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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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The Glasgow House oats The Northway C and Suits First shipment of these well-known garments have arrived... We will be pleased to show you Fashion s latest. Exclusive lines in Dr. Jaeger fine wool Shirt Waists. THE NEWEST SEE THESE. The Glasgow House The House of Fashionable Dressers i ROY: i BANK: CANADA. (Incorporated 1869.) AL Total Assets .. + 15,000,000 eee Special Attention i SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. es c. 'H. MeDunnough, POD orererrreeegs Fourth Aven DOr reeeeegeg THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. Capital Paid Up, Total Assets (Nov. 8th. 1911) over 81,000,000. A general Banking Business Transacted. Savings Accounts, W. 0. JOY, Manager : Established 1864, 180 Branches in Canada. 6,000,000. Special attention to + Medicine Hat Branch -NOTIGE-FO-BUILD We have opened an office in Suite IL, in the Im- -perial-Bank Buitding gt; We will be pleased to re- ceive ANY ORDERS or PAYMENTS OF AO- . COUNTS at our up Town Offices. J. H. PRESTON PLANING MILLS Manufacturers of Sash, Doors Special Millwork Phone Offices 760; Mill 60, lodhoetottontoetectentoeserte areeetonteesreteatectectontpcfoateets ERS Prairie Pride Patent Flour PROVE THE QUALITY. The Medicine Hat Milling Co y., Limited ; POOSOOOR ORS Tasker Transf er Co. LIGHT and HEAVY DRAYING 844 Toronto Street. BRTA * aii, b Pamsiy Hite, crnex8. await 20, Pak Boe Day 211 Night. Effective June 2nd, 1912, Arrive. Leave. 20.00 20.25 Toronto Exp., Vancouver to Tor, 21.50 22.15 St Paul-Seattle Express, 400 420 Geattle-St. Paul Express. 12 940 9.50 Soo, Ltd., Port.-St. Paul. time at Dunmore show: 8 months, delivered. 1 month, delivered....35 Addressee changed as otton as destred, but bot nuw and old ad resses at be given. WEEMLY NEWS, Published every Thursday tn aixteen or more pages, and Contains a/eumma-y of the news of the week, local and district. months, in advance 7 s 8 mouths, in advance. .500 1 year in advance.... 1.50 Thursday, August 22nd, 1912, SE EE a . BIe e . ER AND BETTER MEDICINE HAT S big*Fair is but a few days away. It will: open on Tuesday for three days. Last year was the most attendance, the number of exhibits, greatly exceeded other years; th -attractions were the best and the accommodation for the patrons nearly all that could be wished. This years , however, is to be as far ahead of last years , as last years was ahead of other years. Some of the best atractions on the road have been Sectired, avhile the number as compared to last year has been doubled. New buildings for ipi been erected and the old ones r providing for the housing of many hibits. The race programme whieh? al- ways proved a unique feature of the: Bair, will surpass other years. The purses have been inereased and this will mean bigger, better and faster fields. The merchants have co-operated with the Bair board and are all offering cut prices for goods, as an attraction to the farmers to come to the city and make their purchases and take in the Fair. On the whole Pres. Fleming has, with the able assistance of the directors, provided a Fair which should please the most exacting. Farmers, come to the Fair ; you are sure of your money s worth. se gee CONGRATULATIONS ARE DUE. THE NEWS that the residents of Toronto . street are rising to the occasion and *s putting no obstacles in the path of the Council to widen their street is good news. broad-minded; that they want to see the city develop, realizing that with the devel- opment of the city will come the develop- ment of their own individual interests. The Mayor and Council also are to be , congratulated in taking action in this mat- g, ter. It was only dealt with at a rec nt , meeting of the Council and already they have one.street almost signed up. It is to be hoped that they will continue to push this matter. A-city can get no better ad- vertisement or create a better impression than by having good wide business streets. ep CAPT. LORD of the California has replied to the charges made against him in connection with the sinking of the Titanic, He says they are unjust and unfair. As to whether they are or not, would it not be better to leave the matter to the Captain s conscience? If they are unfair, then no further injustice will be done him. But if they are true, will not the load he is carry- ing on his shoulders at present, and which he will continue to carry till death relieves him of his burden, collect ample toll with- out continued upbraidings. We all make mistakes sometimes, and Captain Lord is only human. eg TO represent the great Peter Stuyvasent, now departed, in Philadelphia s his- torical pageant, the promoters will have to secure a one-legged beggar. Even hard on a beggar to represent a dead one. ia I WENT up to heaven, knocked on the gate; St. Peter let me in and now I have returned, says a Mississippi woman. She may be right, but 20.20 2045 Imp. Ltd., Montreal to Vanvouver 61 2125 91.50 Prairie Exp., Winnlpog to Calgary. 62 5.25 J6.60 Prairie Exp. Calgary to Winalpeg. S05. Express from Kootenay Landing. 19.00 Local from Cranbrook. 23.00 Local from Calgary. 528-511 10.80 Local for Cranbrook. 520-513 28.00 Express for Kootenay Landing, 515 630 Local for Calgary. 11 --230...2.40 Soo, Ltd., St. Paul-Port. Nos. 11 and 12 do not come into Medicine Hat. Passing PHONE: Raitorial, Beportorhe, and News Dept 13 Rive 3. BG 21 DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 2 yar, delivered.... 4.90 3 year by mall.. . . 3.00 months, dilivsred.. 300 6 months, by mail 1.50 100 8 months, by maf. .. e Suecessful in the history of the Fair. The It evidences the fact that-the-citizens- are Faw toes tet went to the welcome extended to the C. N. R. ht-of-y agent when he came to Me e Hat. aaa , the looking glass. Sree g r is sai new i - feeling that exists, to exist, bet- Medicine Nat Dews ween the two gountries. The recent arrest Published by the Medicine Hat News Co, Ltd, every lawful evening a: its office, Main Street. Medicine Hat, Alts, the publie feeling. a school. gS cousin ? -o . thew do to er-r-r-an unpretty face. small as a vote for her: ig test monial fishing. a oO PUBLIC OPINION. Beaten. North Pole fame, no longer stands alone. Consolation. tenth of that amount to lose. don Free Press. 0- THIS IS MY 42nd BIRTHDAY Daniel R. Anthony, Jr. Daniel R. Anthony, Jr., who represents the First district of Kansas in the national house of representatives, was born in Leay- Daniel R. Anthony, who was for many years prominent in public affairs. in Kan- sas. The younger Anthony was educated in the Leavenworth public schools, . the Michigan Military Academy, and the Uni- versity of Michigan, receiving his univer- sity degree in 1891. After completing his university career he travelled extensively abroad and then returned to his native city to follow in the footsteps of his father as a newspaper editor and publisher. After serving two years as Mayor of Leaven- worth Mr. Anthony was elected to Congress on the Republican ti ket in 1906 and is now serving his third term. CTS ee gs in VT THIS DATE IN HISTORY 1776 Lord Howe, the British commander, * landed 10,000 men and 40 guns near Gravesend, L. I. 1818 The Savannah, the first steam vessel to cross the Atlantic, launched at Colears Hook, New York. 1828 Richard Peters, who was secretary of the Continental board of war throughout the Revolution, died in Philadelphia. Born there, June 22, 1743. 1846 New Mexico annexed to the United States after a protracted war. 1849 Venice surrendered to the Austrians after a long seige. 1864 Fort Morgan, Mobile Bay, surrend- ered to Farragut. 1878 The independence of Servia pro- claimed at Belgrade. 1911 De Vinci s famous painting, the 9 YOUR brains have no more to do with inking than your liver , says a noted physician. What does your liver think about it? Mona Lisa, stolen from the Lou- vre, in Paris. the G. T. R. Such exhorbitant prices have been demanded of the right-of-way agents that the Company he ithdrawn . Pa ve eee 4.05 8.30 Imp, Led, Vancouver to Montreal, t0m the ficld. T Red contrast 11.15 11.84 Vamequver Exp..Tomptoto Van. INVEST WITH ME AND BE LUCKY CENTRAL PARK Corner, blk 23, lots.1-2-3, t600 Terms. Corner, blk 24, lots 37 to 40, Terms, Bik 29, lots 1-2, 900, rerms: Blk 26, lots 7-8, 850, Terms. ROSEDALE PROPOSED TRACKAGE 100 ft, blk 3, 4000, Terms, 183 ft, bik 6, 4200 Terms. 50 feet-on Main St, two blocks from railroad, 7500. Terms, 50 feet with shack Railway, 1800 cash. is almost-ashard to ith your own temperament as with another person s, You never know, when you get up in the morning, whether you are going to see an angel, a devil, an optimist, or a pessimist staring at you from THE ARREST of German spies working in England will certainly not heal the on South and sentence of a German spy to 18 months imprisonment has served to greatly inflame We have a few new houses im High School Annex and Nor. Yufll for sale on easy terms. We are still selling Altawana THE coming of the Fair is heralded and buys in all welcomed by boys, girls and all. Still it cannot help but bring a little sadness to the former. It is the culminating event of two months glorious liberty. ith the passing of the Fair comes the opening of and have parts of the city, Donald Currie Room 1, Becker Block. Phone 776. BOPP EERE EPP rieieefeler R. B. Taylor s Transfer Light and He Prompt Attention Fe aars, Piano Moving with Piano Yi a Bpeclality. Parcels Delirerea, *PHONE NO. 349, A Frisco woman blames her husband s cousin for breaking up her home. Did you ever, fair reader, meet your husband s GRIMACES spoil a pretty face, the lat- est fashion note. It fails to tell what Carpenter Builder TIL Ottawa St. o A MODERN Jeanne D Are captured phone 496, Box 881, Jaurez the other day. Nothing so See me if you want a home. Special attention given to the building of Modern Houses, Designs and preliminary plans supplied. TOO many hooks have spoiled the matri- HOUSES..FOR SALE. Regina Leader. The Toronto News has made another discovery. This time the discovery is- that an-increase in the build- ing permits ina number of Canadian mun- icipalities for July, 1912, as compared with July, 1911, has been due to the defeat of reciprocity. As a discoverer, Dr. Cook, of Orillia Packet Mr. H. Willoughby Laird, once editor and proprietor of the Cobourg Sentinel-Star, estimates his loss in the Regina cyclone at 125,000. In a way, it serves him right. If he had stuck to journalism he never would have had one- The Detroit divorce court judge who placed a ban on Canadian divorce cases rendered this country a service. If Wind- sor clergymen would reciprocate by refus- ing to make a Gretna Green for Detroit couples they would reurn the favor. Lon- WILLIAMSON PATERSON Sa won See Us for Screen Doors an Windows, BOX 353. mo, PHONE 712 enworth, Kas., August 22, 1870, the son of 183-1m0. Steam Laundry Modern and sanitary in every respect and the machinery is the best that money can buy, All white help employed, PHONE No. 8. solicited, And. our drivers will cali for and return the goods. Your pat CitySaleStables Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sale, LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING. Hay for Sale, FRED McCLAIN PHONE 85. PROPRIETOR House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. *Phone 260, When you build, consider QUALITY first. Don't be per- suaded to buy CHEAP LUM- BER because it's cheap use the very best. We have it, and ev- errthing the Bullder requires. A select stock or LUMBER, DOOKS, SASH, FIR .FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGS, We have the agency for the telebrated Morgan Doors, THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL Low Posts ee BEAVER BOARD FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE P.O. BOX 2 , PHONE 57 FORMALINE FOR SMUT 50c....Quart 25c....Pint DON T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug and Book Store: : H. B. CURTIS HOTSON LEADER LET US FIGURE WITH YoU BEFORE PLACING YOUR CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. Office Next to City Hall. CROSSLEY BROS. SE Seay Builders and Contractors. 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 P. 0. Box 304. Estimates Free. Plans Prepared. XXXSXx OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONE NO. 868, 2 728 THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST. Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal Gravel Excavating a Spectalty. Light and Heavy Horses for sale at All Times, F. S. LYON CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale, Yuill Street. Phone No. 415, P. 0, Bor 81. ee W.R.Simmonds CARPENTER anp CONTRACTOR CARPENTER anp CONTRACTOR J.J. LAIT 116 MONTREAL TREET Repairs promptly attended to. Phone No. 335. sere TI Ky P. gt; Eb rsrororiedr costo rirteetetortoroeetostosoctetndte hedectedodtodtoctetpatertectc st Poste foes ce-ato-et e os e tos fe DO Seats 1 *s es ook So-08e- 1M *e *e poate i Wha The Toronto Satu following to say of In Medicine Hat, and one-half miles f are on the market, who tried to get a the conduct of the are pumping artific isolated patches of ing on the natural cine Hat enjoys. 7 IL a. Medicine Ha supply of natural g
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Image 335 (1912-08-22), from microfilm reel 335, (CU1772434). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.