. R. D. Porter, Esplanade, Of them were on a crop, but there / fe an Op P 66 99 Cor. Ottawa St. Blowed allegiance to the Stars and jitteah palicies in this reapect a wack oo teoen axtrod by ing commencing at 8.80, cards, and FAIR Steipes which they have now desert- een peeulted very favarable . to Mt. Galloway is on his way to Ed- Wi (no ie She aresee to the tte drawing of the enpiversary cake. + opens and Third Ave. pes y, ; which (resulted very Tave monton to visit his brother, In- J. W- oor Se ge te 0 38-8 29 nard Fl ed) who, whenever the American flaz Medicine Hat; 1 sincerely hope the monton .t0 visit is brates. 1 aispute about the age of the alleged * the 2 Leo: anagan Phone 81 was shown in a certain picture, ex- couneit will continue that policy un- erect . stalion, said that he helped to brand + pressed their delight by a chorus of ij) we have outdistanced all our in- : jit last fall, and it would be than Those wishing to enter for the fin- hbk t lis and yel alter the manner . al tenpi tournament of the season ARRIVAL OF FALL UNDERWEAR FOR Bip crisis saveses of the South Sek suvets are ue poorest lighted in , ME: M. Rattenbury, of Charlotte; *bin fon an adared until this ont hand eis nantes in to. ne LADIES, AND CHILDREN S SWEATER The people of the British Empire ine: world for a city of its size. a tewm PIL, spent, Sunday in the) eo oe of the tournament committee before COATS, AVIATION CAPS, Etc. are broad-minded, tolerant and Hber- gisgrace to a city of 10,000. What T. 8. Da Thursday noon. 34-3 Etc. al, qualities which are entirely for- , ridiculous statement . It needs no 7 S- Dawson. SOME PRIZES. a i ican, y simply Dut one might be curious . a a i Our Sweater Coats Bre going fast; the first shipment is almost i to the American, who simply comment, but o Miss Reid and Miss Jobe of the 3 : Preserving Pears, Bartlett, 2.50 gone,---- Anctber-shipment-is belag opened up today. The keen pj 2oe Rotvunderstand their meaning. as to what part of the WORLD M- tcaching etal were entertained at Words of praise and congratulation per case. HH. Morrow, North Rail- Condition prices account for the quick sales. tolerance was ae cant ; Mallet: cane Prom: luncheon at the home of Rev. E. B. continue to pour in on the Labor way. : - night in this theatre, probably Entertaining a bunch of Chicago yo) princes Avenue on Saturday. Day sports committee for the hand- : ly G Get your share of these Bargains. occurs often, but such is the pecul- bookkeepers and clerks. Surely Mr. : some assortment of prizes that thez A meeting of the Boy Scouts will, ick Cees Ar IgE oA amin ae one het Wy unt Te ae e test srs inate lt; Ni Govan, en Goal Sato soled: for Mlatefbnton be Bela Nomorsp t MERE a . e focee artment of Interior, that day. SS F 2 approval and appreciation. ple were of the Chicago Chamber of mr of the Department of Interior, These prizes are at present on RUMOR DENIED. : THE FAIR Would it not be good idea for Commerce, A most influential body show in Stoddart's window, but will London, the os Comet ae a a yee of mi, and that ete waite Ab io Born, on August 17th, at materni- shortly have to be removed to some (C. A. P. Cable) Commander- ARD or -ovineii jovernment Medicine Hat was cop rom the/ty hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. A. P. more commodious window, as there Rome, Aug. 19. A statement cir- Army, whos' . LEON, FLANAGAN. my take up the matter, and have such Chicago papers-by a great many PaP- Wilson, a son. is not sufficient room to expose all culated in the press here that the ever since i HIGH-CLASS GROCERIES, DRY GOODS AND LADIES WEAR. Ml pictures censured. Instead of these ers all over the West, and was one the prizes. Pope went out of the Vatican to May last for absurd wild-west scenes, where. the of the -best-ads the city ever got. Mr. 3 Entriesfor-the different events con- visit his sister Rosa, who was said ract on his Americans in uniform look much Mallett has aver-reached himself in Preserving Pears, Bartlett, 2.50/) i fF . oe oe tks teal caldiers an Bowery tougts this siatensuey'and leaves ug pea 1o PT Cer. A: Mortow, North Rai: Hane 8 Pose ti, go 2 you west 0:/ to dave: betn, steloken ee ain ce some one andsom. t 200) ; look like bank presidents, travel pic- form the opinion that his whole arti- 29: prized, loss ho tinie in sending in today. ; oT this morning tures taken throughout the world cle is unsound, because this fe an al- lyour entries. Don't forget that en- The officials declare the stroke of tendance, G showing particularly jife and s together misleading statement, and is f tries positively close August 31st. paralysis suffered by the Pope's sis gives rise lin the British Empire, would be in- apparently intended to be such. s ; ter, occurred last Cune and is of Many of the structive, vastly entertaining, and Mr. Mallett s statement that a vi- i Presersing Pears, Bartlett, 2.50 slight nature. It- caused no serious high official moreover would: convey to these very iage of 300 people would not stand a per case. H. Morrow, North Rail- anxiety. Rosa has almost entirely are in atte : ignorant people from the south, some for the railway cross which we have Buildin seco rar d: with the sic : a eis z idea of the extent of the Empire, is no doubt Wke most-of his other power and wealth, and its justice statements, slightly exaggerated. : a: sand good goverment to all. - Doubtless we need a subway, and as Lots jh ee Torentes Such action itself may seem intol- far as 1 can learn the council are 2 For One has taken 4 ie J eee Gi ferant, but it would seem to be the unanimoii in their desire to build it, doctors hat only method of Scovreving ts these but the city s credit limit Is not as ALTAWANA Week Only recovering. s 3 J thick-skinned vulgarians that ap- largeAs Mr. Mallett desires, and pik. 4, lots 5-8, 1200 p: any time THAT the GOURLAY-ANGELUS is the only Qjlpreciation of their former flag and soinething must be left undone. There Cee wail Player Piano that anyone can play-artistically. f country is confined entirely to them- are three-things that-need-immediate Terms. ql ae Eh F vation Arm selves and that throughout oe world attention: The big reservoir and new Blk. 10, Lots 3-4, 1050 pr. Cash 450-4. building Lots in Block 54, 1,175. this -morniz co Al : . the American of the screeching patr- pumping and power station; Indust- RIVERSIDE i 5 ; * deena THAT the ANGELUS is the only Player action that Jie oo Gs tooked upon only with iat sites, etc. for the many-manu- Bik, 12, Lote 8, 795 pr, 10 Lots including corner in Block 22,-Cousins arid ect oF ind 3 does- not detract from the TONE of- the Jj) amusement and contempt. facturer who within two, years will Terms. Sissons for 3,100, or 630 a pair. is expected i Yours truly, be located here since the beginning Bik. 15, Lots 36-40, 600 a -pr. . 2 : * nt. va instrument. S SUGOLDON. Se thecrdanie abort seven montha;ee Teen You must see these'to realize the exceptional value. lt;i lt; ih f ; have secured eleven industries, splen- BY. 12, Lots 1-10, 1000 a pr. 5 i THAT the tendency of the GOURLAY TONE is to Editor News, did industries too, I hope. We will Pes, Mpieita ee improve with use as should the tone of any ff tet me anover cons ot we ducs- et twlee an many next year, and ..) MRRALD McGregor Berry coeat or atriiged Sua init tions asked by Mr, Mallet in his let- ouble that the next, if not better: eae wee: ring trument. and the: bullding of a subway: All : ter in the News of Saturday. Judging Bik. 7, Lot 16, 600. Terms: p.8-tf. j i e : from his numerous whys, there seems Should be done now, but they cannot THEN this advertisement is not worth the paper it f to be a lot of things which Mr. Mal- be done for lack of funds, and the Pati qn0t S040 800 a Dr Ex ee is printed on. lett wants to know, and judging him council have decided, and quite right- Bix. Lots 39-40 750 a pr. i by the questions he asks there would ly too, that the subway will stand to Terms. . seem to-be a lot of things about mun- Wait better than the other two. I be- COUSINS AND SISSOXNS fcipal affairs which he doesn t know. leve the big majority of the people Bik. 19. its 9-10, 750 a pr. Only the ee 'WwAT Beno Re his remarks about the public Of Medicine Hat are in agreement 4 Terms. Fro. i j meetitig on Thursday I may gay that With the council's stand, The coun- Bik. 14, Lots 1-20, 560 apr. 1h i he would not have made them had he cil fs doing good: work. Better work Terms. uw et J UU UU; ers rat WHITE SIAyOF jthan-has-erer-bees-done-bs any prev- a ee : called the meeting, it was at the re- ous council., They are working all F -32, 575 a pr. Dauphin, UNDER THE BIG FIDDLE havest only of the Publicity Bureau. the time in the interests of the clty. , Terme sata 2 It was the bureau's: meeting and the per ae: jouewine a sana att mene ace We have a number of houses in,all parts of the city Canadian mayor and members of the council Policy that will eventually place Med- - oe . ; were there in the same capacity as cine Hat on a financial basis un- PN rege teaser omg ranging in price from 1,400 to 6,000, and on to Edmont Mr, Mallett. Mr. Mallett all through scealled by any other city'in North Bix 33, tote i3-14,' 750 a pr. reasonable terms. We would be glad to show 4.30 this m lt; puis letter seems to lose site of the America. Term i e origin of t oe Phone 1 oS fact that the city council and theSpub- No, Mr, Mallett, your policy would them to any interested parties. denny all licity bureau: are-altogether separate not be a good one. It has not worked zi stroyed WI c Ki I n n oO Nn 'S l t d. institutions. As I understand it the Out well in other cities. If the coun- Weraleo Beye good. buy: pranechoice Jats from 250 to it upp council has no more authority over cil prefer to spend our money in mak- 30,000. Call in and.see us for particulars. or: that so the bureau than Mr. Mallett himself ng Medicine Hat the big. industrial Reece a z 5 ter was tl has. None of the city s money is spent centre of the west by directing every Fu rire 4, A i Ball koa We want your listings in Riverside and Altawana. miutes wat by the bureau, Both Mr. Brown and effort towards inducing manufactur- i. see express m ers to locate here, rather than to Flats: Glass Tusarapes. Mr. White were educated and finan- ced with the bureays money, and not a dollar came from the city. It spend it on local improvements and settling down to be a nice ttle is a certain satisfaction about getting good bread that only-those who have tried our But- ternut bread ean appreciate. It is uniformly the is very evident that Mr. Mallett s ig- norance of these conditions has warp- ed his point of view because all throught hie letter he mixes things up. : There is a humerous touch to Mr. country city, they witl be-supported- One thing is certain, you are evident ly not in touch with municipal af- fairs in Medicine Hat or you would not be so hasty in blaming the coun- cil. for all the ills from which you 410 Main St. P. 0. Box 316. GHT Over Assiniboia, Music Store. sai DAY Mallett s Why. should. WE spend seem to suffer. You are, I under- same excellent quality. Try it once and you will eat. money to send, strangers all over stand, a Lethbridge man, without any 24 : aan Eh no other. the country, Brown was -edu- interests in..Medicine-Hat and for a of various co U.88 e Ae. si cated and financed with OUR money the life of me I cannot understand under construction, Ae . B, McKINNON, President CHARDSON, Gen. Mer. Jl . 1 a position in opposition to aur hy you stick your nose into our af- some nearing comple- ed Fi interests, and so was White. I do fairs. Can you explain it to your- To Notice of Removal GEO. CAMPBELL, - Tailor not find that Mr. Mallett subscribed nickle to the publicity fund so that his money, like many other's, has done nothing to make Medicine Hat West. -the--big-manufacturing-centre-of-the -on't H HASSARD. self? It looks like a case of When you haven't a hammer use a mallet. Ab, I will and I won't. I'll be dam- ned if do, and I'll be damned if I tion. Fully modern: Apply to We ROSEWARNE JELL-O- Ice Cream Powder : SUPREN B Why have we a board of trade LILLIPUTION OPERA CO. Builder and Owner. Other has removed his Tailoring business from Toronto fj gt;wlding situated in the most con- Phone 800. Oth Bt-to 331 North Railway St. er place in town that is al Simpson Hoge s Lilliputian Opera . g : nock in itself? A fine advertisement Co, open their season at the Opera i gmade to order as usual err ares FLAVORS: quite right as to his description, but nights. They will ranebe the operas Washin hands, Work called for and favre when he aseumes that the council Billee Yaylor, The Girl in the Fatiens Vanilla, Chocolate awberr Taft clos has control over this, he simply Shrine, and Say Toy. The Com- Smoke Fatima the Pana makes another mistake. The board pany have just finished long ran in gt; Lemon and Unflavored of trade Is an institution practically the Regina Theatre with great suc- Cigarettes 7 + the passa - sate as of the authority of the coun- cess, and come here will the full permit A he shoud mas aNer tls auestion troupe of thirty clever kiddies rang- canal to YOU CAN TEACH A PARROT 4 President of the ing from the ages of five years to . ee aioe 08 : TO SAY: Roam or the seereary: eighteen, starring Miss Peatl Carlyle, ( SPECIAL Makes Delicious Ice Cream salty of 4 je Same reason may be given for the Australi i f the Unite JUST AS GOOD the gxlatence of the . F. R. board eee SATURDAYS - it violate BUT HE WON'T KNOW WHAT HE Nest bankers see anak on the Preserving Pears, Bartlett, 2.50 All 10-cent Cigars we ee props he city , aA 1S TALKING. ABOUT. 99 BLME, Malet seems to. narevan eq Der, Ae He Morrow: North Rail- Four for 25 cents a6 agains that the couneil ere a kind of cross * Es a ress of t s Bread icc H.W. C MAOENEP S DPA Fierro cece me) ove tet te wenn atte ireiand . Bare Planing they wien. Single tas ewns Atmeries to-night. A full attend: 7 ven Jv Phone 256. TASSIE BROS. ff soon remove the shacks, ance is requested. ASSINIBOIA Main Street. Phone 54, feria There are several criticisms In the Kalser s Old.Timer 100 Cigar, CIGAR STAND he shall be
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Image 318 (1912-08-19), from microfilm reel 318, (CU1772431). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.