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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICLNE HAd DALLY NEWB Monday, March iSth, 1912 asgow House p 4 : We have just received a seeond large ship- ment of the Stay Popular NORTHWAY SUITS AND COATS We need not mention the superior merit Medicine Nat Dews lawful evening at Its office, Main Street. Medicine Hat, Alta. PHONE: Ritewial, Reportortul, and News Dept L y.m, delivered. ...84.00 mon 3 months, delivered Addresses changed than his father, is the subject of expert observation. His teacher jschool physician and the parents endea tu determine the handicraft to which the jboy is adopted. The physician takes note Hong: 0 the body. 'The strong boy of average Advertising Duild is classified as suited to become a Cireulation and brewer, smith, a carpenter, a mason, or Job Depts.) yorker in iron construction, or some other Ly RING 3. RING VR calling requiring at least average strength. DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES The undersized or weaker boy is considered a ean Wess s being better adopted to become a tailor, 5 auacike ey aes bookbindr, a basket maker, a wood car- y mall. fs : . so jver, locksmith, a jeweler, a glazier, a often ag desired, but both now and joiner, a eabinet maker, a potter, a brush- old ad resser nt be given. maker or a eonfectioner. tr WEEKLY NRWS The bo: Publishee every Thursday in ixteen or more pages, and/ .4m tr containg weammn-y of the aews of the week. Published by the Medicine Hat Nows Coy Ltd, every A, J. N, TERRILL, E tor. d-livs * month, ered. with weak lungs is excluded les where there is a good deal of todal and district: dust, Sueh as that of the wood turner or the months, in advance 78 3 months, in advance..f0e .per hanger. The boy with pulmonary 1 year in adsance.... 1.50 W celeron also not be allowed to be- ome a Shoemaker or a tailor, because of Monsey. Maron 1s ne he bent attitudes in which he would have -o-Wwork. Sh ve a weak attached to a Northway Garment. And our prices too, are pleasing all. DON T MISS THIS SECOND LOT. The House of Fashionable Dresses Pa ROYAL BANK: OF CANADA. Incorpuroted 1860 Total Assets over : : 110,000,000 We invite the accounts of firms, corporations and individuals. Medicine Hat Branch :C. H. McDunnough, Manager gt; RS 2 * Fourth Avenue : LELLLELLELLALALLAL ES Rocotoietetios THE MERCHANTS BANK OF AMADA We give snociai attentio: delay In withdrawsls, Two or more persons may open a Joint account and either pars can withdraw money. Our. deposits have increased from 19,426,091 In 1901 to 58,491,550. WG. 308, Manager : ; : : + Medicine Hat Branch Seep her ee eee RPP EEE EEE eR iit : a Beocescreccuceeresorsococooncess: Prairie Pride Patent Flour Is peculiar in that it has to meet the test of Experts every day and upon their approval depends its lasting reputation. The Medicine Hat Milling Co y., Limited COMMERCIAL PRINTING Mr. Business Man are you ' aware that THE NEWS ARTMENT is now equipped with all the most medern machinery and latest type faces with which to turn out Commeicial Printing. x Your next order for Job Printing be it large or ae small would be appreciat. ed by us and will receive eur-eareful and prompt at tention. th which is to be held in Medicine Hat the is deemed incapacitated for gold work, PSPEPSIOI SETS SES SSSS SSSI or thie meeting. However, the commuvicn: be tion is appearing in this issue and the News better q : TE WAS MISPLACED ould the boy ha: heart, he would be classified as unfit for the LETTER from Mr. H. Hassard, See- 2 work of the smith, the butcher, the retary of the Agricultural Society, in miller, or any of the, building trades. The reference tothe Public Meeting youth who has chronically perspiring hands night of the Horse Show, was unfortunately clock making, book binding, or lithograph- overlooked on Saturday and did not ap-/ing-. The boy with inflamed eyelids is as pear in the issue of the News of that date, fully excluded from work in colors as Attention was called. to the communication thowgh he were color blind. Within the in the editorial columns-and a great many view of the school medical counselor, the readers were undoubtedly greatly disap- boy must be saved from entering upon a 0 Co Chance Exists for the Bos- circles in Montreal sometimes called The Rome of America, are greatly exercised over news brough by pro- been vialting the Vatican to the eff- ect that there are highly influential forces at work electing Cardinal O'Connall of Bos ton as the next pope. The news is given greater significance than was votes In the college of cardinals was nnor for Next Pontiff ton Cardinal to be Chosen, to Succeed Pius, X. For- ces at Rome are Aiding By mI Montreal, Que. Mar. 38. Catholic minent clergy who have recently with the object of attached at the time to a prediction made by Cardinal Benson on landing in New York recently that the n xt pope will be an American pope. The clergy referred to, who oc- cupy positions close to the highest dignitaries of the Church in Canada, and who are in a position to speak With absolute atid unquestioned auth- ority, declare that Pope Plus is in a much more serious state of health even than 1s genera ly believed and that the bulletins announcing his convalescence have been published only to allay. and restrain the ambit- fons of certain interested parties. See Plan to Ald Him. Cardinal O'Connell's rapid tise in the favor of the authorities at Rome has astonished French-Canadian Cat- iolics, who now, however, belleve they have discovered the real cause in a carefully conceived plan: to bring him forward as a candidate for the papacy to abviate any repetition of a deadlock such as rose on the occas- jon of the election of the: present Pope. Cardinal Rampolla had confidently anticipated his own election as the successor of Pople Leo XIII. He would undoubtedly have been elected had it not been for the opposition of the Austrian Erhperor and the candi- dacy of Cardinal Merry Del Val who when he found that the diversion of likely to result in hig own defeat, brought forward Cardinal Del Sarto, formerly archbishop of Venice, on whom the rival factions agreed. .In the absence of an outside can- aldate the same unhappy. rivalry would, it felt, again manifest itself, but this, the ecclesiastical authorities who have just returned from Rome affirm, will be oviated in the event of fF Build , Your Walls and Ceilings of BEAVER BOARD THEY look better ar better, last longeY, and cost less 7 than lath, plaster and wallspaper. FINLAY CO. The Lumber People. SOLE AGENTS. One Trial WILL CONVINCE you that our PURE LIME FRUIT JUICE is the Best. -Imp.. Pints Imp. Quarts ..... Pingle s-Drg and Book Store : : : HOTSON LEADER Monday, Mar Complete stock rag Sundries, I Saeecrterredecrtes cines, ete. DOOD Arsene: E. M. Gz Phe : Dru, ; gt; ccheoanatpac 3 204 South Rv. S1 PS Se nights a weok,at th SOUTHER Giiitiite Le A Busines Subje SREP EEE EEE POUL t For Several trios o Partridge Rock lish or Americs vome young co A IN 812 Esplanade, Would Yuu Rrobably the mos ment that we can submit proofs of tl you are satisfied i is both pleasing a The quality of ot denced by the fact ever fnicreasing pa THE BARTL Fourth Ave. W.R.Sin CARPENTER A Repairs prompt Phone that is my wife s aim when she ex- my pockets. Louisville Courier a struggle on unequal terms with those again urges that it be given careful consid- conditions of that trade. 10 United States Department of Agricul- is time that Medicine Hat broke volatile oil distilled. from the black sage, present conditions an Alderman would yet these three plants gathered from their planks as the paving of the business sec- specimens taken up at random, have shown facilities; the procuring of electrie signs to ea grounds ete. Yet these are important) She it is true that Miss Richleigh has A representative elected to the Couneil smoking and drinking. on his job and force his views upon thc The object of the average explor Lacking a town-planning commission, would seem to be the abolition of the ward ae 1 THIS DATE IN HISTORY. in having the questions referred to give pointed at being unable to find the letter, trade in which he will always be at a dis- Which furnished the details of the program advantage physicially, and his whole life ualified to deal with the peculiar eration by those interested in the Dry) 302 Farming Congress. IT76: Bureau of Plant Industry of the THESE BE LARGE QUESTIONS, ture has just issued a monograph by . Frank Rabak in which it is shown that the Aw I away from the ward system of repre: wild sage and swamp bay represent but a sentation in the City Council. - Under mall part of our wild aromatic flora, and it difficult of election should he run for the Wild haunts have no little economic import- Council with a platform embodying sueh *2Ce: These three plants, representing tion of the city; the widening of the streets t? Yield oil containing large quantities of in the same district; better street lighting phor, borneol and cineol. advertise the city; the purchase of additio- JUST A LITTLE FUN. nal park sites and areas for children s play Daher euet Gi te matters closely interwoven with the deve-/money, but she is also very exactifig? . If lopment of our city. you marry her you will have t , give up by the city-at-large on a platform of such He T don t marry her I shall. give up a nature would be expected to sit down eating also. Penny Magazine, C witha persisteney whieh mst Slaten recognition. x se seems to be to acquire enough material for a the only way on which to have such mat- ters as these taken up for consideration system. 1 A number of the citizens are interested some attention. How wovld it do if these entlemen attended the public meeting to March 18, 1745 Sir Robert Walpole, English -states- be called for the consideration of the by- man, died. Born Aug. 26, 1676. laws upon which we will vote on April 12th. 1782 John C. Calhoun, American states- A large percentage of ratepayers will be man, born. Died March 31, 1850, 1805 Napoleon Bonaparte assumed the title of King of Italy. 1837 Grover Cleyeland, and twenty-sec- ond President. of the United States, born in Caldwell, NJ. Died in Princetown, N.J., June 24, 1908. 1863 Prince William George. of Denmark elected King of Greece. 1865 The Confederate Congress at Rich- mond adjourned sine die. 1911 Theodore Rogsevelt opened the big Salt River irrigation dam in Arizona. Sr eee ee THIS IS My 53rd BIRTHDAY. Baron Gibson-Carmichael. present and at the conclusion of. the re- gular business of the evening, a little time could be spent most profitably in discus- sing these topics. Z 0: INCREASE TO THE CITIES. Foe some time it. has been apparent that the population of cities and towns in Canada has. been increasing at a mueh greater rate than that of the rural section. The Dominion census gives some reliable figures-on-this point. During the period covered by the last enumeration the increase in urban popula- the death of Pius X., which they fear may come about sooner than the world at large anticipates by the masterful mind of Cardinal Merry Del Val in bringing forward Cardinal) O'Connell as a candidate. Slight Italian Majority. The Italian Cardinals have now, it Is said, a majority of only two in the sacred college, and with these cardi- nals hopelessly divided on a candidate. of thelr-own-nationality It would be leasy to elect an outsider representing such a powerful nation as america on a compromise vote. This is sald to explain the extraordinary fact of the red hat going to Boston instead of everybody expected would be the case after the success of the eucharistic congress in Montreal under the skillful direction of Arch- bishop Bruchest. When Cardinal O'Connell went to Rome to receive the red hat he made A point of visiting many of the Italian cardinals;allof whom were greatly impressed with his magnetie person- ality. With an American pope far-reach- ing developments in the Catholic iureh might confidently be expected, while new distinction would be added to social life in America in that Cat- Jholic members of the American aris- tocracy might, LET US FIGURE WITH Yt BEFORE oe CONTRACTORS, AND BUILDERS PLACING YOUR ESTIMATES FREE. Office Next to City Hall. R. B. Tayior s Transfer Light aud Heary Draying. Prompt Attention to all orders. Plano Moving with Piano Van a Speciality. + Pareels Deliserea. PHONE NO. 349. House Mover, with considerable * SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING. CONCRETE WORK. ' Phone 260, tion was 63.83 per-cent while for rural cor 4 THE NEWS, LIMITED m other words the cities and towns are ine: sing in population about ten times as as the rural districts. Not only in Canada, but also in the Uni- ted States and Europe there is a marked tendency for people to flock to the big cen- tres of population, That such a movement has-a-marked effect on the cost of living can hardly be seriously questioned,-says the Guelph Mercuty. Cities are non-pro- concerned, and are dependent on the pro- ducts-of the land under cultivation by the rural inhabitants. * With the consumers increasing at 68:83 per cent., and producers at 16.48; there is great discrepancy at once created, which it is-almost impossible to mullift ast duction, and the making of farm life more attractive. 10: NATION PLANNING. HE industrial spirit of the German 1 people seeks to prepare the generation for achievement CONVENTIONS AT WtCHITA Kansas and Oklahoma Herdware Des Wichita lers Association. Aa aut 7 cr somber of visitors this week on the traction for the visitors. : occasion of the qnmaal conventions of west Threshermen and the Southwest CC TE s as the work of to-day compares expects to entertain q record-breaking show is to furnish an edditional at- eontrast with the. - present with that of the *80s- The son of a day laborer, who within the view of the national policy, should be more the Interstate Association of South- Subscribe NOW for The Daily News. Saal The cure would seem to be intensive pro- 5 was elevated to the peerage, was born in Edinburgh, March 18, 1859, and received his education at Cambridge University. He began his career as private.secretary to Sir George Trevelyan and Lord Dalhousie, when Secretaries for Scotland. Since then he has fill d such opposite positions as chairman of the Scottish Board of Lunacy and trustee of the National Gallery, and he is Grand Master of the Seottish Free- in England, and. succeeded the late Mr. Gladstone as member Midlothian in 1895 He has been Governor of Madras-f : i 2 post after the Governorship of V Australia. the days of Cha years old to-day. Rose Coghlan, years old to-day. well ator from Kentucky, 65 years old to-day. ic positions of parliament for) ictoria, His baronetcy dates: back to CONGRATULATIONS TO: Anna Meld, popular commediene, 35 known actress, 59 Duchess of Argyll, aunt of King, George rowing V., 64 years old to-day. Is. in pro- Bishop John W. Hamitton, of the Metho- in tdist Epi. eh 67 years old to-day. William CG. Bradley, United States Sen- Victor Murdock, representative in Cong- to titles of count or hope, aspire QUICKLY STOPS COUGHS, CURES COLDS. HEALS THE THROAT AND LUNGS. 25 CENTS (Special to News). Portisnd, Ore., Mar. 18 The sec- ond annual Pacific Northwest Live- stock Show opened at the Union Stock Yards in this city today and will con- inte until Thursday. The exhibition of cattle, horses, sheep, swine and goats Is one of the finest ever show Stes z wonderful growth of the livestock in- dustry in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana, Six thousand 1 n premiums w: a among the winning exhibitors, SPSS ee COL. STEELE FIRED (W. A. PB. Dispaten) Ottawa, Ont, March 18 A mill- Htary onter-temaed on tains official. announcement that Coh Steele district officer command: district nomber 1, vacates com- mand of Lord Stratiedna's Horse rai Canadians. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any useful to himself-and---the-ecommonwealth 1 old to-day:------ ress of the Eighth Kansas district, 41 years case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protroding Piles in.6 to 14 days. 0c. J.J. LAIT 116 MONTREAL STREET US FOR SNAPS Don t Wait Till the Good Buys are all Taken. Consult Us. TOWNSITE. 50 feet, 735, Block 82 50 feet, 1050, Block 80. 100 feet, 1150, Roy Street HERALD. 21. 50 feet, BI 50 feet, BIOCK-6- 50 feet 1275, Corner, Block E. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Lot 1 to 4, Block 28, 1400. Good lots in the Hill division. 150 25 cash, 10 month. Se od houses for sale, Give us your Listings. James Malcolm MAIN. STREET. 4 Doors West of City Hall ( STAPLEFOR CONTR For all kind Stone, Cemei Plast PHONE-539 CROSSLE Lee Builders and 708 4th Ave: P.O. B Estimate Plans: Pr CARPENTER Residence Of Box 331 y Job Work . FOR 2-fulty-moders Ottawa Street. 2 five room c lt; 28 High School. W. A. A Con CHARTERED ACC Aubin (Batablal Lethbrie A. EL Gibson, C Phone No. 198 OFFICE PHONE NO. 368, p -THE- J.-S Contracti 108 TORO Hoary Teaming. Si Excavating Light and Heavy All Ti
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Image 429 (1912-03-18), from microfilm reel 429, (CU1771146). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.