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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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rage Two MEDIULND WAL vain. NiGWS The Northway Garments Our Spring Models have just arrived. Glasgow House The variety and quality of these Superior : Garments has established their prestige and popularity. The fashionably dressed lady cannot afford to overlook a Northway Suit, Coat or Skirt, a Model Job You know what should be in good ave aright to. know the paint you put up int, and you exactly what is your good moncy B-H English P: de by BBRANDRAM-HENDERSON paint is Zine White, You know you are ge pure paint for a model right. * Come in for a Color Card. MADE IN CANADA BY - BRANDRAM MONTREAL, HALIFAX, ST. JOHN, TORONTO, WINNIPEG. FOR SALE BY 9 DD. Fan electr Cc st also s Lrhe-sam time, whie ENDERSON LIMITED Medicine Mat News Published by the Medicine Hat News Co, Lt4, every nanny well informed lnrfal evening at Its office, Main Street, Medicine Hat, Alta. A, JN, TERRILL, Eettor. + PHONE? HONE: Falterial, Advertiaing Repertorhd, and + Cirealation and News Dept Job Depts. Ly RING RAG 3 12 DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 y as, delivered. ..34.00 1 year by mail.. 3.00 1.50 nae months, d-livered..8200 months, by mall 2 months. delivered, . 1.00 3 months, by maf. 1 month, delivered....35 Addresses changed as often as desired, but doth n2w avd did adresses st be wiven. WEEKLY NEWS. Publinhe every Thuceday tn cixtesn oF more pages, and A GARDEN CLUB - T may soundtike- joke to talk of gar- dens, in view of the recent sudden dip in the temperature. Nevertheless, i there is an excuse for it. It is only about a short week ago since many of us were al- most sure that spring had already arrived. And then don t forget that March has come in like a lion this year, which surely ealls for an early break -up-of the winter. Aside from this, however, ot interest in. garde: wakened particularly by an article in the Survey ? which teils the treatment that Minneapolis accorded its vacant lots. Garden Club was organized ther This society undertook to get the permission of fee, it gave. seeds for a lot 40 by 120 feet;) plowed and harrowed the lot, provided sup- ervision and instruction.and offered valu- abl prizes. Under its stimulation 700 persons planted gardens on unused land and 18,000 others planted gardens upon their own realty. Two hundred thousand uare feet were devoted to vegetables and a quarter million feet to flowers. The Survey *says-the fad for gardening spread like a contagion. STREETS SHOULD BE PAVED. HE time has arrived for Medicine Hat to lammch uron a programme of road- paving: -By this. the News does not taean that the eity should embar itsefl financially by. paving the whole city and plunging. head over ears in debt, but that there are certain of the business streets upon which traffic is sufficiently heavy to justify an expenditure of the nature indic- ated. A couple of blocks on each side of . the track.on Main and Toronto Streets and connecting thoroughfares need, paving, if the city is to be abre of the times and to advance in keeping with its groxwth in po- pulation. The question of laying rails for : car line-upon th re to : h of course somewhat Prairie Pride . Patent Flour Is peculiar in that it has to meet the test of Experts every day and upon their approval depends its lasting reputation... The Medicine Hat Milling Co'y., Limited complicates the problem, 109: REAL ESTATE IS-MOVING. ITH the beginning of March the spring movement in local real estate has opened up in a manner which in- dieates that. the purchasing public has every confidence in the year s lt;program of development which has been. planned for the city. Last season some of the buyers Transfer HOLLINGER-ANDERSON Co. LIGHT and HEAVY DRAYING 864 Toronto Street. C.P.R. Car Shops ? boom of ficticious values which is creating the present de- mand for realty, but, instead, a sane and re- asonable determination - of appraisiient founded upon the st ady and substantial increase in industrial growth evident in the GURBEY the agitation for better light- ed strects is not going to be allowed to RPL LOS ANK oe Pate testest LAA Total Assets over : B , We invite the accounts of firms, corporations ROYAL OF CANAD: Incorpuroted: 1880 and individuals. 5 Medicine Hat Branch Fourth Avenue: :C HH. M et a count and cither pary can withdraw money. Our deposits have increased from 319,426,001 in 1901 to 963,194.590, W. 0. JOY, Managers: 2: ice Yas ea es 10,000,000 : Medicine Hat Branch y fepiciehicieielSelertetelt son, succeeding Mx, Walsh, who is going oe atec s LeBateats Poste ahestestosteateatesgesteate steal die a natural death? Medicine Hat can advertise its gas in uo better way andj action should not be deferred. Let some broad-minded Alderman come to the front, and stay with this question- until something is done in regard: to the matter. : nen HE advertise for tenders in con- netion with the erection of the Hull Block, which appears in another col- 7 4 ginning operations as soon as the building season opens. As stated previously, the building will be a credit to the ci i eeleeitiehiceeieieiebiei eter rid a uy i a oe o'e three storeys in height and 125 RCHANTS BANK )- : a OF, CANADA Laieee ae ae Capital and Reserve Funds .. ..: 11,458,878 big and brainy men of the 7 The We give-special attention to SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. No latest to venture -to the Prairie Pro- lt;geniy-trwithdrawale, Two or more persous may open a Jolot +b) vines is Arthur B. Clarke, King s Counsel and Liberal mefiber for South is coming out to Calgary to become head of the legal firm of Walsh, McCarthy Car- bench uf Alberta. upon the 8: s in Mr, Clarke is one of the ablest Libera the House. He is-fair minded and er the respect of his political opponents. Ru- S them red at somewhat crippled themselves for a time 30: by investing too heavily, but if present in- THIS IS MY 38th BIRTHDAY. dications are tobe reli vy will Theodore L. Weed. reap the benefit this spring. It is no wmn shows that no time is to be Jost in be- savings system. E . Herold to-day. mor ociated his name with the Justice portfolio on more than one occasion and. persone say he would had Sir Wilfrid Lau- been returned to power. It eannot be haye been the choice i c BOON TRE Ce ae Sighs MATL OF, CADIS timbe: When he comes West, he will practice law and eschew -polities at least for atime. He is noted as one of Ontario s best lawyers. For a number of years he was Crown Attorney for Essex County and he is a life member of the benchers of the Ontario Law Society. Whether he will resign his seat is a question, He prefers to do so, but his constituents may persuade him-to remain during the life of the present parliament. Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper removed W est-while member-for-Pictou; N.S., but did not resign his seat. * 208 UDGE Gary; the brains of the U.S. Steel: Corporation, is telling the steel the lose at hand. This is his statement:; There are things being said nowadays which are very simi- lar to things said just before the French revolution, I tell you'that the spark may make aflame and that soon. Unless capi- talists, corporations, powerful selves take a leading part in trying to prove the conditions of humanity, great changes will come, and: they will come mighty quickly and the mob will bring ee Taaastes poet that a revolution YOUTHFUL DESPERADO team in the United : tes may Norge * 20 - PUBLIC OPINION T ledo Blade One of the curious pro sions-ofthe-woman law-of Cali-) fornia calls. for the registration of the height of women. voters. Naturally the gistrars are having trouble with it. First of all it has to be decided where the foot of a woman. begins and where her head leaves off. - Shall French heels. be sub- tracted, or ought the authorities to assume that it is indelicate for them to consider that women have heels?. Are puffs; rats and other apparatus of the sort to be taken into aecount, or must women diseard these affairs when they ome up for measure- affairs when they come up for measure- out of fashion. We are hot prepared to speak with authority on-that matter. But supposing that next year, that fashion of) the latter part of the ighteenth century, when women: had their hair made up with tlour and the whole baked, should be the rage. What Would the registrar say when a voter ame before him? Would he ask her to remove her bun? Or, being a man of experience, would he merely sign and eredit the elector with -ten inches growth in the course of a year? The California law is full of possibilities for confusion, - We suspect it was written in-a bachelors ap- artment house. lt;0: March 4. 1777 Fourth Continental Congress met in Philadelphia. 1815 Mrs. Frances Abington, noted act- ress and the original. Lady Teazle, in London. Born there in 1737. 1854 City of St:; Paul, Mimesota, incor- porated. 1861 Abraham Lincoln inaugurated. Pre- sident of the United States. 1878 The annual salary of the President of the United States - fixed at 50,000. Theodore L. Weed, director of the postal savings system of the United States, was born in Norwalk, Conn., March 4, 1874, but has resided in Washington, D.C., nearly all his life. After graduating from George Washington University he entered the go- yerniiient service as a stenographer in 1898, became official stenographer of the United States evacuation commission to Cuba the same year; was made chief in the civil ser- Lyicc division of the military government of Cuba in 1899, and served as such until 1902. He became private seeretary to Secretary Straus of the Department of Commerce and Labor in 1906. . He was made chief clerk of the Department in 1909 and the next year he was appointed chief clerk of the Post. Office Department. This position Fir Weed hel amtit his appointment two months ago as first director of the-pestal 107 CONGRATULATIONS 10: dmundE.Noel, Mi ppi, 56 years old to-day. Harold Jacoby, professor of astronomy at Columbia University, 47 years old to- day. James J. Britt, third Assistant Postmas- ter-General of the United States, 51 years Brand Whitlock, author, reformer and recently re-elected mayor of; Toledo, 0., 43 lyears old to-day. j George -W. Prince, representative in Congress of the Fifteenth Illinois district and member of the National Monetary ie was a well-known old-timer ee THIs DATE IN HISTORY... former governor of HUW CHINESE REPUBLIC Shanghai, Mar. i. The impression pr fgils here that graft will not be) tolerated by the Republican officials, following the strange disappearance of General Chen, who was made mill- tary commander of this city when the rebels gained control. General Chen was commanded to buy arms for the troops at Wu Chang. He purchased large quantity of obsolete rifles, which were thrown into the river by order of General Li Yuan Chang. General Chen got the guns for 17 tacls cach and sold them for. 30 taela each. Soon afterwards disappeared. Hia triends were, told the General was very sick. All efforts to locate him having fail- ed, it is now believed he decapit- ated. * (Special to the News? Chehalis, Wash., Mar. 4 Adelbert, Clark, the young desperado who shot and Killed Lawrence C. Bar, a banker of Centralia, in a daytight attempt to rop the bank last December, was ar- ed in the Lewis county circuit court here today to-stand trial on charge of first degree murder. SOUTHERN SHOE RETAILERS (Bpectal te the News) Atlanta, Ga, Mar. 4 The annual convetition of the Southern Shoe Re- tallers Assoctation began in this city today with an attendance represent- ing a dozen States, The members will spend three days in numerous matters relating to the rc tall shoe trade. TEXAS 1.0.0.F. IN SESSION (Special to News) Dallas, Texas, March 4. Delega- tions representing the 800 Odd Fel- lows lodges in Texas assembled. in Dallas today for the opening of the Grand Lodge meeting of the order. The session will last until Wecnesday. The Rebekah Assembly, the wom n's auxiliary, also s in annual Session, TOOK OUT LICENSE Mr, A. McGillivray was charged this morning before Magistrate Kealy with selling milk without a license. Ac- cused did not turn up and the Chief of Police was ordered to issue a war- rant for his arrest if he did not turn up later, However, he turned. up and Was allowed to take out a li- cense and the case was dismissed. ROBT, TAIT BURIED CW. A. P, Dispatch Winnipeg, Mar, 4 The funeral of Robt. Tait, who died here on Friday) last, took place this afternoon. OLD ODDFELLOW DEAD. CW. A. P, Dispateh) Winnipeg, March 4. John Hunter one of the old st Oddfellows inthe Canadian Prairie West, died at his son-in-law s residence here yesterday afternoon. H -was seventy-five years old: and had been an Oddfellow for over fifty years having had all the degrees conferred upon him. He was torr. in Toronto but spent his. early life in London, Ontario, where his remains will be sent to-night for in- terment. He leaves three daughters and one son to mourn his loss, - INSTANTLY KILLED. OW. A. P, Dispatch.) Winnipeg, March 4 Robert Stew- art Watson, of St. James, Manitoba, foreman of the New Sterling Bank Building. now near completion, was instantly killed this morning, when plec of tiling fell eight stories onto his head. An inquest will be held. ENGLISH. CATTLE W, A. P. Cable) Liverpool, Mar. .4.9-John Rogers Company, Liverpool, ceble today that trade was very slow in the Birkenhead market, but with supplies short Sat- urday quotations which were, for both States and Canadian steers from 14 1-2 cents. to, 15 ents per. pound, held firm, Ge: dications denote another rise Immediately. FAST LIMITED DITCHED : CW. A. P. Dispat n) Bucyrus, Ohfo, Mar. 4 The Wwest-boufid limited of the Pennsylvan- fa -Rallfoad, wag ditched here early todayNo-one-wawvinjured KING'S FIRST LEXEE OW. A P. Cable) his first levee of the season today at St. James Palace. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Your druggist will refund PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure any case of, Itching, Blind, Bi Proteuding PHes in 6 to 14 Saree. THE Balmorat: House two blocks from the station. Room and board by day or week. Terma moderate, Apply Mrs, Herbert ove, DEALS WITH GRAFTERS) the discussion of ur Commission, 58 years old to-day, 208 Balmoral Street. isiate FT HEY look better, wear better, last longer, and cost less than lath, plaster and wall-paper. BEAVER BOARD does not crack, chip or 1 disintegrate. e . BEAVER BOARD out heat and cold; 4 ioc sound, and re- tards fre, PEER NOS 4 is quic easily put f oy BEAVER BO. can be used in a thow SOLE AGENTS. - One Trial WILL CONVINCE you that our PURE LIME FRUIT JUICE is the Best. Pingle s Drug and lt; . Book Store : : 2 HOTSON LEADER Decorating. CONTRACTORS AND + BUILDERS LET US FIGURE WITH YOU BEFORE PLACING YOUR CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. Oifice Next to City Hall. R. B. Taylor s Transfer Light and Heavy Draying: Prompt Attention t riers, Daied Hay for Sala Pareels Dellverea. PHONE NO. 349. House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORE. Phone 260, J.J. LAIT -116 MONTREAL STREET A CLASSIC ON CONSUMPTION Words of a Prominent Canadian Citizen s He Has Viewed the War Men, womet, and dren ave ail- oeing snowed down every day by this fell diseas consumption and it is mistake. These words of Mr. spoken at a gathoring in Muskoke-. year be fittingly termed a classic ov imption- ae records of the Muskoka Sanatorium, do those of other institutions of like kind, on this continent and 1 nase can be, and 1s being cdniquan treatment followed inany well-. sage *stoniatm, Tn our ows Provioee, within che time that the hospitals in Muskoka have been in existence, the death-rate from - cinsumption bas been reduced twenty-five USThe life saving possibilities of the sana torinm in Canada are limited only by the required to carty on and extend the work. For this reason wo very obeerfully wk que readers 0 rowing work that ix being dono ap Muskolen. Tt ioe Aino-statement for the trustees of che Brankot that from the ives to be able to make, iwonth of April, 1902, wus first opened, up to tho. t day; Tota tingle p ever boon refused ion to patient hax thts hospital: because unabie Monday, Ma endorsement be given an; productt, ap proud to offe new and sp of these Hat and look Spring show famous line. ED Turpin The Man's Sto Get the Big D CALENDAR OF SE MON) Opening of eight golf tournament at Tournament for teur pocket billiard ens in New York, Opening of aut Denver and Des M Eddie Murphy. vs. rounds, at South TUES Opening of horse Park, Hot Springs Clarence English Ferns, 16 rounds, WEDNI Opening of annu Central Obio Kenn Ohio. Opening of annu ville Automobile D THUR Central States i ketball champions m1. Opening of the obampionship tot Beach, FRI Annual mecting Bowling Congress Opening of annt St, Louis (Mo.). Cc SATU Annual champ ot Nationa: Bowl Paterson, N. J. Intercollegiate pionships. at Univ vonia, Annual indoor tr of the Mohawk A- Antual indoor urgh A, A, Pitts Northwestern-W: door meet at Evat Kansas-Missouri neas City. gt; Opening of annu at Aiken, 8. C, Abe Attell vs. 1 rounds, at San Fy Bam McVey rounds, at Sydney, BASEBA It fe said that p' of the Boston Re Doost of a thousar contract of last sign thp document Aocording to re Nationais should 1 outfield this year. 812, Miller for . : the Mst with .347. Eddi Evers, bro Johnny Bers of has entered profes signed up with the of the New York Manager Bill De paIT-CharES of the President Ebbetts ager will receive ence during the cc President Charl Chicago Cubs, tin book entitled, 7 Sehulto, Mr. Schr fence dexter of and fancy gardens April 18 will be ago, for on that O'Day will-tead + in battle against t born and reared tr the fate will be him.
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Image 363 (1912-03-04), from microfilm reel 363, (CU1771117). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.