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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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reh 2nd, 1912 WANTED D By English wo- vasbing or cleaning. ering, 112 Braemar 1908 FOR SENT 5 eet he, INT in Imperial back weral suites. All aces. Apply News ocrat bleyeles, carpenter Hides and furs, horse f.rthers, bought and the Harvard Tailoring th aveiine, e atre. P.O. box TOL e Best Prices Paid for 23Dtt. NE HAT HIDE, FUR lt; CO. The above have est selection of Second the city. We carry ves and Bedding, new und Clothing, Clocks, Irs, Hifles, Guns, Re- ms, Buggies, Harness, w line of winter goods. thing mentioned above est prices. Call at 504 r St. or Phe 58st. be Cleaning sing Co. Office, Fourth Avenue. a, Pressed and Repaired. ual to New. ind Goods Bought and Sold : ed for and Delivered. - 1500 coples daily. 900 circulated in city 2009 copies Thursday. Advertizers in Dally the beneiit of the Weekly country cirenla ao axtracharge. Books open to ad vertisurs. Mae Z. DAILY EDITIO W. AP. AND C, A. P. ti TELEGRAPHIC SERVIOR VOL. 2, NO. 200 lt; iB.,; MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA. MONDAY. MARCH 4, 1912 PRICE, FIVE. CENTS president of the United Farmers of Alberta, slightly modifies the utter- ances credited to him in the News- Telegram of this city, but he confirms the statement that the proposal to separate the prairie provinces from the Bast was seriously discussed dur- Ing the recent. meeting ot the grain Engine and Went fe oe deo ofs + PRAIRIE PROVI : rer a: + + bo Aw colonization + BRITISH CROWN COLONY ? sctteeccee + 7 le of Irvigable. oe land. from outhern Ale + Proposal to Separate Them from the East was Seriously Discussed at the Grain x pany we at says Presidentof Alberta United Farmers * ee Corel + ef from Present Conditions: + as cugueen Rie *- of the large : CW. A. P. Dispatch) ts ae uth of Kin. of Calgary, Mar, 4. W. J. Tregillus, bah es and made a pro- br be metas a sa) ; reais oe e ee oe The session question was not dis- cused at any reguiap: meeting, sald Mr, Tregillus, it arose: informally as the result of a letter. which appeared several times In the Regina Leader. The writer of this letter, 2 farmer at Nokomisk, asked the question Should the prairie provinces- Become a Brit- Cars Over Bank Moose Jaw Engineer Dead and Fireman Injured as Re- sult of Accident on Moose Jaw-Outlook Branch Yesterday. ; (Ww. A. P. Dispatch.) News reached er officials left for the scene of the Moose Jaw, Mar. 4. bb hhh Swill tap this Ke it direptly elty. while It was not discussed at, the F Medfel meetings, made profound impres- district am sion among - many. of the farmers t present. They seemed to take hold * 2.. of the dea expressed by the writer of + h-h the letter, as affording a possible re- 7 Met from the coriditions under which they are now laboring. nwABS WERE-LED BY AJA OF ARC Soudanese Amazon Direct- ceed ed Attack on the Italian Trenches. bh eek GIG? London, Mar, 4 Alan Ostler, the special correspondent of the London Daily Express, With the Turkish army in Tripoll, write When the Arabs attacked the the elty last night of the wreck near Hawarden at 4.30 In the afternoon on the Moose Jaw - Outlook branch of freight train, killing instantly Engi- neer Timmons and injuring the fire- man, C. B, Scott. The train was running at full speed when the ngine without any account- able reason, toppled over with three cars and crashed down an embank- ment. A special train with C.P.R. Physician Smith, Supt. Duval, and oth- accident last evening. Particulars of the wreck are very meagre, a broken axle being rumored as the cause. The doctor at Hawarden could not attend the injured man as he was sick im bed ahd as the Moose Jaw medical man Was the best available, Scott had to wait his arrival. Timmons Was seen with his wife in Moose Jaw streets last night. He was immensely popular with his mates. He leaves four children, the youngest of whom s one month old, ONSTRUCTION IS. TO BEGIN Italian infantry in the trenches of Gargaresh, two days ago, at their head Was a figure cloaked and hood-' ed, who carried no weapon but a staff of olive wood, whose voice raig high and shrill, and Whose face, benea' the hood, was deep brown, almost black, witty glittering eyes, square th the veteran London, Marci 4. Wi William Maxwell, sofrespondent of the Daily Mail, from Peking to- day: Devapitated Bodies which are Contract Let for the New C.P.R. Branch which is to jaw and heavy nose, with-widely dis- 20W being found in the streets show tended nostrils, A collar of panthers' the authorities r geining courage to teeth glistened against the broad meet the revolt of the troops, dat brown bosoin. th y: are bodies of poor civilians, not With a voice Itke a scream, thia of the-cokiiera who. were the zl figure alternately menaced and ex- robbers, incendiaries and murderers. horted the Arabs or sbrieked out ter- . Last night Peking might hava been rible curses gigainst the Italians. The city of dead, the Chinese were or- desert men swept up to: the earth- dered-to femain im the bouses and the works, and the leader, leaping into mutineers wer confined to the bar- the trenches, stooped, plunged an armi racks. I wandersd about the streets elbok deep in vlood, and then stood not mecting a singe soul. with dripping right h nd flung UD- 1he legations havesisummoned re wards, the statute of a goddess of 5.5. r 4 a Affican battle for it was a woman, be eee Soudanese she-warrlor,, wo, fought ame ae MORIN necessitate the handling. Qpen Up Southern Alb: of the Hat. Mr. Josh W. Hargrave of G. Hargrave Co. Ltd., Winnipeg, od- vies that his company have been awarded a contract for the comstruc- iow of 30 miles of road.bed for the Cantkdian Patific Railway from Sul- fitld to g point 30 miles soutiwester- ly. The completion of this line will h not apprise ately 200,000 cubic yards of earth, There will be a large force required for thie work. Mr. Hargrave intends. to sublet a portion of the graduig. Con- J. Race for South Speculation Rife as to: Whic to Return with News Norwegian and Englishman Seem to be the Only On Pole is Still On erta Land Coy s Tract West struction will commence as. soon lt;s the-eather conditions will permit. This is the line which the Southern Alberta, Land Co gutended building tut which was taken over later by the CPR. It will opm up the immense irrigated eract, West of Modicine Hat, owned by the former company. The Hargrave Co. Ltd..have some construction work to complete from. Bassano north, and when through these, will move their entire construc- tion crew to Suffield. Their head of- fics is at Winnipeg. h of Explorers will be First es Considered to Have- straight to the pole be may have stic- ceeded im continuing bis way unin Suffragettes in the ranks with the men. Her voice maddened the Arabs a8 only the voices of thelr womenfolk can, She was struck by a fragment of a shell in a charge, and went for- ward shaking her bleeding hand in the faces of the men, bidding them earn glorious wounds like: hers. WRECK JAIL Being Held Smash all Windows Big: Time To-morrow Night. (W.-A. P. Cable) London, Mar 4 A hundred suffra- gettes awaltlng trial in Holloway Jatty engaged in a riotous demonstration lasting two hours today,--They broke the windows of their cells, sang the Marselllais, and shouted to s e Our leader Mrs, Pankhurst. Many thousands of police t0 cautions have been adopted against another threatened suffragist demon- stration. SUPFRACETTES ON RAMPAGE -AGAN With Hammers and Stones They Attack Store Win- dows Again To-day. in Street. tlett, B-A-Sc- cipal Engineer, 4 Alberta Land Surveyor ial Spur. Railways, es, Sewage, Irrigation, Plans, Etc. Medicine Hat, Phone 484 and Paperhanging, pids - Stewart. tart be mot with only the -most-ab- tics when om his west north west pas- Ha bad the opportunity for for salmon and bunting difer- Mie the imterior of the antarctic continent, Ro Hfevis to be found: Thane solute solitude tiiercfore iI feel , Little ateasy by reason of the fact Amendecn: company. should prove most useful sttained conditions of life to which the jruman body is submitted during the expedition. As we know, Captain Scott qnter- ed Ross Sea petbaps a few days be- fore Amundsen and will follow Shac- sen both had pletity of time to wae, the fret to tait tor-vhe-vommon his-teport-may-be expect mear future, perhaps im the beginning fT am ignorant -as-tio Amundsen's of March. : goal. that has not q doctor ib his eee gt; under the sen has obviously returned the way be weet on the outward and the first telegrams from him may be expected to come from New Zealand. On the other hand if he crossed the white continent from Robs Bay to Wed- uc- dell's Bay every objection to tis Kleton's route, iA Scott and Amund-' scheme and it s accomplishment will of theit depots, the question of ul- hum will come fron South Atmerica or Ynr-any tase parade: i be abandoned ami the first news a Saniwich Istands. ; mera and ondon,-Mar. 4 The s' started ovations again early today. A small band of them armed with bam- stones went throagh Knights Bridge and Brampton dis- trlct-in-the -Weet- End of London, breaking plate glass windows of big dry-goods stores. situated in that are needed in Nan be-in-the vicinity of Parliament king, w 100,000 man .. axe Square tomorrow night and other pre- concentrated. Of course, adds the cor- The security of tha city is now entrusted ito the old CBinese troops. Reports are disquieting. Passengers on Tien Tein train were robbel. Peking soldiers who were escaping with loot and who raided a train on the Hankow line are Teported to have looted and burned Paoting Fu and murdered missionaries there. A tele- gram says. the revolt movement there was antiforeign in character. ? London, March 1. It Gs understood that Japan hes offered to garrison Peking witirin a ow days if the other powers. are given a mandate, says declined to entlorse the ddea of foreign occupation because it would endanger Linear delenceless foreiga communities im Chida. The Republican commrand rs are ur- gently, demanding money to pay their minister of justice at Ottawa Trade In England Slowly Tying Up Traffic as Result of Coal Strike 200,000 More out of Work No Negotiations - Government Action is Expected Hourly. es dacs London, Mar, 4. Factory after fac tory is closing down all over the Uni- ted Kingdom as the result of the na- tlonal coal strike aud those respoh- sible for the trouble are simply mark- ing time for the present, although It fg expected negotiations will be re- sumed. Besides miners, considerably more of whom,have ceased work, it is sta- ted there ate upwards of 200,000 in other Industries are idle owing to the strike, dnd the numbering 1s increas- ing hourly, Crews of coal-carrying vessels lying. in coaling ports, are now being discharged as the ships are unable-to get-eargoesand railroad. employees are suffering in a similar way because of the curtailment by the companies of the r train service. One short railroad line in Yorkshire has pdiscontinued service entirely. In Isolated instances mine owners have refused permission to men to en- ter the mines to feed ponies, which have been left below or to,keep th workings clear, Generally, however, good feeling prevails between the men and owners, Tendon, March 4. The coal strike is now effecting every class in the com- munity. Lines of thousands of work: ers have been dismissed and the rail- way service is dislocated and disur- ganized. Like creeping paralysis the stoppage of the coal supply is threatening the whole lile of tha nation. The miners are making a holiday. They ure os while the nation suffers. The poor, the cold, the hungry and their fellow workers are turn d into the streets, summoned to meet today, It is a body CW. A. P. Cable aud are Hkely to'get it as they claim they.are upable to Hive now on the current wages taking the lt;ost of living imto: consideration. - The reduction im wages to which the German miners were forced to submit im 1907 has never been restored shite living has steadily increased. More than one-Half of the German miners, however, are unongemized. The important miners anions will not or- Ger the miners to strike to help: the British miners, hence a sympathitic walkout in this country is unlikely. * ' they put it, Having their fling, The Industrial Council bas been of twenty-six business men and labor representatives, and has mo compul- sory powers. -A statement by t eo prime minister in parliqment tnday is expected. Unless the arrangements Kite altored, there will be no discus- sion this afternoon between the gov- ernment and the miner executive cominittee watil tomorrow. Whatever the executive committee decided must be ratified by the Feder- Bochum, Germany, March-4, A shi nerh' strike which was totally umex- pected and which had not been order ed by the miners union, broke out in ation, which usually takes two day three mines here today, the sem: lea ing: work because as thky assent, um justified deductions had been made from their wages. Incidentally it is feared thio may precipitate a genemal sttike of the miners om the question of wages which leaders of miners un- jon emi miners are just now endeav- to assemble. No settlement is the least likely before Thursday Friday at the catliest. Berlin, March 4 Germany is watch: ing the British boal strikes with ibe yreatest* interest, because it promises: or to give German mine-owners an op- portunity of getting back from the English exporters the important coal districts in Germany which the Brit- ish operators captured during the strike of the German, miners during 1905, The German mine owners, how- ever, may themselves be subjected to coring to: prevent. Tha. Execative com- mittee of the National Miners Fedpra tion has issuei q proclamation cen- suring the strikers for committing a breach of discipline by Jeavimg work without the consent of the union. The proclamation orders the men to re- a strike for the miners unions in sume work bat there is great oppre- this country, without exception, are hension that the situation will get demanding qn increase in their waa-s, beyond control. PETITION AGAINST. HANGING ITALIAN Calgary Italians Held Bi; i: Meeting Yesterday Wi qoston Minister of Jus- ice. (W. A. P. Dispatch. dred Italians assembled yesterday af- ternoon in the Labor Hall for the pur- pode of drawing up petitions against the hanging of tne Italian, Portugal, who is now under sentence of death, confined at the barracks. It was de- cided to make a sttong appeal to the for commutation of death sentence, and they hope yet to save the prisoner's life. PEG FEMALE SCRIBE GIVEN GOVT. BERTH Goes to England as Canad- ian Lecturer to Interest Women in Canada. CW. a. P. Dispatch) Tributes to Hon. Edward Blake English Press Extolls the Good Qualities of Late Poli- tician. Irish Nationalist Leader Sends Message of Sympathy. ge London, March 4. The Birmingham trs have reason to Tememiyer with gra- Daily Post says: Ed. Blake while titude, Bred im am atmcepherm of co- Calgary, March 4. Over three hun- unquestionably mun of superior per- sonality, was not quite successful in Westminster. He won respect. from his power of mind and his set speochad tad virility and polish, stamping them as the product df a man with the instinct of staltesmhnship, fiut thoy, had little effect. The Times were un- propitious for intellectuality. He was Joniat self-government he wished to see the same fair play apd free op- portunities given the country from Which his Protestant ancestors pame. Jobn Rogers, Natiomalist ieafer, bas sent the following telegrain to Blake's widow: Pray accept the Geepest sympathy of the entire Irish the strongest ian in the Nationalist ranks, * * The Manchester Guardian say Blake was one whom all Home Rul- Mail Carriers Prey : of Roving Wolves NORTHERN ONTARIO INFESTED BY LARGE BANDS ALL STICK CLOSE TO SHACKS PIECE OF HAND your distinguished husbami, who gave so many years- of moelfish labor to the cause of Iretand. * respondent, mo. such sum. can'be found and it would be impossible to obtain foreign loan, under oxisting cireum- stances: The gravest enmity is felt Leverywhere. Nobody -eaies that re- publicaniom im China has received a) tad, if not a fotul, dlow, and. that Winnipeg, March 4. kiiown newspaper women in Western Canada, Mrs. Genevieve Lipsett Siin- ner, received notification this mom- ing from the Department of the In erior at Ottawa of her appointment as special Canudian lecturer in the British Isles during the coming sea- sqm and will leape carly next month to take up her dutfes, which will be London, Mar. 4 The protected cruisers Pegasus and Prometheus have been ordered to proceed from Australian waters for China. A Tien Tsin despatch to the Daily and looting was seneral In the outly- ing villages, Berlin, March 4 The situation n China fe Causing considerable anxiety here and contributed today to a hea Liangelyy-directed to. im: women folks of Britain in the pos- sibilities of Canada. Mrs. Skinner has written western sketches. for Toronto Setuplay Night, Canadian Courier and other eastern papers, and. is well Known in connection with ber office as Canadian organizer for the Intarnational Sunshine. She gavd a popular lecturer in the successful tag day campaign initiative and carrying through last sammer in aid of the Manitoba i iterium ot party which left for a point on the north shore of Lake Nipigon during the week, on the report of the mail carrier being missing, found traces of a terrible tragedy that had been enacted on the north trail along the line of the Canadian Pacific survey and construction parties, ight miles the plece of one hand and a shin were found im the trampled snow to the left of the track, these being the only human remains found to tell ofthe grim fate of the man. That he on Fridayvone of the contractors came ed; and all latbered. having been chased a mil from the clove in shore. panion on the sleigh: shot three, . kept them off. Never was so many. wolvea seen before. All men stick camp appearing to be ravenous pack . wolves found-shot at the spot. Even WIFE DEAD. HUSBAND ARRESTED vicinity Lake in ten days, both mail carriers, inte sand. point with horses exhaust- by a pack of thirty wolves. His com-. party hd mysef on the-death of elghborhood, As usua , owing to:the vy break on, the bourse, Ulaturbanee being unexpected, the po- man admiralty st the request of for- lice n duyt in the-district-were-un- -clgn. officers. today ordered the de- able to cope with the suffragettes tachment of 100 men to proceed from who were distributed over a wide Tsing Tao to Peking to reinforce the area: German legation guard. Newspap- ers state that Dr. Schreyer, who was ified in. Tien Tsin was an Australia a SHOOT ON.SUS ted in the-very atter conferring with archbishop off Brunswick. fe but found that there was a branch Canterbury, other prelates and lend- f+ z here, although they had no record of ing non-conformists. ede ob Bb be bbb tt a the Loan headquarters Minette. For the past six years shel tas been a member of the editoriat staff of the Winnipeg- Telegram. FOR MURDER, DOCTOR MISSING. Toronto Woman Died in Hospital from Illegal and not a German subject ORGANIZER HERE TO ADVANCE. Jondon, March 4 The war office of of of of oboe be ob Bob ede f GANIZED FOURTEEN BRANCHES has decided to allow the territorials sf + to pursue rifle practice on Sunday). NeW LIEUT-GOVBRNOR - -b Organizer Wird of the Internation- provided the shooting, 80 far pos- oj OF NEW BRUNSWICK ++ 1 Order of Good Templars s In the sible, is confined to compulsory work of a dhloity, He is organizing branches of the ta attain profictency, algo the quiet/ Ottawa, Mar. 4 It ts uh fj order all through the West and has of the Sabbath is not to be needlessly +f derstood that an order was +f placed 14 In Alberta besides a Pro- disturbed and the men are tO be giv- -f+. passed on-Saturday appoint- +) vinclal Grand lodke at Edmonton. cn an opportunity of attending church +f Ing Senator Joseph Woods, of+ Last werk he was at Lethbriige and sf Lioutenant-Governor of New 00D TERPLARS;. LODGE INTERESTS HAS OR- came to this city to organize here, tion Prominent Toronto Physician is now Eagerly Sought by Poli ce. Toronto; Ma 4. Following----the ) ious comaition, -and. death of Mrs, William Daviage ar me Western Hospital today, charges of murder were lain against the wo- man s husband and Benjamin Hawke, one of the best known physicians in Terento. On-Friday night warrants were issued-for both men, Dr. Hawke being accused of committing an. flle- gal operation ana Davidge with pro- curing the operation. Dayidge was arrested and held with- ont bail, but Dr, Hawke had left the clty Thureday on learning from Da- all over the country. Davidge denied previous knowledge of, the operation and the vietim in an anfe-mortem stat ment made Friday night sald that she was:not coerded n having an op- eration, Dr, Hawke) was a member of the board of education for several years and Was nent curler, beliig skip of ong of the Granite Club Rinks. A similar charge was laid againgt him about two years ago, but vidge that the woman was in a ser- he wan acquitted.
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Image 362 (1912-03-04), from microfilm reel 362, (CU1771074). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.