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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. 2 Glasgow House FANCY WOOLS b OPENED UP TODAY ZEPHYRS, BERLINS, F DOUBLE BERLINS, SHETLAND FLOSS, EIDER, BRILLIANT SAXONY, SCOTCH FINGERINGS In all colors. Visitors to the Fair Will be made to feel at home at The Glasgow House The House of Fashionable Dressers PU ata rUod OE CURED Perfectly in Three Days No Hypodermic Injections CU eae 1) Dest ia Ce Porras THE NEAL STITUTE cS Felon Res Cow Cad Cone POSES OSS 2 NOTICE TO BUILDERS We have opened an office in Suite-I1., in the Im- perial Bank Building. We will be pleased to re- ceive ANY ORDERS or PAYMENTS OF AC- COUNTS at our up Town Offices. . H. PRESTON PLANING MILLS anufacturers of Sash, Doors Special Millwork Phone Offices 760;-Mill 60. 4 Drsesseeseegerieriretontodtontoringse. leateeteateeteatoatesteeectectoctoete Peetoctosereeresrsiocietoctoctetoete ROYAL BANK? OF CANADA. Gncerporated 1869.) gt; Rs -.+ ++. 115,000,000 Special Attention Given to SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. MEDICINE HAT BRANCH a Fourth Avenue: : . H. McDunnough, Manager Soaks Po kete So Sestetedots SP Roeseefoateete- stone sfonte-efoageotoate z eateet s os Se eget 2 Soaks Seegesteateatoes Seer iorcriosiotosey aretestectectoetoairetetoetoeteate PO paedodododeeede Sriireceteatetedeeteatenteeteate Imperial Bank of Canada ; Capital and Rest ......... . Total Assets i BUSINESS TRANSACTED. AMCGR Eig pee Lesacar AT ALL BRANCHES. x R. WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. THE MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA R BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. atin eee ee 180 Branches In Canada. Capital Paid Up, 6,000,000. Total Assets (Nov. S0th. 1911) over 81,000,000. A general Banking Business Transacted. Special attention to Savings Accounts, W. 0, JOY, Manager: 3) + Medicine Hat Branch LIGHT and HEAVY Ss Effective June 2nd, 1912, Arrive. Leave. 21.59 5.60 j61 21.25 Prairie Winnipeg to Calgary Prairie Calgary to Winnipeg Express from Kootenay Landing Local from Cranbrook Local from Calgary. 516 918-511 3 10.80 Local for Cranbrook. 520-513 23.00 Express for Kootenay Landing; 515 6.80) Local for Calgary ww 2.30 .2.40 Soo, Ltd., St. Paul-Port. 12 940 9.50 Soo, Ltd., Port-St. Paul. Nos, 11 and 12 do not come into Medicine Hat, Passing time at Dunmore shown. Medicine Hat News j Published by the Medicine Hat News Con Ltd, every lawful svening a: Its office, Main Stree, Wedicine Hat, Alta. PUONE: R ttorial, A. J. N, TERRILL, EAtor, Reportorial, and News Dept. Job Depts. lt; gt; 13 anes BAG 2 12 DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES Y ya, delivered.... 4.90 months, d:livered. 3 months, delivered. . 1. 1 month, delivered....35 HONE: Advertising Cireulation and + 8.00 old ad resser at ba given. 4 WEERLY NEWS, Published avery Thursday tn sixteen or more pages, and contains a eummary of the news of the week. local and district. 6 mouths, tn advance 76s 8 thonths, in advancy. .500 Year in advance.... 1.50 Wednesday, August 28th, Sees MEDICINE HAT FRUIT. THE grain yield this year demonstrates what our soil in this district is capable of producing. Farmers have not settled up the Medicine Hat country as rapidly as they have acquired land in some of the other sections and on account of the spar- city. of cultivation it was diffieult to arrive at a conclusion respecting the productivity of the land in this partieular loeality. ably with us now and he is here in numbers, Every portion. of-the.district is being tested and the result is indeed satisfactory. The influx of the soil tillers leads the News to deliver an aduionition, In many sections of the country, grain growing and and grain growing only is the one aspect of. farming which meets with favor in the ey of the new settler. To eastern agricultv alists this is incomprehensible and the course condemned without qualification. But there should be qualification. There are many reasons why internecine farming does not appeal to the new settler and we of the west can fully appreciate these reasons, Without taking up these reasons as seria. tum and pointing out how they will gradu- ally disappear, we would like to proceed with the admonition which we started out to deliver to the farmers. It can be eonvey- ed ina nut shell. Give some attention to the cultivation of fruit. The trouble is infinite- simal and the reward is sure. Wonderful success has attended the efforts of those who have planted raspberries, currants, strawberri s, etc., and the crab apple flour- ishes like a native fruit in the vicinity of Medicine Hat. If an illustration of this claim is required a visit to any one of a doz- en gardens in the city will verify the state- ment. A particularly fine cluster of crab apples, thirty in- number, is being exhibited in the Board -of Trade building by Mr. M. Leonard. The whole thirty are Himging to a small spray. not more than six inches in length. - o A WORD FROM THE CHIEF. THE appended eommunication has been receied from Chief-of Police Bruce: Medicine Hat, Alberta, August 27, 1912, Editor Daily News. Dear Sir: I see in yesterday s issue of the News a prominent article headed Slaughter Hous- es, in which you state that you wish to retract statements made in Saturday s issue, regarding the sanitary conditions of the slaughter houses, as they were printed without you having proper knowledge of the same. Now, Sir, I confess that I hardly un- derstatid what you mean by proper know- ledge, but T do know this, that the particu- Addresses changed as often ag desired, but dota usw and However, the sod buster is undeni- done would have been to publis s 020 8045 Imp, Ltd. Montreal. to Vanvourer i orters report, then the public would have 2 8.05 8.30 Imp. courer to Montreal sot a correct report. Ag your article makes 3 11.16 11.85 Vancouver Exp. Toronto to Van. Ot a correct neporte + y tr di sted the re. 20.00 20.25 Toronto Exp., Vancouver to Tor, ras though I contradicted the a 13 21.50 22.15 St, Paul-Seattle Express, 1 out on Saturday, I would thank 14 4.00 4.20 Seattle-St. Paul Express. you to give th the same prominence in vour next issue, that you have the article in Saturday s JAMES BRUCE, Chief of Poliec nation of the per knowledge, the News takes the ground that such knowledge could only h been obtained through our represen- e having visited the premises in ques- tion personally and writing up the condi- tions as he saw them himself. Hearsay evidence is no evidence at all, with which fact the chief of police should be thoroughly conversant. Opinions formed of the con- ditions existing at the slaughter houses might differ widely. Before a proper knowledge ? could be said to obtain, it would be necessary, also, to be familiar with the conditions prevailing in slaughter houses in other cities. No flight of imagin- lation could possibly expect from a slaughter e the perfume emanating from a rose den. On the other hand, the installa- tion of a water system andthe extension of sewerage facilities gan without doubt jgreatly ameliorate conditions which even under existing circumstance: mpare most favorably with those of similar places in many much larger cities. When the ci y supplies the local abattoirs with water and be expected. The Chief further says that he did not accompany the News reporter to the ab- attoir later in the day. Can the Chief deny that he had proper knowledge that the reporter was there? As a matter of fact he accompanied the reporter to the very gates jot the abattoir. He was there, but as to whether or not he entered the building we confess we have not proper knowledge.* ) THE Times castigates the deputies who are in control in the departments at Ottawa during the absence of the Ministers on thei holidays. High handed action is charge. against these officials, many of whom are appointees of the late government, and their extermination is urged. But if they are exterminated upon whom ean thi: gov- ernment throw the blame for their mis- takes? If Hon. Robert Rogers. for in: stance, cannot blame the one hundrci and twenty deputies, which he threw into Sas- katechewan, for the fiaseo which attended his recent election campaign in that prov- inc, he will have to acknowledge that the fault was his and what would happen to his bump of conceit. - eg THIS DATE IN HISTORY. August 28. 1595 English force under Drake and Haw- kins sailed on an expedition against the Spanish settlements in the West Thidies. 1728 Gen. John Stark, the victor of the Battle of Bennington, born in Lon- donderry ; N. H., died in Manchester N. H., May 8, 1822.. 1784 Fra Junipero Serra, who founded the missions of California, died at Mon- terey. Born on the Island of Major- ca, Noy. 23., 1713. 1828 Count Leo Tolstoy, famous Russian novelist and reformer, born. Died Nov. 19, 1910. 1830 The steam locomotive was adapted to passenger service for the first time in America, on the Baltimore and Ohio road. Paateye nL Le THIS IS MY 55th BIRTHDAY. deme. T. Lloyd. 3 REPRESENT TIVE James T. Lloyd who has just received a renomination without opposition af the the shands of the Democra- tic voters of the First Missouri district and against whom the Republicans failed to nominate a candidate, was born in Canton, Mo., August 28, 1857. After finishing his college education in 1878, he taught school for several years. , At the same time he studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1882, Since 1885 he has been engaged in the practice of his profession in Shelbyville, Mo., where he served as prosecuting attor- ney for four years. He was elected to Con- lars dealing with the conditions at the slaughter houses were given to Mr. Cushing by the aldermen, who had just returned from a visit to the slaughter hous in the N office, in my presence. Surely, Sir, proper knowledge. IT also know that you had nothing to retract, as the re- port was correct, and absolutely true. You also state that your representative and the Chief of Police called at the site on Satur- day afternoon, and found cleaning going on, and thing in ship shape. This Sir, is not true, as T did not go to the slaughter DRAYING 864 , Toronto Street, houses with your representative. The only time I was there was when I went with the paign Committee. States, 65 years oid today. DR. ELMER B. Brown, chancellor of New gress in 1897 and has now represgyted his district continuously for fifteen y ars. To the public at large Representative Lloyd is perhaps best known as the chairman of the Democratic National Congressional Cam- ml ee CONGRATULATIONS TO: BELLAMY Storer, formerly prominent in the diplomatic service of the United York University and formerly United Mayor and Alderme : States Commissioner of Ediication, 51 years n in the morning, when old today. we found things, not in ship shape, but as you reported them in Saturday s paper. I thmk, Sir, that the fairest thing to have your own sewerage still further improvements can ba INVEST WITH ME AND BE LUCKY CENTRAL PARK Corner, blk 23, lots 1-2-3, 1500 Terms. Corner, bik 24, lots 37 to 40, 1650. Terms, Blk 29, lots 1-2, 900. Terms. Bik 25, lots 7-8,' 850, Terms, ROSEDALE PROPOSED TRACKAGE 100 ft, blk 3, 4000. Terms, 183 ft, bik 6, 4200 Terms, 50 feet on Main St, two blocks from railroad, 7500. Terms, 50 feet with shack on South Railway, 1800 cash. We have a few new houses in High School Annex and Nor. Yuill for sale on easy torma. We are still selling Altawana and have good buys in all parts of the city, Donald Currie Room 1, Becker Block. Phone 776. When you build, consider QUALITY first. Don t be per- Suaded to buy CHEAP LUM- BER because it's cheap use the very best. We have it, and ev- erything the Builder requires. A select stock ot LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGS. We have the agency for the celebrated Morgan Doors, THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL- Low Posts ah BEAVER BOARD J. A. LANDRY Carpenter Builder 711 Ottawa St. Phone 626, Box 881. Houses for sale, One under construction in High School Annex, Block 25; one on Ot- tawa St, finished, Block 83; One on Highland St, finished. Have several good lots on which I can build a house ac- cording to. your own design. creliminary plans supplied ree, See me for your alterations or job work of any kind, Will give it prompt attention. TAKE NOTICE The most reasonable. Quality Unexcelled. EUREKA BRAND BLACK SHINGLE STAIN PRESERVATIVE PAINT WOOD PRESERVATIVE PURE COAL TAR PITCH PURE. REFINED TAR COAL-TAR ALBERTA TAR DISTILLING:CO., Calgary Alberta, MADE IN ALBERTA Bob bebicitieiebiieiiefeiet ii B. Taylor s: Transfer i Light aud Geary Draying, Prompt Attention to all ordert. Plano Moving with Plano Yau Speclality, Drugsist ping ete aes of Toilet. ace has, ete ispensing of Physicians Pre. scriptions a specialty, 204 South Ry. St. Phone 75. CREE WILLIAMSON PATERSON Contractors. See Us for Sereen Doors and J Windows, BOX 353. 183-10. PHONE 712 Laundry Modern and sanitary i-every Fespect and the machinery is the best that money can buy. All white help employed. PHONE NO. 8. Your patronage solicited, And our drivers will cali for and return the goods. CitySale Stables Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sale. LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING. Hay for Sale. FRED McCLAIN PHONE 85, PROPRIETOR Heavy FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE BP. BOX 29, PHONE 67 FORMALIN FOR SMUT DON T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug and Book Store : : : H. B. CURTIS iON. LEADER LET US FIGURE WITH YOU BEFORE PLACING YOUR CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. Office Next to City Hall. CROSSLEY BROS. SS SSS Builders and Contractors. 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 P. O. Box 304. Estimates Free. Plans Prepared. SY OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONE NO. 68, 402 798 THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 168 TORONTO ST. Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal Graveb Excavating a Specialty. Light and Meavy Horses fer sale nt AN Times. F. S. LYON CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING Q RADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale, Yalll Street. Phone No. 415, P. 0. Box 81. a Fpsapepemepenneeeseneneeneeee een W.R.Simmonds CARPENTER AnD RR CARPENTER snp CONTRACTOR Repairs promptly attended to, Phone No. 335. lt; We Ca That is but it s tn this coun pay more and that s selling St 30 and F Dollar can t be baker cars best mate buy in the factories ; everybody the road t and uns faction. The Stu AGENTS: SCOTT MO CECIL FRA hi ctines.. Our bus We have been e our e Our commissto per bushel too anything to agen agents; you get PRICE at whicl sold, less our Ic mission. If your car is cannot wait for tions, and if you R. or G, T. P. E Bean Bros, For on the. CNR. 8 Bros. Port Arth If at all poss advise loading wagon into the NOTE A large Europe needs e to pay good pric value, don t sacr HAMILTON, W M. Grain Exchange, Refer The Pe No ESTIMATES FU Full supply of n Prompt service We will apprecit appreciate The F ROYAL BANK folnfetoteleiot
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Image 375 (1912-08-28), from microfilm reel 375, (CU1772435). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.