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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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reh Oth, 1018 STREET, AT DNLY 1000.00. FOR 9150000, ENTING FOR ) ) cach. Terms each, Terms 30 each. Cash yPOSITION.. IN MCLE. TO mall cruisers during . The building of jerve battleships to e squadron of ships lerat d SOCAINE Dispatch) 1 6. Prank Stewart day for sellisg co conse. ELLIOTT AND OPTICIAN La the cost of 8 alz months course, three nights 0 woe 302 pate Se ee For Sale Several trios of thoroughbred Partridge Rocks. Either Eng- itsh or American strains. Also some young cockerels. s SREP * Would Yoii be Pleased Probably the most convincing argu- ment that we can. present is that we submit proofs of your Portraits un- ul you are satisfied that your likeness ig both pleustng and. correct. The-quality of our Portraits 1s,evi denced by the fact that.we have an THE BARTLETT STUDIO Over Blanings. Strong and Courageous The Daily Witness on trial .. 1.00 regularly for at least two years, that fs, utnce ft has been 20 Wonderfully Enlarged and Improved Ite circulation is being doubled, and fs the most popular paper among eburch-going people. Ite subscribers love tt MAKE IT YOU CHOICE FOR At the above Whirlwind Campaign Bates nut pink E WAISTS, GLOVES, ETC. DRY CLEANED. WILLIAMSON PATERSON Contractors. Shop Fittings and Repairs Given Prompt. Attention. BOX 353. 183-1mo0, PHONE 712 A. Dickinson House Plans Furnished. Estimates on Concrete Walks and Walls, STAPLEFORD PROCTOR Cc ONTRACTORS For all kinds of Bick, Stone, Cement Work and Plastering. PHONE 539. BOX 394 W. A: Henderso - Company (Betabished 1882) CITY OF MEDICINE HAT NOTICE TO BURGESSES or i Sewers Notice is hereby given that inpur- -Ot-e-seeclution pageed on 290i day of February, 193 ) tn Coun- elf, the Musitelpal Couneif of the City of Medicine Hat totenda to construct following Work as Ideal timprove- Ramely, sewers of follow- B80 fost Gh F, Allowance betw Sette Tian Allowance, Between Wi Ave. and-Ra. Allowan 1,060 feet on Yul St, bet Washington Ave. and Rd. Aliowanee. 1,050 -et on Ross St, between Woshington Ave. and Rd. Allowance. 360 Test oh NO Rallway st, between Ottawa St, and Montreal st. 286 feet on Woodman Ave., between Braemar St, and Balmoral St. : 925 fect on Braemar St. between Washington Ave, and.Rd. Allowance. 700 teet on S. Railway St. between Rd. Allowance and, Factory 950 feet-on S. Railway St., between Factory St. and Hilt Ra. Rallway St. and Columbia Aye. 1,600 fect on Mill. Bt., between Rd. Allowance and McKim Ave. 566 feet on Montreal St, between Seventh Ave. and Eighth Ave. 1,400:feet on Highland St, between Sixth Ave. and Eighth Ave. E: 210 feet on Ottawa St, from - 8: Ratllway St: westerly. 850 feet on Fifth Ave., between Ot- tawa St. and Montreal St. 566 feet on Esplanade, between Her- ala-and Dundes St. 850 feet on Bartlay St., from end of Main to Dundas St. Montreal St. te Ottawa St. Ave. to Highth Ave. 681 feet on Ottawa St., from Sixth Ave, to Seventh Ave. 1,960 feet on Charles. St, trom Park Ave. to School Ave. 2,260 feet on Braemar St., Fourth-Ave,-to- Eighth Ave. 700 test on Sixth Ave;, from Ottaws. St. to Balmoral St Fourth Ave. to Eighth Ave. 1,950 feet on Alberta St, trom Park Ave. School Ave. 4,034 feet on Fewings St, trom Firth Ave, to Seventh Ave: ee 700 feet on Eighth Av tawa St to Balmoral Bt 250 feet om Highland St, Bighth Ave: westerly: bon Park - Aye, and Alberta St. between. MI St. t 550 feet'on Alberta St., 220 feet-on Fifth Ave., St. and Highland St, 360 feet on Charles St, from School) Ave., easterly. : feet on Braemar St, Ra. Allowance and. N. Rall 200 feet.on Toronta St. from Eighth Avo. weaterly.. 7 Sewer pump well. da ys after the last publication of this notice which will be on the 18th aay of March, AD, 1912, such work proceeded with, and the cost thereof assessed against the property affected as provided by-the by-law in suance of a resolution passed on the 26th day of February, 1912, jn coun cil, the Municipal Council of the City ana toil your friends about thia of- Wialpee, Lethbridge, Medicine Mat ) o nedicine Hat intends to construct for,They would also enjoy It. Subscriptions sent in at these: rates shoeld either be accompanied by this advertisement or the paper in which MEN. Witness Block, A. B. Gibson, C, A. Manager. Phone No, 19 Burns Block the following work as a local, im- provement, namely Curb and Gutter, on the following streots: f 410 feet on the East side of Seventh FOR WAUS v6. petwoon Esplanade and Main St KS LIKE WALL 415 feot on the Weat side of Seventh Ave., bewteon Esplanade and Main St. 1590 feet on the North side of Main ated, ook. Pa colcts and Preaopruphe THEWESTEAN PAINT CO. WINNIPEG MAR st, betwen Fifth Ave, and Bighth Ave. 1690, BE, 560-feet-on to St, between: Aye. thorn St. 1020 feet on the Weat side of Sixth Ave, between Mostroal St, and Bal- moral St es 1372 feet om the 1640 feet Bixth At t30 fob on the North Side of Otts- Aye. and Eighth Ave, 940 fect. athe North side of Mon- treal St, between S. Railway and a sSouth side of Main betweea Fourth Aye. and Sixth Ave, * 2 . ae North slde of Torou- 6-foot walk, North Side Balmo7s) ti (Special th Ave, aad Fitth pDetwoon Seventh Ave. an Bighth Ave) Toranto, Maro6- The ahniini A 680 feet, .* eral ucting of the, Gas Mining city today. Five hus t-toot, walk, South side Balmoral Bt., Tnetltute convened in thls elty todey. representing nparly. all psy ween Sixth Ave; and Seventh Ave, for a three * session. The sub- P. 46 fect. f Jects Which fe tobe conatdhred and: West side of Mac- 6-foot walk, North Side Fowings Bt) the many ot wide prominence Toronto St,-and Between Sixth Ave. and Seventh Ave,,p who SR pai ting, toxether with G46 foot 1 discoveries and re- G-foot walk, Weet side Fourth Ave., le development of the mining detween Fewinge St, and Roy St, industry in Canada, combine-to 479 feet. promise of the most important 4ay for the annual meeting and Huth side ot Torone Ave, and itd between Alberta Stand 600- feet: a or aide Esplanade.) WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Bpecial to 'the News.) ee feet. re ae -toot walk, Bast side Main St, be and First Ave.) East aide of Sixth real Bt, and Bal- tween Second Aye. Bast vide of Fou optreal St. and Few West side of Fourth eeRaUEE femar and Balmor 3 Poy ae ae ; Like living elsewhere costs money and the purchasing power of Dollat seems to be getting lees year by: years LAH Groceries and Provislona are necesary te good Hving and wa By, between. Fourth Ave and Fith Ave. 536 fect om the Bouth aide of Otter j Third Ave., S-toot walks North side betwen Fourth Ave-and- etween Beplanade-gnd Main St., 310 Firth Ave. f 560 feet on the North side of Ota tect, 6-foot walk, South side Third Ave. wa St, between Beventh Ave. and between Baplanads and Main St, 310 Righth A Sixth Ave. 885 feet on the Bouth side of Brae- z Detweeb Fourth Ave. and lowance, between Ottawa Stand mar 8t., Sixth Ave. 885 feet om moral St, betweeh Fourth Ave. and between Rd, Allowance and Washing Sixth Ave. 5 560 feet om the South side of Bal- moral St, between Fourth Ave. and tween.Ra. Allowance and Washington 4 Fitth Ave, 1444 feet on troni St,, -betwean-S. Railway St. and Bt., between joodman Avo, and Min- Sixth Ave. 11) 560 feet.on the North side of Be- G20 feet bn. Factory: Sty. between, 8. vsHade, hetween. Third Ave, and Secs Ave, between King St. and 8. Railway ond Ave. 1229 feet on the Eas ot Esplanade between Main St, and from Columbia Ave. westerly, 950 ft Second Ave. 310 feet 6m the North side of Third from Columbia: Ave. westerly, 300 feet. Ave, between Esplanade and Main St. 1020 feot on the North side of Third tween Columbia Ave. and 8. Railway Ave,,. between Montreal St. and Bal- St, 918 feet. moral St. 240 feet on the South side of Third trom end of bridge to Broadway, 600) 4 Ave., between Esplanade and Main St. 1020 feet om th Sovth side of Third. Ave, betweennMonireal and Balmoral between Fourth Ave.-and Fourth 8t., St, moral St. Gee fect od Ottawa Bt, from-Sevanth 376 feet onthe Bouth side of Sec. gt; between Esplanade and between Esplanade and Main St, 360 ond -Ave,, Main St 2071 fest om the South side of Sec- ond Ave, betwee moral Sts: 2080 feet on the North side of Sec- 500: feet on Macleod Trail from 0nd Ave., between: Esplanade and Bat- between Hd. Allowance and Weshing- J, 4 feet. north aide of Bras -foot walk, North side Princes Fourth Ave. and Ave., between Balmoral St. and: Ra. Allowance, 660 fest. is G-foot walk, East side of Ha 8h Bra mar Bt., 360 feet. North side of Bale 6-foot walk, North side Yuill St, 3 for 1.10. Flour, Medicine Hat Whole Wheat and Graham (Rolled Oats, Bk K., 80 . sacks gacks 85 .; 8 sacks 40c. Bedteh Oatmeal, 101D sacks. Corn Meal, 101 sacks. - Res. satlots, 8 sacks. Regular 40c. , Tomatoes, regular 20c. Cash price 2 for 360, ee Corn and Wax Beana, regular 2 for 250. Gash price 3 cans for 3c Y Peas, regular 15 por can. Cash price 4 cans for 56 sents, Peaches, large 3 Tb. cans, regular 35 per can. Cash pice 26e or 286, pet dozen cans. . Peaches, 2 1b cans. regular 25 per can. Gash price. 1.85 per dosen cana, Cherries, large 3 tb. cane, regular 36. Cash price 260 per can; or 2.85 per dozen cans. 2 Apricota, large 3 Ib Cans, Regular 35e. Cash price 250, OF 2.85 per dozen cans. e Lombard Plums, 2) b cans, regular 20c; Cash price, 2 for 26e, toot, or 1.40 per dozen cans. foot walk, North Side Broadway, Biueberries, 2 Ib Cans, regular 20c. Cash price 1c or 7 for 1.00, Strawberries, 2D cans. Regular 25c. Cash price 20c: Peara (Bartlett) 21 cats, regular 26c. Cash prite 20c, Jams (Cairns) large 7 1b tins, pure jam. strawberry and rasp- berry. Regular 1.25, Cash price 1.00 per can. Jams (Buchanans) 5 I. tins, strawberry, raspberry, and black currant: Regular 85c per can. Cash price, 75 cents. Marmalade, 6 Ih tins. Regular 75c.Cash price 65c. Pak. Syrup, Edwardsburg, 20 1 pails, regular. 1.60... Cash price 1.26. Crosaings. Syrup (Edwardsburg) 10 pails, regular 75c. Cash price 65e. And-all pefsons concerned are here- Syrup, Lyles, 2 Tb. cans, regular 25c. Cash price 2 for 45c. by notified that unless the majority of Valincia Raisins, regular 12 1-2 per i. Cash price 5 ths. for ton Ave,, 1060. feet. 6-foot walk, South Side Elm 8t., be Ave., 1060 feet. uth. ade of Mon- 6-foot walk, North: side By Balmoral to Ave., 1060 feet, 6-foot walk, East side Columbia Bt, 1022 feet. 4 South side 6-foot walk, Bouth side Factory St, 96e, oF -foot walk, North side Mill St 6-foot walk, South side Mill Bt. be 6-foot walk, East side Fourth Ave., 2570 feet. G-foot walk, North side Queen St. ton Aye., 1060 feet, G-foot walk, West side Sixth Ave., atontreal-and Bale Toti-teet on the/West side of To- the owners of tHe lands to be affected 5c. : ronto St, between Second Ave. : Ra Allowance. 0BSifaet on the Bast side of Toron- against. the same, written within 14 2,250 feeton Balmoral Sts, troma to-St,.between Second Ave. and Rd. days Allowance. 4736 feet on the West side of Otta- of wa St. between R Allowance. 168 feet on the Bast side of Otta- fected) as provided by the by-law in tfom/Ot- wa St, between NeRallway St. .and /that behalf. co ee 1482 Teot'on the West aide of Brac iT mar Bt, between Rad, Allowance, 1443 feet on the Bast side ot Brae- 1 Ave;, between mar St, between Mi; Railway St. and pwance. fo fest on the West aldo of Bal) ance of resolution passed on the betweeth Wi Raltway St. 0nd 25 day of Feb nich will be on the 13th Cooking Figs, regular 10c per Th. Cash price 3Ib for 26c. Soup-Tablets, all flavors regular-5c Cash price 6 tor 2c. Manie Syrup, quarts, regular 60 . Cash price 45c per tin... Maple Syrup, half gallons, regular 1.00. Cash price Se per ca, Royal Crown Dutch Cleanser, regular 10c. Cash. price for. 36c, Castille Soap, 1 1b. bars, regular 25c.' Cash price, 2 for 350, Royal Crown Soap, regular 26c, per carton. Cash price 2 for 5c. Fairbanks;Sante-Ciaus Soap-regular-4 tor 25c. Cash price 6 for 96. cents, or 5.25. per case, 144 bars. t ss Swifts White Beep, regular 4 for 25c, Cash price 6 for 26- Sunlight Soap and Lifebuoy Soap, 20 bars for. 1.00. McLaren's, 3 packages for. 25c. or 85 . Der, (Glass Dish Free with every 3 representing at least one-half of the -yalue thereof, petition the-counctt after the last publication of this notice, whtch will be on the 18th day arch, A.D., 1912, such work will W, allway St. and be proceeded with, amd the cost there- x of assessed against the property af Dated: this 1st day of March A-D., PRatiway Stand +H, BAKER, + - City Clerk. Plank Sidewalks oe Noti e' s hereby given that npursu- Cori on the Oot Clover Honey (Pure) 2 I. tins, regular 400, Cash Clever Honey (Pure) 3 b..tins, regular 60c, Cash prio Honey. (pure) 6 3. tins, regular 1.00. Cash Malta Vita, Post Toastics. and Corn Flakes, i 11 for 1.00. ee oS lea Cream, regular 12 1-2c. Cash price, , 1912, In coun cil, the: Municipal Council of ; of Medicine Hat intends: to- the following work as a local . ; ike-o8 following streets: ee 516 fect on the North side of Tor- onto:8t. E., between E. Allowance and Woodman Ave. Woodman Ave. 1082 feet on the North side of Brac b, AD, 1913, such work ng: gt, E., between E.Allowance and ecdod) with, ied provided by the by-law in : trom Washington -Ave. weoterly. Goncrete Sidewalks Notice ig hereby given that 0 DUF- ernment Trail, be-ween Victoria Ave. sunnce of a resolution passed on the pilownnce: 28th day of February, 1912, 18 Council, er the Munielpai Counclt of the City of a, between Highland St. and 8. Medi ine Hat intends to construct the Rafiway St. following. work Sp a Jocal fmprove- ment, namely, concrete sidewalks: on, between Hill Rd. and School CS pe es nnd Be. bet oen Ra. and Schoo G-foot walk. between Herald . fowance, 30 feet. ae 6-foot walk, West side W. Rd. Al- Jowance, between Toronto Bt,, 166 feet: -foot walk, between -foot walk, North Side Toronto ga, st., between Seventh Ave./and Bighth notice, which will be on the 13th day Ave, 530 feet. 6-toot walk, South ide; Toronto St., pe proceeded with, and the cost there- between Sixth Ave, aid Seventh Ave., of assessed against the property at- 530 feet, -foot walk, North wide Ottawn St.) that behalf. between Seventh Ave. and Eighth Av ., B30 feet foot walk, Soudnside Bragmar St., P with, and the cost) Washington Ave. 2 the property 258 feet on the North side of Hose on the Bast side of N. Rail- way St, between Balmora and Prince Bt. 794 feet on the North pide of Maple Bt, between E, Allowance and-Gerald Ave. Seppe ea 16 feet on the North stds of Gor feet on the South side of Hill 93 feet on the South side of High- z egular 26 . Cash price 9 cans for ith side. 776ifeet on the West side of Macleod a Ste perth orf thst ee St and Wi-Ra. Al / Trait, betwen Toronto St. and Otta- : i : 9B ae And all persons concerned are hare- St. and yy notified that unless the majority of nape Gwners of the lands to be affected i Tei Haplandde and Malt value thereof, petition the council aginst the same, written within 14 after the last publication of this Barclay Goods Delivered to Any Part f the City, C. 0. D. TERMS CASH. 7 of March, AD. 1912, such work will fected, as provided by the by-law In Dated this 1st day of Marche A.D.) . 7 F - lt; ai News Want Ads. Pay. Try Em. 3
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Image 378 (1912-03-06), from microfilm reel 378, (CU1771133). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.