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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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06 ft front on 4th Ave only 2,000. Choice Apartment or Boarding House Site, 400 Yards from HOMESEEKERS. Several fully modern houses at the right price and terms. ENQUIRE You are under no obligation whatever. SOUTH YUILL. 550 100ft Gore. corner om * Rose Street. Snap. 750 Terms s0it. Bk. 5, Park Bt. Gas and Water. as 9685 Terms, 50 ft, Do lon Street, Gas, Water and Sewer, 500 Terms, 50 ft, Main Street, 950 Terms, fucing Bast Al- Towanes. 9450 Terms, 50 ft, Elm Street, Gas and Water. C.N.R. TO.CONCENTRATE ON ALBERTA THIS YEAR More Track to be Laid in Alberta than in Any other Province in Dominion Says Gen. Man. Macleod. BR, Vegreville line, and om tha Munbon thip line, The anajority of the coo struction: work on these lines would be done under the provincial govern ment s guarantee. The Athabasca Lending line is now complate, except. the Jast ten miles. A report for which the company was not responsible wus circulated some weeks ago stating that the last mile of stecl -had been laid to Athabasca Tanding. That was not correct. Sev- eral bridges, not very large ones, will Edmonton, March 4. *The C.N. will lay more track in Alberta year-than-in-any- otherprovince. This wos the statement of M. H Macleod,-general. spanager of th Canafian Northern Railway, to 4) Bulletin representative who sough en interview ot the C.N.R. depot yes terday, Mr. Maclecl shod jut return ed from the Yellow Head Pass where be had been in-company wit A. Wilcox, the general superinten si oO our Best Buys and can deliver any of CENTRAL RARK Bik, 17-9550, palr, Bik, 11 685, palr. Bik, 18-8600, pair. U.S, COAL STRIKE CANADIAN ROADS Tenders will be received by the un- W lE P deraigned-up till noon, Saturday, Mar. 9, for the exclusive privilege of adver- tising (athe prize-Het of the- Med - cine Hat Agricultural Society for 1912. For Sale, Lost, Neariy 1000 coples will be printed and distributed, The front and-back pases only will contain advertising matter Monday, March 4tb, 1912 LOST AND FOUND OST Between sth and 6th Ave. a these headings. News office. spoons, Reward by leaving at the 19948 Bik, 16 8750, palr. Bik, 9950, 60 feet, . HERALD Bik, 12-8630, palr. Bik, 28 9675, pair. Bik, 8 850, 100 ft. corner. Bik, 4 950, palr, corner. TOWNSITE Bik, 87 1200, terms. Bik, 8 1200, terms, Bik, 55 95,000, terms. RIVERSIDE 8840 t00Rt Block them. Was forced to admit - that he knew some of the work of his agents was fraudulent, but counsel for the Secre- tary of State contended that, ellmin- ating the fraudulent names there would yet be enough to make good the calling of the referendum. The State objected that the plaintiff in the case had no right to bring such cult, and that he had not followed the pre seribed fofms. H Attorneys for the State university, on the other band, maintain the right of apy legal voter to bring such suit, and-furthermore they make the main contention that fraud in part of the petition invalidates the whole, es pecially: where the fraud is so exten- sive and Is so well known before the filing of the petitions, The case hag aroused much interest in Oregon, which State was the first to adopt the initiative and referendum and varlous means of safeguarding ed rep the cy, require to be built belore the stect can be got to the Landing, but the Tine should be completed very shortly Macleod, connects with a good wagon road, (which can be safely traveled by Tiye present end of the steel, said Mr. Feats Teo wark of-the-company the Hine west of Edmonton is pro gresing satistactorily, and: consider able grading has been done a3 far. fnile 170 west of Edmonton. The work has nocesoarily. been rather telions 29, far, but a start is being made i the laying of the steel for the bridge ae aoe eke anblde- slows; eed oa sical Seeesog of Ue, prorat See a eight yards at Edmonton; ap the bridge is thrown over the gra- , Mr. MacLeod said the growing volume Ging on the stretch between the Pem- : Se aren aecchacd aveen oi ba eae eevee Bj shoukd be extended in the near future: comptetnd, the parts already graded) ii. would not state whether or not being connected up. the compamy intended using property Jt is a little carly yet, seid Mr. northeast of the city, reported to MacLeod, xo estimate the amount have been puschased by the company of work which will be got, through om) fr the purpose of freight yards and this Hine daring the year, but Sir/shops. He said there was. nothing Donald Mann stated the other ay definite to-amonnce im regard to ne the principle are being discussed by friends of the law, for they fear that if frauds are allowed to get by, worse frauds will be perpetrated and the whole system brought into disrepute. THINGS HAVE CHANCED Apropos of Waslington s birthday and the cbanged times in the land of the free Hugh E. Keough has this in The Chivago Tribune- George Washington a red-blood was in its-uxalted sense; 4 He stood for all that red-bloods love and deemed it no ofience: that 350 miles Of the line in British gotdations for q umion depot herp. Columbia will be graded this srer, Mr. Macleod was not at liberty to aed from this end we expect to have discuss the situation at Mile 31 B.C., the: Hine graded. to the summit. Aj where the work on the G.T-P. has large force of men is at work om the) ben stopped by, am injunction obtain British Columbia side: So much de-a against that company by the a pends on the weather, however, that C.N.R. Soma difficulty hed arisen, it is dificult to give exact fsti- be said, which made the injunction mates. necessary in the interests of the C.N. Regarding the general coustruction . Neither did he. wish to make work of the company in the pro; Comparisons. between St work done vince, Mi. Macleod said the com- By the two companies on their Hines pany intended to concentratio on Al- tcthween Edmonton, and the Coast. ferta, and push their extensions as The G.T.P., he said, are getting much go possible this year. As soon on very well with their line, and so aa the weather opened up, men would are we. I can't predict which -will be be got to work on the Poace alata ie Sas ao so cteeat eee to Calgary- the Coast. fine, the: Brazeau lin , the Attacks Referendum University of Oregon Takes. of State Some of Petition Fraud. Ee IgE Hugene, Ore., Mar. 4 Alleged abus- es of popular rule through the refer- endum will be pointed. out. when the sult of the University of Oregon against the Secretary of State ig atgued inthe State supreme court at Salem, The 1911 sesslon ot legislature appropriated 500,000 for the University of Oregon, which is located here, but before Ure law be- came.operatiye, a referendum petition filed by one H. J. Parkison was pre- sented to the Secretary of State and accepted, tying up the with, As theStrial progressed, until 1912, when the people would be given an opportunity to vote on the question, Cursory examination of the petitions showed evidences of fraud, so suit was bought by a regent of the university to prevent the Secretary Against the moral law to mix with) those who were inclined To take a shy at current sport and there diversion find. He bad game chickens in-his yard and well be knew the wayr To heel the gamesome duckwing cock for the ensanguined fray. He beagles had and whippets, too, and. bird dogs keen, of, scent, And-ail allowed some hunter was our primal President. And well he Joved the sport of kings, this geogees were his pride; They bore his colers-to the front when they were opened-wide: ? He bred them all himself, they say, and knew the winning strains; He prepped the produce of bis farm and raced em on the plains. when they -were ea Iepped the time he-tmew the game, And what his horses rlid to theirs, they-tell us, was a shame. He seized-the time to ay-it down, + he 4 o-tillsjoyss were therein that day to chide the nation's pa. For gentlemen met gentlemen without: recourse to Inw, And every time he copped a stake cashed goodly chunk. tion on the ballot. Attack was made A gentleman true on the petition-on th ground that large numbers-of-the names were forged, and that various technicall- ties of the law had not been complied forefathers time; D? ye think he'd have look-in in the race for President? Jumais la viel His fellow cits his record would assail. it does not temporarily suspend, great deat of transportation ectivity im this country. Strenuows efforts are mow being made to bring the men and their employera together, iat the alance etill hangs equal betwm peace and war. Mr. John J, MoGraw, the genial dir- ector of baseball at the Polo Grounds, New York City, U. S. A, has introduc 4th, five mites west of city. well, outbuildings, all fen lawn tennis among the gentlemen resenting the National league in metropolis of America. Just fan- such an undertaking in the States. Electricity the Mother of Invention Frozen Water Pipes Thawed. quick and cheap, Orders will he attended fo promptly. Apply at the office of the City Elec trlelan. To Rent or Let on Shares. SE. Sec. 30, T 12. R 6 W. 30 acres broken. Address P.O. BOX 435, Medicine Hat. Diy tf.199-tt. - ontractor and Builder House Pians Prepared. ESTIMATES FREE. * Phone 715-- Our Best. Buys- CENTRAL PARK Bik. 27, Lots 14-16, 250 each. Terms. Bik. 16, Lots 49-44, 750 pair. Terms. Bik. 17, Lots 19-14, 600 pair. Terms. Bik. 20; Lots 11-12, 735 pair. Terms. Bik. 0, 500-pair. Termus., 3 Bik 28, Lots 19-20, 600 pair. Corner. RIVERSIDE PARK. panies Ordinance, ef the North-West Territories, . . FAREWELL ECZEMA A WELL KNOWN WHEAT BUYER CURED BY stayed And Washingtam would be in Tuck f be TAFT CAMPAIGN IN CHICAGO out of jail. BELL BALM Tn conjunction with Bell's P.S. of A. Read the following unsolicited testimonial: srr cretarr Mane Sor 25,-20b (Special to the News) Chicago, 1, Mar, 4 Henry 1. the principal speaker at a mass meet. ing at Orchestra Hall tomorrow night which 1s to mark the opening of the -Chicage campalgn for the renomina- Blk. 20, Lots 17-20, 1300, All corner. BIk--15, Lots 20-25,- 200 each. Terms. NORTH YUILL. Bik. 9, Lot 10, 450. Corner. Blk. 9. rms. tik 7, Lote, 460. Terms. 3 Bik. A., Lot 3, 900 cash. Snap. BENDING. * cenblock, Terms. Lots 8-9, 400 each. Gentlemen 1 bave the greatest pl giving my experience with Boll; Baim and Bell's F 8. of A. , has had ecaeroa for over fiftecn yours. twas very ved epreading gradually frown my face and hands Where fe Grst Sroke out, until my. whole Lody war at: ted; ie caused me ngend of misery. The burnin snd fobing were always there, making my life intoleral would seratch now acratch and scratch until my skin id freely. but the disease did mot abatr un the con trary. It Became worse and woree. T have tried ail sorts of patent and ies with but litle musceea. Finally, 1 the bande of doctors and specialists. To Mocy abort. 4 can only describe them as failures, with Boll Balm and Bell's P. 8. and A. dvertived reme- New Yorl fow T can cojoy a good and refreshing let iy work with comparative ease, Tours truly. algned? Mi. Weatherston has since ordered three lots of the remedies sent to friends Yn conjunction: wi Sot A. is 8 postive ame en Bours ant all kort ski Giessen the compan: Tor combined remed lea. Shipped to any address on recelpt of Philadelphii trial today cuit Court. wultation by Dermatolorists at our offices. Lady attendant. Office open eyenings from to 9 o'clock. THE BELL REMEDY COMPANY FAD to..712. Somerset. Block ( Eaton's); WINNIPEG: jaw tion of President Taft. Four days la- ter the campaign will be given a fur- ther impetus by the visit of President Taft himself to speak at the annual meeting of the Illinois Swedish-Am-/ erican Republican League. MORE SUGAR TRIALS COMING (special to News) i Washington B, Thom the American Sugar Refining Com- pany, other officers and directors of der indictment charging them with Violations. of -the -Shetman anti-trust, k, Mar..4 The cases of . president of y and ThomEs B-Harned, ia lawyer, were called for in the United States Cir- The: defendants are-un- COUSINS-SISSONS Bik. 11, Lots 21-22, 630. Terms. Corner. Bik. 1, Lots 19-20, 735 Terms. Corner, Blk. 26, Lots. 1-15, 200 each. Terms, a Speelal. 75tt. frontage on twoystreets, 8. Railway and Columbia Ave. Splendid site for business or warehouse. Snap 2500. Speak quick. HAMILTON and HEMEON ...... . Other than that of the society, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 99dee NOTICE Pursuant to section 92 of the Com- Solicitors for The Marshall Hard- ware Co., Ltd. Feb 19d4M. grown from MeKensid s Seed, clean and matured. No frost, G5c. per bushel, F.0.B. Walsh. LEWIS T. TROTTER. 188-10td. The above lots escaped damage and are of the best quality they were purchased at a great snerifie by The Harrard Tall oring Co, opposite Dreamland Theatre, who offer them at 25 cents. on the dollar, during the next few days and on Saturday next-at 7.80 they have Instruct- ed Messrs. Brown and Coq Auctioneers-to sell the remain- Ing lots by public anction also a large number .of Boots and Shoes and other Goods. Sale on the premises, 312 4th Avenue, Opposite Dreamland Theatre. Private Sales from 9 a.m. to 9 Let Us Loan You the Money at PER CENT. TO BUY Pay Off Mortgages or Improve Real Estate. SEE OUR PLAN Write, Phone or Call e dian Home Investment Co., Ltd. Phone 40. WEST LAND REGULATIONS, available Dominion land in: Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appli- cant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands. Agency or Sub- Agericy tor the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any Agency, on certain conditions, by: father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister, intending hemesteader. Dutlex Six ct three year: father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. z In certain districts a- homesteader n good standing may pre-empt a quarter-section alongside. his homer stead, Price 3.00 per acre. Dutios, Must reside upon the homestead or pre-emption six months in each of six years from date of homestead en- try (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty ucres extra. A Womesteader who has exhausted bis homestead right and cannot ob- tain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homestead in certain dis- tricts. Price 3,00 per acre. Duties Must reside sit monte te each of three years, cultivat acres and rect house worth 300. Ww, W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N, B. Unauthorizea pudiication uf BUILD. SYNOPSIS OF C.NADIANX NORTH- AN? person ho is the sole head of a family, er any male over 18 years old, may hemvatead quarter section of L08T On Saturday betwoen post- office and 737 Esplanade, a bunch of keys. Finder please return to News office, Reward, residence of Thomas Fleming, 619 19943 a ra ee FANTED Kitchen girl. Apply at; Ww 20083 LAND FOR RENT RENT On shares, 360 acres of Ipvigated biue-joint meadow land. Address Box 1230, News office, 194att TANTED Dining room girl, Apply in person at Palm Cafe. i9gdte ae woman cook, din- Ing room girls, general servants. Apply. Simpson-Northam Co. North Railway St. astatt MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN barber trade, special summer rate on, Join now aNd save money, Particulars free. Moler System Col- lege, 609 Centre St, Calgary. 294dtt EE P.O RENT Good room tn fully moa- ern house, every convenience. Close in, 522 Ottawa St, S. Suitable for two single mev. 7 per month each. Phone 496. gt; *199a8 ABLE ROOMS Suitable for one or two gentlemen, one block from post office. 434 Main St. 198d3 (NB: NICELY FURNISHED BED- ROOM to rent. Ail modern con- veniences, with use of phone. Apply 627 Montreal St. isedtt FOR SALE FFOR SALE 8 room house on hill. Bath, furnace, water, gas. 4200. 1000 cash, balance like rent. Apply box 1233. gsdtt SS FOR SALE 125' men's cape, balance saved trom Hick s fire. Usual Price 1.00 and 1.75. Price 25 cents each, Must be cleared. Globe Clean- ing and Pressing Co., rear post of- fice, 4th Ave. ipsate . . OR SALE Fully modern 6 roomed in first-class working order, only nue. 1 Ottawa St Phone 626. lions ranging in age from geldings, some broke and some broke; also 400 bushels seed wheat, er particulars apply to A.B. Carle, sec. 31, twp. 9, range 5. OFFICES FOK RENT building. Several suites. AN oftice. . WORK WANTED St. 1994: 8. bia, may be leased for a term WOR SALE Good sewing machine; 10. Apply Globe Cleaning and Press- ing Co., rear, Post office. 4th- Ave- 19943 OR SALE 8 room fully modern jew house on Ottawa St. Immed- inte possession. Apply to J. A. Landry 192412 FOR SALE 4 Registered Clyde Stal- two years up to eight years old; 2 im- ported; 2 Canadian bred; 2 registered Clyde mares in foal; 50 head of heavy draft and. general purpose mares and un- Roseberg. P. 0., via Medicine Hat, Fb. 22-dtf QFFICES TORENT in Imperial bank modern conveniences. Apply News 164th Work WANTED By English wo- j, either washing ele Apply Mrs. Pickering, 112 Braemar -S XOPSIS OF COAL MINING KEGU- LATION AL mining rights of the'Dominion. Northwest Territories and in a por- tion of the Province of British Colum- of twenty-one years at an annual rental of 1 an acre, Not more than 2,560 acres will be leased to one applicant. Application for a lease must be made by the applicant in person to WANTED. WANTED Refined young lady wishes room with board in pri- vate family, close in, Apply box 1232. tepate WANTED A few setting hes. Ad- dress box 233, Boat office, 190dtt WILL EXCHANGE One four oy - inder five. passenger touring car, in good repair, two years old, for Teal estate. If interested, write box 1281, care News. 19708 AUCTIONEERS HH: 3. BROWNE CO., Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 619 Tor- onto St Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any- where. House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere. Consult us, our ex- Perlence at your disposal free. H. B. Browne Co., 519 Toronto St. 182dte MISCELLANEOUS WE have splendid properties tn, ana near Seattle to trade for ranch lands, improved or unimproved, in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Delightful climate on the Pacific Coast, Get in ahead of the Panama Canal. Write The Realty Traders, No. 334, Hastings St. W., Vancouver, Be 1T8dimo. WANTED LADIES AND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, Watches. Jewelry, guns, revolvers, Valised, sult cases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- ies, harness, bloyeles, carpenter tools, ete., raw hides and furs, horse cottage. Lot 50x150, on the hill. hair, wool and f-.thers, bought and Apply owners, 724 Ottawa St. or sold. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring phone 507. 19943 Co. 312 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. P. 0. box 701. Phone 296: The. Best: Prives-Putd tor the above. 23Dte. 'PHE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand tfe best selection of Second Hand Tools in the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, - Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a nice new line of winter goods. We buy everything mentioned above and pay the best prices. Call at 604 South Railway St. or Phone 587. uf Rear of Post Office, Fourth Avenue. , Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired gt; Bqual to New. New and Secondhand Goods Bought 7 and Sold Clothes Calied for and D- ivered. MARK HARRIS, Proprietor. a XX: L. CLEANING aND' PRESSING CO, has opened in the Pingle Block, Room 3, over drug store, Main St Satisfaction guaranteed. Ladies work given special attention. Goods called for and-delivered. Phone 353. Cn Manitoba, Saskatchewan and oe Alberta. the Yukon Territory, the Wanted at once permanent man to take position as assistant driver of chemical wagon and ffreman in the Medicine Hat fire department, salary 80 per month for the first year. Ap- plications to be made in writing, etat- ing age, experience and references, The Globe Cleaning 1000 bushele- seed oats, 150 bushels Pressing Co.. white hullers sced barley. For furth- the.-Agent or Sub-Agent of the dis- trict eis which the rights applied for are be described by sections, or in. surveyed territory the iand must ons of sections, and in unsur- same to be handed nally fire chief. gt; LEGAL. WIitulam P, PUNDON, 196dtt ee ine pt Barrister, and cultivation of the land in homesteader may live of himself. foot: available, but not otherwise, veyed territory the tract appiled or shall be staked out by the applicant panied by a feo of 5 which will be re- hts applied tor are he mine at the rate of Solicitor, Notary, Medicine Hat, Alga. Offices: Pruitt Block, Room 2; lt; BUSINESS CARDS. and Rol necessary for the working of the mine cents per ton. The p tson operating the mine shall furnish the Agent with sworn returns. accounting for the full quantity of merchantable coal mined and pay the royalty thereon, If the coal mining rights are betng operated, such returne should be furnished at least once a year. The Tease will include the coal min- ing rights only, but the lessee may be permitted to purchase whatever arail- rface rights may be considered at the rate of 10.00 an acre. For full information application should be made to the: Secretary of the Department of the Interior, Ot- tawa, or to any Agent or Sub-Agent of Dominion lands. W. W. JORY, Depaty Minister of tae Interior 1, B Unauthort tt natn eAeuetinemont wilt not be pala tor hit advertisement will Hot be pafd for. Sept. 14-D-6m. Sept. 14-D-6m. Sherlopk, Manning Pianos Organs for sale and to rent. Office 381 Main Street. Municipal-Engineer, Industrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Plans, Etec. Stewart. Now, Wall. Paper ) fully ufrnished your rooms, Phone 156. al classes of insurance. W. J. Fleming. 'E. Bartlett, B-A-Sc- Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Irrigation, Burns Block, Medicine Hat, Phone 484 Painting and Paperhanging. (4th Avenue opposite Binnings) cost of Papering oh SEWING MACHINES aad 1500 copies dally, 2000 copics Thureda the benefit of the no artra charge. E VOL. 2, NO. Proposal to upon 1 Favors t - The City Coun and long session so Jong that th tin Friday night plete their bustt another prolonge a seat grist of dealt with, W. R, Hull, C Toronto Street action was being notified that the pared. Goo. Saterlee : the auctioneer s 1 the market, whic clusive rights, wi in April and an : will be sent by t The city s ann to the Union of itleg of 24 was receipt acc tary. Mise Agnes W: wrote re grantir private hospital, learned that the concessions to fac it ehe would com by the establishin The Mayor will HL. Garlough wr missal by the Bc the position as c ferred to Public The coptes of th ed at the recent lature which bills the city charter, Edmonton. Ald. thought that so should be printed ments should be to the Finance C 95 had been Police Bruce for it transpires that in future to colle new Provincial 12 Vehicles says all Provinelal Govert Hollinger-request funded. Ald, Jot thought that the license for runnin and this matter License and Polic The Alberta Rol a refund of taxes they secured the perty, and also 4 month Water met they sald equalle paid for water, tion is being deal Committee at pre re-adjust the rat referred to that c ter of taxes was solicitor, Ald, Johnstoi Later- Law Al ports. Of the reports p counci last, ever portant was that License Committe: Johnston, as it * .his. giving notice drafting of-a-by-1 ling of the-woigh words of having asked for in vari to the council fre It will also provic of the bread. giving of a notic by-law was that to be repealed as not be enforced, a ed, The police han month, collected 13 months impri posed; 284 was cense department. H gt; , Graham, E. Lewis, all exp were added to th Past month. The poundkeepe per month Incr fed of his horse, impounded during Killed 17,dogs, 'T notice that he wo tory In which the Wo Nev etined, wine the area of the clit
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Image 367 (1912-03-04), from microfilm reel 367, (CU1771067). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.