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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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a ry 16th, 1942. ANTED For erfect gasoline light eapest and emight latest ce, Exclusive. terri- permanent business, . Calgary, Alta. . oF three furnished xdern house, suitable oping. Apply to box 159att re FOR RENT es ENT in Imperial Bank a nat NTED. ise. tO rent, unfurn- ed; no family; mod- 8. Apply to R. G. rial Bank, 155-d6 So a a: NONEERS 2 CO, Live Stock Auctioneers; farm house our Goda etaiiy, de. entered for our reg- 2s on the Market. anced. on goods con- lute sale. Apply H. 0, 866 Toronto St. Phone 481, See our lsewhere of auction LLANEOUS ES AND GENTS hing, shoes, watches, volvers, valises, sult nusical instruments, crat WAggons, bug- bloyeles, carpenter ides and furs, horse tethers, bought and he Harvard Tailoring 1 avenue, opposite re. P.O. box 701. Best Prices Paid for 23D. H HAT HIDE, FUR CO. The above have t selection of Second the city.. We carry 8 and - d Clothing, Clocks, , Rifles, Guns, Re- Buggies, Harness, line of winter goods. ing mentioned above t prices. Call at 504 it. or Phone 687. tf CLEANING AND 00. beg to announce ening a Cleaning and hment opposite the 4th Ave All work 0680 copies dally, 900 ciretlated In city copies Thursday. Advertisers in Dally ret Deneit of the Weekly country circulation no extra charge, Hooks open to advertisers, VOL. 2.NO 160 . Sub-Commis: eently Appointed Co Defendants have Pri headway being made with the logie- lative programmes supply. The chlet discussion occurred in connection with Hon. , J. Doherty's bill to amend the Inquities Act by-giving the re- FGently appoiited public committee; which will inquire into the ctvil ser- vice, the power to name-sub-comm s- sioners, including expert engin ers, accountants, etc, to follow up any particular branch of inquiry delegat- ed to them by the chief comrh ssion- n. Pugsley moved that any: person under investigation be/ given the right to have counsel at his own expense, Sir Wilfrid: Laurier pro- posed to strike out the part of the bill authorizing. sub commissioners to, take-oaths Both: these-proposais-were allowed to stand tor further eonsid- eration, * Mr, Pugsley then proposed that if members of the Opposition asked for Peasantry Selling *. from Hunger and Typh Ravishes the Country. OW Londoa, Jan. 17. Horrible con tions prevailing among the peasantry p South Eastern Russia are depicted e: a telegram from a doctor in Oren- burg, which is published here'as a special article. The doctor says starving peasantry In th government of Orenburg on the river, owing to having received any assistance from HORRIBLE CONDITIONS 1K SOUTH-EASTERN RUSSIA their Children to-Nomads Many: Die Manchester Strike . Nearing an En CW. A. P. Dispatch) tt-snould te allowed to tho-Wtrect fudge of the superior court, The gox- ernment ridiculed-this proposal, while the members of the Opposition said that If the Conservatives were con sistant they would support it because it was in keeping with suggestions they had mad when in Opposition. The motion was rejected and the house, proceeded to the consideration of estimates, During the discussion Hon. F. D. happened to-be located in constitnen- Monk said that while the government had not, definitely decided to abau- don the site chosen for a government block on Sussex St., Ottawa, it was considered that it was not desirable. This.4rew from Ton. Charles . Mur- phy, former secretary of state, the statement-that-as-the Laurier-com- mittee had decided that site was: not suitable, it was for that reason con- struction had not been proceeded with. Mr, Mopk intimated that ft was destr- * while Fearful Epidemic us, P, Cable) the authorities ,are selling their chil- Sreq te Khirgese nomads in the go t of Sartou. Many of the peo- ple Yn the vicinity have died from hungey and typhus and more than seventy per stricke with a-fearfut epidemic in some ot.the villages, while in other districts distress is extreme, WILL, Barristers, So- Notaries, Medicine orner of Toronto St. elephone 614. P. 0. 105D PUNDON, Barrister, otary, Medicine Hat, ruitt Block, Room 2; P.O; box 549, 88 CARDS. iG MACHINES and mning Pianos and and to rent All nee. W. J. Fleming, treet. i irtlett berta Land Surveyor nal Rngineer. s Bik. Medicine Hat. OLN, GUITAR, , TROMDONE, OOL RMS : Rolls. : Notices 8 ders oks r etc., ete, Sir George Askwith s Prop by both Uarties and Mi Coal Strike will be Ave: Manehester, Jan. 17 The propo- sals-made to employers and workers at cotton trade conference by Sir Heorge Askwith, representing the. Board of Trade, appear likely to put an end to industrial wars which have been go costly to both sides. The eee of -Sir-George Askwith w ed in such a way, It Can maintain a principles without injuring the rights 6? the other. under the terms of the proposal shall be entitled to take action on the ques: tion of the employment of non-union- ists vhich shall involve the stoppage of machinery of the mills without giv- ing six months written notice. Should provisional settlement be agreed to the mills will re-open January 23. Wounds in Body is in Moose Jaw, Sask, Jan. 17 The re- dents of Wood Mountain district were astounded to Perry has ber jlaced under arrest charged-with-hering-shot-and wound. ed her father who,bas been in Moos Jaw Hospital since the 12th. Sh terday and the whole affair took o an sntirely:n w complexion when he: evidence was given, She is now ou jon bail On entering the cidentaNy with an automatic pistol twen Porry and his daughter and th upshot was that he Wher Mp to chastise her with. Neither side The agreement between the owners: and the men, ff it is eventually rati- ATAGR BEAT -DATGHTER DAUGHTER: SHOT FATHER Seventeen Year Old Saskat while Parent who rode 100 iniles with Two Bullet fearn that Ella, seventeen-year-old-daughter of H.R. appeared before the magistrate yes- hospital Perry claimed he had shot himself ac- It appears that a quarrel arose be- handled her and then went outside to get osals Likely to be Accepted lls will Open .on Jan. 23 rted. fied, will be aiciked victory added to the list of those won by Sir George Askwith, now. recognized as the Brit- ish strike settler. The three weeks , stoppage of the mills has cost 30,000,000. Operat- ives have lost 5,000,000 in wages and spinners, who have been on balf pay. tgince-the Tock-out began have sacri- Hficed-about- 2,125,000. Trades. tmatons. have spent 1,050,000 in strike pay. London, 17. As a result of a series of meetings between coal owners and miners held at Birmingham, differ- ences between the employers and wor- -kers. which are mainly connected with the settlement of the fixed minimum wage have been narrowed down parti- cularly as regards English coal fields and an early settlement may now be Jooked for... The dispute affects about 900,000 men. On Rametclawan Girl Out on Bail. Hospital, he returned she shot him with a 42 calibre revolver, wounding him twice in the right breast, Perry immedia- tely set out for Moose Ja during the Intensely-cold spell takin: part of four days to make the-hund- red mile trip and received attention t rt e e Mes, Sympathy In the district Is now being shown to Miss Perry who ts liked and respected by everybody. H. R, Pe-ry, the wounded man, is of good repute in the district. n r jt The regular Tennis Dance will be held in the Opera House on Thursday next, January 25th. 7 159d9. 1 e of the King s Durbar at Delhi, India, nat the Monatoh Theatre tomorrow. : comes the story of a:strange romance Don't-miss seeing the first pictures MEDICINE HAT NEW MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 17, 1912 issioners are. to ig Coe. the Inquiries Hor. 6. J. Doherty Bill in House Causes Big Disciission Wants Assistants to Re- mmittee Investigating Civil Service Liberals Ask that vilege.of Counsel Refused Investigation by Fates. able that sites should be secured not. present but for the fu- ture needs of the government. Shortly before adjournment, Mr: Sinclair of Guysboro, asked Mr. Monk if he had any definite policy in re- Bard to the securing of public build- fhgs, When in Opposition the Con- servatives had often accused the gov- ernment of the day of erecting build- ings where they were not required, while neglecting other towns which eles represented by Conservatives. Mr. Monk said that he was not yet pre- pared to lay down any definite rule. The late government had not. He be- Neved it is desirable that some rule as to the population of a town and the reyenue derivals should be fixed governing the construction of the building. If this were done ne be- Heved that useless expenditures would be saved. HOORISH PRINCESS Tf You Want My Life, Take It; I don t-Repent, She Replies. Paris, Jan. 16 From Tangiers which relates how the blood of the victim-of a strange Moorish love tre- gedy has crimSoned the desert sands, joi Abesher, q wild chiditeinry im the Wadai region of the Soudan. Tix Princess Sherife, a niece of the Sul- tan Acyl end wile of the Caikt Geoud, haihed Tonia, slain inher presence by one of het slaves. -- tive sergeant of the Tiraillears, im the Service ob the French, was lared to the harem, where she was brutally stab- ?) bed through her heart, her body after wands being ignominously tnrown to the dogs im the desert. The semi-civilized natives were Jin ontmuge,and. incase the French authorities do not discover the: culprit; the. comrades of the Tirail- Jeti took a flerce uth to vevenge th wife's death. To appease their anger, the Fretich officer diad to make on in- quiry and finally suspicion fell upon the Princess Sherifia and ber four slaves, one named Abdellah being ac /+; cused of inflicting the mortal wound. The Priticess Sherfia, along With her four. slaves, was taken. prisoner. When der f Toma, her rival in her princely hustiand's affection, she made a char- jacteristicatty picturesque reply. I am Shetfia, wife of Gaoud, the handsome. When he took me to be his wife I was 90 light that the wis- est Sorkbes vomld riot readt -the-traces: of my feet upon the sad. Toma was my fival. So on the night of the day that you consecrate. to. your God 1 sent messengers to ter to sey that Gaond qwatited her. Slie suspected and came. not. Three times did she refuse But at last she followed my messengers, who offered. her slave Abdallah strike her, and- be struck. She. slirieked and her load formed a crimson like before ber, I votdered my Alaves. to wash her wounds from the palace. Now, White chiet, if you want my life, take it; don't repent. T am the Princess of Wadai, and I have the right to punish those who offend my iiiajesty. ? After this statement the French of- fice, Commandant Hilare, had some trowiile to prevent the Tirailleurs from ynching the princess. It is beffeved the princess will not be condemned to death, und that probably after paying traditional blood mors consist ing of a few heat ota re iatives, she will belrec. DR, CLEVELAND ABBE HONORED London, Jan, 17. The teorological Society of London today medal to Dr, Cleveland Abbe, the me- teorologist of the United States Wea- ther Bureau at Baltimore, The med- al was awarded to Dr. Abbe in recox- nition of his distinguished services over a period of more than forty changed With having caused the mer 45-e gilt a silken sotie. When she came before me I bude my and throw her wretohed corpse far ihat the directors yielded to ontside Royal Me- formally presented the Symons gold as a meteorologist, in which fleld of sclence his activities have extended rights im reference to the seizure the highways of Uke Prench belonging to Aviator Obre on board land. these were considered. contruband of war by Italians, The facts of the seizure of the Ca- Hbege have bees Submitted by the French Goverment 10 leading author- ities on jurisprudence aid intemation- al law. - eecnett Agricultural a ent meet Prightful Death - ip-His Car. - BURNED (Ww. A, P. Dittpatch.) St, Louis, Mo, Jan, 17 Guy Le Stuart, agriculture and Industrial agent Of the Cotton Belt Railroad, with Readquart fs in St. ouis, was burned to death in his private car in 8 wreck this morning at Kelso, Mo., 145 mil s south of St. Louis. SIR MAX. AITKEN OPPOSES HOME RULE (C. A.-P, Cable.) London, Jan. 17. Sir- Max Aitken, addressing bis constituents, said that In Canada they had trouble enough with provincial home rule, the system causing. disagreements from one end of the Dominion to the other owing to the provisitial authorities being ex MURDER. VERDICT RIGHT DECIDES Jas, Jemantael Js Guilty of of Toronto, Jan, 17, The-court of-ap- peals yesterday afternoon upheld Jus- tice Riddell in big charge to the jury which found Joseph Jessamine guilty of murdering James Lougheed on Bu- chanan Street May 29th last. Justice Riddell prepared-a stated-case for the decision for the higher court as fol- lows: Was I-right in charging the jury that even if the prisoner was insane, if he appreciated the nature and quality of the act, and. knew it was wrong, but that he had wo.power. to resist the Impulse, they shonld not acquit on the ground of insanity? T, C Robinette, KC., represented th prisoner and in-a few words ex- plained the features of the case. With- out hearing the arguments of the counsel for the Crown, the court de Gided-in-favor of the trial iudge. Jessamine shot James Lougheed in cold Heed on La Plante Aye. waited for him an hour. for a lonig time been suffering from de- Iusions to the effect that his victim was slatidering him and ruined his life, The murderer-was for eight years. employed in the capacity of clevator man at.the post office, and he had a habit of continually talking BALLET T RATS ARE CAUSING Sint Paris, Jan, 17. in--the-4Strike-of-the Ballot at the Opera or the declaration of a policy read in the chamber this afternoon by Premier -Poineaire.- -The trouble in the ranks of the ballot is not new. Months ago the male dancers struck as against the appointment of a cer- tain Clajret as dancing master. The who directors were firm for a night and the ballet was given without the men jdancers,, The next day, however, Cla - ret was deprived of his appointment. The ballet demands a scale of wages of 3.200, 3,400 and 3,800 franes per an- nun, . The members of the bailet complain influence n taking engagements and fixing salaries. An open rat as the young dancers are called in an Interview today com- plained-that politicians and other fm- portant personages wer altogether too influential with the administri- tion. of the: opera, THIRD SQUADRON FOR GERMAN NAVY (W. A. P. Cable.) be dependable information of a third squadron of vice and also a large tor subaris For the APPEALS COURT having tion whether Paris is more Interested Berlin, Jan. 17 The Tagliche Run- aschaa published what it declares to the new marine programme. This, the pa- per say , provides for the, creation of eight reserve ships of which two are already n ger- appropriation Turkey should renounce he cl Of the SUDMATTNES, DeCWSEN ZU- provinces but thik will-not be aub ercised from time to time in contra- diction to the central government. Canadians would rejoice if the Union- ists here succeeded in preventing Irish ONE MARRIAGE LAW of Thousands of Ontario Petitioners. (W. P. Dispatch) Toronto, Jan. 17. When the Pro- testant petition dectaiming against the Ne Temere Decree in Ontario is presented to the Lieut. i contain hundreds of thousands of names, but will not outline a big pol the attached, No, we are not oytiiningphiz.pol- icy to present to the Lieut. Governor of Ontario, said Rev. E. D. Sileox this morning. What we want is*a stated case; we want one. marriage law for the whole province and one law only. We don't want any church law interferin, - WOMAN. FROM DEATH Hold-Up Fires Bullet, but Stays Deflect Bullet to Handkerchief. (W. A. P. Dispatch.) London, Ont., Jan. 17. Fraser, 506 English St, was held up and shot by an unknown highwayman on Central Avenue-at eleven o'clock Hast night. The bullet entered her side but was fortunately deflected by -steel-of-her-corset-and-todged iir/ the handkerchief in her pocket.. The serfousiy injured. BURSTING FURNACE. Embedded in in Molten Metal Sight of RB Li- quid Paralyses Many. (W. A. P. Cable) Duisburg, Germany, Jan. 17, Eight ironworkers were-killed-and- two oth- ers seriously injured by the bursting lof a furnace near this city during the ts the Demand of Hundreds ley Backed: by those whose aignatufes (CORSET STEEL SAVES KILLS 8 WORKMEN Alberta Far sentation. cw. ALP. Edmonton, Jan: 12. Political action in matters concerning the agricultur- al interests of the province will he itted in tl ed. Farters' Un- ing to a provis- new constitution adopted last night, This question. occupied the entire evening. The provision that provided the discussion, provides that the association can take any po- DAILY EDITION W. ALP. AND C. A, Pe members, TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE Provinelal Library, Dee 19 1 PRICE, FIVE CENT mers Union Can Take Political Action Amendments Made to Charter at Edmonton Meeting Can now take Sides in any Questions that may tend to Better their Conditions Won't Reduce mere Dispateby Two amendments were proposed to eliminate any reference to political action, Both wore Seperwnciatas aeteated. The dclegat s turned dows Position to amend the constitution so as to reduce the representation at the annual convention. The basis agreed upon is on delegate for every ten The discussion of the new. Under Execution. Pekin, China, Jan 1 -A bomb. was throwz-at premier Yuan Shi Kai's carriage While he was on his way to the Imperiaf court-to-day, Killing two soldiers and injuring several other persons, both civilians and soldiers. Of theue eight or-ten are expected to fdie, Several horses belonging to the military, esc rt, besides those attach- star Pre Yuaps Shi Kat's car were Killed? The would-be assassins selected the inoment when the. pre- infer was on his-way to the Imperial Railway Co., Sent up from Supreme Court. (Ce A. P. Cable) London, Jan. 17. The judicial com- mittee of the-Priyy Council today gave the case referred to them from the Su- preme Court of Canada of the city of Montreal vs. the Montreal Street Rail- way Company, respondents, and the Attorney-General for the Province of account of his Health. Missrs.. I. Cooper, Forme? residents of the Hat, who entered business in Swift Cur- rent aime years ago, have dissolved pertnership, the latter assuming sole charge. The young men have-prosper- ed mightily in Swidt Current Ma Argue bas been mayor twice since the KULS THO BUT T HSE 8 ee ANYMORE DYING PREMIGH--MANY. Enasaaiae now a Imperial Authorities Expect to Order Tmmediate Court where he had a long audience with the Prince. of the Imperial clan. The men. who attempted to take Yuan Shi Kia s life were captured. The public executioner was at once called and with his assistants is now stand- ing guard in front of the house where the assassins are held. He will re- main on duty there until he receives orders from. the Imperial authorities who. it's expected will command the m n tobe immediately executed. Eevy Council. Dismiss Appeal Montreal vs Montreal Street Qvebee, intervonants, being wheth- ler certain through traffic upon the 7 respondent's railway is subject to te legislative authority of the Parlia- ment of Canada and the Board of Rati- way Commissioners under the provis- fons of the British North Anrerican act.and the Railway Act of Canada. Black and Redden were for the Appel- fants, Botterl and. Roche for the res- pondents and the Charl s Russell Co. and Withers, Benson, Birkett .and Davies for the interyerants, ae DISSOLVED. PARTNERSHIP Big Swift Current Firm Makes a Change W. Ww. Coo-. per is now sole-Proprietor J. EB. Argue pice on Limit, be is big ewough to handle the jundertaling, sabpiaintr nee ME on account of bis health. Althouyts to looks. strong and beaithy, the heavy stnain fas had its effect. Mr. Argue night. It is feare that a number of the- victims are embedded in metal which flowed In a great molten mass out of the molds when the boiler burst, The men were paralyzed when they saw the metal rapidly. flowing towards them and they made nv at- tempt to escap . More men have been reported-as-seriously Injured, ASK POWERS TO INT- ERVENE TO STOP WAR Berlin Approached to End Turkey-ltaly Hostilities. (W. A. P. Cable) Constantinople, Jan. 17. A report Js current. that. proposals to put an end to hostilities between Turkey and Italy aye: been submitted by Russin to the signatory powers of the treaty of Berlin. The suggestion 3 that her African 000,000, and 30,000,000 marks will years, asked, be mitteg to belligerents until the pow- Signatories to Treaty of town was incorporated and the other day was re-elected president of the Board of Trade. Ibe Swift Current News refers as follows to the dissolu- tion: One of the largest mercantile deals ever put through in Western Canada was consiimmiated yesterday alterhoos when the firm of Argue Cooper was dissolved, Mr. Cooper taking over Mr. Argue's share in the business, as well his real estate holdings. This firm commenced busiriess some nine years ago in a building: on the south corner of the. property where the present store stands. By their ag- gressivencss, the business kept grow- ling very rapidly, and in 1906 they were compelled to enlatge, increasing their floor space to half what it now is. By good management, the store handled the business for atiime,.but. again in 1910 they were compelled to imerease their space, so put. up their Present large store one of the larg- est between Winnipeg and Calgary. to learn that we will mot Jose him as a Citizen. We wish to congratolate Mr,Coop- r and wish kim all future. success im this large undertaking. ANOTHER UPRISING W. ADP. Cable) Salonica, Jan, 17. News from aAl- Dania today Ti regard to the uprising of the Millissori tribesmen is alarm- ing. A battalion of Turkish infantry and four batteries ,of artillery have deen rushed to Janina and a thousand men called out at Durazzo. The Mil- Ussor and other tribesmen are resist- ing disarmament and have killed Geu- darmes at many places. The regular, Tennis Dance will e Mr. Cooper, now the sole owner of she-atore the-targest jers approve and aggressive. Although be will 15949 Jum 'to be cleaned and pressed, 160dtf held im the Opera House on Thursday
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Image 89 (1912-01-17), from microfilm reel 89, (CU1770754). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.