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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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I rtunity pair, 0 pair. pair. West Life As- PERRY eine Hat, Alta. es ent among the schedul re Dr. John W. Graham, University;. Prof. Paul of Swarthmore College: A. Jenkins, of the Uni-* icago; Amos Peaslee, of nd Oliver. W. Stewart, Tailor from Toronto Pressed by expert twear to those 2... light ice 5.00. medium ble sole. - day afternoon presented an animated W. ALP. AND. eB TELEGRAPING ie VOL. 3 NO. 43 MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA, THURSDAY. AUGUST 29, 1912 Conflict With States. (Special to Montreal, dng: 28.10 today' Le Devorr, Henry Bourassa, leader of the. French-Canadian Nationalists, deals with the attitude of the Eng- lish and press with regard to President Taft's message on the Panama legislation. He says: It may be taken for granted that this termoil will end, as all pre- vious Anglo-American imbroglios, at Canada s expense, for it is Canadian sea traffic that will suffer most from the discrimination.made'in favor of American goal trading. It will be settled'as the Maine and Ohio boundary dispute, the Atlantic fish- eries, the Alaskan boundary, the Clayton Bulware treaty all were set- thed, : (Fsom the first stay in London in 1901 and from personal conversation with various British statesmen and publicists, I have come to definite condlusion that the Imperial govern- ment, ith any party in power, will stand mything rather than risk on- flict with the United States. Tam not, however, to be counted among those Canadians who charge their statesmen with criminal negli- Bence or cowardness because of their passive and even at times-submissive attitude towards arrange of Yankees. They believe, and rightly so, that even if victorious Great Britain would gain nothing by war with the States, whilst she would make tre- mendous financial losses, zun the risk of famine anil serial revolution at home. This is known in Washington better than Ottawa, Mot and Toronto, where we lay deop im nar- row quietness childish pretensions of our colonial irresponsibility. No wonder, therefore, that Ameri- ean-rulers, indifferent us they ar to all pro-international honor and in- tegrity, should laugh at Britain's Canal ..ouble- Will End at Our Expense - Bourassa So Says Nationalist Writing in Le Devore British Parties Will Stand Anything Rather Than Risk the News.) protests. As to. Canadian wailings,' they mind then mo more than com- plaints remains undone tribes. The writer then says that England has encouraged the United States in its cycle attitude by giving it its moral support in war with Spain and by its of Boer Repub- lies in the Boer war, and concludes : Then if international compacts. are important to preserve peace and good order in the world, engage- ments between provinces and races of are equally essential serial order and national honor. The Canadian Confederation rests the terms of agreement accepted Anglo-Protestant majority and the French-Catholic. minority. How has this plighted faith been kept ? Hon- lor respecting law and national integ- rigrity observed ? A country in which notion of mor- al rights and good faith of minorities is weakened, soon loses the secret necessary strength to have its mater- ial rights respected by others, An old French proverable day's treachery always pays back Its mas.) F Let France of Taft ir Canada mediate over maxinm. A GREAT RECEPTION (WK. A. P. Dispatch) Quebec, Aug. 29. Rt Hon. R. L. Borden was given the greatestre- ception that a public man from over- seas ever received In England, said Hon, J. U. Hazen, minister marine and fisheries, on arrival of Royal B - ward this evening. In every ase he carried finselt with dignity and commanded respect of every one he met in England. Beautiful Exhibits; Judging Pro; Progresses Roots and Vegetables, Flowers. Etc. Have Been Completed Favored by ideal weather the Med- icine Hat fair is surpassing the most- sanguine . expectations 0 mittee in charge, and to say that it is proving to be an unqualified suc- cess s but expressing it mildly. The grounds, which were packed yester- scene. Thousands of gaily dressed women and men on pleasure bent witnessed the exciting and closely contested racing events, and that the efforts of those in charge were appre- ciated was amply demonstrated by the enthusiasm:-displayed by the specta- tors and the expressions of approval to be heard on every side, B Great interest is being centred in the various exhibits this year, for the * large prizes offered have had the effect of drawing competitors from every part of the west and from On- tario, and parts of the States. It is not going too far to say that the number of exhibitors doubles that of last year, and the stock shown are lof a much superior kind. The horses lat the fair are attracting widespread fattention, and it is safe to say that never in the history of the west has a filner bunch of horses been brought and all breeds are there from the fheavy draft stallions weighing over a ton to the miniature Sshetland pony. Probably the Clydesdales and Per- cherons- are attracting more attention than any other class, for these two breeds appeal more to the agricul- tural element than any others, and there are some excelent examples lof what sires and mares in these classes should look: like. The other classes are: Shires, heavy draft (unregistered) , Agricultural class (not (over 1400), Hackneys, Stand- Jard bred, thoroughbred, coach horses, carriage horses, roadsters, saddle horses, special harness horses (no registration restrictions) and delivery visitors at the Fair, JULY CONDITIONS: W. A. BUCHANAN, M.P. Medicine Hat's member. in the Fed- eral House, among the distinguished owth of the Kei WERE PROSPEROUS Answered. AND SATISFACTORY Call for Men forthe West Will Not be Adequately (W.-A. P. Dispatch.) Ottawa, Ont., month of July, just issued. workers. been fulfilled. showery and it however, and sturdy. warm throughout. OFFICES horses, (Continued on page three) the beginning In regard to the western jcrop the prediction, is made that the call for men will hot be adequate- ly answered, the Eastern provinces falling sbort in their own-supply and therefore being unable to furmish the This prediction has since, Aug. 29 That with few exceptions satisfactory and pros- perous conditions prevailed through- out Canada arene the mid-summer is U industrial and labor situation for the; LITTLE CUTTING WLI, - BE BONE THIS WEEK Rain Has Caused a Sever Setback in Some Sections Winnipeg, Aug. 29. Conditions yes- terday were not.such as to lead to an early restmption of harvesting operations. Heavy rains in some districts and showers in others giv ing no chanee ta dry off the grain. Probabilities. today are cool and Jodks as if little cutting will be done this week. Some districts of central Saskatchewan re- port that wheat has been. lodged by almost torrential rains. As a rule, straws unusually short Temperatures contints TOLEDO GETS CLOVER LEAP Toledo, O., Aug. 29. Today the removal of the general offices of the Toledo, St. Louis and Western Railroad from Chicago to this city The change, which is one of the re- sults of the separation of the /*Clo- ver Leai system from the Chicago and Alton, brings to Toledo about fifty of the road's principal execu tive officials and their subordinates. It is reported ip xailroad circles that the change in headquarters and the general shake-up among the high officials will be followed at once by of a vigorous cam- paign to increase the traffic of the road. grain saw EMPEROR HAS HAD MIGHTY G00 WAR MMDER HIS HAN So Says the Head of Cali- fornia University And He Never Used Tie He Continues. cw, i Feebievated ictori: pat dd fare cet a ag moatones Prof. Benjamin- ter, of the Uni- made the novel forty-eight he has had a under his hand, After regreting, yn relations, he territory but. arbitrary inter- of German jichi had caused the s navy. strongly the G said that it protection ference with development 0) p gt; TESTIFY 7 (WA RpDispaten) Hastford, Mikug. 29. Presi- Jaent Sam GOmpORMot the Americar Federation of arrived today to against members of North Amer- by D. E. Loe and es of 80,000 Of an alleged con- fons to injure the ntifts. testify in the, of the United joa In a suit b others tn which are asked bees spiracy by labor business of 4 PROSPECEOR SUICIDES (WA. B.Dispaten) Cobait* Opt. Aum 29. Apparently likely lovking ot Westbrook prospector, Harry Millfons i , a well-known jde in. HON. C. R. MITCHELL Minister of Public Works, one of the distinguished visitors. at the Fair. SCOTLAND YARD MEN DETAILED 10 GUARD BORDEN (C. A. P, Cable) London, .Aug. 29 Scotland Yard detectives have been detailed special- ly to protect Premier Borden from suffragette molestation during the re- New Automatic Phone System Within a Year Hon. C. BR. Mitchell and Dep Over Present System Brought Down at-Next uty Minister of Phones gok Fox oe aaio An Appropriation Will Be Session. - '. Harman, Deputy Minister of Telephones for -Al- nesta, accompanied Hon. C. terday and looked over-the phone system. R. Mitchell to the city -yes- As a result of their investigation they announced that at the next session of the Legislature the appropriation for a new telephone building will be brought down and as soon as possible gr time Medicine Hat may ther At pr average 1 figures change can handle at least the same expediency. pund will be broken. 2 and 3 seconds. In less than a years efore look for a new up-to- ribers here and the The present ex- 200 more subseribers with FOES OF SALOON TO MEET (Special to the News.) Toronto, Ont.; Aug. 29. Toronto has completed all preparations the reception and entertainment the many visitors expected here next week for the biennial conference the Anti-Saloon League of America. temperance advocates from Jnion and Noted nearly every State of the all of the Canadian provinces expected to take part in the confer - The sessions will be held inj one of the halls of Victoria Univer- date automatic phone system installed in'a new building. sity, peginaing Tuesday and contin nt there are 800 subs ence. ing three days. ors, public ganized labor drexs the gathering. Clergymen, educat - officials, leaders of or- and other men and women of wide prominence will ad- mainder of his stay. WELL DIGGER KILLED. QW. A. P. Dispatch.) (Ottawa, Aug. 28. Timothy Mur- phy, aged 45, a well digger, was it stantly killed this afternoon while digging a well on Barrett brothers farm, near Bowesville, five miles) from the city. He-was caught under the revolving crank of the drill, which fractured his skull. FATE CAUSES YEAR for of imtense today over the fate of the French officers held as hostages by the Moors at Marakesha, Morocco, Emissaries have been despatched to Marakesh by the French commander but have obtained no information. of are - EARTHQUAKE SHOCK. (WEA. P, Dispatch) Calumet, Mich., Aug. 29. believed to have been an earthquake shock was felt here at 5.41 o'clock this morning, being general in Calu- met district. The shook lasted sev - eral seconds and shook duildings. the bank in consequence of the re- make its higher rate effect MONEY DEARER, BUY Son haat FEAR NO STRMNCENCY 2 J October, the height of Paris, Ang. 28. Public anxiety was HON, DUNCAN: MARSHALL Minister of Agriculture; one of the distinguished -visitors at the Fair. RATE OF D'SCOUNT OF BANK OF ERCLAKD WAS RAISED TO-DAY Is a Protective Measure Against Inrush of Bills. QW. A, P. Cable.) London, Aug. 29. The rate of dis- count of the Bank of England was raised from 3 to 4 per cent. yes- The Bank raised its rate as a pro- tective measure against the inrosh of bills. Although the institution is in a strong Position to meet the gald ex- ber of American and other bills be- ing olered made th ey thar ke nervously raise its discount rates, foreing bills into the Bank of Eng- land. This necessitated the raising of the bank rate a month earlier than was the case last year. The indebtedness of the market to ent heavy discounting is expected:to enable the central institution +80 Says Toronto Mail and -Empit in Financial Bal; torial. cW, A. P, Dispaten) Toronto, Ont, Aug. 29. Under the: caption Will money be dearer? the Mail and Empire financial page will y tomorrow: There is a possibility that money in Canada may be dearer the coming autumn but there will be no string- ency. The call rate is 51 2 which rate has ruled here for several months. The banks will be in a better condition this year than ever jbefore to meet needed requirements for crop moving purposes. Note cir- culation in 1911 expanded from 89,- 000,000 in July to 105,000,000 in ciccylation. This is an increase of 1 ,000,000. With th same increase this y-ar dur- jing a similiar period the note circul- ation would expand from 96,000,000 to 112,000,000, still the latter amount is 1,500,000 less tnan the present paid up capital of Canadian jBecks, the capital of which has in- creas d 11,000,000 within welve months. The issue of emergency currency allows our banks a much larger privilege and the time of such issue is extended until the end of November. The total wheat yield previous years Was 250,000,000 bush- jing to conservative people, will not be much more NOVA SCOTIA ABSORBED (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Winnipeg, Aug.-28. A deal was completed today whereby the Winni- peg Fir Insurance Company, with a capital of over 100,000, was ab- sorbed. by the Nova Scotia Fire In- suranee Co., a premium being paid for stock and outstanding contracts being guaranteed by the maritime. EDMONTON'S NEW CHIEF TW. KP. Dispateny Edmonton, Aug. 29. Saunders Car- penter, of Montreal, has heen named as Chief of Police-of Edmonton, suc- ceeding A.C. Lancey, His salary will be 4,000 a year. EMPEROR BETT (W. A. P. Dispaten) Cassel Hesse, Nassau, Aug. 28. Anxiety concerning the health of Ei What ig Peror William has disappeared. His p+ aads that a charitable view of majesty is now practically as well as ever. We have good buys in all parts of the city, Let us show them to you Hollinger Agency. POSSIBILITIES OF GRMN ports to Egypt, the increasing num- els, and the yield this year, accord- Woman With Two . Long Knives Was Waiting: for Te Pittsburg Detectives Arrested Her at: Columbus Said That She Was Going to Going to Parish We. Columbus, Ohio, line Beers, aged 40, who said sha was from Greenville, Ohio, was arrested by Pittsburgh detectives at the South- ern Hotel while waiting for President Taft, with two long knives conceal ed in her clothing. The woman sald she was the wife of the president. Mrs. Beers said she was going to punish the president. She hud been noticed yesterday afternoon walting around the hotel and told employees that she was wulting for the Presi. dent. I have the sacred arrested. The woman did near. the Prexident) but was and rushed out, of the hotel Just as the president She was found: floors -prrived. one of the upper log keen: . of Whiel'a picture of President Taft had. been photographed. Mrs, Beers was well clad 4 roll fe for Presi ot : BLOCKADE ARE REMOTE Crops Maturing Two Weeks Earlier Grain. Pievators Are Euipty Saulpmety Increased, 'is Reason Given Be ae - (W. A-P. Dispatch.) Clagaey, Aug. 29. With the Stop jgrewers of gi maturing two weeks eatlier this year their efforts: Sk ea the elevators empty and increased ent,, and alsa Alberta grain crop to, market, the receive possibilities of a blockade this year Over 00 accordingto: a re- e- empty ready for 19 crops. i computed OW. A. P./Dispateh) Calgary, Aug. 20. The mittee of the Calgary Boa: which has been inquiring into pos- to sibilities of grain blockade this'year grain through markets, Copies of presented their report yesterday. the report were ordered sent to Tt states the-danger is reduced to Messrs. Bury and Price of the C. P. a minimum bassing it on three con- R., W. J. Tregillus, president, and tingencies, more cars in which to . J. Fream, speretary of the Unit- move crops, capacity elevators at ed Farmer's of Alberta, and to L. country points and two weeks ear- P. Strang, president of the Calgary lier harvest. The committed asks Grain Exchange. ACCIDENTAL DROWNING 1 ROE AE Montreal Frenchman Is wife was found Soating in the river Arrested in Connection some weeks ago. There were. only With Wife's Death ja few bruises om it, so the ease was disposed of as accidental drosning. Then. the -wife s brother for- ward showing lettets from the de- siderably tho effects afterwards aud comt will uadowbtedly prevent 2 conges - tion this year and enable elevators intain am incessant flow of (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Montreal, Que., Aug. 29. Charged ceased woman, saying her had with the murder of his wife, ae been threatened hy the lard Bourdrais, was arrested today ubsequ it is by Detective Girard, of-the Provin- gia eu food a ae : cial detectives. band's possession, while it da alleged z The case involves a river mystery that before her body 2 aaa which has baffled the police for he made statements to theveffect that weeks. The body of the prisoner's 'she was dead. Is the Way Borden s Greetiing of the Buttageve is Viewed by the Liverpool Post. (Cy A. P. Cable) lt;1) : London, Aug. 29. The newspapers and emphatic and says that the are wholly congratulatory to Prem- methods im which he was approached ier Borden on the manner in which was sear ely eotirteons, Bunglars or he handled the suffragette deputation. highwayman s methods will advance The Pall Mall Gazette says the way- no good to the Gause of women s suf Jaying of the Dominion Premier here frage. ? and threat ving bim with the con- Tt is. somewhat sequences of wi suffrage in his own land; is rather consummate piece of rudeness, 4 but probably the suffragettes have dis - covered the laws of hospitality are man-made and accordingly - require breaking. Canada will not. be incon- jsolable for the class of. emigrants whom the Women's Politieal Union threatens to send elsewhere. The Liverpool Post declares that the suffragettes met their match and: received a well deserved: snub. The noteworthy that a which, while deploring militancy, has cham- pioned the cause of women's suffrage, makes no comment. MONTREAL T (C. A. P. Cable) London, Aug 29. The proposal to held the next annual conference of the institute of journalists at Mon- treal, was discussed at yesterday's meeting, a resolution to that effect being utimately carried by a substan- tal-majority. We absolutely refuse to recommend dotage. investments on property that we The Westminster Gazette described Would not purchase ourselves. Hol Premier Borden's reply as spirited nger Agency. these childish stiggestions is that an ressive campaign has entered on it
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Image 382 (1912-08-29), from microfilm reel 382, (CU1772428). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.