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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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uary 20th, 1912 MEN TO LEARN special summer? ; and save money, Moler System Col- Calgary. 204dtt NTED For latest fect gasoline. light best and best light Exclusive terri- ermanent business. Calgary, Alta, AD 1G MAN to drive - + State age, exper- Permanent job to ly--by Jetter to box 16248 WANTED or three furnished ern house, suitable ning. Apply. to box 159aee camith shop, Wit) elling house above, e: Box 1006 15048 - FOUND, - ng, Initials G.B.D., Todd's store Sat- der kindly phone lozate a less watch inscrib- dysmith, 118 days dover, H.M.S. Pow- ronto St. and Port- to elty police. Re- on colt coming two tripe down face, t hip. Frank Cor- Alta. 16146 a OR RENT eter T in Imperial bank eral suites. All es. Apply News 1saate INEERS CO, Live Stock uctioneers; farm specialty; house will receive- our Goods of any de- tered for our reg- onthe Market ced on goods con- e sale. Apply H. , 866 Toronto St. one 481. See our where of auction ANEOUS gS AND GENTS* 18, shoes, watches, vers, valises, suit sical instruments, at waggons, bug- icyeles, carpenter es and furs, horse thers, bought and Harvard Tailoring avenue, opposite P.O. box 701. et Prives Paid for 23Dtt. HAT HIDE, FUR ). The above have election of Second e city. We: carry and Bedding, new Clothing, Clocks, Rifles, Guns, Re- Buggies, Harn ss, 1e of winter goods, -mentioned above prices. Call at 504 or Phone 587. :-beg-to-announce ned a cleaning and th Ave, All work gt; satisfaction. New goods bought and LL, Barristers, So- otaries, Medicin of Toronto St phone 614. P. O. 105D ae ae NDON, Barrister, - ry, Medicine Hat,- itt Block, Room 2; . box 540. 63Dit CARDS. vertified Maternity ast Allowance. Box 16146 .MACHINES ang gt; ing Pianos and Railro 80- copies daily, 900-clroulated In city te) + Thursday, Advertisers in Daily got benefit of the Weekly country oiroulation no extrweharge. Books open to advertisers. DAILY EDITION W. ALP. AND C. A PL TELEGRAPHIC SERVIC VOL. 2 NO 164 lt;u, C.P.R. BRIDGE TO MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA. MONDAY. JANUARY 22, 1912 BE TRIPLE TRACK Statement that. City was to Be Sidetracked by the Railroad Proven'a Canard, as a Three, Instead of Two, Track ae Bridge Will Replace the Present Structure ice CITY TO BE JUNCTION POINT OF TWO MAIN LINES That Medicine Hat is not to be side-tracked by the C.P.R. as was reported from Cal- gary is evidenced by the information secure he treble-tracked and. work is now underway for one of O.P-R; operations in the history of The Hat, as well as adding an addition to the city which will have results which it is impossible to estimate. Forty men are now at work on digging operations, and according to the concensus of opinion of those who have the workin hand, the new bridge will be complete some- wher in fall. An enti one, as was at first thought. The presentice conditions d this morning that, he O.P.R. bridge is to he greatest extensions of the ely new bridge is to be built, and not an extension of the old on the Saskatchewan River make a great saving in labor, and shouldthe officials decide to rush the work there will be about 100 men in all employed, It is at present impossible to estimate the exact figure which the railroad will appro- definitely known that an amount exceeding 300,000 will Three new piers, will be erected to support the new priate for the work, but it is be spent on the enlargement. spans that will be placed on the bridge, than thos at present there. bridge will be completely trans beextended to the other side of tlie River. are insufficient for the purpose of coping wi sent being handled: When the work is complet Beside the added piers which will be erected there will abuttments on both sides of the river, an erections made as early as possible, The result to the city of the erection of the new bridge will be only it will mean that the land on the other side-will be open for traffic, but there will be a great inducement to manufacturers for the location of industries. each of these spans being considerably larger e the whole aspect of the formed and it is expected that the railroad yards will It has been found that-the-present yards th the enormous amount of traffic at pre- be big erllargernents to the d work is now hastily proceeding to have. the inestimable. Not With part of. the yards on the other side there would be a great saving in the cost of freightage and there is little doubt that stores and residences reason for trebbling the bridge trackage 5 S which itself is to be doubled, and the two branch lines which run west of the city, one to Kipp, cine Hat the centre for the three lines, practically freight will pass through here. Women than Men igs Why Suffrage in England? Mor e i 53s London, Jan. 22. One of the stron gest points in the argument against the grant of the suffrage to women 18 the fact that in the United Kifigdom Women outnumber men, and- that to give them the vote would mean hand- ing the government of the country over-to-them,a revolution that anti- suffragists say would be too serious to contemplate. would rapidly follow in their wake. is the increased business on the main line, The off the main line just and the other through the irrigation belt, making Medi- An official estimate of males and females of twenty-five years andqyver in the United Kingdom, excluding ali- ens, paupers and other persons dis- qualified for enrolment as parliamen- tary voters, places the number of males at 10,107,000 and that of fem- ales at 11,319,000 in 1912 and by 1916 it tg estimated that the numbers would be 10,480,000 and 11,729,000 respecti- vely. : . ad Magnates Killed in Wreck Four Were Riding in Private Coach when Fast Train two main lines, as mostly all-Crow - HIG FRAUDS Camorra s and Army Offi- cers have Beat Italy out of a Great Deal of Money. (CW, A P. Cable) Rome, Jan. 22. The exposure of gi- gantic frauds in connection with food for the army has created a great sen- sation. Members. of the Camorra at Naples are accused of co-operating with officers of the commissary de- partment in overcharging the war of- tice by 100,000 1 weight of cattle through giving them barrels of water to drink, after. feed- ing them with dry hay and salt. Oxen affected -with the foot and mouth dis- ease were sold to. the government and the contractors after evading th pay- ment of customs duties on coffee and on sugar, persuaded the office to pay. duties. Several officers and commissioned officers have been ar Grashed-Inte Rear Three Trainmen -and-Many Passengers Hurt. sntralla, hs Til, Jan, 22, Jas. T. . former president of the Il- mitral; Frank O, Milder, sec- ond viee president of the Rock Island; Eppierce, general solicitor of the Rock Island, and Bldridgo B. Wright, zon of Luke Wright, formerly secretary of war, were killed in a collision of two Illinois Central trains at Kingmoudy early today. Three trainmen were in- Jured and the passengers In the coach- Kingmoundy. when train No. 3, Lim- ited, crashed into the rear of number 25. The killed were In. the. private jcar-ot Mr, Petcher, Their bodies were found in the berths they had occupied. Only one occupant of the private car, the private secretary of Mr. Melcher, escaped, The engine of No. 3 plowed its way through the car and was stop- ped by the steel coaches immediately preceeding. The engineer and fire- man of the Limited were slightly 1- es badly shaken and bruised. Train No, 25, known-as the New Orleans- Express, was taking water at ured but were able to take the train gouth as soon as the wreckage was cleared away. PLOTS; COUNTER PLOTS AND EXECUTIONS ARE RAMPANT Persia is Lively with Various Troubles Holding the Boards Many are Banished to Siberia Executio- ner a Busy Man. Teheran, Jan. 22. A plot to kill one of the Amefican-officials has Veen aiscovered and this explains. the at- tempt against the American, Col. Bruce, attached to the Trickery Gen- darmes, Who was. shot at while lea ing the Barracks on Jan. 16th, a for- mer officer Of the gendarmrs has madg confession, and which Ke m- plidites hiruself. The object appears have beenito create a polfiical in- ident in the United States ould be involved. A court martial at Tabriz bas been busy sentencing Coristitutionalists to death and exile. have been sent to Siberia from Resht These towns are in the hands of the Russians. Andrassian, the princt- pal Persian Armenian in Tabriz has been hanged on the charge of comp ity in the recent fighting. Appeals from the Armenians, the bishop of Ishapan and from varioug Influential bodies against this execution were ignored, as it was stated that-tt-will have a bad effect on the Armenian forces which are largely responsible for the maintenance of order. rested in connection with the frauds, es JA. DOBBIN NOW TICKET AGENT Robert Sewell s Duties are Cut Up of the t Department. L.A, Dobbin, clerk im the C, PLR. ticket office has been appointed ticket agent im succession to Robert Sewell. Mr. Sewell has previously held the joint position of freight agent and ticket agent, but owing to the rapid- ly ihcreasing business in the city the fast year it was found that it reygrir- ed another man to hold tha position of ticket agent. The news of the appointment of Mr. Dobbin to this important postition will caise a great deal of satisfaction, not only to his colleague, but also jamongst the numerous has marle in the-city since-he firsteame here three years ago. Mr. Dobbin bas had considerable experience im the superintendent's office as well as in the chief despatcher s office, and has bern in charge of the ticket o fice for the past two years. With the s increasing the . aon lt; (PROVINCIAL SEED FAIR FORE MACLEOD Dispatch Says that Medic- ine Hat, its closest con- testant, Lost-Out in Final Sprint. Macleod, Jan, 22 Macleod geta the Provincial Seed Faire It will be held here on Feb. 27+28-29 next. Medicine Hat, which has been-Macteod s clos- est contend r for the honor, loses in the final sprint for the tape and the Hub of Southern Alberta win: with that of the Macleod Agricultural Society and the Macleod Poultry As- sociation s Show. Hverything goes to Indicate that t will be the most suc cessful ever bi that the number of exhibits will break al records, s very largely due to the efforts of Malcolm McKenzie, M.P.P., that the Fair ts to be-held-here- Mr--MoKen zie bas never allowed the matter to rest since it was first suggested ard jhe has been ably seconded by W. Bryan, for the Agriculturat Associa- tion, Among those who will make .ad- dresses at the Fair will be Hon. Dun- can Marshall, Secretary of Agricul: ture, Supt. Fairfield, of the Experi- mental Farm, at Lethbridge, Supt: of Fairs McKenny, Secretary Burns of the Dry Farming: Congress and, prob- ably others, CLUNG TO MAST FOR MORE THAN 30 HOURS Four of Crew of Sunken Wessel were Rescued from Wattery Grave. (W, AL P. Dispatch) Nortolk, Va:, Jan, 22. Atter eling- ing for more than thirty hours to the masts and. rigging of their sunken vessel, four remaining bers of the crew of the three-misted. schoon- er- Harry: Prescott, were rescued to- day by the revenue cutter Itascae which proceeded-to ilmington, It the Prescott, bound for Wilmington; N.C., witha cargo of salt, struck on the inner diamond shoals, Then her, master mistook Hatteras Light for the diamond shoals lghtship. The Itascae-arrived off Hatteras dt nine o'clock last night but it)was found impossible to reach the ship: wrecked mariners until daybreak. MANCHU DYNASTY NOW ABDICATED Tein Tsin to be Temporary Capital of China till new Government is formed. (W..A. P. Cable) Chicago, Ill:, Jan. 22. Aecording :0 table despatches from Pekin to the Chicago Daily News, the abdication of the Manchu dynasty is an accom- plished fatt, An issued edict been already drawn up and is solely to prevent an uprising by the reaction- aty wing of the Imperial family, head- ed by Prince Kung. It also is record- ed that Tien Tsin will be the tem- porary capital of China while the new government is being formed. Head 2,500,000 FACING FAMINE IN CHENA . SAYS HEL PAPPEAL CW. A. P. Dispateh.) - ba New-York, Jan, 22. The Presbyter- jan board of, foreign missions here made public today the following ca- blegram: Shanghaf, China, Jan. 19. Two million five hundred thousand famine people. Rellet urgently needed. Must r ly upon America owing to revolu- Committee appeals to America LEER EEE EEE EE + MARKED TWPROVEMENT IN STRIKE SITUATION The strike record of the Labor Department shows that there were only eight trade The: Falr will be held conjolntly Ottawa, Jan. 22. ways Railway. ernment will give it would b tion, the rule having in administration of Tribunal but will Paris, Jan. 22 The debate in the chamber of deputies tomorrow will allow Premier Poincaire to explain the attitude of the French In regard to the seizure of French vessels by Ital- jan ships. A-strong effort is being made to arrange that the sqnerat question in regard to the selzure still be referred to the Hague arbitration tribunal, but not to the surrender vf the twenty-nine Turks who were aboard the Manouba. France has sent a long despatch to Rome demanding their unconditional release by Italy. This demand was-made on the ground that France has tel graphed to the officials at Tumis t6 ascertain wheth- er the Turks on the Manouba were members of the Red. Crescent organi- was nine o'clock Thursday night thatszation or Turkish officers before'they. were sufremtered. It was France's duty and not Italy s to verify this, On this point France will permit of no relation or reference to the Hague Tribunal, There has been no reply from Rome to this demand, although POULTRY Banquet. will be Given the eee rs on Thursday vat Entries. Committee, on Saturday evening, it. was decided to hold q banquet for the exhibitors on Thursday evening) next and Messrs. Robt. Irwin, J. R. Milli- can aod S.A, Wallace are in charge of the details. The entries have icached the six has sandred mark amd-the-Show witt be Nanking.China. Jan. 22.1 the pest held in the Province, this win- ter, as the cream of the Calgary and Lethbridge exhikitors are spnding their entries and the Medicine Hat fanciers hhave soma magnificent birds fit to show with the best. The trophy donated by Rev. J. W. Morrow will be awarded to the best COV.-GEN. ON VISIT. TO NEW YORK CITY With their Suite they Paid Social Call on American Metropolis. (W. A. P, Dispatch.) New York, Jan, 22 The Duke 2 Connaught, the Duchess of Connaught and their daughter,Princess Patricia, and their suite, reached here from Ot- tawa today for a social visit of four days in New York City, The visit marks the first call of royalty to this country since the tour nearly ten sia, The Duke and Ambassador Reld This afternoon in the House of Commons, Hon. Minister of Justice will announce that the Government has deeided not to disallow the legislati n-ef the Alberta Government in regard to the Alberta and Great Water- that the interests of those who hay: 2kt a-meeting of the Poultry Show years: ago of Prince Henry of Prus- Alberta s Ry. Case Not Disallowed Federat-Government Decision to be Given by Minister Will Not Interfere in the A. and G. W. Legislation of the Provincial House : (W.-A. P.Dispateh.) J. Dougherty, The Provincial Government passed-a-bill, taking over the 7,000,000 raised by the Company on its bonds and disallowance was asked. ; For the reason-which the Gov- e against established precedent to disallow such legisla- been established as inadvisable to int refere with the Provinces Provincial affairs. Steps will be taken, it is uriderstood, to see claims against the Province protected. Italy s Seizure of French S.S. May Papers Asking Who Changed Dispatches--France May Refer Matter to Hague Demand Release of 29 Turks taken off Ship French Nav- al Demonstration to Emphasise Demands. : Lead to Trouble (W. A. P, Cable.) some of the evening papers piint tel- would have the passengers of the egrams to the effect that Italy has re- Manouba dentified when the vessel fused to comuly with the demands. reached Tunis. Italy says its embassy At the same time a demand was sent did not receive any notifications about to Italy orders were despatched tothe 29 supposed members of the Red Tonton to prepare-for a navaldemon- Cregcent embarking en th Manouba. ation which is to be ready within The French foreign office says no- 24 hours, This was done to empha- ticewas sent before the recent minis- size the French demands. .' terial crisis. Rome says that the Ttal- Uncertainty in regard to the facts ian ambassador told Premier Poin- in the seizures etill exfst. The captain calres on Wednesday that these pas- of the Manouba says he surrendered sengers had tried to hire a yacht and the Turkish passengers in accordance had bought ammunitions of war at with orders from M. Lecate, . the St Ennis, but the Manouba had sail- French consul at. Cagliarl, which the ga before-Premier Poincaire was able latter had recelved from the French to investigate the matter. embassy it Rome. he officials at Italy denies that the mail of the, the Qu D Orsay. categorically declare steamer Carthage were received. She that exactly: opposite instractions says they were only sealed with a were sent to the consul at Cagliari, view of forwarding them to Tunis via Rome. . aboard a torpedo, but the captain o The French force says that the the Carthage would not consent Count Tittioni, the Italian ambassador this The question then which the at France, declared that he was sat- French papers are asking is: Who tefied with Premier Polnecafre's prom- changed the wording of the despatch ise of Wednesday that he (Poincaire) after Jt left the foreign office? REPUBLICANS. ASK FOR DUE RECOGNITION Chinese President Asks for Recognition from the Pow- ers Sworn to Oust Manchus and Restore Peace Best Thing for China. : - (W. A. P. Cable) inced Repub Y practicable but that it would be the publican government today sent an le best thing for China. ; appeal to the powers for recognition. This took the form of a circular which was sent to Washington, Tokio, Lon- don, Berlin and St. Petersgurg, and all sgned by Wang Chung Wel, foreign minister of the republican cabinet. The ultimatum, according to Repub- ican leaders, is the last word of the Republicans, President Sun Yat Sen sald to day to the Associated Press: I have taken an oath to oust Man- chu rulers and restore peace to the country before resigning. I have taken an oath to establish a republic in China, and if I consented to the proposition laid down by Yuan Shi Kal I should be foresworn. I am cou- SESE ESE Ee 35 NEW TELEPHONE: - DIRECTORY The copy for a new Tetep hone Directory for Medicine Hat is now in the bands of the printer. Those desiring alterations, changes or new telephones. will please con- sult-Tocal manager at once. bbb hbk bbb hob bok 20,000 British Troops - Mobolized Through a : Misunderstood Order Large Gathering of the Reserves Puts the Militia Dep- artment to a Great Deal of Explaining. bebe bee Pe beeteb eth hep was given. It was announced that the form would be accompanied b -a London, Jan. 22, Because of mis- understood Army Form -26,000-reser Several of Gem) PEEPE EE EE splitting up of the two offices of freight agent and ticket agent Mr. Dobbin will be in sole charge of the ticket department, and will have ant/ assistamt with whom he will carry om is-respondible duties. HON, PATTERSON ILI, + (W. A. P.. Dispatch) Ottawa, Jan. 22. Word has been-re- ceived at Ottawa to the effect that Hon. Wm. Patterson, ex-minister of customs, fe seriously ill at the home of his daughter at Picton, Ontario. EPEE ESTE EEE disputes in existence during December, being six less than in December, 1910. About ten firms and slightly over fourteen hundred emp- loyees were involved. . The loss in working days. amount- ed approximately to forty thousand. The new disputes of the month wer of only slight importance. There were only four disputes un+ settled at the close of the year. ae Peete abet have let it becomerknown that the visit is purely personal one and th fs nothing even semi-officia? about it The journey of the vice regal party was made on two special cars, the Cornwall and York anf was without incident, The governor general and family were greeted Grand Cen- +a Station by Ambassador and Mrs, a Reld, after which the party motored to s e the-home of Mr. Reid on Madison-Ave, Phe hth bbe Owing to illness Matame Patti Tay- lor has postponed engagement with the Star theatre and will not appear there until Moray, the 29th + * + + vists were on tHe point of moblizing at Aldershot recently, and London newspapers added to the excitement by publishing a news item to that effect. The situation was due to a general misunderstanding of Army Form D. 461. which was announced by the military authorities,some time ago a3 tys medias ty wth the roaerviate w 1 in natural coursepof ev ents be called on for service on the first call were apprised of that fact. In order that there . should be the least possible delay wher-the form railway warrant to pass the reservist to his-alfotted station and postal order for sustinence money during the journey. Every precaution was taken by the War Office to instruct the mien that the orders were to be cashed only in case of mobilization, but-some of the reservists failed to read or under- stand tustructions, and a number of the orders were cashed .and attemps were madg to get railway passes t Aldershot. The affair has kept the War. Office busy explaining the mis- take-and denying sensational rumors of irapending war.
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Image 115 (1912-01-22), from microfilm reel 115, (CU1770813). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.