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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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WPPepeee degre eeararede desea ateedeeseateade sea geedeatetee Page 6 BAMULN Abad wa AWS Friday, March 20, 1912. Beer retest ceateateeseeatesteeteegoateeeteate oath estes ae Peers OPERA Three Nights commencing Thursday, March 21st .e COCO OD OO Seeger regearecedoet aededeateate agosto on patototeeteegenes POLLED PLE LLILOSH SELL GSS SSS LILLIES SD SSSSSSSE SETS SSSSSSSISISSISISIIIISSSSSSSSS Ss a ef OUSE reteaie die ete eto Pepe eee eter ees et Sreteetoes co Pe oes Miss Verna Felton: and : The Allen Players op ning with The Divorcons A modern Comedy dealing with the present system of divorce laws. - -- - os HON Se Ss - so Grace George s Greatest Success li New Plays DMISSION rar aooese eo eee tie ho tin dio sto sbi Meo the eee siete din dese Seo POLO POLO Ce ioe teat oe fs eG Ho eeneiog tioeiototeatedieateat MOUNTED POLICE COULD tier s men died of. scurvey. MISS VERNA FELTON Seats on Sale at Pingle s Drug Store PESLESSELILOLILE STL IES SSL S SSS SETI TIES irtossoateseatecoate teased Soe eesteste ee eee eestor conte Seine atpeesgesteereeateeteateanegrasesinseeseaseatoatoeteaseateeteeeateateesestineateateetesteiestetresease ete eteetesie sien You leasy after the publication of Shack-. might say that was because there leton s trip. The was no vegetables or fruit or fresh simply a little money and a few dogs. provisions in the country, but up at Any of our own expedition cost, The work der cold conditions such as we have 1 a Hudson Bay post they don t have have made the trip, REAGH THE NORTH Pol, any fresh provisions nor do they needed the knowledge of travel un- have scurvey. f Mounted Police Could Make Pole: in our own north and north-west. They know Aretic conditions, said Mr. Tyrrell. No Particular Trouble to Make it Says J. B. Tyrell -; nave no hesitation in saying that continent was how to live under Not Worth Quarrelling About. Mr, Tyrrell said that the Antarctic so inaccessible that ence and Nerve Necessary If R. N. W, M. our own North-west .Mounted Police there was no reason for governments oranto, dog drivers could early fifties the combined-production 5 i of the United States and Australia put ree dio hots between Acts by the Royal Hungarian String Quartette ons So shosteetedip eestor Greer Pee eee onto Seo ep soe ote If you have nok already heard them ask your friends about them. Ls oo oe os S o- Special Car of Scenery 25c, 50c, 75c 2 50-4 So-4thfo es sacs ; nis s es ont efor ete s Ms f ioe ee a ee soe 5 Sor Sete 2 Roazess o- 2 Re Ss Poste Poste fe-ateste testes Sota So-efo-age Coetectectestestecteeteateateatecte ete ete ates ee teste te enero eres caste steat Rostestoeteeteateeie toate arsiete: Ses igoseocied and Australian discoveries of 1848-52 Company, Toronto gnd Mantreal- the main reliance of the world for its COST OF LIVING out 600 employees were: affected by gold supply had been Russia. In the this dispute. Altogetier there were twelve-atrikesim existence during Feb- ruary affecting about 50. firms and 1,200 employzes. The loss of time in. wosking days was approximately 10,- 000, compared with 12,000 days lost quite. a different complexion on af- fal The aggregate gold produc- tion of the leading countries from theii* discovery to 1911 is given by the Statist as follows: Victoria: .... West Australia from the same cause during Jemuary, and over 92,000 days lost in Febru- 289,500,000 a i ary, 1911. Eight strikes remained im 103,850,000 Upward Movement is More rr. oe at the close of the ag P. got Orders to do it They Would Easily Make it, covld have sent a detachment to the quarrelling about it Its affairs it New Zealand 79,657,000 Largely Due to Advances INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS 3 , South Pole if they had been so in- any should be regulated by an inter- Queensland 75,500,000 in Grains, Dairy Products 3 4 : structed. : national board something like the New South Wales 58,785,000 ha aiey. According tothe record. of. industri- out his experience would do at the . Mr. Tyrrell repeat d story told Hague. Tasmania 6 Ete. al accidents kept by. the Department price of terrific hardship. yat the Mining Institute, the other day- South Austrate Sa eaeg ae of Labor, 61 persons were killed amd fn the North-west or up on paieieaers Experience Essential. Hudson's Day, could have made the) 1 i, just the same as if a tender- north he had been. trip from the ship to the South Pole oo went north without any experi- Iand was his limit. without any particular trouble, said ence and tried to travel through New Why, haven't you been to the Mr. J. B. Tyrrell, Canadian mining Ontario. He would suffer and pro- North Pole? quizzed his jntertoga- engineer to a newspaper man to-day. bably perish. But the surveyors tol Mr. Tyrrell has had considerable ex- Work up-there in the winter, and the Never been perience in such travel himself, be- trappers don t know. ther under- Was the reply. i ing an authority upon- the barren going any hardships. simply The South Pole has never been lands and sub-Aretics of Canada. means that a man must know low to/ Such an incentive to exploration as T that was needed to mnrd the- tart-out properly in the morning, be- the North Pole, continued Mr. Tyr- A N.W.M.P. man Was asked how far Hereschal Is- ordered there yet, SUMMARY OF WORLD'S GOLD PRODUCTION Production of Africa as a - Whole was Neglible quan- tity. ; The Department of Labor's whole- 17 theing: ae Aubtraiasfa; since 1852, 617,222,000 ale price record up to date shows a This record. compares very favorably United States 695,000,000 stint higher level for February than With that of January, when 86 work Canada, since 1862 . 58,250,000 for January, notwithstanding that ica were kified aod 214 injured. Com- India, since 1880... 37,816,000 the letter south was reported as pated with February, 1911, the record WestA frica, since 1880. 8,920,000 ; is ..-.' ig still more favorable, as 93 were 920,000 raving seen the highest since : Transvaal, since 1884... 24,000,000 taep ca ponsibiy since 1879. The Killed and 197 dsjured in.that month. Rhodesia, since 1898 . 19,654,000 5 seve in rose during February The worst disaster of the past month - reer Lt to. 181.3, these being per- a5 the premature explosion of dypa- SAILING CANCELLED. vey of the av Ss mite on construction work near Fort during the last decade of the last cen- Frances, 7 ine of the'Can- South Pole, sald Mr. Tyrrell, was ing governed by the conditions at the rell. With the North Pole was as- proper knowledge and proper equfp- time and place. He must know how sociated the quest of the North-West ment. Amundsen was to the man ;te-economise-energy- Tho-man-that Passage. There was tio particular ner born. 1 don t want. to detract wastes energy plays out. The cold commercial motive for discovering from his performance at all. He gets to Bim. i the South Pole. Sir John Ross ex- made one of the best Arctic trips Mr. Tyrrell instanced the early Plored the coast of the Antarctic con- when he accomplished the North- hardships of the-French discoverers tinent-in 1841.-- There have been a West passage, All his early training of this country. few expeditions down there. Shack- since he -was-a boy has fitted him for. The people on the river St. Law- leton made a good trip. He found travelling under. .:Arctic conditions. rence live there in comfort to-d pars exis faring ar ere. He could do easily what a man with- said Mr. Tyrrell. Yet, Jacques Car- The discovery of the South pole was REWARD ECZEMA -f- SUFFERERS SUFFERERS 9 READ OUR GUARANTEE READ BONA-FIDE OFFER BALM In conjunction with BELL S P.S. of A. 1 WHOM iT HAY CONCERN. This is to.certify that the Bell Renswdy Company cash in the Banke of- Hamilton, Winnlpes to be forfeited Strlelgas fo aay. person muttering rome Eczema oF other germ See oe ie angacds under personal supervision, that canna beaeraat elm in conjunction. with Belt Yours very truly, DELL: NEMEDY COMPANY, Wiaatpes. fo conjunction with Belle P. of A. ia not a medicinal expert ere ecto eolute remedy for Ecsema and all germ skin Toe de ae eee found to be the only cure for both acute and Stuer every other remedy hi Cell alm, in conjunction Sin wells 15 OFA, will affect complete cure en Girections and your Ecaeme ot any 0 us quickly and Dermanentiy Baim, take tlt oe. en Bell Baim and : A ready for tne Fink. Bell Bei ted to-any addres upon receipt of Price. . -homextha sorid e bath Every traveller rma ot coptagion Sent to Gy receipt of The Price... ment of Eczema, writteo and all upon request. Write to- comprene Deri ar lay Tt tae wee BCL Winnipeg Offices . 710-12 Somerset Bik. Discussing the world s gold produc- tion, the London Statist placesthe probable to:al in 1911 at about 100,000,000 as against about 20,000- 000,000 thirty years ago. and it gives the output of the world s leading pro- In 1882, seys the Statist, the production of Africa as a whole was a quite. n gligible quantity. The great gold discoveries of the Transvaal were still to come, ana the bulir -of-some 70,000 worth of gold which Africa gave in 1882 wag derived from West Africa.Now all Africa has attained an output of close upon 39,000,000 ** The Rand alone for 1911 produced about 34 1-2 per cent. of the-world e output, and the Transvaal, Rhodesia and West Africa s aggregate was about 40 per cent. Parenthetically, we may remark that, including the big gold discoveries on the Rand in 1887, the Transvaal has since 1884 produced in the aggregate up to 1911 inclusive, some 324,000,000 worth of gold. The United States, whose gold discoveries In the late forties caused so large an amount of attention to be given to the new source of supply of the royal metal, bas, In the aggregate to 1911 inclusive, given a yield of very se to 695,000,000. About four years the California dir- coveries of discoveries were ef- fected In a quite new quarter the castern part of Australasia, principal- -.1y. Victotla Prior. to. the Californian ducers in 1911, with comparison in 1882, as follows: jAfrica 1.2... 70,000 38,708,000 United States 6,500,000 19,840,000 Australasia . 6,025,000 12,613,000 Russia . 4,365,000 8,373,000 Mexico 4,020,000 Canada 2,190,000 India : 2,181,000 Other lands... *3,540,000 9,523,000 Totals .... 20,500,000 97,448,000 Mexico, Canada, India and other countries. coal strike the Royal Line sailings Kdiled ond six from Bristor to Canada tomorrow, have been postponed. largely. the remult oft advances in construction bands. were grains, animals and meats, dairy pro- others serioualy injured. ducts and potatoes. Retil prices wore also upward, specially in the food, products derived from the lines above THE Sons of - Scotland UNION MOVEMENT. DROPPING OPERA HOUSE ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT xu oP. M ; TICKETS 2.50 LADIES CORDIALLY INVITED ioned. to, March 19. R from mentions one eet and fourten quarterly STRIKES DURING FEBRUARY COMMEMORATION DANCE The strike IN THE ofictay boards of the Methodist clnrehes on the church union question i received in the last four days show ing to the latest reports of the Dep- that the proportionate vote . favor artment of Lalor. Few disputes of of union ie on the drop. The. first importance occured during Pebraarsy repotts show propotvion of between the one affecting most employees be- J0 and 15 to 1. Now the proportion ing that of the cloak und garment) of the votes stand at 6 to 1. workers. it the -employ-of T. Eaton pnone 233, HOLLINGER AGENCY ALL THESE ARE MONEY MAKERS Here's: the Home You Want: TOWNSITE 4500 Good Terms 3650 60 ft, bik. 99. Seven roomed fully modern 900 60 ft, bik..81. house on corner lot, beautiful 1050 50 ft,, bik. .53. view, near High School, includ- 31200 50 ft, bik. 87. ing gas fixtures, linolium, ipped with storm window: faced COUSINS AND SISSONS. 384 Main St. ss BUSINESS FOR SALE General Merchandise Business including stock, fixtures and good location. About 1000 will handle. Enquire immediately. fenced, etc. Hurry for this E ; ener, CEREAL EEE 235 each, bik, 7. - 17 600 Pair, 275 each, bik. 20. ESPLANADE 650 Pair 225 ach bik 19, 100 tt or Eeplanade, 2000 BI 8 4950 50. tt 225 each, DIK. : Terms Bik. 2 1000, 50 ft. 100 ft. on Esplanade with house 2 1-2 blocks from post roftice: 7500- erms: HERALD Bik, 12 630 Pair. Blk, 14 800 Pair. Blk, 18 800. Pair. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX + 375 each, bik. 28. View Lot 925 Lots 25, 26, blk, 21. RIVERSIDE 475 50 ft, corner, DIK. 9. Blk. 5 - 800, 37 1-2 tt NORTH YUILL 5 ft. ft. Blk, E. 4765, London, Marey18-Owing to the The upward-movement was-etian Northern Railway, by which 13 Friday, Mat te e cog eighteen terms: O payment further L. Dunh: The se and get : sale. Bofioece dente ee teso tes Sostete testes Rotegorgerter? Beef. MILLI will sell J - the morn Also the 1 careful a1 Post Offic 25 Ibs f
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Image 449 (1912-03-20), from microfilm reel 449, (CU1771182). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.