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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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r Walle eilings of R BOARD y look better, better, last ad cost less plaster and gt; Trial CONVINCE t our PURE RUIT JUICE st. s Drug and Store : i: co et Bc LEADER Decorating. RACTORS AND BUILDERS IGURA WITH YOU PLACING YOUR r FOR A BUILDING MATES FRED. fext to ee eek Hall. oo . Taylor s ansfer Heavy Draying. ttention to all orders. y for Sale. CAVATING vY TEAMING RETE-WORK. Phone 260, LAIT saruEiE STREET iG ON CONSUMPTION dn of Mr, Kdward Gurney, sathoring in Muskoka your fituingly termed a classi oo 5 of the Maakoke Baier te ailarko and Chickasha. eoniproas the quintet. Wodnesday, March 6th, 1912 and one-half million Stetson Hats were sold last year. This is the best endorsement that could be given any American - product, and we are proud to offer for sale a new and splendid line of these Hats. . Call in (00) Spring showing of this famous line. eel Eee Turpin Bros. Stone Where You ae te Big Dollar s Worth BASEBALL NOTES, 3. E, Leist, owner of the New Cas- tle team in the Oand P league, has adopted the slogan Leist but not Last. Owner James i. Guiiney, of the Boo ton Braves, is et Hot Springs, Ark., taking short rest before the base- Ball season starts: Trainer Doc Green, former head of the ambulance corps with ths Bos- tom Red Sox, has signed es trainer with the Pravidence team. Hf Jemes John Callahan con find a first basemen. eiiovg ms uuth of youngsters, the White Sox will look pretty strom whoo the whintls blows. Portsthowth end Newport News have been adm tted to the Virginia league, making eight clubs instead of six im the cireuit for the coming season. With eighteen Sunday and twelve Saturday games at home, the Newark team surely got its share of whipped- cream pie from the schedule in the International leagne. The new Oklahoma State league bas Veen orgamived and teams will be placed in Okighoma City, Guthrie, Mc- Alester, Emid, Shawnee, El Reno, Am Anviel Sig: tage teasbei came at? ways arrives at the training camp minus its baggage. The wotkl's cham- piond started it, and now ail the othr ae ae er their ing: Tmenaging a basketball team this win ter. Chage end Smith, forwards, Joa Jeemmette, the boxer, contre, and Ryan, Dowe end Corrigan, guards, Manager Cathie Dooin can't see whore the Giants, Cats or Pirates have. anything on his coming race for the National leogue Pomnant My old tid is im the fing, says Charlie, * Not only Pittsburg fans, but ibase- ball fans throughout the country will closely follow the work of Marty. O'Toole next season. To show he s worth 22,600 to the Pirates, will take considerable showing. ing trouble in signing. up some of his Red Sox stars including Tris Speaker and Buck O'Brien: With Tris out of the Hneup you could write your own ticket on the Beanies. According to. Charlie Dryden, the Chicago scribe, Ping Bodie, - of the White Sox, has perfected the latest marvel in string leans which does away with the string. The bean fas- tens with hooks and eyes and Ping says itis q big improvement over the oktfashioned string. THE RING j might, and the fact that the team has Calgary Dropped - First Alfan Cup city the Victorias tust night i the Calgary team by the score of 11 yy r-the-tret-game.of the series for the Allan Cup, the bighest honor in the amateur championship. The Victorias never showed to bet- ter advantage in every department. opponents.. The Calgery team owe a Jot to the phenomenal work of Chuck Clarke, thelr ttle goal. tender, He saved shot after shot and had it not deen for hile stick work the score would have been mote than doubled. The Victorias have a lead of eleven goals now and will go into the next game on Thursday with a couple of subs taking the place of the regulars. Neither team scored for the first 18 minutes, although the local team had by far the best of play. TABER RECEIVED GOOD ARGUMENT FROM LOCAL SEVEN WON THE GAME BY 18 TO 4 IN GOOD FAST HOTLY CONTEST: ED GAME. SCORE POOR EVIDENCE GAME WAS FAR BETTER THAN SCORE WOULD INDICATE VISITORS TEAM WORK GOOD. Medicine Hat hockey fans were treated to the nearest thing to a real hockey game last night as has been witnessed inthis city this season when Taber, erstwhile seekers of Al- Yan Cup-honors,-defeated a team of Tocal players by a score of 18 to 4. fair evidence of the way in which the game ent, for considering the fact that the local aggregation was hurriedly -got together on Monday. never played together before, and Al-, so that some of the players have play- ter, they put up a wonderfully, stren uous opposition, cess, and in last night's game they, played like a regular -machine. How- ever, alt thelr work is team work, not a-player trying to-get away with In- the locals showed up 80 well. Medi- cine Hat had a few players on the team Who are and aided by the small rink they succeeded in breaking up or at least seriously crippling the team work of the visitors, On the other band the individuat work of the locals showed up very brilllantly at times, especially so was this when Hiennfe went from the Hat goal right through them and shot a goal. Wher tho fans saw the-exhibition of the locals Inet night one of the first questions they asked was: Why was this city out of Hockey this winter? The question was well put, for in the game last night the players showed that this city has certainly the mecu- leus for a great hockey team. Hiennfe at cover, Routledge centre, and McWilliams as rover, were the stars of the locals, Hiennie was at his beat and though the visitors laid for him at every stage of the same he got away sufficiently well to show the fans that the visitors had not a man on thelr team who could really tiold a card with him when it came to Alberta's Representatives for Allan up Strenuous Opposition Score a Single Tally Next Game Thursday. OS The score could hardly be taken as a ed by one game previously this win- . The Taber team has played the sea- INEW SICHTS gon through with more or less suc -FiR 4 dividual, work, and it Was there uat Wilt Do Away With the Ob- aoe (Ww, A Serr Dispatch) Cup Honors Put but, were Unable to that not a gogl cbuld'be scored. After 18 minutes of the hardest kind of play, Bawif got the first-goal, Baker followed with two more, and at half- time the score was reading: Victorias and the speed of the local boys daz- gled the visitors, The scoring was started gain in nine minutes and it Kept Gp until a few minutes before the final whistle sounded, the final score Feading Victoria 11, Calgary 0. This gives the Victorias a safe lead for th lr second game. he Eaton team was prevent at the game and were s(rprised at the play the Victorias pit up. They are not quite as confident as they first were. place on his automy that hadn't been bit by the puck and to land it there. They succeeded with more or. less success, but some 38 of their shots at Taft's body lther missed him or else Tatt was unadle to get in thelr way just at. the physicological moment, hence the reason for the high score: Bob Porter of the Intermediates han- died the left wing'for the locals and he had a busy session. .He played well and was most aggressive in his checking, while his-: was highly creditable. Taber journeys, east and expect to meet the Eaton s Senior O. H. A. champs in Winnipeg. The result of that game may bea repetition/of last night's game, but Eaton's: will hardly be-the losers, One of the features of the Kitehen Mechanics game fs their tricky stick work, They got away with a great deal of sly. tripping last night, and on several occasions in- curred the wrath of the Hat players by doing so. The penalties handed out-were few and far between, : The teams. Medicine Hat Collier, goal; Inglis, point; Hiennie, cover; MeWillam: rover; Routledge, centre; Porter, left;, Paul, right. Taber A. G. Cook, go: AB. Cook, point; L. T. Cook, cover; J. Ey Cook, rover; Reber, centre; Baird, left; H) W. Cook, right, Referee, Hicks. CANADIAN RIFLES jections Raised at Bisley. Tl ik POUR TEAM LEAGUE Bi A SUCCESS Review of the Western Canada Ball League 5 Ball League Situation Bassano and Lethbridge will Likely Join Edmonton and Calgary in the League What will be the Effect on Game to Peg Mies. Bageball? How Long will the League Last? A league composed of Alber- ball, 1,800 salary Mmit. it would EDMONTON 1. ? ta clubs only, including two in Cal- take these towns a long time to be gary, one in Edmoaton and one in/able to put team of this kind on - of the Lethbridge Clud it would seem 6, Calgary 0. The visitors were play- to have it and now. they are going to and Brandon. Ing good hockey, but:were playing a have it and have It thelr own wi this good thing for baseball? d-hult-started With-what-result? naa for inatance aa the i the Capital eug- out a great deal faster than the first It s a noticeable fact, in fact two in Calgary. one In Edmon- 115 to 26 players, if it is below twen- Bassano. With Calgary Byndicate in charge gary, instead of two. according 9 word tat Mr. James Fleming of the Hat received fr President Eckstfom, that the above two Edmonton teams. will be the lay out of the Western 4. A six-team Canads Lena sear: of Edmonton, Calgary. Saskatoon, It would. iat there are a few Lethbridge, who want and waat it thelr Jaw. own way, at Whatever cost to them- selves or others. They were bound 5. Another trial for last year's schedule, which included Winnipeg most prominent and outstanding fact; that Lethbridge city of more than ten times the sis of Bassano cannot support a ball team with a 1,800 sdlary limit qhile the smaller town can. This is no Teflection om Leth bridge, instead used in an argument- ative way, if Lethbridge cannot. support ona 1,800 limit club, ean Bassano? Will a four team league of the above calibre prove a success? Will it be of sufficiently lasting quality to hold the fans. Edmonton and Calgary today Lave at their beck and call the neculeus of a ball cluB on an 1,300 salary lim- it. Lethbridge and Bassano have no players. Bassano is sald to have manager already. Immediately the two new clubs start to pick up a team to clause one and the same to th last) they will have to load up their pay/suggestion of clause three, as Ed- sheet with bunch of anywhere fromjmonton would no more support two teams than would Calgary. Clause four looks good but the old question of Bassano sticking. would arise. In dealing with this matter the in- tention fs not to knock, wield the hammer against baseball, Bassano, Calgary or anyone for that matter. but if the West s to have baseball that will be of a lasting brand, that will give the,fans confidence In it, become a fixture, go down on th records of the National Commission as a stone wall league, why some solution, to the situation that will be permanent has got to be arrived at. All the above solutions lt; offered, might, in there is no doubt but what they Would give a couple of years Wall, and then the gam would be thrown back to the dame position that it is invat the present time, no ons would: be any farther ahead: fin- auclally, the franchises of an unsound league would not be worth any more ton and one in Bassano. Will Calgary support two teams permanently? Montreal can t sup- port one, Detroit can't. support, one, Winnipeg can't support- one. For-how long will Bassano boosters continue to dip down tn their pocket to donate a big share of their wad to pay for a ball team, a heavily losing proposi- tion. Mr. Gray of the Edmonton team evidently recognizes this fact, at least he is credited with the statement that if Bassano s In the league he will or At Teast Edmonton will not be i h, and he s baseball in Edmonton. To suggestion two, the last refer- nce to clause on might *gain - be miade. i To clause three, the first reference ty they will do Something that every ball team manager has tried for years with more. or less failure. Their sal- ary will be a total of 1,800 a month for the team, While they are picking thelr team they have to be playing with Edmonton and Calgary. Both these towns hay players whom they know. they have the money and yet they will carry few more than half the pay sheet that the smaller town will, It 18 not hard to predict where this Will lead these smaller towns to if Giey: Wish to keep in the game and near the top of the ladder and this they will have to do if they want to keep the few fans they will have c ming to the games, It might be safe to yenture the suggestion, or rather safe without . incutring too much displeasure to venture to: pre- ict that before the teams have to cut down to 12 or 15 players what ever they decide upon, and whic will lik- ely be about June 16, that Bassano and Lethbridge if they keep their team in the running at all will be paying- -salaryof at least 3,000 a month. How long will they be able to stand the pace? To Keep in the league at all Bassano ill have to be the big bee in the hive. Ifthey are fourth in the four team league, if Lethbridge is fourth inthe fotir team league, but mor so running. were afraid to tackle, and the best towns are willing to 2. Same as above, except one would be a gra Lethbridge and one in Cal- would be the case that the promoters or. rather the boosters would become 3. A four-team schedule com- rather tired of paying the full shot posed. of Edmonton, Calgary andjand have dropped out. Now at the game time there is a possibility that Yeague composed with the 1,300 salary limit the saine the Bassano and Moose naa which this year will extend from Ottawa to London a distance of ab- Dut 415 miles that-a league Hke-this- might be able to fight its way through for a few years, and with the fast growing populations of the become a permanent fixture the goal Argument that has been used against the 2,300 salary Mmit arises, you get players? them and plenty of them,and overy, foam in the league the salary limit. They had players galore to choose from; and mapy of them who practically begged for try- outs, paid thelr own expenses to the city, and- others patd-thelr-own board for a couple of weeks while hanging around trying to land a bert. Each team in the League during the year with poskible. and Hamilton had away over. thirty players, and the brand of ball though rated as Cl be Class ag good.asithe brand of ball that was dished up to the the 1,800 W.C.B.L. Will also figure: greatly according to some, but baseball is now an Institu- tion, just like any other business, you have got to start atthe bottom and work up. work at 2 and 2.50 a week and work upeto a big salary. the ball player. and work up. big leaguer of to-day knows this, and players tc be secured to-day for a sal- ary that will pay their living expenses Men who are mixed up with the W.C. B.L. know this as well as anyone, and they also know that it is just as easy to secure a ball team Canada that will dish up good brand of ball on a 1,300 salary. limit as it is in Western Ontario. whole thing resolves itself into this. If the West is to have a league that will have the ghost of a show of be- coming fixture, It will have to be the present at and the fans would be just a lttle a sicker of the way that things were ters, or rather the monied lovers. of ball will take a chance and put up Alberts wants gt; good ball, the best the money for a 1,200 possible, in the past she has becn and getting a brand of ball that until iast won't met the 600 dearer brand, an/ year, many of the citfes of Ontatlo you can't blame them. of it fs that some of these Western Calgary and Edmonton would have to support this hire cheaper players, and therefore brand again at a Loss. We are told the teams could start about making a paying Basis and-there is or rather AM fear that before such fs is used in the Canadian League, centres all g00d- Dall texgues, Then the+ can Last year the Canadian League got was well under exceptions of Berlin p ; this year it will Was an excellent one, Winnipeg fans by The question. of living expenses How many clerks start The same with He's got to start And the pi tive for this reason, there are hundreds of in Western least. The promo- 1,300 salary limit for salary Limit: up the deficit, but they In favor of the 1,300 salary league, In fact the - SOX START SOUTH FOR TRAINING CAMP Three Veterans Absent, but Four Recruits Take thelr mt are Claim. ing they cannot be pat they Keep on Wi , Mar. 6 Three veterans of ileago American League. team were absent when the players left Chicago on board a special train for Waco, Texas, to begin spring train tog) re ee Lee Tannehill; one of the yoterans, was unable to make the trip because of a sprained ankle. He will join the team, however, within two. weeks, Pat Dougherty, anothe? veteran, has re- tired ftom the game. Matty Molu- tyre, outfielder, has not signed for the 1912 season, Four recruits, Rath; Ma yor, Carney and Genest, were among the pli who-went eouth. tonight. Manager Callabun and three pitch- ers already are at the Texas: resort. The playerg will put in about two. weeks of practice before starting northward to play exhibition games. Chi HANK ODAYS Columbus, Ga, Mar. 6 That con Sool ap eta iace Sa ooh one bythe or ders of Manager Hank O'Day tothe Reds to cross the plate whenever a pitcher steps on the mound. Pitcher Horsey, grooved the ball 22 consecu- tive times to the delight of Hank. Cateber Larry McLean has an ex- tremely sore arm. He got busy with his wing dn too great a hurry. CLEVELAND ON THEIR WAY Gleveland, ., Mar. 6 Mani r Harry Davis and 20 Nap players left today for Mobile, Ala., for three weeks training, It was doubtful that Gehe Krapp would make the trip, as he was holding out Tor an Tner ase, BEANEATERS IN THE RACE Hor Springs, Ark, Mar. 6 Ex- pressing greatest confidence in John- ny King s ability as a manager, James E. Gaffney, one of the owners of the Boston Nationals, today declared that the Beaneaters would be in the race from the start this year. Kling will train his men at Augusta, Ga. REAL WORK FOR DETROIT Monroe, La., Mar. 6 Real work Was on the programme at the Tiger camp-today,-and not even the sorest man Was excused, Several of the re- cruits were allowed to lay off yee- terday becatise of sore muscles, but, according to Trainer Tuthill, the on- ly way to take the kinks out is to work them out. While the-m tis * Scare Seems to have died down, the Tigers: are still prepared to leave for Alexandra on short notice, t THE CARDINAL HOLD-ouT St. Louis, Mo. Mat. 6 Manager Bresnahan left ai Ottawa, Ont., March 6. Tha Domti- nnion Rifle Association's secretary ex- pects to receive in a few days a new: rifle sight for attachment to the Ross: rifle which will overcome the N.R.A. objectiona,to the Canadians at Bisley. They are made by the Birmingbant small arms company and approved by the -N.R-AS tested before giving Y: understood ehat the eights fit with the objection to sneer TODAY'S wARKETS, Winnipeg, Mar. 6. May wheat, old, closed 102 1-2; May, new, opened 101) 1-2, closed 101 1-2; July opened and closed 102 5-8. May. oats opened and Closed 43 7-8. July opened and closed 43 5-8. Extra No, 1' feed May, Bocas 39 78, closed 39 1. the tormer, what will be the re Si he tera ft ie sy tore .4 new. league next year. on the Calgary and Edmonton teams. It will hurt the game there, sure as guns. The fans will get sore haying the Uttle town team jogging along, there will be-orposition to thelr home team, will not patronize the game Result, Pagetbie failure for the lea- gue. It 1,800 salary limit, that Medicine Hat e does hold out for 1912 Ukelfhood that it will, tho*wesult next year, won't come back, and then be the same old repitition. be hard to find anywhere else in Can- ada, three citivs who would No better evidence of the exact Btate of the baseball gituation can-be secured than by reading the fojlow- ing suggestions for a league culled from the Edmonton) Capital: that Edmonton lost money Tast year, league that would have at least -w and we are also told on very goof chance of authority that Calgary did not make would any money last year, and their snlary and the teams would come up toget- iimlt wax 1,800. It therefor? stands her. to reason tha: when Calgary and present league. ' The teams will n Edmonton can't make money with an ver be even. EC Mr. Fleming of this city. ex-Presi- LethUridge and-Bassano with a pop- dent of the Westerm Canada League, ulation a great deol smaller ;cannot and one of the best baseball suppor help but loose a large sum of money. ters in the West s entirely in accord Right at the present time ft would with the above ideas, in fact be sug- form baseball in Medicine Hat. the nucleus of a ball league who were baseball in the West, and is willing at willing to place a ball team in the len- any time to'divy up his share in as- gus, knowing and- witha full know- isting baseball, but he wants base- ledge and prepared and ready to dip ball of the permanent brand, of a down in their pocket to meet that lasting quality. The above proposals deficit, But with e Class brand of he does not, think would fill the Dill, starton an even basis There is no even basis in the He. wants He. wants getted most of them. PORE ARTHUR MAY NOT GO AFTER CU a continent parly that this rauch Gronded ead is being. conquered by b followed inany well-mat In our own Province, witl at the hospitals in Muskok: existonce, the denth-rato from .. has boon reduced. twenty-five ving possibilities of the sans- Sanda are limited only by the ed to carry on and extend the this reagon wo vory obeertully jers to help in the great SE) that x being done ab jtatement for the. trastecs of Free Hospital for Consamp- able to make, that from fil, 1902, when this institu Se ened. Pibie hawpital becuene enable J, See Chaitman of as. Billy Papke is satisfied now that he is not q come back and has quit the game for good. California promoters have mad u flattering offer to Jack Dillon to Mor Frank Manfel on. March 17. One Round Hogan will start an other boxing campaign in New York openina with Leach Cross on March 15. SINGLE TAX DEFEATED (W A P. Dispatch) Seattle, Washington., return in hand from all but one pr - cint and-that -one-ia- estimated. Cot- torell's. friends. claim majority for hinr of little more than five bun- red, The single tax amendment to thie charter fo apparently overwhelm- rk. Routledge put up a wonderful exhibi- tion, This fy bis s cohd game this winter, He was in the game at cv- efy stage of the game, and-shot at Yeaat two of the hom team's tallies. McWilliams gave great 6thibition of skating and checking. He used j Bis body with telling effect on the visitors and continually broke up thelr combination. His xhibition of skating proved a treat. Pawl-on the wing played a good fame. He held his man down in good style ang made some excellent. rush- Ingtes at point, though out of his Usual position, put up x good defense camo and got-away-with some -ex- cellent forward work, Taft Collier was the busiest man on the Hat tonm, It-seented as It Wheat No. 1 Nor. 9 Nor, 90; Nor: 81 1-2; Nor, 59 1-27 feed 641-2. Otiteo., 2 C.W,, 413 No- 3 C.W. BE Bd; rtra No, 1 feed 87; No. 1 feed 36; No. 2 feed 34. Barley, No. 3, 61; No, 4, 80; refect- ed, 47; feed 46. American Markets x Minneapol Mar. 6. May wheat opened 107 closed 107 7-8; July opened and closed 109. Chicago, Mar: 6 May-wheat op- ened 104 1-4, closed 104 1-8; July op- ened 98 3-8, closed 98 1-4; Sept. op- cried (96 1-8, closed 96, Shilolis Cure every player on the Taber Cullinary foely beaten: department was trying to tind: some ucKty TOPS COUGNS, CURES COLDS. ReALe THE THROAT AND LUNGS. 28 GENTS pulled hotior out of the defeat that at- tended thelr series with the Port Ar- thur and expect to play an exibition game in Brandon before returning home, Barney Bollen and Bert Mc- Intyre, whose homes are in Winnipeg, remain here. Manager Gordon of the Fort ar thurs said this morning that fs) was doubtful whether bis team. would go east to play for the Stantey Cup, it depends on whether the home town would put up the money and whether Fatisfactory dates could be made Port. Arthur leaves for Houghton, Michigan thig afterfioon, to playa exhibition Baine-every seat is sold out for the Calgary-Victorian Allen cup-gamie to- night. Mauser Bullet from. British Other Countries. London, March 5. The opinion of the British soldiers on British weapons was quoted In the House of Commons yesterday by Col. Beeley in reply to criticisms of the service rifle, when he said: Our army is better armed than any continental army, In the South African war, I rode a horse which was killed by a Mauger bullet at a thousand yards, our bullets would Kill at little longer range. Of the even vital points in a rifle Britain had an overwhelming advantage in the two most vital-Fapidity of firing ENGLAND S RIFLGS ARG Soldiers Arm Killed: Horse at 1000 Yards Has a great advantage over and accuracy. In one point trajectory-continental armies alone. est ad. lasting. They 3 had the advantage but any soldier would say Brother trajectory, give me tho rifle that shoots fastest and straight- That was what the Britieh rifle Ident Fogel are claiming the pennaut forthe Phillies, The chiet-work of the players here for the noxt . few. Weeks Will be drinking water and bik+ Ing over the billa, 2 San Antonio, Tex, Mar. 6 The chestiness which marked the playing of the Athletic youngsters, was not in ldence today. The defeat admin istered by the San Antonio team has taken sonte of the Starch out of tie worla champion Juniors, and today they went into their ps DESERTED INFANT Baby Found on i on Doses of Berlin, Ont. Home Girl REPORT. CONTRADICTED Min during the Easter recesa on Tule was Officially contradicted home today, Sees NOT AS cusses. nopax
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Image 376 (1912-03-06), from microfilm reel 376, (CU1771046). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.