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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Maan Nw, pVovettere pomureay Monday, March 18th, 1912 : More Freedom for MURDERWILL OUT. cmsmemeen sigma x. CONGRESS TO PROBE BASEBALL TRUST that Sort presented to congress must be based on lack of information of munications from opr readers, w wish It to be thoroughly under stood that we do mot necessartly sul, scribe to or endorse the opinions expressed by OUF, Correspondent Palm each, Pla, March 08. Mrs. Reginald Vamieriilt gave luncheon at Bradley's today: at which ber prize French tull terrier, Pinto, was the gtiest of honor. The o-her guests were (S-AGAIN: PROVED IN BERLIN CASE Alberta Prisoners Rep. Gallagher Introduces Resolution to Investigate 7 All letters must be signed by ch ; the extent, purpose and operation of Provincial Secretary McLean Believes in Up-to-date )... mystery Solved when riter. not n cessartistozpuni foe Jes Lewrence Organized Ball. what ts known as organized baseball, System Ontario - Central Prison the Besb Thinks . Allvertiserient appears in Cation, but awa alED of R008 MLN yooy mistreas was heard to ask the Washington, March 18 A UGE felaralretats oe: eeiered : Ea, ington, March 18. A. copgres- , It Surpasses anything He Has yet Seen. Rural Newspaper. 2 jee i solicitously what el gional investigation of the baseball aW tm the operation of organized . pallor News: nao ter; whereupon she answered) trust the most audacious and autocra- baseball. News, jor Saying that no doubt bel tio trust in the President Johnson of the American country, Wal pro- posed 2 a resolution Introdiiced by Representative Gallagher of Ilinols. The measure would creste special committee of seven representatives to inquire of the department of just- fee what steps have been take ag- ainst the baseball trust as against ot- criminal or Jailbird type. But I have found the dormitory system to be in operation nowhere else in America. So we take It up as an experiment, Warden, Gilmour thinks the plan a god one. Mr. McLean said that he intended to greatly extend the freedom granted Toronto, Mar, 18 Hon. A. J, Mac- Tean, provincial secretary in the. Al- derta Government, isin Toronto to- day on bis return to Edmonton from a-trip through Eastern Canada and the Eastern States, taken with a view of investigating methods of prison management. Dear Sir T peg to advise through would the columns of YoWF Paper that a committee from the International Dry Farming Congress will be in this city on the evening of.the 2nd of April, the date of tue Medi ine Hat Agricul- tural Society Horse Show, and will deliver addresses under the auspices SHERLOCK Wl LMES BROUCAT UP 10 DATE Slender Thread Led to Un- doing of Man who Had like some strawberries and cream and a pot of tea, Pinto did not eat the berries, but he gpt alt the cream without dsopping a bit on the table cloth, He 290 carefully wiped his mouth on a napkin held ty one of the French waitresses, Teague ald: We would be glad to have an inyestigation. There is no baseball trust and coipetition ts not stifled. Anyone who desires, is wel- come to get in the gam So far as the National Tapia of baseball s concerned, we invite an A fortnight cai, Mr McLeas prisoners who were trusted. Last Govered Tracks. lof the above sogiety and the Medicine a 5 her illegal combinatiins, also to sub- investigation, said Thomas J. Lynch, Was conducted through the Central year he bad pefinitted-as-many as six Sfriat Board of Tradeon-the following alelne Hats March ibis. P B WtBeeses ana employ-assist- president-ot-tho- texxue- Ho-adited prison by Warden Gilmour. prisoners to go with:teams, and with- Berlin, Mar. 18. the perpetrator ) sbjecs: The Work and Achievement The Editor, Now ants, There 1 absolutely nothing savoring I have aden nowhere in the States out a guard, five or six miles from the the murder ie Sateen ey 8 lor the International Dry Farming Con- n- looking over the totter ot a CBivington Denles the Existence of a of a trust in our league, a jail or prion that comes up to the fail to bring gravel for work being f Jeweller named Schultz ant gress, by J.T, Burnd, executive secre- Lover of Dead Dogs. I might say prrest We welcome any man of ability ; wife and daughter, a crime that hor- rifled all Germany, has at last been discovered, and has acknowledged his Chicago, Mar. 18. When informed of the Gallagher resolution President T. M, Chivington, of the American As- sociation, said: Any resolution of ARRIVAL OF POLICE PATROL: AT DAWSON Carry Mail and News from who desires to get into the game, es pecially college boys. Let the in- vestigation of the. National Leagu proceed. We have nothing to fear. tary-treasurer of the Congress. Mr. MeNicol, chairman of the Exposition Committee, will talk GB the Prepara- eon-of Exhibits -by Farmers and Busi- nesaMen Mr, TH. Woolford of Carlstadt, who is m expert on dry land alfalfa, will speak on that sub- Ject. As the above are subjects of prime Importance, not only to the farmers of the district, tut to the business men, tradesmen and the higher grade pup- standard of the Central Prison in Toronto, sald Mr. McLean, when deen by a press representative at the King Edward Hote. ven the: noted prison of Charles- town I found:to be ae the times a5 compared with the Central prison here. Warden Gilmour has Deen doing a great work and deserves the highest praise. Especially to his credit is the success of the prison farm at Guelph. done at the institution, have sent men in the last year forty and fifty miles away and they baVe Wever-fatted-to-come back, said. McLean. Of course I expect to lose a of them sometimes, but I will keep up the system none the less because of the trustworthiness of the majority. We have this year done away al- together with convict clothes. The men in the jail do not wear striped that man never had a good dog. When he stood on Main street and Fourth avenue he did not see many good dogs, I think. He met with a few good dogs, like Mr. Ansley meets. No good dogs roam the streets. I have good one. He don't roam the streets, When he got out, he was coaxed away by a thief, I then re- ported: to the police, and the thief was summonsed, costing him 50. For an- other case afterwards a man got six he way in which the murderer w: finally detected, after eluding the po- lee 80 Jong, is as curious as a Sher- lock Holmes story. A Dresden pawn- broker saw an advertisement in a newspaper published at Zittau, a small town In Saxony, offering old Jewellery for sale. He wrote in the ordinary Way of business, but his sus- ARIZONA SEES MANY LAWS 4 (Syectal to News). Phoenix, Ariz, Mar. 18. Arisona s. first State legislature onvened at noon today ang proeeeded to the work of organization. The eletion of two The prisons of the cast Mr. McLean garments, but ordinary plain, blue fia of the city schools, it 1s to be hoped months for the same offense. So you jo United States senators will be the found on the whole to be behind hand sults. So when they go outside the Plolous were aroused by the extreme ena: aii will avall themselves of the see everybody don t think the same Mouth of Mackenzie jis: important matter taken up af- in reformatory methods and to be jail no one knows them for convicts. caution displayed in the reply he re-)o) oruntty offered by the Interna- as the lover of dead dogs does. And River. ter the body gets into working. The celyed and he communicated with the th 1 Dry Fa Congress to hear police, who traced the advertiser. onal Dry Face I might say if he at any time was kissed by anything at any time in bis still: clinging to the idea of punitive This change of clothing has done election of senators will not occupy gt; CACRS-HAS SECURED VERY LOW much to keep the their self respect. A prison farm of 240 acres has been established tn connection with the Lethbridge Jail and the Government, Mr. McLean informed the press re- presentative, is now planning to start a school where the rudiments of from ten to twelve men serving short- education will be taught illiterate sentences, and far from being of s prisoners. Seen confinement. I wished especially to gain some Knowledge of the working of a dor- mitory system, which we are intro- ducing Into the new Alberta Provin- cial jail at Lethbridge. We are bullding to the cells, dor- ortes, which will be occupied by- men from losing GRADES FOR LINE OVER ROCKY MTS. Engineer in Charge of Making Grades has Made his Report Will be Able to Haul Heavy Trains with Trenkler, a young locksmith. kler replied: T burned tt. mediately Fetided that tre had reined + The man proved to be one Oswald The police arrested him, but he persisted In-a denial of the crime. The Berlin Commissioner of Police, however wa too clever for him, for while examin- ing him early one morning, he sud- denly asked: What did you do with the bank book? Caught unawares in the trap, Tren- He tm his case, and made a full confession. He is a consumptive, and he left his home near Zittau, to go to Gorlitz to have-his lungs examined. While in the train a man advised him to go to the Charite, a great hospital in Ber- lin, and.renkler, knowing that he those subjects discua ed by men who know, The clty counell ave been kind enough to offer the use of the council chamber of the city hall for the oc- casion, Please note the date, Tuesday, 2nd April, at 8 o'clock sharp. Tt is well to note the next session of the Congress will be helt at Leth- bridge the 2ist to 26th of October, 1912, and no pains will be spared by the Medicine Hat Agricultural Society icine Hat well represented in the line lof exhibits and prizes. It is expected the citizens and business men of Med- icine Hat will willingly lend thelr aid to this end, and the first step in this direction is to turn out to the meet- Tard thr-Buard-of-Pradetd have Med- life as good as a good bred dog he would be tickled to death, and as far as a big St. Bernard dog drinking out of the drinking fountain, the govern- ment has passed a law that no pub- Ue drinking cup 1s allowed, so what else could be poor dog do. The good dogs don t have to roam the streets, so then it is a shame to let the scrubs go. I have noticed Mr. Moore. has 500 worth of dogs and would take any chance of seeing if an would run over them. I don t think. Let good dog live in Peace. Do as you please with cure. FAIR PLAY. TO TEST BATTLESHIP FLORIDA NO NEWS OF EXPLORER Hubert Darrell, who Left ster, n charge-of a party of the Royal North-west. Mounted Police, arrived at Dawson last large amount of mail Fort MacPherson. ports that while at Fort MacPherson he met Captain Beytes and the Hers- chel party. vessel wintering at Herschel island Herchel Island in 1910, has not been Heard of. Dawson, Mar. 18. Sergeant. Demp- Sunday from Fort With the party was a from outside MacPherson. The Sergeant re- According to the sergeant, the only much time as the advisory primary already has named Henry F. Ashurst of Prescott and Marcus A. Smith of - Tucson to wear the togas. Both are Democrats. A lengthy legislative programme awaits the lawmakers. It 1s expected. the legislature will undertake the re- demption of the. pre-election pledge. to submit to the voters the inclusion of the judiciary in the operation of the recall. It also 1s expected to aub- mit the question of whether the pres- office until January 1, 1918, or two years later, the constitution being ob- scure on that point. Among the most important man- dates of the constitution are the enactment of an employers ability ing. Respectfully, (Special to the News) Washington, D. C., Mar. 18 The steaming trials of the super-dread- nought Florida ate expected to en- E itor Medicine Hat Eews. gross the undivided attention of nav- Kindly grant we space in your men this week. The interest in Saluabi paper re dogs that have pean the triste ts-due partly to the tact t8 wo noticeable during the past few te Florida is to be one of the largest aoe sds aihtoons ot Meai. 24 most formidable flehting ma- ety ee chines afloat, but mose especially be- this year is the whaler Belvedere, Captain Tuttle. This outfit has pas- sed a good winter and all are well. Of Hubert Darrell, the explorer who went eastward In 1910 from the Mac- Kenzie, no word has beet obtained. * / A Klondyke prospector named A. Knorr, who started two years ago in quest-of a reported rich plaver strike at the head of the Peele, was seen up law and a workmen s compulsory compensation act. A strong endeavor j will be made to Secure the submission of an, equal suffrage amendment to the constitution. A Statewide prohi- bition amendment also will b passed, Bur One Engine Far Lower than -the G.T.P. Grades, Vancouver, B. C. March 18- Across the Rockies at Yellowhead Pass and over Atbreda summit separating the watershed of the South fork-of the Fraser river and the North Thompson, the Canadian Northern Rallway has had not enough money, decided to steal. When previously in Berlin he had bought a watch and chain from Schultz's Shop,.and decided to steai afew articles from there. He walk- ed into the shop when it Was empty and began to take a few things. The Jew ller s wife entered, and when she oH. HASSARD. feet up the side hills in order to-make allowance for the ascent: southwards to-Albrede- summit, Mr, Bassett also brought out news that grading operatiqns on the main Ine of the Canadian Northern is in TAFT TO VISIT NEW HAMPSHIRE Concord, N. secured lower grades than those pos- progress 150.miles west of Edmonton. 84W him she shouted for help. He cine Hat. No doubt some of the ani- sessed by any other transcontinentai Rail head on the main line of the Snatched the Jeweller's stool she W'aS ingis sem on the streis of the cause che Ja. the first. battleship to ag Fhe teal By (he reteraiok Roues poose to an. urgent , coll from bis Teitatl Grand Tua? Pati ts now at a Holding end. dealt: here blow on: (hela es a aach gets of acme oe oe ult 40 8 government yard n many Tgrty, beading. tn the Airection of POS in New Hampebire- President in Canada of the Whether or not he has/ Taft has agreed to visit the Granite State tomorrow and will deliver pub- lic speeches in Nashua, Manchester and Concord. His visit is designed to check the spread of the insurgent movement. Next to Massachusetts, no State in this yection of the country has attracted so much attention in i the antiTaft campaign as New Hampshire, because of the prominence of Governor Bass and his activity is behalf of Roosevelt. The Roosevelt mett mnmay be said to have. the inside track thus far, te cause thay already have an active or gunizytion within the Republican - railway States. This is the main feature contained in roport to T. P. White, chief en- gineer of the MacKenzie and Mann system by W. I. Bassett who was in charge of the engineering party en- gaged on permanent location in that region during the past nine months. Mr. Bassett reached the city yesterday after a round up trip via Edmonton. According to the report of Mr. Bas. sett the line west from Yellowhead Pass down the western slope of the rockles to Cranberry lake, a distance of fifty miles will have a maximum grade of seven-tenths of one per-cent. These grades for practical purposes tually constitutes teadtevet amt will enable the railway company to operate loaded trains of fifty or six- ty cats by one locomotive in either direction over the summits, this will mean economy of fuel and reduce gen- eral operating charges to the basis that obtains onthe prairie divisions. Qn the ascent to Yellowhead pass from the Alb rta foot hills another Canadian northern engineering party Was successful in obtaining maximum gradients of five tenths of one per -or an elevation of, about 22 feet per milo, these results surpass those achieved by the engineers of the Grand Trunk Pacific whicli has hitherto held the record of having the lowest grades tween the two magnates, Mr. Robert -actosg the Rockies. For a distance Flaherty, a noted mining engineer in of sight en miles down the western th ir employ and who was formerly slope Of the backbone of the con-'an expert on the United States Steel tinent the grand trunk pacific have a Corporation, was sent west to report maximum grade of one per cent, due on the possibilities of the fron indus to the fact that there is a long and try in British Columbia. gtadual rise from the south fork of Some doubt has been expressed as the Fraser river at Juane Cache, to the existence of an ample supply near that point the route of the rival of fron ore, Flaherty will go into the rallway Is located several hundred subject very thoroughly. McNAMARA 1S DYING AN SAN QUENTIN: JAIL Dawson. Deen successful in Ins search is not known. Mail from Cadzow s on the Porcu- pine River, contains word that five eases of small-pox have developed there since December 5. Against this it is also stated that no less than eighty-five patients suffering from the same malady, have been discharged. years. A close comparison naturally will be made between her. perform- ances and those of her sister ship, the Utah, which has Just been turned out at a private yard. The Florida,and..the Utah are the latest and mightiest fighting units in jthe United States Navy and one or the other will supersede the Connecticut as the flagship of the North Atlantic fleet. If-she comes up to the expec- tations of her constructors, 22 knots will be reeled off by the Florida, pro- pelled by the enormous turbine en- gines of the Parsons type: When she sails she, will represent an expend - 10,000,000. As cor forehead and then throttled her. He then dragged the body into the sitting oom behind the shop, where he met the daughter, who had just entered. She shrieked for help, and he took the hammer and struck her dead. Returning to the shop he filled his pockets -with jewellery, but had hard- ly finished, when the jeweller, an old man, entered. The murderer imptor- ed him to let him escape, but the iaau fought savagely, and Trenkler Killed him with the same hammer. After ransacking the shop and securing the bank book; which enabled him- to draw money, Trenkler quietly return- ed to his home near Zittau. It has Latrcebeen-iearned that the-miserabie Jad-tried-to hang himself in prison. When the news spread in the city that the murderer would arrive here, n enormous crowd assembled. out side the Gorlitzer station to see him, but the police conducted him to cab by a back way unknown to the mob. The doctors state-that-Trenkler isin the last stage of. consumption, and can not live more than three weeks. of Yellowhead the residents of the. and outlying istrict. Others mot so fortunate had: am owner before they; were matured. Then the thought of paying dog tax accounted for them being disowned. Some of these poor cteatures would have been out of existence long ago and would lave und-rgone undesirable punishment if the city pound keeper had been so inhumane amd imprudent s to heve confined them to the city Pound during the inclement weather. i am inclined to. tink be would havi been-severely criticizel if such a thing: had occurred, Furthermore the Huin- neglected point 25 miles west pass. Unnal prevails on the 25 mile gap separating t from Tete Juane Cache. The contractors are anxious to have the track extended without delay to the latter place, which is at the head of navigation on the Fraser and where they are-constructing two sternwheel eteamers to be-used h distributing material and supplies for the section all the way from Fort George, with the object of finishing the gap before the spring freshlets arrive, gangs are engaged day and night at construction work. The sight of carbide lights in the-deep cuts filled with laborers pres- Lente pitange-ppectache at iit i that remote-region. Five - hundred teams are also engaged in hauling supplies over a leigh road to Tete Juane Chache which will be the base camp all next summer. Early spring will see the grading outfits strong along the Fraser all the way down to Fort George. control it, The visit wiemorable if only remendous strain to entative of a royal subjected. Reception with bewildering BRYAN BANQUET TO BE BIG AFFAIR 1 after bis arrival he from Washington, was ymony of launching rk Bay; returned to sccasion of a luncheon enzollern. Thence be Lincoln, Nebr., Mar, 18. Democrat- lic leaders who share the opinion of William J. Bryan that only a pro- shoul the national ticket this year are gath- ering in Lincoln today to. talk over the situation. The ostensible pur- pose of the round-up of the leaders at-this-time and-place-is-to-attend-the banquet to be given here tomorrow which Governor Bass cal.ed together some forty leading Progressives of the State, and at which a tacit im dorsement of Roosevelt was made, there was a conference which called upon the Republican State Committee: to hold a presiilential primary. b Governor Bass and his friends in the Roosevelt camp will be given tard: fight by Senatior-Gallinger end hlg old guard. General Fraio S, Street: er, who was appointed by President Tat onthe Boundary Commission, the active im the Tait cum paign and be has with him : large number of the so-called old-time. Re- publicaas, who will stand by the the United States Navy the Dela- ware and the North Dakota type the Florida and Utah are ten feet longer, 1825 tons greater displacement, on eventerms as to-the-main battery; but with two more of the 6-inch guns in the secondary battery. When com- night in celebration of Mr. Bryan's pletely manned the Florida will carry fitty-second birthday. The banquet 940-men-and-60 officers;-and-witi-have) has beenan annuat-affair-for some years past, but this ye to take on more of a national aspect than ever before. Plans..looking to that Toronto, Ont., March 6. All the 2d have been going on quietly for leoHege -and universities in--Canada/S0me time +and It ixexpected have been notified by the Grand Seveval score of the leading progres- Trunk and Canadian Pacific Railways Ive Democrats of the nation will be that the special rates to students here- im attendance. The toast. st of. the tofore granted will be withdrawn onjbanquet will contain only speakers May first. Those from the west will from outside Nebraska, Among them have to pay full single fare both waya Will be Senator Core of Oklahoma, George Fred Willt setts and Frederick 7 Townsend Martin of New York. : DUCHESS OF ARGYLI'S BIRTHDAY London, Match 18. The Duchess of Argyll, daughter of the late Queen Victoria and aunt of King George V., entered upon heF sixty-fifth year to- day and received the congratulations of the royal family and many friends. +) --Princess Louise, asiphe was before her at the Metropolitan pers referred widely te ovements. and joked succession of Iuncheon e week he had been. en- yrk, Washisigton, Mount Pittsburg; Columbus, ille and Indiansgolis, se places was a record ent. emed tireless and de diately By fhe detw- er achieved popularity many honors were m notably the Free New York. Harr: - upon hiin the degree unexampled month of tired out, aa be x- eporters. He declared slept for almost forty arriving om his ship, y for meals, I never 1 my life, he was re 1; T-never changed my times or faced such : nations requiring such weather conditions are more favorable the city pound keeper no doubt will find his time fully occupied impound- ing. the dogs that ase mot. decorated: with the tag. These animals will be Subject to destruction if unclaimed af- ter, the expiration of three days. But before-the-pound-ke-rer commences his msavory work, some dog lovers may show their ikindness and affection by taking possession oi the dumb crea-' tures asd enabling them to enjoy life little longer. I am a loves of dogs myself and would most willingly con- tribute to their support. Mr. Editor J hope these lines will find a place in your columns. Thashing you in ad- vance. 1am, yours rspectiully, H. A. WILSON. tablishing a plant at Port Mann for the manufactire of pig iron Is con- templated by Sir William MacKenzie and Sir Donald Mann of the Canadian Northern Railway. Following a recent conference be- MICH. IR HANGS UP 50,000, PURSE. t (Special to News). Detroit, March 18. The Michigan state-fair-the scene of th grand cir- cuit trotting races from September 16 to 21, will give 50,000 in purses. and stakes. is certain to result if a solid Taft the national convention, INSURGENT (Spectal to the News) ve Columbus, Neb., Mar. 18.-A con- vention of representatives of the Ne- braska local camps of the Modern Woodmen of America met here today to meke formal protest against the increase in insurance rates recon antiounced by the pot the show the worry wrinkles that usually come to man who deem his position hopeless. It is stated that tho prison pallor has spread yer his features and his step has lost much of its old- time elasticity. Los Angeles, Mar. 18. J. B. MeNa- mara, serving-f life sentence at San McLaren Bue ee brothers ares 5 ee : i marriage, vis born in Buckingham pa- order, A State organization of the z ooking very bad. .Neither one has 3 S 2 1 lace March 16, 1848, and was married) insirgents 1s to be formed fc building and the murder of a score of been accustomed to confiiement, ret in 1872 .o the Marquis of Lorne, who filiation with the national com employees, is dying from tuberculo- lone the treacherous dust of the Jute/ Subsequently succeeded his father. to that ial conducting the campaign against the rate in rease. Itch . Itch D. D. D. has been known for years s the only absolutely reliable eczema remedy, for t washes away the dis- lease germs and leaves the skin as clear and healthy as that of a child. If you wil come to our store, we have had the agency of this remedy mill. To a healthy man work day after day n the mill would prove in- durtous, soit s not bard to realize what t will do to J. B..McNamara s heatth. Though J. B. McNamara is cca- lender lines, he has lost about fifteen pounds since his trip/ north. He ts a sick man, and owing to the fact that he is suffering from tuberculosis, it is probable that he will never recover. 3. J. McNamara is the title of Duke of Argyll. Itch What long nerve-racking days ot sleepless nights of terrible agony itch itch fteh, constant itch, until it seemed that I must tear off my very skin sis, and J, 1. McNamara, his brother, serving a fifteen year term for the same offence, is In poor health, a co:ding to Malcolm McLaren, a Burns detective, who to-day returned from isit to the prison. According to McLaren, J. B. McNa- mara has losi fifteen pounds since he Commenced serving his sentence. During bis trial McNamara was fre- quently M11 in the county jall. Since his incarceration in San Quentin, he has been employed exclusively in the The flying dust has seri- of their new fatberiand are turned yet allectios- ne. It is for such men als thas of aay Alper ori of Russia arrived ad the most informal of He made me plans and rmic the spirit to move yghout his slay he was Serviee men-aad de- blue serge aad with a constant torture what stronger and bigser than his brother, but he had appeared like a typical fute mill. seemed 2 delight ousty i about D. D. D. it cures eczema, you all and priecal pallor is already. apparent on bis cheeka. In fact his whole -de- meanour ha been changed by prison Ute. soothed, and healed. The very first drops of D. D..D. is belleved that Tittle hope is enter- tained for recovery. 3. 5. Mi ra bas fallen off in weight, according to McLaren. He has also lost his pink baby hue in his cheeks, andohis brow is beginning to ectives and was reported 2. Stories were printed ne from a chorus gir 's Jed. He danced a Goelet 's and Newport tain him. He was the of foreign princes nad sional in Be todtheds of AvBeene from The Divorcons, a modern comedy dealing with di vorce Iswa, To be presented by th e Allen Players next Thursday ulght SUBSCRIBE NOW for the Daily News.
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Image 434 (1912-03-18), from microfilm reel 434, (CU1771044). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.