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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Monday, January sth, 1912 Monday, Janus MEDICINE HA DALLY NEWS o * construction of the circuit in the locality be- Medicine Mat News) tines possible: eee Get Read Published by the Mediclne Hat News Co, Ltd, every) * The people of Alberta are open to a large At bas usually been thought that the wet ead lawful evening at Its office, Main Street, Medicine Hat, Alt / measure of congratulation on gt; : ASULE z ion dn the success- noise of thi ts caused by the clos- wi A. J. N.' TERRILL, E Mer. nox; U Working out of this Provincial under- ing up of the ve ca Onan be Oe For inter Advertting 4ing. While the-Province of: Manitoba, fe aftom ai ater wit a cap. Bat Cirealation and Which also brought out the bell system a few the intensity of the noise is rather ais: ORDER YOUR BROT ot box age, is now-faeed-with the neeessity -proportionate, and tt ts now supposed . : G2, jof boosting rates to an almos a yt474 , thunder-te due to the intense heating * Ss 5 DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES x figure, thorates in eee: st porsaiere ot FRR nee: toe ES eee V ze 1 y.ur, defivered....4.00 2 year by mall., ae a have been found vapor along the: line of electric ds. qi sufficient to bear the proper burdens, laid charge and the consequent conversion Page Two Tke Glasgow House STOCKTAKING cra 1 Dap BARGAINS months, d -livered.. 2.00 6 months, by mail. -.. 1.50 upon the revenue of a f the keind, ef -euspended molstare tuto. ateum ut lt; it 3 months, deltvered.. 0 3 months, by mail-.... ie revenue of a concern 0 e kind, This ts the annual stocktaking 1 month, delivered....36 * and with each readjustment of rates as is rae Sake crackle with wAleb (SASH: time and it always brings odd Addresses changed as often as desired, but both now and made necessary by changing canditions, a-neat of thunder sometimes begins 2 old ad ressee nat be given there is every reason -to suppose the sys- sht be regarded as the sound of ay lines out that must be moved. WEEKLY NEWS. tem will support jtself -in the future as it a by T Suithatae tattee ree aie AND We have many REAL MONEY Publishec every Thursday Inveategn or more pages, and has done in the past Edmonton Bulletin. * would be. the over- ar . is nummy ot ae ta team exp 1d the SAVERS for sot, - gt; 0) eee ee Bee wemcion. rE aa mee von ORM - - months, in advance 75 3 months, in advance. .f0e P S Be Som explosion nearest to the , . year tn advance.... 1.50 x : i Z ZINE gt; All this Season s Svits to clear at Hamilton Spectator Toronto is to have ,,'0, the ease of rumbling thonder the + YOUR PRIGE. Serco a Monday, January 8th, 1912 : a police cens There appears to be as Sea nk ta ait reece tron DOORS F ' Tl much fuss and desite in-most eommunities the-earth to the clouds the clap ts A 2 i T A PAYING PROVINCIAL SYSTEM) to boost the population, as if the addition of loudest st te berinaing Trowbridze means to you yourself -of ' ; - ip : fe. Z every liundred im S homis of th * gave substance to these supposirions We are offeri Dress Goods 25 per cent. of f as N 1908 the Government of Alberta ount to each inhabitant. - Shae Beat hat inreast iterates BS ance of our Child, 7 D ri H if P - bought out the lines. and business of the y siete te soaked cotton wool, and be pone SASH HANGERS. pabta, Cool ildren s Dresses a al rice. Bell Telephone Company in this pro- . Saskatoon Phoenix The R. . Es Se eerie: SXORR: SASH ADJUSTORS ee : vince, paying the company therefor 3. lish Bee ee eae cea ee ee : Spr hp ; 000, Some independent, lines were also very gentle. * The reverend gentlem: For, upper sash of Windows. and ay Children s Headwear at Half Price hought for 53,000, making-a total invest-; must have formed the opinion ailee visit THE PHALANX. For sides of windows und doors. Winter Unde ment: of 728,000. For-this-sum the prov- ing them in Holloway. - : i ae Soe For bottom of doors. i men at a Snaps in ALL DEPARTMENTS inee came into possession of all the*telep- * Sera Wiath of moulding, 1 im. -. ze 20 per . 3h: a I Rae nctlintaesen e bono lines je Atberiay fxonet thie Hed. igper Victoria Colonist If you ever shoulal Se carer eas ee Disco 2 i a system which was and is privately ow- have occasion to.mesmerise a lobster, that r solaiers formed battalion or tiods I Positively rain, snow, cold and biscs ned, and the Edmonton*system which was is, th edible beast of that name, you will be Secieet tat here melt thar ansaid pe cenest root Consider interested to know that, . according to an JmedLand pies crossing euch other xo, All weather strips in 12 foot and is municipally owned. . The lines of the provinenal-system have been extended as to render it almost tmpussible lengths. English auhtority, the way to do-it is to break tt At rst the phalanx . lin every direction and into all the more stroke its head and neck for a minute. f. ne . i f : 2 ttled parts of the Province, until now the why atiyone should a to nomen crara dovbiea by PuItD of Savedons Fl N tunity. To Our Friend Ss and ystem comprises 4,000 miles of long -dist- lobster is not self-evident; but perhaps it is Soo ee a piaiae tas CO. et : ance Hine touching some 270 points, 4800 useful to know that the trick can be done. tus describes it thus: tale miles of rural line supplying 5,000 subs- - * - I was a square of pikemen..con THE LUMBER PEOPLE . . Turp in cribers, 120-exchanges carrying 12,000 sub- Winnipeg Tribune Premier Borden, if ee ete cae a Phone 57. P. 0. Box 29 seribers, and represents a total investment he is true to his implied promises, will re- that the pikes of the fifty ruyk esrond at the present time of approximately. 3,- ceive the heartiest support of thousands of ed three feet besond the tfont The CAMS oie 800,000. This sum includes the cost of the electors who voted for Sir. Wilfrid. in the owing t pines oiescs frou tbs Fp The Man's Ston Get the Big Do purchased lines and of the extensions that belief that he would further increase the coucted tem upon the shoulders oF) : CALENDAR OF SP have been mad . It do s not include any British preference. Premier Borden has those tho tobe, netnee theme ee at feet Fe part of the cost of operating the system, nor the power to increase the preference and eet sapere aad: rants. So : MOND - ;;any-other charges properly and-commonly establish closer trade relations with Brit- former rank. by whieb means the ds , Si - assessed against the earnings of an enter-jain. Sir Wilfrid is down and out as a leg- ate wa rwndered more Gann and ns Annual meeting o 5 . Saige AU a irresistible. rs ose TE Hinois Baseball-teae prise of the kind. The evenues of the sys- islative force at the present time. Pre- nna Sino cropped the iutettles of the: Billy -Allen - s. tem have been found sufficient to meet the mier Borden,is the--all-powerful man in enemy. Each mane pike was twenty be rounds, at Memphis, Canada-today .-Let us devote our /atten- tee feet fone The word phalsos you that our PURE 1a RE Daler Fl jeost of epete onto Perea za y r e JAG so used for any combination of pew . a +. TUESI enance of apparatus and for renewals of tion to Premier Borden. . Sir Wilfrid s pie aistinguished for solidity and Srm- LIME FRUIT JUICE Annual meeting of ness. A grand phalanx consisted of 16.884 men. a minor character, and has beside paid four tariff deeds have passed practically into his- ist t per cent. interest on the money put into it. tory. Let us deal with the aan at the nine ae ke are the ; It-has been made self-sustaining, and for/helm, Permier Borden. is Charlotte Corday. np x ane t golf turnament at P the accommodation it has-been and is to the 20: Corday. the slayer. of Imp. Quarts . E Scottish panier P Ej iDNE public, there is no compensating disadvan- JUST A LITTLE FUN. a4 ae eee see 6 ae - -1912 WILL BE TO MERIT YOUR CONTINUED CON. a sevent - tage in the,shape of a deficit or of a diygr- z jos - Mala of Orleans, the most, tIlustrious . . meeting at Charlest arb z sion of.funds from some other ose to Yes, said Wide, there s a word of blood flowed in her veins. She gar ae i Annual shi tl i ; i fell educated, and not a whisper is Seer nin ; well educated, and not a H.W. lIreiand Co. pprevent ase x or/nine letters that describes Crabbe to a t er peard asain ber nioral euant Spe in Grand a Ah. yes * replied Newitt, pessi- ter. tt does not appear that-she-ever z ee STEWART TWEED BLOCK, MAIN ST. PHONE. 54. telephone system except those who use tele- mist. manifested the slightest signs. of to 5 z SF Esai bstwreen A : y . 3. sanity or fanaticism. Her action in ae phones, and the charges collected from the Well,,I mean dyspeptic, -but-it. am- Siting Marat was attended by nothing : Joseph Carney for Billiard championshi peepee Ree PE EPP E EP EEE userg of the system are reasonable and mo- ounts to the same thing. Catholie Stan- tike madness or hallucination. Tavedt . HOTSON macs derate. ae dard and Times. to believe that the Paris butcher was LEADER i ae oe ee ekatceeiee The rate charged for a phone on a rural :0: - gt; he a Se uPA eae Bob Moha vs. Jack line is the residential rate charged to a stib- . THIS DATE IN HISTORY destroying het country, she quietly Decorating. 3 f ze seriber of the local-exchange+e-which that January 8. went down to the great city and In a CONTRACTORS AND- i Besos ee are : - very.unostentatious manner dispatched BUILDERS rural line is connected; and the subscriber Ke F the man she believed to be bet peopie's LET US FIGURM WITH You 4 of the rural line has free communication 1642 Gaileo, the astr ', died. * Born eat en w York American. PLACING. YOUR with all subscribers of the exchange, and . in Pisa, Feb. 1 : .tse-with all the subscribers-on all the rurali1821 Gen. James Longstreet, noted Con ory ta crowded with to: : : Literars biste jines which radiate from it, That is to sav federate commander, born in South stances of rorpld and uninteresting Shean RE son of toma pays for the Carolina. Died near*Gainesyille, Ga., See hand Sy speomntes? Scrat : of his te t rt es as predicted of Hume in tis-youth De BROWN PEKOE regular 40 cents per in town pays, and is any 1824 Wilkie Collins, famous novelist, born Wee thar be might possibly become a : : ee eanleer 4 pounds for one dollar. : phone iit town without charge and also any . in London. Died there, Sept. 23, 1889. stendy mereatot Naan Clarke. ater Now Is th sabe - FRID pound, 4 po gt; 2 3 a x 1849 P, +. 5, . ward so deeply skilled in oriental lan- ic time to see about as phoneon any rural line. connected with enny post established, in Massa- gouges and antiquities. was pronoone- THAT ROOM YOU ARE: Ansesy ines 28 that exchange. These terms also apply in chusetts. grlevou: 0 0-H i Athletic Club of Se the-eases of rural line radiating from the 1864 Prinee Albert Vietor (Duke of Cla- dunce. -and-of Boller, who became S- -1. amy 3 ; Opening of the privately owned system of Red Deer, and) rence) -born.- Died san, 11892. Se ae fiae asa eaaradra Pane Sd. cil eS Dr fet Annual bench sho the municipal system of Edmonton. 1895 Royalist outbreak at Honolulu sup- Drsden was a great numsicoll who ; The rates charged-en the provincial sys- - ih course of education Tie DROS 166 BOR ae eB cearacing: Glut; theba; mR if pressed by the Dole Government. Ir Wwestinittarer- hte he stimulating re Scant ke ae : Princeton-Columb pleased to bring and show tem for day service only are, residential 1901 Twenty-six lives lost in an orphan froperties of Dr. Busby s classical mene te 7 See aihe gaat 9 pers : NEW ON phones 15-per year, business phortes asylum, fire-in-Reochester, N.Y. ferrate were thrown: away wen, the. WALL PAPER mae a enero peryear. A day and night service is given . Se aEy ORGINAL A. CoS Beppe Bedetgl bc Ei give. Vos: an entiviats Paddy Davia ve. on demand when there are over 75 subscri- - THIS IS MY 59th BIRTHDAY, ces tee ee Joie tonne ee i rounds, at Buffalo. TS-on-an-exchange. The-ratesfor-cor- Samuet Hughes. aie Stated a Fact. Et REYNOLDS STEW, i SATU . oe Sete eS Loe service. where there are fewer than Sit 5 oapesnenr gee g erteeioct ford eae eS eatin eset to ees Seco cersio ties - 300 subseribers in the exchange, 18 for re- Colonel Samuel Hughes, Minister of Mil-) tory'ts sor one, has recently had placed Uae ee Oneting ot ee THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA sidence phones and 28-for-business;-and itia in the Dominion cabinet, was born in s his chore by uit loving congresn. ot Painting Paperhangiug + Pithadelphia: ands : ese Lwhere there are over 300 and fewer than Darlington, Ontrio, January, 8, 1853, and Sate Ot Ota ee ee erie ay z z Yale-Princeton bi Philadelphia. Incorguroted: 1960 F 3 ary Capital and Surplus RQ : 18,400,000. 3/500 subscribers, 20 for honse and 30 for) received his education-principally at For- embellishment. But the text inscribed on it, considering the effect of the good Total Assets Over : + 105,000,000 business; where there are between 500 and onto University, Colonel Hughes has been : cee ihers 20 for house and- 32-for as enthusiast in-matters appertaining to sol- Se eee tie ioe ils Bor tost af, Tone, iness Accounts carried-en faverable terms- 6 x FBeGntny, a ; usiness phone; where there are more than diering since he was fourteen years of age, ed sleep. tt runs. : hockey contest at Dartmouth-Gorne Savings Department in which Accounts may be a an CF ace i 1000 subscribers 20 for house and. 35 for when e entred the militia. He ed opened with paums of 0) and uence Bl basiness phone: The-charges for continu- the position of deputy Minister of Militiain -pourth Avenue: C--H. MeDannongh, Manager. ous service for house phones is the Berne in ee ae pau neebaryeral oe oreie eo a on mak tint : v5. . Recta Pete detoets .2, all exchanges having 300 or more subscrib- .- He-has-served-as-president-of the: makes sou think thet? Sostotertentotetee teens seete lesen eee oer A Br 8 Ses TE Dominion Rifle Association, president of Scere tae goer bettalk about 2 sae For use of tong distance lines there is a the Standing Small Arms Committee for He's forever talking. about bow Harry Lewis ated Geer H ee oOO EO OPO e eRe ree AA miniaum time Hiait of three minites, with Canada, and Railway , Intelligence Officer inatectun ve 'e cameuc Standart Eee Gunwer Moir, Baavyweight of Er get a returtt ma z SHAM ROCK. BOTTLING half rate between six p.m. and six a.m. The/ for the headquarter staff. .He served cha Us long gt; e Va 0, for w re oe WORKS charges for a long-distance line cre during the Fenian vaid ixx 1870, for whi mei The, Mesaur of ti EI based on the rate of one cent for the firs received a medal, and in the South African , i04 1e 4s not to peurared by All kinds of Aerated Waters, equal to ny- ten. minutes and six-tenths of a cent for cach war of 1899-00. In 1897- he visited Aust- am-quanetry-of tts bat-by the subsequent mile, per three minutes. ralia and New Zealand in the interest of the quality of tts-achievemei Sladet Licensed House Mover thing on the ket. Delivered to part the rates wenk out is shown in the follow- movement-for colonial assistance in imper- vhia Ledger. es ing on the mar ; any ates f We ement : sta per- SAND Shi of the city. fnarllst of Cuatger al wars, Colonel Hughes has been a mem- sre reat oianta thomas will not gather Boe BALE - Shiloh guienty store cot ber*of the Houseof Conimons sinc 1892, roses Proverb. co femal ( CONGRATULATIONS TO 7OUMT SN AT cIeNNapt CONCRETE WORK. . Cincinnatl, 0 Jan. The- Onmf gt; , Phone 260.5 . skiwin, 2 monton to Lloydminister 90 cents; dmonton to Leth- tes, is is unde op rttcntetrensoertetn ton to-Calgary 1.05; Ki bridge Th hone 122, 320 South Railway St. ns 2 e now being readjusted with a do- een Helena of Italy, 39 years old to- Poultry and Pet Stock Association op- 1 HOLLING ER-ANDERSON 9) 2 ? tendency on the longer distane ase a 2 ened ita annaal show fa. fase Hall J: LAT T RE-UNIO In the constriction of: rural lines the Augustus Thomas. American playwright, nivits ever Mpleed heten The 2. oM6 MONTREAL STRERE - Otfers an opp Tra nsfer Co. ince bears the entire cost, putting the 53 years old to-day hiblef a eitt oontinue tirouel that gt; that GROUP rola Le sea Hew nto the 7 aumere house free. gm Tl ane tiam A. Clarke, millionaire magnate week. - . eel pees ee a HT an A number. of subscribers on the rural and former s ; from Montana, 73 years 5 ws ; Resonate - DRAYING ge pumlier of Soe a Ot fiftica ale te cee nator From Dontands 1S FN nines CURED A a 70 1 Bits Patterson Co. paral Neliable 364 Toronto Street ff; This timit is sometimes slightly sded to Frank Watson Dyson, astronomer Royal PAZ OINTMENT, tails to cok ae th, een esters eee - ee a accommodate contiguous settlers until a re- of Great Britain, 44 years old to-day. ane of ane Blind. Bleodth 3a Mowery, Open day 04 Sighs. Mowe sate NS
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Image 36 (1912-01-08), from microfilm reel 36, (CU1770583). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.