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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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DON T FORGET THE QUADRILLE DANCE WE DKESDAY, JANUARY 10th, AT THE OPERA HOUSE Seb b PRE RE R heb rb ree bhbhbb bert . ERTELEEEL ERLE by Arthur Ia Rac. Fe h ve Knights of Columbus: Make + See oe aa RD loon web eee + MU RAMA good, capable and finished actor. Presentation to L. P. O: Noel + me ee : 1A. ds wanda Cook the part of the POULTRY COMA ferreting detective, appearing in the i. PERSE ER EERE EEE first act his work was finished. ee DOMINION LAND AGENT, 1, TRANSPE 10 SBARTLEFORD, THE ine -Thici,* Hemy ' Bemnstein s TH Opera House was a Little over The committee in charge of the RECIPIRNT OF A HANDSOME TRAYELIING BAG AND COMPAN: p lt;. ccxt lay, -mrooinhed at ti local MMUMAMEE fat bch productions, ae Poultry Show wil) suet be ste News JON BY 1S FELLOW BRETHREN, Opera Nouns inst event proved: to Tt SEMEN Was WOrchy ote Ee Soe : house, but those. wis did not a large stock of d eo . be the nearest thing to real drama- Riv. L. P, O. Noel, formerly Domin- rick, Jas. McDonald, B, Desharmies, ic prowucti On all Christmas Neck- Bion Land Agent of this city, who has W. Quinlan, W, Coleman, Naher, Jos ths seamen. aa Bag Geonered: ee oes ae i eo ne noterred to Battleford as Leonard, b. Soxtou, J. O'Brien, Mr Thoge fortunate enough to be pret gene Bu t f d Poss szent, the scene of his earlier labors Lynch, J. J. MeDonald, D. McGinnis, on Aid vos, bal ee aires ENGA wear, coon coats,.fur- ine Was the reciplent of dsome club O'Connor. The above arc members ty) Vase ee sere ae a cannot be beater ft 9 OF FaFOnS - x ae. y Canada, Diamon hag and gentleman's travelling com OY Various councils throughout Can- ;, een Se tee Ac Taek , Canada Da panlon by the members of the Knights adq and the States but the majority * avphing areiee Caigaly ai similar productions that have: appear : . : of Columbus of the city Inst eveting, gaty and Lethbridge. na heel iho Baad S : G..W.EL e MK air, Noel left on a late train for Bat - te : Phe Beery and costumes attracted ? * 5 , . : SEWELER AN - sweaters, heas vy ry gloves at and ; a caaeinea (ook plnce at the DREW. CHECK BUT tne eye immnedistely- the curtain went 49* ee Tevet of residence of Rev: Father Cadoux at up, 0 meat, clean and, pretty did felt shoes : St, Patricks manse, with-a good repre they appear as compared to former Ss ye * sentation of the Knights present. On C offerings. This in itself pleased the z Ft behalf of the Knight Mr. J. Grant audience, but the show had aot pro- : M4 ilttar read an appropriate address IMU ceeded far before tha audience found * Crystallized Cherries, nice and -NOBL 'S FRUIT (IN GLOBES) x to Mr, Noel. This was signed by all N+ Je WILLIAMS APPEARED IN cvt that besdes having properties, . fresh, per tb. ... 60 Strawberry, Peach, Fhesp the Knights in the clty and the pre- COURT THIS MORNING BUT: SEN- ctc., far ahead of their predecessors, Crystalized Mixed Frults aple, Apricot, each .. BARKER PATIEN piastusecm gt; sere awen mms srmmmnl aig om 3 doux, ies The Thiet is a pretty little three Grape FAylt, each Sweet Potatoes, per tin Mr. Noel was taken completely by For casting a check at the ticket act drama with q beautiful story of Cranberties, per Ib, CHEESE surprise, as it was while a meeting of office of the C.P.R. after bis account Jove and devotion interwoven. Fancy Seeded Raisins, 2 re i - THE MERRIAI the separate school board was on of hyd been closed in the Union Bank The Beautifull wifernceding: mobey to hs. for Z The Only New u which body Mr, Noel was secr tary, W. J. Williams was convicted end Keep up: ths pace andthe much enam Baz : tionary in mar that the Kulents gatrered-tn-ancther surtence-suspemied-in:-the-police court ered youth, the son of a rich manu a of the house, When, the meet- this morning. Accused appeared be- facturer, who is: jn love with her, to 50e. B Limburgef, 1b. cake of an uthori ing was broken up Mr. Noel was ush-) fore Captain Parker and Mr. Hopper, keeps sending her love letters. Being * . CANDY English Stilton Covers every : ered by the Knight who aremembers and pleaded not guilty to the charge: jm teed of money she steals a lacge* A fine assortment of Choco- Swiss Cheese wuss nes, ae : of the board, into the adjoining room c, Pp, Reader, aight clerk at the tig: Sum and a detective traces the theit lates and Creams in box- Woreestershire Since, i nee Dictic where he was greeted by the Knights ket oilice, stated that accused lt; had: to the youth. ls bottles for. New Divided . J and the presentation made. paid him a check for 10 but a few He rane ete aaa father o Words. Capital and Rest-....: ooo 8 q an ie ge ae oe iny days a terwards the check td bean to start hit over in life is sending Mr, Noel, in reply, that I returned as worthless a he bad wo him away for two years. Aotal ASSOts to make a 004 jonger an account in the bank. Later The second and third acts Of the Egg Plant, per tb. Wie: sare the: af Hed. Crees ( GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. surprising and on he asked witnesa to cash another Play are the sesnes of as good acting ORANGES ating: Eewd ety one Chinn Cap SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. T most gratefully appreciate and rey gor 90 but this was refused, as has ben scen on the local stage-1 * Japs, per box - and fete rk A. D, DUNCAN, Act. Manager thank the Knights of Columbus for * 4 a i? A clerk at- th Bank -gave The angry. nuh fami, who has distover- Nav doz, 800, 40c, 50 re Medielne Hat Branch. the Smnaore ett d prevention. uence fat be bad writen acai ot ier pert of ie wis et te Rar don Ate Hey 98) en away wil eF6er three u x lt; . 8 . tnat of mon - ackay esiecercpsteseecp ed Rodte eS Redeeteete ling the two months of my idleness 1s * Previons Comoe ee ee iss See eee aera B Nice fresh. stocky. per Ib.-...25 eared oar eS ee cet and overshadowes his account. ling, her threats; and pitiful appeals g- Shelled Almonds, per 1b. ..60 Jelly Powders, 3 pkgs: for ere fave wedleine Bae: jand the Evidence. of Acting Ghiet of Police axe more than he cop: stand. Howevery Walnut Meats, per 1b. Oe e SON TAR THE A TOR EE Jiiety pieasant friends mat 1 have iw showed that pecused was sd- . eet ees ee : OLIVES lar Neila 3 be, 1.00 a eae ecnay. Here The lit. Sete 0, gemmblingy end: thet: be lad ee a ee pat ad pane ae. his Ripe Series, per bottle ...50 Pancy tins of Tea, per PROGRAM ME Ta bash af St. Patsieks 1 hope, in other occasion: passed ch eks that youth and plans to find * pinin Series, per bottle 20 to tin I know, will continue to grow. were worthleis. Magistrate Hopper oa and his wife peat wie: 1.00. CKLES. THE MEXICAN. LITTLE OLD NEW YORK, T hope svon that your your sehoot *tated that accused had attempted to f Rete catia practically Seniiies Celery, Pimento a1 ee F00LHEAD GOES SHOOTING noon ell uader way will be make restitution by personally calling *he som for two years. This. is more fe Die, Yet Eee, soeaed eat thal again at the ticket office aswell as, than-she can stand and sbe confesses Helnz, Cross and Blackwell, ed by the seminary and new church. t the bank and for that reason be ll- Then coms the appeal I of the RMANCE 8.15 andOl5. . RVERING- PARFOUNABY aes And always remember that wherever Wished to see clemency. hustiand tothe youth s father to for- : Biecki s, ranging in price from ammsson bts ot a Gents ane Till never forget-this occasion . Williams Jeft the court with x trarn- ive lis wife ari (les folows tho asaf i We to or the.many friends that I have made ing from Casta n Parker to steer reunion. AFTERNOON AT 8 AND mck - in this city, and will, always extend to clear of trouble in fture: Clifford Lane Brute; as Richard Voy- : ; am sin the: yor husband, sed - Abceats. you mom heartywelcome about yous , proce most Fresh Daily Bananas, Cucumbers, tettuc wan coneth tet you ever come to Battleford, when 1 SOCIAL. AL, AND ND PERSONAL acceptable to the amdience, his acting : e CORNICE ight weokiat U hope you will not, fail to look me was of a high order, and being of a Celery, Cauliflower, Toniatoes, and Egg Plant. SOUTHER up. hose who have not Y t taken ad- ite appearance -and pleasant vaice be hee: fi s py Mr Joseph McMullen has been ap- vantage of the .P.R. California ex- sould not, help but please: - MMPREL MONAR H T HEAT FRE pointea sectetary ot the sch o board) cursions to Spokane Lucille Spinney, as Marie Louise Lore to succeed Mr. Noel. portunity of leaving Spo Yoysin his, wite, divided honors -with g MEDICI The address presented to Mr. Noel tary -19, when there will be MMP. Bruce. She was particularly god Saas (The Home af Good Pictures.) wai as follows: : excursion on exactly the same lines. in the yecomi and third acts im ber) reall ee Medicine Hat, Jan. 8. Further fiforstation may be: obtained ppeals to her angry spoitse for cle- T :day s Program of Photoplays. L. P.O, Noel, from the ticket oflee, plione number meney and mercy, inmaediately: chaz ee : - Brother Knight It 1s both with 201. Gagoto Jan angry ean. italy here Phone 258. 4: Drama Eclait pieasure aia sorrow that we learned The members of the Boy Scouts are wife, when all clse failed. Biss Spia- of your hastened-departure from our requested to be at headquarters this ney's gowns were partic ae Agents:for Pe Flour. ctidst to take up the dulles-of Domin- evening when matters of interest to tive steph plain? oe si rity SPECIA' DNESDAY. i jon Land Agent at Battleford, Sask., the movement will be brought up. Sais tibet-pacardcs the unaantectiic- L WEDNES fatter nearly two years Fesidence in Mr. and Mrs. Paul Finigan of Carl- 4, eee peep re eta Seatoage Soecegeeee sett Pposgoeserres Saul and David gt; Colored Bibical tis city. With pleasure because you staat, are staying with Mrs, Doughty) .. y. 43. Wiitecar. He is of a rath- 4 are again getting back into the har- for afew days. eer theca a ei 50c and 1.00 : a nie ness of your'chocen profession -after The Women s Literary Society ill Tea ey Admission 15 Doors Open at 7.30 Children 10 j25 citoreed absence, which we meet at the a ee ies and fulfilled his en 5 5 lhave no hesitation in saying was 00) Js : The St ot pai ee fault of yours and which fact bas been - eee ati Sree wa) Helle oS amply evidenced by the department to 4 ay ee which you have- given the best that - : iy tetie: Peers was also -clev was-in you for so many years, when erly executed and worthy of the high Sa est comendation. R D Ree EA ND THEATRE ffthey return you to the office that for on, attr of Ronert B.-Quinlan oc- Feraud, the lovakie-youth, was tak- jne Hint Showing LicensedFiluss.) . many years Was under sos oer curred suddenly ths. moming at his Witt regrat,hecause vou will be de- WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE COMPLETED r. tare tevidence;-219 Mein steeet T OoO-N . sos T parting and leaving behind you many u z ;who-ate piewed to call you friend seas on ty his ie ae STOCK-TAKING AND ARE OPEN TO SUPPLY THE WANTS OF QICE ft ct Selig Drama icine Hat 1avefiters a sons, - 7 4 ? THE: C During yur residence in Medicine Hal line, Atigusta A. Wal o Tuk, PUBLIC FROM OUR WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF HARD- CAB BARNACLE S BABY : A Vitagraph Drama. you have by-your quiet, unassuming yet ever pleasant manner, made many- 4 Soni WARE. THANSING YOU FOR PAST PATRONAGE AND HOP- e GAZETTE. 4 friends who will -with deep regret hear SuCEA - : Tes Or your departure, end epecally 20 At the Star, Theatre Little Old New 2 ING TOBE-FAVORED WITH YOUR TRADE IN FUTURE, Z Sora the Catholic brethren of the city, and York will be shown tonight. Don't fF ae ae 2 lish or Amer feularly 0 your Brother Knights fall to-see this, If you have ever been : at 8.00 9.00. +. 1 +. Prices 15e 100 vee there it will take you right-baek Ie oF te, noteit will give you a fair idea at the During your term. of office here you have taken an active interest in * n enn dotigg in. the eee, Hees pre eeyes ees the progress-of Catholictsm-and-sinee: : the making of Medicine Hat's sep pypoe coRED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS AAD TS arate scnool district, you have give your druggist will if much time to the preparations for PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any the building.of our school which we case of Itching, Blind Bleeding , or fake olde ls 1 Protruding Piles in 6 tc 14 days. b00. W, B, MARSHALL. 3 MITCHELL BROS, BROS. - dinee at 2.15 and .15. + 2+ Prices 10 and 1 e,, hope to soon see housing-our Catholic idren-of the lty-and presided ov- der. For this reason we are particularly THE RANGE to pass the pleased to extend to you our hands * 7 3 EEL Cc. P.R. MEN S. STO RE te Urotner Knights and Catholics and) A deliahttul volume of verse Soe; : ; ; er f rectation-of as a recognitton of our appreciat a Canhdlan LIGs, Posey: teautng , eee Optician and Drexeith : 2 i , Z 1: ote a the many servites you Have rendered Cm Canadian Life. Voetrs enint RS ae L erings in 's and ours, would ask you'to accept me. irring is jonor Graduate Canadian Op- Phone No, 198 8 us and the Plains and. beautiful descriptions thalmic College, snd graduate LEWIS A.TILL PRESENTS - this small token of our esteem and as) fa slight remembrance of the Knights nature. 5 of three other advanced courses. of Medicine. Hat. Pronounced by leading critics to be , Ten years experience, In coms * While there must be certain the best collection verge published stant practice. 3 amount. 6f sorrow felt by you and -Tanads: Eyes tested free, i The quality of Semi-Ready Clothes has long Mrs, Neel-at leaving the elty, stilt 4t By, Rhoda Siveil. Ste : , + Parlors and S ron' been established-and is carefully maintain- . would not be human did you not Teel See Press Criticism. Every .lens absolutely ewaran- 2 Ja certain amount of pleastre.and, To be had from all Rooksellers. teed to give satisfaction. Phone 145. ed and you get the finest restlt to-day of all See eee once moressant Ne ace Brot the braihs that ever devised Clothes : to Your eid home, the scene of our Pee US ace aha v0 Ad Gall and see these Splendid Offerings A avon In yrdicin tat the lensure 5 a 25, 22.50, 20.00 Suits for .. . . 18.00 of the peopte ot Battloore mal ba ICLIAM A T giiton gio g1so0 sui for S180 IEE oce are ron WILLIAM A. BEGG i 13.00, 12.00 Suits for... .. . . 8.50 Medicine Hat tn losing you; BARRISTER, ETC Wishing you and Mrs, Noet the best - - of health and the greatest of pros- perlty in your new arid the samo time Has Removed from 394 Toronto Street, to: old home, we remain, yours, frater- The Becker f Friday at Pingle s, W.R.S me Father Cadoux, Meser F. B. Main St. PRICES 50c and 1.00 . CARPENTER ic . I. J. Qui Mi. Moe sea, aa eae ae -MATN STREET. : : : MEDIOINEHAT CURTAIN + 8.15 p.m. i. a Barreau, J, Bulger, Burns, M. Fitzpat- pee : x Particularly Need 2 Suit, You ought not er by competent nuns of our great or- VOICES FROM f Open Day and Nb LS 2 nee 9 3 08 Se e Soy s So es
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Image 44 (1912-01-09), from microfilm reel 44, (CU1770631). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.