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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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ergeant, J.P., kas re presidency of the Li It is to be. hoped ant will not retire al- be stage of public -af- ways been 90 energe- fs of local intorast , house. ? fer is the tatest ar t six month residence. beginning to look na thet te 6 10 schoo ceed to build immedi- wbtful, however,- the ammand the top price oted through by the jowdrdps descend, come white fairies, and the food in a mantle which 2 inch by imch. With below carly. this mor- slight rise im temper- y procetded,-there is n air with but little the city. Okt Sol kas the past few days, a xperignce for Tis Hat, ow that comes down still seems to ba up: ow ploughs have teem tree days, piling ap conglomeration that ates on the sidewalks. e Hat is evidently im now Twelore the *tiresh- on and lets ta once. rom the sum. aa JAN'S FUNERAL Robert B. Quinlan, ly yesterday morning 8 the family residence to-morrow (Thursda ; o'clock to St. Pat a great shock to the: ofthe fanrily in the: deepest symoathy is. stricken ifamily im -G. W. ELLIOTT Subjects tar Write ADL Business Subje ght. Meet Thi How to Secure Sufficient Se DIAMONDS We have recently added to our Wdrge stock of diamonds . our wpecial 25,00 DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING cannot be beaten for value tn Canada, Diamonds from 10.09 up to 550.00. normal conditions there would, Whereds in Edmonton oy the 16(, JU and 168A of January inext protiably about 1,000 to 1,200 farm- ets of the- province of Alterta, when the convention of the United, Farmers of Altierta meets there on those days. As it is, despite the adverse condi- tions, under which the crops of the country were partially destroyed, therg' will'at least be from 400 to 500. dele: 4H WELER AND OPTICIAN Iesuer of M fennel es peaetos Marans ie that interest the farmers of the pro- vince, ingideutdlly everybody else. Tha United Farmers of A bpria num- ber at least 12,000 metibers, from all over Alberti, on its roll, and at this coming convention every 10 members are eutitled to-one delegate to the ga- thering. This srould mean at least 1,200 in. attendance, but. the late Unreshing has left a lot of the ferm- ers with a pusy season pm their hands. und as q comsejience they find them- selves unable to ettend this, the most important gath ring of tha Sacmers of the province. . But despite the disparity in num- bers, the convention will be nome the less inpodsant, but on the contrary it is said by the secretary of the as- sociation, that judging from the busi- ness already on the tapis, that it will be the most important-ever held in the history of the association: There are simply heaps of questions to be threshed out, and there is the biggest grist pf questions to be discussed thet was ever ot any order. paper since the institution: was organized, Here are'some of the wilt come up, and needless to say, every obe of them will entail very Imuch discussion befora g satisfactory conclusion is arrived at. In the first place a new Constitution is to be com- 14 sidered, and this. order of business, Carrying -witht-it; at ieast-83-articles with there a's, b's amd-c s, etc., will take up at least one of thokbree dyn of the time of the busy farmers. Briefly, the objects of the United Farmers Alberta; as stated im the new constitiition, are as follows: A) To further the interests of far- mers aiid ranchers in all branches of ugricultuig; to promote the best me- Because 1.0 NEW OREA- TION, every Hela of the world s action and culture. The only new unabridged in gaany years, i page. A **Btroke of Genius. Became ie esos in it 4s scoopted by the ff Because G.tirta, Gehoole and Prem aa the one supreme au- thority. he who knows Wing Became Be wee Bove Wing is the cout of x six months course, three ights Week, at the SOUTHERN ALBEBTA BP e - thods of fagitt business, to sack to en- o LAL large and increase our terkets; to btitas. gather miarket informiation; to obtain MEDICINE HAT. by- unitdl effort profitable and equit: able prices far farm produce, and ta secure the Yest and cheapest itranspor- tation. (2) To. study and teach the princi ples of co-operation and to. promote: the establishment of co-operative so-' cleties. (8) To watch and influence and promote legislation relative to the oufe ject specified im tite pieceeding sub sections (1) and -(2)..and to. any other, matter afiecting the farmers (busimess and to.take any political action ne- cessary for this purpose, 44) To promote social intercourse) und the. study of economic and sosial lestions beating on our interest as farmers, : (6) To settle disputes between) menibers without recourse to law) whehever possible. z Drussist : stock of Toilet Aiticles dries, Proprietary Medi- Po takeinto-consideration esy, SCO ore Tiiiy union shall be broght telors the member's case of grievance, hardship or Htigation and to defend gut mem-) vers as far as it may tt po The objects. are certa.nly most lav dable ones, and ones which therarcan possibly be no exception taken to, but there are other thins in the constitu- fon as SEE-Out, which will cause con- iderable discussion and thay entail gt; considerable amendment boiote fimally. For Sale Several trios of thoroughbred Partridge Rocks. .Bither Eng- lsh or American strains. Also some young cockerels. J..N. TERRILL, United Farmers of. the Province tity Unthrashed Will be Big Question of the Meet. Hail Insurance, Control of Elevators and Car will Also be Discussed. gutes to Aisciss the great questions kets for the vast quantity Of poor of convention ed Grain in View of Quan- wheat in the country will be another pf the things the farmers in conven- tion will talk about. In this latter gubject the farmers of the three s Month in Convention to Discuss Many Vital Questions ae 10. The executive of the association shall consist of the president, vice- president amd secretany-reasurer. they shall attend to the general cur- cent work of the association and to such business aa may be referred to (hem by the convelition or board of will refer the matter to all the mem- directors. bers of the inet, while Dancam Mat- 1 . The yeai of the association amd shall has assured Mr. Pream thet the i. auions shall eod oa December 81. matter will be taken up immediately. 19. District anscciations may te The question of reciprocal demur- formef iby a nuinber of unions group- Fage wni-of securing better rates On ing themselves together on tue Lesis all freighhts in Western Canada will be) ther bf electoral constituencies, fed- big question up at the comvention, cratand provincial, of on the of and will come fa for considerable dis- useful comb nation for pa a (ussion, while the, question of. secut- Such sdiserict ja ipos to Ling fair rates to the Americas marly. go Seiirmiens 26 delegates on the same ratio as a Sacae comeaes. 13, Any farmer or other person dir ectly interested in farming may join a union by being introduced by a ex, and it is quite. probable that something in the form of legislation will be demanded by the farmers to micet the existing conditions. The clevator question will also ,be thoroughly threshed oat, From com- munications so liar received, the secre- tary of the association would think that it is the consensus of opinion that somie-such legislation as that tow in fores in Saskatchewan ig what is needed in Alberta. A system of piftiic-owned elevators on the co-oper- ative plan acts as Gnancial backers, while the complete management and control of the business lies With the shareholders through their own board of directors. The Ca satin National Highway a sociation ' has present d a resolution regarding the building of q national ighway, for the consideration of the convention, while among ther mat to be brought up will be Gov- ernment. Ownership of Railways, Car -Shortege, Granting of Bail way Charters, Duty on Cattle, and. the question of the farmers co- operating in the matter of tuying 7, and selling, as well as in all other matters. pertaining to the farmp The-amtenided-consfitution which: the will be asked to discuss and ratify is as follows: 3. The association shall consist of all-duly admitted and fully paid up members of unions. 4. The assoclation shalt be govern- ed by the annual convention to te lisid inthe last half of Jantiary of cach year composed of delegates from exch union not in arrears to the associa- tion, elected in the ratio of ome dele- gate for every ten, and por on of ten, paid ap member, The business of the afiffal c vention shall: be: (1) To receive.and discuss the parts of the execulive-oficers-and thal toard-of directors and to decide on any question arising out-of such re- ports. ership fee of not less than one dol- Jar. Such application should be sub- mitted to the regular meeting of the union for approval or rejection. 14. In very case when a married farmer becomes a member his wife stud daughters shell be boiorary miem- bers, and sons. of farmers who are Hiving at home and working on their father's farm, shall be admitted as members oi what shali be known as the family rears shall stamd suspended, grithout action of the union, Lut the secretary must report tha same to the. sesocia- tion and correct the membership roll. A-metisber suspended seca of dues may be reinstated by the pay- ment of all arrears. 16. The secretary of a union shail Aeport quarterly to the central office of the association on the membership of the union, and shall forward. with Such report, one-balf the membership fees collected during the term, ond nor wnicn shall have status gt an an- nual or spetial convention of the as- socidtion until the membership report; tozddher with the fees dueztias been MW. shall consist af aaem bers gigepted into the asggciation ac- cone earn 13, 14m 31 of s. tution. 16 Miunion may be organized by ab least tin -.Gualified persons applying to a tihion or organizer, to be so Ot- teed to effect such organization and themselves into a local union by sub- scribing to this constitution, electing oilicers therein provided and making due reporf thereof. to. the association. president, vice-president, secretary and ing of president and four vice.pre- Veidents elected bythe whole -conven- tion, and one-dirtctor for cach federal constituency in the province, each director tobe electiad by the delegates from his own constituency; and two auditors. All officers shall hold office ill. their successors are elected. term shall each year by ballot, except mation. Ail oficere serve neil theie brought: before the convention by the bo board of directors, or by any union in good standing: No reslutiton. from X* Teptisr mecting: feonvention unless, it has btem sent to the-secratary, in weriting, signsd tha president and secret: union, previous to the convention. (4) To decide on the place for the next annual meeting. 3 6. The traveling -expenses of all dily iywalified- delegates to the annual or special convention shall be borne tel eration at each meeting. Present. for a. quorsm. six mambers shall, MULL tat pains WS prairie provinces are working togeth- member and paying tho annual mei- ticket, at a fee of atty e per cent. of th full membetship fee 15. A member six montlis in ar- ganized, on recaspt of which applica- tion the tiion or organizer shall pro- make due report thereof to the asso- ition; or, not less than ten persons as aforesaid may assemble of their own accord and 'progeed. to organize 19. The officers of a union shall be be one year and. regular elections shall jbe held in December of that in the case of ofly one. candidate for an ofiee election maybe held by eccla- suc- cessors are elected and qualified, and shall be filled by the members-at the 20,-Unions shall meet-montily, lt;if possible, and it shall be the duty. of the president; vice-president and.-secre tary to see that there is an entertain img programme or subject: for consid- ( ) Five regular members must be lt;b) The president on his own imitia- tive-may, or at the reJuest of at feast eall a special ee W. 3A ompary CHARTERED, ACCOUNTANES AND RupiToRs Winnipeg, Phone No. 198 J. Jessop Nott Faneral Director. and Embalmer Parlors and Residence, 423 To- ronto Street. 2 ee 9. The board of dir ctors shall hold ; , : hi 4 Monaments. Another hig question, is- 3. that of seed 9. poard of director ; ; HE WANTS OF ee grain, as it is felt Generally that ow- such meetings, during cach year as that fails ta carry, then on to the tum over the same to their succes: Pe id for organization paepones oF) yiqAn- EN. RYAN DEAD, tests ine to the damage dome to the grain the presifent or any threa of the div next and so on until the p nalty Wp Sore ia ay ate a site. int nine See pier: ne aes SRS R AD: Ey 7 iteatill rectors may consider necessary; they fixed. Should no p na'ty be voted af-/Ferorts required and shal form : h : Dubuque, fowa, Jan. S-Mgr.. Roger this year, and the large quantity still rectors ma , epic tamed, at All pee 2 come enremon Dubuque, Yor, Sin, Se AGE. AND. HOP- Chas. Johnson FUTURE, Sena: Ol ecer on? tie Dominion and the prowjncial gov- and the terms of his aproistment. and dismiss the ease. Suspension 27 The treasurers shal pave eus-jminke for We berm sulted fo toy Pastorent montane. cocneeartint Ave. eraments come to the aid of the far- It shall be the duty of the board of shall not, exceed three months and the. rof of and safely keep all morevs 9b cdot dal want at tara esha a9, whic te H OMe ae Neate Bt Timers in no uncertaln miner. The se directors to.give effect to the association must be notified of expul- lonzing to the association er unions, 92: The board of directors shall sustained fractures on the s SSS -Open Day and Nheht cretary of the aenoclwtion has already tion cl the convention and to main- sion. keeping. a carctl ccidont thereof, and frame such bylaw and regulations) limbs. Mer. Ryan was 75 years of cretary of s fon c i athe ee Treceived q Aumber of ery firies on this tain and enlarge the organization 2. The executive of a union shall in the case of the wolpns they pay for its own and the associ al gov- age and. Satine oe eer ; jerection, and Te Te conceded Tat ths cither thy their own action oF sroagh consi ist of the offers of the sald un. eut no money exceptygn order of the /ermment as are it its, judgment Tor tha been prominenyy jonwd-for-arch He * se will the executive, of through anb-com- inion attested t t signed by best interests of the associat on sad bishop In former years. FAR PAS for something to be do eutives gh an yi union attested bv i be a wital one in the interests of the mitiees anrointed by the diresters. 2 Rach anion Shalt hott am-nnual the presidest and ary. They not inconsistent with this constity INTRACTOR Any vaconey on the hoard-ot-direc-l meeting duyine the month of Deern- shall rates compl arid itemized ; tion, oa ASN.1 81g Esplanade, or at News office t Henderson Se a a looked oF slighted: accepted for the final-guidance of the From almost avery* local of the or- ganivation there is some question to be gubinitted to the convention for discussion. Some of these are of very gfeat importance to the farmers as al whole abd. Gi-tesser importance, ut thov Will all receive their-due cour Fiderasion, and nothing will be over adially by all the delegates, and for this purpose, the central executive cabal prepare a statement at cach an- nal convention and shall divide the railway fare between all the delegates collecting or paying the difference im the fare from or to the delegates be- fore surrendering -the standard cer- tificate.. J, Special conventions may be call- One of the most important nestions' ed by the Loard of directors through qn. the ondet sheet is that of hail in- the s:cretary by giving at Toast thir- surance. ThiaJwill no doubt be the ty days notice to cach union; such st ot very: serious discussion, 05 state the special business the presett system tas besa found to ich the convention is called and e.very tinsatisfactory.. Thene. is no te ownership, says Edward J Fream, ut it is the feeling of the farmers. that it should fe operated as a pub- convention. 8. No voting by pro: lowed in amy convention. shall be al- of such meeting and the object imentionsd in the notice, with, their amembers dant in which case the vice-president sion, also to be determined He utifity. shall appoint secretary-treannrer and shall fix the lmount of hs sdlary unthreshed, rious shortage next spring uhless both that there will bea se- conntry. In,this resvect both the gov- roments: we bean -communi tited with, as ing their co-overationy.s Me: Borden replied to the effect that he tors iluring the year shall be filled by the-Gire-tors at the next meeting of the beard. Voting first upon the sever it penalty, ter a: conv shall administer ber, at which all officers should electet, meeting and all memibers of the union must be notified of the ime and place for which it is called. At special meetings no business shall be transacted not 21, Unions siall have power to deal) for offences against the union, and shall b gov- erner by Files usuallyepplied in such) Sh cases. The president shall preside at all trials (unless himself be the defen- shattpreside)- and-the rules of evid- ence find method -ofprocedtrs - Br business to be allowed to be be; as near as-may be,-the same as introduced. The ratio of represeuta- - On- ton to be tle same as in th aniual viction to be determined iv guilty or not gui'tyy punishment may be reprimanded, suspension or expul- - vote, shall rts. On-con- vote of ion the presiding officers mild reorimand tO-time-be-required. the report of the executive officers received, delegates to the as. jessseetes POTEET ELLE LILLE OOOOH OOO OED Groceries YOU CAN DEPEND UPON US TO SUPPLY YOU WITH THE BEST OF EVERYTHING AT THE: VERY LOWEST PRICES. ened Soeseete ected 2 es os S Peake Rosters roa peekeees 3 2 Seefeng 2 st se es Spraque Williamson PHONE 33. st Looe . South Railway Street.: oaheatpateateetpesh oan eetedtoatoatoatectoatoatreteeteateateatenteot SEES SO ESP O OTTO SSIES + AMRICN-CANADIAN ONL 0 * The Closing date for the present allotment Jy 25 cent stock ' has been set for Tanuary 23rd, 1912. : POSITIVELY---On:mid-night of: Tanuary 23rd, the. price of Amentcan- Canin Coal oe will be raised to 35 cents per share. tisk - Seats Stee e the closing date of the 25 cent issue, reservations aul be canta, on the following terms: Ten Cents Cash; five cents per month foe three months per share. i REMEMBER ---That we guarantee that before the entire al- lotment of Canadian-American Coal Stock ts placed, the : price will be SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS per share. ny e octet Make . your checks and applications payable to either: Captain Wilbur Johnston, Trustee. R. A. Airheart, G.A. sof ee oS woe e se-afe 42) To elect by ballot from 41 + ey Seined. seh OE ees eo 9 Robert Kerr, Agent 1. I. McMakon, A convention the jjoard of direstats, con- ed cide to aproiat. The oficial t : . Medicine Hat, Alta. ; Sector tee egeetectectectectestonteetetens WP Reese ones thereto to the steretary at least sixty days priot to the date of the regular and the 6 sociation and an auditor lected and turn over all mosays, books, ete., to such other business transacted as the their duly qualified successors in of- members may decide. fice. Any union may rehire the 2A, The, president shall presida at all treasurer to give good and sulicient meetings, sHATT mectrtaie-dus-decorum, i decide all points of order (subject to Lappeal) and sce that the-tews and usages of the association are obeyed and enforced. He shall neither make nor second a motion, aor shall he vote on any-qnestion except to give the casting yote im case of a tic, but lie shall not be denied the right to vote in the election of officers. 25, Tha vice-president. shall assist the president in his duties when called upon, and in the president's absence he shall perform the duties of that station. In the abbetice of both presi- dent and vice-president, a chairman may be chosen by the membets prea ent. 26.- The , secretaries-of the associa- tion and the unions shall keep a cor- rect record of all proceedings and a complete and correct menibership roll showing date of joining, etc., an ad- feount with aach member showing dues vote om the, same union. 2B. At least two wetks notice sball be given of each annual or special meeting of the umion, naming time and place of meeting. Notice shall be given through the mail to each mem- ber of the union, 29. Four weaks notice for all ati- nugl and special conventions of the assosiation shall be given by. mailing ni urer of each tmion. 30, At least ten day's notice shall be given for all meetings of the beard: of directors or executive committes of the-assoclation, provided ther an em- exgency meeting may be beld at any time-upoa.waiver of notice. being gi - en by all members of the irectors or ES (Special to News) Sl Any member may, by sending Now York, Jan, 10 New York's im hia nate and address with the sum second automobile show of the pres- and when paid, and everything neces- Of twelve dollars to the central office/ent reason opened, i-the new Grand sary to keep a-record of each mem- 0f the association become-a life mem-/Central Palace today under the aus- ber s standing. They. shall keep ber but withobt convention privileges, pices of the National Association of books necessary .t0 the proper dis-(tnless duly elected a delegate ty Automobile Manufacturers. The yeh- and such life-memters shall licies displayed: include both passen- ANOTHER AUTO SHOW IN NEW Yorke ae t charge of tgeir duties and shall con- union, tduet all official correspondence. They Pay one-half the annual membership ger and Aotncneeeiat ao of cars. Tee to he -unton to-whiet he telongs-- Practically fa onder to have standing in that tn- ifacturers of America, ate Included jon. Two dollars of this membership among the exhjbitors. The show will fee shall go to the general revenue of Iast an entivecWeek. the association andthe balaice may shall collect all fees from member: Keeping a correct account thereof aud paying same over to the treasurer. They shall be the custodians of all spooks, papers, etc., and -sk:Il prompt- so that the proceeds thereof would diocese of Dubuque, died here today. make for the permanent sestishenent Death resulted from a fall icy pave- 33. Any member desiring *to intro Shiloks Gure duce any addition ot ametidment to ce eothe: the constitution shall, submit q drait Neve Yee smoAT Ano LUNGS. 28 CENTS report at the close lt;Ofhtheir term of office and at any Offer time when re- quired to do 20, ag shall promptly be
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Image 53 (1912-01-10), from microfilm reel 53, (CU1770565). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.