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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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HEY look better, wear better, last nger, and cost less n lath, plaster and l-paper. EAVER BOARD es not crack, chip or integrate. : EAVER BOARD ps out heat and cold, adens sound, and re- eee SEAVER BOARD quickly and easily put any one h tools. EAVER BOARD 2 be used in a thou. d ways in every home. LAY - CO. ie Lumber People. i LE AGENTS. ne Trial LL CONVINCE that our PURE E FRUIT JUICE e Best. , Pints : 40 . , Quarts T5e. gle s Drag and ak Store : 3: eine lninininininininind ITSON LEADER Decorating. ONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS US FIGURE WITH YoU RE PLACING YOUR RACT FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. fice Next to City Hall. is the time to see about T ROOM YOU ARE 30ING TO HAVE apered it phone 156 mnd Rey- ds Stowart will be ased. to bring and show their NEW SPRING LL, PAPER samples a re. ah a estimate ie oF al yr house Toms of NOLDS STEWART ave., opp, Binning s Store. ates furnished on ail kinds ainting Paperhangiug B. Taylor s ransfer and Heavy Draying. upt Attention to ail orders. d Hay for Sale. reels Delivered. PHONE NO. 349. 4 GIVE O p AND FOR SALE EXCAVATING EAVY TEAMING INCRETE WORK. *Phone 260. J. LAI MONTUEAL STREET tterson Co. nern Direc ene Embelmers ) 2 Open day and Mor oA Forouta Se Bone 19a be NOW for The Daliy New PF 3 i a i a d i i i 3 the first fall and won q second fall in. ntefeated Per y Collins S PO 2s Pe trees Pr ei , T ws sn us s We have 12 Ladies Hand Bags in the very Newest Styles they eame right. from New York to us for our Xmas trade These 12 range, price from, 3.00 to 17.50 and we will sell them ata discount of 25 per cent. - You can see them in the window with prices all marked. Extra Special Spring Samples of 20th Century Brand Suits and Light Overeoats are Ready. eT Turpin Bros. The Man's Stone Where You Get the Big Dollar's Worth A neat little boo for-our-customers.and made to Ft the vest pocket, containing give laws of Manitoba, Sas- Kurchawan, Alberta and British Columbia anc Ontario, also oth- er useful information to the sportsman. This booklet will be gisdly mailed with our compli- ments to any desiring anne. HE CAN, ARM * SPORTING GOODS CO Winnipeg, Man. QUEAL BEAT SHRUBB English Runner Lost 12 mile Race at Watertown by Half a Lap. E (W. A. PL Dispateh.) Watertown, Febf 6. Wm. Queal, the American runner, defeated Alf, Shrubly the Faglishinan, in a close race of 12 miles at the armory here lest night The winning tima was I hour 6 minx tes and 17 4-5 seconds, the track 21 Japs to tho mile being slow. Quesly bya wonderful spurt, drew away from the English runner im the last mile and crossed the tape ebout half lap im the lead. GOTCH'S PRODIGY HAD-A HARD 68 Toe an Gyeione Buu's 10r Firs Time. 08. A. B, Diapaten) peal ae ee ee mae Gotoh's Turkish prodigy, tiatch to- night ia the inain Bout of the wrest- lng mati. 0f Sechaees ball Hold- ing the Turk of for 41 minutes and 19 Seconds before the letter could se- cure f38 first fall. Mabmout secured ficad scissors and barearm lock for 14 minutes, 10 seconds, with a traverse Nelson. FOR BILLIARD TITLE. New York, Feb: 6 Joseph Mayor the Philadelphia wen the twelfth game of the National Glass A 18.2 balk line billiards chathpionship to- day upon the resumption of the tour- nament, under the direction: of the National Association of Amateur- Bil- Mard players. Mayor defeated Dr. W. powers rd -Chs of New York 400-to-241. J. Fordinard Hollingburg, former National champion, made, run away match of the evening game. He the youtg Chicagoan 400 to 312, UDBON BAY CONTRACT (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Witmipes, Feb. 6. It was ennowne- ed here-this- morning that the con tracts had been let this mom ng , for the 185 miles of the Tludson Bay sailway north of the pass. The suc- cessful contractors are McMillan Brost * ish Contract. night's meeting of the city counell was a long one. A large amount of routine business was sub- mitted and dealt with and passed, the council sitting till near 11.30 o'clock. Ald: Pratt took bis seat on the coun- cl for the first time, he having just returned from a trif to,the Bast. A large grist of communications A. Re Perry's. resignation wab read and agcefted with regrets. Am adver- tisement will be inserted in daily pa ers for a new treasurer. A communication was read from Supt, Cameron of the C.P.R. to the effect that the f nce on South Railway Street had been moved in as per an agreement reached with the city com mittee. The fence Is still on city pro- perty but as the matter of paving the streets will likely come up soon It was decided to leave the matter as it stood for the present. Messrs, Bray and Blatchford, who act as city returning officers, wrote that they noticed that the city was. granting pretty substantiai increases, according to the News-and they asked j that they be given 102 day and their assistaits 5. Referred to the Finance. Committee. A. P, Wilson asked for water and gas on Lawton St: Referred to the city engineer. An extension of the water mains to blocks in the Herald survey was ask- ea by. A. Mcarthur. Referred to the Water Committee with power. The matter of completing the agree- ment with H. L. Tweed and the C.P.R. re the spur line in block 67-8-9, was re-opened, aa it was found that a part of it-had been overlooked by last Year's council andthe matter was re- the Public Works Commit- tee. 2 The Linseed Ol1 Mill Co. wrote ask- ing for the deed to their property, saying they had completed thefr part of the agreement with the city. Re- GIVEN FOUR YEARS (W. ADP. Dispateny Regina; Teb. 6. Emest Brummell vonvicted. of receiving part of the More Patrolmen, Increased Pay for Hat Forc City Council Adopted Recommendation of Ald. John- ston s Committee to Increase Police Staff Tro- uble Likely over City Power Plant City Will Fin- Were ferred to the new Industries Commit- tee. * The Builders Exchange: wrote and asked that the city make a more uni- form fee for the issuing of-buttding permits, and asked that the city ap-' point a committee to meet them and discuss the matter. . Mayor Spencer named Aldermen Brown, Ansley. and) date.- The C.P.R. asked that they be al- Jowed to take gravel from Police Point for thelr bridge butments, but as the ity does not quite own Police Point. yet, they have no power to grant such. a request, .: The nhatter of granting permission Harlow Ave, for shooting, was refer- red to the Public Works Committee. G, Satterlio asked for the granting of a license similar to that issued to Auction r Browne. Referred to the Market Committee. The city electrician asked that the clty by-law relating to electrical signs be amended, Referred to the Electric Committee. Short, Ross and Sellwood wrote asking for the gathering of evidence in the coming suit over Central Park. The mayor, however, had already at- tended to the matter and the-commun- leation was filed. 5 Charles Caesor of Vermillion, wrote asking that the city endorse a new bill relating to. the governing of the Indian list, matter whieh will be brought before the Legislature. They want to have the province divided up into districts so that it will be easter for the hotel men to identify the in- eberiates, and which also allows Ji 's to put a man on the list if they The endorsation asked for was given. Messrs, Mathews, Murray and Pro- by offered to sell the city parcel of 33 acres of land for industtial pur- poses at 27,000, Referred to the In- dustries Committee to repo MONARCH THEATRE THURSD: Yhe management announce that hey have secured for Thursday the sensa- tional Imp. featura entitled From. the bottom of the sea. swag trom the Canadian Northerali x ress robbery at Regina on Nov. 23 last was today sentenced to Prince Albert penitentiary for four years with hard lator. Brunnell started to. make q rambling spaech in witch be reviewed the evidence of the caso. He still contends that he was not guilty but said he was in tha power of WMoonshine Wright. The judgh in- terrupted the remarks of the prisoner and bid him cease. Judge Lamont CHANGE OF NAME The name of the Bowman-Sine Lum ber Company, Ttd., has been changed: to the tAtins Inmber Company, Td. There has been no change in the management of the company, and the business will be conducted on the same sound principles which have dis- inguished it in the past. PRINCES NEAR CAUGHT. (WwW. A. P. Cable) Detmold, Germany, Feb. 6. The courthouse of this place was destroy- ed by fire to-night. Fortunately no house of Lippe who were in the bufld- ing at the time of the discovery had a narrow escape with their lives. MACHINERY PLANT BURNED (W. A. P, Dispateh.) Moline, iL, Feb, The. Barnard and Leas Manufacturing Co.'s plant for struction oF Hour mittng mach nery, was destroyed by fire here early today. The loss is estimated at 500,000... Assistance was called from Rock Taland, -IJl, Davenport, lowa, and from tle Rock Istand Arsenal. The efforts: of them -att-were futile A big sensational feature at the Mobarch on Thursday From the Bot- tom of the Sea. Usual admission. Ine 5.00 IN GOLD The Star Theatre s Issuing cou- pons, Get one. You may be lucky Regular prices. Big fire feature Still Alarm, Wednesday and Thursday, this week, 1T7al A. big sensational feature at the Monarch on Thursday From the Bot- tom of the Sea.' Usual admission. 17743 also told Brinnell that he pplieved lie, Brunell, had committed perjury in the box. lives Were lost, but-the princes of the months that these two noted cue ex- pla oF weeks Hoppe has displayod excellent This is undowbbedly the most thril- ling and exciting marine story ever timed. It is replete with stantling situations and interesting incidents. The rescue-of the doomed crew from ja sullmarine boat is ome of the most hazardous efiects ever shows on the screen. The story is faithfully por- WATIVE DANCING. Weird Exhibition Seen by Britian Explor rs In French Guinea. Major Powell Cotton has just re yorned to England alter shooting: expedition in Portuguese and French Guinea. Sport was not so good as be had hoped, as almost every Gui- bis lelgure moment wandering in. wie m0 ing ith bush for a stray shot, How.) Selene got fair number of objects of his journey, Powell Cotten inlersidd Bese As ees that singe bis two expeditic jganda an tor. Pie nad bens smoet aa zlous to get some specimens from the west coast for purposes of comparison, and, Geretores decided to vish Guinea. Tt curious fact, he added, that the types of animals from th west coast penetrate much farther in fo the interior than those from the for many which-1 had collected eastern tributaries of the Congo d to be similar to west coast on th forms. Ralerring to the Foulah and its peo- ple, the explorer said, though it w ne fhe cad of tho hot weather when B was there, the country was A wonderful, silent, powerful and efficient motor, built in the Unit Power Plant type... Eyerythini enclosed, including valves, flywheel, transmission, clutch in fact every possible workiag part is pre in an air-tight, oll-tight and dirt-proof aluminum housing, yet so easily accessible that any trouble can be Immediately reached by-simply removing one of the quick detachable casing plates. The motor is trouble- Tess, speedy, powerful and always ready for the hardest work under any kind of conditions. The full floating rear axle, climating danger in axle trouble and a great deal of tire trouble; the three point suspension; the high tension magneto; the steering gear, absolutely automatic in its take up for wear; rol; the full equipment; and a number of other advanced features, many of which are only found in imported high priced cars, and most not found at all in Canadian cars of the same price. Further investigation-will-conclusively prove that the GALT is a High Class Car with a Medium Price, EET US SHOW YOU THE CAR, BETTER YET, GET A DEMONSTRATION. -MEDICINE HAT AGENCY 3 the center control GALT CARS, Tourist and R ability. os oadster, FIVE MODELS The Greatest-Actual Automobile Value for the Money in Canada. The Reasons Why: i In the chassis there Las been adopted a style and a standard of construction that simply cannot weaken and that will stand up-under the most trying tests in motor car depend 438 Fifth Avenue. trast toall other parts of Africa tl he had visited, where, imi season, the land would be parched and the grass and trees brown. The two tiers which water the country should make irrigation of thousands of. acres a comparatively easy matter. Wild-rubber, vines, and palma-are plentiful, while among the ropa are cotton, ground nuts, and ry fine rice. ienessed, dance at Kambaluta, a village some distance from Kade, where a number of Indies, accompanied by band of four drummers, came out to sing to ts. im the course ot her evolutions the leading danseuse pranced close up to where I was only to stop sud- denly and throw her head backwards several times with such a violent jerk that it was wonderful the spinal col- umn was uninjured. It was the most curiously painful exhibtion in the way of-dancing that I have ever seen in -any land. Leader's Presentiments. On the occasion of the King s visit to Edinburgh. Lieut.-General Bir Bruce Meade Hamilton, K.C.B., gen- eral officer commander-in-chief, Scot- tish command, was made Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order. ES For his South African service he was frequently mentioned in dis- patches, received the K.C.B.. and was. promoted to major-general for dis- tinguished service. Tn. the Transvaal. campaign of 1 General Bruce Hamilton was not at Majuba, but, plucky soldier as he is, he would have been there, as was his namesake, General Sir Ian Ham. ilton (who, in fact, was seriously wounded), but for Sir George Pome- Toy-Colley his brave leader had dire presen- timents on the eve of the battle tfore. bodings which hinted at defeat and he was unwilling that young Hamil- ton, as he called: his aide-de-camp and brother-in-law, should be dis turbed from his sleep. - To Chaplain Ritehie he said: Take care there is ho noise round young Hamilton's tent. I don t mean to Htake-him to-night; there seems a kind of fatality about-my staft. sister. i 7 No Sinecure. During the recent industrial com flict in England one of the hardest. worked men was Mr. Sydney Bux- Aon, one of whose functions as Presi- dent, of the Board of Trade is to me- diate in trade disputes. Not that he is by. any means new to the latter work, for he was a member of the Conciliation Board at the time of the trayed in, that a genuine submarine Goat was chartered for the. occasion, the crew amd boat being placed at the disposal Of the Imp Director.The drama is imterpreted by capable ac- tors and no pains has been spared to make it clatorate and praiseworthy, The story, bas to do witly airs of a young ensign in the navel service end-the daughter of a lieatea- nt, his superior officer: A villain steals valve wheel irom the mechan- ism of the submarine boat: out off revenge and the licutenamt, the en sign and crew arp powerless et the bottom of the sea, as the boat once Hives of the men. He wins the girl for his bravery. A two feel story, about 2.008 feet. HOPPE VERSUS SUTTON Special to News. New York, Feb, 6. Billiard enthus- jasts are looking forward with keen interest to the 18.2 championship match between Willie Hoppe and George Sutton, which Is to be played tomorrow night at the Hotel Astor: Itwill be the second time within six perts fiaVe contested for the cham- plonship title. In the previous match in this ity last November Hoppe suc- ceeded in easily defeating the veteran Sutton, The latter was disappointed by his showing and challenged again. actice work the past few form and he expresses confidence in his ability to retain his title. 00 IN GOLD The Star Theatre pons, Get one. You may be lucky. ment for til uisestbling: Schools For Adults. is issuing cou- The last dock-strike, Mr. Buxton, wl by the way, is the first President the Board of Trade to receive the full Ministerial salary of 25, itherto the position only carri salary of 10,000 was Postmaster-General from 1905 to 1910, and may be fairly styled the most progressive P.M.G. that the G.P.O. has ever had. Further: he has been paid the compliment of liaving his writings recommended by Tories for Tories. Says one of the op position camp, He sees both sides of, question very clearly; so much s0 that his summary of arguments on political questions is just as useful to Unionists as Radic College are Hon. Walter Runciman, president of the British Board of Edu- cation, in the introduction to blue, book issued recently, says there war probably never a time-when university education was in greater need of ade. quate encouragement, adding The small extent to which univers sity work is endowed by private bene faction in this country is emphasized if comparison is made with the meas- ure of support forthcoming in other countries. The weakness of the appeal which: university education makes in the present day to the imagination of the wealthy finds its counter apathy of the-public at large, and this apathy is only too frequently re- flected in the attitude of local authori. ties. Pin-Pricked With Grievances, Mr. J. Havelock. Wilson, general secretary -of the Seamen's Union, agrees that a sailor's life to-day is bit-better than when he ran ew: to sea at the age of twelve and sailed round the world under canvas. Still, he says, the life of poor Jack is pin- ppricked with grievances. Not on as Mr, Wilton made voyages. round the world before the mast, but he hag, worked ashore in many countries, and, one of his proudest boasts is that iy Bridge He tool a leadiag pert lyn Bridge. a leading part in the dock strike at Oarditt in 1960-1, and had to do six weeks imprison: first shool exclusi Regular prices. Big fire feature Still Alarm, Wednesday and Thursday, this week. adults was establ Soo aE For all kindsof Job Printing try 17741 the News Office. Te added, a curious tens thing were to happen to him it would kill hi: COMMITTEE REPORTS (Continued from page one) working order. To date there has on- ly been one hydrant frozen, which was thawed out. ELECTRIC LIGHT During the month a representative of Chapman Walker, witi the aa- sistance of Mr. Fisher, an expert op- recommended the appointing of a san itary inspector and to have him also inspect the -flues of, the different homes of the city and in this way do away with the, possibility of people be- ing poisoned. Referred to the License and Police Committee for report. The Market and Parks report pre- sented by Ald. Ansley, recommended that Murket Clerk Shrunk be given an increase in pay, anid also recommend- ed that a by-law be changed so as PLEASES AUDIENCE Large Attendance at the First. of the Week s Show by Stock Co, The Wrong Mr. Wright was pre- to prohibit -the running of to put-the Liarge In congested patty of ae Tee oonted test night atthe Operd Honda erating engineer, attempted rge in congested parts of the clty. electric Ught machinery in parallel operation. He succeeded in getting them in, but from my observation I did not consider that the same. was to be considered in any Way perfect. I, therefore advised that Mr. Maxwell come here to look into the matter and 1 understand his report Is now in file regarding the matter. I may say that I concur in his recommendations. During the month two extensions were made, one from 5th Ave. down Charles St. Alley, and the other one from 4th Ave, down Balmoral St. Al- ley. 12 new connections were made dur- ing the- month and two were trans- ferred. Owing to the fire at the corner of South Railway St, 3 connections were lost, but only one meter was in any way damaged, the others being re- moved, This makes a total of 109 services on our lines at the present time. There were 15 permits issued during the month, making a total of 197 to . date, and inspection fees amounted to 21.20. GENERAL The department must now make up the annual requirements for improve- ments for 1912, and it.1s desirable that persons wishing local improvements should notify the department of their way be brought to the attention of the public 0 that these by-laws can be prepared at an early a-date as poss- ible, S enous We have one crew in the field mak- ing surveys for sewers. With the work at present contemplated, this will take from 6 weeks to 2 months, During the month I have been look- ing around for a man who will do the work which last year was attended to by Mr, Bell, ard have secured the services of Mr. J, D. MacBeth, Asst. The matter of a blacksmith shop was brought up by Ald. Brown, who said that the city s blacksmith bill was a large one. Engineer Grimmer Said that at the present time he had Mr, Jackson preparing a report on this matter and that It was his inten- tion to bring the matter up at some future date, The matter was referred to the:chairman of the Public Works, Gas and Electric Light Committees for report, The inatter of purchasing city stores and supplies for the coming. season's work brought out some discussion. Some members of the council sald that as all the departments used some of the Stores that all. the chairmen should be onthe committee. This Would mean all the members of the counoil,Some-of th Aldermen said that the Finance and Police depart- ments had nothing to do with shoyels, ete, The engineer explained - that there. was something for each com- mittee, to purchase, but in the end a compromise was made and the city engineer, Mayor Spencer and the city storekeeper were named as a com- mittee to do the ordering. The Martin Philip's by-law,-reeent- Jy voted on by the people and which Was carried, was given its third read- Was brought up by the Mayor who thought that the councll sbould pass g Tesolution adopting the, ed meeting. The resolution carried, Mr, Mahafty was present and said that he had received a letter from Mr. Mulr, K.C., who wishea-a-conference with him to disctss the franchise, Mr. Muir found one loop-hole in the fran- a line of th fr own and at the same time id- not want to. purchase th Clty Engineer of Mon ton. He intorms ttre tthe eliy of the propomd cor me that he will not be able to arrive here until about March 15th, as the work has opened up earlier than was anticipated, We are at the present time short handed in the department, but I belfeve that Mr. MacBeth will prove very satisfactory for the work which we have in hand. Ald. Robinson presented. th report of the Gas Committee which recom- mended the repairing of the Toronto Street well, which at the present time is in rather bad condition. The report of the Water Committee presented by Ald. Pratt recommen- ed that the general water system. construction as recommended in the report of last July, be carried out. It also-reommended that the C.P.R. be notified that they cannot enter into a contract-with the -PR. at present, but would, supply them with water Tor thefr coaches till the new system is part in the. instatled,when they would be ready to consider the matter of a contract. The Electric Committee report pre- sented by Ald. Evans, recommended that a graphic meter be purchased for the power plant. The report of: the Palice recorimended the Inc and the hiring of two more officars, as above stated. During last month h 48 eases and col, the police dealt W lected 1,98 licenses, The report of the pound keeper waz also presenta Ald, Johnston also presented a re- port of the health board as submtt ted by Dr. Thomas, It recommended big changes 1 the handling of meat ang the Killing of cattle in the city qrrecommended-in part that the meth: killing and the hi ting of meats be changed, Chat aly aay Inspected before Killing, the latler to he done at a public abatoir, The-mat- ter of people being poisoned from gar fumes was also* brought up and it Pany the present charter gave the city no running rights lines, 1s ights over their Don't miss From the Bottom of the Sea at the-Monarch on Thurs- day. . Very sensational Usuel-edmis- sion. 177a3 5.00 IN GOLD The Star Theatre is issuing cou- Pons. Get one, You may be lucky. Regular prices. Big fire feature Stil Alarm, . Wednesday and Thursday, this week. 1itai HIGHEST QUALITY. acquired quired it 30 strong dinary tes AWARDED G chise which was that if the city built 1 jaye be Had in Town ot Best Shops 1D MEDAL LONDON. to a well satisfied audience. The man- ager apologized for the change of pro- gramme, necessitated by the appara- tus for the snow scene in the last act of An American Abroad being in- advertantly left in Calgary. However, the snow making machine will be here today and the public will have the opportunity of seeing what Mr. Summers promises to be an even bet- ter play than that seen last night. If It is half as good there will be no cause for any one to grumble, Mr, Summers, who playod Single- ton Sites, pleased all onlookers and chused roars. of laughter ag he fired broadside after broadside of new jokes and skillful wit over the footlights, Miss Bette Stevenson, as Herinetta, Oliver, made a splendid private detec- tive who would win through almost any case by her coy, wheedling ways. As regards Mr. Jack Connolly, those who have read Martin Chuzzlewit, saw Mr. Chadband last night with hia mean, hypocritical, canting manner in the form of Wayland Clingstone. Mtss Winais-Gordon was first rate as Arabella, nd one wonders how so charming a lady managed to depict the vinegary, narrow-mined old maid with such apparent ease, Mr, H. Lind say s a smart young actor of the new school, he acts bis part as Fred ;teauirements so that ttmay be duly ing and passed ae condidered and included in the by-law. ape netier of the Electric Railway Want future before him on the stage. ranchise T therefore suggest that this in some Miss Mable Ruth, personating Ethel Bond was a peach , The o role of a lady Masquerading as her shanges to the charter ad 'reconimend- own mald was accomplished with the Lease with which only an expert ar- tist could Win through on. Miss. Nellie Long, Lhim Sture, erican dandy with great suc Front Wonder was, well, wonder, and earned for th Jette a very good name, aud Timmons as Johnston the dete was all that could be desired. the whole the opening n e week's plays of the Sum Company was all that could be sired-and should enstre a bu house for the balance of the week. Don't miss From the Bottom of the Sea at the Monarch on 3 day. Very sensational. Usual admis sion. Vimas Est DISso : S TEA I The taste for Ridgways Tea, like. a taste for the best music, may have to be by some, but when once ac is a source of lasting delight. The world s finest tea, always fresh, and it goes much farther than or- as. Sealed-in air-tight, dust- proof, quarter, half and pound packages. * Her Majesty's Bleod* 1,00 per Ib. 5 O'Clock* 60c. - * Old Country 50e *- Capital Houschold 40c.
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Image 195 (1912-02-06), from microfilm reel 195, (CU1770733). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.