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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Page Five om over Souch's 17343 e roomed (new) age, All conven- Immediate pos. wne Co., Auc- . Phone 481 ltgatt SP aelestp eoaipeteafoetndoateeteetrsieetesteateetretet re PoeUPe Pert eee SPORT NEWS SS IS-LAST aoe iJ : barn, Columbia 0 head of herses. r,.877 Esplanade, .. 17141 mo. FOUND, sou. Owner can applying at the ying for this ad. 17848 EBD. x the return of and colt, white nd tail, branded as star on right last with her colt rank Carey, Med- r26, FO S-15stw i 5 yrs. old, with big white spot-on nd legs, branded left jaw. Lost, 60. 10 reward. . Fe-l-4tw HAY few cars of good at lowest market A. B. Smith, Sun- If you want a good ser- viceable tie, one that is all the rage in New York and the big cities East we have it and at a 50c each the -same price that they are sold all over the American contin- ent. Drop in and look them over, Turpin Bros. The Man's Stone Where You Get the Big Dollar's Worth OE SHAUGHNESSY. WILL ADDRESS THE DRY FARMING CONGRESS GPR. President and Gov t. Officials will. Journey West am Special Train. sed on goods con- sale: Apply H: 866 Toronto St. me 481. See our where of auction NEOUS sts, outfit break- Apply Furrow, 165dtf S' AND GENTS g, shoes, watches. 4 : werd, valises, puit ical instruments, t waggonus, bug- cyeles, carpenter 58 and furs, horse thers, bought and Harvard Tailoring avenue, opposite P.O. box 701, st-Prices Paid for 23Dtf. Calgary, Feb, 2 It is announced by the secretary of the dry farming congress, Lethbridge, that president ( Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, accepted the proposition of the congress to de- liver an address at the meeting in Lethbridge. It is added that Sir Thomas will iiake the trip across) Canada in a special train, will include Hon.-R- L Borden, the prime minis ter, the Hon. Robert-Rogers, minister of the interior; Martin Burrell, minis- ter of agriculture, and George Bury, vice-president and general manager. DIPLOMATS TO DECIDE - FUR . The above have election of Second 9 city. We carry and Bedding, new Clothing, Clocks, Rifles, Guns, Re- , Harness, of winter goods. ; mentioned above rices: Calt-at-50 or Phone 687, Smuggler Shot and Body Now Lies Across Russian Austrian Boundary. Vienna, Fab. 2 The body of a Rus sian smuggler lies across the Russian- Austrian frontier surrounded by arm- ed guards 0 remain thi re till the diplomats arr- ang -what-is to bedone-about it The body has lain there five days ince the smuggler and a comrade crossing the frontler-were shot ty Russian Cos- sacks. Matters were complicated by a statement by the man s companion which fe supported by tracks on Aus- trian soll that the man was shot in Austria and carried by the Cossacks to the boundary, where he now lies, his head in Russian and his legs in Austria. STOLE TROUSERS Calgary Hotel Thief Hel Himself to Guest s Gar- ments. root. irella Corsets made uarantesd against 1g. Phone 694. or 72. Mrs, Jean Mat- 168dim (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Caigary, Feb. 2. A series of aexiog : thefts took piace about four o'clock Thursday morniig at the Charles ho- , Main St tel, 223 18th avenue west, when a Rates Reasonabl man of medium height took four -OTMA e 1 pairs of. trousers from four rooms, rOTMAN While the occupants slept) (eseuring nographer from the pockets of three of them mogroa about 130. The man awakened tha : * folding . cretipant of one room as He entered and Con- ve s, Imperial Bank and told the owner of the trousers that be could come after them if he wanted them: back, but the owner de- cided he wonld follow later. CALGARY BANK CLEARINGS. + 95. Fourth Avenue. tt, B.A.Sc. Engineer, erta Land Sutveyor pur Railways, Sewage Irrtgntton, Calgary, Alta, Feb, 2 This weeks, bank clearings show an increase of 63) per cent over those of corresponding weok Inst: year. They amount to 4,- 133,910 against 2,681,317- for Inst, year. LIN, OUTTAT, Momorrow eveniiig will positively be Brown's Rink Won : Consolation Prize RETIRED COP. Wi BE EARL OF: FIFE COAST-COP S HARD. CHASE AFTER THIEF Murdered Speed Laws in IG. Duff is the Claimant - Paxi and Succeeded in Finals in Last Event of Curling, Bonspiel Played Last Seas PAPE Chese when Catching His Man. Night Hopper and Disilop to Play Off for Points Vancouxer, Feb. 1 After an ox- : (CW; A Be Cable) iting chase in a taxi cab covering e ft is protmile that the finit two who tied wil, play-off for first. and second prizes, Laidlaw retaining bis third position, Hutchinson and Johnstone playing Tor fourth place, T. A. Finlay scored 30 it above Petition was played lest might be tween Dr: Holt and M. A. Brown, the scoring being Brown 11 amd Holt 8. Results Hopper London, bal Chalmers Dutt, a retired 1 man, who fs the claimant-of the -Barkiom of Fire, ir the Irish Peerage; is in no hurry to press his claim, A Sydney N.S.W. despatch-to the Dally Mail says he was playing chess when the reporters saw him at his Homie in Melbourne. much of the West and incidentally the man who had held up Jonn Tal- lemach, 3183 Albernie Street, some time before. Taliemach was alse there and identified his assailant. He claimed to be an englishman trem a general dulisiess: will probabl: Disilop taidiew Johnstone contest but a question was raised as to whether sufficient witnesses were present abd the matter has not yet been decided. NOTHING tawa. Toronto, Feb: 1 Progressive and democratic legislation, as Premier R. P, Roblin. of Manitoba calls it,-in the-form of-apublic-service-commis sion will be created at this session of the western province government, Premier Roblin and Hon. . P. Camp- bell, minister of Public Works, arriv- ed at the Queen s Hotel this morning on their Way home from Ottawa where they presented the Manitoba side of Says Premier Roblin of Manitoba, Speaking of the Re- sults-of Boundary Conference Just Closed at Ot- SETTLED was settled, said the premier, we simply presented our. case, I-conciuded-my-argument, as it were, and judgment wil be handed down at a later date, Whether it will be facorable to us or not I can- not say. Mr. Borden has publicly stated that he will give us equality and retain the public domain for the Dominion. (Ww. AP. Edmonton, Aite,, Feb. 2. The grea- ter pant of yesterday s session of the legislature was taken up with the continuation of the discussion in com- mittee of the whole of the bill am- ending the charter of the Canadian Northem Western Railway whereby they get power to construct a num- er of additional branches to those was strenuously opposed by members Of the opposition who wished to have the clauses in compel ing the company to construct four hundred instead WHO OWAS: a for lat year. Tie sino two hundred-miles a jear and that no work shall start until the right of tion A. new O.P.R- ticket office will-tikely be built-in-the-city during the course of the next summer. It ia understood that the building will .be erected on the corner of South Raslway and Main, Streets opposite the Thousands Toronto of Work. Toronto, Ont., Feb. 2 Thousunds ot-men and women: in Toronto today are without employment. Hundreds are absolutely without means of thair own and must live-as best they can. This does not apply to the men of tha ey trad s who are naturally work during the winter ons The situation im regard to female employment is especially bed. i:o-es in many cases have discharged shop girls and-are taking-on no more. The son tinue till the spring. TROMBONE, the latest-date at which games in. the points competition cam be played off at the curling rink, Telephon For all kinds of Job Printing try the News Office. Make C.N.R. Build 400 Miles Yearly Instead of 200 Opposition Strenuously Opposed Amendments to Rail- way s Charter Government said that it would be such a Change. CPR. will Put up New Building on Main and South Railway Street this Summer. is Report. Food or Work Condition of Affairs in the Queen City Stores Discharg- ing Clerks and Result is that Many Females are out. Dispatch? proceedings begun. Members of the governmint side contended thet it would -be unfair to place such a*provision in this charter, when dozens of others had been gran ted from time to, time without any such restrictions: The leader of the opposition, Mr. Michener, endeavored to get details of the government rail- way policy as it related to this bi but the Premier absolutely. refused to disclose the policy further till the pills for guarantee are brought down next week. Mr. H. A, Master, K.C., of Torom to, is here assisting the government to formulate its railway legislation. company occupy premises in the Al- stood: that the lease of that property runs out November next. The pro- where it-6-proposed to erect the building is owned by the C,P.R. and is at present adorned by tiothing but a high board fence. . court -mourning for the Duke of Fife perta Hotel building but it is under- 8 He expressed nO lt;Surprise that his .o ), Hi name had-been mentioned in connec- sree onder a vary heave millooy tion with the as he Js well moustache as he-was,ied away to his acquainted with the history of his own family. He Ped to realize that there is probablymo. estate attached to this Earldom. was not st all exelted at the prospect of becoming Earl of Fite, He declared that if his title were not acknowledged he would be content to r main in Melbourne, CW, AEB: Cabley London, F b, 2 The five weeks cell. Among his. possessions were two watches and a loaded revolver. A roll of silk valued. at 600 was taken from-GMll Bros., Tuesday-night was recovered. OVER 3).1 OMORE -GARS OF CRAIN IN ordered by King George has caused a surprise as it ig longer than the per- fod commanded of the Duke of Teck, Queen Mary's father. However, the period of mourning ending Mar.-6th, affects. only two great official func- tions, the Thanksgiving service in St. OW. A: P, Dispaton) Winnipeg,. Feb, 2 The- Dominion of Canada s grain inspection department has issued official figures of grain ed out of the, city on the way-north Tablets. Druggists refun 1911 THAN 1910/5 New Leeated at 312 South Railway St. 3 Doors East of Bank of Montreal. Telephone 79. + * 1t2diz TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY NEW DREADNOUGHT ROLLS Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine: W. A. P. Cable.) id money if it London, Feb. 2 Reports are cur- E, W. GROVES signa- BS rent in reaval-circles- that Great Bei- Rain's latest sup rinearnowys-, the Orioo, almost turned turtle in the Bay of Biscay. Whether or not. her instability. is such as to give grounds for serious elenm is not known dut ted to be begun here this afternoon: badly. Baars and the opening of parliament. handled at this point for the first PREREEEE EEE EEE his will not mecessitate the. post- five months of tha grain year, ae ponement of any courts or interfere September Ist to J: 56. stow HOME SEEKERS * with or levees, ing. dig increase as compared with A ent Rolis EXCURSIONS. z same period a year previous cen 2 Grain shipments for the five months .. Assessment Notices There's many a home seek- BIG INVASION OF. smsecsh eit ein tee Nevins. HE Slag ace f ae year, or 2 I I- an increase of 32,806 cars we pes inders ly conducted, too, by readers. + NORTH? PREPARING ceitt. The distribution of this increase Receipt Books Hef of The Daily News Want-Ads. of was ks follows: Canadian Letter Pa e + If you have property for + 50,798 ogainst 36,154 cars, Canattian zn +f rent rooms, houses, cot- * Hundreds of Settlers will go Nortiem 19,617 against 15,111 cars, - EUVEIPES: ete. ete. 2 ee ee ee to Grand: Prairie with Grend Trunk Pacific 8,776 against ) - home : 4,099 cars, Great Northern: 2,988 * through the Wants; bid pos- + i Took Goming of Spring. ein Sidenote at ot stein EE Satu tre teas Eduionton, Feb. 2. It was said last , PILES CURED IN 6 ef The Wants cost but 25 for + fnte when long lines of laden slelghs Your druggist will cet eeu el THE WS one insertion, 3 for 50c, one + drawn over the showy trails by big PAZO- OINTMENT faites to aay *f MEDICINE HAT, - ALBERTA. + week for 1.00. + farm horses, slow eltimsy oxen, pass- se of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Phone 13, two rings. + rrotruding Piles in 6 to.14 days. 50c. oo bbe be ob desk be bebe to Grande Prairie and the Peace Riv- er country by way of the long Ath- Wasea trail that Edmonton was wit- nessing the last great trek of western civilization, byt the statement Was In- correct, The movement to Grande Prairle this winter direct from Ba- monton over'the five hundredymile Athabasca trail is creater than.ever. Grande Prairie settlers of-one, two oF three years standing have come down. from the north and are taking in their year s supplies, over the old trail and-many new-settlers are using It to make thelr first trip north. Although there are hundreds of set- tlers going north from Edson by way of the shorter trail, the severe gradi on, that road are being avolded by the greater number, even at the expense of a much-tonger journey: In-the out- skirts of Hdmonton many outfits are being made reday Tor the tong four ney. Settlers are loading machinery, seed, grain and household effects and within the next few days many out- (fits will start north if the trails re main favorable, One.or two thresh- ing outfits are being taken north to be ready for next season s work. Steam plowing outfits will also be seen on next year and with the fnereased population, develop- ment work there will procped more rapidly than ever. SSSSssosssssessss Cine-Satard 6 only, Tapeatry 2 only, Tapestry GIFT OF A DYING TOT Savings of a Little Child Dying of Tuberealar Trouble Goes to Help in Haven t AGAIN BOMBARDING Perim, Arabia, Feb. 2 The Italian warships have renewed their activity in the-Red Sea. The Turkish fort at Sheik Sald was shetred spam twoaay. Yesterday It was expected that Hodet- da would -be bombarded by-the Italian destroyers, but they have confined their attention to shelling mall crafts and,villages along the const. St, Barnabas Social Aid of the Wo- held-at-Mrs. Wal gt; residence, 643 Balmoral -8tTuesday, Feb, 6th. Mr. J, E, Howson has moved his stock of wines and spirits to 312 of the Bank of Montreal. 11202 37246, South Railway Street, three doors east . tie Consumptive Poor Z : How. true it is in many difforent walks of tfethat alittlechild shall lead them. We Have been shown a copy of a letter writt-n hyn Indy of St. John, N.B., who only child, a yitl of nine veut ubereuiay trouble. The mother s ows words tell the story better than it can the told in avy other way. Sho writes to the Secretary of the Muskoka Free Hospi' al roo Coenne pe at Gravenhurst in these word: Vhile my loved one was il , I one alzhy opened some Literature from-you at eclside. - She asked mo what it we 1 her it was a piper asking for u skola. isumptives, und showed her the mpiiet. She asked if not give what she had in her ngs ba I told her * Yex to f to the doctor ain he would send it int she wus too sick when he came again, o Lam enclosing an express order for the inthe ths Wika 81 pubscription, b ou will ees cplesecda whidh it wan only, Reed Lady SSTTESTSIESSSS 6 only, Quilts, an 2only, Tapestry + typioal of many that, sty ly received at the head office it Hospitas, 347. King St. W., Sale Every At tho present time there ai astienta in residence in the Mankoka Free i;mpital, 128 of whow are ntiable fo pay J iple cont, und the other 28 onlynominal surme eerch ten ey nctoal cost of muinten During the nine years that Free Hospital for Con: ves has been opened, not single Was ever been refused yadmission unable to pay. -Phone 51 SRSSSTE LES ESSE AN ACCIDENT That these splendid bargains are otal for your investigation will bring the opportunity. Lo below. 3 pairs Lace Curtains, assorted... - 2.50 to : 3 only, Chenille Bath Mats. oe oe 4 only, Large Arm Rocker, Oak, Elm, Mah ee eA i ogany, ste, Regular 3 2 only, Oak. Parlor Stands 3.25. 1 only, Sea Grass Stand 3.50. 12 only, 85 Diners, 3 for 2.00, 3 only, ae Black Keratol 24 in. and 26in. Suit Cases. lar 2. 4 only, White Bedspreads 2.75 each. 15 pieces to choose from, Pitchers, Bowls, Tea-pots, Tea-sets etc. WatCh for Friday s Papers J. J. MOORE SSSSTSISSSSSSSSSSS SSS 98989955S9 585 9) No. Every Saturday ay. at 1 p.m. and oe t is. Ts ecified Below For 2.00 CARPET DEPT. and Velvet ae Splendid-patterns good col- 2.50 to 3.50 Table Covers. Reg. 3.00. FURNITURE - 50. s Rocker. Reg. 3.50. pee EXTRA SPECIALS. 50 and 2.75. Ail Snap. Table Covers. 1g... 3.00, CHINA ASSORTMENT. - Saturday During February. 5. . North Railway St.
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Image 177 (1912-02-02), from microfilm reel 177, (CU1770829). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.