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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. and Suits Fashion s latest. New Shirt Waists Exclusive lines in Dr. Jaeger fine wool Shirt Waists. THE NEWEST SEE THESE. Be Glasgow House The Northway Coats First shipment of these well-known garments have arrived, We will be pleased to show you The Glasgow House The House of Fashionable Dressers Gated a By CURED Perfectly in Three Days ete eee ea EY No Injury to Heatth OTe) Cee rae Crier THE NEAL INSTITUTE O 13th Ave. W Tae eoyetoy CALGA perial Bank Building. We will be pleased to re- ceive ANY ORDERS or PAYMENTS OF AC- : We have opened an office in Suite IL., in the Im- COUNTS at our up Town Offices. J. H. PRESTON PLANING MILLS anufacturers of Sash, Doors Special Millwork Phone Offices 760; Mill 60. Wreeeereortecireoateatestateeteete OF CANADA. (incorporated 1869.) , Special Attention Given to SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. MEDICINE HAT BRANCH Fourth Avenue: : . H. McDunnough, Doerededodtoctertent a : Bororegerctoregoateteds regen, Imperial Bank of Canada Capital and Rest... 2... . 12,850,000 Total Assets 73,750,000 4 GENERAL BANKING: BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES, 1 -4d gt;(afs, 2 WELEINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. o POP soctorirrtordordortodty doehedecrartredestedtrrtedtonted SOE LOS EEE Sreeterintoeteateegetectoatoate NOTICE TO BUILDERS ace Pe osoesertogosgentrate tegen eoeosioniocioatnatontoctocoety aeeteateatesteetnseste ete dteaioatoaty a ROYAL BANK: soseeieete eee FARR RRR ERE REE t THE MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. Established 1864, 180 Branches in Canada, , Capital Paid Up, 6,000,000. Total Assets (Nov. 80th. 1911) over 81,000,000. A general Banking Business Transacted. Speelal attention to Savings Accounts. W. 0. JOY, Manager: : : + : Medicine Hat Branch apid LIGHT and HEAVY easonable DI Officer, A Biffeetive June 2nd, 1912, Ne. Arrive. Leave. 3 11.15 11.35 Vancouve: Exp. Toronto to Van. 4 20.00 20.25 Torofto p., Vancouver to Tor, 13 21.50 22.15 St. Paul-Seattle Express, Ma 4.00 4.20 Seattle-St. Paul Express. 6L 21.25 21.50 Prairie Exp., Winnipeg to Calgery 62 5.25 6.50 Prairie Exp. Calgary to Winnipeg siesit 6.05 Express from Kootenay Landing 512-519 19.00 Local from Cranbrook 516 23.00 Local from Calgary, 518-511 10.30 Local for Cranbrook. 520-613 23.00 Express for Kootenay Landing. 515 6.30 Local for Calgary. u 230 240 Soo, Ltd, St Paul-Port. 12 940 9.50 Soo, Ltd., Port-St, Paul. Nos. 11 and 12 do not come into Medicine Hat. . Passing time at Dunmore shi f Medicine Mat Dews j Published by the Medicine Hat News Con Ltd, every lawfal evening at Its office, Main Stree, Wedicine Hat; Alta. A. J. N, TERRILL, EAtor, PHONE: HONE: Raltorial, Advertising Reportorial, and Circulation and News Dept Job Depts. 1g Rive 2 RING 2 19 DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 y.a2, delivered....84.00 1 year by mail... 3,00 6 months, 4 1 ages 1 6 months, by mait.... 1.59 months, dellvered.. 1200 3 months, by mall. ..76c 1 month, delivered....35e Addresses changed as often as destred, but bots niw aud old ad resser et bg given. WEERLY NEWS, Publishec every Thureday im sixteen or more pages, and contains a eumma-y of the news of the week, local and district. months, in advance 75e 3 months, tn advance. .f0e 1 year in advance.... 1.50 Monday, August 26th, 1912. HEALTH OFFICER S CHARGES THE CHARGES of negligence made by Council are serious ones and should indeed be given a thorough investigation. If his statements are true then our city fathers have, using the words of the ex-officer: shown a lack of interest in the health of in for a couple of severe censures at the duty. He says the shoe is on the other foot. He points out instances where he made recommendations to the Council in connection-with the health of the city and it took moiiths to deal with the matter. Is this sot? Has the health of the city been endangered in this way? One alderman flatly refused to pay for the cleaning of the cesspool on his property, the Doctor says. Mayor Spencer asked: What alderman does he-refer to in reference. to the cesspool ? ? No one answered. One alderman remark- ed: We ve got to get his lame. No one admitted the corn. Either Dr. Thomas charges are false or one of our city fathers is not man enough to admit when gorneted that he had refused to comply with the law, and which law was enforced on other citi- zens by charging it up against their proper- ty. This was passed by a vote of the Coun- cil, and that alderman, if he is guilty, likely voted on the matter. It s surely up to the city fathers to clear their coat-tails. IN a lengthy editorial the Toronto Mail and Empire deals with the dying out of the reciprocity pact. The fact that. that journal devotes a column and a half to gi- ing arguments against the pact seems to be an argument to the contrary and evidences the fact that it is very much alive. A notice- able feature of their wailings is that - it deals entirely with the West; in fact they make it an entirely Western question, of first importance to the Western farmer only, and yet the Mail and Empire and their Ontario friends were the ones to defeat the pact, when, aceording-to-the-article it was none of their never mind. They point out that conditions in the West are greatly im- proved. Are they? The Grain Growers Guide in last weeks issue published a story on a grain blockade that already ex- ists at Fort William. D Arcy Scott, of the Railway Commission, says it will take a year to get the years crops out. In fact, if the Mail and Empire would only admit it, the conditions this year are worse than last. The percentage in increased crops is large, the increased facilities for moving it are shortage that threatens to become acute. Reciprocity is not dead, but very much alive. ee THE CITY COUNCIL is to investigate the charges of the Medical Health pecial committee is to be ap- inted. Is this right? The Coungil as a jody is an interested party. They are the aceused; the defendants jn the case, as it were. Can a defendant,in justice to him- self, in justice to his accuser, in justice to the cause, and the cause in this case is the 1 20.20 2045 Imp. Ltd. Montreal to Vanvourer 2 8.05 8.30 Imp. Ltd, Vancouver to Montreal. our late health officer against the City the citizens. The Doctor of late has come hands of the Council for neglecting his practically null;there is a binder twine . Cc. P. R. PASSENGER SERVICE. they cannot. If the Council deals with the te matter there is always the chance of dis- utisfaction. ,Some of the people may: not ed with the finding and throw ions, Dr. Thomas may not be satisfied. The charge that the members of, 'the Council show a lack of interest in the health of the citizens is a serious one and laughter house matter which has quickly followed the Doctor s charges will not help the matter any. Therefore the News is of the opinion that a regularly appointed judicial commission ould go into this matter. Justice will done, and xt the same time the Council will be free of any charge of unfairness (that might arise out of such an inquiry. 0 FOR the last few days the quotations of the Winnipeg market have been high- jer than the Minneapolis market, ageording to the Winnipeg Telegram, and each day that journal has gone great trouble and de- voted much space to showing the Canadian farmer how much more he is making on his wheat than if he had got reciproci y and shipped to American markets. The Tele- gram, however, maintains a discreet sil- jence on how much the Canadian farmer jloses the other 360 or so days.a year when ithe market prices are reversed to the con- ditions they now allege it is in. , No need to tell the farmer how much he is losing. He knows. Saskatchewan far- mers said so last month, and in language that would brook no denial. o ME of the Federal Government organs t are greatly worked up- over the fact that the British Board of Trade has ealled in W. McKenzie King, ex-Minister of Lab- or, to outline to them the workings of the Lemieux Act in Canada. Why didn t they call Hon. W. 'T. Crothers? they ask. What does he know about labor. About the only thing he has done since holding office was to appoint a correspondent in Medicine Hat for the Labor Gazette. se ig ee, A young Windsor man was lovking at a friend s ring and it dropped into the river. It cost him 20 to secure a diver to recover it. He got off easy at that. Hund- reds of young fellows have looked at rings and were immediately turned into human lives. jo EDMONTON is to introduce a bylaw to regulate the height. of buildings. Medi- cine Hat is, according to reports, soon to have some skyscrapers. The sooner the matter is dealt with here the better. ae Th gt a FRANCE secures 15 per cent. of all-:money gambled.. It goes to the poor. U. 8. gambling proceeds fro mresorts last year were high. Heaven only knows who got it. Which is the beter system? re Sg TWO Toronto bank youths are short in their cash. They blame the ponies. Well, older men than they have tried to break the bank in the same way, and with about as much success. ANOTHER gas well and with the pressure just the same, and then some of ous jealous rival municipalities have the nerve to suggest that the gas will fail. t aoe OS ge ge A telegraphone detective detector is the urgent need of us crooks before we will get rid of Burns and that awful menace to crime, namely, the dectagraph, ee ge tied up by their power houses being, out of kilter. Yet the Hat s cars run on forever. aa ee ty FLAPPENED to be a boy, says one paper of the Astor babe. Boys are al- ways boys, are they not only girls hap- pen. BE ig sees RUB cucumbers and potatoes on the face for beauty, the newest beauty note, and onions on the feet for corns, the newest from the chripodist. Se DEATH would be nice to some people if they could deluge all their friends with nice lurid posteards from purgatory. 0 A Cincinnatti woman with two husbands murdered one. Many other women with but one would like to do the same. a people, do justice to the occasion? With-ell respect-to our Council asa body and its members. individually, we say, that SIGHS of sentiment mark the beginning of summer flirtations. Sighs of relief end them. INVEST WITH ME AND BE LUCKY CENTBAL PARK Corner,-bIk 23, lots 1-2-3, 1600 Terms. Corner, bik 24, lots 87 to 40, Terms. Bik 29, lots 1-2, 900. Terms, Bik 25, lots 7-8, 850. Terms, ROSEDALE PROPOSED TRACKAGE 100 ft, bik 3, 4000, 182 ftt, bik 6, 4200 Terme. 50 feet on Main St, two blocks from railroad, 7500, Terms. 50 feet with shack on South Railway, 1800 cash. We have a few new houses in High School Annex and Nor, Yulll for sale on easy terms, We are still selling Altawana good buys in all Terms. and have parts of the city, Donald Currie Room 1, Becker Block. Phone 776, J. A. LANDRY Carpenter Builder 211 Ottawa St. 626, Box ssi, Houses for sale. One under construction in Annex, Block 5; tawa St, one on Ot- finished, Block One on Highland St., finished. Have several good which I can build a house ac- cording to your own design, Preliminary plans supplied See me for your alterations or job work of any kind, give it prompt attention. TAKE NOTICE reasonable, * Unexeelled. EUREKA BRAND BLACK SHINGLE STAIN PRESERVATIVE PAINT WOOD PRESERVATIVE PURE COAL TAR PITCH PURE REFINED TAR The most Quality - Pingle s Drug and meal tickets for the rest of their natural COAL TAR ALBERTA TAR DISTILLIN Calgary MADE a Alberta, ALBERTA R. B. Taylor's: Transfer Light and Heary Dra: Prompt Attention to ail orders, Plano Moving with Piano Yan Speciality. Parcels Dellrerea. PHONE NO. 349, WILLIAMSON PATERSON LETHBRIDGE-and- Calgary car-lines-are - OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONE NO. 868, 408 728 THE J. S. FOLLIS Laundry Modern and sanitary in every Fespect and the machinery is the best that money can buy. All white help employed, PHONE NO. 8. Your. patronage solicited, And our drivers will call for and return the goods. Heary Teaming, Sand, Coal Gravel Light and Heavy Horses fer sale af F.S. LYON CitySaleStables Heavy Teams, Drivers, - Saddle Horses for Sale. LIGHT AND HEAVY D) NG Yall Street, Monday, August 20th, 1912, ualit When you bufld, consider QUALITY first. Don't be per- fuaded to buy CHEAP LUM- BER because it s chaap use the very best, We have it, and ev- erything the Builder requires, A select stock ot LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND PIR FLOORINGS. We have the agency for the celebrated Morgan Doors, THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL- Low PosTs FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE P.O, BOX 2 PHON FORMALING FOR SMUT 50c....Quart 25 .... Pint DON T PAY MORE Book Store : : if H. 8. CURTIS HOTSON LEADER LET US FIGURE WITH xoU BEFORE PUACING YOUR ; CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. Office Next to City Hall. PEPPER REE EPP ieieiet CROSSLEY BROS. SES SS Builders and Contractors. 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 P. 0. Box 304. Estimates Free. Plans Prepared. Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST. Excavating a Speelalty All Times. CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale, Phone No, 41 P. 0. Box 81, OK CANADIAN Stam FRONTIER DAY Phone 201. That little girl of young lady today- frocks are most b the happiest time life. Nothing but a pi her as she is. Ni it worth a picture Make the Ap, Toda THE BARTLETT FOURTH A TIO ALG SPL : SINGLE For the Rov Going dates Aug Final Return Li Apply to Local Ticket RG. M Dist. Ps aL. A. DO) Ticket A ty see a transfo will astonish you voutedly to be wi suit of clothing, y coat or a -tailore to us and you wi is astonishing ho of dry cleaning r garments so that like new when th ed from THE GLOBE ING PRES Rear of Post Office Aver ION H. B. BROW ON FRIDAY, Al at 1.30 on the M Horses, Cows, Bui ON FRIDAY, At at 3 o'clock on Square a complet Furniture, ON MONDAY, A at 2 o'clock at the itory, tear of 314 the whole of the ture, typewriters, bile, etc., of the son-Northam Co, ON MONDAY, A at 8 o'clock at the itory, rear of 312 the whole of the at the old home West 3 of 16, 7, 3 4th meridian, bet of Medicine Hat a Cows, (pig with completment of fi ments, household effects. The whole of tl er instructions fr TRUSTS GUA: LTD. OF CJ TERMS CASH. 3 For further partic H. B. BROW Live Stock and joneer Phone 703. 5 87-6t MEDICINE FRED McC. PHONE--85. PROPRIETOR Subscribe HOw for
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Image 359 (1912-08-26), from microfilm reel 359, (CU1772423). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.