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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Wallis V ilings of ) ; BOARD look better, better, last d cost less laster and GENTS. Trial INVINCE our PURE JIT JUICE Bi Saino T5e. CANADIAN PACIFIC EXCURSIONS WE ARE OFFERING 7 EXCEPT- Vaneouvar, Victoria IONAL eS ed op VALUESIN fff ones gz, wos Going transit limit, 15 days. - Final return Mmit 8 months. For further information, apply to any C. P, BR. AGENT, DIAMONDS. Our baying Is done alrect from f European firms, thus saving you the jobbers profit. L, A. DOBBIN, : Pieket Agent Drop In and see our values. Maticing Sits Phone 201. R, G, McNEILLIE, District Passenger Agent, Calgary, Alta. G. W. ELLIOTT JEWELER AND OPTIOIAN Issuer of Marriage Licenses TIM Feb, 14. LIMESTONE WANTED Best Prices paid per cord deliver- ed-at-Medicin .. Hat. THE A. P. BURNS CONTRACTING CO. PANATORIUM Thatcher and McLellan. en: Ckeaning and Pressing Work Guaranteed, G. L. Dunham's old stand. Corner of Fourth Avenue and Toronto St. BESS STITT IED PPPOE TOOT Oe E. M. CAWKER, Phm. B. Druggist Complete stock of Toilet Articles i is Medi- . ed Dispensing of Physicians Pre specialty. i W.R.Simmonds CARPENTER axp CONTRACTOR Repairs promiptly attended to Phone No. 335: HAT'S GENERAL HOSPITAL (continued from vage one) staff for the Theoritical Lectures to the nurses during the year. The Ladies Aid Society as usual have been of great assistance on gen- erously supplying linen, ete. during the year. JEAN SIMMS, Lady Superintendent. Dr. Smyth read the Medical Super- intendent's report: Gentlemen, I present herewith a report of the Medical and Surgical work done In Medicine Hat General Hospital during 1911. There were 1169 ,atients treated, an increase of 37 compared with 1910. There were 19,781 hospital days for patients, a decrease of 2,146 hospital days for the year. There were 20 incurable cases in hospital-on Jan, 1st, 191i. 13 were admitted during the year. Three were discharged and seven died, leaving 23 on the list Dec. 3ist, 1911, In the Women s Hospital 130 bables were botn, 70 boys and 60 girls. Five died shortly after birth from inant- tlon and being premature there were no deaths amongst the maternity cases, There were 60 deaths in hospital during the year, This includes In- fants and ineurables and those who. ied from severe Injury a short time after mdmittance. Respectfully submitted, , EB. SMYTH, Medical Superintendent. The report of the Medical Superin- tendent as presented at the meeting Sealing with the various diseases, sex of the afflicted, whether recovered, improved or dead, contained statistics wheh maybe of interest to many, Most netieeable, looking down the many and lengthy columns, is the fact that very few of the patients are class- ed in the unimproved column, the ex- ceptions being on the whole, cases. of long lingering diseases. The dead column it is also noticeable as was freferred-te-in the report, is also a slim one for such a large institution. Of all the diseases typhoid leads, both in number of cases and deaths, being 103, of which 85 were males, 18 fe- males, and ten deaths Pneumonia, of which there were ten eases, cost four lives, There were 50 cases of appen- dicitug and 3 deaths; forty-seven ab- AMERICAE 1 Special to News. Chicago, Tll., Feb, 13. The baseball magnates of the American League are ie tho costiof a slx months'couree, three nights Week, at the SOUTHERN ALBERTA sess cases, no deaths. Three ot patients suffering from delatory of the heart, died, Five males, and as many females suffered from ingrown toe nails. But two died of tubercu- 1 HAT DAILY WEWs dressing and consultations were han- died, Many operations for various and numerous diseases were perform- ed. It was proposed that a duly qual- fied chartered accountant should au- dit the books as the present system was not satisfactory, especially from the secretary's point of view. Mr. Stewart moved that the question be left for the board to settle at the next meeting. Mr, Niblock seconded the motion, which Was subsequently adopted. Mr, Kealy moved that a vote of thanikts be paid to the board of diree- tors, Mr. Hopper s conded the mos tlon. SIR EDWARD GREY KNIGHT OF CARTER King Honors Foreign Secre- tary-as no other Layman . has. been Honored in Years. London, Feb. 18 The foreign sec- reary, Sir Edward Grey, who was made a Knight of the Garter yest r- , day is the only Commoner to receive such an honor since Horace Walpole. The order, excluding foreign sov- ereigns and princes of royal blood consists of the sovereign and twenty- five knights. place left vacant im the order through the untimely death of the Duke of Fife. The only other precedents of a com- moner recelying the order are the cases of Edward Montague, who was made a Knight of the Garter before he was created af Earl of Sandwich in 1660 and Sir George. Villiers, after- wards Duke of Buckingham who was created a Knight of the Garter in 1616. The King s gift to Sir Edward Grey is interpreted as a signal testi- monial of His Majesty's confidence in the foreign secretary and particularly significance in-view-of Lord Haldane s visi tto Germany. The War Secre- tary is now back in England and,gave ci yesterday afternoon. Official in- formation as to the nature of his mis- sion is as yet forthcoming, but it is ected that reference will be made the opening of parliament to-morrow or that a statement will be made from the treasury beneh in the course of the debate on the address in reply to Sir Edward takes the a report-of his-trip-at-a-cabinet-coun to it nthe speech from the throne at) Commission entrusted with the plan- Do not permit dishonest dealer to sul record of 40 years of cures, N Is only one of many symptoms which some women ea- dare through weakness or displacement of the womaily organs, Mrs. Lizzi Dr. R. V. Pierce, I was hardly able to be on my feet. bad every very much dis health was never be r. Plerce s Favorite Prescription cure for weakness and diseare of the feminine organism. inflammation, heals ulceration and soothes pain. thank you, F want what I ask for. De, Pierce's Pleasant Pellets Indie malld natural Bowel movement once day. Backache White of Memphis, Teas., wrote follows : in and ache woman I suffered fact, It allaye Tones and builds up the nerves. bstitute for this medicine which has a two States, held a meeting at the Capitol here-today, The principal matters for the consideration of the Joint committee are the State boun- dary lnes on the St. Louis River, and in Lake Pepin on the Mississippi. MALE SUFFRAGETTE GOES TO ASYLUM Coudn t do without Eating Like Females and he Loses His Senses. London, Feb. 18 The militant sut- fragettes became very much agitated. to-day on learning that William Ball, one of their male adherents, who was, sentenced to two months imprison- ment for Wiitow smashing-during the Suffragette riot, had gone insane while in prison and had been sent to an asylum. Ball followed the tactics of the suffragettes and: refused to eat and the prison authorities forced him .His wife ascribed his. ansanity to this treatment. The suffragettes demand an inquiry into the cause. COMMISSION TO INSPECT CAPITOLS (Special to the News) Jefferson City, Mo, Feb. 13 E. W. Stephens, the chairman, and the oth- er members of the Capitol Building ning and the-erection of a new capl- tol to replace the structure destroyed by fire on Feb. 5, of last-year, started) today on a tour of inspection to visit GREATER SPEED FROM THE LION Alterations in Fast English War Vessels are Being Rushed. London, Feb. 13. Important strue- tural alterations have been Ccommenc- ed at the Devenport dockyard on new battleship Lion, the Iafgest war- ship afloat which last month attain- ed a record for speed, The alterat- fons will, it is estimated, cost 125,000 and will include reversing the posi- tions of the two masts and altering the position of one funnel. The other vessels of the same class, the Princess Royal and the Queen Mary are to be similarly treated. it io believed that the alterations e necessitated by the fact that al- though the designed horse power was exceeded in the course of the Lion s trials, the speed attained did not come up to anticipations having re- gard to the enormous horse power de- veloped. Day and night shifts are being em- ployed in making the alterations. RL SPENCER RESIGNS cw, A. B. Cable) London, Feb. 10. II health is giv- en for the reason for Earl Spencer's is expected that that occasion will be utilized to reorgan- ize the office of censor. The Earl of Chesterfield and the Earl of Granard are mentioned as possible successors Page Three Jertbiieb bbb POULTRY For Sale Several trios of thoroughbred Partridge Rocks. Either Eng- Ush or American strains. Also some young cockerels, A. J. N, TERRILL, 812 Esplanade, or at News office x . A. Henderson Company CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS: (Bstablshed 1882) Winnipes, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat A. EB. Gibson, C. A., Manager, Phone No. 198 Burns Block. Progressive We cater to that class of patrons who want (GOOD), not (CHEAP) Photos at a fair price. If you will compare our work and prices with that of oth- ers you will understand why this is the miost Popular Studio in these parts CROSSLEY BROS. Builder Contractor, 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 Te So J. Jessop Nott Funeral Director and Embalmer : Parlors and Residence, 422, To- ronto Street. Phone 145, Monuments. Johnson Director and Parlors at 900 Main St, corner Third Ave. Office 287 Main 8t,, Phone 188. SL? gathering in Chicago for thsir annual losis, and there were 24 cases of en- the cay AL ) : : +. 24 cave ta pitols of Arkansas, Mississipp , pacer conten rissa re ss 3 ned (Meg schedule meeting tomorrow. pate large tonsil aa ti the King's speech, Kentucky, Indiana, Minnesota afa f P** Spencer: ee ti + ot testes pertaining tn the schedule, ents of various -kinds, includ- Se Wisconsin, wit r lt; zi cient MEDICINE HAT. there is said to be nothing of much ing wounds, fractures burns: scatds; BOUNDARY COMMISSION MEETS eee ccrmmation guice Ci cults Mi- J.B. Howson's wholesale and : Aji Business Subjects taught. Write importance to receive attention. As took many to the hospital for treat- them in their futu thelr future work, retail liquor store is*now located at Sane ee the work of the schedule committce ment. There were 92 fractures, three Special to, the News) ete 312 South Railway Street, three doors ) PAtterSOM Co fs has already been inspected and ap- of which died; two sprained ankles; St. Paul, Minn. Feb 1). The joint east of the Bank of Montreal. 172d2w. Funeral Director tefnlnfefafetefafanged proved by practically all of the club one scalded eye; wounds of various committeo of the Wisconsin-and Min- Shilohs Gi G ure ais creer F - For all kinds of Job Printing try owners the meeting probably will ts kinds 44, and one burn, this patient nesota legislatures, appointed to set) Cuekiy stops COUGHS. CURES COLDS. For all kinds of Job -Printing ty Flowery, ( er Be Mons IN the News Office. a very short one. succumbed, 713 cases of outdoor tle boundary differences between the Ncaus tHe THROAT AND LUNGS. 25 cenrs S News Office. LEADER. rating. oatoatesgegeeseesesseeseete ates toatoafoatestonsestesteaeceeteeteateatedteatede foe Shestoatecgoagestestocteete Seeteeteoctectocteat ested soeTee seotoazeteate spscscesceoeses esse Sees OR AMO Sodeegeiectoateeteaeadeadedecectenteade reteset Se ae was esos azoaqeegeageeqeg egeeaeeeateeseegestegeage ego SECC EEE ES SS pulses 2 + eee e ie ade )R A BUILDING eoee : ad te oly ts e on Lompan' s urniture Oc. as 32 to City Hall. . 2 e e Rs ies oe de Se eye ee a ss on ff 2 ING gic Spell of February Sale Prices Yl aw wee me to see about me 3 M YOU ARE 3 TO HAVE e 3 ered e You Buy Tables for the Price of Chairs. You Buy Davenports forthe Frice of a Mattress. You Buy Draperies dod eee tere t the price of Lace Hangings. Get:a Kitchen Table at the Price of a Kitchen Chair. Good arithmetic you say. wart will be ring and show EW SPRING ER samples 4 fe ut an -estimate ll the rooms of STEWART- Binning s Stere. ished on all kinds Paperhangiug raylor s isfer me eigeye ft Doesn t T ake Much Money Now. ne Gana of Reductions Profits Absolutely Disregarded Nothing Ordinary DINING-ROOM SUITE ates af: Remarkable detent eseeKe Beets e 3 BED-ROOM SET. BEDROOM SET. ee f ee DENING ROO SUT TE 81 Bull o0 1 Dresser and Stand, Royal Oak - 17.00 4 Quarter Oak Dresser... ++ 83.50 1 Quarter Ouk Buifet . 57.00 3 s 2 1 sei Diners monde ee ee se Sgt neue MARKEE ABO 1 AM Brass Bed 2 inch posts 46 25.00 1 Qriarter Oak China Cabinet 33,00 1 China Cabinet . Y 1 Spring, with Iron Side Ralls 2 so 1 Diamond Wire Spring 4 6 - + 350 T Quarter Oak Pedestial Table 35.00 1 Pedestial Table 21.00 1 Mattress, Art Ticking ne 6.00 1 Ostemoor Matress 4 6 . 15.00 4 Quarter Oak Set of 6 Diners 2 85.00 79.00 S 160,00 oe e Special Sale Price 2... .. . 22 7. +e 68.75 SSpetial Sale Price... ee. cae 122.95 Special Sale Priece , aes Speial Sale Price 5 --- lt; Remember There sa 40,000 Stock of The Best For The Home ch To Setect in This Sale. : 3. aes et v4 PGs weatoeg me e Complete Price Reductions on Fvenyth ng in Every Department 4. Kindel. Davenport Beds, opens with one motion; upholstered in Green Denum. Regular price 33:00. ' Special Sale Price 24.75 be The Most Stirring, Energetic Occasion Ever in Medicine Hat 6, Onlp Extension Tables, Elm, Golden Finish, Regu- 4 lar Price 9.50 . . 2... Sale Price 7.25 Soe cy odode Seite : ey og 2 gt; LAIT (RAL STREET eb, 13Members of Exchange, repre- States from the Car- assembled at the el today and began ention, The sessions ays and will be lib- ed with SF f mt-D j A Furniture Sale Wituout An Equal ; e Do elay -- L00K -READ BUY Hustle 3 oe A Day 42 Dozen Square Window Shades. - Splendid value at Down s ee - aha ; a. ees e Regular Selling Prices BOC, wr Fe ee Sale Price 35c. Profits Absolutely e e Ignored Now ; Disregarded oo e The most amazing sacrifices that this ety has ever Cc. A. . LONG AND com PANY chums Rates Daas a Hompeaey oe e e Fak Wer talon ae warcurleenlur Bega pa Furniture Dealers, ee Blocks : Opposite the Post Attire: : Medicine Hat, Alta an usp Veveeed by. Risselinaing, Medtehg Hat Wo ef dod TTS REC LETETE oe so RS aoeoagecye So 0 e Co stoaeey SSeS eeete es Soafoafengeefocgee rsceooee ete nteatete ete cortoetentectotote eeoeeegnersrsetete duet a LTS TESS OED Soatestectosgoatedteatedte eee e ss Sooteatestestectoatecteateateateateatestoaseese seers 333 paeriees gosdeetoatecty oatecretoareeatoste teeter re es osteo esiess Soe Poet . dodo atectestesteateatestentetectecteateateetonteste Speereese eh oageae eos BeBe de toate Steer Ber eestote cto ctotiostoaceste sire
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Image 241 (1912-02-13), from microfilm reel 241, (CU1771015). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.